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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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《蘇聯遺失的小孩》多媒體時代記錄 / A Story of 90’s USSR Kids in Multimedia Forms

麗娜, Markova Irina Unknown Date (has links)
80年代出生於蘇聯,筆者與童年伙伴們見證了國家極大變遷的時代,也成為了該年代的小孩。新俄羅斯的90年代讓我們親自體驗家鄉從「世界上最厲害」變成「最破爛的地方」180度的轉變。可我們從未想過,長大後會被社會學家輕易地稱之為遺失的世代。 蘇聯解體後的俄羅斯經歷了經濟大幅下滑和接踵而來的兩次金融危機,1993年和1996年兩次大規模的私有化運動,在加上俄羅斯社會秩序也因此差點崩潰,這些事件對俄國人民造成極大的衝擊,導致了社會發展停滯甚至倒退。當時我們的父母經歷了很恐怖的十年,可是我們自己也沒有想到,這一切對我們的世代造成了多大的隱形傷害。國家解體後,家裡沒有錢的小朋友跟其父母一同失去了被尊重的權利。而殘酷的90年代吞掉了很多的家長,也帶走了很多的夢想。普通人不是被逼辭職,就是幾個月沒領薪水,或是選擇離開家,到很遍遠的地方以健康換來薪水。當俄羅斯人民認識了市場經濟時,由蘇聯長輩帶大的我們都還沉浸於蘇聯生活態度、道德與世界觀。我們從小那麼用心準備邁入的那個世界徹底貶值了,突然間變得好陌生,並不像蘇聯兒童書與電影講的那樣。長大後,新社會的密碼我們無法揭開。雖然無法接受政府樹立的新時代理念,90年代的小孩,還堅信著做對社會有貢獻的工作才有意義,就算「做好事有好報」這個道理在現代社會眼裡已徹底失效。 作品內容平均分為文字、繪圖與相片三種文本;敘述風格以較單獨文字片段來解決故事經過的陳述。而且由於本作品是創作者整理過的回憶的緣故,內容大都是屬於情感層面,所以故事情境充分表達通過數位技術較容易達成的目標。相較傳統文字作品,數位技術有提供給創作者更多表達方式與傳達管道。所以筆者決定將《蘇聯遺失的小孩》本作品將以兩個形式呈現:印刷版與電子版(iBookAuthor2)。雖然都基於同樣的懷舊氛圍,傳統圖文書與電子書將成為兩個獨立的作品。

俄羅斯外人直接投資與貧窮改善之研究 / The relations of foreign direct investment and poverty in Russia

徐牧群 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討外人直接投資對於俄羅斯貧窮問題之影響。透過質性研究說明俄羅斯外人直接投資趨勢與貧窮分布,並輔以量化研究解釋兩者間的關係;在變數選取部分,除主要之各地區外人直接投資流量、絕對貧窮率外,本文還納入人力資本、國內投資、公部門角色、貿易開放程度與總體經濟環境等變數進行研究。樣本資料根據俄羅斯國家統計局,選擇資料完整的71個聯邦主體作為研究對象,分析期間為2000至2008年,共639個觀察值。   實證結果發現,外人直接投資與貧窮率之間,並未存在顯著的負向關係;然而,若不考慮各聯邦主體間變異存在與否,甚至得出外人直接投資將惡化貧窮情形的結果;在其餘變數的部分,發現除了政府支出的結論與預期相反、人力資本不顯著外,其餘變數均符合預期,顯示貿易越為開放、總體經濟穩定且經濟成長的地區,貧窮問題較為和緩,在國內投資部分,雖未達統計顯著標準,但結果也傾向國內投資的提升有助於降低貧窮率。此外,若將外人直接投資視為依變數,再結合原先以貧窮為依變數之實證結果,可發現貿易開放程度為唯一同時對吸引外人直接投資與降低貧窮率皆達統計顯著水準的變數,即開放貿易助於提升外人直接投資與降低貧窮水準。

論納博科夫小說的跨藝術互文性(以《喬布的歸來》與《國王,皇后,傑克》為例) / Интерарт интертекстуальность в творчестве В. Набокова (на материале «Возвращение Чорба» и «Король Дама Валет» )

