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影響海外事業技術來源的決定因素 / The determinants of sources of overseas technology in Taiwan FDI manufacturing Firms張榮政 Unknown Date (has links)
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海外事業行銷方式決定因素之探討 / The determinants of overseas marketing strategy in Taiwan FDI manufacturing industry李率慧 Unknown Date (has links)
海外事業行銷方式會影響其經營績效之良窳,本研究主要目的在於探討海外事業行銷方式之決定因素,根據經濟部2007年製造業對外投資實況調查,分別由公司特性、產業特性、地主國特性及營運特性四個構面進行探討,運用二階段Multinomial logit model進行實證分析。經本研究第一階段實證發現,投資地區數、組織型態、最主要投資地區、國內生產毛額及技術來源是影響廠商選擇海外事業行銷方式之重要因素,第二階段再進一步討論選擇母公司行銷、子公司行銷及混合行銷三種自行行銷方式之決定因素,研究結果發現投資年限、投資地區數、海外營業額占比、組織型態、行業類別、經營方式、市場競爭激烈、技術來源、當地銷售占比、外銷接單大陸出貨比率及回銷比率皆為重要影響因素,實證結果供台灣製造業廠商海外事業行銷方式之參考。 / The overseas marketing strategy can affect firm’s performance. The main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of overseas marketing strategy. Using data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 2007 survey of foreign investment in manufacturing, this empirical study applies a two-stage multinomial logit model to analyze the issue based on the following four dimensions: company characteristics, industry characteristics, operating characteristics and characteristics of the host country. For the first stage regarding the oversea marketing strategy decision, the empirical results show that the number of investment areas, organization type, key investment areas, and those areas’ GDP and source of technology are important. For the second stage of the parent company marketing decision, a subsidiary marketing and mixed marketing approach, the three kinds of self-marketing study, include investment period, the number of investment areas, overseas sales contribution, the organization type, industry type, mode of operation, market competition, technology source, local sales contribution, export orders delivered by mainland ratio, and reverse ratio are prominent.
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彼得大帝與凱薩琳大帝時期俄國領土擴張之比較研究 / A comparative study on Russian Territorial expansion under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great宋家璿, Sung, Chia Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀俄羅斯歷史,在羅曼諾夫王朝的沙皇當中,只有彼得一世與凱薩琳二世被賦以「大帝」美名,主因是兩位沙皇任內對國家領土大幅擴張,以及提升國際地位能見度的努力與成果。本文除了著重於對兩位君王的分別介紹之外,在沙皇的生長背景與人格特質、國內改革因素探討、國際局勢與對外關係途徑、及領土擴張成果等層面皆做出比較研究,並以研究結果具體總結彼得大帝與凱薩琳大帝的功業,以及留予後世的傳承。 / Russia was an inner-continental country before Peter I’s reign. With its own history and culture context, the empire lacked both operation and maintenance of external relations. From 1689, Peter the Great was formally on the throne, soon he started to westernize his fatherland by any means, and attained fruitful achievements in the beginning of 18th century.
It wasn’t until the reign of Catherine the Great in the mid-1700s that Russia was finally able to inaugurate a new policy of Russian southward expansion directly targeting Crimea. Russo-Turkish wars for twice, the partitions of Poland for three times boosted her fame while in reign. The empress also adopted the rule of Enlightenment from France as her main characteristic in domination.
This thesis gives a thoroughly introduction to Peter the Great and Catherine the Great as its first part; in the second, there is one comparative study targeting to several fields- from background and personal traits, internal reform, international situation and external relation, to territorial expansion. In sum, what matters are what the Tsars achieved during their regimes respectively, and what they left for posterity.
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台商赴中國大陸投資經營績效的決定因素:海、內外整合所扮演的角色 / The Performance Determinants of Taiwan Manufacturing Industries Investing in China: the Role of Integration between Parent Company and Overseas Subsidiaries王小慈, Wang, Hsiao Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以經濟部2007年「製造業對外投資實況調查」問卷資料赴中國大陸地區投資採垂直整合及水平整合共計1, 194家廠商為研究對象,利用OLS多元計量模型進行實證分析,並以勞動生產力作為衡量經營績效的指標,首先欲探討「廠商特性」、「投資動機」與「整合模式」對勞動生產力的決定因素,進而分析不同整合模式下的「廠商特性」與「投資動機」對勞動生產力的影響。整體實證結果發現「垂直整合」對台商赴中國大陸投資勞動生產力具有顯著影響,「資本密集度」、「國際化程度」與「政策因素」之垂直整合廠商,亦均對勞動生產力具有顯著影響。就廠商特性而言,「廠商規模」、「研發密集度」、「資本密集度」是影響台商赴中國大陸投資勞動生產力的決定因素;當廠商不考慮「研發密集度」因素時,「資訊電子工業」及「國際化程度」方為影響勞動生產力的重要因素。而投資動機方面,僅「政策因素」是影響勞動生產力的決定因素。
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廠商海外生產對台灣就業之影響-以資訊電子產業為例黃琮祺 Unknown Date (has links)
另外本論文建議,政府應該改善投資環境,輔導廠商在地升級,協助提升廠商全球運籌佈局能力,改善生活環境加強人才培訓,才能提升廠商競爭力,如此才能有效降低廠商海外生產的比率。 / Taiwan economy is highly dependent on its international trade -- economic growth is highly influenced by exports growth. Nevertheless, the increasing outward investment, especially the huge IT investments in China, may change this trend. Some people argue that overseas production is the key factor of slacked export, diminished job opportunities, and industrial hollowing-out, the other people insist that the above phenomenon is an evidence of Taiwan’s globalization, liberalization, and Industrial Upgrades.
