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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳育平 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化趨勢之發展下造成經濟趨於一體性,使得各國間之區域疆界模糊化,在全球經濟市場在變化快速而不定之現象下,更加速了訊息交流而逐漸減少了文化多樣性而趨於高同質性。因此,挖掘在地性之特殊風格並將其發揚,成為各級組織在世界經濟體全球化之中尋求差異化之要務。 其中,「風土條件」的演進發展,從中國古代的三才論、風土觀;到日本風土論的人間哲學,以及在文化/ 自然財及社區資產等諸多實踐,結合產業、旅遊成為消費經濟誘因;同時在地球另一端的歐洲,Terroir 此一概念,從最早帶鄙夷之義的「土性」,隨著葡萄的繁盛開展,成為不畏新世界葡萄酒產區大量崛起競爭的最佳籌碼,甚至成為國際葡萄酒經濟的共同準則,並轉化為眾多傳奇食材、精品不凡身 世之象徵。 以上種種脈絡顯示了風土條件不再僅作為一種農業思維或人文哲思,而是早已透過先進國家不斷挖掘論述及多方實踐,深化為擁有絕對或相對優勢的經濟利器,與全球化下之地方城鄉多元發展緊密結合。簡言之,風土條件早已變為風土資本。 因此,若政府政策或企業組織能運用在地特殊之風土資本,並在全球化促使各類產品及服務均質之現象下,反而能藉區域界限模糊、資訊快速傳遞等全球化之便,掌握當地風土特色尋求差異化以進行全球在地化之具體實踐。 由此可知,某一地區所獨有之「風土條件」即促使該地區具特殊性之關鍵要素,將造成無可取代之差異化競爭條件。本研究將先透過對「風土條件」(Terroir)一詞作詮釋,並藉由分析個案以歸納出具體條件,進一步試圖將風土條件資本化並建構創意經濟價值鏈。

IC設計公司成長策略研究—以義隆電子為例 / The growth strategy of IC design company:A case study for Elan microelectronics corporation

石本立 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以個案分析方式,以IC設計公司義隆電子為例將其15年來企業成長所採用的策略作為作一回顧及分析。藉由長期的觀察能夠了解到企業由初創、成長、一直到遭遇瓶頸後的突破,在這些不斷的循環過程中所依賴的核心能力是如何循序漸進地培養獲得的。在本研究中佐以實證資料有一深入討論。 此外企業所處的是一動態的競爭環境,任何一個突破競爭的「漸進式創新」極易被競爭者複製,將再度削弱了業者的利潤空間。企業領導人倘若只著重於不斷地應付這樣的循環模式的話,將是非常危險的經營方式。個案研究中發現義隆電子採取破壞性創新的思維,跳脫出IC設計公司僅推出IC產品的習慣性作法,而直接訴求及扮演模組或是完整解決方案提供者的角色。 本研究主要發現之一,企業新創及成長期階段中,企業成長與核心能耐的培養有其關聯性,可藉由以下五種企業活動不斷累積。分別為研發活動、選擇利基市場涉入、蒐集市場資訊及應用創意、再來就是核心能力的延伸拓展跨入不同應用領域,最後是經營網絡組織以擴充產品線廣度及支援客戶的深度。 本研究主要發現之二,當企業成長出現瓶頸摸索轉型路徑作為時,則與核心能耐的延伸有關且具有以下三種關連性特徵。分別為由產業價值鏈結構觀點,提高競爭對手的進入障礙;向下游整合提高產業獨佔力量;重新定義公司新的競爭方式。 本研究所選擇的個案研究係以電子產業的觀點加以分析,雖然對於管理上的建議及採證上的限制而有所侷限,但是其現象觀察及結論推展也同樣適合應用於其他產業上。至於個案公司策略的落實及未來經營的績效,期盼未來有興趣研究者持續追蹤。

電影採購決策-舞力全開系列電影分析 / Movie Purchasing decision-A case study of Step Up Series

鄭惠方, Cheng, Claire Hui fang Unknown Date (has links)
Each year, only around 10% of the produced films will go to theatrical release, and 90% of the produced films might be the missing jewels lost in time. In Taiwan, movie distributors will act as this filter role to find out those 10% films. In this case, we will introduce the basic knowledge of the industry and discuss the evaluation process of the distributors and at the end reaching our conclusions and suggestions.


