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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obrigação de punir : racionalidade penal moderna e as estratégias de controle da violência doméstica contra a mulher

Reginato, Andréa Depieri de Albuquerque 07 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse doctorale a pour toile de fond la relation paradoxale entre les droits de la personne et la punition qui s’établie quand différents mouvements, dans le cadre de la lutte pour l’égalité, la reconnaissance et une plus grande justice sociale mobilisent la sémantique des droits de la personne pour revendiquer l’intervention punitive de l’État. En proposant des modèles punitifs rigides afin de garantir et de concrétiser les droits, les secteurs progressistes de la société finissent par consolider, par des voies transversales, la logique de la peine, rendant difficile, voire impossible, l’apparition d’innovations « humanistes » dans le système de droit criminel. La recherche se développe au moyen d’une étude de cas complexe qui implique les stratégies de contrôle de la violence contre la conjointe et ses conséquences sur le fonctionnement des commissariats pour les femmes au Brésil après la loi n. 11.340/2006 connue sous le nom de « lei Maria da Penha ». Cette législation a été soutenue par des segments représentatifs du mouvement féministe au Brésil en écho aux recommandations internationales des droits de de la personne et a interdit ,dans les cas de violence contre la conjointe, l’utilisation de mécanismes de déjudiciarisation, employés comme alternatives aux processus criminels conventionnels et qui était déjà en cours que se soit dans les tribunaux criminels que dans les commissariats pour femmes. La présente étude examine l’option et les justificatifs pour l’utilisation prépondérante de stratégies punitives dans la défense des droits de la personne des femmes et plus spécifiquement, les problèmes relatifs à l’action pénale ; à l’obligation de punir et à la difficulté rencontrée par le système de droit criminel à permettre que les innovations humanistes soient couronnées de succès, en rendant problématique la question de la reconnaissance d’autonomie et du désir des femmes. La réflexion théorique aborde, entre autres choses, les obstacles que la « lei Maria da Penha » représente pour le développement innovateur de structures opérationnelles dans le système de droit criminel et discute les anciens et les nouveaux problèmes créés dans ce qui se réfère à un contrôle effectif de la violence contre la conjointe. / This doctorial thesis has as its background the paradoxical relationship between human rights and punishment, that is established when different groups, in the struggle for social justice, equality and recognition, begin to mobilize the semantics of human rights, to claim more punitive laws. As relentless punitive models are proposed to ensure and fulfill civil rights, progressive sectors of our society end up, collaterally, reinforcing punishment, hindering and even precluding the occurrence of 'humanistic' innovations in the criminal law system. The research develops through a complex case study, involving the strategies to control domestic violence against women and its consequences on the functioning of the Women Police Station in Brazil after the enactment of Law nº 11.340/2006, known as the "Maria da Penha Law". This legislation was supported by representative segments of the feminist movement in Brazil and it is in accord with international human rights standards and recommendations. The enactment of the law prohibited the use of petrial diversion in cases of domestic violence against women, which could be applied as an alternative to the conventional criminal prosecution. The reffered study investigates the option for the predominant use of punitive strategies on women’s human rights and its justifications, but more specifically: (I) the problems generated by non drop policies and mandatory arrest; (II) the moral obligation to punish; (III) the struggle that the criminal law system faces to allow humanistic innovations to be successful; (IV) the matter of women’s autonomy and desire. The theoretical reflection addresses, among other themes, the obstacles that the “Maria da Penha Law” represents for the innovative development of operating structures in the criminal law system and discusses the old and new problems created in the search to an effective control of domestic violence against women. / Esta tese doutoral tem como pano de fundo a paradoxal relação entre direitos humanos e punição que se estabelece quando diferentes movimentos, no marco da luta por maior justiça social, igualdade e reconhecimento passam a mobilizar a semântica dos direitos humanos para reivindicar a intervenção punitiva do Estado. Ao propor rígidos modelos punitivos para garantir e concretizar direitos, setores progressistas da sociedade acabam reforçando, por via transversa, a lógica da pena, dificultando e mesmo impedindo a ocorrência de inovações ‘humanistas’ no sistema de direito criminal. A pesquisa se desenvolve por meio de um estudo de caso complexo que envolve as estratégias de controle da violência doméstica contra as mulheres e suas conseqüências sobre o funcionamento das Delegacias da Mulher no Brasil após a aprovação da Lei n º 11.340/2006, conhecida pelo nome de " Lei Maria da Penha". Esta legislação foi apoiada por segmentos representativos do movimento feminista no Brasil em consonância com as recomendações internacionais de direitos humanos e proibiu, nos casos de violência doméstica contra as mulheres, a utlização de mecanismos de dejudicialização, compreendidos como alternativos ao processo criminal convencional e que já estavam em curso tanto nos Juizados Especiais Criminais como nas Delegacias das Mulheres. O presente estudo investiga a opção e as justificativas para a utilização preponderante de estratégias punitivas na defesa dos direitos humanos das mulheres e, mais especificamente, os problemas relativos ao processamento automático da ação penal; à obrigação de punir e à dificuldade encontrada pelo sistema de direito criminal em permitir que inovações humanistas sejam bem sucedidas, problematizando, ao mesmo tempo, a questão do reconhecimento da autonomia e do desejo das mulheres. A reflexão teórica aborda, entre outras coisas, os obstáculos que a ‘Lei Maria da Penha’ representa para o desenvolvimento inovador de estruturas operativas no sistema de direito criminal e discute os antigos e novos problemas criados no que se refere a um controle efetivo da violência doméstica contra as mulheres.