The Taiwan’s outward investment started from 1987, accelerated in 1990, the year that Taiwanese government lifted the ban against indirectly investing China and formed a new business model of “Taiwan Orders, Overseas (Chinese) Productions”. What is the influence of this new business model? Is this the root of diminished job opportunities and industrial hollowing-out? What’s the correlation between overseas production growth rate and unemployment rate in Taiwan IT Industry particularly?
This article discovered the increment of outward investment and export ratio in IT industry could boost job opportunities; however, overseas production is the key factor to cause layoffs. As a result of short product life cycle characters, the low value-added IT production should apply open door policy while high value-added ones should be encouraged to produce locally and keep the core competency domestically. Keep the key component or technology manufacture in Taiwan will help create Taiwanese international competitiveness, increase added values, inspire research and innovation, direct brand marketing, upgrade industries levels, connect globally, and lower the impact of overseas production on employment.
In addition, this article advised the government should cement Taiwanese companies’ international competitiveness and lower overseas production ratio by improving the investment climate, assisting local industries’ upgrades and the abilities of global logistics, improving living environment, and reinforcing manpower cultivation.
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臺灣對外投資廠商海外投資事業經營方式的影響因素 / The Determinants of Choices of Overseas Operation Modes in Taiwan FDI Manufacturing Industry蔡琪玲, Tsai, Chi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
海外經營方式會影響廠商能否成功達成其對外投資目的,本研究主要目的在探討廠商海外事業經營方式之影響因素,借由經濟部2007年製造業對外投資實況調查,透過廠商特性、投資動機、地主國特性及營運特性四大面向進行討論,運用兩階段Multinomial Logit Model進行實證分析。經第一階段實證研究發現,擴張型市場動機、經濟動機、策略動機及原料來源是廠商選擇海外事業經營製造業、銷售服務業或同時經營製造及銷售服務業的影響因素;第二階段實證則發現經濟動機及母子公司分工關係是影響製造業廠商海外經營代工、自有產品或同時經營代工與自有產品製造的影響因素。
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影響我國廠商海外直接投資事業採行OEM/ODM經營方式的決定因素 / The determinants of operation mode choices between OEM and ODM in Taiwan FDI manufacturing industry洪慧娟, Hung, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
廠商對外直接投資,按照經營方式類別可略區分為「採OEM或ODM代工模式」、製造及銷售,以及其他等模式,但文獻對於影響海外直接投資事業採取經營方式之決定因素較少有文獻予以討論,更遑論再細部分析在採OEM或ODM代工經營模式中,會影響廠商決定要採OEM,亦或ODM經營方式之差異研究分析。本研究利用經濟部統計處於2007年所實施之《製造業對外投資實況調查報告》問卷資料,分別由地主國特性、產業特性、廠商特性及營運特性等構面進行探討,並運用兩階段實證分析影響海內外投資事業經營方式之決定因素。由於本研究所設定的被解釋變數分別為第一階段之「採OEM或ODM之經營方式」與「其他經營方式」,以及第二階段之「採ODM之經營方式」與「僅採OEM之經營方式」之各兩種狀況,因此本研究將利用Probit Model予以進行實證分析,並根據其實證結果作出結論進而提出建議。
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貿易自由化對臺灣服務業薪資與就業的影響 / Empirical Evidence for Trade Liberalization on Wage and Employment in Taiwan Service Sectors顏婉庭, Yen, Wanting Unknown Date (has links)
由於科技發展及各國法規的調整,使服務業的發展得以全球化,服務貿易的 成長動能相當大。從總體的角度來看,服務業亦對經濟成長扮演重要角色。由於 我國是一個小型開放經濟體,國內服務業市場與國際市場接軌程度日益加深,因 此有必要探討服務貿易對薪資及就業之影響。
本研究為探討貿易自由化與對外投資如何影響國內服務業勞動市場,合併 2011 年至 2015 年人力運用調查之個體樣本、與行業別之進出口、對外直接投資 等統計資料,使用 Probit 模型估計進出口貿易與對外投資對我國就業的影響,使 用 Heckman two-stage selection 模型估計進出口貿易與對外投資對我國薪資的影 響,並進一步使用 Quantile 模型估計在不同薪資水準下,勞工受到貿易自由化衝 擊的程度是否不同。
實證結果顯示:(1) 貿易對國內就業與薪資的影響依據貿易方向而有所不同, 出口有正向影響,進口有負向影響;(2) 對外投資對國內就業與薪資的影響,依 據被投資國之所得高低而有不同,對外投資至高所得國家有正向影響,對外投資 至低所得國家則有負向影響;(3) 職業別層級貿易指標能更正確衡量勞工受到的 貿易自由化衝擊;(4) 職業別層級貿易指標能更正確衡量勞工受到的貿易自由化 衝擊。
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中共改革開放後之對外經濟援助 / Foreign Economic Aid in Communist China's Open and Reform Policy陳松培 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國對外直接投資之影響評析 / The impact of china's outward FDI潘玉菁 Unknown Date (has links)
