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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

美中軍事關係-- 從卡特政府至布希政府 / The United States and China's Military Relations: Carter to Bush Administration

孫紹正, Sun, Shao-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
美中軍事關係之起伏隨著兩國國家利益、領導人特質、國際情勢等而定。 / The United States-China’s military relationship has undergone uneven developments since 1979. The main theme of this thesis is that the bilateral military relations have been experienced periods of better cooperation, and ones of suspicion and confrontation. The research questions of this thesis are as follows: What are the potential risks and benefits of mil-to-mil relations to the U.S. and China security? What are the obstacles of the two militaries interaction? What is the U.S. and China, respectively, debating over regarding military relations? This thesis focuses primarily upon the relationship of two militaries relevant to interests of their countries, changing international politics and leaders’ perspectives by reviewing crucial historical events. The author attempts to explore the evolution of the U.S.-China military relations, which are influenced by the changing of the international environment, domestic issues, national interests, and the prospective of leaders after the Post Cold War. Also this paper will try to explore the intention of why these potential opponents cooperate. This thesis intends to dig out the mentalities of the leaders on both sides in establishing their military relations. The author would also adopt the Morgenthau’s rational approach (interests in reaching value-maximizing choices), Allison’ bureaucratic politics approach (decision-making of the President with his inner circle of advisors), and Gilpin’s international system (states tend to expand interests as their power grows) to examine the military relations. The framework is illustrated as follows: Chapter one gives the background stories of the bilateral relations, the purpose and methodology of this writings. Chapter two elaborates U.S. interests in China, and U.S. Policies concerning China. Chapter three further explores China interests in U.S., and China policies concerning the U.S. Chapter four describes the U.S.-China military relations since the Carter Administrations. Chapter five explores the U.S. and China views of their military relations. Chapter six lists constraints of U.S.-China military relations, and concludes with findings and conclusion.


李如璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要討論網路上無償資訊給予。在網路上有以提供資訊營生的人,也有不少無償提供資訊者,他們不一定是名人,也不一定是某領域的專家,單獨一人時絲毫不特別,但將他們提供的資訊合在一起時,卻有「三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛良」的力量,而我們使用這些資訊不需付錢,給予者也不要求他人付費,因此研究者希望能瞭解無償資訊提供者的動機及相應行為。 本研究從社會交換、市場行家、禮物文化等觀點切入,並佐以其他相關文獻,整理出給予者特質、給予動機、報償、給予行為與結果、及結予情境等五大面向,主要討論給予者可能具備什麼特質;提供資訊的動機為何;提供者給予資訊後能得到什麼報償;無償給予會有什麼結果,以及無償給予可能有什麼行為;而給予情境,即網路,尤其是電子佈告欄的特性可能為無償給予帶來什麼變化。 因為關注無償資訊給予者的想法,以及他們對無償資訊給予行為的解釋,選擇參與觀察法與深度訪談為研究方法,並以台灣大學批踢踢實業坊為研究田野,最後成功訪問九男十一女共二十位受訪者。 研究結果發現,受訪者的媒體使用度及領域熟悉度都很高;有五大類給予動機,包括回饋、提供消息、分享、交流、以及從自己出發的動機,其中呈現男性注意自己需求而女性關注與他人關係的差別;報償不單只是有幾種報償(量化的)的意義,還有方向性以及好惡之別的意義;受訪者不在乎有無平等給予,也不在乎他人是否必須回饋,和網友建立交情但不深入,但相當重視資訊交流;網路虛擬真實影響受訪者對報償的想法、網路空間所營造出來的社群感會影響給予資訊者的去留。

