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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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整合資料在雲端環境上的分享與 隱私保護-以電子病歷資料為例 / Sharing and Protection of Integrated Data in the Cloud : Electronic Health Record as an Example

楊竣展, Yang, Jiun Jan Unknown Date (has links)
由於電子化病歷逐漸取代了傳統的紙本病歷,在流通分享上面比傳統的紙本病歷更加來的方便及快速,另外電子病歷的整合性,也是比傳統的紙本來的有效。近年來雲端運算的發展,使得醫療系統在電子病歷上能夠更快速的發展,但是取而代之的是卻是雲端運算所產生隱私權的問題,在快速發展的雲端運算環境中,目前似乎無法完全確保資料的隱私性。即使現有的研究中可以讓資料擁有者表示自己的隱私偏好,卻因為設計時缺乏語意的考量,造成執行上有語意的落差。 本研究將探討電子病歷存放在雲端環境上,設計一套三層整合平台系統並使用語意化技術本體論整合來自多方的資料,達成在資料庫上使用OWL2作為整合的語言,並在此整合平台進行本體論整合,能夠讓使用者可以從多方的醫療中心快速查詢整合的資料,經由整合平台的改寫,到下層的規範擷取到上層平台進行管理與落實動作,最終在資料庫查詢資料,達成整合分享的目標,並同時能夠兼顧資料擁有者的隱私期待,完成在雲端環境上資料分享、整合、隱私保護的目標。 / The Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have replaced the traditional paper Health Records gradually and they are more rapid and more convenient in data sharing. Furthermore, the EHRs are also better than paper health records when health records need to be integrated on the computer. In recent years, the rapid development of cloud computing can help Health Information System to be more dynamic and provide a better service, but the problem of privacy is a critical issue. Although recent research can let data owner expresses his own personal privacy preference in to policy to protect privacy, it is lacked of semantics and that will result in the gap between the real meaning of personal privacy preference and of policy. In our research, we will using semantic technology to express personal privacy preference in to polices and also design the 3-layer integration platform to achieve semantics data integration so that polices can be enforced without loss of real meaning of personal privacy preference and polices will have interoperability with others when we are using semantic data integration.

想像的強壯身體與脆弱身體-從STS的觀點看台灣棒球投手調度觀念的演進 / Frangible or strong in imagination -the process of history of baseball Pitcher's rotation in Taiwan

林奕志, Lin, Yi Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究耙梳1950年代至2010年台灣棒球投手調度觀念的演進,並試圖解釋其演進的過程。本研究著重在投手調度觀念的演進過程,及相關團體因不同的利益考量進行的角力。這些利益的角力形成台灣的投手調度策略的現況。從時代上來說,本研究以1970年代少棒旋風、1990年中華職棒成立、2000年前後開啟的球員旅外潮來劃分投手調度觀念演進的時代。本研究認為,這幾個不同年代發生的重要歷史事件對台灣棒球造成的影響,深刻地影響了投手調度觀念的演進,並證明投手調度/保護觀念並不僅是醫學觀念的單純引進與發揚過程。這過程其實是支持與反對的團體對詮釋權的爭奪戰。本演研究將兩方的邏輯劃分為「脆弱投手邏輯」和「強壯投手邏輯」。目前「脆弱投手邏輯」之所以能在台灣職業棒球領域中獲得上風,關鍵性的原因在於它與「棒球數據派」的成功結盟,借用其強大的說服力取得詮釋論戰上的優勢。反之,在三級棒球的領域,也因為「棒球數據派」的介入程度較低,使「脆弱投手邏輯」的拓展遭遇困難。 本研究的主要架構是以行動者網絡理論(Actor- Networking Theory)為基礎,試圖以關涉在此一網絡裡主要行動者的結盟與角力作為投手調度觀念演進的解釋。 / This study explores the process of baseball pitcher policy in Taiwan. The process showed a long but significant change in pitcher policy, and made the loading of pitcher decrease. The process continued more than 40 years and there were three important historic events in it. The first was the “Youth Baseball Period” in 1970’s. The second was the professionalization of Taiwan baseball in 1990. And the third was the “Traveling Outside Period” in 2000’s, which made lots of excellent players travelled to America or Japan. This research analyzed the process carefully, and found that the change of pitcher didn’t base on the progress of medicine, although we usually think it was. The study found that the change based on the interest of groups which involved in the network. Some groups supported decreasing the loading of pitcher, some opposed. All they concerned about were their own interest. This research analyzed the process by Actor-Networking Theory (ANT) and found a key-factor which determined the pitcher policy. The factor was Sabermetrics, which means people who believe baseball statistics can express more “reality” in baseball game. They also believe statistics can tell more than just watching game in court. The Sabermetrics finally combined their interest with groups which supported decreasing the pitcher loading, and caused the pitcher policy tend to decrease the pitcher loading at present.

