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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ALDO FERNANDES DA ROCHA 12 July 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação trata do anúncio e práxis do Reino de Deus, com a finalidade de perceber os elementos escatológicos da temática, presentes no pensamento de Edward Schillebeeckx, contidos na obra Jesus, a história de um vivente, além de outras obras do autor e de outros autores em diálogo com ele. A metodologia adotada é a da revisão bibliográfica, e os pontos de relevância são o anúncio, a práxis do Reino, e a percepção dos elementos escatológicos destacados por Schillebeeckx. Jesus anunciou o Reino de Deus, por meio das bem-aventuranças, parábolas e a reinterpretação da Lei mosaica a favor dos pobres, trazendo de Deus a ajuda salvadora para a humanidade. Se as bem-aventuranças são o programa de vida do Reino, as parábolas são sua ilustração vital, e todas elas se referem ao próprio Jesus, que é, em pessoa, o Reino de Deus. Consequente do anúncio, a práxis do Reino em Jesus se verifica em suas atitudes de cura e libertação do mal, revelando a compaixão e misericórdia de Deus. O anúncio e práxis do Reino geram a comunidade de discípulos, que, após a morte e ressurreição de Jesus, na força do Espírito Santo, dá continuidade à sua missão na história. Com Jesus, o Profeta escatológico, o Reino de Deus se aproxima da humanidade e realiza já o que ainda há de ser plenamente experimentado no futuro escatológico de Deus. / [en] This dissertation deals with the proclamation and praxis of the God s Kingdom, in order to realize the eschatological elements of the theme, present in the thought of Edward Schillebeeckx, contained in the book Jesus, the story of a living, and other works by the author and other authors in dialogue with him. The methodology adopted is the literature review, and the points of relevance are the announcement, the praxis of the kingdom, and the perception of the eschatological elements highlighted by Schillebeeckx. Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God, through the Beatitudes, parables and the reinterpretation of the Mosaic Law for the poor people, bringing God s saving help for Humanity. If the beatitudes are the life program of the kingdom, the parables are a vital illustration, and they all refer to Jesus himself, who is, himself, the kingdom of God. Subsequent announcement, the praxis of the kingdom in Jesus is found in their attitude healing and deliverance from evil, revealing the compassion and mercy of God. The announcement and praxis of the kingdom generate a community of disciples who, after the death and resurrection of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit, continues His mission in history. With Jesus, the eschatological prophet, God s Kingdom is approaching humanity and accomplishes what has yet to be fully experienced in the eschatological future of God.

Do projeto a cena : CHALAÇA a peça / From the project to the scene : CHALAÇA the play

Canhameiro, Carlos Eduardo 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcio Aurelio Pires de Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T23:11:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Canhameiro_CarlosEduardo_M.pdf: 4022831 bytes, checksum: 57a384e83a2f52a1be9289dfa41ac2df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Não informado / Abstract: This research examined the creation process from the play CHALAÇA a peça, directed by Mareio Aurelio, based on the novel "O Chalaça" by Jose Roberto Torero, with actors from the Les Commediens Tropicales Theater Company. The analysis begun with the conception of the project coniemplated by award "Prêmio Estímulo Flávio Rangel-20Q5"\ granted by Secretary of State for Culture from the Government of São Paulo, made an overview on rehearses process until the premiere of the play and its circulation - and maintenance - since 2006. The focus has been given the relations of production set by a theater company newly created by graduating students of the Performing Arts by UNJCAMP, supported by public funds to create a spectacle and, consequently, the importance of these funds on the company path's. Ultimately the research effort here was to build a genetic critical over the play CHALAÇA a peça, where the generating process of the work and its relations of production were more significant than the final result to obtain the critical mentioned / Mestrado / Mestre em Artes

Laga kraft vinning för lovärenden enligt PBL (2010:900) / Legally binding for building permit application according to the planning and building act of Sweden (2010:900)