黃崇岳, Huang, Chung-Yaeh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過一個全新的產業矩陣架構,細膩翔實地檢視造成好萊塢電影產業現有形態的產業特性,讓相關產業決策者能夠看到好萊塢電影產業每個環節的意義,繼而思索未來發展的種種可能性,也希望這個研究能給國片市場的經營管理帶來一些參考價值。 分析研究的結果主要如下: 一、好萊塢電影產業成功的關鍵之一,在於其產出部份所面對的不僅是夠大的國內市場,還有可以為其帶來更多淨利的全球市場。 二、好萊塢電影產業在一開始就將電影設定為一種商業性產品,因此幾乎所有的投入價值單元(成本、演員、導演、科技、特效或獲獎消息等),一直到產出面的產品(戲院電影、電視電影、有線電視電影、錄影帶、授權商品)進入各種通路,和授權商品廠商間的異業結盟等,皆和「行銷」有所關聯。 三、各種環境前提,包括了美國文化意涵在全球透過各種不同媒介的高度湛入,和美國在國際政治、經濟、學術、商業地位上的重要角色,也助勢好萊塢電影產業的蓬勃發展。 四、反觀台灣電影產業,既然本身在有限的市場下無法形成像好萊塢電影產業這樣的規模,就應該用一個宏觀的角度去找出自身在全球電影產業中的位置,尋找自己可以扮演的角色;既然無法掌握所有的投入價值單元,就應該就本身的優勢,挑選有競爭力的投入價值單元,全心投入,成為全球電影產業價值鏈中能夠出色的一部份。


黎雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 台灣的液晶顯示器產業能在全球佔有舉足輕重的地位,在台灣液晶顯示器產業發展過程,應該具有許多值得探討研究的策略。 本研究乃由檢視液晶顯示器模組產業環境開始,透過產業發展沿革、歷程、階段及發展現況的期刊資料及相關文獻,對產業的歷史與經營內容作基本的闡述。 其次,藉由液晶顯示器模組產業價值鏈的展開及探討,了解產業中作業流程的策略觀念,並藉由專家意見及相關資料的整理,配合產業矩陣中司徒達賢所發展之策略形態六構面和產業策略形態六構面,及產業價值鏈整理交叉分析歸納所得的內容,來進行產業的策略點及策略要素的分析。主要對產業內所有產業策略活動及特性,作細密周延的探討。並根據產業分析所得的策略點及策略要素,配合個別公司的發展,來檢視個別公司所採取的策略作為。研究者希望能透過產業矩陣分析整個液晶顯示器產業沿革,並能歸納整理出整個產業環境及結構特性,有助於政府與廠商瞭解其發展中軌跡脈絡與趨勢,以擬定具有效果和效率的產業政策與技術策略,並提供業界策略思考,以期未來幫助台灣液晶顯示器產業與企業的發展。 本研究的目的有二:一為,以六項產業策略形態構面:價值單元間的關連,產品/要素市場結構與區隔、整合之利弊與廠商、規模經濟/範疇經濟/經驗曲線、地區特性與介面、競爭優勢之成因/結果/及SKF,和產業價值鏈的投入部份價值單元為研究架構,統整液晶顯示器產業相關資訊。並且以六項策略形態構面:產品線的廣度與特色、目標市場區隔與選擇、垂直整合程度、相對規模與規模經濟、地理涵蓋範圍、競爭優勢,和產業價值鏈的產出部份價值單元為研究架構,統整液晶顯示器產業中企業相關資訊,即運用產業矩陣描述台灣液晶顯示器產業的策略形貌;二為運用產業矩陣描述過去台灣液晶顯示器產業的產業形貌和策略點,並將發展過程的策略系統化,以提供未來策略決策者細緻周延思考的共同平台。