La lutte contre la fraude à la constitution en Afrique Noire francophone / The fight against fraud in Francophone African constitution

Ouedraogo, Séni Mahamadou 16 May 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude est de faire l’état de la lutte contre la fraude à la constitution qui entrave le processus de démocratisation en Afrique noire francophone. Il s’agit de montrer que le renforcement de la démocratie et de l’État de droit a favorisé l’émergence de nouveaux usages de la constitution dans la plupart des États africains. Les gouvernants qui ont intériorisé les contraintes du constitutionnalisme le rejettent de plus en plus par le recours à des artifices juridiques qui se révèlent très difficiles à combattre sur le terrain du droit. Il en est ainsi parce que le fraudeur à la constitution prend toujours le soin de se conformer à la lettre de la constitution pour en combattre son fond. Toutefois, on voit émerger au niveau national, régional et international une synergie d’actions de quelques institutions juridictionnelles, politiques et sociales tendant à combattre les actes des pouvoirs publics qui, revêtant l’apparence de la légalité constitutionnelle, la contrarie. Pour ce faire, les acteurs impliqués dans la lutte contre la fraude n’hésitent pas à tirer du dispositif normatif qui se révèle dans sa mise en œuvre inadaptée, les moyens pour identifier et sanctionner. Le bilan des actions menées contre la fraude révèle des rares succès. Les échecs enregistrés induisent que pour la consolidation de la démocratie en Afrique, la lutte contre la fraude à la constitution doit être placée au centre du contrôle du juge constitutionnel. / The objective of this study is to review the state of the fight against fraud in the constitution that hinders the process of democratization in francophone Africa. These show that the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law has encouraged the emergence of new uses of the constitution in most African states. The leaders who have internalized the constraints of constitutionalism reject more and more by the use of legal devices that are very difficult to fight on the field of law. This is so because the fraudster to the formation always takes care to comply with the letter of the constitution to fight his background.However, are emerging at national, regional and international synergy of actions of some judicial institutions, and social policies aimed at combating acts of public authorities, taking on the appearance of constitutional legality, the upsets. To do this, those involved in the fight against fraud do not hesitate to draw the normative system which is revealed in its inadequate implementation, the means to identify and punish. Review the actions conducted against fraud reveals rare success. The failures that lead to the consolidation of democracy in Africa, the fight against fraud in the constitution must be central control of the constitutional court.