Karlsson, Maria, Gustafsson, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Varje kommun ska ha en byggnadsnämnd. Byggnadsnämnden består av förtroendevalda poli-tiker som bland annat ansvarar för lovärendeprocessen. Tjänstemännen som jobbar med lovä-rendeprocessen är anställda av byggnadsnämnden. Tjänstemännens huvuduppgift är att ta be-slut i lovärenden via delegation från byggnadsnämnden. I lovärenden där delegation saknas ska tjänstemännen bereda lovärendet och skriva ett förslag till beslut. Förslaget ska sedan redovisas inför byggnadsnämnden, som därefter tar det slutliga beslutet. I denna uppsats har enbart lovä-renden där byggnadsnämnden och tjänstemännen har haft olika bedömningar granskats. Det har även granskats vilken laghänvisning och bedömning som ligger till grund för deras förslag eller beslut. Kommunen ska ge berörda grannar och sakägare tillfälle att yttra sig när det är en avvikelse från en detaljplan, områdesbestämmelser eller utanför detaljplan. Vid ett positivt lovbeslut ska kommunerna kungöra lovärendet i Post och Inrikes Tidningar. Båda dessa uppgifter måste ge-nomföras på rätt sätt för att hanteringen ska vara rättssäker och kvalitetssäker samt för att lo-värendet ska vinna laga kraft. Detta arbete ska undersöka hur kommunerna hanterar rättssäkerheten och kvalitetssäkerheten i lovprocessen för att ett lovärende ska vinna laga kraft. För att få vidare rådgivning, kunskap och information angående lagtolkning gällande granne-hörande och kungörelse togs kontakt med Ulrika Nolåker, Byggutbildarna, Ulf Jensen, profes-sor på Högskolan Väst och Eidar Lindgren universitetsadjunkt på Kungliga Tekniska Högsko-lan. I undersökningen studerades fyra kommuner i Västra Götalands län. Undersökningen delades upp i tre delar som bestod av intervju dels av tjänstemän och sakkunniga samt granskning av lovärenden. I kommunerna var det 1386 lovärenden som kom in och togs beslut under 2015. Av dessa var det 23 lovärenden där byggnadsnämnden inte tog beslut i enlighet med tjänste-männens förslag. Kommunernas lovärendeprocess saknar regelbundet arbetssätt både när det gäller grannehöran och kungörelse av lovärenden. Kommunerna använder en så kallad "tyst accept" vid granne-höran, vilket innebär att grannarna förlorar sin demokratiska rättighet att påverka åtgärden. Genom att hänvisa lagparagraf i ett beslut kvalitetssäkras beslutsunderlag. Att hänvisa till en lagparagraf är något som varken byggnadsnämnden eller tjänstemännen gör regelbundet. Kungörelsen i Post- och Inrikes Tidning gjordes mellan 12-28 dagar efter beslutet togs samt att det förkom lovärenden som inte var kungjorda överhuvudtaget. Endast tre av de 23 grans-kade lovärendena anses ha vunnit laga kraft. / Each municipality in Sweden must have a local building committee. The committee consists of elected politicians responsible for managing the permit process related to construction, dem-olition and ground processing. The committee manages the permit process by delegating the entire task or parts of it to employed officials. If there is no delegation the officials will write a suggested decision to be reviewed and decided by the committee. This essay investigates construction-, demolition- and ground processing permit where the of-ficials and the local building committee differ in their decisions and the assessment which led to these decisions. The examination included studies of four municipalities in the county of Västra Götaland: two smaller, Färgelanda and Munkedal municipalities, and two larger, Trollhättan and Uddevalla. The investigation consisted of two parts. One examination of the permit protocols, and a series of interviews with officials. During 2015 there were 1386 cases of permits within the four municipalities. 23 of these were cases of the committee not deciding in accordance with the proposition of the officials. A number of errors were also found, such as there not being a stated reason for the decision, or lack of any clear legal reference. This raises the question of whether or not the rule of law is followed during these circumstances. After consulting with Ulrika Nolåker from Byggutbildarna, the issues were expanded further when it was discovered that more errors occur during the municipal management of the con-cerned parties and the announcements of the cases. In order to receive further guidance, knowledge and information on how to interpret the laws handling concerned parties and an-nouncements, contact was made with Ulf Jensen and Eidar Lindgren, professor in real estate science at Högskolan Väst, and lecturer of real estate sciences at Kungliga Tekniska Högsko-lan, respectively. The conclusions of the examination is that the building committee puts a lot of responsibility on the officials through delegations. The cases when there is no delegation and the case is decided by the committee are few. The reasons why the proposition and the final decision not always matches is due to different factors such as different knowledge or different assessments. Neither the committee nor the officials are consistent with the law referencing in the decisions. The municipality cannot guarantee that every concerned party have been given the chance to give their opinion, when some of them use what’s called "silent agreement". Only three of the cases has the municipality received and opinion from every concerned party. None of the cases has been announced in the correct time and two has not been announced at all.


