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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


02 July 2004 (has links)
[pt] Os estados-limite têm feito parte da literatura psicanalítica desde os primórdios da psicanálise. A partir da última metade do século passado, entretanto, o interesse pelo assunto aumentou consideravelmente e a produção de artigos e matérias vem tomando um vulto cada vez maior. Não obstante, a polêmica em torno do tema parece também crescer na mesma proporção. Este trabalho apresenta um pequeno histórico do termo estados- limite e algumas controvérsias nos diferentes meios psicanalíticos, principalmente no que diz respeito às relações entre a clínica dos estados-limite e a das personalidades narcísicas. São tratadas também questões ligadas à constituição da subjetividade e à sua incidência na clínica dos estados-limite. Finalmente, são revistas algumas patologias limítrofes e alguns aspectos clínicos importantes, como as implicações transferenciais e contratransferenciais dos estados-limite. A preferência pelo termo estados-limite tem por objetivo ampliar o escopo que outros termos, tais como casos-limite, ou distúrbios limítrofes, possam sugerir. Enquanto que estes últimos possuem conotações marcantemente patológicas, pertencendo, portanto a uma clínica psicanalítica específica, o termo estados-limite permite também designar situações com características semelhantes, porém episódicas e suscetíveis de ocorrer em qualquer tipo de clínica psicanalítica, inclusive a da neurose. / [en] Borderline conditions have been part of psychoanalytical literature since the early stages of psychoanalysis. However, since the second half of the last century, interest in this subject has grown considerably and there has been a steady increase in the number of articles and essays published. Nevertheless, polemic around this theme seems also to grow in the same proportion. This work covers a brief history of the term borderline and some of the controversies in the different psychoanalytical environments, principally as to the relationship between the borderline treatment and that of narcissistic personalities. Issues regarding the constitution of subjectivity and its incidence in the borderline therapy are also dealt with. Finally, some forms of borderline pathology and important clinical aspects, such as transference and counter transference implications, are reviewed. The preference for the term borderline conditions aims to broaden the scope that other terms, such as borderline cases or borderline disturbances may suggest. While these latter possess strong pathological connotations, belonging, therefore, to a specific psychoanalytical treatment, the term borderline conditions allows for the designation of situations with similar characteristics, although episodic and liable to occur in any type of psychoanalytical treatment, including the neurotic.

Formes et figures du psychodrame : l'exemple de l'adolescence / Forms and figures of psychodrama : the example of adolescence

