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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林茂森, LIN, MAO-SEN Unknown Date (has links)
會計師專業的公信力係建立在執行審計時,會計師超然獨立,無偏私的態度上,欠缺 超然獨立之會計師所簽發的審計報告,亳無價值,除影響會計師專業的地位及信譽外 ,且不利於現代經濟之活動與發展。 要維持會計師專業的公信力,財務報表使用者對會計師事務所形式上超然獨立的認知 ,與實質上超然獨立同等重要,各界對會計師事務所的超然獨立迭有批評,建議解決 之方法亦多。本文即先就有關文獻等次級資料,探討影響會計帥獨立性問題之不利因 素,及各界所提之改進解決方法作介紹;繼則對上述解決會計師獨立性問題的方法作 實證研究,俾為建議之基礎藉以提昇專業之地位。 茲將各章內容扼要說明如下: 第一章為導論,乃就本文研究之動機、目的、範圍、方法與限制及論文結構等,加以 扼要說明。 第二章旨在敘述會計師專業之特質,獨立性之意義及有關規定。 第三章探求會計師獨立性危害之因素,共提出獨立性認知因果模式暨有關實證結果作 介紹。 第四章探討各界提出強化會計師獨立性問題之方法。 第五章對強化會計師獨立性之認知,作實證研究。 第六章為結論及建議。


陳正待, CHEN, ZHENG-DAI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約五萬字,分為五章十五節。 第一章緒論: 一、研究動機:重要性之準則建立,忽視了會計師之重要性決策負有風險,欲對會計 師之風險態度,規模大小及職位高低,對判斷決策之影響做一研究。 二、研究目的:研究個人間、事務所間之重要性鄰斷的一致性,且對風險態度加以衡 量及分析事務所間之一致性,驗證Deangelo之理論,以經濟觀點檢查審計判斷行為。 三、研究方法:以問卷為測試工具,以會計師務所之審計人員為對象。 四、研究限制:效用理論下最大化效用值之假設。問題限於假設性的有價證券,或有 事項。 五、定義名詞:風險追求者,風險中立者,風險迴避者,重要性。效用為個人偏好程 度之衡量。 六、假設:規模大小、職位高低,風險態度均會影響重要性及揭露判斷之行為。 第二章理論與假設: 一、理論:分為重要性之實證研究。專業性之判斷及規模大小,職位高低和風險態度 對重要性判斷方面之研究。 二、假設:同前一章第六節。 第三章研究方法: 一、受試者,將事務所分為大、中、小三層,將事務所之會計人員分為高、低兩層, 大事務抽出六家,按職位兩層各抽出六人,其化中、小事務所抽出十二家,各層次職 位均抽出十二人,總共之受試者有六十人。 二、風險態度之衡量:以效用理論之觀點來衡量,設計競局方式來衡量風險態度。 第四章研究結果: 分析重要程度與揭露間之相關,分析規模、職位、風險態度二項自變數是否顯著,分 析淨利百分比,絕對金額顯著否。 第五章結論與建議: 訂定審計政策準則、訓練人員、執行同業覆核。


黃百祥, HUANG, BAI-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
論文目的以資料的匯集闡述為主,不做特意的批評與論定,儘可能根據原始史料做客 觀的說明和整理,不拘於一家之言,第一章緒論中強調資料來源的真實性及其所受限 制,第二章簡明敆述我國官方會計發展的概況做為以後緒章論述之張本,以便全面通 視我國官方會計發展的來龍去脈,三、四、五、六章詳細闡述清朝官方之財計組織, 財計制度、倉儲與公庫制度,奏銷及審計制度,並說明清代會計處理方法的全盤面貌 ,論文中作者儘量偏重會計方面的探討,除非財政制度與之息息相關者,否則儘可能 減少財政方面的論述。結論中作者將以鑑往知來的心情,提出我國未來會計方法途徑 之淺見。


