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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以銀行業為例探討我國受管制產業之審計市場集中度 / Auditor Concentration of Regulated Industry-An Examlpe of the Banking Industry in Taiwan

陳宜伶, Chen, Yi-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
隨著銀行業管制的解除,新銀行的開放設立使會計師在銀行業的審計市場擴大許多。銀行業受法令規範的程度較高,業務種類繁雜且多半與現金有關,其查核程序和其他產業不盡相同。Eichensecher & Danos (1981)的研究指出當客戶產業受規範的程度愈高或在資本市場的活躍程度愈高,會計師在查核這類客戶時規模經濟愈大,審計市場的集中度也就愈高。Hogan & Jeter (1999)則發現審計市場的產業集中程度,會隨著時間的經過而增加;而會計師事務所審計集中程度,在客戶為受管制的產業、較具集中度的產業與快速成長的產業中較高;但在具有高訴訟風險的產業中較低。 本研究欲探討會計師在查核銀行業時,審計市場集中度是否因產業的特殊性而有所不同。以民國八十一年至八十八年之上市公司為研究對象,並進行迴歸分析。依據本研究之結果,可獲得以下的結論: 一、客戶所處產業受管制程度與會計師事務所審計市場集中度不呈顯著關係。 二、時間因素與會計師事務所審計市場集中度呈正相關。 三、在受管制之銀行業中,管制與時間因素之交互作用與會計師事務所審計市場集中度呈正相關。 / With deregulation in the banking industry, newly established commercial banks enlarged the CPA’s audit market. The banking industry is highly regulated by laws and has multiple operating activities related with cash. Therefore, the audit processes are different from other industries. Based on the research of Eichensecher & Danos in 1981, the CPA-firm concentration was a positive function of the degree of client-industry regulation and capital market activity. Hogan & Jeter in 1999 concluded that levels of concentration had increased over time. Auditor concentration levels are higher in regulated industries, in more concentrated industries and in industries experiencing rapid growth, but lower in industries with a high risk of litigation. The purpose of this study is to answer the question whether auditor concentration levels in the banking industry are different from those in other industries. By using regression, the firms listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange for the period from 1992 to 1999 are investigated. Based on this research, the following conclusions are reached: 1.The relationship between the level of regulation on client's industry and auditor concentration is not significant.  2.The relationship between time factor and auditor concentration is positive.  3.The interaction of regulation and time factors is positively related with auditor concentration.

審計品質變動與代理成本之研究 / A study on the Association between Changes in Agent Costs and Audit Qualities

