Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] AFGHANISTAN"" "subject:"[enn] AFGHANISTAN""
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Har jag rätt? : En rättsdogmatisk analys av Migrationsverkets beslut av afghanska kvinnors asylansökan på grund av könsbaserad förföljelse / Do/Am I (have) right(s) : A legal dogmatic analysis of the Swedish Migration Agency's decisions for Afghan women applying for asylum based on gender-based persecution in SwedenEdström, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Migration in general and the assessment of the need of protection concerning people from Afghanistan in particular, has in recent years risen on the migration agenda, especially after the Taliban regime's expanded control in the country. This thesis aims to investigate what guidelines that are in place for assessing female Afghan asylum seekers who applies for asylum in Sweden based on gender related persecution. Through a legal dogmatic analysis, three determinations from the Swedish Migration Agency and three determinations from three of Sweden's migration courts have been examined. The purpose has been to examine the guidelines of the determinations, analyze the values applied by the Swedish Migration Agency and the Migration Courts in the determinations, and whether the current application of the law is legally secure based on Frändberg and Von Essen's definition of legal security. The results show that there are shortcomings in the Swedish Migration Agency's as well as the Migration Courts' assessments, which is consistent with previous research. The results as well as previous research shows knowledge gaps about what requirements that should be expected from the applicants in terms of reliability, credibility, and evidence.
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A Study of the Turkmen Dialects of Afghanistan / Phonology – Morphology – Lexicon – Sociolinguistic AspectsRasekh, Muhammad Salih 10 July 2017 (has links)
Mit dieser Studie wird der erstmalige Versuch unternommen, die turkmenischen Dialekte Afghanistans durch die Erhebung von umfangreichem Primärmaterial zu dokumentieren und ihre phonologischen, morphologischen und lexikalischen Merkmale kontrastiv zu beschreiben. Durch die Erfassung und Beschreibung soziolinguistischer Gegebenheiten wird darüber hinaus die Einbettung dieser Idiome in die sprachliche Landschaft Afghanistans zu erklären versucht.
Die turkmenischen Dialekte Afghanistans zerfallen in zwei Großgruppen, die xāliṣ- und nāxāliṣ-Dialekte. Die Binnendifferenzierung koinzidiert, wie die Studie erbracht hat, weitestgehend, wenn auch nicht ausnahmslos, mit ethnischer Differenzierung (und nicht etwa mit geographischer Distribution).
Das wichtigste Differenzierungsmerkmal der turkmenischen Dialekte ist die Phonologie; entsprechend viel Aufmerksamkeit widmet die Studie den phonologischen Merkmalen. Morphologisch sind die Dialekte dagegen weitgehend einheitlich, nur die nāxāliṣ-Dialekte zeigen gewisse signifikante Abweichungen; die Verbalmorphologie, auf deren Bearbeitung aus Kapazitätsgründen verzichtet werden musste, verspricht diesbezüglich allerdings weitere interessante Erkenntnisse. Bezüglich der Lexik wurden beispielhafte semantische Felder (z.B. Verwandtschaftsterminologie) bearbeitet, die nur wenige, aber aussagekräftige und teilweise unerwartete Abweichungen aufweisen.
Die turkmenischen Dialekte Afghanistans zeigen soziolinguistisch betrachtet auffällige Verschiedenheiten entlang Gender-, Alters-, Standes- und geographischen Trennlinien. Die Studie erläutert außerdem die Position des Turkmenischen gegenüber dem generell dominanten Dari, dem in der Verbreitungsregion omnipräsenten Usbekischen, dem lokal bedeutenden Pašto und dem Türkeitürkischen, das durch seine mediale Präsenz und infolge von Migration angesichts der großen linguistischen Nähe zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt.
Indem die Arbeit für alle thematisierten Phänomene umfangreiches Belegmaterial aus der Feldforschung vorlegt, ermöglicht sie nicht nur die Überprüfung der eigenen Befunde, sondern eröffnet vor allem auch für die derzeit kaum zugängliche Region Nordafghanistan weitere Arbeitsfelder für sprachwissenschaftliche Studien. / The Turkmen dialects of Afghanistan have for the first time been made the object of a special comprehensive study which, on the basis of rich primary materials collected from the field, is investigating their phonological, morphological and lexical features. The study is supplemented with sociolinguistic observations which help positioning the Turkmen dialects within the linguistic universe of Afghanistan today.