16 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] Diálogo e anúncio, a partir do Vaticano II é uma dupla atividade que a Igreja tem desenvolvido, de modo inauferível, com a nova aproximação religiosa surgida desde então. Muito embora a Igreja tenha dialogado, ao longo de sua existência,com os diversos povos aos quais levou o anúncio da salvação cristã, a progressiva aproximação inter-religiosa, que surge desde o Concílio Vaticano II, traz elementos novos e geradores de uma considerável tensão: dá-se,indubitavelmente, um entrechoque, na participação concreta do diálogo, entre as propostas de cada tradição religiosa, para a solução daquelas questões que tanto inquietam o ser humano, no mais íntimo de seu ser. Qual a sua origem? Qual o seu fim último? Assim, o interesse deste trabalho se volta para o trato com este duplo aspecto presente hoje na missão da Igreja: a sua participação no diálogo inter-religioso, atendendo às exigências que lhe são peculiares, sem, entretanto, deixar de cumprir o seu dever de anunciar a todos os povos a salvação trazida por Jesus Cristo. / [en] Dialogue and announcement, from the Vatican II are a double activity that the Church has developed, in an inherent way, with the new appeared religious approach since then. Even though the Church has dialogued, throughout its existence, with different kind of people to which it took the announcement of the Christian salvation, the gradual Inter- religious approach, that appears since Vatican Council II, brings new and generating elements of a considerable tension: it is given, doubtless, a shock , in the concrete participation of the dialogue, among the proposals of each religious tradition, for the solution of those questions that disturb the human being, in the closest of its being. Which is the origin? Which is the last end? Thus, the interest of this work is about the treatment with this double present aspect in the mission of the Church today: its participation in the Inter-religious dialogue, taking into consideration the requirements that are peculiar, however, fulfilling its duty to announce to the people the salvation brought by Jesus Christ.

Социальная реклама: модели привлечения внимания к проблемам общества (на примере русского и английского языка) : магистерская диссертация / Public service announcement: models of drawing attention to social problems (on the example of Russian and English languages)

Тарикова, Е. И., Tarikova, E. I. January 2022 (has links)
Работа посвящена исследованию языковых средств, используемых в текстах социальной рекламы на русском и английском языке. Объектом исследования является рекламный текст социальной тематики на русском и английском языках. Предметом исследования выступает лингвистическая репрезентация проблем общества в тексте социальной рекламы на русском и английском языках. Цель работы состоит в выявлении и анализе лингвистических и стилистических средств, используемых при создании рекламы социальной тематики на русском и английском языках. Материал исследования составили 900 рекламных текстов социальной тематики на русском и английском языках. Анализ материала показал, что в социальной рекламе на русском и английском языке употребляются похожие части речи: глагол, существительное, прилагательное и числительное. В обоих языках среди частей речи преобладают глаголы. Употребление глагола в настоящем времени в повелительном наклонении является общим признаком текстов социальной рекламы, как на русском, так и на английском. Как в русских, так и в английских текстах социальной рекламы использовались абстрактные и нарицательные имена существительные. Общими лексическими средствами являлись метафора, метонимия и императивная конструкция. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что именно эти лингвистические средства обладают наибольшей эффективностью и создатели социальной рекламы во всем мире чаще всего обращаются именно к ним. Средствами, более характерными для русскоязычной социальной рекламы являлись риторические вопросы, использование прилагательных в превосходной степени, игра слов. Аллитерация преобладала в текстах англоязычной социальной рекламы. Сниженная лексика была замечена в текстах социальной рекламы на русском языке, однако не встречалась в социальной рекламе на английском. Напротив, в социальной рекламе на английском был замечен эвфемизм, который несет функцию замены считающихся неуместных слов. Невербальному компоненту в социальной рекламе англоязычных стран уделялось большее внимание, чем в социальной рекламе на русском языке. / The work is dedicated to the study of figures of speech in the texts of public service announcement in Russian and English. The object of the study is the advertising text of social topics in Russian and English. The subject of the study is the linguistic representation of society's problems in the text of social advertising in Russian and English. The purpose of the work is to identify and analyze the linguistic and stylistic means used to create social advertising in Russian and English. The research material of the study consists of 900 advertising texts of social topics in Russian and English. The analysis of the material showed that similar parts of speech are used in social advertising in Russian and English: verb, noun, adjective and numeral. In both languages, verbs predominate among the parts of speech. The use of the verb in the present tense in the imperative mood is a common feature of social advertising texts, both in Russian and in English. Both Russian and English social advertising texts used abstract and common nouns. Common linguistic means were metaphor, metonymy and imperative construction. Thus, we can conclude that it is these linguistic means that are most effective and the creators of social advertising around the world use them most often. The more typical linguistic means for Russian-language of social advertising were rhetorical questions, the use of superlative adjectives, and a word-play. Alliteration prevailed in the texts of English-language social advertising. Substandard vocabulary was noticed in the texts of social advertising in Russian, was not found in social advertising in English. On the contrary, in social advertising in English, euphemism was noticed, which has the function of replacing words that are considered inappropriate. More attention was paid to the non-verbal component in social advertising in English-speaking countries than in social advertising in Russian.

