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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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沈燕柏 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球個人電腦市場競爭愈演愈烈的趨勢下,台灣個人電腦硬體產業在面對多年來所賴以生存的設計代工設計製造已面臨微利化的時代,企業必須以更積極的創新精神,提高技術障礙,研發差異化的產品,引進新技術並及時推出具競爭力的創新性產品才能脫離紅海戰場的價格戰,進而為企業創造更高的營運績效。 本論文屬探索性研究,並採用個案研究法,以選取一家台灣的個人電腦硬體設計製造公司為研究對象。本研究透過人員訪談的方式,針對個案公司的中高階主管(業務、行銷、研發副總及產品規劃經理等),就該個案公司的新產品研發與新產品創新策略作深入之訪談。並藉由文獻中探討所建構的觀念架構與理論基礎來界定本研究的探討範圍,其包括了探討新產品發展策略、組織結構、核心能力、創新概念來源、創新能力及競爭策略等各個構面與產品創新策略之間的關連性。 本個案研究的結論如下所述: 1、企業所擁有的資源越豐富時,其創新的可能性就越高。企業領導者對於創新,若能給予較豐富的資源,則直接提供了創新重要的基礎。因充裕的資源,亦會使得管理階層可以更有能力去追求創新,負擔創新所產生的成本,以及承擔創新可能所帶來的失敗。 2、企業領導人必須建構動態的組織結構。動態的組織結構相對於僵固型組織而言,對創新會較有正面的影響。因動態的組織會對組織成員產生較少的規範,以及會給予較大的授權。因此,往往會表現出較大的彈性與調適性,所以組織內的成員較易創新。 3、企業各個單位之間的互動程度高低,決定了創新的成敗。成員之間的高度互動,有助於打破創新時所需面對的障礙。企業高階管理者應積極建立跨部門之互動平台機制,供組織內成員面臨技術瓶頸時,可更容易且快速獲得集團內的資源協助,以提早將創新的產品推出到市場。 關鍵字:新產品、新產品開發流程、創新、產品創新策略、競爭策略、五力分析、SWOT

品牌智慧手機廠的委外策略 – 以H公司為例 / Branded Smartphone company outsourcing strategy for H company

王潤邑, Wang Jun-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
根據Canalys公司2014年所發布的統計資料,全球智慧型手機的年出貨量由2011年的5億支,預估到了2018年將會成長到18億支,2013 – 2018的年複合成長率高達12.9%。接下來幾年市場主要的成長力道將會來自以中低階手機為主中國、印度、中東歐及東南亞等新興國家。 在此同時,聯發科以及高通等晶片供應商,採取「公版架構(Reference Design)」的策略提供Turn-key Solution,大幅降低了智慧型手機的設計與製造難度,智慧型手機發展到今,產品及業界供應鏈生態已趨於成熟,對於供應鏈以及製造成本的掌控,成為廠商獲利與否的重要關鍵因素。 個案公司曾在2011年寫下EPS 73元的台股高獲利紀錄,但在2012年驟降為EPS 20元,並於2013年產生虧損。本研究將先以Porter(1980)提出的五力分析法針對手機產業進行分析,以瞭解智慧型手機的產業特性及智慧型手機業者近幾年獲利能力分配驟變的原因,同時分析五力如何影響智慧手機業的經營策略。 隨著產業結構的更迭演進,越來越多學者嘗試採用「互補」的角度來思考「競爭」,不再執著在搶食市場固定大小的餅,而是藉由適度的競爭與合作,把市場的餅做大。本研究將採用Brandenburger與 Nalebuff(1996)所提出的競合理論及價值網(ValueNet)理論,試著探討手機產業如何依據供應者、顧客、競爭者與互補者四種角色,同時融合競爭與合作兩個層面的思維,透過改變賽局的五個要素(又稱PARTS),亦即參賽者(players)、附加價值(added value)、規則(rules)、戰術(tactics)與範圍(scope),來探討H公司的委外策略,藉以提升H公司的獲利能力。 / According to Canalys 2014 research, global smartphone shipments will grow from 500 million units in 2014 to 1.8 billion units in 2018. The CAGR from 2013 to 2018 is 12.9%. Major growth will come from mid-entry level devices in emerging countries like China, India, Middle East and South East Asia countries. At the same time, Turn-key solution from MTK or Qualcomm has lowered the barrier to smartphone industry hugely. The key profit factor for key smartphone companies rely on good control of supply chain and BOM cost. H company has created the record of EPS NT$ 73 in 2011 but dropped to NT$20 in 2012 and started to lose money in 2013. This research will start from 5-force analysis by Porter (1980) and then adopt Coopetition and Value Net theory from Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1996) to explore a better outsourcing strategy for H company in order to lift it’s profitability.


