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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The BookTube/BookTok Phenomenon: Analyzing Reading Habits of Young Readers in the Digital Age

James, Grace E. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


FELIPE GOMBERG 07 November 2006 (has links)
[pt] Com a reprodutibilidade técnica, segundo Walter Benjamin, a obra de arte, ao aproximar-se do humano, sendo difundida em inúmeras cópias circulantes, perderia o caráter único que a distinguia na sua sacralidade pré-industrial, isto é, perderia a aura. A hipótese deste trabalho é a de que o livro impresso, apesar de ser um produto da indústria cultural, preservaria ainda hoje algo dessa aura de que nos fala Benjamin, como um traço remanescente de sua longa história. Nesse sentido, faz-se um recuo no tempo, partindo-se da preeminência da escrita na cultura ocidental como fato fundamental no processo de auratização do livro, com o objetivo de refletir sobre as possíveis razões da sobrevivência de seu prestígio como meio de comunicação e como produto cultural no início do século XXI, isto é, numa época caracterizada pela revolução comunicacional gerada pelo avanço dos meios eletrônicos e digitais. / [en] According to Walter Benjamin, with the mechanical reproduction, work of art has came near to the human being, loosing its aura - the sacred uniqueness of the objects that distinguish themselves in pre-industrial society. The hypotesis of this written essay is that the printed book, although being a industrial culture product, could preserve something of this aura, that Benjamin told us about, as a remaining vestige of the book´s long history. In this sense, we come back on time line, starting on the pre-eminence of the writing on the occidental culture as a fundamental fact to the process of book´s auratização, with the objective of reflect about the possible reasons of the survival of its prestige as a media and as a cultural product in the beginning of the 21st century, that is, in a period characterized by a communicational revolution generated on the advances of electronic and digital media.


閻崇泰, Yen, Chung-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
由於目前台灣圖書出版業受到各種因素的影響,像是景氣持續衰退、原物料上漲、新書出版量增加但同時退書率卻也升高、出版業家數眾多、替代品的威脅、網路科技帶來的閱讀習慣改變等等因素,讓業者的經營陷入更困難的環境之中。而高退書率與高暢銷書銷售數字,讓圖書的銷售也朝向兩極化的發展。 本研究以圖書出版業為中心,暢銷書本身的價值流程作為研究對象,試圖透過資料收集、訪談、歸納整理、分析等等方式與步驟,找出價值鏈中暢銷書之關鍵成功因素(key success factor)。同時,也以實際的《藍海策略》一書為個案,透過深度訪談來了解該書從「市場調查」、「選書與作者」、「圖書編務」、「印務工作」、「行銷活動」及「物流/資訊流」等價值鏈活動中,運用了哪些關鍵成功因素讓個案本身成為暢銷書。 暢銷書的關鍵成功因素大致分為評估方式與行銷手法兩大類。 (一) 評估方式 一本書是否能具有成為暢銷書的潛力,可以從以下的四個方面來進行評估與衡量:一是目標市場;二是作者與書;三是與環境和需求的連結程度;四是與出版社屬性的關聯性。 1. 目標市場:包含目標市場規模、競爭品的供應量、價格和型式為主要的評估依據。 2. 作者與書:作者的知名度、書名和主題、封面設計、推薦人的知名度、內容特色與扎實、國外暢銷程度,以及特殊榮譽的加持等則為考量能否為暢銷書的重要因素。 3. 與環境和需求連結:包含要能滿足實質或心理需求以及打造說服主題。 4. 出版社本身的屬性:以出版社本身的目標策略、條件與資源作為選擇暢銷書內容物的依據。 (二) 行銷手法 暢銷書的行銷手法,以話題性書籍為主要考量的前提下,可以透過:製造話題來引發報導、密集曝光用來刺激購買意願、舉辦系列論壇演講、異業結盟藉此擴大市場規模,還有藉由慎選通路將資源集中在多數目標客源聚集的管道上等等方式來做。 透過對個案《藍海策略》一書的研究後發現,該書在書名和主題、封面設計、內容特色與扎實,以及國外暢銷程度上面具有一定的優勢;該書的主題獨特,作者寫的內容簡潔有條理,並且在國外出版後造成熱銷。而在行銷手法上面,則是具備強有力的行銷活動,讓書本身在上市後短時間內能夠引起很多人以及企業主的注意;透過雜誌、報紙還有電視等媒體做宣傳,結合國內產業的實際個案以及當時的社會現況,把該書的主要論述加以結合起來,作為一個報導的題材,能夠引發顧客的注意與引起顧客的共鳴,進而產生想要購買的慾望。也就是說,在價值鏈上,個案在「行銷活動」上產生極高的暢銷價值,再來就是在「選書與作者」這價值活動上也有不錯的表現。

