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銀行徵信流程之探討─以C銀行法人金融業務為例 / Credit verification process of corporate finance department in banks—take Bank C as an example彭雅蘭, Peng, Ya Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用Tsaih and Lin(2006)所發展之PWIO(Process-Wide Information Organism)分析方法論,來描述與瞭解個案公司法人金融事業群徵信流程,透過實作表的展開以分析流程,並提出相對應之績效衡量指標與改善建議,作為未來個案公司徵信流程改善之參考,期能因此增進個案公司的徵信流程正確性與效率,進而強化其競爭能力,塑造組織長遠的發展優勢。 / Competition among banks becomes intensive nowadays. While new financial products launched, less differences could be found in products from bank to bank; therefore, the differentiation of detail-oriented services becomes a key factor for keeping competitiveness in the banking industry.
One of the main elements for improving the quality of bank services is the amelioration of internal process. As for the corporate finance department in banks, more than product design itself, making credit verification process better, raising operating validity and efficiency would definitely reach their goals for quick response, and also enhance customer satisfaction.
The case bank is one of the leading companies in the domestic banking industry. The scale of organization is huge, the divisions of department are meticulous, and the operation process is deeply relied on the information systems. Under such circumstances, the credit verification process of its corporate finance department has become minute and complicated. Furthermore, the business side takes responsibility for the credit verification process. To execute the process, the business side needs supports from other related departments and does a series of decision making based on personal experiences, which means that it is also an influential factor to train the primary personnel well in the credit verification process flow.
This study, based on an application of the Process-Wide Information Organism approach (Tsaih and Lin. 2006), describes and interprets the credit verification process of corporate finance department of the bank. For improving the validity and efficiency of the process, this study intends to set targets and evaluation indicators toward the process flow, and provides suggestions at the same time to enhance the long-term competitive advantages of the bank.
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領導型態對員工達成預算態度的影響戴杏芳, DAI, XING-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
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連鎖經營控制之研究--系統分析方法之應用嚴盛豪, YAN, SHENG-HAO Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機。第二節 研究方法。第三節 研究假設。第四節 研究限制。
第二章 系統分析方法簡介
第一節 系統分析方法之意義與目的。第二節 系統分析在本研究中之應用。
第三章 連鎖經營簡介
第一節 連鎖經營之意義與目的。第二節 控制在連鎖經營中所扮演的角色。第三節
第四章 文獻探討
第一節 國外的研究發現。第二節 國內的研究發現。第三節 國內外研究發現對本
第五章 連鎖經營控制之方式與其利弊
第一節 現金控制之方式與利弊。第二節 存貨控制之方式與其利弊。第三節 人員
第六章 連鎖經營之控制與其他變數之關係
第一節 控制與顧客利益之關係。第二節 控制與規模經濟之關係。第三節 控制與
策略選擇之關係。第四節 控制與創設過程之過係。
第七章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論。第二節 研究建議。
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供應鏈架構下通訊方式選擇策略之探討----以日用百貨零售業為研究對象 / To Survey the Communication Media of Information Delivery for the Infrastructure of Supply Chain Management江培文, Pei-Wen Jiang Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………………….1
1.2 研究目的…………………………………………………………………….2
1.3 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………………….4
1.4 論文架構…………………………………………………………………….4
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………….6
2.1 供應鏈管理………………………………………………………………….6
2.1.1 供應鏈管理的定義……………………………………………………..7
2.1.2 供應鏈的整合…………………………………………………………..9
2.2 資訊流……………………………………………………………………….9
2.2.1 資訊流的定義…………………………………………………………..9
2.2.2 資訊流的類型………………………………………………………….12
2.2.3 資訊流的傳遞模式…………………………………………………….12
