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鼓出森巴文化的台灣原住民音樂 / The Rhythm of Samba Drums in Taiwanese Aboriginal Music李竹旺 Unknown Date (has links)
期間有人會問為什麼會想要拍攝森巴文化與原住民音樂這個議題? 目的又為何?
對於異文化的題材向來就很有興趣,剛好又跟興趣音樂有關,所以就定下了這個題目。由於異文化在全球化的推波助瀾下,在我們日常周遭經常可見,特別像台灣這個族群多元的地方,異文化的探討就顯得非常重要,所謂「文化不是沒有用,而是因為它太有用而難以使其物盡其用」(林志忠譯,2002;Terry Eagleton,2000)。文化看似簡單,其實它的內容是多元複雜的,試問為什麼還會有那麼多的人相繼地投入文化工作,種種現象無非說明文化的問題絕非三言兩語道盡,基於上述方知文化是無止境的,文化的工作永不嫌晚,就怕不做。
身為一位紀錄片的工作者應有的反思及其深刻的體認為何? 由於透過紀錄片的拍攝,可以經由多方的對話,更深層的理解人文的重要,無非也證成了文化的多樣與獨特性,尊重是化解差異最好的良方,唯有持續的親近文化才有可能在這塊領域著力,也才能在文化的工作上略盡綿薄之力,進而使得上力。 / The Rhythm of Samba Drums in Taiwanese Aboriginal Music
Documentaries, regardless of the theme or setting, can awaken their audience’s curiosity, but more importantly, this form of observation and documentation can question and investigate established viewpoints. Within the documentary filming process, the attitude of its director directly affects the films quality. How the subject’s respect is gained, how they are made to feel at ease in front of the camera, their chemistry with the director all are factors in the film’s outcome. As a result, the documentary is not only an aesthetic creation but can be considered as a dialogue between the director and the subject.
The topic of Samba culture and Taiwanese aboriginal music was chosen to explore the theme of “foreign culture” within Taiwan’s multi-ethnic society. Due to the globalization, exposure to global cultures has created a new appreciation of the role culture in daily life, which can be best stated as “Culture is not useless. Its being far too useful causes it not to be used to its best practice”. Culture is not simplistic, but multi-faceted influencing all aspects of life. Thus, culture has no definable boundaries. This study considers foreign elements within the specific context of traditional music.
Documentaries not only observe but also depict a multi-party dialogue taking place resulting in a greater understanding of different cultural traditions. Adopting the topic of Samba culture and Taiwanese aboriginal music, this documentary aims to demonstrate positive means to create the intimate relationship needed for a documentary’s filming process.
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以模型導向技術發展的一套高質語言編輯環境生成系統 / The Design of a High Quality Editing Environment Generating System Based on Model-Driven Technologies詹亞騰, Chan, Ya Teng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來越來越多資訊應用領域,開始採用領域特定語言(Domain Specific Language)以表達並解決其領域問題。然而這些特定領域語言多數卻缺乏可大大提升生產力的高品質編輯輔助工具。其主因乃因為從頭開發一套高品質編輯輔助工具所費不貲,然這些特定領域語言普及程度卻遠不如一般通用語言,是以缺乏誘因驅使軟體商開發相關工具。為能快速開發輔助工具,現今的工具開發平台如Eclipse、IDEA,以及NetBeans等,均提供整合開發環境(IDE)的發展支援,以利開發者在平台上快速擴增新語言之編輯環境。即使如此,要發展一套IDE,開發者不僅需深入熟悉所用平台,而且仍需繁瑣與長時間之開發過程。基於此,為求更簡化IDE開發過程,本研究嘗試增強、重構先前開發之雛型系統EGOE【9】,發展出一套遵循模型驅動架構(MDA)之高品質語言編輯環境生成系統:EGOE II。經由此系統的輔助,IDE開發者僅需提供程式語言文法定義(Grammar)及IDE輔助機制客制化資訊,即能套用系統內部的模型轉換程式及程式樣板(Templates),自動生成以Eclipse為平台的高效能、高品質,且提供豐富編輯輔助的程式語言IDE。 / In recent years more and more fields of applications began to use DSLs(Domain Specific Language) to solve their problems. However, most of these languages were created without accompanying high-quality language specific editors(LSE) to help increase the productivity of the language. The reason for the lack of such tools is mostly economic consideration: because of the very high cost of developing a LSE from scratch, it is not worthwhile to invest a LSE on a less frequently used language. To avoid developing an LSE from scratch, however, most present tool platforms such as Eclipse, IDEA or NetBeans have offered required editor frameworks and APIs to help developers to be able to build LSEs on these platform more quickly and easily. Even so, however, it is still thought hard to develop a LSE by way of platform support since developers need a long and steep learning before they can get adept at a platform and, moreover, the process of developing a LSE remains long, tedious and error-prone. Accordingly, to enable even quicker development of LSEs, we proposed and have developed in this paper a high quality editing environment generating system called EGOE II, which follows the MDA approach and is the refactoring and enhancement of our previous prototype EGOE system. With EGOE II, the developer need only offer an editor-specific specification of the target language, which includes the grammar and editor-related customization informations; he can then apply to it the model translator and program templates provided by the system to automatically produce a high-quality editor on Eclipse platform for the target language.
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行動通訊產業價值鏈之分析研究以智慧型手機為例黃軍維, Huang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在行動通訊的快速發展下,手機和PDA開始經由多功能整合外,也開始內建開放式作業系統平台,通常使用的作業系統有Symbian、Windows Mobile、Linux、Palm。早期的智慧型手機發展主要是以商務人士為主要服務對象,隨著智慧型手機不斷的整合多功能於一機之下。智慧型手機逐漸從語音的服務轉移到內容服務。智慧型手機目前全球以將近40%的高成長率快速發展。
在產業與個案分析之後,本研究整理出幾個研究發現: 1.智慧型手機在未來幾年的發展會具有高毛利,高成長率的市場機會;2.智慧型手機的研發需花費相當大的資源來做應用軟體和系統平台和硬體之間的整合;3.智慧型手機研發能力門檻相對於一般手機製造廠商高;4.智慧型手機的使用者介面和應用服務將使整個產業的附加價值拉高;5.智慧型手機市場的產品定位從商務人士移轉到一般消費者市場的定位;6.智慧機行動上網加值服務提供使用者內容服務驅向多元化;7.智慧型手機製造商與電信系統業者的合作關係會成為未來主流的商業模式。
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群際接觸對登陸台灣人當地化之影響:以東莞及上海為例 / The Impacts of Intergroup Contacts on the Localization of Taiwanese Immigrants in China: The Study of Dongguan and Shanghai蔣逸青, Chiang, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
登陸台灣人在中國大陸與台灣兩地的跨界生活,形塑了兩地的生活空間及社會網絡,本研究的問題意識在於,個人層次的接觸、互動與熟識,是否有助於個人在社會互動情境中親身認識及了解他人,減少以類屬性的刻板印象去看待外團體成員,因此可以降低族群偏見、促進移民的當地化?經過2007年及2008年兩次的田野調查,在東莞及上海地區深度訪談三十位當地台灣人之後,本研究初步發現,在接觸的第一階段,當台灣人接觸愈來愈多的大陸人之後,將消除原先的偏見,形成心理「基模」,一方面,部分受訪者表示其原先持有的偏見獲得證實,亦即台灣人對大陸人的偏見消除了,但因而產生負面態度,反之,有些受訪者破除其對大陸人的偏見,進而對大陸人抱持正面態度;到了接觸的第二階段,一旦個人的心理基模形成,其乃決定繼續接觸或阻絕接觸大陸人的關鍵;最後,來到接觸的第三階段,繼續接觸大陸人的台灣人,逐漸同情理解當地文化,反之,阻絕接觸大陸人的台灣人,始終無法融入當地人的社交網絡。 / The theory of intergroup contact maintains that the key to reduce intergroup prejudice is through contacts between the groups under optimal conditions. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese through intergroup contacts? And, would the intergroup contacts help Taiwanese immigrants integrate into local community? Grounding on these two questions, this dissertation examines the impacts of intergroup contact between Taiwanese and Chinese through field study in Dongguan and Shanghai from 2007 to 2008. After interviewing thirty Taiwanese immigrants, my empirical research suggests that the contact process can be divided into three stages. First, at the earliest stage, by contacting more and more local residents, Taiwanese immigrants would reduce their prejudice and thus cultivate a sometimes positive and sometimes negative attitude toward Chinese. At the second stage, the attitude cultivated in earlier stage turns into the schema and then plays an important role in conditioning sequent contacts: those who have a positive attitude would open up and get along with local Chinese while those who have a negative attitude would refuse to get in touch with Chinese. At the third and final stage, those who open themselves up would have sympathetic understanding of local culture and adapt to local community gradually while those who refuse to contact Chinese would have difficulties integrating into local community.
Keywords: intergroup contact, localization, social identity, Taishang Study
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「空中藥房」-- 醫療消費文化之場域分析 / Pharmacies on Air: A Field Analysis of the Culture of Medicinal Consumption in Southern Taiwan陳瑞芸 Unknown Date (has links)
「空中藥房」於歷經長達近半個世紀的發展後,為何仍能在所有的廣播節目類型中佔有壓倒性的比例?針對這項疑問,本研究利用Pierre Bourdieu的「再生產」概念和場域分析方法,一方面動態地檢視「空中藥房」場域再生產歷程,即該場域從開始產生到目前,期間受到哪些條件、力量的制約與牽引,才能轉變至現今情況;另一方面,也是更重要的,希望能從分析再生產的過程揭露隱蔽的權力關係和利益。
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臺灣電視公司歷屆總統選舉新聞偏差之研究:1996-2008 / Political Bias in Taiwan Television Enterprise's Coverage of the four Presidential Elections in Taiwan: 1996-2008林裕展, Lin , Yu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是以內容分析法分析台視在報導1996 年至2008年的四屆總統大選時,選舉新聞的政黨偏差現象,並進一步剖析台視民營化前後,所有權轉變對選舉新聞政治偏差的影響。研究結果顯示,台視在民營化前的三屆(1996年、2000年、2004年)總統大選中,皆出現明顯政治偏差,且偏差方向均對執政黨較為有利。但台視民營化後,選舉新聞的政治偏差情形變得較不明顯,在2008年的總統大選中,台視的選舉新聞已遠比以往公正。為了解所有權轉變對台視選舉新聞公正性的影響,本研究以深度訪談法專訪十名台視記者,分析四屆總統選舉時的採訪歷程。受訪者皆認為,台視在民營化前,政府及執政黨明顯影響選舉新聞報導;但民營化後,政府及執政黨的影響力降低,台視選舉新聞已較為公正。 / This study examines how Taiwan Television Enterprise reported the campaign and candidates during the 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 Presidential Elections in Taiwan. A content analysis of evening news coverage of election news coverage of the television station indicated that there were significant quantity bias, source bias, and presentation bias in its coverage of the first three presidential election campaigns. However, the television station was more balance in its coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign. A depth interview of 10 reporters of the television station indicated that ownership structure has direct or indirect influence on election coverage of the station. The change of ownership of the station in 2007 has contributed to the achievement of more balanced election coverage in the 2008 presidential election.
