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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

生物多樣性保護網路的成本有效性分析 / Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Reserve Network for Biodiversity Conservation

王肇強, Wang, Chao Chiang Unknown Date (has links)

兩岸假釋制度之比較研究 / Comparative study of parole systems across the Taiwan Strait

蕭丁苑 Unknown Date (has links)
受刑人假釋出獄,係從機構內(監獄)矯正移轉至機構外(社區)矯正,其關係著矯政體系「危險的轉移」,更關係著社會「治安的良窳」。雖然人道主義、行刑社會化與受刑人基本人權之保障是現代法治國家所共識,亦為執行刑罰的指導原則。但是,和諧社會的穩定,必須兼顧犯罪人、被害人及社會三方面利益的維護。當社區矯正制度之法制與社會客觀環境無法完全契合,勢必衝擊社會和諧。因此,面對急遽變化的社會環境,社區矯正工作應講求其務實可行,而不是倡導犯罪人人道主義或完整復健的高調。社區矯正制度為維護社會穩定的重要關鍵,面對急遽變化的社會,兩岸皆應檢討現行社區矯正相關法規制度,以建構本土化的社區矯正制度。 臺灣地區假釋中付保護管束之社區矯正制度已行之有年,法律制度雖具基礎,但因在法律適用之爭議中,人權論者間有力主保障犯罪人人權,而輕忽社會安全。而政府有關部門或有忙於政治盤算、各自為政,而因應無力,加以少數基層執法人員怠於執行(處分)公務之態度,社會公安怎能令人滿意。因而培養執法人員之專業知識、敬業精神及樂業態度,強化對假釋受刑人之風險管理與危機管理,修法簡化假釋程序並完善法律,以建構完整之司法權與假釋制度,係維護社會治安之重要關鍵。 大陸地區,深知和諧的社會,有賴法律制度的支撐與執政者的態度,假釋之社區矯正制度即為社會和諧穩定的基礎。大陸地區目前猶無社區矯正專法,社區矯正制度起步較晚,有關社區矯正工作,主要依據為最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院、公安部、司法部聯合發布之「關於開展社區矯正試點工作的通知」,其通知係屬規章性質,雖為權宜措施與政策之宣示,但其為求事權統一,中央令示統合相關部門,全力推動社區矯正工作。目前各試點地區仍在摸索中前進,且限於經濟發展與教育文化較高之東部、中部及西部等地區,而城市及農村之客觀環境、條件不同,對大陸地區整體而言,在深化試點、總結經驗的同時,社區矯正制度的落實,除制定「社區矯正法」,以作為執行社區矯正工作之依據外,仍有待執政當局持續努力與時間的檢驗。 關鍵詞:假釋、保護管束、保安處分、社區矯正、施行區域 / How well the parole returns to his/her community relates to both the danger transiting from prison to community and the public security. The humanitarianism, socializing penalty and guarantee of the inmates’ basic human rights are recognized by the modern society, and also guiding principle for executing penalty. However, a stable and harmonious society, must take care of maintaining benefits of the criminals, the victims and the society at the same time. A community correctional system unable to match the social environment will definitely affect the social harmony. Therefore, facing rapid changing social environment, the community correctional system has to be as practical as it is focusing on criminal humanity and the complete recovery. The community correctional system is the key issue for social stability, facing the rapid changing society, both China and Taiwan should review their regulations carefully in order to establish a localizing community correctional system. In Taiwan, community-based correctional system for adult probation has been implemented for decades, with legal system. However, discussion still arises on how human rights of prisoners are guaranteed without ignoring social security. People are not so satisfied with the public security partly caused by the government’s hesitation to respond or ineffective bureaucracy or some basic personnel performing their jobs with a unprofessional manner. Thus, the key to maintain public security is assisting the personnel to enhance specialized knowledge, respect for and willing to work, strengthening risk management and crisis management regarding the parolee, and simplifying procedures and constructing a integrated parole system. China fully realizes the harmonious society depending on the legal system and Authorities’ manners. Community-based correctional system for adult probation is the cornerstone for a harmonious and stable society. Unlike Taiwan, China still has no special regulations on community correctional system. The main basis is "A notice for developing the experimental site regarding community correction ", jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Justice. This notice serves as an expedient strategy, but also as a national order for unification and cooperation from the relevant departments. At present these experimental sites, mostly restricted in the economically, educationally and culturally developed areas, are still moving forward. Even though differences exist between city and the suburb, speaking of China as a whole, the authorities have to compile and utilize the experiences of the experimental sites, so that “the law for community–based correctional system for adult probation” will be established and carried out with continual examination. Key:Parole、protection controls、measures of safety、community–based corrections、implementing area