Conflit israélo-palestinien : impasse et intérêts politiques

Beauséjour, Rose-Hélène 11 1900 (has links)
Plus de 70 ans après la création de l'État d'Israël, un quart de siècle depuis la signature des accords d'Oslo, les espoirs de paix entre l'État d'Israël et les Palestiniens s’estompent. Le conflit israélo-palestinien ne s’en trouve pas forcément exacerbé, mais plutôt bien enlisé. Étonnamment, la sortie de cette impasse ne semble pas être une priorité pour les actuels leaders politiques des parties au conflit, le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Netanyahou, et le président de l'Autorité palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas. S’appuyant sur des travaux en analyse de politique étrangère argumentant que les conflits interétatiques peuvent s’avérer un moyen de diversion utilisé par les leaders politiques pour esquiver des problèmes de politique interne, ce mémoire se penche sur les raisons qui pourraient expliquer l’intérêt des leaders israéliens et palestiniens à maintenir le statu quo dans le conflit. La période observée s’étend de 2009 à 2019, soit une période à laquelle les deux hommes politiques se trouvent respectivement au pouvoir. Basé sur des travaux scientifiques, sur des analyses de think-tanks et sur de l’information collectée dans les médias israéliens et palestiniens, le mémoire s’appuie également sur une série d’entrevues menées entre décembre 2019 et mai 2020 en Israël et en Cisjordanie avec des universitaires, journalistes et décideurs tant israéliens que palestiniens. Question de recherche: « Si un règlement au conflit israélo-palestinien semble souhaitable, pourquoi les leaders israéliens et palestiniens ne font-ils pas davantage d’efforts pour résoudre le conflit? » / More than 70 years after the creation of the State of Israel and a quarter of a century since the signing of the Oslo Accords, hope for peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinians is fading. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not necessarily exacerbated, but rather immobilized. Surprisingly, ending this stalemate does not seem to be a priority for the current political leaders of the warring parties, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Building on foreign policy analyses which argue that inter-state conflicts may be a diversion used by political leaders to evade domestic issues, this research looks at the reasons that might explain the interest of both the Israeli and Palestinian leaders in maintaining the status quo of the conflict. The researched period extends from 2009 to 2019 – a period in which the two politicians are respectively in power. Based on scientific work, think-tanks analyses, and information collected in Israeli and Palestinian media, the work also draws on a series of interviews conducted between December 2019 and May 2020 in Israel and in the West Bank with Israeli and Palestinian scholars, journalists, and policy-makers. Research question: "If a settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems desirable, why are Israeli and Palestinian leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas not making more efforts to resolve the conflict?"

The importance of bilateral agreements on trade flows: a case of the Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement (EU-SA TDCA)

Kabamba, Georges Bukasa 06 1900 (has links)
This study analysed the intricacies of trade flows imbibed in the EU-SA TDCA. It assessed the trade creation and trade diversion effects of this bilateral trade agreement – using the top 10 selected commodity exports. This follows the report on the Harmonised System (HS) at the 2-digit codes. A Gravity Model Approach on bilateral trade flows is grounded on panel data models for the period 2000-2017 between South Africa as exporter country and the twenty EU countries (EU-20) as importer country-block out of the twenty-eight countries (EU-28). The study reports that the EU-SA TDCA enhanced significant trade expansion and trade creation effects. Mixed results for GDPs and GDPPKs for both South Africa and the EU countries were reported, but the overall results showed that the bilateral agreement do affect South African commodity exports more negatively, albeit with few positive effects from the EU countries in particular. Besides, ICTSA does have a negative effect on commodity exports, while the South African REER has the positive effect on export models. Lastly, the distance as a proxy of transportation costs negatively affects South Africa’s exports, while common colonial relationship and English as common official language have both a positive effect on exports. The findings imply that trade policies should focus on adequate telecommunication tools, alongside fair trade practices allowing South Africa to integrate with the global market, promote economic growth as well as enhance competitive advantage in most sectoral trades. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management (International Business and Finance))

Exploring the feasibility of seawater flush toilets for rural, coastal areas

Conroy, Kristen M. 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Zkrácené přípravné řízení / Fast-track pre-trial proceedings