圖書出版業者對第三方物流供應商評選模式研究 / Selection of third party logistics provider in book publishing firms

詹阿勇, Chan, A Yung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣圖書出版業者為了增加競爭優勢、降低成本,將物流業務利用外包處理的方式已經相當普遍。為實現使用第三方物流業者之物流服務所帶來之效益,選擇適當的第三方物流公司作為合作夥伴是成功的關鍵之ㄧ,因此如何評選第三方物流公司,就顯得格外重要。 有鑒於圖書出版業者以往易根據供應商的印象或交情,抑或僅憑自己主觀的認定評選物流供應商,比較缺乏系統性的評選;又考量的因素往往難以完全獨立,為解決此一問題,本研究提供一第三方物流供應商評選方法,其包括: 1. 篩選第三方物流供應商評選指標;以及 2. 利用分析網路程序法(ANP)確立評選指標之相對權重。 在參考過去相關研究,並透過專家訪談,歸納出適用於圖書出版業對於第三方物流業者之評選指標,其分為服務品質、履約能力、服務品質、價格條件、資訊管理能力、經營績效五大構面以及17個評選指標;並利用ANP將評選指標之間的相依回饋關係納入考量,找出各指標的權重,以作為企業評選第三方物流業者之評選參考。 之後,本研究以使用第三方物流之圖書出版業者為實例進行說明。研究中發現,圖書出版業者間在評選第三方物流供應商時,所重視的指標會有所不同,業者會根據過去與物流供應商實際合作情況,回饋於選擇第三方物流供應商的系統中,修正評選指標,調整權重認定,以找到適合的物流供應商。以個案公司來說,於第三方物流供應商評選時,對於訂單履行準確性及準時將貨物送達顧客是最重要的考量因素,其反映個案公司過去與第三方物流供應商合作之經驗。 最後,本研究所提供之方法亦可提供決策者充分的資訊與系統化的思考,有利企業做為最終決策的參考。 / As book publishing firms are looking to increase competitiveness, strengthen core competencies and lower overall costs, outsourcing logistics to third party logistics (3PL) service providers have become common practice. To ensure the success and to maximize the benefits of such practice, the selection of the 3PL becomes particularly crucial. This study provides a comprehensive methodology to the selection of a 3PL provider, consisting of two parts: 1. Screening criteria to employ during the selection of a provider;and 2. Determining the relative importance of each screening criterion by the analytic network process (ANP) approach. A total of seventeen criteria have been identified by experts in the book publishing industry with respect to service quality, capabilities, price, information technology management and operational performance of the 3PL providers. As interdependencies exist between each criterion and cannot be captured by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to solve such types of problems, this study utilizes ANP to determine the relative weighting in the selection of a 3PL provider. Thereafter, the application of ANP for the selection of a 3PL provider is demonstrated through an illustrative example. The result of the example provided indicates that the criteria of shipment error rates and on-time shipment and deliveries are the most important, and this reflects the influence of the experiences from past cooperation between the case company and 3PL providers. This approach also enables the decision-makers to better understand the complex relationship between the relevant attributes during the decision-making process, which may subsequently improve the outcome of the decision.

La circulation du savoir africain : présence et reception de la littérature académique africaine en Allemagne et en France / The circulation of African knowledge : presence and reception of African academic literature in Germany and France / Zirkulation afrikanischen Wissens : Präsenz und Rezeption akademischer Literatur aus Afrika in Deutschland und Frankreich