余淑育 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 有鑑於銀行產業是國家重要的戰略產業,是整個社會資金流通及資金分配的平台,是受到高度監理的行業。卻在近十年來,受到信用卡、現金卡違約風暴及金融海嘯的影響,使得銀行產值逐年下滑,相較其他鄰近國家的銀行競爭力薄弱。然而,伴隨著兩岸經貿往來頻繁、兩岸金融市場的開放,政府政策採取積極鼓勵開放的態度,對銀行產業帶來新的契機。由於資通訊科技的廣泛應用,消費者對銀行的金融服務有了新的期待,這將會對銀行產業產生新的衝擊。種種現象的發生,造成金融環境的動盪,對銀行產業的發展是利還是弊?銀行產業該如何因應?銀行客服中心面臨銀行轉型下的策略發展方向為何? 本研究從金融政策、國內外經濟情勢、科技環境及社會環境分析總體環境的形勢。再以麥可波特的五力分析,從既有競爭者競爭程度、新加入者的威脅、替代品的威脅、供應商議價能力及客戶議價能力,對銀行產業結構進行分析,瞭解該產業結構的競爭態勢。然後,以某個案銀行為例,進行探討其面對市場變化的挑戰,所採取的因應策略。同時,探討個案銀行客服中心在個案銀行轉型過程中的發展策略。 經過本研究分析後,瞭解台灣銀行產業競爭激烈,且各家銀行的競爭動態相互影響力大、產品或服務的同質性高。現行的總體環境及產業結構下,布局海外成為區域性銀行是各家銀行的發展策略目標之一。為達到此目標,壯大在台灣市場的占有率及強化銀行本身的獲利能力是策略的主軸。銀行客服中心為因應這轉型策略,必須重新定位,以創造利潤為主要策略,並發揮服務價值、營銷價值及戰略價值,以取得服務差異化的競爭優勢。

面對數位匯流之無線電視台競爭與行銷策略研究-以個案電視台為例 / The Analyzing of Competitive Strategy and Marketing Strategy of Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies in Digital Convergence Age - A Case Study

張志祥, Chang, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
無線電視自1930年代開播以來,不斷影響著人類的生活方式及生活作息,且成為每一個家庭必備的娛樂及資訊來源,漸漸的成為生活中的必需品。台灣自從1962年教育實驗電台開播以後,無線電視一直在媒體產業占有重要地位。但電波稀有價值的觀點,造成台灣無線電視產業發展過程中的政治介入與差別管制,導致媒體開放與數位匯流促使各種媒體百花齊放的同時,無線電視卻在逐漸退色。 在數位匯流的時代下,電視媒體、網際網路與電信三大領域在網路頻寬提升及影音壓縮技術發展成熟下,使得通路及服務可以跨界服務,現今最為明顯的例子是網路及電信的業者都可以提供電視收看服務。在面對無可避免的數位發展趨勢,各媒體組織的管理與經營自然受到影響與衝擊,無線電視媒體如何因應與整合此一匯流趨勢,乃是產官學界各方均相當關注的議題。 因此無線電視台必須透過五力競爭分析了解整體產業中,最佳產業市場地位及可發展的競爭策略,以鞏固長期經營的競爭優勢,以及相對應戰略;透過價值鏈分析可了解整體產業中,促成優勢的鏈結點,該環節也成為業界最想控制的目標,也成為競爭活動最頻繁之處。並思考無線電視台在數位匯流的時代使用何種的競爭策略、行銷策略,除能讓數位影音內容服務多元平台播出外,需要再進一步分析無線電視台現有的核心資源及核心專長,整理歸納出數位匯流時代的無線電視台需具有的競爭優勢。 本研究以個案電視台為例,以波特的五力競爭分析、價值鏈分析,加上市場區隔、產品生命週期分析,統整歸納出數位匯流下無線電視台的競爭策略與行銷策略建議。