國輪國造 戰後台灣造船業的發展

林本原 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主旨探討造船技術知識在產業的滲透性,造船業發展的角色及其與政府、航運的互動關係。除前言與結論外,共分為三章。第二章為戰後台灣造船經營,重點在於探討戰後接收台灣造船業恢復舊有能力、協調貸款,協助修造船舶,航業危機影響經營方式,以及內部經營管理的弊病所在以及探討內部管理一系列改革方案,台船在戰後進行重建,籌措資金及人事、物料與財務管理,運用數據進行管理,改變以往忽視細節,憑藉本身經驗完成工作,造成管理未上軌道情形。 第三章為造船計劃的萌芽、中挫與調整,詮釋造船計劃政策形成過程、中挫與結果。經濟官僚又是如何藉由外資引進造船技術,以及經濟官僚如何訂定政策有效轉移造船技術與管理觀念,且造船業如何受到政治影響、工業環境以及國際航運景氣變化這些條件的制約。 第四章為重新尋找技術合作的夥伴,造船業發展基礎為船型設計、機材自製,需要高度技術能力,管理階層向外尋找技術資訊,伴隨建廠過程對於外來技術資訊的搜羅與吸收,調整若干制度機制,透過現場實作經驗將技術知識內化生根,解決船廠實際作業問題,進而估算作業成本,建構台日經濟交流的立體歷史圖像。

日本對東南亞國家公眾外交之比較:以日本對泰國與越南的文化交流為例 / Japan's Public Diplomacy to Southeast Asia: The Comparisons between Japanese-Thai and Japanese-Vietnamese Cultural Exchange

梁瑩騏, Liang, Ying Chi Unknown Date (has links)
公眾外交在國際社會上逐漸受到重視,特別是在美國911恐怖攻擊事件之後。公眾外交的作用在於還原幾經扭曲的事情本質,為國家建立良好形象,也可以說是透過與他國國民溝通與交流,促進雙方在文化上與價值觀上的理解,進而達到外交上的預設目標,獲取更大的國家利益。 過去對於日本與東南亞地區的研究多以雙邊的傳統外交、經貿關係,或是政府開發援助為主,對於日本對東南亞國家所推行的公眾外交內容顯少著墨。因此,本研究從文化交流的角度切入,以日本公眾外交的主要機關「國際交流基金」為主體,泰國與越南為兩大研究個案,解構日本的文化藝術交流與日本研究及知識交流在兩國推廣的難易度與施行方針的異同。 日本文化有其封閉性,在海外推廣實屬不易。本研究發現不論在文化藝術交流或是日本研究推行上,泰國因為與日本建交時間早,長年維持穩定的往來,且在未受他國文化洗禮之下,泰國人民對於日本文化採取開放接受的態度,使得日本文化交流在泰國的推廣較順利。相對於此,日本與越南建交時間晚,國際交流基金在越南的文化交流中心也是東南亞地區當中最慢成立的據點,雙方交流時間較短,加上越南已先受到韓國文化的影響,日本文化交流推廣上遇有瓶頸,相對不易。國際交流基金推廣文化交流有其既定的順序,故施行方針並無產生因國而異的現象。

兩岸電視新聞媒體互動歷程個案研究(1998-2008) / Case study: the Interaction of TV news media between Mainland China and Taiwan (1998-2008)