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中共對台統一戰略—從中共國家安全戰略角度研究王正韜 Unknown Date (has links)
中共當前對台的經貿策略,無論基於全球化需求,或是中共所佔有的戰略優勢,對於台灣而言,乃勢之所趨,與其採取「抗衡」策略,不如運用擁有的籌碼,積極與之建立依存關係,進而在未來無可避免的政治談判中,爭取國家最大的利益與安全保障。 / The Taiwan issue sits at the center of China’s national security. It involves both China’s national dignity and national interests. Therefore, no matter in terms of its development projects, regional arrangements, or national security strategies, everything related to China’s national security has to do with the Taiwan issue. This is the reason why we have to address the cross-Strait situation from the angle of China’s national security concerns.
Since 1978, under the constraint of China’s economic and security conditions, its leaders have been adjusting constantly its strategy to unify Taiwan: from military liberation gradually moving towards peaceful co-optation. As a result, China can reserve more energy for its economic catch-up. But still, according to the findings of this study, once sovereignty being threatened or challenged, China will consider the use of force without any delay. And, this is exactly why China has always been reluctant to denounce the use of force against Taiwan.
For the moment, however, China prefers the unification through peaceful means and this lead to a strategy of “separation of politics and economy, with economy gong first and politics being last.” But, gradually, as Taiwan becomes more dependent on China economically and loses its advantages to China militarily, according to the findings of the research, China would gain more confidence over unifying Taiwan. Such confidence, if backed up by its physical strength, would very likely lead to a military confrontation across the Taiwan Strait.
Facing such circumstance, more challenges against China’s determination of defend its sovereignty would add to the likelihood of the above-mentioned scenario. Thus, according to the findings of the study, Taiwan’s best strategy might probably be avoiding “balancing/confrontation” for now and at the same time making be best use of our economic advantages and bargaining chips to build up the economic and social interdependence across the Strait, which shall be the most reliable guarantee of Taiwan’s national security.
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徐志摩在台灣的接受與傳播葉淑美, Yeh, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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兩岸經濟依賴程度之實證研究劉昶妤 Unknown Date (has links)
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人口老化對於所得分配之影響―以臺灣二十三個縣市為例俞哲民 Unknown Date (has links)
根據實證結果發現,人口老化與所得分配為顯著並且呈現正相關,亦即當人口老化更加嚴重時,將會導致較大的吉尼係數,造成所得不均之惡化。 其他解釋變數為顯著者分別有:平均每人可支配所得、平均每人可支配所得平方項、婦女勞動參與率以及各區域變數,且除了平均每人可支配所得平方項為負相關外,其餘皆與吉尼係數為正相關,其中所得方面之變數顯示出台灣中存在著Kuznets曲線;婦女勞動參與率的擴張則會導致所得分配更加惡化;中部、南部以及東部地區相對於北部區域來說其所得分配之狀況皆較不平均。而其他解釋變數如社會福利變數、教育變數以及工業變數所得之結果皆不顯著,顯示上述三個變數對台灣各縣市所得分配之影響在本研究中無法確定。 / This research discusses the relationship between aging population and income distribution, and examines how the aging population affects income distribution. The independent variables were acquired from the Statistical Yearbook of the Interior, The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, the Statistical Yearbook of Labor Force and the Statistical Yearbook from each twenty-three counties and cities in Taiwan to construct a data set from 1998 to 2005. Using the ordinary least squares method and choosing the gini coefficient as a dependent variable to observe the relationship between income distribution and aging population.
According to the result of the empirical study, we discover that the effect of aging population is significant and has a positive relationship with income distribution. Income inequality is worse when the aging population increases. Other significant independent variables are disposable income per person, the square of disposable income per person, female labor participation rate and the regional dummy variables. Besides the square of disposable income per person, all variables have a positive relationship with the gini coefficient. In addition, the variable of income shows that Kuznets curve appears in Taiwan. The expansion of the female labor participation will cause the income distribution to change into inequality. Also the north region has the worst income distribution in Taiwan. The results of the social welfare variable, the education variable and the industry variable are insignificant so that in this article we can not observe how the three variables effect the income distribution in Taiwan.
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