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休閒心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康之關係探討郭肇元 Unknown Date (has links)
幸福、快樂的人生,自古以來是人類所努力追求的目標,心流經驗(flow experience)以內在動機為基礎,闡述了透過心流經驗的正向感受,提升個體自我成長與生活品質的途徑。本研究主要目的以心流理論為架構,來探討休閒中之心流經驗、休閒體驗與身心健康間的關係,並進一步瞭解不同休閒活動種類間的差異。
最後根據研究分析所得結果,本研究討論其意義,並對後續研究、上班族群與相關實務工作者,提出研究方向及建議。 / This study revised the flow state scale(Jackson & Marsh, 1996) and the description of the quality of experience(Csikszentmihalyi & LeFevre, 1989) as the scale of flow experience in leisure and leisure experience questionnaire, respectively, to understand the relationship of flow experience, leisure experience and mental-physical health in 541 adult workers from different organizations in Taiwan. Results showed that significant positive associations between flow experience and leisure experience, flow experience and mental-physical health, also, leisure experience and mental-physical health. The patterns of flow experience in leisure are found something different on leisure experience and mental- physical health. The congruence/good pattern is significantly better than congruence/poor pattern on leisure experience and mental-physical health; and the congruence/good pattern is also significantly better than over- estimate pattern on leisure experience. Nevertheless, the congruence/good pattern is significantly worse than over-estimate and congruence/poor patterns on harmful coping behaviors subscale.
In addition, results also presented that those who are categorized into the congruence/good flow pattern tend to choose active leisure(eg., outdoor activities, physical activities, hobbies, and mental activities); reversely, those who are categorized into the congruence/poor pattern tend to choose passive leisure(eg., television-viewing and shopping). Moreover, those choosing active leisure are better than those choosing passive leisure on flow experience and leisure experience.
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基隆市休閒農業地方性遊憩資源整合之研究-以瑪陵友蚋休閒農業園區為例王麗香 Unknown Date (has links)
綜上,可知農政單位積極輔導園區農民設置合法休閒農業區、推動同、異業產業間之結盟、還有地方特色養生風味餐飲的創意與研發、合法民宿的申請及安排深度人文與生態套裝旅遊行程等,都是該園區轉型經營休閒農業必備的生存要素。 / Leisure Farming in Taiwan was flourishing in recent years. Agriculture has been changed from the traditional producing and processing industry to the service oriented one which providing leisure for the consumers. But the relationships between Leisure Farming and tourism resources are not only co-promoted but also co-restrained. The co-promoted parts are that they are both service industries however the co-restrained parts are the overlapped of their similar tourist source and local resources. The purpose of this thesis is to integrate all the resources of Leisure Farming and tourism, and make them become complementary. To keep the Leisure Faring in Keelung could be run and developed continually.
This study is to explore feelings and attitudes of the tourists who had ever visited the leisure agricultural park of Maling and Youruei. According to the related literatures, Resource Dependence Theory and Resource-Based Theory, we divided the local agricultural system into internal and external resources. And then take a quantized value of uniqueness, attraction and importance as the evaluated pointer to evaluate the internal resources. As to the external parts, it makes a discussion on the connections between recreation resources and ecological environment. Find out the integration of local recreation resources with rich characteristics through analyzing the effects of internal and external resources as the directions to Keelung’s leisure farming development in the future.
This result of this study shows that the green bamboo shoots and yams are the most unique, attractive, important resources in all of the internal resource. The most impressing living resources are the activities of DIY and picking fruits and fresh foods and the attitudes of the owners. Fresh air and atmosphere, beautiful sights are easy to collocate nearby tourist attractions. External resources include public and private organization resources, the relationship of nearby attractions, ecological relationship and common participation of surrounding industrial resources. Through a series of these local characteristics, we can generate a mutually beneficial ecological relationship for long-term development of Keelung’s leisure farming.