The Turkmen dialects of Afghanistan basically fall into two major groups which in this study, following the emic denominations, are being called xāliṣ und nāxāliṣ dialects. As the study demonstrates, the dialects are almost without exceptions deliminated not along geographical or regional lines but along the major ethnic delimitations.
Phonology is the prime marker of dialect delimitation. Consequently, this study pays particular attention to phonological markers. On the other hand there is only little variation in morphology; only the nāxāliṣ dialects do not completely share these paradigms. Verbal morphology, which appears to depict more variation, has for reasons of feasibility not been included in this study. In the lexicology chapter several exemplary subfields of the Turkmen dialect lexicon (such as kinship terminology) are investigated in depth; this part of the study yields interesting, partly unexpected results.
The sociolinguistic chapters, which for capacity reasons are again dealing with selected aspects only, focus on the role of gender, age, social status and regional attribution of the speakers as markers of distinction. The position of the Turkmen dialects within the wide and complex spectrum of high and low prestige idioms present in North Afghanistan is measured against the supreme language of interethnic communication, education and the media (Dari) as well as the omnipresent language of regional communication (Uzbek), and neighboring Pashto; due to migration, educational and business contacts and the media, and favored by its linguistic closeness to Turkmen, the Turkish language of Turkey has recently become an important contact language as well.
All phenomena investigated in this study are derived from a wealth of field materials. By presenting many of these while illustrating the features discussed in the chapters, this study provides fresh material from an almost inaccessible area for linguistic investigations beyond the scope of this book.
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The Durand Line South Asia's new trouble spot / South Asia's new trouble spotMahmood, Tariq 06 1900 (has links)
The Durand Line, the western border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, was delineated in 1893 as the boundary between then British India and Afghanistan. The international community recognizes the Durand line as the Pak-Afghan border since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, but successive Afghan rulers have repudiated its legitimacy. This dispute has caused turbulence in relations between these countries and instigates greater problems with regard to the Pashtun nationalism. The Durand Line has remained porous due to the nature of tribal cultures and the socio-economic compulsions of the people living along the Durand line. The Durand Line was exploited to launch the Afghan Jihad against the Soviets in the 1980s. The GWOT in Afghanistan has once again brought misperceptions regarding alignment, and the porous nature of the Durand Line to the lime light. This thesis demonstrates that existing combat operations against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and the exploitation of the Durand Line by the U.S.-led coalition forces, had a destabilizing effect on Pakistan, due to the autonomous nature of tribal areas and Pakistan's necessity to extend its authority in tribal areas while supporting the GWOT. This thesis recommends that a clear understanding of the Durand Line as an international border by all concerned states will enhance the coordination of operations at all tiers, and thereby prevent this border from becoming South Asia's next trouble spot.
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Natural resources and conflict in Sudan : addressing environmental issues in a post-conflict situation : the case of AfghanistanCaas, Francois Henri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Both Afghanistan and Sudan have experienced extended periods of war and violent conflict. Sudan has been engulfed in a nearly continuous and bitter civil war since independence in 1956. Afghanistan has been in a state of conflict since the Soviet invasion in 1979. Both nations are also among the poorest and least developed in the world. The article on Sudan addresses the interlinkages that exist between conflict and natural resources and how access to and unequal distribution of natural resources have triggered and fuelled violent conflict. In the case of Afghanistan, the article looks at the reasons for US military intervention in 2001 and analyses the reconstruction and development programmes devised by the international community in order to rebuild the country. Based on these, the article looks at the potential for creating a sustainable society in Afghanistan and putting in place an effective system of environmental governance.