呂相瑩, Lu, Hsiang-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 我國經濟迅速發展的結果,造成所有權與經營權分離的企業經營模式。在這種專業經營的好處背後,隱藏代理問題的危機。欲解決代理問題,資訊的透明化是關鍵,而資訊的正確與否,則有賴於獨立公正的第三人加以驗證,因而促成對審計服務的需求。 由於審計服務的需求能否被滿足,繫於審計品質的優劣,因此本研究將代理成本的變動與審計品質需求的變動作一個連結,將國內上市公司更換會計師的行為視為對審計品質需求的變動,探討對有更換會計師的公司而言,當代理成本增加時,對高品質審計服務的需求是否增加;反之,當代理成本降低時,上述需求是否減少。 本研究以四個替代變數來衡量審計品質,即產業專業、聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短,以及以前述三種替代變數利用主成分分析所構建的審計品質總指標來衡量審計品質。至於代理成本,則以管理當局的持股比率、財務槓桿率、應計項目來衡量。四種審計品質的代理變數分別建立四個統計模式。在檢定個別自變數與應變數之間的關係時,由於聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短的模型,其應變數為類別性變數,因此係採鑑別分析,而產業專業與審計品質總指標模型的應變數則為分析性變數,故採用迴歸分析。 本研究發現,有關管理當局持股比率的假說,在產業專業的模型中獲得顯著的支持,但在聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短的模型中,則未獲支持;而財務槓桿比率的假說則獲得絕大部份的支持,顯示財務槓桿比率的變動與更換會計師審計品質的方向間具有正向的關係,惟在聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短的模型中,更換至品質較低的群組,未有顯著的支持;至於應計項目的假說則未獲支持,顯示應計項目的變動與更換會計師方向間並無顯著的正向關係。 / Abstract Name: Lu, Shiang-Ying Advisor: Ma, Sheree S., Ph.D. Title: A Study on the Association between Changes in Agent Costs and Audit Qualities Month/Year: July, 1999 With the development of economy, one of the impacts is the business style turns to be specialist resulting in the departure between management and owner incentives leads to agency conflict. To solve the conflicts, information transparency is the key point. The integrity of information lies to the independent audit of the third party, so the audit demand emerges. Whether the audit demands can be met depending on the audit quality. So, the study links the changes in agent costs to audit qualities; the extent of agency conflicts determines the degree of auditing needed to make management credible to current and potential investor. Specially, the higher (lower) the agent costs, the higher (lower) the demand for audit quality. This study measures audit quality by proxy variables which are industry expertise, brand, time span of allying with America large CPA firm and audit quality index. The audit quality index is a combination of first three proxy variables by principal component analysis. Agent costs are proxied by management ownership, leverage and accruals. Four audit quality proxy variables build four statistical models. The industry expertise and audit quality index models are analyzed by regression; the others are by discriminate analysis. The results do not provide support for the hypothesis that changes in accruals is associated with changes in audit quality. As to the hypothesis of management ownership and leverage, there is no consistent result.


謝秉璟 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統審計服務市場漸趨飽和,會計師事務所紛紛往非審計服務市場發展,非審計服務收入佔事務所收入比率越來越高。在安隆、世界通訊等會計舞弊案陸續爆發後,會計師同時提供非審計服務與審計服務是否會影響其獨立性,成為大眾關注之焦點。然而,非審計服務有許多種類,如記帳服務、評價服務、稅務諮詢服務及理財服務等;大眾亦有不同種類,如管制機關、實務界及學術界等。 過去,實證研究對此議題之看法相當分歧,管制機關、財報使用者、實務界之看法亦然;另一方面,對於非審計服務之相關規範,我國與美國之規定並不相同。因此,本研究欲分析財報使用者與會計師實務界之看法,研究兩方對會計師提供非審計服務是否影響其獨立性之認知。本研究以國立大學研究所及大學部學生為受試對象,藉由問卷蒐集資料並採透鏡模型(Lens model)理論架構進行分析。 本研究結果顯示:就整體受試者而言,會計師同時提供非審計服務,的確會影響受試者對會計師獨立程度之認知,惟非審計服務的種類不同時,其影響程度有異,以記帳服務、理財服務與評價服務的影響較重大,稅務諮詢服務較不重大;另一方面,就不同團體間受試者而言,不同團體之受試者,重視之線索均相同,均認為記帳服務、評價服務及理財服務會對會計師之獨立性造成嚴重的威脅,而稅務諮詢服務則對會計師獨立性之影響則較小,亦即不同團體間,其判斷線索之差異,並未達統計上顯著水準,各個團體在判斷政策上的差異,僅為線索重視程度的不同。

審計公費與董事會成員的人格特徵: 以獨立董事的產業專長與職涯背景為例 / How do board member characteristics affect audit fee pricing? The role of independent directors’ financial expertise and career background

練雅淯, Lien, Ya Yu Unknown Date (has links)

從懲戒角度看會計師事務所總分所之審計品質—基於中國大陸上市公司的實證分析 / On the Association between Audit Headquarter Office and the Sanction Likelihood: Evidence from China