Morel, Alexandre 12 March 2015 (has links)
Prenant le parti de la valeur mutative du psychodrame psychanalytique, cette recherche vise une description métapsychologique de ce qui en fonde l'efficacité, comme de ses spécificités dans la mise en oeuvre des desseins psychothérapiques de la psychanalyse. L'exemple du renforcement pulsionnel propre à l'adolescence questionne les capacités de symbolisation et de montage pulsionnel permis tant par l'appareil psychique que par les dispositifs (de prothèse ou de détour) que sont les dispositifs psychothérapiques. Trois études longitudinales constituées par des récits de cures psychodramatiques d'adolescents donnent un appui à la construction d'une « figurabilité» spécifiquement psychodramatique grâce à trois opérateurs, nommés le « narratif », le « scénique » et le « dramatique ». Le but de cette recherche est la fabrique métapsychologique de ces opérateurs à l'intersection de la pratique en séance et de la littérature psychanalytique. La notion freudienne de « figurabilité » sert de cadre à la construction de ces opérateurs et à ce qu'ils articulent des capacités de symbolisation du psychisme et de celles d'un dispositif de psychothérapie. La continuité d'un éprouvé de subjectivation permis par l'opérateur du « narratif » se complète des spécificités fictionnelles de la narrativité psychodramatique. De salutaires contournements des mécanismes de censure et une plus ample fréquentation de la réalité psychique soutiennent ainsi la mise en forme des quantités pulsionnelles. La circulation de la notion de « scène » dans la métapsychologie décrit la dimension processuelle que soutient l'opérateur du « scénique ». Si la mise en scène est au service du saisissement conscient, elle opère aussi par le recours à l'hallucinatoire. Ce que la scène du psychodrame permet d'une distinction des objets et contraint d'un commerce avec eux est un facteur subjectivant d'« objectalisation » qui fait contrepoids au repli narcissique. L'objet fabriqué par le psychodrame naît des capacités d'accordage de la scène psychodramatique, celles-ci étant décrites à travers leur usage singulier de la transitionnalité. Enfin, l'opérateur du « dramatique » déploie la fécondité des modes de présence de l'acte dans la représentation psychodramatique. L'excitation véhiculée par le jeu en groupe appelle un travail constant de mise en forme qui utilise divers médiums expressifs. L'objet est à la fois celui qui provoque les quantités d'excitation et celui qui en soutiendra la liaison. L'activité figurative s'articule à une activité pare-excitante qui peut relancer l'activité régulatrice du refoulement. Entre impression et expression, l'activité esthétique du jeu de l'acteur consiste en la modulation des valeurs attribuées aux représentations. Le « dramatique » peut alors se définir comme un art des variations en quête de sens. Les objets de sens issus de ces variations d'affectation sont ensuite détaillés comme visée topographique et subjectivante des entrelacs entre réalité matérielle et réalité psychique. Par sa mise en jeu et en scène, une place de représentation est plus aisément donnée ou re-donnée au transfert afin d'en défaire la potentialité agissante. Pour finir, le dernier récit clinique permet de montrer l'utilité et le caractère structurant de ces opérateurs dans la mise en scène adolescente du second acte de la dramaturgie oedipienne. / Granting that psychoanalytic psychodrama can effect change, this project seeks to produce both a metapsychological description of the basis for its effectiveness and an account of the specific ways in which it pursues the therapeutic aims of psychoanalysis. The example of adolescent drive reinforcement raises questions about the capacities for symbolization and for the organization of drives that are made possible as often by the psychic apparatus as by the mechanisms (whether of prostheses or of detours) of psychotherapy. Three longitudinal studies, narratives of psychodramatic treatments of adolescents, anchor the construction of a specifically psychodramatic "figurability" with three modalities, the "narrative", the "scenic", and the "dramatic". This research project aims to produce a metapsychological account of these modalities at the intersection between clinical practice and the psychoanalytic literature. The Freudian notion of "figurability" serves as the framework for constructing these modalities and for representing their capacity to symbolize the psyche and to articulate a psychotherapeutic instrument. The continuity of an experience of subjectivization permitted by the "narrative" modality is completed by the fictional specificities of psychodramatic narrativity. Salutary evasions of the mechanisms of censorship and increased commerce with psychic reality thus support the shaping of drive quantities. The circulation of the notion of "scene" in metapsychology describes the dimension of process that is supported by the "scenic" modality. If the staging is at the service of a conscious awareness, it also operates through recourse to the hallucinatory. What the scene of psychodrama permits regarding a distinction of objects and constraints regarding interactions with them, is a subjectivizing factor of "objectalization" that provides a counterweight to narcissistic retreat. The object created by the psychodrama grows out of the capacities for harmonization of the psychodramatic scene, the capacities being described through their singular use of transitionality. Finally, the "dramatic" modality unfolds the fecundity of the modes of presence of the act in psychodramatic representation. The excitement conveyed by group play-acting calls for a constant work of shaping which uses various expressive media. The object is at once the one that provokes quantities of excitement and the one that will support their linking. The figurative activity is articulated with a protective shield that can relaunch the regulating activity of repression. Between impression and expression, the aesthetic activity of the actors performance consists in the modulation of the values attributed to the representations. The "dramatic" can then be defined as an art of variations in search of meaning. The meaningful objects that emerge from these variations of affectation are then scrutinized as the topographic and subjectivizing aim of the interlacings between material reality and psychic reality. By being set into play and put on stage, a place of representation is more easily given or restored to the transference so as to undo its "agieren" effective potentiality. In conclusion, the last clinical narrative makes it possible to show the utility and the structuring character of these modalities in the adolescent staging of the second act of the Oedipal drama.


SOLANGE MARIA SERRANO FUCHS 06 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] Trauma e regressão são dois conceitos que sempre suscitaram debates e mesmo controvérsias em Psicanálise. No decorrer da presente tese, procuramos analisar o desenvolvimento de ambos nas teorizações de Freud e de alguns dos principais teóricos das relações objetais precoces, dentre os quais destacam-se Donald Winnicott e Michael Balint, que, na esteira das mudanças operadas na teoria e na técnica analíticas por Sàndor Ferenczi, ampliaram de forma original o escopo teórico em torno de determinados fenômenos clínicos que implicam em formas singulares de sofrimento subjetivo. Neste sentido, buscamos articular nossa reflexão com alguns outros conceitos fundamentais propostos por esses autores; mais especificamente, os conceitos de amor primário e falha básica em Balint, e os de holding e fenômenos transicionais em Winnicott. A partir daí, sustentamos que o pensamento teórico-clínico baseado no modelo relacional tem possibilitado uma melhor apreensão dos processos determinantes da constituição psíquica e das diferentes formas de subjetivação e elaboração do trauma, nas quais a compreensão da situação analítica como campo comum inconsciente passa a ser relevante para o processo terapêutico. / [en] Trauma and regression are concepts that have always raised some debate and controversy in Psychoanalysis. Throughout the present thesis, the development of both will be analyzed in Freud s theories and also in some of the main authors on the early object relations, among which Donald Winnicott and Michael Balint stand out for improving the changes made in the analysis theory and techniques developed by Sàndor Ferenczi. The two enlarged in an inventive way the theoretical scope around certain clinical phenomena that bring about unique subject suffering. In this line of thought, this paper aims to associate some reflection to other fundamental concepts proposed by these authors; more specifically, the concepts of primary love and of basic fault in Balint, and those of holding and transitional phenomena in Winnicott. On this ground, it can be concluded that the clinical-theoretical thinking based on the relational model has enabled a better apprehension of the processes which are essential in the psychic constitution and in the various ways to take power over and elaborate on trauma, in which understanding of the analytical situation, as an unconscious common ground turns out to be relevant for the therapeutical process.