銀行業知識管理系統建置之研究-以某銀行為例 / Establishment of banking knowledge management- Acase study of a bank

吳憲明 Unknown Date (has links)
知識是一個非常廣泛、複雜、抽象、甚至模糊的概念,但卻是知識經濟時代最為重要的要素。透過一種持續性、有系統及適時的將知識給予所需要的成員,以幫助成員採取正確的行動,增進組織績效的流程,稱為知識管理(Knowledge Management)。 知識管理是將知識資本視為可管理資產的管理科學,能協助企業、組織或個人,透過資訊科技,將知識經由創造、分類、儲存、分享、更新,並為企業或個人產生實質價值的流程與策略,主要重點管理內容為文件管理、核心專長管理及知識社群管理。 公司的願景及經營策略方針,是企業經營管理的指導原則執行各項營運活動,本研究之文獻探討,從知識管理策略開始,而進行策略管理、競爭優勢、一般策略、五力分析、價值鏈、SWOT分析、產品生命週期、波士頓矩陣、資源基礎觀點、策略定位、及策略的選擇等一系列的探究;並對個案公司透過知識管理的成功轉型之探討,有系統的描繪。 對一個組織龐大的銀行,其單位(部門)為數眾多,惟對大多數單位(部門)任務功能差異不大,建立文化、作業、及技術之共同的標準有其必要。如何將內隱知識轉移至外顯知識,再利於提升組織之競爭力,是為企業共同追求的目標。 企業透過知識管理的有效過程,建立起組織內部的新知識文化,經由經營策略的規範,選定最適知識策略模式結合IT策略,使企業能夠透過知識管理進行流程再造,與組織的解構與重構而讓企業循序轉型。 本研究進行之個案分析,由理論的推導發展組織任務:過程或文件導向任務,及焦點任務,並連接四個知識轉化過程,即內化、外化、共同化、與結合,建立預期合適的知識管理過程模式,引入知識管理上的種種問題試圖提出對策;再利用S-C-P產業結構分析金融產業之結構--行為--與績效;其次運用五力分析及SWOT分析產業之優劣勢及個案之機會與威脅,及其成功導入KM系統之現況與績效,帶動個案公司逐漸成功轉型消費金融領域。


李文裕 Unknown Date (has links)
紡織業曾經是雄踞創匯第一名幾十年的金牛外銷產業,隨著經濟發展,傳統紡織業在原料及人工成本漸失優勢的情況下,逐漸失去光環,近十幾年來坐實了一般人所講"夕陽產業"的稱號。但近幾年來,在產業界持續的努力研發創新下,成功帶領產業轉型, 並在世界發光發熱。本研究主要探討紡織業在台灣的歷史演繹和轉型發展現況,並接著討論整體產業導入資訊化數位化(互聯網,大數據)及智慧纖維的未來發展趨勢。在介紹完傳統紡織產業的分類後的介紹,我們使用SWOT分析法分析產業的優劣強弱。此外,為了因應現代生活悠閒風及運動風時尚需求,我們也探討轉型創新如何成為機能性產品的市場利基,並透過麥可.波特的五力分析架構來說明競爭優勢。 本研究在個案公司的探討中,分析個案公司如何利用本身的資源優勢結合國內尖端研究機構與優秀而有效率的生產系統與製造環境,組成世界級上中下游一貫產品供應鏈。十年磨一劍,堅持往規劃的策略方向前進。也在國際競爭市場中找到策略合作夥伴與國際品牌,並且利用雙方各自擁有的優勢資源,規劃發展出有利於雙方合作,且能攜手拓展國際市場的資源策略、競爭策略。另外也分析本公司生產系統如何經由因應調整策略與架構重組,以滿足市場需求及客戶需要。 本研究主要採用市場發展歷史演進分析法,配合經濟環境變遷與創新轉型策略,透過分析個案公司及其策略,且由市場相關人員的訪談中蒐集相關資訊,搭配產業相關資料的彙整與文獻專刊報告和動態新聞報導,最後加以整合分析其個案公司之競爭策略,並同步探討其策略合作的過程和外部環境變化間的互動,以至於雙方企業的合作,如何因應進行調整以迎合市場變化。 藉由本研究之相關分析、探討,期望能提供台灣紡織產業廠商,一個資源整合拓展國際市場之策略思維及經營規劃方針之參考,將產業危機化為轉機的有效選項,並善用周遭國家社會研究機構研發實力及自身累積的優勢資源,以面對外部環境的競爭和新興產業國家廠商的威脅,進而再創台灣傳統紡織產業的新藍海