潘冠美, Pan, Guan-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 說明研究動機、目的、方法、範圍、限制及結構。 第二章 統計抽樣在審計工作上扮演的角色 首先闡明抽樣的意義, 再分辨判斷抽樣 與統計抽樣的優劣點, 最後由統計抽樣與一般公認審計準則的關係確立統計抽樣在審 計工作上的價值。 第三章 貨幣單位抽樣法的介紹 敘述貨幣單位抽樣法之基本觀念、選樣方法及評估 程序, 期獲得該法之完整概念。 第四章 貨幣單位抽樣法的應用 說明貨幣單位抽樣法在遵行試驗及証實試驗的規劃 及評估、財務報表各帳戶的查核、分支機構的審計等各方面之應用, 並研究其與分析 性檢查整合之效益, 且探討如何利用電腦協助該法之運用。 第五章 比較 就貨幣單位抽樣法與傳統的屬性抽樣方法及變量抽樣方法比較, 以明 瞭其優越性。 第六章 結論與建議 就本論文之內容作一綜合性的彙述, 並提出建議, 以供審計專 業人士及研究者參考。


張驥 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大陸市場為研究對象,希望探討女性董事之參與與公司舞弊之關聯性,並參考過去文獻,一併討論董事會特性、公司股權結構與審計人員品質與公司舞弊之關聯性。 實證結果發現,在考慮中國大陸各省區市場發展程度之差異後,女性董事之參與可以降低公司舞弊發生之可能性;同時也發現董事會特性(外部董事之比例和董事長是否兼任總經理)與公司股權結構(國有股比例、法人持股比例、流通股比例、是否存在外國股東和公司最大股東持股比例)皆與公司舞弊之發生有顯著關連性存在。 / My study examines whether female directors’ participation in boardroom have an effect on corporate financial fraud in China. Besides, referring to the past studies, it also examine whether boardroom characteristics, ownership structure and auditors’ quality have an effect on corporate financial fraud. The data come from CSMAR database. The results from original analysis show that female directors’ participation does not have an effect on corporate financial fraud. But after considering the regional market development differences between the provinces, female directors’ participation in boardroom will deter fraud. The results also demonstrate that boardroom characteristics and ownership structure are important in explaining fraud.


周濬坤 Unknown Date (has links)
在國內外陸續爆發財務報表舞弊案件(如安隆、博達等)後,我國主管機關透過增修各項規範(如會計師法、上市上櫃公司治理實務守則等)以及準強制性會計師輪調的實施,加強會計師的法律責任與獨立性,期許能確保會計師的審計品質,並保障投資人的權益,維護資本市場的健全。 在文獻回顧中發現,會計師的任期對審計品質的影響,目前尚未有較一致的看法;有學者主張強制性會計師輪調下,繼任會計師需付出較高的審計初始成本,且因對產業及公司之不熟悉,導致繼任會計師於審計初始任期時,審計品質反而較前任會計師低落。我國遭受懲戒會計師之審計品質較未受懲戒會計師低,但會計師遭受停業懲戒後,繼任會計師並未能對審計品質有所改善。本研究欲探討企業歷經會計師遭受停業而被迫必須予以更換下,繼任會計師在更換初期及擔任較長任期後的審計品質,相較原任會計師的審計品質是否有差異。 本研究以裁決性應計數報導幅度作為衡量審計品質的代理變數,參考相關文獻建立研究模型,並以台灣金管會證期局於民國96年公佈之近5年會計師懲戒名單為基準樣本,找出受懲戒會計師之客戶公司為觀察樣本,分析當企業因原任會計師受懲戒被停業或除名而必須更換會計師時,繼任會計師是否能改善原任會計師較差的審計品質,結果並未能發現繼任會計師審計品質相較原任會計師有顯著改善的證據。本研究進一步分析所內繼任會計師(相對初始成本較低、但獨立性亦較低)及所外繼任會計師(相對初始成本較高、但獨立性亦較高)間,審計品質改善是否有所差異,結果未能發現兩者有顯著的差異。 / From USA to Taiwan, lots of financial scandals have disheartened investors in recent years. For the purpose of improving audit quality of financial reports and protecting interests of the investing public, regulators in Taiwan instituted new rules and implemented a “quasi-forced CPA rotation system” to enhance auditors’ legal responsibility and independence. In literature review, findings about the relationship between auditor tenure and audit quality are not all consistent. Under forced CPA rotation, because of the necessary higher start-up cost and unfamiliarity of client business, succeeding auditor’s audit quality is often lower than the predecessor. Prior studies find the audit quality of sanctioned CPAs to be lower than those not sanctioned, and their succeeding auditors who replace CPAs whose licenses’ are suspended can not improve the audit quality significantly. The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between the audit quality of predecessor CPAS, who are under temporary suspension of license and that of their successor auditors both at the initial stage of the change several years afterwards. ABSDA is the proxy of audit quality in this study, and a model based on literature to date is developed. This study uses the CPA sanction cases posted on the website of the Securities and Futures Bureau (SFB). The client firms whose CPAs were sanctioned by regulatory authorities during the part five years are taken as samples in the research. The empirical tests find that succeeding CPAs can’t significantly improve the audit quality subsequent to the change. Moreover, the study tests if the succeeding CPAs from the same firm of the predecessor CPA can make greater improvement on audit quality than succeeding CPAs from another firm can. The findings show no significant difference between those two either.


林雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討我國公司治理相關法規文字及其運作之解讀可能產生之問題,從95 年度證券交易法之修正條文中,辨認以下釋例來檢視問題: 1.「會計主管」與「主辦會計」之意義是否相同? 2.審計委員會之組成究應包括全部或部分之獨立董事? 3.獨立董事究應參加一個或多個委員會? 4.審計委員會及其成員行使職權之方式是否不同? 5.獨立董事針對證交法第十四之三條之事項所表示之保留意見是否為反對意見? 此外,本研究另外探討法規閱讀者對以上問題的認知是否因其學業背景而有不同? 本研究以政治大學法律系、會計系、法律所、會計所、EMBA 學生為受測者,發放問卷,結果發現法規閱讀者對於這些法規用字認知很分歧。立法者在起草這些法規時,應考慮到法規適用者,將法規文字訂定得更加明確,且合理,自然可讀性可提高。 / This research is to discuss about some possible problems in perceiving the law wording in the articles in the Securities and Exchange Act revised in 2006. It examines problems by identifying the following examples: 1. Do ”accounting officer” and “in-charge accountant” mean the same? 2. Shall the audit committees be composed of the entire number of independent directors or just some independent directors? 3. Shall independent directors attend only one or more than one committees? 4. Is there any difference between audit committees and independent directors in the modes of exercise? 5. Does the qualified opinion of independent directors on the Article 14-3 in the Securities and Exchange Act mean dissenting opinion? This research will study if the perceptions of readers differ because of their academic backgrounds. This research uses questionnaires to obtain opinions of students from the Departments of Accounting, Law, and EMBA. The analysis in this research shows that readers have large differences in the perceptions of the laws and regulations. When drafting the laws and regulations, legislators should think about the users. They should make the laws and regulations more definite and reasonable, which will enhance the readability.


王姿婷, Wang, Tzu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討分析師在進行盈餘預測時是否會考慮會計師的審計品質。不同於過去文獻,本研究除了測試「品牌層級」的審計品質(brand-name level audit quality)與「事務所層級」(firm level audit quality)的審計品質外,利用我國簽證制度進一步檢視分析師盈餘預測之品質是否因會計師個人層級之審計品質 (individual-level audit quality) 的差異而有所不同。本研究以Heckman (1979) 之兩階段模型來控制會計師選擇內生性的問題,進行實證分析。實證結果顯示:(1) 四大會計師事務所對於分析師預測準確度具有正面影響,但侷限於小規模公司,呈現顯著正相關。(2) 四大事務所彼此之審計品質對於分析師預測準確度與離散程度之影響,並無顯著之差異,但整體來說,資誠會計師事務所之表現最佳,而小規模公司中,安永之表現較差;大規模公司中,勤業眾信之表現較差,此與一般市場所認知者不同。(3) 當分析師盈餘預測之對象為小規模公司時,審計品質最差的個別會計師會降低(提高)分析師預測準確度(離散程度)。反之,測試對象為大規模公司時,審計品質最佳的個別會計師會降低分析師預測準確度但,審計品質最差者,與本研究預期不符。結果顯示我國之分析師在進行盈餘預測時,會考量個別會計師之審計品質。 / This paper investigates the association between audit quality and properties of analysts’ earnings forecasts. Three levels of audit quality are identified and examined: brand-name level (proxied by a dummy Big 4), firm level (proxied by four dummies DT, PWC, KPMG, and EY), and individual-level (proxied by the average of the absolute values of discretionary accruals for all companies audited by the same auditor, grouped by quartiles). After separating sample companies into big, medium, and small sizes, the empirical results document several important findings. When audit quality is measured at the brand-name level, Big 4 improve analysts’ forecast accuracy for small companies only. However, Big 4 do not decrease analysts’ forecast dispersion. When the audit quality is measured at the firm level, analysts seem to regard EY and DT as of relatively low audit quality when small and big companies are the forecast targets, respectively. When the audit quality is measured at the individual level, auditors who are deemed to have the lowest audit quality (i.e., in the fourth quartile) are associated with less forecast accuracy and greater forecast dispersion in small companies. In contrast, auditors who are deemed to have the highest audit quality (i.e., in the first quartile) are associated with lower forecast dispersion in big companies. Taken together, the empirical results indicate that audit quality affects analysts’ forecast properties. More importantly, analysts are able to identify individual auditor’s audit quality and react accordingly.