2.3 通訊方式……………………………………………………………………16
2.3.1 有線通訊方式………………………………………………………….16 公眾交換電話網路…………..……………..………………..……17 整體服務數位網路………..………………………………………20 非對稱數位用戶迴路……………..………………………………22 軸纜數據機……………..…………………………………………23
2.3.2 無線通訊方式………………………………………………………….24 無線電通訊………………………………………………………..24 紅外線通訊………………………………………………………..26 行動通訊…………………………………………………………..27 衛星通訊…………………………………………………………..31
2.4 資訊科技……………………………………………………………………35
2.4.1 資訊科技引進策略之探討…………………………………………….35
2.4.2 資訊科技實施階段之探討…………………………………………….37 Zmud及Apple的資訊科技實施程序模式………………………37 Nolan的階段成長理論……………………………………………39
第三章 通訊方式選擇策略訂定方法之探討……………………………..41
3.1 通訊方式選擇策略訂定方法之流程………………………………………41
3.2 供應鏈成員架構之建立……………………………………………………43
3.2.1 傳統供應鏈之成員架構……………………………………………….43
3.2.2 導入物流中心的供應鏈之成員架構………………………………….44
3.3 資訊流的內涵與傳遞模式之分析…………………………………………45
3.3.1 價值鏈模式…………………………………………………………….46
3.3.2 資訊流之分析………………………………………………………….48 企業內部資訊流之分析…………………………………………..48 通路成員間資訊流之分析………………………………………..49
3.4 通訊方式使用特性之分析…………………………………………………49
3.5 企業內外部環境之分析……………………………………………………51
3.5.1 SWOT分析…………………………………………………………….52
3.5.2 SWOT矩陣…………………………………………………………….52
3.5.3 企業策略……………………………………………………………….53
3.6 資訊流與通訊方式之探討…………………………………………………55
3.7 企業內外部環境與資訊流之探討…………………………………………56
3.8 通訊方式選擇策略之訂定…………………………………………………57
第四章 日用百貨零售業通訊方式選擇策略之訂定……………………59
4.1 個案描述……………………………………………………………………59
4.1.1 統一企業與捷盟行銷………………………………………………….59
4.1.2 萊爾富公司…………………………………………………………….65
4.1.3 美國西爾斯公司……………………………………………………….68
4.1.4 美國寶鹼公司與威名百貨…………………………………………….74
4.1.5 日本丸井百貨………………………………………………………….78
4.2 日用百貨零售業的供應鏈成員架構………………………………………80
4.3 日用百貨零售業的資訊內涵與傳遞模式之分析…………………………82
4.3.1 日用百貨零售業企業內部資訊流之分析…………………………….82
4.3.2 日用百貨零售業通路成員間資訊流之分析………………………….84
4.4 通訊方式使用特性之分析…………………………………………………87
4.5 日用百貨零售業企業內外部環境之分析…………………………………91
4.5.1 日用百貨零售業之SWOT分析………………………………………91
4.5.2 日用百貨零售業之SWOT矩陣………………………………………92
4.6 日用百貨零售業資訊流與通訊方式之探討………………………………94
4.6.1 日用百貨零售業企業內部資訊流與通訊方式之配對關係………….95
4.6.2 日用百貨零售業通路成員間資訊流與通訊方式之配對關係……….96
4.7 日用百貨零售業企業內外部環境與資訊流之探討………………………97
4.8 日用百貨零售業通訊方式選擇策略之制訂……………………………..100
4.9 本章結論…………………………………………………………………..103
4.9.1 結合優勢與機會之通訊方式選擇策略……………………………...103
4.9.2 發揮優勢避免威脅之通訊方式選擇策略…………………………...104
4.9.3 改善劣勢掌握機會之通訊方式選擇策略…………………………...104
4.9.4 改善劣勢避免威脅之通訊方式選擇策略…………………………...105
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………………….107
5.1 結論………………………………………………………………………..107
5.2 建議………………………………………………………………………..108 / To provide and to satisfy the customers' needs, we should integrate the up-stream supply side and down-stream demand side. That's the reason why the concept and implementation of supply chain management occupy so much of the attention. In a supply chain framework, the information flow is the key factor to integrate all of the activities of the intra-member and inter-member in the chain.
And how to quickly and suitably deliver the information in a supply chain to respond the customers' needs and changes on time is the critical success factor of running a business.
In this research, we emphasize on the information flow of intra-member and inter-member of a supply chain. And we study how to select the proper communication media to deliver the information in the chain on time to quickly respond the change of customers' needs and to reduce the inventory cost as well as the operating cost. We believe that all the members of a supply chain will increase their competitive forces through the strengthening their quick and on time delivery ability of the intra-member and inter-member information flow.
There are two main purposes in this research; one is to propose a method to decide a selecting strategy of communication media to deliver the information in a supply chain framework, and the other is to study the selecting strategy of communication media for retail sales industry of consumer goods.