徐景星 Unknown Date (has links)
資本運作可最適化生產資源的配置,從而改善企業的經營效率。高效率企業透過併購低效率企業,能夠更好地利用後者的資源,從而創造附加價值。 綜觀資源運作的百年史,橫看國內外之一幕幕資源運作的故事,本研究發現,併購的效果並不如人們想像的那樣美好。麥肯錫顧問公司在1997年上半年公佈的一份研究報告顯示:在此之前的一百年中,透過弱肉強食的方式來併購企業之後,80%的大公司皆未能回收投資成本。透過併購而快速擴張的企業,後來因資金供應與管理停滯而發生危機的為數不少。 由於併構本身並不能立即為公司帶來具體的效益,往往併購之後的整合才是創造併購價值的開始。有關企業策略規劃、組織結構調整、企業文化融合、管理制度、營運作業或高階主管的領導風格,對於併購後之績效目標是否得以實現,被併購公司是否得以順利經營,不同被併購後之相關措施而流失人才與客戶,皆是併購後整合策略不可忽視的重要議題。 本研究採個案研究方法,對相關文獻探討之整合策略,研究發現如下: 1. 併購策略,企業策略與併購實務三者之間皆互相交互影響。 2. 現行業務會影響併購實務,而併購實務會使業務定型,從而限制業務創新,所以以現行業務導向引導併購實務存在著相當程度的風險性。 3. 透過產業競爭之五力分析,確認併構策略的核心目的為透過併購加強規模經濟,差量化產品或服務,以提高顧客之轉換成本,或限制到主要市場的通路,從而提高競爭障礙。 4. 本研究對個案公司執行實務的建議如下: (1) 不僅以現有業務為限要建立併購後願景。(2) 重視併購後的整合。(3) 採用標準化作業流程。(4) 實施顧客關係管理(CRM)。(5) 開發新產品與新策略。(6) 作業流程再造(Operation Process Reengineering,OPR)。(7) 訂製策略性資訊系統(Strategic Information System,SIS)。 5. 企業執行策略併購需要關注以下幾點:首先,要有長遠的策略性規劃,聚焦於企業核心競爭優勢而確定未來的發展方向和發展目標,透過策略併購強化企業的核心競爭能力。其次,正確選擇策略併購的時機和目標,審慎分析收購方與目標企業的行業特徵與個性特徵,仔細論証目標企業對收購方核心能力提升的綜效功能。最後,重視併購之後的資源整合。策略併購能否形成新的競爭優勢,增強企業的核心競爭力,最終取決於企業是否具有強大的資源整合能力,能否有效發揮併購獲得的各種資源的功能。併購的失敗往往就是由於併購之後資源整合的失敗。 6. 資訊不對稱風險是併購與資本運作當中的最重要的風險之一。 在本研究之中個案公司所做之盡職調查,或稱為審慎調查(due diligence),它是降低併購過程中的資訊不對稱風險的最主要方法,理所當然地應成為併購操作的重要一環。所謂審慎調查,就是從資產、負債、財務、經營、策略和法律角度,對目標企業進行一系列深入的調查和核查,了解目標企業真實的經營業績和財務狀況以及目標企業所面臨的機會和潛在的風險,以對目標企業作出客觀評估,幫助主併方作出正確的收購決策。 / This paper adopts the method of case study, and study the related document to focus on the formulation of the integration strategies, the research discovers the following items: 1. The mergers and acquisition strategy, the entrepreneur strategy and the M & A practice is feedbacked interactively. 2. The present business operation will fix the type of the business operation to constraint the innovation of the business operation, therefore using the present operation oriented strategy to lead the way of the M & A practice exist some kinds of danger situation. 3. The research analyze with the five force analysis of the competitive advantage to confirm the main purpose of the M & A strategy is to strengthen the scale economy, differentiate products or the service through the M & A process, and to enhance the transformational cost of the customer, or restrict the channel of the main market to enhance the competitive barrier. 4. The suggestion of the research to the execute practice of the case study company are as follows: (1) Accept the new business operation. (2) Adopt the appropriate software package. (3) Adopt the standard operation procedure. (4) Implement the customer’s relationship management (CRM). (5) Develop the new produce and the new strategies. (6) Operation process reengineering (OPR). (7) Customized the strategic information system(SIS). 5. The execution of M & A must focus on the following points: first, the continous strategic planning must focus on the core competency. the second , choose the entry timing and the target of the strategic M & A correctly to enhance the function of synergy.the third, focused on the resource intergration after the M & A to acquire the integrative function of various resource. 6. The risk of the information asymmetry is the most crucial risk of the M & A and the capital operations.「The Due diligence」of the case study company in this research is the major method to reduce the risk of the information asymmetry in the M & A process.the due diligence investigation focus on various perspective of finance,management,strategy and the law,and doing a series of in depth investigation and checking to understand the right M & A chance and the potential risk of the target enterprise ,then in the final to build up the objective evaluation to the target enterprise.