審計委員會與財務報表品質之關聯性 / The relation between the audit committee and the quality of financial reporting.

李奕萱 Unknown Date (has links)
我國為改善公司治理制度,於2005年12月20日立法院三讀通過大幅修正證券交易法,引進審計委員會制度。審計委員會較獨立董事更專注於財務面之監督,故本研究之研究期間為1998年至2010年,以設置審計委員會之企業為樣本,進行配對,以探討審計委員會與企業財務報表品質之關聯性。 研究結果顯示,假說一:設置審計委員會或準審計委員會之企業財務報表品質優於未設置者;及假說二:設置審計委員會或準審計委員會後之企業財務報表品質優於設置前,二者皆不成立。 設置審計委員會目前已是公司治理發展的趨勢,我國既已立法引進審計委員會制度,主管機關應評估企業設置審計委員會後實際之運作情形,是否達到預期之效果,並做必要之修改或配套措施,以使審計委員會之設置不流於形式。 / In Taiwan, for the purpose of improving the corporate governance and introducing regulation of the audit committee, the Securities and Exchange Act was revised and passed by the Legislative Yuan for the Third Reading on 20 December, 2005. This study takes companies had established the audit committee between 1998 and 2010 as a sample so as to discuss the relation between the audit committee and the quality of financial reporting. The result of our research revealed that, the first hypothesis: “the quality of the financial reporting of the company with the audit committee is superior” and the second hypothesis: ” the quality of the financial reporting of the company after establishing the audit committee is superior” were both not sustained. Establishing the audit committee has become the trend in the development of corporate governance. Besides the regulations enacted, it’s of greater importance to evaluate the substantive effectiveness than the surficial form of the audit committee in companies.

審計委員會專家對債務條款之影響 / Audit Committee Expertise and Loan Terms

呂璨宇, Lu, Tsan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究均指出審計委員會成員若具有財務或會計專才可以提升審計委員會執行效率與效果,降低公司異常交易與內空缺失的風險,進而提升財務報表品質,並降低外部財務報表使用者與公司內部之資訊不對稱情況。本研究探討在公開發行債券過程中,若發行公司審計委員會具有財務或會計專長,債務條款是否會改變。研究結果發現,債券投資人於選擇投資債券時,確實會考量到債券發行公司審計委員會成員之會計專長,然而,沒有證據顯示財務專長在其考量範圍內,因會計專長可提高財務報表可信度,降低資訊不對稱問題,減少債券投資人所面臨的投資風險,因此,若債券發行公司之審計委員會成員具備會計專才,債券市場將給予較低的債券利率以及較優惠的條件。 / The extant literature reveals that audit committee (AC) members with financial or accounting expertise can enhance the effectiveness of AC in monitoring the financial reporting quality. In this study, I focus on the effects of financial and accounting experts on the effectiveness of AC from bondholders’ point of view, respectively. First, I find no evidence that the presence of financial experts on AC, either alone or jointly with accounting experts, are significantly related to loan terms. Second, I find that bondholders charge lower interest rate, offer longer maturity, and are less likely to require convertible bonds issuance or require collateral to firms whose AC have at least one accounting expert or only accounting experts. Third, I further find that the association between AC experts and loan terms is driven more by accounting experts than by financial experts. Given the prior results of a negative relationship between accounting experts and loan terms, firms could enhance their financial reporting quality by appropriately structuring AC with accounting experts, thereby rewarding better loan terms.

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