林彥伶, Lin,Yen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
許多公共政策的的實施雖以提升社會福利為出發點, 但往往造成了扭曲 勞動市場的現象。為了瞭解實施公共政策對勞動市場會產生多大的衝擊, 在 本論文中, 我們以台灣為對象, 分別探討兩項公共政策對勞動市場的效果。首 先我們探討全民健康保險制度的實施對勞動市場均衡工資與工時的影響。台 灣自1995年起推行全民健保, 以透過收取健保費的方式來籌措經費。但由於 員工及雇主所負擔的健保費為員工薪資的比例, 如同對員工課徵了一筆薪資 稅, 加上健保費與健保福利兩者在制度中並沒有任何關聯, 因此, 在這樣的機制之下, 我們認為全民健保的實施對勞動市場將可能形成負面衝擊。我們的 實證結果發現, 全民健保的實施的確會使勞動市場均衡工時下降, 但對均衡 工資率的效果則不顯著。其次, 本論文探討勞動保護法令的實施對勞動市場 流動的影響。台灣於1984年實施勞動基準法。由於勞基法是台灣第一套全面 性的勞動法規, 在勞基法實施後, 勞工在就業上受到許多保障, 但相對的, 卻提高了雇主的解雇成本。雇主很可能為了因應較高的解雇成本而減少解雇數 量, 且在雇用新進員工時也變得相對保守, 使勞動市場的流動將會因此降低, 進而可能造成生產力下降等的社會成本。我們的實證結果顯示, 勞基法的實 施會使勞動市場流動下降。而且, 當勞動檢查越嚴格時, 勞動市場流動亦下 降得更嚴重。 / The original purpose of most labor market policies is to enhance social welfare of a specific group of individuals and sustain a fair social relationship. However, the labor market may be distorted by the introduction of these public policies. In this thesis we examine the labor market effects of two public policies in Taiwan. Firstly, we investigates the impacts of national health insurance on the labor market. Taiwan's national health insurance is financed by premiums, which are proportional to an employee's salary. These premiums may introduce distortions to the labor market. Based on repeated cross-sections of individual data we find that, on average, private sector employees' work hours declined relative to their public sector counterparts, while their relative wage rates were almost unchanged with the introduction of national health insurance. Secondly, we investigates the effects of employment protection legislation on the rates of worker flows, job reallocation, and churning flows. Our study’s empirical identification takes advantage of the natural experiment created by Taiwan's enactment of Labor Standards Law, which substantially increases the costs of firing an employee, in 1984 and the subsequent measures of the law’s enforcement. Moreover, our identification also exploits the fact that in Taiwan the stringency of Labor Standards Law’s provisions and the intensity of the law's enforcement vary with establishment size. Our analysis is based on monthly data at the establishment level for the period 1983–1995. We find that Taiwan’s Labor Standards Law and its enforcement measures dampen worker and job turnover rates for medium-sized and large establishments, and the dampening effects vary with establishment size.