Although it is recognised that both countries have managed to address some of the causes of conflict, the articles also state that in both cases, the agreements that were signed between the warring parties are far from being comprehensive. This is illustrated by the fact that in Afghanistan, conflict with the Taliban has increased dramatically in recent months, and in Sudan, by the still ongoing conflict in Darfur. It is argued that in both countries the potential for promoting long-term sustainable development is limited not unrelated, in large measure, to the nature of the development agendas being imposed by external decision-makers. Financial institutions and other international development actors have played an instrumental role in devising these agendas. They are promoting development strategies mostly based on neo-liberal policies and reliant on market forces, despite the fact that these policies have, in the past, often failed to trigger economic growth and alleviate poverty. Finally, while issues relating to the management of natural resources, particularly those of global and strategic importance, receive a fair amount of attention in the development plans, environmental protection as such, is often lacking political and financial commitment.
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Images of an Intervention : A semiotic study of the Swedish Armed Forces' depiction of its military involvement in AfghanistanHöjer, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
The increasingly universal information society has required also the Swedish Armed Forces to participate in the information flow, for example by publishing images from its operations in an open digital image archive. With use of the image archive’s photographs from the Swedish Armed Forces’ military operations in Afghanistan in 2011 and 2012, the study seeks to examine the way in which the Swedish army depicts its involvement in the region. From a postcolonial perspective, based on Edward Said’s notions on Orientalism, this semiotic analysis examines the image publications in order to reveal what messages the images convey. How are Afghan women respectively Afghan men depicted in contrast to Swedish soldiers? How are Swedish soldiers portrayed in relation to their Afghan military allies? Such are the questions at hand. The study makes use of a methodological framework based on Roland Barthes and Charles Saunders Pierce and looks to reveal the denotative and connotative meanings in the image material. The result of the study shows a depiction of the military intervention in Afghanistan that largely portrays Afghan women and girls in need of saving and emancipation, while Swedish soldiers are ascribed the role of the hero. Moreover, images depicting Swedish soldiers as modern, powerful and progressive in contrast to weak and underdeveloped Afghan men are also recurrent in the material. The cooperation between the Swedish military and its Afghan allies is throughout the material depicted in a positive manner, and symbolic gestures of friendship between the two frequent the image publications. At large, a positive perspective permeates the Swedish military’s depiction of its operations in Afghanistan, and its soldiers are portrayed as powerful bringers of Western liberty and equality. Meanwhile, the East is depicted as all that the West is not: uncivilised, weak and infantile.
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Sweden’s foreign aid in Afghanistan from an environmental perspectiveKarlsson, Linnea January 2016 (has links)
Afghanistan has been in armed conflict for over 30 years. The many wars have severely affected the environment negatively. Sweden has between 2010-2015 been allocating 4,7 billion SEK in foreign aid to Afghanistan. This is a qualitative study with the purpose to critically analyse how this foreign aid has contributed to a sustainable environmental development in Afghanistan. To be able to answer this question a review of projects documents and Sida assessment was conducted. This was then supplemented by interviews with 14 people who in different ways had been working with these issues. In the analysis theories connecting to environment, poverty and conflict have been used. Sida is supporting two types of foreign aid in Afghanistan; humanitarian aid and development aid. The study found that the Sida’s humanitarian work in Afghanistan has a clear focus on environmental issues, whereas the development aid overall where lacking a focus on environmental issues. The larger focus within the humanitarian aid was explained by that environmental consideration is a part of the Sida’s strategy for the humanitarian aid in Afghanistan and humanitarian aid’s natural connection to environment, in for instance natural disasters. The lack of environmental focus within the development aid was found to have three explanations; the strategy did not have an environmental focus, the staff lacked the necessary environmental knowledge and environmental issues was not believed to be prioritized in Afghanistan. It was however believed to be possible to have more focus on the environment in Sida’s work in Afghanistan. The study shows that environmental issues are not believed to be a necessary component for creating a sustainable development or peace in Afghanistan. The study is arguing that one way to create more focus on environmental issues within the development aid would be to work closer with the humanitarian aid. The thesis was finally presenting an alternative way to look at environment and sustainable development; to focus on the environmental problems of the current generation and by doing so preserving the nature for the future generations.