Summarizing this study, agriculture-related departments are actively counseling farmers to set up the legitimate recreational agricultural area, promoting inter-industry alliance, researching and creating the local characteristics of the health food, legitimate applications of pension, arranging deep humanities and ecological package tours. The above are all survival elements for operating leisure farming.
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受阻礙的電子休閒時光:中年家庭主婦平板使用 / Constrained electronic leisure: the analysis of middle-aged housewives as tablet users許家齊, Hsu, Chia Chi Unknown Date (has links)
2010年蘋果推出iPad後,台灣也跟著掀起平板熱潮,並快速普及到中高年齡層使用者。平板現在已經是中年家庭主婦重要的家戶休閒之一。本研究結合休閒領域和性別傳播科技領域探討中年家庭主婦的休閒,分析形成婦女「休閒阻礙」(Leisure constraint)的原因,並觀察平板融入主婦的生活後主婦休閒體驗的變化、平板使用複製過去女性用資通科技進行休閒的特性與限制。
平板為主婦過去透過其他科技物中介的休閒帶來新的意義。然而雖然平板使主婦擺脫不擅電子遊戲的刻板印象、也因平板而掌有觀影權,鬆動過去丈夫主導的家庭觀影秩序,本研究發現母職腳本形成主婦的平板休閒阻礙分別顯現在平板擁有權、使用平板瀏覽資訊、平板的社群通訊軟體使用上。中年家庭主婦休閒受到「妻職」影響,即便主婦用平板休閒受到丈夫中斷,她們也將其視為理所當然,因為經過與丈夫多年的相處磨合,中年婦女大多都能接受與容忍配偶的行為。 / After Apple introduced the iPad in 2010, the tablet quickly earned many middle–aged users' attention in Taiwan. Nowadays, the tablet has become one of the most important household leisure devices for middle-aged housewives. This study adopts diary study and in-depth interviews to explore how the tablet has been integrated into middle–aged housewives' lives. Additionally, it examines what kinds of leisure constraints housewives confront when they use a tablet.
This study explores the leisure of Taiwanese middle-aged housewives. The result shows that Taiwanese middle-aged housewives have varied definitions of leisure which include relaxed mental state, outdoor activities and social activities. Those definitions reflect on housewives' feeling about tablet use. What’s more, a number of leisure researchers have indicated fragmented leisure time and multitasking characterize women's leisure. Taiwanese middle-aged housewives' leisure shows similar characteristics. However, Taiwanese middle-aged housewives feel a sense of entitlement with regards to leisure since they no longer have the responsibility of care-taking as their younger peers still carry. Besides, middle-aged housewives have developed strategies to resist and transform leisure constraints imposed on them along the way.
The timing of tablet use of middle-aged housewives is closely related to their lifestyle. The finding suggests that the mobility of a tablet is limited. Tablets are heavy and lack network access, which is why housewives reserve their use for domestic leisure. Housewives who are alone at home usually use a tablet to play games or watch dramas. They also watch TV and use the tablet at the same time. Using this “double screen” model, housewives can broaden their leisure experience. During family hours in the evening, housewives bring their tablets to the living room so that they not only show their emotional support to be there with their family but also enjoy their personal tablet at the same time.
The nature of leisure and the related images which housewives obtained in the past by using other technology have undergone great transformations. For example, instead of non-gamers or incapable gamers, housewives have proven themselves to be the ones who also enjoy game play. Moreover, the tablet has become housewives' “second screen” with which they can watch any program they like instead of being forced to watch the programs chosen by their husbands. However, the findings suggest the scripted motherhood affects housewives' tablet use, and it reflects on their tablet’s ownership, their use of social media and the web-browsing. The scripted wife- hood also affects housewives' leisure. For instance, their husbands often interrupt their tablet use, but housewives see interruptions as the way things have always been.