中國綠色媒體:反怒江大壩之媒體角色 / China's environmental journalism: media's role in the Anti-Nujiang campaign

盧郁涵, Lu, Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
中國環境保護主義記者在近期的反怒江大壩運動中,整合水電移民的草根抗爭以及黨政媒體的力量,成功引發龐大輿論以影響中國中央決策,乃至展現中國社會與國家的關係逐漸轉變,尤其媒體在受到中央控管之下,還得以發揮民間社會的強大力量,證明中國綠色媒體在中國邁向民主化的過程中扮演不可或缺的角色。 / Media in China are generally categorized as the extensions of propaganda machine for the central government, because despite media commercialization, China maintains heavy-handed censorship at the whim of political will. However, there are still instances in which journalists are active participants of social movements in China. One recent case in particular is the “Battle to Protect the Nu River,” in which China’s environmental NGOs, scholars, and media formed joint coalition to fight off the Nu River Project, and stop efforts to build hydropower plants on Nujiang. This paper uses John Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model to map out the ways in which the Policy Entrepreneurs – environmental journalists – capitalized on tools of the press to influence public opinion and decision-makers in the government, systematically brought the anti-NRP campaign up to the policy agenda, and eventually swayed the outcome of the national policy. Since the beginning of the proposal to build a cascade of 13 dams on the World Heritage site of Nujiang in 2003, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao personally intervened, and twice ordered suspension of the project. Therefore, while the final outcome of the anti-NRP campaign is still pending, at least China’s environmental journalists have successfully prolonged the unusual nine-year hiatus on a project that was slated for three consecutive Five-Year Plans.


陳勇安 Unknown Date (has links)
「公益揭發行為」係指將組織內部的不法資訊,透過內部通報機制、相關權責機關、媒體或其他訴諸社會大眾之管道來揭發其可疑之不當或違法行為。其相當類似於國外的「吹哨行為」概念。此等問題起因於近年來各國重大的企業舞弊頻傳,經由員工進行吹哨行為揭弊後,對社會公益具有高度貢獻,惟吹哨者揭弊後,卻往往換來公司無情的解雇或不利益對待,此等「犧牲小我,完成大我」的不合理現象,已逐漸受到世界各國的重視並亟欲調整。 我國近年來「爆料文化」盛行,尤其以立法委員收到線報後利用政論節目或記者會對外揭弊的景象最令人印象深刻,然而,為何背後真正的揭弊者總得躲躲藏藏採取間接爆料,不敢直接挺身而出?就此,不難體悟出我國似乎沒有一套令社會大眾「信服且得以親近」的公益揭發體制。勞動基準法第74條及勞工安全衛生法第30條設有公益揭發保護之規定,惟其僅就勞動之相關事項做規範,保障顯然不足,其他與個人生命或身體、消費者之權益、環境之保護及其他公眾利益等相關之揭發保護,更是亟待立法保障之。 正因我國現行法欠缺相關規範,故本文將援引與我國鄰近且風俗民情較近似之日本法律政策與制度,加以觀察並討論公益揭發保護法制於我國之可行性,及其可能衍生之相關問題與對策。因此,本文將對日本公益通報者保護法作詳細探討,並於重要之處再輔以美、英兩國之公益揭發保護規範作附帶說明。 除此之外,本文亦會廣納我國其他相關之公益揭發事例,藉此一窺我國公益揭發之輪廓,甚且再進一步針對我國近年司法實務上幾個重大公益揭弊判決如新海瓦斯林子文案、陽信商銀陳政峰案、華航機師甘國秀案、年代新聞導播穆光中及盛奇玉案、中環公司曾建煥案等等作深度討論。最後,本文將對我國未來公益揭發之制度建立提出相關立法政策芻議。

教育の情報化と学校におけるリスクアセスメントの必要性に関する考察 : 学校, 教育委員会, 市情報課等を対象とした実態調査にもとづく問題と課題の検討

長谷川, 元洋, 小川, 裕之, 大谷, 尚 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.