林大法 Unknown Date (has links)
台海兩岸自1949年隔海分治後,到1987年台灣開放民眾到中國大陸探親恢復接觸。台灣雖然也在1987年開放媒體到大陸採訪,但是兩岸電視新聞媒體的交流、合作受到當時的時空環境影響,非常有限。 1997年底,台灣的TVBS(無線衛星電視台)獲得大陸國務院台灣事務辦公室的批准,成為第一家在大陸北京設立駐點記者(不掛牌的記者站)的台灣電視媒體。之後,台灣其他電視媒體也陸續向大陸提出申請派記者駐點採訪,並先後獲得批准;而申請前往駐點的大陸城市也從北京,陸續增加上海、福州、成都、廈門等。 本文主要研究始於1998年起TVBS在大陸派記者駐點採訪後至2008年之間,和大陸電視媒體(從中央到地方)的互動(包括交流、合作及買賣等)歷程,與這十年間兩岸政經情勢變化的關係影響兩岸電視新聞互動的變化。研究藉此歸結出影響兩岸電視新聞媒體互動的因素,並探討台灣電視新聞媒體進入大陸市場的可能性。 研究發現,大陸電視產業近年來雖不斷引進民間(市場)力量參與運作(例如電視廣告、電視劇拍攝等),但是新聞類仍屬於不得市場化的範疇。這主要是因為大陸所界定的媒介理論認為媒體是黨的喉舌與宣傳工具,必須為黨所用,不得為其他私人力量所掌控。但是由於兩岸特有的政治情勢變化,兩岸的電視新聞媒體多年來已逐漸經由人員交流、新聞事件的合作採訪到相互付費傳送新聞畫面建立互動關係。本文也發現兩岸電視新聞的互動,已從原來主要目的是形成(政治)效應為重,逐漸轉變成為產生(經濟)效益為主的變化。 關鍵詞:兩岸電視新聞、交流互動、關係、信任、人脈、社會資本 / Since the two sides of Taiwan Straits split amid civil war in 1949, Taiwan and Mainland China resumed contact only when the Taiwan government lifted restrictions and allowed its people to visit their relatives on the mainland in 1987. Although Taiwan allowed its media to cover news events on the mainland in the same year, the exchange and cooperation of TV news media between the two sides were very limited due to the historical circumstances at that time. At the end of 1997, Taiwan’s TVBS (Television Broadcasts Limited Satellite) obtained permission from the Taiwan Affairs Office of China’s State Council and became the first Taiwanese TV station to set up a correspondent office (a correspondent office for news covering without company registration) in Beijing. Afterwards, many other Taiwanese TV media applied for the same permission and were eventually approved as well. Beginning with Beijing, the locations for the correspondent offices were expanded later to Shanghai, Fuzhou, Chengdu and Xiamen. The purpose of this thesis was to study the interactions (including exchanges, cooperation as well as the sales and procurement deals) between TVBS and TV organizations on the Mainland (both central and local) from 1998 –when TVBS started setting up correspondent offices on the mainland – until 2008. The study would also look into how the evolving political and economic ties between Taiwan and the Mainland had influenced the interactions of TV news on cross-straits relationship over the same time frame. Based on the findings, the study would identify the factors that had affected the interactions between TV news media from both sides and explore the possibility of Taiwan’s TV news media entering the Chinese mainland market. The study found that although the Mainland TV industry had continuously introduced elements of the market economy into its operations (such as TV commercials and TV drama productions, for example), the news media were still excluded from the model of market economy. This was because the Chinese mainland doctrine had defined the news media as a mouthpiece and a tool of propaganda of the Communist Party. Hence, the news media must serve the interest of the Party and cannot be controlled by private forces. But because of the unique changing political situation across the Taiwan Straits, the TV news media from both sides had established interactive relations gradually over the past years through personnel exchanges, cooperation in news coverage and sending news footages with charged fees. This thesis also found that the interactions of TV news on cross-strait relations had moved gradually from its initial objective of making political influences to mainly generating economic benefits. Key Phrases: TV news on cross-strait relationship, exchanges and interactions, connections, trust, contacts, and social capital.


神永, 希 24 September 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15651号 / 工博第3309号 / 新制||工||1500(附属図書館) / 28188 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 小林 潔司, 教授 岡田 憲夫, 教授 川﨑 雅史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

兩岸新聞交流之模式與挑戰:以東森電視公司為例 / Modes of and challenges to the cross-strait news exchanges: A Case study of the eastern broadcasting company