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台灣休閒農場事業模式創新之研究賴玫延 Unknown Date (has links)
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遊客對休閒農場住宿設施與服務的認知及滿意度之研究-以宜蘭縣庄腳所在休閒農場為例陳平軒 Unknown Date (has links)
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休閒產業高階主管職能導向之教育訓練研究-以C公司為例黃漢祥 Unknown Date (has links)
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經濟發展中社經結構變遷與休閒活動方式關係之探討 / Social Development,Power and the Formation of Sport Culture- The Social,Historical,Cultural Analysis of Taiwanese Baseball江貞昱, Jane, yui chieng Unknown Date (has links)
在的社會事實 。由於整個社經結構的改變,使得我們整個的生活型態與
價值觀也 過去傳統大不相同。而本研究的主要目的就是想探究臺灣在經
濟發 期間,社會結構的轉變是否創造出有利人們休閒的條件,並進而使o
閒活動。因此,在本膍s中,主要的研究目的乃是:]1) 從社經結構因素
與休閒活動的因素為何;]2) 檢證社經結構變項對休閒有利條件與休閒
活動的影響力;]3) 對臺灣的休閒現象作一描述性的敘述。
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健身休閒產業經營策略之個案研究唐雅君, Tang,Candy Unknown Date (has links)
經過本研究分析後發現健身休閒產業的關鍵成功因素為: 產品研發、服務多元、策略行銷、據點選擇、人才培養與客戶資訊管理等。本研究建議個案公司採產品擴張策略與集中式多角化作為競爭策略,以發揮個案公司的核心能力,並能繼續累積未來的競爭武器。
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影響臺灣地區居民生活滿意度因素之研究 / A Study of Affective Factors of Satisfaction for Citizens in Taiwan王立衍, Wang, Li-yen January 1900 (has links)
生活滿意度常視為生活品質的指標,是一種心理上主觀對自我生活的評價,也是知覺與期望是否一致。如何在個人、家庭、社會環境中得到主觀情緒的滿足,一直是大家追求的目標,也是現代社會最為重視的領域(蔡明怡,2008),本研究主要探討影響臺灣地區居民生活滿意度之因素,研究目的為:1.探討台灣地區居民的生理健康、經濟狀況、休閒活動參與之情況。2.探討性別、婚姻、年齡、教育程度、平均月收入、健康狀況對生活滿意度之差異。3.生理健康、經濟狀況、休閒活動參與與生活滿意度之間的關聯性。4.分析影響臺灣地區居民生活滿意度因素。研究資料為「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫:第五期第三次(休閒組)調查」,樣本數為2147份。研究方法採敘述性統計、差異分析、相關分析、迴歸分析。研究結果顯示性別、婚姻、年齡、教育程度、平均月收入對生活滿意度無顯著差異,但健康狀況對生活滿意度具顯著差異;相關分析方面教育程度愈高、經濟狀況愈好、健康狀況愈好、參與靜態動態活動愈高,生活滿意度愈高;迴歸分析結果顯示影響生活滿意度的因素有年齡、健康狀況、參與靜態活動,其中又以健康狀況最具影響力。 / Life satisfaction often regarded as an indicator of quality of life is a mentally subjective evaluation of one’s life. Being emotionally subjective satisfied in the individual, family and social environments is not only a goal that people pursue, but also a prominent aspect in the modern society (Cai Mingyi, 2008). This study aims to explore the factors that influence Taiwanese residents’ lives satisfaction, and the objectives are as follows: 1 To investigate the conditions of Taiwanese residents’ physical health, financial status and their participation in leisure activities; 2 To investigate the differences among the factors--gender, marriage, age, educational attainment, monthly income, health condition that influence life satisfaction; 3 To investigate the relevance of the factors to life satisfaction; 4 To analyze the factors that affect life satisfaction. The research is based on the data, National Science Council initiated Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), whose sample size is 2147. The research methods involve descriptive statistics, variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results have shown that sex, marital status, age, educational attainment or monthly income makes no significant differences to life satisfaction. In contrast, one’s health condition plays an important role in life satisfaction. Moreover, according to correlation analysis, the higher the educational attainment, the better financial status and health condition, the more participation in sedentary as well as dynamic activities, the better the life satisfaction. At last, according to regression analysis, factors that affect life satisfaction are age, health condition, participation in sedentary activities, among which the health condition is the most influential. / 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖目 v