張翰豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以德國威瑪共和(Weimarer Republik, 1918-1933)為時代框架,從「跨藝術互文性」(interart intertextuality)觀點出發,探討納博科夫(В. Набоков, 1899-1977)如何將繪畫、音樂與電影元素置入文本,進而發展小說中有如電影般的視聽意象。 第一章以宏觀角度探討威瑪文化的跨藝術性,從中討論1920年代「俄羅斯柏林」(русский Берлин)與納博科夫的關聯性;第二章從繪畫、舞台及電影角度看待納氏文字中的畫面建構;第三章分析首部短篇小說集《喬布的歸來》(Возвращение Чорба, 1929)的視聽表現;第四章運用電影語言剖析長篇小說《國王,皇后,傑克》(Король Дама Валет, 1928)蘊含的電影畫面意象;結論從時代環境與納博科夫的書寫風格歸結出作家的「跨藝術」詩學。

俄羅斯與中國對伊朗核問題立場之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Russian and Chinese Positions on the Iranian Nuclear Issue

謝炘如 Unknown Date (has links)
本文題為俄羅斯與中國對伊朗核問題立場之比較研究。本文藉由「外交決策」理論,以及「政治系統論」和「層次分析法」,研究從俄羅斯的外交決策模式、國內外因素,探究俄羅斯對伊朗核問題之立場,以及,從中國的外交決策模式、國內外因素,探究中國對伊朗核問題之立場。最後,再比較俄羅斯與中國的外交決策模式、國內外因素,以及兩國的政策產出-伊朗核問題之立場,進行比較分析俄中對伊朗核問題立場和政策的異同之處為本文之研究目的。 在國際處理伊朗核問題的進程中,俄羅斯、中國對於伊朗核問題的立場可謂大致相同,他們皆主張「以外交手段進行和平談判」的立場。然而,不同的是俄中在決策過程中的背後動機與各自盤算的國家利益。俄羅斯採取「平衡政策」(balancing policy),以伊朗為談判籌碼,換取美國釋出更多利多;而中國則是採取「拖延與削弱策略」(delay-and-weaken strategy),以維護在伊朗的各項利益。 / This paper is a comparative study about the positon of Russia and China on the Iranian nuclear issue. We use the approach of “foreign policy decision making”, “political system theory” and “analytic hierarchy process” to study the formation of Russian and China’s foreign policy decision making, the factors that affect the policy decision making process, the stand of Russia and China toward the Iran’s nuclear issue, and finally, we compare the defference of those two countries. On the issue of Iran’s nuclear, Russia and China take approximately the same attitude.Both of them advocate that every one should take peace negotiations instead of sanctions. The differences between Russian and China’s foreign policy decision making is that Russia trys to use the balancing policy, and takes advantage of Iran’s nuclear issue, making the U.S. to release more benefits for Russia,while China takes the delay-and-weaken strategy, making effort to protect their benefits in Iran.

能源安全治理與歐盟─俄羅斯關係 / Energy Security Governance and EU-Russia Relations

邱意晴 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要研究歐盟的能源安全問題以及歐盟與俄羅斯的能源關係,並特別探討歐盟與俄羅斯之間能源安全治理機制的內涵與影響。在能源安全上,歐盟與俄羅斯為彼此重要的能源貿易夥伴,歐盟自俄羅斯進口能源以補足其內部能源生產的不足,俄羅斯則向歐盟出口能源以賺取收益。歐盟與俄羅斯均獲利於雙邊的能源貿易關係,但基於雙方不同的進、出口國身分,歐盟與俄羅斯各自有其能源安全考量與相應之能源政策。上述差異使歐盟與俄羅斯的能源關係呈現既合作又衝突的樣貌,僅從單一面向並不足以解釋歐盟與俄羅斯之間的能源關係。 在歐盟與俄羅斯各自能源安全考量與政策的基礎上,本論文進一步討論雙邊能源安全治理機制安排,以及歐盟與俄羅斯之間的能源爭端。2000年,歐盟與俄羅斯建立「歐俄能源對話」(EU-Russia Energy Dialogue),處理雙邊的能源安全問題與促進能源事務合作。但後續2006年與2009年兩次俄羅斯與烏克蘭的天然氣爭端,以及2012年歐盟執委會展開對俄羅斯天然氣公司(Gazprom)的反壟斷調查,顯示歐盟與俄羅斯在能源運輸過境與能源市場規則等議題上時有衝突,能源安全治理機制仍有改進空間。

俄國對南奧塞梯與科索沃政策比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Russia Diplomatic Strategies: The Cases of South Ossetia and Kosovo