呂雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分六章。第一章旨在說明本論文的研究動機、所欲處理的企業內電子郵件監看議題的引爆點及研究方法。 在針對監視與勞動隱私的討論中,福特(Michael Ford)指出,當前的監督與過去相較,有過之而無不及,因為資訊傳播科技的興起化解了從事持續監督的經濟障礙。本論文的第二章,首先即由工作場所監督行為,特別是資訊社會電子化辦公場所帶來的新興科技監視型態--電子監視開展。以最常見的監控方式---電話監聽、錄影監控及電子郵件與網路使用行為的監控作為主要的討論內容。 關於企業內電子郵件監控的問題,不論實務見解或相關論述,長久以來,均落入這樣的迷思:雇主確實擁有電腦所有權,雇主為維護企業秩序,有權規定應遵守的紀律。相較於政府行為的侵害,上開二種聯想於是給了雇主監視的堂皇理由。甚且,即使國際勞動基準的建構已漸漸蔚為風尚,然而,此議題亦未獲得應有的關注。因此,本文於第二章希望藉由檢驗監看行為所涉基本權利的侵害,作為喚醒所應珍視之憲法價值的引導。接著論證基本權利的第三人效力與提供基本權利衝突的解決之鑰。 我國對此問題的相關論述多聚焦在美國法,實務見解由結論上看來,也因襲美國法的思維。美國法上累積不少案例,於立法史上亦多有爭議與阻礙。然而,美國學者亦不乏批評聲音。本論文第三章,一方面介紹本議題在美國的實際情況,另一方面也是要呈現法規範不足所面臨的窘境。 美國隱私的概念來自個人主義,隱私幾乎被當作財產看待。然而,對此議題,歐洲國家則採異於美國法的個人自主、尊嚴的價值傾向。更值得注意者,相對於美國對於通訊內容本身的討論,歐盟指令提供的是個人資料的保護。本論文於第四章即以歐盟相關立法規範及主要會員國之規範作為美國法的對比。雖然美國法上的評論現況,多以侵權行為的侵入要件及「隱私的合理期待」作為主要的標靶,但許多學者也留意到歐洲人權公約第8條的規定。本章中,我們也將探討歐洲人權公約第8條的意涵及關於「合理隱私期待」的檢驗。另外,歐洲人權法院在人權及基本自由的保障上,扮演舉足輕重的角色。因此,該院的重要判決,值得詳細介紹,以收當頭棒喝之效。 論文第五章,主要是針對我國相關法律規範的檢討及實務判決的俯瞰,並提出本文看法及我國法上自省的方向。 最後,本論文第六章整理先前討論的重點,提出若干建議作為結論。

資訊不對稱與台灣消費爭議之探討 / A study of the asymmetric information and consumer complaints in Taiwan

王淑慧, Wang, Shu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來由於現代經濟發展的結果,致使消費爭議問題日趨複雜,其中以消費者與生產者間因資訊不對稱而衍生的消費問題與爭議更為嚴重。本文首先探討消費者主義及資訊不對稱的相關理論;其次,就美國、日本等先進國家之消費者保護運動的演進及重要消費者保護議題作整理與歸納分析; 並針對台灣消費爭議事件進行現況分析,分析結果發現:國內近年來消費爭議問題可歸類為「金融保險」、「旅遊」、「運輸通訊」、「購屋」及「食品」等六類,並就每一爭議類型逐項分析資訊不對稱所衍生的逆向選擇與道德風險等市場失靈現象及問題、政府介入市場經濟之必要性,以及提出爭議解決之可行性因應對策,用以督促政府機關能充分扮演「資訊平衡」的角色,期能縮小消費者與企業經營者間的資訊不對稱現象,使台灣消費者保護工作能更順利、有效地推動,達成落實保護消費者權益的目標。

兩岸植物智慧財產權之比較--以品種權保護為中心 / The comparison of plant intellectual property right between Taiwan and Mainland China—centered on plant variety right protection

