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迎戰投資環境改變其存活之道--以東莞台商企業創新營運模式為例賴元培 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管多數受訪企業都受到外在投資環境改變的影響,但本研究也顯示,成功的企業早在投資環境開始大幅改變之前,就以前瞻的思維做好創新的準備,並採取「提高價值(Value up)」的路線,而非一味的講求「降低成本(Cost down)」。因此開始在產品上更加強化研發實力,在內部管理上更加強調人員培訓,在市場開發上則更加注重中國內需市場,以發展自有品牌或代理國際代工客戶的品牌,走出外銷不振的衝擊。
最後,本研究也建議,企業在發展創新策略時應該注意保持對自身核心競爭力與外在市場的敏銳了解,才能成功創新,讓企業永續經營。 / The objective of the thesis is to discuss the innovation strategies that Taiwanese enterprises take to overcome the dramatic changes of Chinese investment environment. The study mainly focus on Taiwanese enterprises in the DungKuan City, the area that most Taiwanese enterprises locate in and has been through the most dramatic investment environment changes in recent years. Also, the study aims to discuss what kind of problems these Taiwanese enterprises, who are known for being flexible, innovate, quick problem-solving encountered and how do they solve the problems by innovative ways. These results can become important reference for Taiwanese to develop further in Chinese.
The result shows that the changes of Chinese policies for foreign enterprises increase the Taiwanese enterprises’ operating costs and decrease their export tax benefits. At the same time, the soaring raw material price and global financial crisis also infect the Taiwanese enterprises’ operating costs and lose of export orders.
Although most of the Taiwanese enterprises suffered from the impact of external investment environment challenges, the study also indicates that successful enterprises have made well preparation before the environment challenges happen. Also, they mainly focus on “value up” strategies, not just to “cost down”. Therefore, they emphasize more on research and develop abilities, or human power training, or make efforts on developing Chinese market by different branding strategies.
At last, the study also provide suggestion to these Taiwanese enterprises and points out that enterprises should oversee their competitive advantages and cultivate strong market sense when they develop their innovation strategies. In this way, the Taiwanese enterprises can survive from the investment environment changes and have a better future.
1032 |
封鎖大陸沿海──中華民國政府的「關閉政策」,1949-1960 / Blockading the China coast: the "port-closure policy" of ROC government, 1949-1960林宏一, Lin, Hung I Unknown Date (has links)
1033 |
獨在異鄉為異客:中國大陸台、港商身份認同的比較研究梁廣榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在2008年針對東莞地區的台、港商進行田野調查的結果,發現「投資地的社會文化」對台港商造成不同的影響。若投資者與投資地擁有相同的語言和文化,會使得「交截分類狀態」產生作用,進而產生「歸屬感」,導致投資者逐漸認同當地的現象。因此,由於港商與廣東東莞地區的語言文化相近,使得港商對大陸的偏見逐漸降低,身分認同也開始轉變;而台商則與大陸人之間存在明顯隔閡,致使台商無法融入當地人的社交網絡,仍舊維持著「台灣人」的身分認同。 / Taiwan and Hong Kong have close kinship with China. After Chinese reform and opening in 1978, Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors have invested in China and their numbers increased due to the globalization.
The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors in China to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese and to change their identities because of their interaction with society in China?
Through the field study in Dongguan in 2008. After interviewing Taiwanese investors and Hongkongese investors in Dongguan. This thesis indicates that “the culture of invested place” would cause different effects to Taiwanese and Hongkongese investors. The same language and culture create the “cross-categorization” and the sense of belongingness toward local community. Therefore, due to the close language and culture with Hong Kong and Dongguan, the Hongkongese investors reduce their prejudice to China. The phenomenon causes the identities of Hongkongese investors begin to change. Thus, it is difficult for them to integrate into local community. For that reason, they maintain their “Taiwanese identity” still.