湯昌文, Tang, Chang Wen Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯與西方在南奧塞梯及科索沃宣布獨立問題上採取截然不同的立場,科索沃宣布獨立後,俄羅斯表示堅決反對科宣布獨立,此舉破壞國際法準則及地區穩定,國際社會不應奉行雙重標準,也不能出於政治考慮有選擇地利用國際法。 俄羅斯在協助南奧塞梯的獨立運動支持喬治亞分離主義的同時,卻強硬鎮壓其境內的車臣與印古什獨立運動,前者可以幫助俄羅斯擴大在前蘇聯境內的影響力,後者可以確保俄羅斯境內不會產生分離主義的骨牌效應,支持前者、鎮壓後者都確保俄國在歐亞政治板塊中的地緣政治優勢。 俄羅斯在對南奧塞梯及科索沃獨立態度上,可就下列面向比較討論:(1)當南宣布獨立時,俄國立即宣布承認,並認為其有權決定自己命運;當科宣布獨立時,俄則認為其獨立破壞國際法準則及地區穩定,負面影響如車臣(2)國際法方面:對南的態度是根據局勢發展做出的決定符合有關國際文件;對科則要求安理會遵守1244號決議,並認定其單方面宣布獨立無效(3)考量因素:對南則是捍衛在喬治亞戰略、政治利益、經濟與生態維護利益;對科則是俄與塞同為斯拉夫民族,科在沙皇時期為俄傳統勢力範圍,另以經濟角度來看,巴爾幹是俄對歐出口能源通道。 南奧塞梯和阿布哈玆問題反應國家主權與民族自決權的獨立。維護國家主權和領土完整是國際關係的一個普遍原則,然而現在美國歐盟與俄羅斯卻都出現雙重標準,在科索沃獨立問題上,西方國家強調民族自決權,俄羅斯則譴責美歐破壞塞爾維亞主權將帶來嚴重後果。而在俄喬衝突中,俄羅斯支持南、阿獨立。在此兩事件中,在國家主權及民族自決權雙重標準下,造成國際關係的動盪。在科索沃和南奧塞梯的問題上,美國、俄羅斯和歐盟正是依民族自決權原則為依據,先塞爾維亞後喬治亞,通過對別國的干涉而維護自己的利益。 / Russia and the West take different positions on the issue in declaration of independence on South Ossetia and Kosovo. After Kosovo's declaration of independence, Russia is firmly opposed Kosovo's declaration of independence, and this action effect destabilize regional and norms of international law. The international community should not take double standard, and use international law selective out of political considerations. Russia helped to support Georgia secessionist movement and South Ossetia's independence, but it had tough crackdown in Chechnya and Ingushetia independence movement. The former can help Russia to expand the territory of the former Soviet Union's influence, which can ensure that Russia will not produce a domino effect separatism. This will ensure that the Russian preserve geopolitical advantage in the Eurasian areas. Russia's attitude towards the independence of South Ossetia and Kosovo, we can compare in the following aspects: (1) When the South Ossetia declared independence, Russia announced to recognize immediately, while Kosovo declared independence this action effect destabilize regional and norms of international law such as Chechnya (2) in the international law: Russia made a decision according with the situation toward South Ossetia; and Russia required to comply with UN Security Council resolution 1244, and concluded its unilateral declaration of independence is invalid (3) consideration factors: to protect the political, economic and ecological interests of the South Ossetia, while in Kosovo, with the economic perspective, the Balkan is a Russian exports to the EU energy channels. South Ossetia and Abkhazia issues react the national sovereignty and national self-determination of independence. Maintaining national sovereignty and territorial integrity is a general principle of international relations, however, the EU, Russia, and the United States had double standards on the issue of Kosovo's independence. In Western countries they stressed national self-determination, but Russia condemned the United States and Europe undermine the sovereignty of Serbia and it will bring serious consequences. Russia supported the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in this incident. With the double standard in national sovereignty and national self-determination, it will cause turbulence in international relations. On the issue of Kosovo and South Ossetia, the United States, Russia and the EU are on the base of according to the principle of national self-determination, to protect their own interests by the interference of other countries.