併購宣告及支付工具對主併公司股東財富之影響 / The Market Reactions on the Merger and Acquisition Announcement and Means of Payment

陳聖謙, Chen, Sheng Chien Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化的趨勢,企業經營所面對的不僅是國內同業的競爭,更面臨國外同業的競爭。企業透過組織調整,在資金、人才以及經濟規模的議題,企業併購已成為近年來台灣之趨勢及風潮。企業進行併購活動熱絡時,對於企業之組織調整、轉型具有正面效益,可促使規模經濟,降低成本,發揮經營效率,提升國際競爭力。 本研究主要探討併購宣告、支付工具的選擇以及跨國因素之不同,對主併公司股東財富的影響。以民國89年1月1日至民國96年12月31日間,主併公司為台灣地區之上市櫃公司、標的公司為全球任一國家註冊之公司的所有併購事件,計有527個觀察值。採用事件研究法(event study)進行實證研究結果如下: 一、對主併公司股東而言,併購宣告效果 本研究以事件研究法進行實證分析,發現併購宣告日前後期間,對於主併公司股東財富有顯著正向異常報酬。但若拉長事件觀察期間,則變得不顯著。也就是主併公司的併購活動無法獲得營運綜效。 二、併購支付工具對主併公司股東財富之影響 本研究實證結果發現企業併購採用現金支付及混合支付,31天的事件期間對主併公司股東而言,皆呈現不顯著之正向平均累積異常報酬。採取換股支付則有不顯著之負向平均累積異常報酬。以混合式支付,於事件期間有正向不顯著平均累積異常報酬;於宣告日前後期間則有正向顯著平均累積異常報酬。 三、宣告國內併購及國際併購對主併公司股東財富之影響 本研究實證結果為國內併購中主併公司在31天的觀察期間,對於主併公司股東而言,僅於宣告日前後期間會有正向平均累積異常報酬,但是拉若拉長觀察期間,其結果並不顯著。國際併購則有不顯著之負向平均累積異常報酬。 / The issues on capital funding, people asset and business scoping are becoming more significant topics with the increasing activities in corporate merger and acquisition (M&A). It has been said that the corporate reorganization through M&A has positive effect within the business because of larger business scope and more efficient in cost management. The corporation will be able to compete better in the international market. This study will focus on the market reactions on the merger and acquisition announcement, the method of payment choice and domestic or international M&A. The observation study cover 527 M&A cases from year 2000 to 2007. The study result based on event study research method are as followed: 1. The M&A announcement result to acquiring company shareholders: The study shows significant remuneration to acquiring company shareholders’ wealth before and after the M&A announcement. Less significant once we observe the case at longer time period. The result shows that the acquiring company can not achieve synergy effect. 2. The wealth effect to shareholders with different means of payment: The study shows that the combination of cash payout and exchange of stocks and cash payment method shows insignificant positive accumulative abnormal return to shareholders within 31 days before and after the M&A. Settlement with only exchange of stocks shows insignificant negative cumulative abnormal return to shareholders. 3. The effect to shareholder’s wealth from announcing domestic M&A or international M&A: The study shows that in the case of announcing domestic M&A, the acquiring shareholders has positive cumulative abnormal return within the 31 days before and after the announcement. Once we observe longer period, the result is less significant. International M&A shows negative insignificant cumulative abnormal return.