高千雯 Unknown Date (has links)
由於地形多樣,氣候多變,生物種類繁耄,加上長年以來對於農業發展的投入,台灣農產品之美名,眾所周知。然而近年來由於工商業之發展,台灣農業逐漸沒落,為尋求新的發展市場,農企業紛紛前往大陸及東南亞等區域發展。尤其是大陸地區,由於其南部氣候與台灣相近,加之市場廣大,更是農企業投入之目標。然而由於對當地植物新品種保護之法規及風土民情不了解,許多農企業不僅無法在大陸地區取得先機,搶佔市場,反而造成既有優勢喪失,新品種被剽竊的後果。針對此現象,本研究試圖由植物特性、兩岸種苗產業發展歷史、植物新品種保護演變、國際植物新品種保護趨勢、兩岸植物新品種保護相關法規進行一系列之探討,同時訪談相關農企業,實際印證經營層面所面臨之問題,以歸結出農企業在台灣及大陸經營植物新品種時應留意之重點,以及政府可協助之項目,希望能對農企業之發展有所助益。在一系列的探討中,本研究發現台灣及大陸之植物新品種保護分別有以下之問題,在台灣方面:(一)個別品種之實質衍生品種界定方式未明,易使品種經營者無所適從;(二)品種權審查及田間試驗之執行皆非由專責機關實行,對於審查速度及審查經驗累積,及相關試驗準則訂定上,皆有不利之影響;(三)在品種權概念推廣上仍有待加強;(四) 台灣業餘育種者與企業經營者間缺乏溝通管道,無法將現有資源有效經營;(五)基因轉殖作物採片段式保護規範,不利於未來基因轉殖作物種植之管理。在大陸方面則是:(一)農民免責範圍廣、品種權保護範圍狹窄、及品種權保護年限短等問題影響育種者申請品種權意願;(二)法規定訂詳盡,但推廣不足,且執法不嚴,影響品種權效力;(三)大陸幅員廣大,通路及運輸問題易成為影響農企業發展之重要因素;(四)由於大陸品種權維權不易,經營模式及品種維護配套措施成為主宰成敗之關鍵。針對上述問題,本研究分別由政府及農企業角度出發,提出建議,以供未來植物新品種經營參考。 / The biological diversity resulted from varied climate and the long term investment in agricultural industry have made Taiwan's agricultural product well known for its good quality. However, recent progress of commerce has brought some changes to this situation. In order to find a new market and create more possibilities, agricultural enterprises tend to start their new business in mainland China and the southeastern Asia. Because of the similar climate in Taiwan and the southern China, and the large market, mainland China becomes a preferable choice. But with the lack of knowledge of plant variety protection act and sense of local customs and practices, many agricultural enterprises not only lose their advantages but also their new plant varieties. To solve this problem, we try to make a series of explorations of plant characteristics, seed industry development history of Taiwan and mainland China, the evolvement of new plant variety protection act, new trends of international new plant variety protection, and new plant variety protection related act in Taiwan and mainland China. And to find out if the real agricultural environment did reflect our explorations, we further visit two agricultural companies to acquire their experiences. Through these explorations, we hope we can find out the key points of agriculture management, and make some distributions to agricultural enterprises’ operating in Taiwan and mainland China. From our research, we find out some problems in Taiwan’s and mainland China’s new plant variety protection system and environment. Problems in Taiwan’s: 1. The method to classify essentially derived variety remains unknown, and it confused plant variety breeders. 2. We don’t have independent authority to execute the grant of new plant variety right and DUS test, and it has negative effects on examination speed, examination knowledge accumulation, and DUS test guideline development. 3. The education of new plant variety protection concepts still needs to be enhanced. 4. Lack of communication between nonprofessional breeders and agricultural enterprises causes waste of research resource. 5. The nonsystematic regulations of gene modified plants protection will bring some troubles to future management of gene modified plants. Problems in Mainland China’s : 1. The broad range of exceptions to the breeder’s right of farmers, the extremely restricted breeder’s right, and the shortness of plant variety protection years all affect breeders’ will to apply plant variety right. 2. Lack of plant variety protection concepts of farmers and the weak enforcement of the regulations decline the effect of plant variety right. 3. The broad land of mainland China makes the delivering channels and transportation become important factors to the development of agricultural business. 4. The hardness of enforcement of plant variety right makes business model and cooperation of other protection methods become the key factors of success. To solve the problems, we try to provide some suggestions to government and agricultural enterprises and hope these suggestions can benefit the management of plant variety in the future.