Translation strategies for figurative language in non-fiction : Translating metaphors, idioms, and phrasal verbs from English to Swedish

Taylor, Vicky January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines translation strategies for translating figurative language with a focus on metaphors, idioms, and phrasal verbs. Translators often state that figurative language presents challenges in the translation process. This is mainly because the translator must consider the language’s pragmatic, cognitive, and aesthetic functions. This analysis combines a modified translation approach based on Liu and Zhang (2005), Newmark (1988) as well as Lakoff and Johnson (2003). Using the strategies literal translation, transference, meaning translation, omission, and addition to reduce the loss between the source and target texts, this paper seeks to map how frequently these strategies are applied in the translation of metaphors, idioms, and phrasal verbs in the source text. This paper also discusses any potential problems arising in conjunction with these strategies. The findings of this analysis show that literal translation is the most commonly used translation strategy, in line with Liu and Zhang’s recommendations (2005). Overall, the second most frequently used strategy is transference, followed by meaning translation. This analysis also highlights interesting research gaps regarding omission and addition and encourages further research on these subjects. Greater knowledge and application of these strategies could lead not only to a better and more efficient target text but also a target text that is closer in word count to the original, thereby reducing the expansion of the source text.

A Semiotic reading of gendered subjectivity in contemporary South African art and feminist writing

De Gabriele, Mathilde Daatje Johanna Fenna 30 November 2002 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the correlation between semiotic theory and the way that gendered subjectivity is represented in contemporary South African art. The phenomenon of signification is central to the semiotic theories of the Bulgarian semiotician and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva. Semiotics can be described as the science of the sign that considers the way in which artists express their personal experience in art making. In this investigation I refer mainly to women's artworks, although the concept of gendered subjectivity in the work of male artists is also discussed. This particular research investigates the symbolic relations of culture in gender terms, that explores the apparent contradictions of subjectivity inherent in capitalist patriarchal society. / Art History, Visual Arts & Music / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Movement in gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies

Horn, Annamarie 30 November 2004 (has links)
Movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention, using structured activities and free improvisations, is a successful alternative to punishing adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in the classroom. An overview of the existing literature regarding the therapeutic value of movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies is firstly presented. Various techniques supporting the adolescent in his quest to achieve equilibrium, ultimately improving his relationships with others and his environment, are described. A case study, involving eight adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in group therapy follows, which indicates that movement in Gestalt therapy is an alternative to punishment. In the light hereof it is suggested that movement in Gestalt therapy could be implemented successfully in the formal school environment. This form of intervention can contribute to the adolescent's growth, his ability to communicate and his relationships with self, others and the environment, culminating in improved behavioural tendencies. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Movement in gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies

Horn, Annamarie 30 November 2004 (has links)
Movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention, using structured activities and free improvisations, is a successful alternative to punishing adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in the classroom. An overview of the existing literature regarding the therapeutic value of movement in Gestalt therapeutic intervention for adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies is firstly presented. Various techniques supporting the adolescent in his quest to achieve equilibrium, ultimately improving his relationships with others and his environment, are described. A case study, involving eight adolescents with disruptive behavioural tendencies in group therapy follows, which indicates that movement in Gestalt therapy is an alternative to punishment. In the light hereof it is suggested that movement in Gestalt therapy could be implemented successfully in the formal school environment. This form of intervention can contribute to the adolescent's growth, his ability to communicate and his relationships with self, others and the environment, culminating in improved behavioural tendencies. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

A Semiotic reading of gendered subjectivity in contemporary South African art and feminist writing

De Gabriele, Mathilde Daatje Johanna Fenna 30 November 2002 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the correlation between semiotic theory and the way that gendered subjectivity is represented in contemporary South African art. The phenomenon of signification is central to the semiotic theories of the Bulgarian semiotician and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva. Semiotics can be described as the science of the sign that considers the way in which artists express their personal experience in art making. In this investigation I refer mainly to women's artworks, although the concept of gendered subjectivity in the work of male artists is also discussed. This particular research investigates the symbolic relations of culture in gender terms, that explores the apparent contradictions of subjectivity inherent in capitalist patriarchal society. / Art History, Visual Arts and Music / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Riglyne aan opvoedkundige sielkundiges vir die hantering van die homoseksuele kliënt.