首度上市上櫃公司高階主管持股, 初次投資宣告與公司價值關係之研究 / Executive Ownership, Initial Investment Announcement and the Corporate Value in Publicly Traded Corporations in Taiwan

溫福星, Wen, Fur-Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
財務三大決策:投資、融資與股利政策一直是學術界研究探討的主題,也是實務界關心的重要課題。過去有關融資與股利支付宣告的文章不少,但投資支出相關研究則一直被視為股權結構下的控制變數,鮮少學者探討有關投資宣告對公司價值的影響。 本研究嘗試從資訊不對稱的角度,探討首度上市上櫃公司管理當局為傳遞公司經營績效及未來成長機會給予外部投資人,透過自身的持股與投資規模進行初次投資宣告,藉以傳遞公司真正價值予投資人,以追求公司與自身財富的最大化。本研究在訊號放射理論的架構下,透過完美貝氏的分離均衡解,經過模式推導獲致三個研究命題,並以此研究命題、個案訪談與文獻整理推衍出可驗證的八個假說。 在假說驗證方面,以民國80年至89年共225家新上市上櫃公司的初次投資宣告為研究樣本,並依未來前景看佳與否、股權集中度高低與初次宣告投資規模大小來分類,將研究樣本區分為八個子樣本,利用事件研究法對宣告公司事件日的平均異常報酬率反應以及累積異常報酬率反應進行假說的檢驗。並且,以產業類別、高階主管持股、高階主管持股的二次方、投資規模、初次投資支出類型為自變數,公司規模、市場景氣與負債比率為控制變數,對事件窗口(-1,+1)的累積平均異常報酬率進行橫斷面迴歸分析,探討宣告事件對股票異常報酬率反應的影響。經由上述的實證過程,本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.初次投資宣告具有資訊內涵,當股權集中度越高的高科技股公司,若進行大規模的初次投資支出宣告,則公司股票異常報酬率的正面反應訊號越強。 2.投資人對高科技股與非高科技股公司的初次投資宣告有不同的評價,屬於未來前景看佳的高科技股,進行初次投資宣告的股票異常報酬率反應顯著為正,且顯著高於未來前景不佳的非高科技股公司。 3.屬於資本支出類型的初次投資宣告有利於公司價值的提升。 目錄 第壹章 緒論…………………………………………... 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的……………………………… 3 第二節 研究範圍與研究限制……………………………… 8 第三節 研究流程與論文架構……………………………… 11 第貳章 文獻探討與個案訪談整理…… ……………. 17 第一節 代理理論與資訊不對稱…………………………… 18 第二節 股權結構與公司價值之關係……………………… 23 第三節 資本支出與公司價值之關係……………………… 28 第四節 股權、資本支出與公司價值相關實證文獻……… 31 第五節 文獻評述與個案訪談整理………………………… 50 第參章 理論模式建立…………………… …………. 59 第一節 模式背景……,,…………………………………… 60 第二節 模式架構與模式條件設定………………………… 63 第三節 模式推導與命題建立……………………………… 72 第肆章 研究設計… ………………………………… 81 第一節 實證架構與研究假說……………………………… 82 第二節 資料來源與樣本選取……………………………… 93 第三節 變數操作性定義…………………………………… 96 第四節 實證分析方法……………………………………… 102 第伍章 實證結果分析…… ………………………… 113 第一節 樣本資料統計分析………………………………… 114 第二節 全體樣本初次投資支出宣告的效果分析………… 121 第三節 研究假說的驗證……………………………………. 132 第四節 投資支出宣告異常報酬率影響因素分析………… 150 第五節 實證結果與涵義……………………………………. 154 第陸章 結論與建議…… …………………………… 163 第一節 結論………………………………………………… 164 第二節 建議………………………………………………… 166 參考文獻 中文部分……………………………………………………… 171 英文部分……………………………………………………… 173 表目錄 表2-1 國外其他股權結構與公司價值關係實證文獻整理… 36 表2-2 國外其他資本支出與公司價值關係實證文獻整理… 43 表2-3 個案訪談發現與對本研究的涵義……………………. 56 表3-1 研究模式的前提設計…………………………………. 67 表3-2 研究模式符號說明……………………………………. 68 表4-1 研究範疇的分類情形…………………………………. 86 表4-2 研究範疇的分類情形與對應的假說…………………. 90 表4-3 市場景氣劃分……………………………………… 101 表5-1 整體上市上櫃公司的分配狀況……………………… 115 表5-2 研究樣本按初次投資支出宣告年度分類…………… 116 表5-3 研究樣本按產業類別分類…………………………… 117 表5-4 研究樣本按高科技類股與市場景氣分類統計……… 118 表5-5 各研究變數的樣本統計量…………………………… 119 表5-6 全體樣本初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率…… 122 表5-7 全體樣本事件窗口累積異常報酬率………………… 123 表5-8 高科技股公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬…. 125 表5-9 非高科技股公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率126 表5-10 高科技股公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率…………… 127 表5-11 非高科技股公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率………… 127 表5-12 投資規模大的公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬129 表5-13 投資規模小的公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬130 表5-14 投資規模大的公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……… 131 表5-15 投資規模小的公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……… 131 表5-16 研究樣本交叉分類分布情形(n=225) ……………… 132 表5-17 第一種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率134 表5-18 