游貞蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟快速發展及國際化、自由化的趨勢,導致城鄉發展的重新結構,也面臨愈來愈多非都市土地開發及農地變更的外來壓力及需求。農地除具有保障糧食安全功能外,尚具有保護自然生態環境、維持生態體系平衡、調和整體土地利用等「外部效益」,世界各國包括美國各洲、德國、日本等,均積極致力於農地保育,嚴格管制農地不得任意轉用;反觀我國土地使用管制及變更制度,自1930年土地法立法至1976年訂定非都市土地使用管制規則,農地係採取積極保護政策;然自1980年代起,由於積極發展工商業,致農業在國民經濟中之重要性日見下降,1995年宣佈實施「農地釋出方案」後,是為農地由分區管制之保護方式走向自由化之起步。2000年修正農業發展條例,放寬農地自由買賣,更將農地進一步推向自由化,然農地自由化仍有其限制,且應建立在嚴格的土地使用管制基礎上。 農地管制政策的放寬,讓許多標準農業區優良農田間,充斥著工廠及加油站、廢棄物處理廠等特定目的事業用地,形成環境污染的隱憂;雖為配合工商業及經濟發展所需,得釋出部份農地,然農業用地劃定或變更為非農業使用,仍應以「不影響農業生產環境之完整」為前提,基於「農地保護」觀點,為確保優良農田不受產業變更或經濟發展所帶來的衝擊或破壞,並維持完整之農業生產環境,確保糧食生產及農業之永續經營,對現行農牧用地變更使用問題,及其規範對現有農業生產環境之影響,實有探究之必要。 目前相關研究多就都市計畫農業區或整體農地資源(包括都市計畫內及非都市土地)之變更法制、管理制度面及回饋機制進行探討,惟就非都市土地農牧用地變更審議相關法令規範及各種型態包括不同面積、不同區位之變更審議規定之差異、後續管制方式及其對於農地資源保育、農業生產環境之影響並未有完整的「實證分析」,當前不同型態農牧用地變更規範,是否合理性?是否均能在「不影響農業生產環境」之前提下進行變更?對周邊農業生產環境之影響有何不同?亦未深入探討,本研究藉由桃園縣個案的實證分析、相關課題的探討及對公私部門及專家學者的深入訪談,以探析我國非都市土地農牧用地變更使用制度及農地保護措施;並以國外之農地保護政策為借鏡,進一步提出農牧用地變更使用制度及農地保護措施之建議改善策略,以別於其他研究。 / Due to fast economic development and the trends of globalization and liberalization, urban and rural development has been completely restructured, and there is a growing need for development of non-urban lands and conversion of farmlands. In addition to maintenance of food sufficiency, farmlands also have other “external benefits”, including preservation of the natural ecological environment, maintenance of an ecological balance, and balancing of overall use of lands. Many nations around the world, including the US, Germany, and Japan, have been devoted to preservation of farmlands through strict control of conversion of farmlands. In an overview of the domestic regulations on land use control and conversion, it can be found that since legislation of the Land Act in 1930 and Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control in 1976, our government had been engaged in protection of farmlands. After 1980, the importance of agriculture for the national economy gradually decreased due to promotion of industrial and commercial industries. In 1995, the “Farmland Release Policy” was implemented, ushering in liberalization of farmlands. In 2000, the Agricultural Development Act was amended to lift the ban on free trading of farmlands. The amendment of this act further liberalized the use of farmlands. However, liberalization of farmlands was bound to certain limitation and should be based on strict control of land use. The relaxation of the farmland control policy has made many standard agricultural zones filled with lands used for specific businesses, such as factories, gas stations, and waste processing plants, and caused public worries over environmental pollution. Although release of a portion of farmlands is necessary for commercial and economic development, planning of farmlands or conversion of farmlands for non-agricultural use should be carried out on the condition that “completeness of the agricultural production environment is unaffected”. Based on “farmland protection”, the impact or harm of agricultural changes and economic development on farmlands should be avoided, and the completeness of the agricultural production environment should be maintained, so as to ensure sustainable development of food production and agriculture. Therefore, investigation of issues concerning conversion of farming and grazing lands and regulations governing the impact of such conversion on the agricultural production environment is indeed necessary. In the present, most studies of related issues are focused on regulations on conversion, management, and feedback mechanisms of agricultural zones in urban plan or holistic farmland resources (including non-urban lands in urban plans). However, there is no comprehensive “empirical analysis” of regulations on review of conversion of non-urban farming and grazing lands, difference in regulations for various types of lands (including lands of different sizes and in different regions), subsequent control mechanisms, and the impact of the conversion on preservation of farmland resources or the agricultural production environment. Besides, issues such as whether the regulations on conversion of different types of farming and grazing lands is feasible, whether these lands can be converted on the condition that “the agricultural production environment is unaffected”, and whether conversion of these types of lands causes different effects on their surrounding agricultural production environments, have not been thoroughly investigated so far. Therefore, through an empirical analysis of cases in Taoyuan County, investigation of related issues, and interview with experts and public/private departments, this study aimed to explore the domestic regulations on conversion of use of non-urban farming and grazing lands and protective measures for farmlands. Further, based on farmland protection policies adopted in foreign nations, this study further proposed strategies for improving the current system and protective measures to distinguish itself from other existing studies.


