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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳明憲 Unknown Date (has links)
銀行風險管理架構的建立必須與銀行的經營管理相結合,如資產品質管理、資本分配、績效評估與發展策略等。面臨新的風險管理觀念與架構趨勢,銀行的資訊系統也必須做結構化的調整,以有效支援銀行風險控管的決策與執行。 本研究以銀行信用風險管理整合需求為出發點來推導信用風險管理資訊架構: 一、銀行信用風險管理資料蒐集、風險量化與驗證、風險監控與審核, 必須建立資訊運作流程。 二、因應系統平台的多元性,銀行必須建置整合性信用風險控管系統, 以建立即時監控風險機制。 三、風險預警機制與風險定價決策支援整合至現有銀行資訊系統。 四、建立資本配置與績效衡量決策支援與管理系統,以建立風險與績 效之連結機制,提升銀行經營績效。


申富鑫, Shen Fu-Hsin,Dominique Unknown Date (has links)
二○○二年一月一日,我國以「台灣、澎湖、金門及馬祖個別關稅領域」之名義(簡稱中華台北Chinese Taipei),正式成為世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,以下簡稱WTO)之一員,適逢服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,以下簡稱GATS)第十九條之既定談判依多哈發展議程之規定進入「要求與回應」(offer and request)之階段,掌握GATS服務貿易談判現狀、熟稔前回合談判WTO會員提出之初始承諾,以便於未來談判中爭取我國之利益,便是我國加入WTO後履行會員義務、行使會員權益重要的工作。 我國保險服務市場,自一九八五年與美國簽署保險服務市場開放協定後,便逐步開放;二○○一年七月九日,我國通過之保險法修正內容,在提昇保險業經營效率、調整保險業資金運用之範圍與限制、商品審核制度等方面,亦展現了政府保險服務市場管制革新的動向。另一方面,隨著兩岸商業交易熱絡及兩岸雙雙加入WTO之下,我國保險業者出口保險服務的腳步也轉為積極。 保險服務貿易,在WTO規範架構中,隸屬於GATS之金融服務部門下之保險、銀行、證券三項服務之一。自烏拉圭回合以來,會員保險服務貿易議題,經歷一九九三年至一九九七年多次的金融服務貿易談判,並利用金融服務第二附件、第二議定書、第五議定書,讓會員有修改或撤回承諾表之機會,最後在一九九七年達成會員全體合意之初始承諾承諾水準。現在進行之保險服務談判(二千年即展開了),即是以上述承諾表及後加入WTO之新會員承諾表為基礎。在上述之背景下,為了準備刻正進行之談判,爭取我國最大的利益,實有深入研究WTO架構下之保險服務貿易自由化談判之必要。 本文第一章「緒論」,概述研究目的與方法、研究範圍、研究之限制。第二章「GATS與保險服務貿易」,首先簡述GATS適用之範圍與定義、GATS一般性義務、特定承諾規範,及GATS金融服務規範。其次,介紹GATS之保險服務分類、國際上保險服務供給者的型態,及各項保險服務中較具國際性之險種,作為保險服務貿易之背景說明。最後,本文藉由對現行GATS保險服務分類之分析,說明目前談判上遇到的困難,及WTO各會員保險法制差異性所造成之貿易限制問題。 第三章「保險服務貿易施與WTO會員自由化承諾」,首先說明現行WTO各會員保險服務高度政府干預的原因、主張減少政府干預的理由,及目前GATS允許的政府干預型態。其次,對於保險服務貿易各種限制措施加以說明,除了反映WTO會員初始承諾表所表列之市場開放與國民待遇限制外,其他初始承諾表無法看到的貿易限制措施,亦藉由學者的觀察亦反應在本文。本章節,除指出現存保險服務貿易限制措施,WTO各會員對同一保險服務不同的立法考量、開放政策或限制政策選擇,本文亦選擇部分會員的例子,作為採取限制措施政策之對照。 第四章「保險服務貿易自由化談判」,本文先簡述了GATS金融服務貿易談判各階段的成就及談判背景。其次,以第五議定書程序WTO會員保險服務所提高之自由化承諾之內容,及會員國整體初始承諾之情形,說明會員初始承諾之自由化程度、填寫承諾表上會員集團性之差異、會員提高保險服務貿易自由化承諾的方式。最後,以日本、美國、歐洲在GATS額外承諾上之承諾國內法規改革的例子,說明下一階段WTO保險服務自由化在「國內法規改革」方面之趨勢。 第五章,「結論與建議」,除對本文研究上之重要發現作一歸納說明,並提出幾點相關之建議。