李芸慧, Lee ,Yun-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「兩性工作平等法」中有關於「母性保護」規定為研究重點,探討此政策對於我國台灣地區(不含離島地區)公務人員是否有發揮其預期的效果,以回溯過程評估、回溯結果評估了解其目前執行的實際情況如何?與公務人員所常用的「公務人員請假規則」相比,是否有相似、相互影響的情形?「母性保護」對於公家機關的意涵為何?以及許多曾經使用母性保護規定的公務人員,他們對於母性保護有什麼樣的看法,藉由指出其缺失部份加以改進。 作者所使用的政策評估標準採用William Dunn的六大政策評估標準,「效能」、「效率」、「公平」、「充分性」、「回應性」、「適當性」、「公正性」來作為設計深度訪談問卷的依據。訪談對象以台灣本島地區正式公務人員為主,以立意抽樣選出十八位,比較男女、主管與部屬、地區差異之間的看法,作一歸納比較。 女性員工在懷孕、生產、育嬰時所遇到的困擾,是否因為兩平法的規定受到改善?亦或是影響有限?對於兩性工作之平等是否有促成實質上的助益?本研究將藉由訪談公務人員來了解「兩性工作平等法」有關母性保護規定的實施情況,並且在結論部分提供未來政策的建議。

派遣勞動關係之實態與爭議問題分析——兼以我國某非營利組織之調查研究為例 / A Study on The Realities of Dispatched Labor Relations And The Analysis on Its Disputes—A Survey of a Non-Profit-Organization in Taiwan

李佩蘭, Lee, Pei Lan Unknown Date (has links)
勞動派遣是一種彈性化的企業人力運用模式,其最大特徵是「僱用」與「使用」分離,勞工由人力派遣公司(派遣事業單位)僱用後派給企業(要派單位)使用,法律上的雇主是派遣事業單位,質上的雇主是要派單位。派遣事業單位、要派單位及派遣勞工為三方關係。勞動派遣對企業有強大的經濟上誘因,除了得以規避一部分的雇主責任,還間接造成低薪化,以及許多其他的問題,也因此近年增長快速,人數已近60萬人。有些應該是直接、長期僱用的職缺,卻採用派遣包裝,派遣事業單位只做薪資代轉,這就是偽裝派遣。 本文第二章對派遣力定義、特徵、發生的背景原因、現況等,作一基礎研究,第三章探討勞動派遣衍生之爭議,由於我國目前對於派遣勞動關係立法嚴重落後,本文先尋求其上位法律概念,即國際勞工組織之國際勞動公約,再檢討我國勞動派遣之立法過程,以及目前僅有的2014年派遣勞工保護法草案。本文以國內某非營利組織為例做訪談調查,了解實務上的派遣勞工現況,對於訪談所得之發現,再經由近十年司法實務見解之統整,作一對照。訪談發現偽裝派遣及勞健保代扣錯誤等不合理情事,近十年司法判決中,亦發現類似的問題,歸納整理成三類:偽裝派遣之破解、勞動報酬、職災補償,並分析各案件之判決見解之重點及異同。結論為:三方關係複雜使勞工無形中權益受損、危險場域中的派遣勞工不受重視、司法判決大部分值得肯定,以及同工不同酬造成低薪化。

脈絡下的保護責任:文本探勘的再詮釋 / Contextualizing Responsibility to Protect: Re-Interpretation of Text Mining