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數位多頻道時代下公共廣電的挑戰與轉機─以南韓為例 / The challenge and the chances of public service broadcasting in a digital multi-channel era: A case study of South Korea陳盈帆 Unknown Date (has links)
1035 |
大陸台商生活層面的當地化:以廣東及上海為例 / The Localization of Taiwanese Businesspeople in China: The Case Study of Guangdong and Shanghai張詠真, Chang, Yung-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取深度訪談的方式,以大陸台資企業負責人或高階幹部為訪談對象,對其生活適應及當地化的情況進行研究。雖然台商當地化的進展速度很快,但在其「安居落戶」方面,未來似乎仍充滿了變化,此乃今日極敏感、極富爭議的議題,值得台灣官方與學界高度關切。冀望透過本研究,使吾人對於「大陸台商生活層面當地化」問題,得到較完整、確切的廓清。 / The economy and trade between Taiwan and China has been continuously expanding since Taiwan Government allowed people on the island to visit their family relatives in China and gradually relieved some restrictions on Foreign Exchange Control Regulations in 1980s. It has been over 20 years since the first wave of Taiwan business people overwhelmingly entered China and started their own business. Demonstrated by their way of how to overcome any geographic barriers, how to successfully transfer desired business resources and how to localize and globalize their business, the acceleration speed of emerging in China for Taiwan business people these years has been so amazing. After President Ma’s taking office on May 20, 2008, never in the past six decades have relations between Taiwan and China been as good as they are today. Furthermore, with the help from affair negotiations between Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) and Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), cross-straits direct charter flight(s), direct transportation across the Taiwan Strait and the increasing number of China tourists in Taiwan, the population of Taiwan business people nowadays in China (either they are permanent residents in China or frequent flyers between Taiwan and China) has been growing drastically. Due to the cultural difference in business and life style between Taiwan and China, it has also become a great challenge for most Taiwan business people to figure out how to live, work or do business in China. In the past, the research or study for “The localization of Taiwan business people’s life in China” has been very rare in Taiwan. My research and study here will primarily focus on the localization and adaptation analysis for Taiwan business people’s life in China.
This research analysis provides a thorough overview of in-depth interviewing of Taiwan business owners or upper management executives for their localization process in China. Also, a list of further readings that provide you with more detailed information on conducting interviews is included in this paper. Despite the fast pace of the localization process of today’s Taiwan business people in China, it is believed that the ever-changing challenges of how to live and settle in China for them are still increasing. Some sensitive and controversial issues addressed in this paper will be definitely worth the close attention of government officials and academic scholars in Taiwan. Hopefully, this research paper will also provide us a complete understanding of how to help sweep away some barriers to the localization of Taiwan business people’s life in China.
1036 |
小型建商在台北市精華區預售屋市場之策略行銷分析 / Strategic marketing analysis of small builders in the pre-sale housing market of Taipei’s wealthiest districts許景翔, Hsu, Ching Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
因台灣房地產市場存在如此詭譎的內外在環境,供給與需求、作多與看空的勢力拉扯,本篇論文研究從外部環境觀察鄰近各國總體經濟與房地產景氣連動關係的歷史軌跡,進而探究近年與未來台北市房地產業景氣發展趨勢,瞭解建商面對外在經濟環境變動下所存在之機會與威脅,來發現適合小型建商生存之利基市場所在。而內部環境則以房地產預售市場之賣方與買者交易關係探討,分別從廠商供給面與消費者需求面之成本觀點進行研究,尋找小型建商本身擁有的優劣勢所因應之預售屋消費者注重的各項成本屬性,藉由4C策略行銷分析降低消費者各項購屋成本,最後提出策略建議,提升小型建商之核心競爭力。 / The real estate market in Taipei was booming during the first half of 2008, during which time the economy was good and tensions between Taiwan and China began to ease. Housing prices had been rising until they were hit by the global financial crisis in late 2008. The storm of economic downturn, resulted mainly from the chain reaction caused by the collapse of US financial institutions, had swept through the world. Taiwan was deeply affected due to its export-oriented economy. As a result, the once prosperous real estate market had slowed down because of the decrease in demand. However, in 2009, not only had the prices of lands in Taipei not fallen, the presale home prices in the wealthiest districts began to rise again, due to the government’s stimulus financial policy that heavily relied on its friendlier stance with China and the belief that there would be a flow of cash coming from China. Nevertheless, the rise of housing prices could be a gigantic bubble since the median household income has not gained and demand for new homes have not increased.