GATS自然人移動之重要議題及我國重要對策分析 / Movement of Natural Persons under the GATS: Issues and Strategies for the Current Negotiations

劉漢威, Liu Han-wei Unknown Date (has links)
服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,GATS)將服務依其提供之方式區分為四類。其中之一,乃藉由自然人跨越國境之方式進行,因此,是類服務供給方式,除模式四、自然人呈現外,一般常以自然人移動名之。 對於資金與技術相對匱乏的開發中會員而言,自然人移動毋寧為具有比較利益的服務提供模式之一。藉由短期勞力移動至海外,不但可解決國內勞力過剩之問題,更能帶來可觀的外匯收入,改善本國經濟狀況;他方面,短期移出之勞力於海外工作時所習得之新穎技術與知識,亦將有助於國內生產及服務水準之提升。而就已開發會員來說,在出生率低、人口結構呈現高齡化等因素影響下,許多產業所面臨的工資高漲及人才難覓之窘境,使先進國家不得不正視勞動力需求之議題。 儘管不少會員國對於勞動力的引進有所需求,但由於人員移動所牽涉的層面太廣,移民政策、社會安全乃至文化認同等因素盤根錯節,使得各國在模式四的開放上相當保守,不但承諾項目僅集中於專業人士(specialist)與企業內部人員調動(intra-corporate transferee)等白領階級,更有著林林總總的管制態樣。在不願意受到GATS承諾拘束,卻又有實際需求的情況下,許多會員轉而以本國立法或雙邊、複邊的合作方式,引進外國服務提供者。 此一保守之承諾現狀令人力資源豐沛的開發中會員極為不滿,因此,於2000年WTO新回合談判時,以印度為首之開發中會員即紛紛提出具體之建言,試圖打開目前在GATS架構下人員移動之僵局。另一方面,學者間亦陸續表達其對於模式四自由化之看法,並分別從闡釋開放市場所帶來經濟誘因、區隔自然人移動與移民、長期勞動力移動間之不同等角度切入,藉此釐清各國之疑慮,以期模式四在新回合談判下能有所突破。 面對模式四自由化聲浪高漲之勢,人員移動進一步開放的問題,於新回合中已難以迴避,由於人員移動所牽涉層面甚廣,對我國而言,倘稍有不慎,不但將造成我國就業市場門戶洞開的嚴重後果,其後續效應,如本地勞工失業率上升、及對治安、文化語言等衝擊,將為我國帶來不可預測的影響。舉例而言,我國模式四承諾中之第三類自然人移動,其內涵為何?如依國貿局之中譯文—「受中華台北企業僱用之自然人」(a natural person employed by business entities in Chinese Taipei),則對我國就業市場產生如何影響,我國又應如何因應,值得深思。 職是之故,自然人移動之基本概念、內涵上之爭議,乃至於會員各陣營間意見落差等議題之釐清,對於我國新回合談判而言,實屬刻不容緩之事。本文之研究動機,即針對模式四規範上的重要問題、我國模式四承諾中之「第三類自然人移動」及相關談判策略進行分析,希冀對我國談判當局能有所助益。 關鍵字:服務貿易總協定、自然人移動、模式四、商業據點呈現、模式三、商業訪客、跨國企業內部調動人員、獨立服務提供者、第三類自然人移動、GATS簽證、經濟需求測試、工作證。 / The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is undoubtedly a milestone of the Uruguay Round of negotiations, as it has successfully brought services into the multilateral framework of trades. Under the GATS regime, services are trade via four modes of supply, namely, cross-border supply (mode1); consumption abroad (mode 2); commercial presence (mode 3); movement of natural persons (mode 4). Notwithstanding the GATS has taken the important step towards bringing services into the multilateral framework of trade, the liberalization commitments that have reaped during first round negotiations are so limited. They are highly asymmetric across different sectors and modes of supply, in particular, the movement of natural persons. Developing countries were disappointed by the dearth of the commitments in the aspect of their comparative advantage, and now seek to great openness. Meanwhile, lots of multinational corporations attempt to enlarge the scope of movement of personnel as well. Due to the aging populations, developed countries today are facing an increasing severe shortage of workers, including skilled and less skilled. These shared interested seem to create an optimistic negotiating environment for the current negotiations. The problem is, however, whether and how the coincidence of interests could be taken used of to further liberalizations. Besides the introduction - Chapter 1, the study could be divided into five parts. First, the study endeavors to clarify the meaning and scope of mode 4, inter alia, the most debated issue – if “natural persons employed by host-country companies “falls