Steinbach-Hüther, Ninja 19 December 2017 (has links)
Bien que la globalisation culturelle laisse supposer qu'il soit possible de produire et de recevoir de façon égalitaire des informations partout dans le monde, les cartes du savoir sont en réalité caractérisées par un déséquilibre énorme. Le projet analyse ce phénomène en s’appuyant sur l‘exemple du transfert trilatéral de la littérature académique africaine en France et en Allemagne depuis les années cinquantes. D’une part, le but principal de ce projet est de relever la quasi totalité des livres et recueils universitaires en sciences sociales et humaines rédigés par des intellectuels africains et publiés dans des maisons d’édition allemandes et françaises. D’autre part, l’analyse des résultats quantitatives est basée sur une approche macro-perspective en s’appuyant sur les études qualitatives sur le sujet préexistantes. L’analyse quantitative et la classification des résultats ainsi que leur interprétation permettent actuellement d’obtenir des connaissances étonnantes, non seulement sur des continuités et discontinuités dans la publication de la littérature universitaire en provenance d’Afrique sur une période d‘environ soixante ans, mais également sur les profils géographiques, thématiques et temporels des maisons d’édition ainsi que sur leurs préférences personnelles, éditoriales et linguistiques. Grâce à la collection de données, le filtrage, le traitement ultérieur et la visualisation, nous pouvons alors comprendre quelle « Afrique scientifique » a finalement été transmise et importée, pour la période définie (1950-2012), à ces deux marchés du livre. Cette approche permet d’envisager de nouvelles hypothèses et interprétations pour l’analyse de la circulation du savoir africain, à l’instar des publications en sciences sociales et humaines. Une approche établie pour la recherche sur le franchissement culturel des frontières constitue le concept de transfert culturel. Pour ce travail, le concept fournit des approches théoriques et pratiques essentielles. En combinant différentes méthodes pour lesquelles les « digital humanities » ont été de plus en plus souvent sollicitées, l’approche méthodologique va vers une reconstruction complète du transfert, en utilisant aussi bien les analyses quantitatives que qualitatives. / Even though international interconnectedness and globalization evoke the idea of being able to produce and receive knowledge equally all over the world, the maps of knowledge are unevenly distributed on a global scale. My dissertation project analyses this phenomenon by examining the trilateral, multidimensional transfer of African academic literature to Germany and France since the 1950s.The research interest of this project is to determine and organize the entire spectrum of publications from the social sciences and the humanities written by African authors and published in German and French publishing houses. The quantitative analysis on a macro level is based on already existing qualitative studies in the field. The quantitative analysis and the classification of the results give valuable knowledge about continuities and discontinuities in the publication of African academic literature over the span of six decades (1950-2012). The research further examines and elaborates upon geographical, thematic, and temporal profiles of the publishing houses as well as their personal, editorial, and linguistic preferences. By means of collecting, filtering, processing, and visualizing the data, it is possible to find out what kind of “academic Africa” has finally reached the two national book markets. This approach helps to identify new hypotheses and interpretations concerning the circulation of African knowledge in general through the specific example of academic literature from the social sciences and the humanities. Providing important theoretical and practical approaches for this project, the concept of cultural transfers is an established approach for analysing cultural border crossings between countries and regions. The methodological approach combines different methods and, for the data processing, includes examples from the digital humanities to realize an all-embracing reconstruction of the entire transfer process in both a quantitative and qualitative sense.

Outside traditional book publishing centres : the production of a regional literature in Western Australia

Henningsgaard, Per Hansa January 2008 (has links)
This thesis provides a study of book publishing as it contributes to the production of a regional literature, using Western Australian publishing and literature as illustrative examples of this dynamic. 'Regional literature' is defined in this thesis as writing possessing cultural value that is specific to a region, although the writing may also have national and international value. An awareness of geographically and culturally diverse regions within the framework of the nation is shown to be derived from representations of these regions and their associated regional characteristics in the movies, television and books. In Australia, literature has been the primary site for expressions of regional difference. Therefore, this thesis analyses the impact of regionalism on the processes of book production and publication in Western Australia’s three major publishing houses— a trade publishing house (Fremantle Press), an Indigenous publishing house (Magabala Books), and an academic publishing house (University of Western Australia Press). Book history, print culture studies and publishing studies, along with literary studies and cultural studies, roughly approximate a disciplinary map of the types of research that constitute this thesis. By examining regional literature in the context of its 'field of cultural production', this thesis maintains that regionalism and regional literature can avail themselves of a fresh perspective that shows them to be anything but marginal or exclusive. Regionalism has been a topic of peripheral interest, at least as far as scholarly research and academia are concerned, because those who are most likely to be affected by and thus interested in the topic, are also those who are most disempowered as a result of its attendant dynamics. However, as this thesis clearly demonstrates, access (or a lack thereof) to the field of cultural production (which in the case of print culture includes writers, literary agents, editors, publishers, government arts organisations, the media, schools, book clubs, and book retailers, just to name a few) plays a significant role in establishing and shaping an identity for marginalised 3 constituencies. The implications for this research are far-ranging, since both Western Australia and Australia can be understood as peripheries dominated in their different spheres (the 'national' and the 'international', respectively) by literary cultures residing elsewhere. Furthermore, there are parallels between this dynamic and the dynamic responsible for producing postcolonial literatures. The three publishing houses detailed in this thesis are disadvantaged by many of the factors associated with their distance from the traditional centres of book publishing, while at the same time producing a regional literature that serves as a platform from which the state broadcasts its distinctive contributions to the cultural landscape and to a wider understanding of concepts such as space, place and belonging. These publishing houses changed the way in which Australians and others have come to know and think about 'Australia', re-routing public consciousness and the national imagination.