中國雖引進市場經濟體制,惟政治體制仍屬社會主義制度,由共產黨決定政府運作與經濟制度,國家機器對市場之干預程度遠較資本主義國家既深且廣;本論文為進一步瞭解中國的國家機器如何主導企業對外直接投資之運作、發展狀況及其影響力,係以國際政治經濟學之國家資本主義作為研究途徑,分析中國國家機器在其對外直接投資活動的作用及影響力,並以英國學者John Dunning的投資發展階段論,將中國對外直接投資之成效置於全球脈絡中進行比較分析,俾能歸納發現中國對外直接投資模式的特色。
經比較分析中國整體及企業個案之對外直接投資發展狀況與影響力,可以發現,中國對外直接投資能力逐漸增強,已具經濟自主能力,刻正由邊陲國家逐漸邁向核心國家。整體而論,中國對外直接投資發展模式與世界主要國家確有所差異:相同之處在於,中國與各國之對外直接投資活動均與國內經濟結構具高度正相關,亦即經濟發展到達一定水準後,才會出現頻密的對外直接投資活動及成果;相異之處在於,各國之民營企業已具國際競爭力並在對外直接投資活動扮演重要角色,惟中國的國有企業較民營企業更具對外直接投資之優勢與能力,投資動機主要係依據國家政策及經濟發展需要,而中國的民營企業則因規模較小,國際競爭力仍有待提升,目前在全球市場尚未形成可觀的影響力。 / For the very first time in 2000, China proposed a clear strategy to have corporations ‘going out,’ encouraging and supporting competent state-owned and private enterprises to invest overseas market. With the backup of the state, this policy enables Chinese corporations to get into the global economic market by means of outward foreign direct investment. In this way, they can affect the operation and management of foreign enterprises so as to advance their own technologies, control channels, and to acquire necessary resources. Moreover, they may combine economic power with political strength effectively, enhancing the comprehensive national power of China gradually so that China may increase its international status to become a superpower in the world.
Though market economy is introduced in China, its political system, socialism, remains the same. The Communist government makes the decision concerning its operation and the economic system. In other words, the intervention of the state in the market is furtherer and wider than that of capitalist countries. In order to understand how the state controls enterprises in terms of the operation of outward foreign direct investment, its development, and the influence, the study adopts state capitalism of international political economy as the approach to analyze the function and influence of the state government on outward foreign direct investment. Moreover, the study is aimed at concluding the characteristics of Chinese pattern of outward foreign direct investment by adopting the British economist, John Dunning’s, the theory of investment-development cycle to compare and analyze the outcome of Chinese outward foreign direct investment in the scope of the whole world.
After comparing and analyzing how the china overall and enterprises case about development and influence of outward foreign direct investment, it is discovered that China’s ability of outward foreign direct investment is increasing. China has the ability of economic autonomy and is transforming from a country of periphery to a core country. Overall, the development pattern of China’s outward foreign direct investment is indeed different from other major countries. The similarity lies in that there is a significantly positive relationship between the outward foreign direct investment of China and other countries and their domestic economic structure. That is to say, when the development of economy has reached a certain level, frequent outward foreign direct investment and its effects will then appear. On the other hand, the difference lies in that private enterprises in other countries are internationally competent and play an important role in outward foreign direct investment. However, in China, state-owned enterprises have more advantages and capabilities than private enterprises in terms of outward foreign direct investment. The motivation of investment is determined by national policy and the demands of economic development. Moreover, due to the scale being small, private enterprises in China need to improve their international competitiveness. Therefore, they don’t exert as much influence in the global market.
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