官梅, Guan, Mei Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本文之目的即從懲戒角度探索會計師事務所總、分所之審計品質差異。本文採用 2010~2015年中國大陸上市公司數據,通過實證迴歸得出了以下結論:從中國大陸本土“八大”、“十二大”來看,本文發現總所之會計師審計品質更高,被監管機關懲戒之可能性更低,這與本文之預期相符。同時,研究發現“十二大”會計師事務所總所之會計師在懲戒後改善效果比分所好。 / Abstract The objective of this thesis is to examine whether audit quality, measured as the auditor sanction likelihood, differs across auditors from headquarter office and those from other branch offices. Using a sample of listed firm in China during 2010 and 2015, my paper provides the following empirical findings. First, focusing on Big 8 or Big 12, I find that auditor from headquarter office have greater audit quality and, thus, are less likely to be sanctioned by regulatory agency or professional body, consistent with my hypothesis. Meanwhile, analyses reveal that auditors from headquarter office improve auditor quality more than those from branch office in the post-sanction period for a sub sample of firm-years audited by Big 12.


林松宏, LIN, SONG-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
本文係以審計抽樣α及β風險為研究範圍,旨在探討我國會計師事務所審計人員對α 及β風險之認知程度。α與β風險係一種相對性的觀念,前者涉及審計效率(Effic- iency ),後者則涉及審計效果(Effectiveness ),兩者在認知上之差距均足以影 響審計人員之專業判斷,從而損及其形象、聲譽。 在本文中,首先探討有關審計風險之定義,並探究其形成原因;其次則將審計風險依 抽樣方法與審計程序之不同加以分類,並提出其數量模型,俾使審計人員對整體審計 風險之控制有深刻的瞭解。再者則提出「古典模式」「貝氏決策理論模式」及「貨幣 單位抽樣模式」等有關α及β的控制模型詳加縷述。 本文實證研究係以國內會計師事務所審計人員(分三大與非三大)及審計學術界人員 為受試對象,問卷分三組採不具名方式寄發,回函問卷經整理後採卡方檢定及單因子 變異數加以分析。其研究目的旨在瞭解上述人員對α及β風險之認知程度;以便對國 內審計實務界之專業訓練及學術界之審計教育提出發展改進的方向,並指引出可行的 途徑。


黃仁乙 Unknown Date (has links)
國內博達科技無預警聲請重整,對會計師業及資本市場均造成嚴重之衝擊,有些投資人甚至質疑財務報表審計存在的必要性及其價值。財務報表審計有無價值主宰會計師業是否有存在之必要,其影響不容小覷。本研究乃依據Wallace(1980,1987)提出之代理、資訊及保險等三假說,藉會計師審計失敗之事件,觀察其他簽證客戶股價之反應,以衡量財務報表審計是否有價值。 本研究以企業及審計均失敗的公司為實驗組,企業及審計均未失敗的公司作為控制組,期衡量財務報表審計是否有價值。依據研究個案篩選標準,本研究針對87至92年間,各選取五家公司作為實驗及控制組之研究個案。 實證結果顯示,在五個研究個案中,中友的簽證會計師事務其他簽證客戶之股價在事件期間,有顯著為負的異常報酬,亦即,中友之簽證會計師提供之財務報表審計確有價值;然國揚、和旺、桂宏及茂矽等四家公司的簽證會計師事務所審計失敗時,因市場出現其他影響股價變動之事件,故無法衡量此四家公司之審計是否有價值。 若僅自中友之案例,類推所有事務所之財務報表審計均有價值,恐不足以採信,故本研究推論,會計師事務所提供的財務報表審計服務可能有價值,惟其是否確有價值,則無法自實證結果提出佐證。 / PROCOMP INFORMATICS LTD affects accountant industry and the capital market seriously. Some investors even question both the necessity of existence and the value of financial statement audit. Whether financial statement audit has value decides the necessity of accountant industry’s existence and its influence is significant . This research is based on agency, information and insurance hypothesis proposed by Wallace (1980, 1987). In this paper, we choose the event of audit failure and observe the stock price of CPA firm other audit clients to measure the value of financial statement audit. This research designs both the experimental group and the control group to measure the value of financial statement audit. We choose companies which occurred business failure and audit failure as the experimental group. In stead, we choose companies which didn’t occur business failure and audit failure as the control group. Based on the research screening standard, we are aimed at five companies respectively taken for the experimental and the control group. Results show that the stock price of other audit clients of Chungyo’s CPA firm will have significant negative abcdrmal return when CPA firm occurs audit failure. Namely, financial statement audit provided by Chungyo’s CPA firm has value. However, when the other company’s CPA firm occur audit failure, some other event that affect stock price to vibrate happen simultaneously, we can’t measure the value of financial statement audit provided by the four company’s CPA firms. On the whole, if we use the finding to analogize that financial statement audit provided by all CPA firms has value , it maybe not to be persuasive. Consequently, this research infers that the financial statement audit services provided by CPA firms may has value. Whereas, we can’t conclude that financial statement audit has value truly.