within the GATS. It has been argued that since the Annex of Movement of Natural Persons covers ”employed by a service supplier of a Member”, this could include foreigners employed by host-country companies. Owing to the fact that Art.1: 2(d) of the GATS defines mode 4 as “ the supply of service …by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member”, this argument is not accepted by the majority opinions. Chapter 2 attempts to analyze how the opaqueness result from and sketches out the sensitivities involved the issue. Apart from the economic impacts of mode 4, some observers argue that the real grounds behind the reluctance of Members to expand mode 4 commitments are uncertain social and political impacts. Therefore, economic impacts, as well as social influences and debates will also be discussed in this Chapter. In accordance with the data of WTO Secretariat and International Mutual Fund (IMF), it’s apparent that mode 4 is by far the smallest mode of service delivery in terms of both flows and volumes of schedules. Moreover, the limited commitments that have been made under the mode 4 almost exclusively refer to so-called “white-collar” personnel, especially to the intra-corporate transferees (ICT), which are linked to commercial presence. In addition, a variety of obstacles, such as burdensome visa/work permit procedures, economic needs tests (ENTs), licensing requirement, pre-employment, wage parity, and social security taxes, etc., have made the scheduled concessions more limited. All the patterns of mode 4 commitments and barriers are presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 first outlines the brief history of post-Uruguay Round negotiations from 1994 to 1995 that is helpful to perceive the interests of conflicts of interests between the capital-surplus and labour-surplus countries. In addition, all the proposals pertaining to liberalizing mode 4 commitments for the new round negotiations are detailed listed in this Chapter. Mode 4 commitments of Taiwan are evaluated in Chapter, in particular, the potential impacts of the 3rd category personnel. The study seeks to submit several strategies for the purposes of tackling the envisaged menaces. The last Chapter is the conclusions and recommendations. All the crucial issues are collected as a whole, meanwhile, negotiating strategies and proposals with respect to GATS visa, ENTs, categories of personnel, uniformity of the terms of the specific commitments, transparency, domestic regulations, the use of ISCO-88 for the scheduling etc. for the new round negotiations are submitted to the authorities concerned as well. Key words: GATS, commercial presence, mode 3,movement of natural persons, mode 4, 3rd category personnel, business visitor, intra-corporate transferees (ICT), independent service contractor, GATS visa, ENTs, work permit, W/120, ISCO-88.


許哲維 Unknown Date (has links)

在WMN 網路上考量Intra/Inter-flow 干擾之多網卡路由協定 / Multi-Interface Routing with Intra/Inter-flow Interference (MiRii) Considerations in Wireless Mesh Networks

