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Le participe dans les grammaires des langues romanes (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Histoire comparée d'une classe grammaticale / The participle in the Romance Languages' grammars (15th-18th centuries). A compared history of a grammar category / El participio en las gramáticas de las lenguas románicas (siglos XV-XVIII). Historia comparada de una clase gramaticalDiaz Villalba, Alejandro 13 September 2017 (has links)
L’étude présente l’histoire de la classe du participe à travers un corpus de grammaires del’espagnol, du français, de l’italien et du portugais parues entre le XVe et le XVIIIe siècle.La démarche comparative s’appuie sur le principe méthodologique de la mise en série d’une centaine d’ouvrages regroupés et confrontés selon des paramètres variables : la chronologie, le thème ou la tradition grammaticale de la langue-objet.La première partie aborde la question de la catégorisation en linguistique et s’interroge sur la nature des formes non finies du verbe, tout particulièrement du participe et de son emploi dans les formes verbales analytiques. La deuxième partie traite de l’histoire du participe sous un angle général. Ainsi, après avoir donné un aperçu des aspects problématiques qui intéressent les grammairiens grecs et latins, l’analyse se centre sur le traitement de la classe dans les grammaires des langues romanes. La troisième partie s’attache à étudier les approches et les concepts dont se servent les grammairiens de la Renaissance pour traiter les temps composés ainsi que la façon dont ils décrivent et (re)catégorisent les formes participiales de ces temps verbaux. / The study investigates the history of the word-class of participle through a close study of a corpus of French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian grammars which were published between the 15th and 18th centuries. The comparative approach is based on the methodological principle of “series of texts”, by grouping and collating a hundred works according to several variable parameters: the chronology, the theme or the grammatical tradition of the language in question.The first part of the study deals with the linguistic categorization and questions the nature of the non-finite verbal forms, especially the participle and its use in an analytical verbal form. The second part deals with the history of the participle from a more general point of view. Thus, after an overview of the problematic aspects of Greek and Latin grammarians, the analysis focuses on the treatment of the word-class in the grammars of the Romance languages. The third part focuses on the approaches and concepts used by the Renaissance grammarians to deal with compound tenses and on how they described and (re)-categorized the participle forms of these verbal tenses. / El estudio presenta la historia de la clase del participio a través de un corpus de gramáticas de español, francés, italiano y portugués publicadas entre los siglos XV y XVIII. El enfoque comparativo se basa en el principio metodológico de la constitución de series textuales, que nos permite agrupar y cotejar un centenar de textos en función de parámetros variables: la cronología, el tema o la tradición gramatical de la lengua objeto.La primera parte aborda el asunto de la categorización en lingüística e indaga la naturaleza de las formas no finitas del verbo, especialmente la del participio y su utilización en las formas analíticas del verbo. La segunda parte propone una aproximacióna la historia del participio desde una perspectiva más general. Así pues, tras una cala en los aspectos problemáticos relacionados con el participio tratados por los gramáticos griegos y latinos, el análisis se centra en el tratamiento de la clase en las gramáticas de las lenguas romances. La tercera parte investiga sobre los enfoques y los conceptos que emplean los gramáticos del Renacimiento para tratar los tiempos compuestos, y sobre el modo en que describen y (re)categorizan las formas participiales de esos tiempos verbales.
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Kořeny moravské urbanistické struktury / Roots of Moravian Urban StructureMohelník, Ladislav Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis has been written on the basis of main architectural concepts and their application in real life within a historical context investigation. Main architectural concepts are represented in a harmony of architectural composition that deals with relations among form, structure and space in the unique art work. Genius loci play very important role in the architectural creation - it represents a special and extra-ordinary urban locality and its architectural value in the historical, geographical and cultural context. The origin of Ostravice village within the historical frame concept of Moravia domain is the topic of this thesis. Other historical documents gave information about Bruneswerde as the Brno Castle. That means Brno Castle had to be founded not in Brno (as it has been consid-ered for many years) but it was located in Beskydy at Ostravice. The sacred city – Civitas Dei had been located in Bruneswerde region in early ages as the centre of European culture, education and spiritual life. Civitas Dei – divine Jerusalem in the transcription of St. Augustine's book De civitate Dei – is not only glorification of God and religious fantasy. It is also one of significant clues for recognition of historical architecture. The depiction of unknown settlement from the book of unde-fined origin is a superb testimony about extinct architectural works. They are legible from cadastral maps. Brno Castle - residence of nobility and power served shelter to St. Vojtěch, St. Prokop, St. Václav and St. Ludmila as it is obvious for the mentioned picture. Three major temples, three com-position axes symbolized by three towers on coins are in analogical relation to Brno triangle of four saints - the Saint family of Brno temples. Powerful ambitions of Brno City principals and clergy are inscribed into the urban structure in the way of composition relations which are legible to them who devoted themselves to the mystery of harmony. The absence of historical continuity affects personal attitudes and also identity of the whole community. The architecture truly reflects the past state of polis and it is eloquent even after its death. The architectural composition relations influence the natural environment for long time, longer than the architectural work existence. The geometric order of Renaissance Brno existence has not been in attention of architects so far. The features were discovered in characteristic paintings by Albrecht Durer. They are evidently secret works of the genius. A meaningful collaborator and follower in the extensive project was also his friend Jan Čert from Brno and lately from Vienna. His noble genealogy played a significant role in history of Silesia and Moravia for centuries. It is tendency to consider him as Austrian or even German architect. It is because of the fact that the genealogy tree of his noble family had roots in Moravia. It is supposed that Durer with Jan Čert´s support created the extraordinarily monumental architectural and urban works in Brno. A remarkable consensus in the urban composition of two squares and transition of traditional urban structure of Ostravice Civitas Dei into the modern Brno is also confirmed due to the identification of noble creators and owners, who were at the foundation, transformation and extinction of elements of the Moravian urban structure.