我國公司董監事特性與審計公費及非審計公費關聯性之研究 / The relation between board characteristics and audit/non-audit fees in Taiwan.

劉晏秀, Liu, Yen-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
為降低資訊不對稱下企業管理階層與資金提供者間之代理問題,公司須設計有效之治理機制以降低代理成本,如聘任外部董監、設置審計委員會及聘任會計師查核等。而當董監事所具備的獨立性及專業性越高,基於維護專家信譽及降低訴訟成本的考量下,將需要會計師投入較多的查核人力及時間,以降低資訊不對稱現象,並減少會計師與公司管理階層間經濟依存度,以獲得較高品質的審計服務。然目前公司治理議題多著重於公司內部監理機制與公司經營績效間的關係,較少觸及內部董監事會監督功能對外部會計師監督功能的影響,是以本研究嘗試以公司治理的角度出發,探討台灣上市、上櫃及興櫃公司董監事獨立性與專業性對於審計公費以及非審計公費之影響。 本研究實證結果發現,目前我國上市櫃及興櫃公司董監事獨立性對於審計公費及非審計公費尚未有統計上顯著之影響,唯董監事兼任其他公司董監事職位數與非審計公費間存有負向關係。不同於 Carcello et al. (2000)的結論,本研究發現台灣公司董監事會之專業性對審計公費及非審計公費之影響較董監事獨立性大,其原因可能是公司治理在台灣始見萌芽,社會大眾對公司治理及董監事功能之概念不深,一方面股東會欠缺聘任獨立董監之誘因,一般公司設置獨立董監多半僅為符合表面規定,所選出之獨立董監亦未必與管理階層維持實質獨立,而無法收實質監督之效;一方面董監事對其職權之行使並未擴及會計師聘任之實質決策,而多僅接受管理當局推薦,獨立董監亦無法對審計及非審計公費進行審議。反是董監事平均兼任其他公司董監職位數越多,代表其所享之專家信譽越高,會為維護自身信譽且降低訴訟風險,藉由限制管理階層向會計師所購買的非審計服務種類及金額,以降低會計師與管理階層間的經濟依存度。 / To reduce the agency problem between management and capital suppliers, the business should design an effective corporate structure to reduce agency cost, including hiring outside board members and/or the establishment of an audit committee. The board members with higher independence and expertise will ask the auditors to put in more audit time to reduce information asymmetry. And they will expect to lessen the auditor’s economic dependency on the management by restricting non-audit services the company will purchase from the independent auditor firm. Most researches recently focus on the relation between characteristic of the board and business operation results. This research attempted to examine the relation between board characteristics and audit/non-audit fees paid to the independent auditors. This study found there’s no significant relation between board independence and audit fees or non-audit fees, but a negative relation existed between the board expertise and non-audit fees. Opposite to the conclusion of Carcello et al. (2000), this result indicated that the effect of board expertise on fees is greater than that of board independence. It could be due to the initial development of corporate governance in Taiwan. Most companies hire outside board members and set up an audit committee just to meet the regulation stipulated by law. On the other hand, the greater expertise a board processes, the less non-audit fee it will pay to the auditor in order to reduce the economic dependency of the auditor on the management.