普丁時期俄羅斯菁英政治之研究 / A study of elite politics in Putin's Russia

林子恆, Lin, Tzu Heng Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯時期性質單一的「意識型菁英」在戈巴契夫的政經改革下開始分化成政治菁英與經濟菁英兩大類。到了葉爾欽時期,由於國家制度不彰、政府職能紊亂以及聯邦從屬關係被破壞,再加上總統本人執政後期健康情形不佳而導致大權旁落等緣故,造成各方菁英團體為了自身利益而彼此傾軋不已,也形成了以地方勢力、反對派政黨以及經濟寡頭為箭頭的「分散型菁英」。進入普丁時期,新執政者承繼了前朝唯一「正面」的遺緒 –「集權總統制」,再佐以個人的施政風格與高人氣支持,於第一任期內便大抵完成收編菁英的政治改革:於新設立的七大聯邦區派駐聯邦權力代理人 – 總統全權代表;改革聯邦委員會以削弱地方首長勢力;組建權力黨「統一俄羅斯黨」 並掌控國家杜馬。而在「共識型菁英」的氛圍下,作為普丁政權主要幹部甄補來源的「聖彼得堡幫」成員當中,又以所謂的「強力部門幹部」為大宗。其軍警情治背景與國家治理手法不僅為普丁治下的俄羅斯型塑了「軍事政體」的外觀,更讓後共俄羅斯或多或少出現了「蘇維埃化」的傾向。 / The single-natured “ideocratic elite” of the Soviet Union begins to differentiate into political and economic elite under the impact of Gorbachev’s reforms. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin’s elites jostled with each other for their interests and transformed into the “fragmented elite,” characterized by regional leaders, opposition parties and economic oligarchs. This occurred due to the malfunction of state institutions, disorder of government functions, destruction of central-peripheral relations and the regency by the President’s cronies during his illness in the second term. Later in Putin’s Russia, with the only “positive” legacy – “authoritarian presidential rule” that the new ruler inherits from his predecessor as well as his own personal ruling styles and high popularity, Putin achieves the approximate incorporation of Russian elites with the political reforms in his first term, including the delegation of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys as federal agents in the seven new federal districts, the weakening of regional elites by reforming the Federation Council, and the seizure of the State Duma with the party of power – “United Russia.” Under the atmosphere of the “consensual elite,” the “Petersburgers” – especially the so-called “siloviki” – constitute the main source of cadre recruitment in Putin’s Russia. The security-intelligence background and state governance tactics of these siloviki not only mold the façade of “militocracy” for Putin’s regime, but more or less contribute to the tendency of “sovietization” in post-communist Russia.

蘇聯解體後俄羅斯對其遠東地區中國移民政策之研究(1992-2010) / A study on post-soviet Russia’s policy on the Chinese migration in Russia’s Far East (1992-2010)

林平平, Lin, Ping Ping Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯開發其遠東地區,旨在挹注其總體經濟發展,而開發其遠東地區,則需要引進大量中國勞力;至於引進中國勞力,則是俄中戰略協作夥伴關係雙邊合作機制的一環;然而,一旦中國勞力大量湧進俄羅斯屬遠東地區,勢必對俄羅斯的國家安全造成一定程度的威脅,此一地緣政治考量,無可避免對俄羅斯引進中國勞力的政策產生制約;在此矛盾因素考量之下,對於在遠東地區引進中國勞力的政策,產生正反兩面針鋒相對的爭論;因此,俄羅斯對遠東地區中國移民政策是上述經濟發展、勞動力問題、國際戰略與地緣政治等因素,透過克里姆林政治的互動形塑而成。 上述假設命題又可以引申出下列邏輯相關子命題: (一)俄羅斯為了挹注其總體的經濟發展,需要大量外來勞力來開發其遠東地區。 (二)俄羅斯引進大量中國勞力,乃是俄中戰略協作夥伴關係雙邊合作機制的一環。 (三)俄羅斯引進大量中國勞力,勢必對俄羅斯安全構成威脅。 (四)俄羅斯遠東地區的中國移民政策,乃是克里姆林政治互動的結果。 / The purpose of this study is aimed at exploring the driving forces behind Russia’s policies on Chinese immigration in its Far East in terms of geopolitics, international strategy and the Kremlin politics. It is hypothesized in this study that with the development of Russia’s Far East region, it will help the overall economic development, and, in order to development its Far East, it is necessary for Russian government to recruit a large number of Chinese labors; as for the introduction of Chinese labors, it constitutes a link of Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. However, once Chinese labor forces enter into the Russian Far East, it would create a threat to Russian national security. Under this geo-political consideration, it inevitably constitutes constraints for Russia on the introduction of Chinese labor forces. With these kinds of contradictory considerations, therefore, the formulation of Russia’s policy on Chinese immigration in its Far East should be analyzed in terms of economic, population, international strategy and geopolitics factors through the Kremlin political interaction. The above assumption can also derive the following logically related propositions: (1) In order to inject the overall economic development, Russian government needs a large number of foreign labors to develop the Far East. (2) Importing large quantities of Chinese labors is an integrated link of Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. (3) Introducing a large number of Chinese labor forces constitutes a threat to Russian security. (4) Russia’s policy on Chinese immigration in its Far East is formulated as a result of Kremlin political interaction in terms of economic, population, international strategy and geopolitics factors.