第一種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率 135 表5-19 第二種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率136 表5-20 第二種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………137 表5-21 第三種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率138 表5-22 第三種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………139 表5-23 第四種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率140 表5-24 第四種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………141 表5-25 第五種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率142 表5-26 第五種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………143 表5-27 第六種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率144 表5-28 第六種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………145 表5-29 第七種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率146 表5-30 第七種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………147 表5-31 第八種情況公司初次投資支出宣告的平均異常報酬率148 表5-32 第八種情況公司事件窗口累積異常報酬率……………149 表5-33 累積異常報酬率的橫斷面多元迴歸分析………………153 表5-34 各研究假說實證結果……………………………………158 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程………………………………………………. 12 圖3-1 初次投資支出宣告的信號放射………………………. 63 圖3-2 研究模式與觀念架構………………………………... 65 圖3-3 初次投資出宣告的樹狀機率分析…………………… 71 圖4-1 實證架構…………………………………………………82 圖4-2 實證分析方法與流程……………………………………102 圖4-3 事件研究的各時間參數的關係……………………… 105 / Previous foreign studies on corporate investment impact on market prices have revealed that investors react positively to the announcement of increases in capital expenditure. But, the few papers study the topic in Taiwan. This study applies the agency theory, the signaling theory which reduce the asymmetric information and agent problems between the management and external investors and the perfect Baysian Equilibrium to construct the theoretic model to analyze the effect of the initial investment announcement. Following the theoretical model, case interview and literature review, the study derives the three propositions and eight hypotheses. We test these hypotheses for the publicly traded corporations in Taiwan considering a sample composed of the initial investment announcement. The period of the study was January 1991 to December 2000, and the firms selected were all companies listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange or the OTC. The number of the initial investment announcements initially collected was 365 for publicly traded corporations. Nevertheless, the final sample was reduced to 225 after excluding the confounding events and other screen. Finally, we separated the full sample to eight sub-samples by corporate type, ownership and investment scale and used the event study and regression analysis to test the information effect of the initial investment announcement. Our empirical results are not hold in the full sample since no significant market reaction, but are supported in the sub-samples grouped by high-tech. Moreover, the initial investment announcements of high-tech, high ownership, and high scale companies lead the significant positively abcdrmal rate of return at the announcement day. In addition, the investors significantly positively react to the initial investment announcements belong to the capital investment.