Trojanová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the institute of summary preliminary proceedings in the context of past and current legislation and also the reasons that led to its introduction into law. The paper also outlines the objectives of summary proceedings and the use of the institute for other criminal laws. In this work there are also defined summary preliminary proceedings within individual forms of pre-trial proceedings. In some cases, the work compares the above mentioned institute of summary preliminary proceedings with foreign legislation. This study also defines the essence of summary preliminary proceedings and acts carried out in it. At the same time the author tries to define the legal conditions for holding summary preliminary proceedings, further the course of summary preliminary proceedings. The paper also describes the course of summary preliminary proceedings, from the record of initiation of criminal proceedings, to notification about suspicion, further deals with the question of proving evidence in summary proceedings. The paper also discusses in detail the specific entities acting in summary preliminary proceedings. In the description of these entities an analysis of their rights and obligations is simultaneously carried out. Furthermore, the paper describes the various ways of ending summary preliminary...

Avledning av öringsmolt (<em>Salmo trutta</em>) från turbinintag / Diversion of trout smolts (<em>Salmo trutta)</em> from turbine intakes

Engqvist, Thérèse January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vattenkraftstationer, med dammar och turbiner, utgör hinder för nedströmsvandrande smolt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka turbindödligheten för öringsmolt (<em>Salmo trutta)</em> vid två kraftstationer, de befintliga ytlänsarnas avledningseffekt och om effekten kunde förstärkas genom mörkläggning i form av övertäckning av kraftkanalen med en presenning vid turbinintaget. Utöver detta var avsikten även att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan smoltgrad och smoltens förmåga att förflytta sig mot havet. I Emån i Småland fångades 46 öringsmolt som radiomärktes och sattes ut vid två kraftstationer och pejlades dagligen i sex veckor. Det var en större dödlighet vid den övre stationen än vid den nedre. Ytlänsen vid den nedre stationen hade en klart avledande effekt, men inte ytlänsen vid den övre stationen. Samtliga smolt som valde passage via isutskovet, gjorde det när kraftkanalen vid turbinintaget var övertäckt med presenning (d.v.s. ljusintensiteten minskades kraftigt). Det gick inte att påvisa någon skillnad mellan låg och hög smoltgrad eller tidig och sen utsättning för fördröjning vid den ena kraftstationen, inte heller för förflyttning efter de två kraftstationerna.</p> / <p>Hydropower plants, with dams and turbines, form obstacles to smolts migrating downstream. The purpose of this study was to investigate turbine-induced mortality of brown trout (<em>Salmo trutta</em>) smolts at two power plants, guidance efficiency of existing diverters and whether the effect was enhanced by reducing light levels at the turbine intake by covering the power plant channel with an opaque tarpaulin. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate whether there was a relationship between smolt status and the smolts’ ability to move towards the sea. In the River Emån in Småland 46 trout smolts were caught, radio-tagged, released at two power plants and tracked daily for six weeks. There was a higher mortality at the upper power plant than at the lower one. The diverter at the lower power plant had a statistically significant guiding effect, but the diverter at the upper power plant did not. All of the smolts that chose passage through the trash gate did so when the power channel was covered with tarpaulin (i.e. light levels were greatly reduced). There was no evidence that smolt status or release date would affect passage times at the upper station, nor did smolt status affect swimming speeds downstream of the two power stations.</p> / Cost-Benefit Analysis of River Regulation

Avledning av öringsmolt (Salmo trutta) från turbinintag / Diversion of trout smolts (Salmo trutta) from turbine intakes