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Concurrence, coopération et collaboration en archéologie : l'exemple du Séistan, 1908-1984 / Competition, cooperation and collaboration in archaeology : Sistan example, 1908-1984Meyer, Agnès 04 November 2017 (has links)
Le Séistan est une région semi désertique située entre l’est de l’Iran et l’ouest de l’Afghanistan. Le territoire fut habité de la préhistoire jusqu’à aujourd’hui. C’est pourquoi les savants européens et américains s’y intéressèrent dès les premières années du XXe siècle, période d’intense exploration de l’Asie centrale. La Délégation archéologique française en Iran (DAIFI), créée en 1900, puis la Délégation archéologique Française en Afghanistan (DAFA) créée en 1923, exerçaient un monopole officiel qui comprenait le Séistan. Cependant des missions allemandes, britanniques, italiennes et américaines explorèrent la région avant et après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Certains sites jugés particulièrement prometteurs furent même fouillés. En 1984 l’Iran et l’Afghanistan fermèrent leurs portes aux archéologues pour des raisons politiques, et mirent ainsi fin, pour un temps, à ces travaux. Pendant 80 ans, sur un même terrain, se succédèrent ainsi et souvent se croisèrent des individus au statut complexe. Ils représentaient un Etat et une ou plusieurs institutions. Ils apportaient avec eux des pratiques, des méthodes, et des doxas spécifiques à une communauté scientifique. Cette étude examine leurs relations en tenant compte de cette complexité. Dans quelle mesure s’influencèrent-ils ? Furent-ils en concurrence au nom d’une nation ou d’une institution? Tentèrent-ils de coopérer? Allèrent-ils jusqu’à collaborer en vue d’un intérêt commun, dit universel ? Après une présentation générale des travaux effectués au Séistan, l’étude s’attarde en particulier sur les relations franco-allemandes. Enfin elle décrit le développement d’une science dite internationale, et en souligne les limites. / The Sistan is a semi-desert area located between the east of Iran and the west of Afghanistan. The territory has been continuously inhabited since prehistorical times. Therefore European and American scholars turned their attention to it from the early 20th century on a time of intense exploration of Central Asia. The French archaeological Delegation in Iran (DAFI), created in 1900, then the French archaeological Delegation in Afghanistan (DAFA), created in 1923, had an official monopoly which included the Sistan. Nevertheless German, British, Italian and American missions surveyed the area before and after the World War Two. Some sites, which seemed particularly promising, were excavated. In 1984 Iran and Afghanistan closed their doors to archaeologists for political reasons, and stopped temporarily all work. During 80 years, on a same area, individuals who had a complex status succeeded one another and often crossed each other. They all represented a state and one or many institutions. They came with practices, methods, and doxas specific to a scientific community. This study analyses their relations, to include their complexity. To what extent did they influence each other? Were they in competition in the name of a nation or an institution? Did they try to cooperate? Did they collaborate for a mutual, “universal”, purpose? After a global presentation of the works made in Sistan, the study examines more specifically the French and German relationships. Then it describes the development of a so called international science, and stresses its limits.
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Comprehensive Approach eller Pragmatic Approach? : en fallstudie om civil-militär samverkan vid PRT Mazar-e Sharif / Comprehensive Approach or Pragmatic Approach? : a case study of civil-military co-operation at PRT Mazar-e SharifHedmark, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Internationellt sker en utveckling mot att genomföra insatser samordnat med resurser från flera politikområden - både civila och militära. Behovet har uppstått ur insikten att hållbar utveckling i en region kräver användning av olika resurser för att uppnå synergier. Samverkan och samordning mellan civila och militära aktörer enligt syftet ovan brukar i moderna ordalag beskrivas som comprehensive approach. Det praktiska arbetet på fältnivån med samverkan för att uppnå synergier i kontexten comprehensive approach kan sägas innebära samma sak som civil-militärt samverkan.</p><p>Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att med fokus på det svenska PRT Mazar-e Sharif, förstå de svårigheter som finns vid samverkan mellan civila och militära aktörer, med målet att öka synergier av nationella resurser. Med utgångspunkt från tidigare forskning om militär-civil samverkan samt comprehensive approach, skapas en analysmodell med ett urval av identifierade faktorer, för att beskriva samverkan empiriskt främst utifrån intervjusvar från nyckelaktörer – chefer eller stabschefer samt civila rådgivare. Slutligen jämförs dessa faktorer med de orsaker som framkommer i den empiriska undersökningen.