價值鏈管理之探討 -- 以利豐貿易為例

史麗娜, Shih, Li Na Unknown Date (has links)
目前經濟的主軸環繞著三大趨勢:通聯資訊科技,貿易的全球化與知識經濟運轉。資訊決定議價能力,全球化使競爭更加激烈,「微利」為成熟產業的普遍現象。「模式創新」成為企業永續經營的惟一途徑。 利豐貿易,成立於1906年,一家歷經三代家族經營的代辦採買貿易公司,在80年代,歷經組織重組與營業模式的創新,發展成為目前旗下擁有香港最大的出口貿易公司,市值達數百億港元的大貿易商利豐貿易(0494)與經營供應鏈整合的利豐經銷與零售業(ok便利店與玩具反斗城)之利豐零售。 “利豐貿易”的發展與管理備受各界關注,《哈佛商業評論》主編瓊安.瑪格瑞塔(Joan Magretta)於編選《新經濟時代管理大師觀點》(Managing in the New Economy)時,將其與“戴爾電腦”(Dell Computer)並列為最佳觀念實踐的公司。 “利豐貿易”透過解構價值鏈與現代網路資訊科技的運用,將危機化為轉機,首創「分散式生產」模式,從其全球供應網絡中,找出最符合客戶需求的解決方案。此模式後來廣為其同業所採用,且有愈來愈多的大型製造業亦開始 採用此種作業模式。 本研究為探討性研究,透過學術界(主要為哈佛大學)對個案公司的訪談與案例 資料的研讀與整理、個案公司資料的收集與整理,歸納研究在目前這個被稱為新(資訊)經濟環境下,一個經營傳統產業的企業如何透過供應鏈的創新與現代化的管理,實現其價值訴求使企業營收成長並持續獲利倍增。 / The mainstream of the world economy currently are: Net Communication Technology, Trade Globalization and Knowledge Econolmy. Information decided the power of bargaining, globalization makes competition tougher than before, "No profit" or "tiny" profit becomes the general situation for any mutual industry, "remodelize your business type"is the only way for your enterprise's survival. Li & Fung Ltd. formed in 1906, after serveral restucture and remodeling,in the age of 80, becomes the largest trading company of HK, listed in HK exchange market (code 0494) with value more than billions of HK$, the family also own Li & Fung Retailing and Li & Fung distribution. The management and development of "Li & Fung Ltd" were eyecatching by different people, Joan Magretta, the editor of "Harvard Business Review" has classified it together with "Dell corporation" as the best practice company in her " Managing in the New Economy" "Li & Fung Ltd" by using modern information technology to destructure their value chain, turn their weakness to strength, initial "loose coupled control" manufacuring model, to provide theit customer best solution from their world wide supplier network. The supply model suddenly becomes the general model for the industry, and more and more large manufacture adopt such model. This report is a reasearch study, through reading papers, company's inforamtion and interviewed some peer companies to conclude that how a traditional company to make themself so successful in the "New Economy" environment and what can we learn from it.


張介信 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球WLAN產業發展迅速的現在,如何能將PWLAN服務快速地商業化,是目前推展WLAN產業最重要的一項課題。目前PWLAN產業尚未建立明確的產業規則,其價值鏈與價值活動都仍在渾沌未明、不斷變動的狀態中,PWLAN業者同時從事多個相關的價值活動的情況相當常見,整體產業動態非常模糊。 在2003年時,已有超過全球80%比例的WLAN硬體設備是在台灣製造的,但是在PWLAN產業的發展推廣方面,卻是起步較晚的。本論文即是希望能夠研究討論國內外PWLAN產業的發展態勢,藉由研究國外公司的發展經驗與競合狀況,再整合國內外學者專家的意見與研究報告,提出PWLAN產業的整體性分析研究與建議,提供台灣PWLAN產業中各從事不同價值活動單元企業的一個營運參考與發展依據。 在最後結論與建議的部分,簡單整理如下: 1.PWLAN產業之發展必須從提升需求與強化供給兩方面做起; 2.而PWLAN業者面臨強大的競爭壓力,在經營上必須步步為營; 3.需注意無線網路為人詬病的安全性問題; 4.注意產業主導權的爭奪; 5.政府角色對台灣PWLAN產業發展的影響力不容小覷; 6.需建立漫遊機制; 7.可能會出現業者間的併購行為; 8.雙網整合的趨勢明顯。