會計師事務所提供法律服務對審計人員獨立性之影響 / The Effects of CPA Firms' Provision of Legal Services To Audit Clients on Financial Satement Users' Perceptions of Auditor Independence

張益輔, Chang, Yi Fu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在會計師事務所積極擴張其專業服務版圖的情況下,會計師事務所逐漸發展成橫跨多項專業領域的多元化組織。為對企業營運問題提供完整的解決方案,會計師事務所聘用律師或與法律事務所進行策略聯盟,已是無可避免之趨勢。但會計師事務所對審計客戶提供法律服務則可能衍生出一些新問題,並使外部第三者對其適當性產生疑慮。因此本研究旨在探討當會計師事務所對審計客戶提供法律服務時,財務報表使用者對審計人員獨立性與財務報表可靠性之認知與判斷情形,而研究目的則是驗證法律服務類型、法律公費金額重大性與事務所職員分離程度對財務報表使用者反應的可能影響。   研究結果發現,當審計客戶之法律公費構成重大的財務關係時,將顯著影響報表使用者對審計人員獨立性及財務報表可靠性之認知與判斷;另外職員分離程度亦顯著影響報表使用者對審計人員獨立性及財報可靠性之認知情形;但法律服務類型對上述項目之影響則僅為部分顯著。其次,有效保障機制的設計與執行,包括「限制法律服務收入之金額重大性」、「對法律服務公費及服務內容設立強制揭露之規定」、「建立防火牆」與「簽署保密棄權書」等,應有助於維持審計人員之外觀獨立性,並且是財務報表使用者心目中最合理的規範方式。 / In recent years, CPA firms have continued to expand the types of professional services offered both to their audit and non-audit clients and become multidisciplinary organizations. In many cases, they found it necessary to employ lawyers or to enter into strategic alliances with law firms in order to provide complete solutions to business problems. The increase in such arrangements raised new questions and concerns regarding their propriety when legal services were provided to audit clients. This research assessed financial statement users’perceptions of auditor independence and financial statement reliability when a CPA firm offered legal services to its audit clients. The objective was to test financial statement users’reactions to different types of legal services that CPA firms offered to their audit clients, as well as the effects of the materiality of the engagement and the degree of staff separation involved in the provision of such services.   Results indicated that a financially material business relationship affected financial statement users’perceptions regarding independence and related judgments of financial statement reliability. The degree of staff separation between auditors and lawyers was also found to affect perceptions of independence and related judgments of financial statement reliability. The type of legal services offered had a lesser effect on responses. This study suggested that with certain mitigating/safeguarding procedures in place, e.g., legal fee magnitude restrictions, legal service disclosure requirements, firewalls, and client waivers, users’perceptions of auditor independence and financial statements reliability may not be impaired when CPA firms provide legal services to their audit clients.

審計委員會與財務主管的力量博弈與審計人員選擇:來自中國的證據 / The Relative Power of CFOs and Audit Committees and Choice of Audit Firm: Evidence from China

楊苓梓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是在檢測財務主管相對於審計委員會的影響力,是否會影響到會計師的選擇。本研究以2007至2016間的中國上市公司為樣本,實證結果顯示:(1)財務主管相對於審計委員會的影響力愈大時,公司愈傾向於選擇非十大會計師事務所;(2)財務主管相對影響力於會計師選擇的影響,在國有企業是比較小的,而在私有企業是比較大的。 / The objective of this thesis is to examine whether the relative power of CFOs and audit committees has an effect on its firms’ choice of audit firms. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms during 2007~2016, I find that: (1) companies with more powerful CFOs are more likely to hire lower-quality auditors, as measured by non-top10 audit firm; (2) The effect of CFOs’ relative power on the choice of audit firms is weaker for state-owned enterprises than for private enterprises.

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