Engqvist, Thérèse January 2009 (has links)
Vattenkraftstationer, med dammar och turbiner, utgör hinder för nedströmsvandrande smolt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka turbindödligheten för öringsmolt (Salmo trutta) vid två kraftstationer, de befintliga ytlänsarnas avledningseffekt och om effekten kunde förstärkas genom mörkläggning i form av övertäckning av kraftkanalen med en presenning vid turbinintaget. Utöver detta var avsikten även att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan smoltgrad och smoltens förmåga att förflytta sig mot havet. I Emån i Småland fångades 46 öringsmolt som radiomärktes och sattes ut vid två kraftstationer och pejlades dagligen i sex veckor. Det var en större dödlighet vid den övre stationen än vid den nedre. Ytlänsen vid den nedre stationen hade en klart avledande effekt, men inte ytlänsen vid den övre stationen. Samtliga smolt som valde passage via isutskovet, gjorde det när kraftkanalen vid turbinintaget var övertäckt med presenning (d.v.s. ljusintensiteten minskades kraftigt). Det gick inte att påvisa någon skillnad mellan låg och hög smoltgrad eller tidig och sen utsättning för fördröjning vid den ena kraftstationen, inte heller för förflyttning efter de två kraftstationerna. / Hydropower plants, with dams and turbines, form obstacles to smolts migrating downstream. The purpose of this study was to investigate turbine-induced mortality of brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts at two power plants, guidance efficiency of existing diverters and whether the effect was enhanced by reducing light levels at the turbine intake by covering the power plant channel with an opaque tarpaulin. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate whether there was a relationship between smolt status and the smolts’ ability to move towards the sea. In the River Emån in Småland 46 trout smolts were caught, radio-tagged, released at two power plants and tracked daily for six weeks. There was a higher mortality at the upper power plant than at the lower one. The diverter at the lower power plant had a statistically significant guiding effect, but the diverter at the upper power plant did not. All of the smolts that chose passage through the trash gate did so when the power channel was covered with tarpaulin (i.e. light levels were greatly reduced). There was no evidence that smolt status or release date would affect passage times at the upper station, nor did smolt status affect swimming speeds downstream of the two power stations. / Cost-Benefit Analysis of River Regulation

The role of a probation officer in diversion of children from the criminal justice system : a penological perspective

Dlamalala, Cynthia Nkosazana 02 1900 (has links)
Children are the most vulnerable group. Their protection should be a priority for society. In particular, those who are accused of committing crime need to be protected from entering the criminal justice system and measures should be put in place to prevent the stigmatisation associated with having a criminal record. Such protection is endorsed by section 28 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996).This study outlines the role played by a probation officer in the diversion process. This was achieved by examining international and national instruments that promote the protection of children in conflict with the law. The Child Justice Act No. 75 of 2008 forms part of national instruments. It provides guidelines for probation officers and other stake holders in the justice system on how to deal with children who are accused of committing crimes. Recommendations on the identified challenges and gaps are made. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Corrections Management)

Le contrat en droit pénal / The contract in criminal law

Palvadeau, Émmanuelle 13 December 2011 (has links)
En tant que « pilier de l’ordre juridique », le contrat n’est pas ignoré du droit pénal. Incontestablement présent dans d’innombrables incriminations, le contrat fait toutefois l’objet de conceptions particulières que la doctrine relève ponctuellement comme autant de marques d’autonomie de la matière. Mais la présentation du contrat en droit pénal par le simple constat de solutions autonomes ne peut suffire, qui ne permet pas de déterminer, de manière positive et rationnelle, ce en quoi le contrat consiste en droit pénal.En refusant de lui transposer l’ensemble du régime contractuel, le droit positif semble pourtant formuler le principe d’une sélection que la finalité du droit pénal peut éclairer de manière décisive. Le contrat en droit pénal apparaît alors, qui résulte ainsi d’une sélection fonctionnelle des dispositions du régime contractuel : seules celles assurant la finalité du droit pénal doivent être caractérisées. / As a « bedrock of the legal order », the contract is not ignored by criminal law. Unquestionably present in many offences, the contract is the object of specific conceptions that the doctrine find here and there as signs of the autonomy of criminal law.However, the presentation of the contract in criminal law through the statement of fact that autonomous solutions exist, is not sufficient. It doesn’t allow establishment in a positive and rational way, the real definition of the contract in criminal law.By refusing transposition of the entire contractual settlement, current law expresses the principle of a selection and that the purpose of criminal law may clarify it in a decisive way.Then, the contract in criminal law appears, resulting of a functional selection from the dispositions of contractual settlement: only the ones which maintain the aim of criminal law must be distinguished.

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