中國融資租賃業之研究 / The Study of China's Financial Leasing Industry

林其泰, Lin, Chi-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
non / Statistics in the 2008 World Leasing Yearbook showed that China’s leasing volume was only US$5.35 billion for the year 2006, lagging far behind that of other high-GDP countries. However, leasing in China did experience extraordinary high growth rates over the past few years and seems to have ample room for growth in the future. As we know, each industry has its own set of critical success factors (CSFs) and a match between these factors and a firm’s strengths may ensure the firm’s successful performance. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to explore CSFs for leasing in China and explain the major influences behind these factors. This research is analyzed based on the PEST analysis framework and Porter’s five forces model. The CSFs identified in this study can provide guidelines to develop leasing in China as well as for those planning to enter China’s leasing market. Based on the findings, the business environment for leasing in China, though better than it has ever been, still leaves much to be desired. For leasing to further develop, the following CSFs must be handled with care: Public awareness and understanding; An enabling legal framework; Credit risk management capabilities; Diversified funding sources; Qualified and well-trained staff; A vibrant second-hand equipment market, and Information technology infrastructure and know-how. The identified CSFs also lead to several strong policy recommendations. Among these are the following: Embarking on campaigns promoting leasing; Passing the Financial Leasing Law as soon as possible; Removing tax disincentives to leasing; Establishing a national credit information center; Providing funding support and credit guarantee schemes in favor of SME leasing; and Strengthening information technology infrastructure. Without improvement of these critical elements, the outlook for China’s leasing sector may not be so promising after all.