祝仲康, Zhu, Zhong Kang Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸新聞交流密切且頻繁,但是總因政治之故而蒙上陰影並益顯複雜,因此不失為一研究之好題材。學界與坊間不乏與此有關之文獻,惜乎大抵以報紙間之交流為主,至於電視台之交流則僅聊備一格。為補遺珠之憾兼鼓勵來者,本作者嚐試一探究竟,並尋求改善交流之道與化解挑戰之方。 本研究係以東森電視公司之新聞部為研究單位。方法則為深度訪談,資料蒐集與分析以及文獻回顧。 文分五章,計為:緒論,文獻回顧,交流模式,交流挑戰,結論與建議。 東森與大陸之間的新聞交流密切、多樣且規律。惟其品質與內容深受政治影響,尤以大陸之影響為最。 展望未來,台灣媒體需“寄希望於大陸當局”,則兩岸新聞交流之正常化庶幾有望。 / Though close and frequent, the cross-strait news exchanges are shrouded and made complicated by politics, which makes it a good topic for scholars to research. Articles and papers related to it are many. However, exchanges in newspaper sector are what people are interested in, those in TV sector are largely ignored. To make the picture more complete and encourage potential researchers, this writer tries to explore the modes of and challenges to the cross-strait news exchanges in TV outlets, and to find ways to better the exchanges and ease those challenges. Methodology for conducting this research comprises 3 measures: the in-depth interview, data analysis and literature review. This thesis consists of five chapters: introduction, literature review, modes of news exchanges, challenges to news exchanges and conclusion. News exchanges between EBC and the mainland are close, diverse and regular. However, the quality and contents of the exchanges are heavily influenced by political consideration coming largely from the mainland side. Looking into the future, Taiwan media should “rest hopes upon CPC” to normalize the cross-strait news exchanges.

兩岸交流管理與突圍之研究:以臺灣二線城市花蓮赴陸外交經驗為例2011-2015 / A Study on Cross-strait Exchanges Management and Its Breakthrough: from 2011 to 2015

王春雅, Wang, Chun Ya Unknown Date (has links)
對於兩岸交流日益頻繁,本文提出一命題假設,認為「兩岸城市交流管理,臺灣政府尚未建立有效府際關係(intergovernmental relations)管理模式」。 本文透過以臺灣東部二線城市花蓮為研究對象,設定2011 至 2015 年為研究範圍,並以國際關係理論中的庶民現實主義觀點及新多邊主義及為研究途徑,佐以文獻探討、歷史資料蒐集、內容分析和個案深度訪談等方法, 以了解(1)臺灣中央政府赴陸城市外交管理模式與地方六都赴陸城市外交理念? (2)花蓮地方政府、特色產業與民間組織如何運用兩岸城市外交,達成增加「柔性實力」(soft power)與大都會競爭?(3)其特殊突圍模式?期望此研究提供考察臺灣政府如何進行管理,以達成有效適時性、突破性的府際關係決策參考,洞察臺灣城市兩岸外交發展和局限性。 本研究發現,臺灣政府針對兩岸城市外交實質上並無建構完善整合管理及分權機制,使兩岸交流中央業務單位間各自為政,地方政府參與大陸事務迫於自立,彼此的互信度不高,溝通不良是府際運作關係的主要特徵,因此地方政府時常擁有自己桌面下的議程,成為爭鬥式各自為政型地方政府(coming apart and contentious local government)。 本文總結認為,唯有建構一個有效、突破性全臺城市外交兩岸交流藍圖,才有可能解決此一弊病,以「兩岸和平交流,城市分權治理」為主、「城市柔性實力,兩岸跨域發展」為輔,除了城市官方外交居於中心位置,民間公共外交更是最穩固的基礎,因此,才可望能讓臺灣的城市外交打頭陣,讓臺灣走出國際社會。 / In cross-strait exchanges, the central government plays the dominant role, while the role of local governments still misfunctioned. This paper examines the unique breakthrough of Taiwan local government on cross-strait city exchanges and the lack management of Taiwan central government on the issue. It arises the following question: For Hualian, a resourcelss second-tier city and located in remote eastern-part of Taiwan, its local government has brought considerable economic benefits through cross-strait exchanges; while it might also demage Taiwan national security and long-term development of cross-strait exchanges. What is the cause of this contradiction? The intergovernmental contradiction between central and local government is for reason that the central government in Taiwan is reluctant to the management on cross-strait exchanges between cities. This paper found that the conservative management of cross-strait city exchanges is featured that the lack of central coordination mechanism, local initatives and the intermediary support for local NGOs. As for Haulien, located in remote area with inufficiant subsidies from the central government, the strengtheness of Haulien ccompetitiveness serves as the priority for its urgent need on reconstruction and economic regeneration,. That is to say, Hualian seeks economic benefits in the cross-strait exchanges is synonymous with the trend of enterprising city governance in the era of globalization. In other words, it also features that in the context of cross-strait relationship, Hualian is forced to participate in independently due to the lack of intergovernmental mutual trust and poor communication and leads to Hualien local different agenda under the table, being a coming contentious government. This paper concludes that the management on cross-strait city exchanges may be difficult to completely dominant by the central or the locals alone, the whole conepts also relies on share responsibility except for centralization and decentralization. This concepts of new management may initates the local government to actively expand its interests, but not braggering the role of local government on the both side. While the central government should open the channel for the locals, especially the dispute of Six-cities in Taiwan has caused great challenges for domestic city governance in order to avoid intergovernmental tension on the topic of cross-strait city exchanges. In conclusion, it is suggested that local government can effectively play a mediating role between the central government and local non-governmental organizations on both sides of political or grass roots level exchanges for the sustainable development of cross-strait city exchanges.