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物件導向資料庫系統績效評估方法之研究--以系統分析方法為之工作量模式 / Benchmark workload modeling for OODBMS - system analysis orientation許致順, Sheu, Chih-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
現今的物件導向資料庫績效評估存在著許多的缺失。1.針對特定的應用領域,其測試工作量模型並無法代表使用者的需求。2.針對特定的資料模型,主要在衡量資料庫設計之技巧及效能。3.測試資料庫綱目變得複雜,測試運算變得繁多,使用者欲自行建立績效評估十分不容易。為了解決以上的問題,本研究擬使用物件導向系統分析的方法作為使用者建構工作量模型的工具,經過一、工作量需求分析階段。二、工作量規則描述階段。三、績效評估的測試階段。最後發展出一個用以測試物件導向資料庫的績效評估環境。由於測試之資料庫綱目與測試運算均是從使用者之需求著手,將使得測試之工作量對使用者而言,更具一致性、代表性與正確性,測試所得之數據與使用者更具相關性。另一方面,為了驗證所提出理論的可行性,我們發展了工作量模型產生器之雛型系統,使用者只須使用視覺化的圖形符號來編輯其工作量模型,系統即會產生工作量模型之規格描述,作為建構績效評估系統之進一步應用。在物件導向資料庫的應用範圍愈來愈廣泛、資料庫之資料量日益龐大的未來,以使用者需求為導向之績效評估將會是未來績效評估之發展方向。 / Existing object-oriented database benchmarks have the following drawbacks 1.They are designed to apply to specific domains, so the workload models of theirs are unable to fully represent user requirements 2.They are designed to apply to the specific data model, and their main intentions are to measure the techniques and therefore performance of database design. 3.As the database schemes are more complex and test operations are more myriad, it will be harder and harder for users intending to implement the benchmark according to the benchmark specification. In order to resolve the above problems, this thesis tries to model user's workload with system analysis methods. After 1.workload requirement analysis phase. 2.workload requirement specification phase 3.benchmark experiment phase, we will develop a benchmark application program used to benchmark the OODBMS. Because our benchmark database schemes and operations are derived from the user requirements, the workload will be more consistent, more representative and more accurate and the result will be more meaningful to users. In order to validate the theory we propose, we develop a prototype of the workload generator. After users have finished editing their workload model with visual graphic notations, the system will output workload specifications, which will be used in the later phase. As the application domain of OODBMS are more diverse and database are more huge, the trend of benchmarks is toward user requirement driven in the future.
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投資抵減與企業經營績效間之關聯性研究鄭惠方, Cheng,Hui-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實證結果發現,不論是電子業或電機業,均顯示投資抵減政策確實使得公司降低成本,但是未能明顯提升公司的技術效率。在Tobit迴歸分析中的電子業部分,實證結果顯示投資抵減並不是提升公司經營效率的關鍵影響因素,若公司過於依賴租稅減免,反而不利於改進其成本效率;在電機業部分,實證結果顯示投資抵減獎勵沒有達成政府預期的效果,因此電子業與電機業有同樣之現象:企業過度依賴租稅減免,而未致力於技術水準之提升。 / In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the nation and industries, the government has instituted the related regulations to stimulate the R&D input, equipment investment, and technology improvement of companies. One of the most representative regulations is “Statute for Upgrading Industries,” especially the Article six of which, the most important tax measure, referring to invest in automatic equipment, R&D, and personnel training and resulting in huge number of losses of tax revenue. The number of investment credit against tax in accordance with the Article six accounts for thirty percent of the total investment tax credit. Therefore, the Article six of “Statute for Upgrading Industries” is chosen as the research topic of this thesis. The research goal is to review whether corporate operating efficiencies are influenced concretely by this tax measures.
We sample the several listed companies in the electric industry and in the electrical machinery industry as our research targets, and choose DEA to calculate the efficiencies of companies classified by the applicability of investment tax credit. Finally, we utilize statistical methods to research the relationship between investment tax credit and corporate efficiencies.
In our empirical study, we find that the companies, in both electric industry and electrical machinery industry, eligible for investment tax credit, have higher allocation efficiency, but those unqualified for investment tax credit have higher cost efficiency and pure technical efficiency. This result indicates that the policy of investment tax credit is able to help companies reduce costs, but is unable to improve their technical efficiencies.