劉彩鳳, Liu,Tsai-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來興起一個前瞻性無線技術,稱之為無線網狀網路(Wireless Mesh Networks),WMNs 以所費低廉方式提供無線網路最後一哩存取Internet,同時具備ad hoc 網路全部優點,例如自我組織(self-organization)、自我組態(self-configuration)等。儘管WMNs 骨幹部分與平面式ad hoc 網路相似,多網卡(multi-radio)的Mesh Routers 節點卻是固定不動且沒有電力限制。有鑑於此,設計於ad hoc 網路上之路由協定並不適合於WMNs。 WCETT(Weighted Cumulated Expected Transmission Time)metric 考量到intra-flow 干擾,卻未捕捉到inter-flow 干擾;而LBAR(Load-Balanced Ad hoc Routing)協定以計算節點之活躍值(nodal activity)與訊務流量干擾選擇路徑,並無支援多網卡路由,LBAR 可以在單一網卡環境表現良好,在多網卡環境卻不一定。因此,我們提出一個WMNs 上考量到Intra/Inter-flow干擾之多網卡路由協定,稱為MiRii。模擬結果顯示出我們路由協定可以改善網路效能,包含了封包成功傳送率及平均點對點延遲。 / A new promising wireless technology has emerged recently, called wireless mesh networks (WMNs). WMNs are inexpensive way to provide wireless last-mile broadband Internet access and have all the advantages of ad hoc network, such as self-organization, self-configuration. Although WMNs backbone is similar to flat ad hoc network, mesh routers with multi-radio are stationary and have no power constraints. As a result, routing protocols designed for ad hoc network may not be appropriate for WMNs. The WCETT (Weighted Cumulated Expected Transmission Time) metric takes intra-flow interference into consideration, but does not capture inter-flow interference. LBAR (Load-Balanced Ad hoc Routing) calculates nodal activity and traffic interference for choosing a path, but does not supporting multi-radio. LBAR may be perform well in single-radio environment, but do not perform as well in multi-radios. Consequently, we incorporate a new Multi-Interface Routing with Intra/Inter-flow Interference in Wireless Mesh Networks, called MiRii. The simulations show that our routing protocol can improve the network performance including the Packet Delivery Ratio and average end-to-end delay.


陳嘉敏, Chen, Jia Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文提出了一個新興風險衡量的工具的概念-期望尾端損失值(ETL),其有別於風險值為百分位數且未考慮報酬分配的尾部風險(Tail Risk),本研究期望能透過ETL的估計可以更完整表達投資組合所有可能面臨的風險,對於市場風險能更有效控管。 本文實證討論有關VaR與ETL穩定度的部分,VaR雖然在理論上證明無法滿足次可加性這個條件,但是在本研究實證中,即使在分配具厚尾狀況下,VaR仍滿足次加性的性質。這也表示,我們在現實生活中很難因VaR理論上缺乏次可加性,而捨棄VaR這個風險衡量工具,然ETL也有其貢獻性,其較VaR多考慮尾部資訊,可視為風險值外另一參考指標,此為本文貢獻一。 本文實證也探討移動窗口中歷史資料長度的不同,是否造成VaR與ETL估算準確性的差異,本文由實證結果發現:在歷史窗口的資料長度越長(1000日)下,並沒有正確預估VaR與ETL,而本研究中以移動窗口為500日下,使用內部模型較具正確性,故在使用風險值模型時,應謹慎選擇移動窗口之長度,此為本文貢獻二。


簡嘉宏 Unknown Date (has links)
大多數國際政治研究集中於國際關係理論研究、國際組織研究、區域研究或國際安全研究,對於難民相關之研究卻如鳳毛麟角,事實上,難民問題攸關國際和平秩序之維繫,實為研究國際安全秩序之一重要環節。 歐洲聯盟自1992年成立歐盟人道救援署(ECHO)以來,遂積極從事國際性人道救援行動,歐盟援助的對象無論天然災害或人為戰爭引發之人道危機,援助的範圍更遍及全球,歐盟之國際性人道救援網絡正逐漸成形,影響力隨著歐盟之整合擴大日益重要,成為聯合國人道救援體系以外之另一個救援架構。本篇論文著眼於目前缺乏對歐盟人道救援體系之專門研究,希望透過理論與實務的探討,拼湊出歐盟人道救援全貌,全文主要分為三個層面:一、介紹歐盟主要之人道救援組織、政策與人道救援運作模式;二、分析歐盟於科索沃與達爾富爾地區之人道救援實際案例;三、在結論部分,透過上述案例歸納出歐盟之人道救援特色,並分析歐盟人道救援發展的限制性。 本研究的目的不在挑戰聯合國的人道救援任務,亦不認為歐盟與聯合國的人道救援體系存在競爭的關係,只希望透過對歐盟人道救援體系的研究與認識,提供另一個國際人道救援選項,並喚起世人對國際人道危機之重視。