The macroeconomics of price adjustments under information frictions and menu costs

Nunes, Vivian Malta 18 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Vivian Malta Nunes (vivianmalta@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-12-18T16:26:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Vivian_Final.pdf: 1556413 bytes, checksum: d21c4cfb4b686d356131b508247b2cc4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2014-01-28T17:57:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Vivian_Final.pdf: 1556413 bytes, checksum: d21c4cfb4b686d356131b508247b2cc4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2014-02-03T16:12:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Vivian_Final.pdf: 1556413 bytes, checksum: d21c4cfb4b686d356131b508247b2cc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-02-03T16:12:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Vivian_Final.pdf: 1556413 bytes, checksum: d21c4cfb4b686d356131b508247b2cc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-18 / This thesis studies price-setting models and analyzes their macroeconomic im- plications. In the rst two chapters I study general models in which rms pricing decisions are a¤ected by menu costs and information costs. In Chapter 1 I estimate these models using American data on price changes, concluding that: information costs are signi cantly higher than menu costs; real data does not t into the model in which rms receive information about aggregate conditions freely but pay for idio- syncratic information. In Chapter 2 I explore the consequences of monetary shocks and disin ation announcements using the previously estimated models. I show that the degree of monetary non-neutrality is larger in an economy where part of the infor- mation is given for free. Chapter 3 is a coauthored paper with Carlos Carvalho and Antonella Tutino. We abstract from menu costs and examine a price-setting model in which rms are subject to a Shannon constraint on information ow. We calibrate the model and investigate impulse response functions to aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks. We nd that, rather than tracking aggregate and idiosyncratic conditions independently, rms prefer to process information altogether, and that leads to a faster overall price level adjustment, and thus to less real e¤ects persistence after a monetary shock. / Esta tese se dedica ao estudo de modelos de fixação de preços e suas implicações macroeconômicas. Nos primeiros dois capítulos analiso modelos em que as decisões das firmas sobre seus preços praticados levam em conta custos de menu e de informação. No Capítulo 1 eu estimo tais modelos empregando estatísticas de variações de preços dos Estados Unidos, e concluo que: os custos de informação são significativamente maiores que os custos de menu; os dados claramente favorecem o modelo em que informações sobre condições agregadas são custosas enquanto que as idiossincráticas têm custo zero. No Capítulo 2 investigo as consequências de choques monetários e anúncios de desinflação usando os modelos previamente estimados. Mostro que o grau de não-neutralidade monetária é maior no modelo em que parte da informação é grátis. O Capítulo 3 é um artigo em conjunto com Carlos Carvalho (PUC-Rio) e Antonella Tutino (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas). No artigo examinamos um modelo de fixação de preços em que firmas estão sujeitas a uma restrição de fluxo de informação do tipo Shannon. Calibramos o modelo e estudamos funções impulso-resposta a choques idiossincráticos e agregados. Mostramos que as firmas vão preferir processar informações agregadas e idiossincráticas conjuntamente ao invés de investigá-las separadamente. Este tipo de processamento gera ajustes de preços mais frequentes, diminuindo a persistência de efeitos reais causados por choques monetários.

Ochrana životního prostředí ve vybraných řízeních podle stavebního zákona / Environmental protection within specific proceedings pursuant the Building Act

Šimák, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Environmental protection within specific proceedings pursuant the Building Act Unrestrained construction activity damages natural resources and diverse environmental components in irreversible or in difficult-to-repair ways, thereby further thwarting thriving or even surviving of the World population. In the Czech legal system, the regulatory measures of administrative bodies, along with the participation of the affected stakeholders, contribute to the environmental protection of the individual development project. This dissertation examines the methods, means, and tools of environmental protection within the framework of designated proceedings regulating the construction. Specifically, it analyzes the possibilities of implementing protective environmental measures within the construction-permitting procedures enshrined in the provisions of Sections 103 to 117 of the Building Act. Five construction-permitting regimes are examined separately: the building permit process; notification; public law contract; notification with certificate of the authorized inspector and projects requiring neither building permit nor notification. If followed lawfully, each of the regimes allows the prospect applicant to commence a relevant construction project. Permitting procedures are significantly influenced by...

Zeit­schrift für Recht und Islam (ZR&I)

23 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Eine wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft kann ihren inneren Austausch und ihre Wirkung nach Außen nur sicherstellen, wenn sie ihren Mitgliedern und auswärtigen Interessierten ein zeitgemäßes Diskussionsforum bietet. Angesichts des gestiegenen Bedarfs an zuverlässigen Informationen über das islamische Recht und die rechtlichen Entwicklungen in islamisch geprägten Staaten besteht seitens der GAIR die Notwendigkeit, hierzu einen verantwortungsvollen Beitrag zu leisten. Um dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, wird zukünftig der Schwerpunkt der GAIR-Mitteilungen deutlich stärker auf den fachlichen Diskurs gelegt. Das neue Format deckt neueste Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung aller Rechtsgebiete im In- und Ausland ab, soweit sie das Recht islamisch geprägter Staaten oder aber Menschen aus solchen Staaten betreffen. Wesentlich ergänzt wird dieses Angebot durch Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen und Aufsätze, in denen auch islamrechtliche Fragestellungen diskutiert werden.

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