表目 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究問題 3
第五節 研究範圍與對象 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 生活滿意度之定義 5
第二節 影響生活滿意度之因素 6
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究架構 13
第二節 研究對象 13
第三節 問卷設計與變項衡量 14
第四節 資料分析 15
第四章 資料分析 17
第一節 敘述性統計百分比 17
第二節 差異分析 27
第三節 相關分析 30
第四節 迴歸分析 32
第五章 結論與建議 35
第一節 研究發現 35
第二節 管理意涵 36
第三節 研究建議 37
參考文獻 41
附錄 47
圖1-1 研究流程圖…………………………………………………………………4
圖3-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………………………13
表2-1-1 生活滿意度定義 5
表2-2-1 影響生活滿意度因素-生理健康 6
表2-2-2 影響生活滿意度因素-休閒活動 8
表2-2-3 影響生活滿意度因素-經濟狀況 9
表2-2-4 影響生活滿意度因素-性別 10
表2-2-5 影響生活滿意度因素-年齡 11
表2-2-6 影響生活滿意度因素-教育程度 12
表4-1-1 人口變項分析的性別 17
表4-1-2 人口變項分析的年齡 17
表4-1-3 人口變項分析的教育程度 18
表4-1-4 人口變項分析的婚姻狀況 18
表4-1-5 經濟狀況分析 19
表4-1-6健康狀況分析 19
表4-1-7看電視,dvd,錄影帶 20
表4-1-8 到電影院看電影 20
表4-1-9 逛街購物 21
表4-1-10 看書 21
表4-1-11 參加藝文活動 22
表4-1-12 跟親戚聚會家族聚會 22
表4-1-13 跟朋友聚會 23
表4-1-14 玩牌或下棋 23
表4-1-15 聽音樂 24
表4-1-16 從事體能活動 24
表4-1-17 到現場看體育比賽 25
表4-1-18 做手工藝 25
表4-1-19 使用電腦或上網 26
表4-1-20 生活滿意度 27
表4-2-1 性別對生活滿意度之差異 27
表4-2-2 婚姻對生活滿意度之差異 27
表4-2-3 年齡對生活滿意度之差異 28
表4-2-4 教育程度對生活滿意度之差異 28
表4-2-5 平均月收入對生活滿意度之差異 29
表4-2-6 健康狀況對生活滿意度之差異 29
表4-2-7 Scheffe事後比較 29
表4-3-1 相關分析 32
表4-4-1基本人口背景變項、健康狀況、參與靜態活動、參與動活動對生活滿意度之影響模式 33
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台灣休閒咖啡館商業計畫書 / Business Plan of Leisure Coffee Shop李思逸, Lee, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
台灣休閒咖啡館商業計畫書 / In Taiwan, have a cup of coffee have become part of the life of people who lives in the city. We cannot only buy the coffee in coffee shop like Starbucks, Barista, or Mr. Brown but also in convenient stores like 7-11 and Family Mart. These places provide different kinds and levels of coffee. This causes a fierce competition in coffee shop market. But this also indicates that the needs of coffee keep growing. Although lots of places provide coffee, only few of them provide quality coffee in a special and tasteful space. Most coffee shops are for people to sit down and talk and consumers don’t care if the coffee is good or not as long as it’s cheap. Actually from a cup of coffee, there are lots of things to talk about. From the history of drinking coffee, places that coffee bean grows, and people who live in those places. It will be fantastic if people know this information when having coffee. Form a cup of coffee, we know how to care about the world, and we don’t have to learn these things in a classroom but in a warm, elegant coffee shop.
Le Moulin de la Galette will be a shop that not only provides good coffee, but also knowledge of coffee and the way to develop the culture of coffee. It will also be a place that the customer will gain a series of delightful experiences instead of just some products that you can have anywhere.
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