普丁時期俄羅斯公民社會與國家關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Civil Society and the State in Putin's Russia

高莉雅, Kao, Li-Ya Unknown Date (has links)
國家社會主義制度下的蘇聯,政治和經濟集權化,國家對社會進行全面而深入的干預與管控。一直到了蘇聯末期,戈巴契夫推動「重建」與「公開性」等重要的改革政策之後,公民社會才開始萌芽。一九九一年蘇聯正式解體後,共產黨的威權統治被民主制度取代,因此,俄國的公民社會、民主制度和市場經濟的建立,幾乎是同步進行的。由於葉爾欽為了能順利進行改革而不受到社會的牽絆,因而對公民社會刻意疏離。公民社會就在政治混亂與經濟衰退的條件下,自謀生路。 在進入了普丁時代後,為結束俄國轉型過程中的混亂,普丁透過「垂直的總統權力」與「法律獨裁」手段來打造強大的國家。俄羅斯原本的混合政權在普丁「管理式民主」的治理下,以轉型為某種準威權主義政權。 在普丁「管理式民主」框架下的國家與公民社會關係是:國家承認公民社會的存在,並為公民社會提供制度性的法律保障,同時,國家也要對公民社會進行必要的干預和調節,為公民社會確立人人適用的普遍法律規則、對公民社會自身無力解決的矛盾或衝突進行干預協調;然而在這裡,存在一個國家對公民社會干預的界限確定問題。而二OO一年十一月由克里姆林宮所舉辦的「公民論壇」則是最受爭議也最具有代表性的例子。普丁透過公開的對話正式地承認了公民社會團體在政治和社會上的重要性,但事實上,「公民論壇」只是政府收編俄羅斯支離破碎之公民社會的實質工具。 / Political power and economy were highly centralized under state socialism. Society was intervened thoroughly and overwhelmed by the Soviet state. Civil society was unable to emerge until the final years of the Soviet Union due to Gorbachev’s reform programs of perestroika and glasnost. Since the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, Russia’s civil society, democratic institutions, and market economy have to develop simultaneously. Because of Yeltsin’s alienated attitude toward civil society for the sake of smooth reforms without considering social demands, civil society had to develop on its own under the conditions of political chaos and economic depression. In order to end the transition turmoil left by Yeltsin, Putin has been trying to craft a strong state through the “presidential vertical” and the “dictatorship of law.” Russia’s hybrid regime under Putin has been transformed to a sort of quasi-authoritarianism which is caused by the so called “managed democracy.” The relationship between the state and civil society under the framework of “managed democracy” is the following: State recognizes the existence of civil society and provides legal regulations for the latter’s development. The Civic Forum which was held in November 2001 by the Kremlin authorities represented the most controversial case of state’s role in the development of civil society. Putin officially recognized the importance of civil society through open dialogue, but in fact the Civic Forum was just a tool for the government to co-opt Russia’s fragmented civil society.

從民族主義到恐怖主義-以車臣共和國作分析(一九九○年至二○○四年) / From Nationalism to Terrorism - An Analysis of Chechen Republic(1990~2004)

林長杰, Lin,Chang-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
民族主義和恐怖主義是近代歷史上最重要的兩種意識形態,而兩者根據切入角度不同而有許多的定義和類型。本文主要是透過政治系統理論來連結民族主義和恐怖主義的關係,並創造出由民族主義而來的恐怖主義類型-民族主義型恐怖主義。之後,再以車臣共和國在帝俄、蘇聯到俄羅斯聯邦統治下的這段歷史來作分析,來證明現今因車臣共和國所產生之恐怖主義屬於民族主義型恐怖主義。最後,從俄羅斯民族政策、聯邦改革政策和美國反恐政策等各種面向來探討俄羅斯如何利用政策和國際情勢來解決因民族主義運動所衍生而來的車臣恐怖主義。 / Nationalism and terrorism are the two most important ideologies in modern times, and the two also have many different definitions and types of variations according to the different angle. This text mainly links the relation between nationalism and terrorism through the political system theory and creates the terrorism type which comes through nationalism - nationalism of terrorism. And then the history of the Chechen Republic under the rules of tsarist Russia, Soviet Union and Russian Federation is analyzed in order to prove that the terrorism which was created by the current Chechen Republic is a kind of nationalism of terrorism. Finally, following the various aspects of Russian national policy, federal reform policy and United States' anti-terrorism policy is a discussion of how Russia utilizes the policies and international situation to solve terrorism which derived from nationalism.

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