楊謹瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
一直以來,台灣企業在智慧財產的保護方面,與外國企業相比相對處於劣勢,財經報導方面只會看到台灣企業被外國企業控告的新聞,而且絕大部分最後的結果都是台灣企業支付大筆的權利金之後和解;而專利更是屬於高科技產業的問題,跟一般認為的傳統產業一點關係都沒有,但是竟然有一間被大眾認為傳統產業企業(中國砂輪公司),卻成功有效的逼退外國知名企業(3M)的專利訴訟,使外國企業支付和解金之後,還獲得其商業上的目的,成為這領域中與外國企業能相提並論的大型企業。 本研究以自身企業擁有的專利品質與所處於的產業價值鏈角度切入,參照國內外相關理論,並藉由次級資料、文獻探討與個案訪談的方式,分析中國砂輪公司面對跨國大型企業3M的專利訴訟中的因應,進而給面臨相同壓力的企業,一個可供參考的重要依據。 本研究主要發現如下: 1. 企業所擁有的專利品質越強,在專利訴訟的較容易佔有優勢地位。不過成功的專利範圍詮釋(Claim Interpretation),可以補足專利品質上的不足,使得專利訴訟地位提昇,獲得較為有利的判決。 2. 企業所在的價值鏈地位,與是否願意進行專利訴訟相關,當所在的產業價值鏈地位越高,下游企業依賴性越高,更容易獲得資源進行專利訴訟。 3. 企業的目的在於獲取利潤,因此企業多以商業考量,來替代公平正義的法律考量。當訴訟成本小於訴訟預期收益時,企業會繼續進行訴訟,但當訴訟成本大於預期收益時,企業會選擇不再繼續訴訟。 4. 由於專利訴訟的最終目的在於增加商業談判籌碼,因此當被控告專利侵權時,就算經過檢視專利認為自身沒有侵權,仍應立即予以回應(提出反訴、進行商業結盟、立即變更製程、舉發對方專利無效等),並非等待專利訴訟結果後才有所反應。 5. 在進行專利訴訟時,選擇有利的訴訟地點或方式,將會增加訴訟獲勝的機會,以及增加商業上的籌碼。 6. 當專利訴訟結果對於企業有利時,對於產品市佔率、股價等財務指標有所助益,尤其是對於小型的企業,其表現會更加亮眼。 同時本研究也提出以下建議,供產業界參考: 1. 中小企業面對跨國大企業的專利訴訟,應先檢視自身是否有侵權,以及是否有能夠提出反訴的專利。 2. 當面對專利訴訟時,應選擇專業與經驗兼具備的律師與專家證人,不要為了節省成本,因而因小失大。 3. 中小企業本身也要具有為顧客解決問題的能力,提高自身企業在產業價值鏈的不被替代性,才可以以結盟的力量對抗跨國企業的訴訟。 4. 當面對專利訴訟時,應該要立即應對,不管是與對方和解、進行反訴、舉發對方專利、變更製程或是商業結盟等,不可以等待訴訟結果。 5. 所有專利訴訟還是要以成本考量為依歸,一旦預期獲益小於訴訟成本時,企業應衡量是否應該繼續訴訟。 / Taiwan corporations have always been at a disadvantage behind foreign companies when it comes to the protection of intellectual property rights. The media repeats the stereotype that most cases of patent infringements between foreign companies and Taiwan corporations end up with costly settlements from Taiwan corporations. Moreover, patent violations are widely regarded as problems exclusive to the high-tech industry and have nothing to do with traditional industries. The Kinik Company, one of the traditional industries, surprisingly prevailed in a patent litigation dispute with the world renown, 3M Corporation. Not only did the Kinik Company successfully claim a settlement fee from its opponent, but also that it garnered commercial benefits and recognition for challenging a foreign company on equal grounds. This research begins with the patent quality and the position of an industry in the industry value chain. This thesis will involve with domestic and international theories, secondary data, published studies and case interviews, analyzing what strategy the Kinik Company adopted in its patent litigation suit against the world renowned 3M Corporation. The study will provide useful reference for Taiwan corporations of similar situations. The major findings are as follows: 1. The higher quality of the patents an industry possesses, the more leverage the industry will possess in a patent litigation. However, a good Claim Interpretation can supplement patent quality inadequacies and gain grounds during patent litigation, thereby winning a favorable judgment. 2. The industry’s positions in the value chain closely correspomd to its inclination to proceed with the patent litigation. The higher position it is situated in the industry value chain, the greater the downstream corporations depend on its survival and the more support it will garner to proceed with patent litigation. 3. A corporation’s ultimate goal is to maximize profits, and so a corporation weighs more on commercial profits than social justice. When the cost of litigation falls below expected benefits, the corporation will pursue litigation. On the other hand, when the costs of litigation exceed expected benefits, corporations will forgo litigation. 4. Since the ultimate goal of a patent litigation is to fight for bargaining chips, the defendant must react immediately (putting forth counter claims, forming a strategic alliance, immediately switching production techniques, invalidating the opponent’s patent etc.) when being sued for patent violations, even if it believed that there was no violation at all. Never wait for judgments to react. 5. Choosing a favorable location and approach for a patent litigation will increase the odds as well as bargaining chips over commercial benefits. 6. A favorable judgment from a patent litigation improves an industry’s market share, share price and other financial indicators, especially for smaller companies. This research offers the following suggestions for the industries: 1. When small and medium enterprises are involved in patent litigations initiated by multinational corporations, they must make certain whether they did the violation in the first place, and whether they possess any patent that can be used for a counter claim. 2. Always choose professional and experienced lawyers and expert witnesses for patent litigations. Do not risk losing big over cost considerations. 3. Small and medium enterprises should also develop problem-solving skills for their customers. The only way to fight against a multinational patent litigation is to become indispensable within the industry value chain and to be backed by a powerful alliance. 4. React immediately to any patent litigation: to make settlements, to proceed with a counter claim, to invalidate the opponents’ patent, to switch production techniques, or form commercial alliances. Never wait for judgments. 5. Evaluate all patent litigations based on costs and benefits. Once the expected benefits become less than the costs of litigation, the decision makers must ponder whether to pursue litigation or not.