蔡馨惠 Unknown Date (has links)
數位網路環境創造了流通發達的數位傳輸,促進公眾使用資訊的便利,但相反的也大開不法侵害著作權的途徑,直接或間接影響著作人權益甚為鉅大。 近年來,著作權人為求自救,在著作權法還不及全面性修正前,只能嘗試利用科技的方式設置科技保護措施,防止其著作於數位網路環境下被不法接觸、重製與散布。然而科技中立性,各類型之科技保護措施卻因科技的進步,產生惡性之科技競賽,紛紛遭受破解與規避,根本無法達到著作權人實質保護著作之目的。著作權人所面臨之困境最終引起國際間的重視,各國紛紛在爭議中修法將科技保護措施納入著作權法的保護範圍。 然而從立法中可知,迫於著作輸出大國等壓力,各國之反規避條款似有越發過度保障著作權人利益之趨勢,繼而使憲法、著作權法所要保障公眾、使用人之權益萎縮至零,嚴重破壞著作權法之基本原則—利益平衡,不但對使用人之合理使用範圍產生影響,亦可能被利用作為限制競爭之工具,對自由競爭甚至產業創新產生影響,反而有害於文化、科技之傳延與發展。 本文針對科技保護措施之相關立法議題上著重在以利益平衡的焦點出發,站在法律經濟學之角度,以成本與效益分析方法論述應如何進行公益與私益間之平衡,並且探討影響數位科技時代著作權法演變及科技保護措施納入著作權法保護之成本與效益因素。並參酌諸多爭議,提出些許修改方向之建議,以期能平衡著作權人權益與促進文化科技發展,達到均贏局面。

我國國家檔案館保存策略之研究 / The study of preservation strategy for the National Archives of Taiwan