張道宜, Chang, Tao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
保護責任(R2P)是當前國際社會最受矚目,但同時也最受爭議的概念之一,有人認為這個概念有助於實踐國際人權,幫助國際社會向需要幫助的人民伸出援手;有學者認為這是為了解決主權與人權之間的爭端;更有人認為這只是「人道干涉」的借屍還魂,不過是西方強權為了干涉他國的手段而已。 隨著時間進展,當2005年保護責任在世界高峰會(World Summit)中得到聯合國會員國一致共識同時,有人認為R2P原本試圖修正「人道干涉困境」與國際法架構的雄心壯志,淪落對現有國際法架構的確認,無疑地呈現顯著的概念質變(conceptual change)。然而當民主春風吹過中東與北非地區,阿拉伯之春導致許多政府爆發侵犯人權情事,R2P再度受到矚目,甚至在2011年被聯合國安理會引用,作為干涉利比亞局勢的重要說辭,產生與2005年世界高峰會截然不同的內容。儘管被視為R2P概念成形以來的一大勝利,但也掀起新一波對R2P概念的爭辯。 本文主張,R2P面臨如此爭議,「定義」以及「與主權關係」不明是最主要的原因之一。對於支持者而言,這是有別於人道干涉,且根據現行「負責任主權」的全新人權執行機制,符合「即時性」、「有效性」的大原則。但對於反對者而言,這是人道干涉藉由「責任」一詞改頭換面,「換湯不換藥」,表面說詞再動人,都無法掩蓋他基於國家私利,干涉他國完整,破壞國家主權體系的意圖。 為了解決這項爭議,本研究試圖透過「語料庫語言學」的方法回答以下研究問題:第一,對於實際參與聯合國決策的各國代表而言,到底何謂「R2P」?在聯合國的場域中,「R2P」的出現是否真如部分學者所主張,漸漸改變「主權」的內涵?第二,如果主權概念與「R2P」的概念確實存在連動關係,那關係為何? 根據本研究的研究成果可以發現,第一,在聯合國安理會的場域中,2005年世界高峰會的共識確實取代既有概念,讓「R2P」內容產生質變。但過去的「預防」概念依舊得到存續。第二,「R2P」概念的出現確實為「主權」增加更多的「責任」,儘管在安理會的場域中幅度並不大,但當有意識地使用「R2P」時,會特別強調「責任」的重要性。第三,儘管許多學者主張「R2P」的概念已經形成共識,重點在於「實踐」而非「爭辯」,但實際上真正重視「實踐」者,恐怕只有聯合國秘書長本人。 / Although generally recognized in World Summit Outcome Document, Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is one of the most controversial concepts of International Relations (IR). Especially, its relationship with sovereignty is one of the most debatable ones. For answering the questions, it is purposed to inquiry texts of meeting verbatim record of United Nations (UN), with the assistance of discourse analysis and digital toolkits. While scholars of IR and Political Thoughts have analyzed its theoretical, definition, legal and implementation dimensions, little attention is paid to its discursive change to examine their mutual influence. For proceeding full and large-scale research, present techniques of text mining enable researchers to work on “big texts”, and to extract the linguistic context beyond them. In general, this thesis is intended to complete the following advancements of IR studies: firstly, establish the contextual understanding of conceptual change of R2P and sovereignty, and find if hidden information exists behind those texts; secondly, if text mining and related toolkits does assist fulfillment of this proposal, it might be possibly new research skill to be applied in IR. This thesis investigates the present understandings of Sovereignty and R2P in IR. It hypothesizes that, firstly, most of present researches on R2P neglected the role of language; secondly, the generation of R2P might be related to the conceptual change of sovereignty in twenty-first century.

股權結構、投資人保護之於大型金融機構的信用風險承擔 / Ownership Structure, Investor Protection in the Credit Risk Taking of Large Complex Financial Institutions

吳健瑋, Wum, Windows Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對金融海嘯時期,信用風險大幅擴張的階段,藉由大股東持股比例、 銀行持股比例、政府持股比例分析其對於各家大型金融機構的信用風險之影響, 本文主要採用 Bloomberg 資料庫以及 Bankscope 資料庫,期間涵蓋 2003 年至 2013 年全球資本排名前 60 的大型金融機構的季資料,並透過縱橫資料的技術來分析 股權結構與信用風險之間的相關性。 結論顯示在危機發生的期間時,政府對於大型金融機構的信用風險存在顯著 的抑制效果,本文接著依照過去文獻對投資人的股權保護程度加以分類後,發現 與過去分析總風險和股權結構之間的關係之結果並不相同,以往的結果顯示,保 護程度比較差的國家中,政府對於公司的風險以及公司決策會存在比較大的影響 力,並會進而降低公司的風險,然而本文得到的結果是投資人股權保護程度比較 強的區域裡面,政府對於降低大型金融機構的信用風險會有著比較顯著的影響 性。 / In this thesis, we investigate the level of credit risk taking concerning the ownership structure in large complex financial institutions during the sub-prime crisis period. We use quarterly data of the top 60 large financial institutions based on Bloomberg and Bankscope, covering the interval from 2003 to 2013. From our results, we show that there is negative relationship between the level of risk and government ownership on banks. Furthermore, if we categorize the banks regarding its investor protection, our findings support that government ownership on banks has a significant effect in countries where it provides stronger protection to investors during financial crisis. Different from previous works, which states that in country with less investor protection, government ownership on banks has more influence power, here we arrive at an opposite result. We conclude that increasing government ownership can significantly reduce the level of credit risk on banks.