電子設計自動化技術對台灣半導體產業價值網的影響 / The Impact of EDA Technology to Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Value Net

林毓柔 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業由於產業群聚效應促成產業的興盛,2005年台灣整體的半導體產業產值已達新台幣一兆一千億元以上,更創造科學園區十萬員工的產業族群,而由於整體半導體產業的基礎深厚,台灣半導體產業在全球半導體產業可說是具有舉足輕重的地位,有著從上而下完整的半導體產業供應鏈,相當具有產業發展的優勢。 電子設計自動化技術可說是IC產業的源頭,但是在EDA產業裡,(Electronic Design Automation 電子設計自動化; 以下簡稱EDA),只有少數全球性的EDA廠商將研發資源投注在台灣;國內半導體產業賴以設計晶片研發的EDA工具幾乎完全掌握在外商手裡,對台灣半導體產業的整體發展實屬不利。 本研究利用價值鏈理論,來分析半導體產業各業者之間的互動關係與重要的價值創新活動,並利用價值網理論發展出價值網的動態模型,藉由動態價值網中各個廠商間所提供的價值分析,來瞭解EDA產業與半導體產業間的互動行為與競合關係,並分析EDA技術創新對於半導體產業價值網的影響,同時本研究發現,晶圓代工公司正積極扮演在半導體產業價值網中價值整合者的角色。 本研究的貢獻在於經由分析EDA產業與技術,得知EDA技術對半導體產業價值網有顯著的影響,首先是對IC設計公司的創新研發能力、成本控制能力、進入市場時機、合作網路關係、保護智慧財產等關鍵因素的價值創新有顯著的正面影響。再者對晶圓製造公司的創新研發能力、創造市場價值、成本控制能力、進入市場時機、合作網路關係、提升顧客服務等關鍵因素的價值創新均有非常顯著的正面影響。由於本研究歸納出價值網的動態模型,後續研究者可以利用動態價值網的模型,來分析產業價值網的動態變化。 / The prosperity of Taiwan semiconductor industry is facilitated by the industry cluster effect. In 2005, the total Taiwan semiconductor industry’s value had amounted to above 1.1 trillion NTD and IC industry creates one hundred thousand jobs opportunity in Science Park. Built on a structure that emphasizes horizontal division and vertical integration, the IC industry has delivered an economic miracle to Taiwan. Because Taiwan semiconductor industry has a well organized infrastructure and a complete supply chain, it plays an very important role in worldwide semiconductor industry with superiority. We may say that EDA (Electronic Design Automation; hereafter refers as EDA) technology is the beginning of IC industry. But in EDA industry, only few global EDA companies deployed R&D resources in Taiwan. The EDA tools which Taiwan semiconductor companies rely on developing IC design are almost completely being grasped in foreign EDA companies. This situation is very disadvantageous to Taiwan IC industry. Therefore, Taiwan government proclaimed that developing EDA talents and products will be the first priority plan in "National SoC (System on Chip) Program". This Program hopes to integrate EDA software, and to provide an outstanding design environment for the use of global systems design firms. This research is focusing on three major question groups as following: 1. How is the interaction among semiconductor industry companies in Taiwan IC industry value chain? What are important value creation activities among enterprises in Taiwan IC industry? 2. What is the roadmap of EDA technology? How is the EDA industry developing? 3. What is the influence of EDA technology regarding to the semiconductor industry value net? What are the interactions and relations between EDA industry and Taiwan semiconductor industry? What is the impact of EDA technology to the value creations of Taiwan semiconductor industry dynamic value net? First, this research uses Value Chain Theory to analyze the interaction and value creation activities among Taiwan semiconductor industry companies. Secondly, this research develops a “Dynamic Value Net Model” from Value Net Theory then to analyze Taiwan semiconductor industry. Third, this research analyzes the affiliation between each players in Taiwan IC industry dynamic value net and the interaction and co-opetition relationship between EDA vendors and semiconductor companies. Moreover, this research analyzes the influence of EDA technology innovation regarding Taiwan IC industry value net. There are four major findings in this research as below: 1. EDA Play an Important Role in IC Industry This research points out that EDA technology plays a very important role in IC industry, as it shows in Figure A-1. EDA is a necessary technology for IC design and PCB industry. The EDA software industry is located the most upstream position in IC design industry and IC manufacturing industry value chain. Through EDA technology, we may reduce the IC design cycle time and raise IC manufacturing yield rate which can enhance IC industry competitive advantage. 2. The Co-opetition Relationship in Taiwan IC Industry Value Net This research analyzes the IC industry co-opertition relationship in Taiwan IC industry value net. This research figures out the existing complicate co-opertition relationship including “customer-supplier” relations, “complementor” relations, “competition” relations between each players in Taiwan IC industry value net. 3. Taiwan IC industry Dynamic Value Net Model Analysis This research analyzes the interactions among EDA vendors, IC design companies and Foundries in Taiwan semiconductor industry value net through dynamic value net model analysis. This research discovers that Foundries are acting as value integrators in Taiwan IC industry value net aggressively. There are four major value creation activities in the value net: (1) e-Service. (2) Provide “IC design reference flow”, including DFM (Design for Manufacturing) support. (3) Build EDA alliance to provide design support. (4) CyberShuttle. 4. Impact of EDA Technology to Taiwan IC Industry Value Net The contribution of this research is acknowledging that EDA technology has positive influence to semiconductor industry value net by analyzing EDA industry and technology. First, to the IC design companies, EDA technology has positive influence to R&D capability, cost control capability, active market entrance capability, cooperation network relationship and intellectual property protection. Furthermore, to Foundries, EDA technology has positive influence to R&D capability, market value creation, cost control capability, active market entrance capability, cooperation network relationship and customer service value. Because this research induces the dynamic value net model, the following researchers may use the model to analyze the dynamic change in any industry value net if applicable. This research suggests that Taiwan IC industry should establish an outstanding design environment and services for global systems design firms, especially EDA software. These measures enable Taiwan to maintain its semiconductor manufacturing lead and grow the crucial design and design service business.