NATALIA FRANCIS DE ANDRADE 29 March 2017 (has links)
[pt] Enquanto muitas histórias em quadrinhos foram e são produzidas em escala industrial ou sem grandes pretensões de se perpetuarem, estas convivem, hoje,com outros tipos de iniciativa. Na contramão do que tem acontecido com aquilo que tradicionalmente se convencionou como literário, é no deslocamento cada vez mais frequente para o formato livro que as práticas dos quadrinhos têm se reinventado, especialmente em narrativas mais longas e voltadas ao público adulto. Esta dissertação toma como objeto as HQs Cachalote e Campo em Branco. Frutos de parcerias entre escritores e quadrinistas, elas foram produzidas pela RT Features e editadas pelo selo Quadrinhos na Cia., da Companhia das Letras. Partindo da análise das especificidades de produção e criação dessas obras, busca-se compreender o surgimento de novas nuances tanto nas relações entre o verbal e o visual quanto nas relações entre o literário, o editorial e o midiático. Problematiza-se, também, quais terminologias são mais adequadas a esses objetos e de que forma elas podem ou não aludir a antigas questões de hierarquias entre produtos culturais. Questiona-se que sentidos ganha, em plena era digital, marcada pela onipresença de imagens, o gesto de optar por contar histórias que recorrem ao manual e ao traço estilizado. Investiga-se a dinâmica horizontal de criação a quatro mãos e o empenho conjunto dos autores para evitar a mera repetição do sucesso das gerações anteriores, seja no campo da literatura, seja no campo dos gêneros gráficos. E, enfim, para expandirem os limites do diálogo natural entre estas duas linguagens. / [en] While many comics were and still are produced, either on an industrial scale, or without great pretension to perpetuate, they coexist today with other types of initiative. In opposition to the current arrangements that involve what is usually called literary, comics, in their own way, have been reinvented by their increased displacement to book format, especially on longer narratives aiming adult audience. This dissertation takes as an object of discussion two graphic novels: Cachalote e Campo em Branco. As a result of partnerships between writer and cartoonist, they were produced by RT Features and edited by the label Quadrinhos na Cia. from Companhia das Letras. Starting from the analysis of specificity in production as well as in creation of these works, it is sought to understand the emergence of new shadings in the relations between the verbal and the visual, so much for in the links between the literary, editorial and media. In addition, we discuss of which terminologies are more suitable to these objects and in which way they may or may not allude to long-established issues of hierarchy among cultural products. In the midst of the digital era, marked by the omnipresence of images, we also wonder about what sense it grasps within the gesture of opting for narratives, that call upon manual and authorship trace. Furthermore, we investigate the horizontal dynamics of shared creation and the authors combined effort to avoid the simply-repeated success of previous generations, either in the field of literature, or in the field of graphic genres. Finally, there is an effort in the way the authors bring to new limits the natural dialogue between these two languages.


MARINA BURDMAN DA FONTOURA 25 July 2017 (has links)
[pt] O texto literário pode hoje ser encontrado em diferentes plataformas, tornando-se acessível no computador, em tablets e até em celulares. Os paratextos editoriais, definidos por Gérard Genette como aparatos que giram em torno do texto principal de um livro, têm acompanhado estes deslocamentos. Sem deixar de exercer suas antigas funções, eles assumem outros formatos e proliferam no ambiente virtual, tendo muitas vezes mais acessos do que o texto da própria obra, considerado principal, veiculado frequentemente na plataforma impressa. Nesta dissertação, abordaremos os paratextos não só como um fenômeno de mercado que concede uma importância crescente à figura do autor, mas também à luz das quebras na hierarquização dos discursos provocadas pela tecnologia digital. Com este propósito, discutiremos o trailer do livro Todos nós adorávamos caubóis, de Carol Bensimon; a coluna As 15 coisas que sei sobre meu próximo livro, de Luisa Geisler, veiculada no Blog da Companhia; a hashtag Vida de escritor, no Instagram da editora Rocco; o folhetim Delegado Tobias, de Ricardo Lísias, publicado pela editora E-galáxia; e o blog da revista Peixe-elétrico. / [en] Nowadays, the literary text can be found in different platforms, including computers, tablets and even mobile phones. Editorial paratexts, defined by Gerard Genette as devices which gravitate around the body text of a book, have followed this shift. Not abandoning their former purposes, they have taken on other formats and have spread around the web. These paratexts are often more accessed than the actual text of the literary work, which is considered the principal part, frequently published and made available in print. This dissertation approaches paratexts not only as a market phenomenon, which grants the image of the author a growing importance, but also as a breach of discourse hierarchy, fueled by digital technology. Bearing that in mind, this study discusses the book trailer for Carol Bensimon s Todos nós adorávamos caubóis (We all loved cowboys); Luisa Geisler s column called As 15 coisas que sei sobre meu próximo livro (The 15 things I know about my next book), published online on Blog da Companhia; the hashtag Vida de escritor (Writer s life) on the Instagram account of the publishing house Rocco; the serial by Ricardo Lisias, Delegado Tobias (Tobias, chief of police), published by the e-book publishing house E-galaxia; and the Peixe-elétrico review s blog.