中韓自由貿易協定之研析 / Study of a free trade agreement between China and South Korea

吳惠娟, Wu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
中國與南韓正在從事自由貿易協定之洽簽程序,本篇論文的目的即在於評估其經濟效果。本文應用多國多部門之一般均衡模型,模擬二國農工商品完全自由化在靜態及考慮資本累積之動態效果。 實證效果顯示,上述二種模擬情境下,中國與南韓的整體社會福利都有正面效益,因此本文建議中韓應儘速完成可行性研究階段並開始諮商。如此,中國可以早日扮演建立東亞經濟整合的領導角色,而南韓也可以享受中韓自由貿易協定加上美韓自由貿易協定所產生之綜效。 目前亞洲任何一個已形成或是正在洽簽的自由貿易協定皆不包含台灣,故台灣應積極參與多邊體系下的貿易談判,以減低自由貿易協定所帶來的歧視,並應採納多樣化的協定而非拘泥於自由貿易協定之形式。同時應優先考量可以避免中國政治壓力及可擴大台灣經濟利益的議題,例如:雙邊投資協定及避免雙重課稅協定,以為洽簽正式之自由貿易協定鋪路。 關鍵字:中國、南韓、自由貿易協定、多國多部門之一般均衡分析 / China and South Korea are in the process of pursuing a free trade agreement. The purpose of this study is to assess its economic effects. The paper employs CGE models and the GTAP database to conduct a simulation with full elimination of tariffs in all sectors. Two CGE models are used. One is a static CGE model that captures the short-run effects, and the other captures the static effects as well as the capital accumulation effects arising from higher savings and investment induced by the static gains. The study finds that both South Korea and China will enjoy the welfare gains from the deals. We suggest that China and Korea complete feasibility studies and start the negotiation process at the earliest possible time for the purposes that China can play a leading role in building an East Asian economic integration and that Korea can enjoy the effects of multiple FTAs due to the Korea-China FTA plus Korea-US FTA. In addition, none of the bilateral agreements in Asia includes Taiwan. Taiwan should aggressively engage in trade negotiations under a multilateral system to decrease the discrimination caused by the free trade agreements and adopt diversified forms of agreements instead of focusing on “FTAs” only. Besides, Taiwan should prioritize the issues that can avoid the political pressure from China and expand Taiwan’s economic benefit, such as Bilateral Investment Agreement and Double Taxation Agreement, in order to pave the way for a formal FTA. Key words: China, South Korea, Free Trade Agreement, GTAP