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吸菸者市場區隔化與產品定位之研究鄒義強, ZOU, YI-GIANG Unknown Date (has links)
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個人電腦消費者行為與滿意度之研究林漢廷, LIN, HAN-TING Unknown Date (has links)
銷上之應用。三、滿意決定汏素理論:包含認知失調理論(Cognitive Dissonance
Theory)、類化理論以及費旭模型(Fishbein Model)。
在研究方法方面,主要應用因素分析(Factor Analysis )、集群分析(Cluster A-
nalysis )、區別分析(Discriminate Analysis )、卡方檢定ANOVA以及數量
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問題認知風格與資訊搜尋型態關係之研究莊素珍, ZHUANG, SU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
數。至於在問題認知風格方面的文獻,理論部份以Engel, Kollat 及Blackwekll和H-
awkins, Coney 及Best有較詳盡的描述。實證部分則僅有Sirgy 及Bruner分別從社會
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知識服務型組織的合約訴訟管理流程分析-以A公司法務中心為例陳鋒銘, Chen, Fong Ming Unknown Date (has links)
IC產業是台灣經濟的重要命脈亦是能在國際舞台上佔有一席之地的產業之一,IC 產業具有技術密集、高投資成本、高設備折舊、競爭激烈的產業特性,且各生產階段精細分工,上至晶圓、封裝廠乃至IC設計公司,下至組裝廠、品牌商客戶等,在這緊密合作的供應鏈關係下,合作與競爭不斷產生,在此技術掛帥的環境下,IC設計公司若沒有做好專利、商標等智慧財產權管理並做好合約審核及履行追縱之流程控管的話,IC設計公司將隨時會遭遇第三人主張侵權請求或面臨違約損害賠償之風險,故為維持IC設計公司獲利能力及在全球的競爭力,因此有效之合約訴訟管理流程將更顯其重要性。
本研究利用Tsaih and Lin (2006)所發展之PWIO (Process-Wide Information Organism)分析方法論來探索如何系統化地重現與評估管理流程,並以台灣-A個案IC設計公司法務中心的現行之合約訴訟管理流程為研究對象,進行:(1)重現、分析與評估該合約訴訟管理流程;(2)就流程分析結果,討論個案公司改善該合約訴訟管理流程時應重視之議題,並做成高階主管日後評估調整合約訴訟管理策略之參考;(3)發展平衡計分卡之內部流程構面的基礎,進行個案公司法務中心合約訴訟管理流程目標的描述,以及目標達成之績效衡量指標的呈現,讓策略能落實到合約訴訟管理流程,以避免及預防個案公司合約訴訟風險產生。 / The main goal of the Process of Contract Lawsuit Management (POCLM) is the process of a company that can control and prevent from arising protential lawsuit and indemnification. In this research, I will discuss the basic architecture of POCLM and develop a POCLM model applicable to the IC design company.
The Integrated Circuit Industry (IC Industry) is essential economic lifeblood in Taiwan. The characteristics of the IC industry include technology-intensive, high investment cost, high equipment depreciation and intensely competitive environment. Every production process is divided into detail parts. Based on the close relationship of Supply Chain, the competition and cooperation is arising constantly. If the IC design company does not manage the intellectual property management efficiently and establish the contract reviewing and tracking process in the technology based environment, the IC design company will face the high risk of lawsuit, claim and indemnification. In order to maintain the profitability and the competitiveness of the IC design company in the world, it is more and more important to lead an effective POCLM model into the IC design company.
In this research, I use the research method of PWIO (Process-Wide Information Organism) of Tsaih and Lin (2006) on a contract review process of a legal department of A IC Design Company in Taiwan, to discuss how to rebuild and evaluate the management process systematically. And I will do following studys: (1). Rebuild, analyze and evaluate the POCLM; (2). Upon the study result, provide A Design Company with a improvement suggestion of POCLM and related management issues for its director’s reference on adjusting the strategic in the future; (3). Develop the basic of Internal Business Process Perspective of Balance Scorecard (BSC), describe the goal of POCLM of the legal department of A Design Company and build the performance indicator of the goal achiving for A Design Company by BSC, to implement the strategic into the POCLM and avoid and prevent from arising any contract lawsuit against A Design Company.
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