陳淑美, Chen, Shu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是紀錄人類文明發展的重要史料,也是行政機關執行業務過程的重要憑據,先進國家對於檔案的管理都極為重視,且均已興建現代化的檔案館來保存珍貴的國家檔案,設置適足的空間與設備以提供優質的應用服務,這不僅有助於文化資產之保存,也是國家發展進步的重要指標與象徵。我國現代化之檔案管理制度係師承歐美各先進國家,參酌國情後制定並予以立法規範,就長遠觀之,雖然已在2015年啟用首座永久性之國家檔案庫房,然而,這只能算是完成了因應典藏空間需求的近程目標,未來在制度面方面仍需建構完整的國家檔案管理體系,爭取興建獨立且多功能之館舍,讓珍貴的國家檔案得以妥適典藏並提供各界應用,發揮檔案存在的價值與功能。   檔案保存維護策略之擬訂,需掌握空間規劃、環境控制、修護處置、複製儲存及風險管理等要項,各要項皆有賴相當的專業能力方可成就,國家發展委員會檔案管理局為我國檔案中央主管機關,依法負有管理國家檔案之責,由於數量龐大且因年代久遠、原保管條件不佳等因素,檔案接管時多已嚴重劣損,更需要儘速研訂保存策略以為作業準據。本研究之目的,即以世界各先進國家之國家檔案館業務概況為探究目標,針對各國國家檔案館發展之保存策略加以研析,並就保存維護工作之範圍與業務重點比較其內涵之異同,據以研議適合我國國家檔案之保存策略,建立一致性、完整性、正確性之處置作業標準,提供未來國家檔案館規劃之參考,達到提升國家檔案典藏效益與作業品質之目的。本研究之重要成果與建議,歸納如下:  一、國家檔案館興建刻不容緩    本次研究調查發現,屬嚴重劣化的受損檔案多達一成以上,可合理推估具永久保存價值之國家檔案在尚未移轉前,恐有滅失之危機;據統計現有100公里以上之國家檔案尚待移轉,然受限於典藏空間不足而無法加速移轉作業之進行。因此,無論是從國際趨勢或是保存珍貴國家記憶的角度來看,興建國家檔案館都是未來首要推動的工作目標。  二、國家檔案保存維護優先順序有待建立   國家檔案數量龐大,媒體型式及材質種類又十分多元,在資源有限情形下,除了必須爭取經費持續進行預防性保護相關作為,亦應衡酌檔案的價值性、應用性、保存性等條件,建立客觀的評量標準,研訂國家檔案保存修護及數位化等優先處置原則,兼顧檔案長期保存與便捷應用之需求,提升國家檔案管理效益。 三、國家檔案保存維護作業人力亟待充實   面對數量龐大且媒體類型多元的檔案,若無經費、人力、設備等資源的持續挹注,實難完成。為有效提升國家檔案保存維護工作的執行績效,未來仍應加強人力的支援,並思考業務傳承方式,使是項工作得以順遂推動。 四、各機關檔案人員保存維護正確觀念有待加強   國家檔案移轉前在各機關保存時間長達數十年,若原管有機關未善盡保存維護之責,或是施以錯誤的保管方式,等到檔案徵集移轉時再來搶救,恐為時已晚。為了讓檔案能夠延長保存壽命,進而減輕國家檔案移轉後所需花費的修護成本,應透過培訓、輔導等方式強化各機關檔案人員對於保存維護觀念的正確認知,宣導檔案保存環境控制與保管作為的有效作法,才能有效降低國家檔案劣化的數量與嚴重程度。 / Archives are not only important records of the development of human civilization but also concrete proofs of the works of government agencies. All the advanced nations attach great importance to the management of archives. They have therefore set up modernized buildings to house and preserve such precious archival materials, and have provided adequate space and facilities for quality service to users. By doing so, precious cultural assets can be best kept. These actions significantly symbolize the progress of a nation. In formulating correct strategies of archival preservation, we need to carefully take into consideration space planning, environment control, repair & restoration, duplicate & storage, and risk management. All of these rely on professional expertise. The National Archives Administration (NAA) under the Cabinet-level National Development Council is accountable for overall management of national archives in Taiwan. However, many of the archival materials had been damaged or deteriorated even before having been transferred to NAA due to their long history and the poor handling by the original agencies. Preservation of such archives urgently need efficient strategies. This dissertation therefore aims to conduct some researches on the operations of national archives agencies in advanced nations, analyze their preservation strategies, and compare the differences of their works and emphases. More importantly, this author tries to come up with standard operation procedures, which are coherent, complete and accurate, for Taiwan to preserve our national archives. Hopefully this will offer reference in planning for a new national archives hall, so as to enhance the efficiency and upgrade the quality of national archives preservation. The major study results and suggestions are as follows: I. There is urgent need for a national archives hall. This study finds out that seriously damaged or deteriorated archives in different agencies account for ten percent of the total archives. It can therefore be estimated that national archives worth preserving might be lost before being transferred to NAA. Statistics show that there are over 100-km long national archives waiting to be transferred. Yet, due to the limited space in NAA, it is impossible to speed up the transfer process. Therefore, in view of international trend or the need to retain precious national memories, to build a new national archives hall is top on the agenda. 2. Priorities should be set to best preserve national archives. National archives are not only large in quantity but also diverse in media types and material sorts. With limited resources, NAA has to allocate budgets to continue preventive protection measures. Meanwhile, it needs to establish objective criteria for assessing the value, usage, and preservation of different national archives before setting priorities for the restoration and digitalization of each sort. It is equally important to ensure long-term preservation and offer convenient service to users, so as to enhance the management efficiency of national archives. 3. The quality and quantity of workforce in national archives preservation need to be strengthened. Faced by the challenges in both large number and different types of national archives, NAA assuredly needs more financial, workforce and equipment support to continue fulfilling its missions. In order to more effectively preserve national archives and keep the operation going smoothly, more professionals are needed, and skills and experiences must be passed down to new staff members. 4. The preservation-related knowledge of staff members in different agencies needs to be strengthened. The current national archives had been kept by different agencies for several decades before having been transferred to NAA. If the original agencies failed to do their jobs well or kept their archives in a wrong way, it would be too late to rescue those archives after transfer. Therefore, in order to prolong the life of archives and reduce the expenses on repairing them after transfer, staff members in all agencies should receive training and assistance to gain better knowledge of archival preservation. After that, they can together take correct, effective measures as environment control and careful preservation to significantly reduce the number and degree of deteriorated archives.