余玫琪, Yu, Mei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,GATS)秉持WTO之中心精神,以不歧視原則為重要基礎原則之一,分別規定於GATS第2條之最惠國待遇原則與第17條之國民待遇原則。 依據GATS第2條及第17條之規定,不歧視原則之要件包括:1)會員所採影響服務貿易之措施之要件;2)會員在特定承諾表做出開放承諾之要件(僅國民待遇原則);3)來自其他會員之類似服務及服務供給者之要件;以及4)歧視性待遇之要件。 相較於GATT貨品貿易之不歧視原則而言,目前涉及GATS不歧視原則之要件與爭議問題等研究,仍處於發展階段,部分要件甚至仍未出現有力之實務見解,例如「服務及服務供給者之類似性」等,本文即希望透過拆解GATS不歧視原則之要件的方式,提出各要件可能發生之爭議問題,歸納分析目前WTO爭端解決實務見解及相關學術意見,一方面釐清GATS不歧視原則之法律全貌,一方面則藉由這些爭議的提出,期能拋磚引玉,對於將來有更多深化且精闢之相關研究之提出,有所助益。 最後,本文並依分析結果,針對各項爭議問題,提出我國目前法規體制在這些爭議問題下可能產生之疑義及我國主管機關可能之採行策略及方向建議。 關鍵字:服務貿易、服務貿易總協定、不歧視原則、最惠國待遇原則、國民待遇原則。 / Non-discrimination is one of the fundamental principles under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). It is embodied as the most-favored-nation treatment and the national treatment under the Articles 2 and 17 of the GATS. According to the Articles 2 and 17 of the GATS, the elements of non-discrimination include: 1) must be measures by Members affecting trade in services, 2) Members have made commitments in its Schedule (national treatment applies only), 3) likeness of services and service suppliers of Members, and 4) must be no less favourable treatment. Compared with non-discrimination under the GATT, which has been developed more completely, the elements and their related issues of non-discrimination under the GATS are still lacking representative or binding opinions. For example, the issue of “likeness of services and service suppliers” has not been addressed officially on findings of panel or appellate body reports. This article tries to analyze all elements under non-discrimination of the GATS, raise possible issues, and conclude related findings of WTO dispute settlement and opinions of academic publications. By doing this, the legal structure of GATS non-discrimination and possible issues would be clarified more completely. More importantly, we are hoping this beginning would help forward more and more future profounder researches focusing on issues of GATS non-discrimination. Finally, based on the research results, this Article brings up some potential problems which may happen under the legal system of our country and proposes possible strategies and measures to be taken. Key Words: Trade in services, GATS, non-discrimination, most-favored-nation treatment, national treatment.

無線網狀網路上利用多傳輸功率及多網卡之跨層路由協定設計 / Cross-Layer Design for Multi-Power, Multi-Interface Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks

蔡松達, Tsai, Sung Ta Unknown Date (has links)
近年來無線網狀網路(Wireless Mesh Networks)備受矚目,無線網狀網路繼承原有的ad hoc networks的特性並提供階層式及多網卡的網路存取架構。在multi-hop networks下,傳輸功率的控制和網路路由的選擇是重要的議題,因為不同的傳輸功率產生不同的網路拓墣連結性和干擾。此外,在不同網路卡間的路由選擇也會產生不同程度的intra/inter-flow 干擾。這些特性對網路效能有密切的影響,過去相關的路由協定設計也大多未同時考量傳輸功率控制與多網路卡的特性。 在這篇論文中,我們提出了跨網路協定層的路由協定,稱作M2iRi2,同時考量傳輸功率的控制並將Intra/Inter-flow的干擾導入到路由路徑的選擇。節點上的網路卡在物理層(Physical layer) 計算目前對潛在可容忍的新增干擾,並將此訊息送到網路層(Network layer)和鄰居節點作交換。透過此資訊的交換,在路由發現時控制路由請求封包的傳輸功率,當路由建立後,封包根據路由表的記載,選擇所對應的路由路徑和傳輸功率。經由NS-2模擬結果顯示,我們所提出的跨網路協定層路由協定可同時兼顧網路的吞吐量和平均點對點的延遲。 / In recent years, WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks) technologies have received significant attentions. WMNs not only accede to the advantages of ad hoc networks but also provide hierarchical multi-interface architecture. Transmission power control and routing path selections are critical issues in the past researches of multi-hop networks. Variable transmission power levels lead to different network connectivity and interference. Further, routing path selections among different radio interfaces will also produce different intra/inter-flow interference. These features tightly affect the network performance. Most of the related works on routing protocol design do not consider transmission power control and multi-interface environment simultaneously. In this thesis, we proposed a cross-layer routing protocol called M2iRi2 which coordinates transmission power control and intra/inter-flow interference considerations as routing metrics. Each radio interface calculates the potential tolerable added transmission interference in the physical layer. When the route discovery starts, the M2iRi2 will adopt the appropriate power level to evaluate each interface quality along paths. The simulation results demonstrate that our protocol can enhance both network throughput and end-to-end delay.

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