</p><p>Resultatet i undersökningen visar att samverkan är svårt och att aktörerna på fältnivån pragmatiskt försöker samverka. De nödvändiga faktorerna inte är utformade för att underlätta samverkan vilket skapar problem. Att med dessa problem även få en effektiv synergi av Sveriges resurser i enlighet med tanken i CA, genom samverkan på fältnivån, blir därför svårt. </p> / <p>There is an international trend towards operations coordinated with resources from several political areas – with both civilian and military components. This trend is driven from the recognition that sustainable development in a region requires the use of a variety of resources, coordinated in order to achieve synergies. Co-operation and co-ordination between civil and military actors in the context above, frequently is described as comprehensive approach. The practical work at the field level with co-operation in order to achieve co-ordination in the context of comprehensive approach can be said to be the same thing as civil-military co-operation.</p><p>The overall purpose of this survey is, with focus on the Swedish PRT Mazar-e Sharif, to understand the difficulties involved in the co-operation between civilian and military actors, with the aim of achieve synergies of national resources. By using an analytical model, created by a sample of identified factors based on previous research on military-civilian co-operation and comprehensive approach, the survey describe the co-operation mainly based on interview responses from key actors – Commanding Officer or Chief of Staff and civilian advisers. Finally these factors are compared with the reasons expressed in the empirical investigation.</p><p>The results of the survey show that co-operation is difficult and the actors at the field level pragmatic attempt to co-operate. The necessary factors are not designed to facilitate this, which creates problems. These problems with co-operation at field level also could have a negative impact to achieve synergy of Sweden's resources in accordance with the spirit of the CA.</p>
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Graderad verkan med Stridsvagn 122 / Scalable effects with Leopard 2A5 (S)Cornelius, Robert January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna undersökning påvisar möjligheten att gradera verkan med stridsvagn 122 vid en insats i Sveriges insatsområde i Afghanistan. Hotbilden som råder gör att personalen måste ha ett gott skydd och möjlighet till verkan vilket stridsvagnen erbjuder. Tyngdpunkten i undersökningen ligger på modern 120 mm ammunition där Försvarsmaktens övningsammunition kan användas för att minska effekten i målet och på så sätt gradera verkan. På marknaden finns det ammunition som skulle komplettera redan befintlig ammunitionsportfölj framförallt på korta avstånd och då även med möjligheten att skjuta varningseld. Sekundärbeväpning (kulsprutor) på vagnen kan även den användas för att gradera verkan. Vidare finns det möjlighet att med rökkastarna verka med icke dödliga medel som tårgas och chockgranater då eskaleringen i en situation är låg. De olika vapensystem som undersökningen tar upp har värderats och placerats in i en eskaleringsmodell där lägsta nivån är att visa närvaro och högsta är verkanseld med flertalet vagnar.</p> / <p>The study indicates the possibility of obtaining scalable effects with Leopard 2A5 (S) in a mission in Sweden’s area of responsibility in Afghanistan. The threat that exists against the soldiers makes the ability to have good protection and possibility to obtain effect, which the Leopard 2A5 (S) offers, amust. The main part of the study stresses on modern 120 mm munitions in which the Swedish Armed Forces’ training munitions can be used to reduce the effect in a target and thus makes it a scalable effect. In the market there are munitions that would complement the existing portfolio of munitions, particularly at short distances, and with the ability to shoot warning shots. Secondary Armament (machine guns) on the tank can also be used to obtain a scalable effect. Furthermore, there is an opportunity to use the smoke launchers with non lethal means such as teargas and stun grenades when the level of escalation in a situation is low. The different weapon systems that is discussed in the study has been valued and placed into aescalation model where the lowest level is to show presence and the highest is fire for effect withmultiple tanks.</p>