Under the unusual and unpredictable economic circumstances, this thesis focuses on the research and analysis from the viewpoints of maximizing the competitive edges, profits and surviving advantages of small builders in the current housing market in Taipei. Historic macroeconomic trends in real estate in Taiwan and nearby countries were analyzed. Supply and demand in the presale housing market in Taipei were examined, with an emphasis on not only the cost analysis between small builders and buyers, but also the advantages and disadvantages faced by both sides. 4C strategic marketing analysis was carried out to minimize the buying cost from the consumer’s viewpoint; at the same time, tactical marketing recommendations to success are provided to small builders to meet the present challenges.
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公立國中家長網絡與子女學習成效的關係:多層次分析 / A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Parental Networks and Children’s Academic School in Taiwan吳宜珊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel survey)之2001年與2003年針對同一批國中生(N=16,530)蒐集的資料,檢證James Coleman代間封閉性網絡有助於學生學習成效之理論。對於Coleman的理論,過往實證的研究發現並不一致。台灣亦有研究顯示,在升學制度的壓力下,家長間網絡不見得出現效力。本研究旨在檢證兩種不同家長網絡形式在學校與個體層次對學生學習成效的影響,研究結果發現:(1)個人層次方面,僅校外家長連帶有益於學習成效,但社會經濟地位具有間接影響力;(2)學校層次方面,則僅代間封閉性網絡具影響力,封閉性越高越有益於學生學習成效,且其影響力與社會經濟地位無關。
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中國大陸《勞動合同法》對台商企業人才招聘與任用影響之探討 / Investigations on the Effects of PRC Labor Contract Act of Mainland China to the Personnel recruitments and Employments謝旻洲, Hsieh, Ming Chou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過台商企業人才招聘與任用之實務案例,藉由文獻資料分析法,對《勞動合同法》之立法、特色、重要條款與實務案例等進行初探。了解《勞動合同法》對台商企業管理之影響,除了經營成本提高之外,其促使台商企業必須重視勞動法令規章、勞資關係和諧、經營管理風險等問題,同時致力於建立健全的規章制度,招聘與任用安全、穩定的人力,此乃有利於提升企業的競爭力,維護企業生存與發展的因應之道。冀望後續在企業人力資源管理的應用層面進行深入探討,以作為台商企業、台籍幹部、政府部門及有志於中國大陸研究者之參考。 / The mainland China implemented the Labor Act in 1995. However, its partial content cannot cope with the environmental changes due to its implementation for too many years and generated a lot of labor disputes. In order to have a stable government power and social harmony, the CPC issued to implement the PRC Labor Contract Act in 2008 (hereinafter referred as the “Labor Contract Act”) for the purport to adjust the labor relationships by this Act for the balance promotion of rights and obligations between both parties of employees and employers in order to maintain social harmony.
However, the Labor Contract Act induces the doubtful concern of inclined protection of labors since its legislation till its issued implementation. It continuously subjecting to the criticisms from all parties; especially for Taiwan enterprises, the niches of lower and cheaper labor costs and easy recruitments in the earlier phase are no longer appeared. Currently the acquirement of labor power should be signed with the labor contract for given considerations on the rising of labor conscious and protection of legal regulations and decrees, which make Taiwan enterprises to subject multiple stresses on their operations and managements and even make them need to move toward other place or transfer to other country.