鄭嘉詩, Cheng, Chia Shih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究雖非旨在探討如何解決台灣電影產業困境,但不難看出研究最終的結論其實是解決台灣電影產業困境的方法之ㄧ。由於兩岸電影產業多年來缺乏交流,而原因除了中國對於電影的各項發展措施缺乏穩定性及中國電影法規與部門體制異常複雜之外,我們對中國電影之政策法制、市場偏好、產業規模及產業價值鏈知之甚少也是關鍵原因之ㄧ。 故本研究除了探討中國電影發展政策及其法規外,也以波特的五力分析模型探討兩岸電影產業的各個競爭面向,加上學者的產業研究及產業數據分析,用以回應本文欲探討的兩個問題包括: 1.中國在電影產業上之發展策略對台灣的機會與挑戰為何? 2.針對中國發展策略對台灣的機會與挑戰,台灣電影產業應採取哪些應變措施? 由本研究結果可看出,由於中國電影發展政策的影響,使得中國電影產業的替代品威脅遠較台灣電影產業低,但若台灣能夠與中國電影產業採取跨國合作的方式,爭取製作合拍片的機會,則可化危機為轉機,使台灣電影產業能夠走出市場狹小及人才不足的問題,並排除中國與香港簽訂CEPA後所帶來的華語合拍片的威脅。 關鍵詞:中國電影發展策略、電影產業、波特五力分析 / Though the purpose of this study is not to solve the current predicament of the film industry in Taiwan, it is obvious that the result of this research is one of the solutions of current situation. The insufficient communications between the film industry in Taiwan and mainland China is because that the developing policies of film are unable and the regulations and sections regard to the films are extremely complicated in China. In addition, we are not familiar with the film making policy, market tastes, industrial scale, and industrial value chain in China as well. Therefore, except for identifying the film developing policy and related regulations in China, this study also probed into the competitive factors of the film industries cross-Strait with Michael Porter's Five Forces Model and combined with the academic industrial research and data analysis to figure out the two topics of this study: 1. What are the opportunity and challenge of Taiwan to the developing strategy of the film industry in China? 2. What kinds of response measures should the film industry in Taiwan take to encounter the opportunity and challenge caused by the developing strategy of the film industry in China? The research result suggest that due to the influence of the film developing policy in China, the threat of substitution of the film industry in China is much lower than it is in Taiwan. However, if the film industries in Taiwan and China are able to cooperate and strive for the opportunity of film shooting, the crisis may be altered to a favorable turn, which allows the film industry in Taiwan to solve the problem of tiny market and insufficient human resource, and eliminate the threat of co-shooting of Chinese movies caused by the CEPA signed by China and Hong Kong. Keywords: developing strategy of film in China, film industry, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model.

台灣汽車電子產業價值創新與競爭策略以A車電公司為例 / Innovation and competition strategy of Taiwan's automotive electronics industry : a case study of A technology corporation