黃軍維, Huang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在行動通訊的快速發展下,手機和PDA開始經由多功能整合外,也開始內建開放式作業系統平台,通常使用的作業系統有Symbian、Windows Mobile、Linux、Palm。早期的智慧型手機發展主要是以商務人士為主要服務對象,隨著智慧型手機不斷的整合多功能於一機之下。智慧型手機逐漸從語音的服務轉移到內容服務。智慧型手機目前全球以將近40%的高成長率快速發展。 本研究主要針對智慧型手機產業的價值鏈過程從電信業者、手機製造商到作業系統平台之間的運作關係去探討產品創新模式分析、技術標準與規格和產品市場定位,並試圖將產業分析結果與個案分析研究之結果進行分析與驗證。藉由研究瞭解智慧型手機未來產業的趨勢與發展關鍵因素。 在產業與個案分析之後,本研究整理出幾個研究發現: 1.智慧型手機在未來幾年的發展會具有高毛利,高成長率的市場機會;2.智慧型手機的研發需花費相當大的資源來做應用軟體和系統平台和硬體之間的整合;3.智慧型手機研發能力門檻相對於一般手機製造廠商高;4.智慧型手機的使用者介面和應用服務將使整個產業的附加價值拉高;5.智慧型手機市場的產品定位從商務人士移轉到一般消費者市場的定位;6.智慧機行動上網加值服務提供使用者內容服務驅向多元化;7.智慧型手機製造商與電信系統業者的合作關係會成為未來主流的商業模式。

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