侯守潔, Hou, Shou-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
第一章,緒論。說明研究動機、目的與方法以及研究步驟。 第二章,西突厥與中國、波斯及東羅馬之交往情形。分三節:一、西突厥地理位置之 重要性;二、西突厥與中國;三、西突厥與波斯、東羅馬。 第三章,中國文明之西傳及其貢獻。分五節:一、商貨之交易;二、科學之交流;三 、生物之移殖;四、藝術之影響;五、娛樂游戲之流傳。 第四章,西方文明傳入中國及其貢獻。分五節:一、科學之交漢;二、生物之移殖; 三、宗教之傳神;四、藝術之影響;五、娛樂游戲之流傳。 第五章,結論。總述中西文化交流之盛況,說明西突厥在歷史發展過程中地位之重要 及其偉大貢獻。


馮嘉惠 Unknown Date (has links)
美國對中國的定位到底是敵?是友?或亦敵亦友?中美的外交關係面臨擺盪起伏,而兩國的軍事交流更是讓人霧裡看花。因軍事交流身於外交及國防的交集處,因此為探討兩國軍事交流,必先釐清華府全球戰略意向及對北京的外交政策,方能了解兩國軍事交流的目的並進而預測其未來走向。 華滋(Kenneth Waltz)體系論提到,強權的興衰可決定國際政治運作的方式,國際結構組成,並進而影響國家的行為。冷戰時期,美國及蘇聯實力相當,國際社會一分為二,依照兩強所領導的價值觀而運作。在當時,美國戰略以發展軍事實力,保障本國及盟邦安全,避免兩極失去平衡為目標。除發展自身實力外,並以合縱連橫的方式,尋求他國的合作共同對抗蘇聯。 七0年代,蘇聯迅速擴張其勢力,美國擔心兩極就此失去平衡,恰於此時中蘇關係彽朝,美國利用此機會進行中美關係正常化。蘇聯持續擴張帶來的威脅,促使美國開啟對華軍事轉移,希望利用中國優勢地緣位置,以增加其國防實力的方式,牽制蘇聯的發展。從八0年代開啟的中美軍事交流目的很單純,一切以共同對抗蘇聯為目的。 一九八九年東歐變天,繼而蘇聯解體,國際政治成為美國獨霸的世界。華府將其全球戰略由對抗蘇聯,過渡為維持單極優勢領導。美國軍事國防存在的目的也由維持兩極平衡,轉變為維持經濟於區域存在的後盾。布希政府時期以「世界新秩序」為新全球戰略,強調透過美國領導,國際合作的方式達成美國治下的和平。亞太戰略方面,以扇形理論維持在區域內存在,避免單一國家控制區域內綜合資源,同時藉由與扇沿國家的互動,打造一個符合自身利益存在的安全環境。因中國自七0年代開始只是美國策略性聯盟的夥伴,在蘇聯這個共同敵人消失後,美國遲遲無法決定對這個世界第二大的共產國家該採取什麼態度,尤其是兩國軍事交流。老布希政府時期發生的天安門事件,恰好替美國暫停對華軍事交流找到一個藉口。