Intersektionalitet i bokbranschen : En analys av mångfald hos huvudkaraktärer i ungdomsböcker, baserad på tre förlags utgivning år 2015

Sköld, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka tre av Sveriges största bokförlag och hur deras utgivning har sett ut när det kommer till mångfald av hudfärg, sexualitet och olika typer av sjukdomar inom ungdomslitteraturen. Till syftet fanns det två frågor som skulle besvaras: Hur har utgivningen av ungdomsböcker (12 år och uppåt) hos tre stora bokförlag sett ut under 2015 när det kommer till mångfald? Hur ser mångfalden ut hos huvudkaraktärerna ut i de utgivna böckerna? För att nå syftet med arbetet användes både kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökning, vilket medförde att det blev två typer av undersöningar, dels en undersökning kring mångfalden hos huvudkaraktärerna, men även en statistisk undersökning där resultatet visade att mångfalden inte var så stor bland huvudkaraktärerna som man kanske skulle vilja att den var. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns en bit kvar innan mångfald är något normalt, men det är en liten bit på väg. / The purpose of this paper has been to look at the publishing done at three of Swedens biggest publishing houses, and how this publishing has looked in terms of adversity, such as skin color, sexuality and different types of illnesses and disabilities in youth literature. There where two questions that needed to be answered and they where: How has the publishing of youth books (age 12 and up) been during 2015 with these three big publishing houses, when it comes to adversity? How has adversity been portrayed in the main characters of the published books? To reach the purpose of this paper it was important to use both qualitative and quantitative research, which lead to it being two different types of research, one which looked at the adversity with the main characters, and one which became a statistical one that showed the lack of adversity amongst the main characters. The results of the research showed that there is still quite a way to go before youth literature has the kind of adversity that todays society needs.


MARIA LUCIA SANTOS DAFLON GOMES 21 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo primeiro examinar, segundo a teoria dos polissistemas de Itamar Even-Zohar e a abordagem descritivista da tradução de André Lefevere e Gideon Toury, a literatura brasileira traduzida para o inglês a partir de 1990. O estudo se fundamentará em uma análise do perfil das obras em tradução nos últimos quatorze anos, a qual, por sua vez, servirá de base para um exame das forças que determinaram a seleção, a tradução e a circulação de obras brasileiras nos polissistemas de língua inglesa. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo abordará também aspectos do mercado editorial atual, seu crescimento, sua profissionalização e o fortalecimento do papel do agente literário no fomento da tradução de obras brasileiras. Em um segundo momento, este estudo se dedicará à analise da trajetória de obras de Caio Fernando Abreu, Chico Buarque e Patrícia Melo nos polissistemas de língua inglesa, particularmente nos Estados Unidos e na Inglaterra. A partir das análises propostas, a conclusão abordará aspectos relacionados à recepção das obras brasileiras, tanto no nível mercadológico como no nível acadêmico, e à representação de identidades culturais brasileiras, especialmente no que diz respeito ao ambiente urbano, cenário da literatura desses três autores. / [en] The main purpose of this study is to examine Brazilian literature translated into English as of 1990, based on Itamar Even-Zohar`s Polysystem Theory and on the descriptive approach to translation of Andre Lefevere and Gideon Toury. The study will analyze the characteristics of works translated during the last fourteen years and will serve as a basis to examine the determining forces in the selection, translation and circulation of Brazilian literary works in English- language polysystems. Hence, the present study will also examine aspects of the current publishing industry, its professionalization, and the growing role of the literary agent in promoting translation of Brazilian works. Secondly, this study will analyze the trajectory of works by authors such as Caio Fernando Abreu, Chico Buarque and Patricia Melo in English polysystems, particularly in the United States and Great Britain. Based on the proposed analyses, the conclusion of the study will discuss aspects related to how Brazilian works are received (both in the market and in academia) and how Brazilian cultural identities are represented, especially with regard to the urban environment, which is the main setting in the literary works of the three above-cited authors.

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