探討厚朴對神經毒素引起的神經傷害及行為異常之保護與治療效用 / Evaluation of the protective and therapeutic effects of cortex Magnoliae on neuronal damage and abnormal behavior induced by neurotoxins

廖筱玉 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 厚朴,採用厚朴植物之樹皮,是ㄧ種已知可應用於治療精神疾病的傳統天然藥物,例如:憂鬱症等。厚朴主要的有效多酚環成分已被證實具有抗氧化、抗發炎及抗興奮性毒殺等神經保護作用,因此,推測厚朴可作為一種潛在治療像是帕金森氏症這累神經退化性疾病之藥物。本研究之目的為探討厚朴是否可以預防與治療因百草枯及MPTP所誘導的毒害及學習、記憶和運動功能缺失等行為異常現象。本研究監測Oregon-R品系之果蠅(年齡:1-2, 20天或30天)之壽命在長期暴露於百草枯(5-20 mM)並先給予厚朴(100, 300或600 mg/L)治療之變化。其結果顯示,厚朴無法延長暴露在百草枯環境下之果蠅壽命。另外,我們給予雄性ICR小鼠(30-35 g),連續五天,每日一劑MPTP(25 mg/kg, i.p.),誘導神經毒性及行為異常現象。在共同投藥組別,在給予MPTP注射前一小時,先以灌餵方式給予小鼠厚朴(100或300 mg/kg)預防,連續五天後,只單獨給予厚朴治療連續十四天。後投藥組別,在給予最後一劑MPTP後,連續十四天給予厚朴(100或300 mg/kg).治療。在控制組別中,給予生理食鹽水(0.9%, i.p.)及灌餵玉米油。結果顯示,MPTP與厚朴並不影響小鼠之運動協調功能,然而,可利用新位置辨識能力測試及新物體辨識認知行為測試,檢測因MPTP所引起之認知功能障礙現象,由我們結果中顯示,不論是與MPTP共同給予厚朴治療抑或是後處理厚朴皆可恢復因MPTP所造成的認知功能障礙現象,此外,厚朴也可恢復因MPTP所造成多巴胺神經元及多巴胺轉運子受損之情形,另外,我們也初步發現,厚朴可在海馬迴中使Nrf2表現量提升。因此,初步結果表明,厚朴將可成為未來治療帕金森氏症之天然藥物。 / Cortex Magnoliae, the bark of Magnolia officinalis, has been prescribed in the traditional herbal medicine to treat a variety of mental disorders including depression. The main constituents of cortex Magnoliae contain the biphenyl compounds such as honokiol and magnolol. Both biphenyl compounds were shown to have the neuronal protective effect which is related to the anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, and anti-excitatory toxicity. Thus, it was proposed that cortex Magnoliae may act as the potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of the present study was to examine whether cortex Magnoliae exhibits the neuroprotective and therapeutic action against the neuronal toxicity and behavioral deficits in learning, memory, and motor function induced by neurotoxin paraquat and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in PD-like models. The lifespan of flies from Oregon-R strain of Drosophila melanogaster (age: 1-2, 20 or 30 days) chronically exposed to paraquat (5-20 mM) with pre-treatment of Cortex Magnoliae (100, 300 or 600 mg/L) were measured. Results showed that pre-treatment of Cortex Magnoliae could not extend the lifespan of the flies reduced by paraquat. On the other hand, male ICR mice (30-35g) were administered with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days to induce neurotoxicity and behavioral impairment. In co-treatment group, male mice were orally administrated with cortex Magnoliae (100 or 300 mg/kg) 1 hour before MPTP injection for 5 days and then followed by oral administration of cortex Magnoliae alone for consecutive 14 days. Mice in post-treatment group were orally administered with cortex Magnoliae (100 or 300 mg/kg) for consecutive 14 days after the final injection of MPTP. Mice in control group were injected with saline (0.9%, i.p.) and orally administrated with vehicle (corn oil). Our results showed that MPTP and cortex Magnoliae did not affect mouse coordination and balance in beam walking test. However, cortex Magnoliae improved the cognitive impairments determined by novel-location recognition task (NLRT) and novel-object recognition task (NORT) in MPTP-induced PD mouse. Additionally, cortex Magnoliae restored MPTP-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons and recovered MPTP-induced loss of dopamine transporters in striatum. Cortex Magnoliae also activated Nrf2 in hippocampus. Therefore, the preliminary results suggest that cortex Magnoliae may be a novel candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in the future. The pharmacological mechanism of cortex Magnoliae in PD treatment needs further study.

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