自一九八九年六月,美方中止了八0年代開始大量的軍售、裝備合作及高層互訪。 美國自冷戰結束後發展的單極優勢領導全球戰略觀一直延續至今。在柯林頓時期名為「交往與擴大」,透過安全性合作、選擇性介入及預防外交等方式,建構起美國領導的國際社會。在亞太政策上,沿用布希政府策略,更名為「新太平洋共同體」,以政治、經濟及軍事三管齊下方式,防止美國影響力無法進入區域,降低區域強權如俄羅斯、中國對美國的挑戰。在對華政策方面,美國本身即充滿矛盾,一方面是冷戰後失去敵人的沒方向感作祟,亟需尋求一替代的假想敵,一方面又需要中國在區域及全球安全議題共同合作,在兩者拉力下出現柯林頓政府時期對華「全面交往」及「建設性戰略伙伴」政策。 無論是「全面交往」或「建設性戰略伙伴」,都是美國希望透過「異中求同、求同存異」,爭取中國在區域、全球議題的支持,如北韓問題及武器不擴散議題。更深化的目的在於透過將中國拉入國際社會,運用融入、同化的方式,以影響甚至改造北京當局。兩國的軍事交流可視為美國對中國軍事現代化的疑慮、對武器擴散的關心以及對區域安全關注的綜合產物。一九九三年中美「全面性交往」提供兩國重新開啟軍事交流的基礎。然因失去實質的目的,如共同對抗敵人,僅存策略目的,如上述對中國軍事現代化疑慮…等,使得雙方軍事關係在面臨李登輝訪美、中國駐南斯拉夫大使館遭到轟炸兩次外交瓶頸後慘遭挫敗。 小布希上任第一年,美國便面臨了九一一恐怖攻擊,為了共同反恐的需要,美國放棄強硬單邊的全球戰略觀,將國土安全提升至戰略第一位,並爭取全球打擊恐怖主義的支持。在亞太政策上,除區域盟國外,亦相當注重與大國,如俄羅斯、中國及印度的交往互動。美中關係此時也從二00一年四月中美軍機擦撞陰霾中解凍,美國放棄稱呼中國為「戰略競爭者」,改稱「建設性的合作關係」。 中美「建設性合作關係」亦是種「異中求同,求同存異」的手段。兩國關係是否真的好轉,由當時一連串政府對華評估報告書中,證明美國對中國仍懷有強大的戒心。當時美國對中國的友善,不過是反映了專心反恐的需要,希望中國在各議題與之合作,尤其是維持區域的安定。軍事交流就是最好的印證,雖然九一一事件後兩國軍事交流大增,但細就其項目多為消極的嚇阻、預防衝突發生,就深度上與前兩任政府時期幾乎無異。 觀察一九八九至二00四年,中美軍事交流廣度展開,但深度並未增加。究其原因可歸為因兩國互相帶有高度戒心,而軍事交流不過是求取降低衝突發生的產物。在華府及北京仍相互定位不明、彼此疑慮的情況下,預料未來兩國軍事交流仍難有重大的突破。

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