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Action in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an Enactive Psycho-phenomenological and Semiotic Analysis of Thirty New Zealand Women's Experiences of Suffering and RecoveryHart, M J Alexandra January 2010 (has links)
This research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) presents the results of 60 first-person psycho-phenomenological interviews with 30 New Zealand women. The participants were recruited from the Canterbury and Wellington regions, 10 had recovered. Taking a non-dual, non-reductive embodied approach, the phenomenological data was analysed semiotically, using a graph-theoretical cluster analysis to elucidate the large number of resulting categories, and interpreted through the enactive approach to cognitive science.
The initial result of the analysis is a comprehensive exploration of the experience of CFS which develops subject-specific categories of experience and explores the relation of the illness to universal categories of experience, including self, ‘energy’, action, and being-able-to-do.
Transformations of the self surrounding being-able-to-do and not-being-able-to-do were shown to elucidate the illness process.
It is proposed that the concept ‘energy’ in the participants’ discourse is equivalent to the Mahayana Buddhist concept of ‘contact’. This characterises CFS as a breakdown of contact. Narrative content from the recovered interviewees reflects a reestablishment of contact.
The hypothesis that CFS is a disorder of action is investigated in detail.
A general model for the phenomenology and functional architecture of action is proposed. This model is a recursive loop involving felt meaning, contact, action, and perception and appears to be phenomenologically supported.
It is proposed that the CFS illness process is a dynamical decompensation of the subject’s action loop caused by a breakdown in the process of contact.
On this basis, a new interpretation of neurological findings in relation to CFS becomes possible. A neurological phenomenon that correlates with the illness and involves a brain region that has a similar structure to the action model’s recursive loop is identified in previous research results and compared with the action model and the results of this research. This correspondence may identify the brain regions involved in the illness process, which may provide an objective diagnostic test for the condition and approaches to treatment.
The implications of this model for cognitive science and CFS should be investigated through neurophenomenological research since the model stands to shed considerable light on the nature of consciousness, contact and agency.
Phenomenologically based treatments are proposed, along with suggestions for future research on CFS. The research may clarify the diagnostic criteria for CFS and guide management and treatment programmes, particularly multidimensional and interdisciplinary approaches.
Category theory is proposed as a foundation for a mathematisation of phenomenology.
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Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichten Lebenswelt / Vier Modelle: Fink, Heidegger, Litt, SchelskyLumila, Minna 02 June 2023 (has links)
Die Studie versucht, Husserls Modell einer nicht-wissenschaftlichen Lebenswelt für pädagogische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichen Welt zu öffnen. Sie diskutiert Entwicklungsprobleme der Spätmoderne unter pluralen Fragestellungen und führt Ansätze und Traditionen zusammen, die unterschiedliche Wege zur Weiterentwicklung der modernen Bildungstheorie beschritten haben. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie moderne Technik einerseits als lebensweltliche Entfremdung des Menschen problematisiert und andererseits als Produkt menschlicher Freiheit und Weltgestaltung gewürdigt werden kann. In vier Kapiteln werden die methodischen Ansätze und Antworten vorgestellt, die der Philosoph und Pädagoge Eugen Fink (1905–1975), der Philosoph Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), der Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler Theodor Litt (1880–1962) und der Soziologe Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) auf die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Technik gegeben haben. Im Durchgang durch ihre Positionen wird ein Konzert erarbeitet, dessen Originalität darin liegt, Abstimmungsprobleme von Bildung, Technik und Lebenswelt aus postdualistischer, praxistheoretischer sowie posthumanistischer Perspektive zu thematisieren. / The study attempts to open Husserl's model of a non-scientific lifeworld for pedagogical investigations of the relationship between technology and “Bildung” in the scientific world. It discusses developmental problems of late modernity under plural questions and brings together approaches and traditions that have taken different paths to the further development of modern “Bildungs”-theory. The central question is how modern technology can be problematized on the one hand as the alienation of human beings from the world of life and on the other hand be appreciated as a product of human freedom and the shaping of the world. Four chapters present the methodological approaches and answers that philosopher and educator Eugen Fink (1905–1975), philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and educationalist Theodor Litt (1880–1962), and sociologist Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) have given to the question of the relationship between education and technology. In the course of their positions, a concert will be developed whose originality lies in addressing the coordination problems of “Bildung” (education), “Technik” (technology) and “Lebenswelt” (lifeworld) from a post-dualist, praxis-theoretical as well as post-humanist perspective.
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