序貫方法於電腦化效標參照測驗之應用 / Sequential Methods in Computerized Criterion-referenced Test

李佳紋, Lee, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在一場競爭性的考試中,我們如何決定要錄取或是淘汰這個考生?傳統的紙筆測驗方式固定題目總數,考生回答相同的題目,60分以上為及格。隨著電腦科技的快速發展,測驗型式也由紙筆轉換成電腦操作,也就是電腦化測驗。所謂電腦化效標參照測驗(computerized criterion-referenced test)即是把考生能力分成兩個以上的程度區間,藉由考生的答題狀況來判斷考生應歸屬於哪個區間。這種測驗方式與傳統測驗不同的是:電腦化測驗是依據考生的答題表現來給題,考生能力越偏離分段點(thresholds),需要的題數就越少;越接近分段點,需要的題數就越多。 在這篇論文中,我們運用兩個參數的羅吉斯模型(two-parameter logistic model)來估計考生之於試題的答對機率。藉由電腦模擬來探討結合貝它保護(beta-protection)方法和適性測驗對平均測驗題數及誤判率(亦即考生真正的能力與電腦判斷的區間不同)的影響。在模擬過程中,我們也介紹了試題參數的選擇情形,估計考生能力的方法以及在貝它保護下,停止選題的規則。根據這些原則,電腦模擬結果證明使用適性測驗加上貝它保護方法能夠有效地控制誤判率在規定的範圍內,程度不同的考生也能控制有不同的測驗題數。 / In a traditional Paper-and-Pencil (p-and-p) test, all examinees have same test items and the number of items is fixed. The examinee fails or passes the exam depends on if his/her test score exceeds a predetermined scores, say, 60 out of 100. However, with the rapid advancement of modern computer technology, the test form has been converted from p-and-p to computer terminal. Computerized criterion-referenced classify the examinees into more than two categories according to his/her answers to the items. It differs from the conventional standardized test in that the selection of test items is tailored to each examinee’s ability level. Typically, those examinees with high ability or low ability will have shorter average test length (ATL) than examinees with ability that close to thresholds. In this thesis, we assume that the probability of choosing correct response to an item follows a two-parameter logistic (2-PL) model. Our goal is to study the performance of ATL and misclassification rate (MR) using beta-protection method and adaptive sequential item selection. On the simulation procedures, we also introduce the selection rule of item parameter, the methods used to estimate an examinee’s ability, and the stopping rule with beta-protection. Simulation results show that using adaptive test and beta-protection method can control the MR within specified level and the number of test items required depends on the examinee’s ability.

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