吳憲忠, Wu, Hsien Chung Unknown Date (has links)
汽車產業是僅次於房地產最大產業,去年(2016)全球小型車輛(Light Duty)新車銷售量已突破九千萬輛,來到九千零四十萬輛。汽車的發明使得人與人之間的距離縮短到極致。長期以來,汽車一直只是單純的交通工具,頂多就是將冷氣和音響裝到汽車上,讓駕駛較為舒適、不致無聊。然而,隨著資訊電子技術發展一日千里,資訊電子已快速取代以傳統機械為主的汽車零配件成為汽車提升性能、效率、安全,以及娛樂功能的最重要推動力,也使汽車愈來愈高科技化。如今,汽車各類電子已經廣泛應用在汽車上,這些電子晶片不只用來偵測車體行進時的狀態與傾角、引擎轉速與溫度調節、燃料噴射、自動變速、輪胎壓力等各項基本參數,其他像是讓倒車更安全的倒車雷達、不須要鑰匙就能開車門的指紋辨識防盜系統、即使在高速公路上奔馳也能上網的行動無線寬頻網路、以及車內多媒體影音娛樂系統、GPS衛星導航等等,都是靠電子零組件才能運作。 汽車電子化被認為是汽車技術發展進程中的一次革命,汽車電子化的程度被看作是現代汽車水平的重要標誌,是用來開發新車型,改進汽車性能最重要的技術措施。汽車業者增加汽車電子設備的數量、促進汽車電子化是奪取未來汽車市場的重要的有效手段。汽車電子產品市場將在汽車產業發展的保障下穩步發展,各類汽車電子產品在汽車中的普及率將持續提高,隨著未來汽車市場的快速發展和汽車電子的價值含量迅速提高,汽車電子產業將形成巨大的經濟規模效應,且汽車電子產品占汽車的成本亦將進一步提高。汽車電子會成為全球資訊業者矚目的焦點,在於電子零配件佔汽車生產成本比例日益升高以及全球汽車電子產業的高度成長。根據工研院IEK統計,2013年全球汽車電子產品市場約1,670億美元,預估到了2019年將倍增達3,011億美元。全球汽車電子產業持續加溫,再加上法規對節能、安全的日益要求、消費者對舒適、對信息娛樂的需求、電動車、無人駕駛等的崛起將大大地刺激對汽車電子未來的成長。這些數據顯示,隨著傳統 3C電子產業的成長逐漸趨緩之際,汽車已成為對電子零組件需求增加最快的一個產業。 長年以來,政府政策以及台灣廠商主要以3C電子代工市場為定位,享受經濟規模的好處,但產業發展已進入成熟期。高科技產業在高競爭壓力及低毛利的挑戰下,普遍壓縮了獲利的成長空間,電子代工業者紛紛陷入削價競爭的紅海,再加上中國政府對當地電子企業的支持,在資金、資源甚至法令上對當地企業有無比的助益,形成優勢,使得台灣電子產業在內外環境夾擊下更難擴展。汽車電子在台灣琢磨不多,乃是由於汽車電子經濟規模小,對技術、品質要求較一般電子高出甚多且進入門檻高,需要很冗長的開發與投資,是昔日造成台灣企業不願進入的主因。因此,台灣汽車電子產業在國際間是較為陌生的,大部份的技術都被國際大廠或原車廠所掌握。近年來台灣企業以及政府已慢慢了解到全球車輛電子化所帶來的商機,並可為台灣的電子產業於全球汽車電子產業上占有一席之地。車輛電子產業則為台灣3C 產業(Computer, Communication, Consumer Electronics)帶來了創造高利潤空間之曙光,成為另一令人矚目之第4C 產業(Car)。但是因車輛產業有其特殊的供應鏈生態,以及高安全可靠度要求,因此要如何跨足車輛電子,是台灣科技產業中最熱門的話題之一。 本論文著重在車輛電子零組件、模組產品並以台灣上櫃廠商A公司為例,如何進如嚴苛的汽車電子市場及其進入OE(Original Equipment)之策略,避免紅色供應鏈創造藍海市場及價值。A公司成立於1998年,從事車用電子二極體製造,全球市占率超過51%,第二、三、四名依次為德國BOSCH,日本日立(Hitachi), 日本Sanken電氣。此四家已佔全球新車市場95%以上用量,形成寡占市場生態體系。在A公司未進入此市場前,車用二極體之霸主為德國BOSCH。然而,A公司創立不過十餘年,對汽車產業來說只是初生之苗,如何在短短十年內於嚴苛的車電市場中取得領先地位以贏擊國際大廠,其競爭優勢、戰略戰術策略、經營方向是本論文研究重點之一。再者,A公司近年著手於研發節能環保之新世代電子產品,以期更有效能的電子產品被開發出來。在未來新汽車電子市場中,A公司如何能再創新優勢,其是否能延續既有的競爭策略或有不同戰略作法與國際大廠一較天下,確實值得深入討論。藉由A公司經驗,以國際汽車環境、法規要求、技術、安全性、未來產品發展趨勢、環保節能等各個面向所採取的宏觀策略來提供或建議台灣廠商現有或新進入者如何能切入此汽車電子的利基市場,提出未來台灣汽車電子零組件產業發展方向、影響關鍵零組件主要因素之變化、產業可能面臨問題與解決對策等,以及其所要面對的問題與挑戰提供建議與策略,藉以提供政府相關單位或民間企業在做未來長期計劃政策訂定或商業決策時的參考,並期望能促進台灣廠商在汽車電子產業形成強而有力的供應鏈生態網。 / The automotive industry is becoming the second largest industry in the world. The new car sales of global small vehicles have exceeded 90 million, arriving to 90.4 million in year 2016. The invention of the automobile shortens the distance between people. The automobile has always been just a simple transport for a long time, and it just installs the air-conditioner and audio to the car to make driving more comfortable, not be boring. However, with the rapid development of electronics technology, it has been not only replaced the traditional mechanical-based auto parts but also become the most important driving force to enhance automobiles’ performance, efficiency, safety, and entertainment functions that is making more and more high-tech of automobile. Nowadays, all kinds of electronic vehicles have been widely used in the car, these electronic chips are not only used to detect the moving vehicle of its state and tilt, engine speed and temperature regulation, fuel injection, automatic transmission, tire pressure and other basic parameters. The other vehicle systems like reversing radar, fingerprint identification system, the Internet mobile wireless network on the highway, multimedia entertainment system, GPS satellite Navigation and so on are all relying on electronic components to operate it. Automotive electronics is considered a revolution in the development of automotive technology, it is seen as an important indicator of modern vehicle level, using to develop new models, improve the performance of the most important vehicle technical measures. It is an important and effective measure to increase the number of automotive electronic equipment, promote the automotive electronics by automobile manufacturers in order to seize the automobile market in the future. The prevalence of all types of automotive electronics products will continue to increase based on the rapid development in the future of auto market and increase of automotive electronics’ value. Automotive electronics will become the focus in the global information industry due to the increasing proportion of electronic components in automobile production costs, and high growth of the global automotive electronics industry. The auto electronics parts is estimated to account for $ 3,705 in 2015,and increases more than 65% in the total cost of production of an automobile. As for the overall market value is even more astonishing. The global automotive electronics market in 2013 is about 1,670 billion US dollars, and it is