Although the sudden change of investment environment, Taiwan enterprise and Taiwan people still continuously go to mainland China for their investments, factory installations, and workings. Under this premise, it needs to realize the effects of Labor Contract Act on Taiwan enterprises and the coping ways for it.
This study conducted the initial investigation on the legislation, feature, important provisions, and practical cases of the Labor Contract Act through the practical cases of personnel recruitments and employments by Taiwan enterprises via the literature data analysis method. It realized the effects of Labor Contract Act on the administrative managements of Taiwan enterprises. Besides the increases of operational costs, it pushes Taiwan enterprises to have their necessary emphasizing on those issues such as the labor provisional regulations and decrees, harmony of employees and employers, and the risks of operations and managements, etc. At the same time, they should strive on the establishments of robust provisional regulation systems, recruitments and employment safety, as well as stable human powers. These are the coping ways that will benefit the competition powers of enterprises as well as maintain the enterprise survivals and developments. We expect to conduct the in-depth subsequent investigation on the application layer of human resource managements in the enterprises in order to have a reference for the Taiwan enterprises, Taiwanese cadres, government divisions, and the researchers who have their interests on mainland China.
1039 |
臺灣戰後政經環境變遷與國土發展之硏究--台灣經驗分析(1949-2000) / A Study on Taiwan's Post-War .Political-Economical Transformation and National Land Development--Analysis of Taiwan Experience (1949-2000)梁又文 January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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探討世代群建構大稻埕作為創意街廓之平台機制 / Exploring the platform mechanism of sedai group to develop Dadaocheng into a creative city吳宛倩, Wu, Wan-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究得到的初步結論:(1)世代群透過嚴格的身份認證機制,控管平台品質,再對被補貼方釋出優渥的補貼政策,吸引其進入平台後,建立其歸屬感增加黏著度。(2)多元的創意人才與中高度的授權組織文化,讓組織與地方保持創新活力。(3)對內於地方深耕經營,並與他者相互合作,孕育共同地方認同感;對外打造國際藝術節,建立內外部認同感。 / In the 1980s, known as post-industrial society, service industry and the commercial economy started to dominate the global economy. Globalization affected the local economy which leads to a decline of traditional industries, and the issue of space reorganization was raised in the traditional cities, and responded to the new demands of the residents. Dadaocheng used to be the cultural and economic center of Taiwan, but nowadays it stuck in the same transformation issue.
In the same time, cultural and creative Industry was booming around the world, and the UK successful experience made the cultural and creative Industry become the solution to stimulating the economy in every country. Relevant policies were made in Taiwan as well, such as Integrated Community Development, Urban Regeneration Station, and Sedai Group-a private sector later appeared. Sedai Group proposed three objectives, including creativity cultivation, community development, and cultural movement to provide a solution to reshaping the image of a city from a different perspective.
Landry proposed the concept of Creative Platform from the perspective of urban planning. He argued that the Creative Platform reorganized the creative energy scattered in the city and led the city transformation. This study takes the Platform Mechanism design method proposed by Chen and Yu as the theoretical basis, and check out did Sedai Group achieved the seven elements of Creative City which proposed by Landry. This study tries to answer the following three questions with the research findings: (1) How does the Platform Mechanism of Creative Platforms promoted by Sedai Group operate? (2) What are the internal operating elements Sedai Group possess to become a Creative Platform? (3) How does the relationships of Sedai Group with other sectors urge Dadaocheng to become a creative city?
The preliminary conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Sedai Group uses the strict identity authentication mechanism to control the quality of the platform, offers the preferential subsidy policy to attract the subsidy side to join the group, and establishes the sense of belonging to increase the user’s stickiness. (2) Multiple creative talents and the medium-to-high-altitude empowered organizational culture to allow the organization and the city sustain their creativity. (3) Richly cultivate the city and cooperate with other organizations to nurture local identity domestically, and organize international festivals to establish the internal and external identity.
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