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Luftburen försörjning i utveckling för insats / Aerial Delivery in development for operations abroadBörbrink, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Luftburen försörjning har internationellt varit ett nyckelverktyg för större stater i snart 70 år. Att som militärenhet kunna agera och påverka motståndaren via de platser denne är som svagast och inte har förmåga att se våra lösningar, gör att vi kan skapa överlägsenhet och skapa taktiska fördelar. All militär verksamhet är i behov av förnödenheter och ett logistiskt stöd. För att detta stöd skall kunna nå enheter långt borta under svåra förhållanden, måste organisationen skapa förutsättningar till handlingsfrihet. I omvärlden har metoden luftburen försörjning varit en självklar del i det flexibla och föränderliga stridsrummets logistiska stöd. Under beredskapstiden för Nordic battlegroup 2008 genomfördes en studie på luftburen försörjning, och det kunde konstateras att metoden är mycket användbar, och förslag till utveckling vidarebefordrades tillhögkvarteret. Studien som genomfördes 2007-2009 gjorde gällande att vi har förmågan att använda luftburen försörjning internationellt. Dock drogs slutsatsen att fler studier var ett krav. Syftet med denna studie är att den genomförs som ett led i fortsatt forskning. Den fokuserar på användningsområden, definitioner och hur funktionen kan kopplas till Försvarsmaktens doktriner. I doktrinen koncentrerar författaren sig på de grundläggande förmågorna, och kopplar den luftburna försörjningen till Försvarsmaktens befintliga logistikkedja internationellt genom Grundsyn Logistik. Arbetets huvudfrågeställning fokuserar på uthållighet och rörlighet, inriktning mot enheter med självständigt uppträdande på djupet av operationsområdet. Studieresultat och empiri presenteras med beskrivande metod och informationsinhämtningen sker med litteratursökning och litteraturstudie som teknik. I empirin presenteras en fallstudie av logistikfunktionen från Sverige till insats, där metoden intervju kommer användas. Studien sammansluts med en fallstudieanalys, resultatredovisning och en diskussion kring frågeställningen. Studien avslutas genom att slutsatser dras och reflektioner om framtiden för luftburen försörjning och dess vara eller icke vara i ett svenskt operationsområde. Slutsatser dragna efter studien är att luftburen försörjning kan bidra till svensk logistikkedja och bidra till ökad rörlighet och uthållighet för de förband som verkar i ett insatsområde. Den princip som lämpar sig bäst för försörjning av förband i ett område som Afghanistan är helikopter med hängande last. Detta som en slutsats efter att i studien analyserat empiri och prestanda i förhållande till rådande förhållande i ett område som Afghanistan.</p> / <p>Aerial delivery internationally has been a key tool for the superior states for nearly 70 years. To which military unit act and influence the opponent through the places he is particularly weak. Allowing us to establish superiority and create tactical advantages. All military operations are in need of supplies and logistical support. For this support to be able reaching long ranged units under difficult conditions, the organization must create conditions for freedom of movement. The dominant countries in the world have an airborne method of supply has been an integral part of the flexible and changing battle space. At Nordic battlegroup in 2008, there was study on aerial delivery, and it was found that the method is very useful, and proposals for development were forwarded to headquarter of Swedish Armed forces. Studies carried out in 2007-2009, claiming that we have the ability to use airborne supplyinternationally. However, it was concluded that more studies were required. The purpose of this work is that it is implemented as a part of continuing studies. It focuses on the uses, and how function definitions can be linked to the Armed Forces doctrine. The author focuses on the doctrine of fundamental capabilities, and connects the aerial delivery for the Armed Forces of existing logistics chain by Ethos International Logistics. Work main issue focuses on endurance and mobility, focusing on units within depth of an operational area. Study results and empirical data presented with descriptive method and information gathering is done with literature search and literature review technology. The empirical data presents a case study of the logistics function from Sweden to the operational area, which will be developed out of the method of interview. The study concluded that the case study analysis, performance reports and an analysis of results. The study ends by drawing conclusions and a prediction of the future of the aerial delivery and it is to be or not to be in a Swedish operational area. Conclusions made out of this study, reveals that aerial delivery principals would very well support the Swedish chain of supply, and could support units abroad with both mobility and perseverance. Within aerial delivery the slingload are the most efficient principal for units operating in an environment as in Afghanistan. This conclusion was made out of the analysis of empiric data.</p>
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