estimated to 301.1 billion US dollars according to IEK statistics. The automotive electronics will greatly growth in the future because of the continuing development of the global automotive electronics industry, regulation for energy efficiency and safety, consumer demand for comfort and entertainment, electric cars and unmanned driving, etc. These data show that the automobile electronic components has become the fastest growing industry. For many years, government policy and Taiwanese manufacturers is mainly to focus on 3C electronic foundry market, enjoying the benefits of economies scale, but this industry development has already entered a mature period. The electronic foundry industry has plunged into low-price Red Ocean competition because of the high pressure competition and low-margin challenges in high-tech industry, and with China government's support for local electronics companies. All of these factors make Taiwan electronics industry hard to expand it. Taiwan enterprises are unwilling to enter the field of automotive electronics due to the small size of the automotive electronics economy, technology and quality requirements are much higher than general electronic. In addition, it needs a long time to develop and invest because of high threshold entrance. Therefore, Taiwan's automotive electronics industry is relatively unfamiliar in the international market because most of the technologies are possessed by international automakers or the original equipment. In recent years, Taiwan enterprises and the government have gradually understood the global automotive electronics will bring some business opportunities, and it would hold a portion of global automotive electronics for Taiwan's electronics industry. The automotive electronics industry not only creates another road for Taiwan’s 3C industry but also becomes the 4C industry (Car). However, the automobile industry has its special supply chain ecology as well as high security and reliability requirements, so how to cross the automotive electronics is one of the most popular topics in Taiwan's technology industry. The emphasis of this research paper is on the automotive electronics components and modules, using A Technology Corporation, an OTC company as an example, explaining how to enter into the strict automotive electronics market and the strategies to enter the OE automotives, in order to prevent Red Oceans in supply chain and create values in Blue Oceans. A Technology Corporation was established in November, 1998. Its main product automotive diode stands more than 51% global market share, followed by Germany’s Bosch, Japan’s Hitachi, and Japan’s Sanken. These top 4 suppliers monopolize above 95% of all diodes globally in this oligopoly market. Germany’s Bosch had stood above 50% market share before A Technology Corporation entered the market. With merely 10 years in the auto industry, A Technology Corporation could still be considered as an infant. Another key of this research paper is to explain how A Technology Corporation obtained the leading position, winning over international well known manufacturers, achieving competitive advantage through effective strategy, methodology, tactics, and operations. Furthermore, over recent years A Technology Corporation has been focusing especially more on the development of advanced electronics applications for the new generation in environmental protection and new energy technology for better efficiency. In the future of the new automotive electronics market, how A Technology Corporation can re-invent and re-innovate to create new advantages through current competitive strategy or different strategic approach to compete with other international manufacturers, is a topic worthy of discussion. With A Technology Corporation’s experience in automotive regulatory requirements, technology, security, product trends, environmental protection and energy conservation, A Technology Corporation can help offer recommendations to other Taiwan manufacturers or new entrant on how to enter this niche market. A Technology Corporation can also provide advice and strategic directions on future development of the automotive electronics to government agencies and private enterprises, including the impact of change on key components and the challenges this industry faces and potential solutions, for long-term policy planning or decision-making, in turn, promoting Taiwan manufacturers in the automotive electronics industry to form a strong supply chain and network.

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