Meyer, Alfreda Catharina 30 June 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / It is alarming that psychologists are in many cases insufficiently trained with regard to homosexuality. Against this background and on the basis of a literature study and empirical research, this study aims to provide guidelines to educational psychologists on working with homosexual clients. Within the Educational Psychology, a person's self actualisation rests on three pilars, namely experience, meaning assignation and involvement. The premise of the qualitative research (focus group interviews) used in this study is homosexual persons' experience of psychologists - the investigation was therefore approached from an Educational Psychology viewpoint. Altogether 75% of the focus group respondents' experience of psychologists was negative. The possibility exists that insufficient training may cause insufficient knowledge and insight, which in turn may lead to homosexual persons' negative experiences of psychologists. It is therefore imperative that the aspect of training of psychologists with regard to homosexuality will receive attention. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Approche anthropologique, technologique et didactique de la maîtrise du risque corporel ; l’exemple de l’enseignement du rugby en milieu scolaire / An anthropological, technological and didactical approach to the control of physical risk, using the example of the teaching of rugby to school-age students.

Sarthou, Jean-Jacques 13 November 2010 (has links)
Si les risques corporels sont inhérents à la pratique du rugby, ils justifient les nombreuses craintes des enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive, et ce d’autant plus que les statistiques font état d’une blessure grave (fracture – entorse) toutes les cinquante neuf minutes lors de la pratique fédérale (50% des blessures se produisent lors de la situation de jeu la plus fréquente en rugby : le plaquage). La problématique de l’enseignement du rugby en milieu scolaire consiste donc à présenter des situations de référence en prise directe avec les invariants culturels de l’activité et conjuguant un haut niveau de dangerosité – source d’élévation du niveau de civilité des élèves, et des conditions de sécurité optimales. C’est au travers d’un modèle d’enseignement socio-culturel, reposant sur des techniques corporelles spécifiques que nous pensons répondre à cette problématique. L’enseignant dispose de cinq étapes d’analyse de l’APS au service de la transposition didactique (passage de l’objet culturel à l’objet d’enseignement) : analyse culturelle (histoire et évolution socio-culturelle), analyse réglementaire (règles du jeu, fonction et évolution), analyse éducative (potentiel éducatif du rugby), analyse tactico-technique et stratégique (systématique du jeu) et analyse technique (enjeux des gestes sportifs : performance, sécurité, valeurs). Les techniques corporelles sportives scolaires se différencient des techniques corporelles sportives fédérales par le niveau de civilité exigé (la nature de l’agressivité tolérée correspond à la combativité). Les techniques corporelles du rugby scolaire développent ainsi des valeurs telles que le respect, la solidarité et la responsabilité. / Physical risk is inherent to the practice of rugby and justifies the very real fear of sport and physical education teachers, a fear which is further justified by the statistics. Every fifty-nine minutes in games at a federal level there is a serious injury (for example fractures and sprains). Fifty percent of these injuries happen during the most frequent phase of a rugby game: the tackle. The challenge for teaching rugby in a school environment is therefore to create educational situations which combine the cultural elements of the activity with the high danger level, thus elevating students’ civil awareness, in the safest possible conditions. It is through a socio-cultural teaching model, based on specific physical techniques, that we will reply to this question.A sport and physical education teacher has five steps of a teaching sequence in order to transfer the content to be taught. The five steps of this transferral of content (moving away from an object of cultural significance to an object of teaching significance) include: a cultural analysis (history and socio-cultural evolution), an analysis of the rules (their function and how they have evolved over time), an educational analysis (the educational potential of rugby), a systematic analysis of the game of rugby (techniques, tactics and strategies) and a technical analysis (the importance of sportsmanship : performance, safety, values).The physical sporting techniques used within a school environment can be differentiated from the physical sporting techniques used at a federal level by the level of civility required (the level and nature of aggressiveness tolerated is relative to the level of competitiveness demonstrated). In this way the physical techniques used in school rugby allow the development of values such as respect, solidarity and responsibility.

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