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大陸員工價值觀與台商管理行為的互動──地區次文化差異研究 / The Conflict & Adaptation between Mainland Chinese Value System and Taiwan Enterprises' Management Style: a Region-based Sub- cultural Research何國全, Ho, Kuo Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
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對外華語文聽力理解訓練: 一對一同步遠距教學之行動研究 / Developing listening comprehension for Chinese learners over the internet: An action research on synchronous distance tutoring sessions關慧凌, Kwan, Hwee Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究對象為三位身在不同國家,華語為第二語言學習的初級學習者,並採用網路免費華語文教材「一千字說華語」和線上免費平台進行遠距一對一教學。研究方法先以發展聽 力理解教學:研究對象接受二十週的聽力理解課,每次一小時,共計二十堂課。接著透過行動研究法,應用訪談與問卷蒐集三位個案學習者的經驗與感受,佐以教師的教學省思,以深入了解此教學行動。所有聽力理解教學包括問卷調查、學習者回饋、教學省思、訪談資料等紀錄都用來分析本研究教學的實施情況,同時也參考學習者每堂課的前、後測成績做進一步的探究與結論依據。
研究結果顯示,透過一對一遠距教學情境與網路科技資源應用在華語文聽力理解教學中,遠距學習者對網路學習環境、一對一遠距教師之教學、以及網路華語文教材等方面,皆持正面看法與回饋。問卷及訪談結果顯示三位學習者都同意網路一對一教學可以彌補學習者週遭學習環境之不足與困難,同時可以提升學習者華語文學習能力的自信心,進而培養其日後華語文持久的學習動機。本研究能協助網路對外華語文教師了解藉由網路遠距第二語言初級學習者的需要,並提供教學設計參考,作為其開課前的準備,與提升其教學品質與成效。研究成果亦提供對外華語文數位學習教材編寫與製作之回饋與建議。 / In recent years, the phenomenon of the Chinese language learning has driven many overseas tertiary institutions and industries to invest in the construction of digital learning technologies. The trend of technological advancement and network functioning continues to improve as well as online Chinese language resources and language learning websites. This action research attempts to integrate technology into one-on-one tutoring sessions for Chinese listening comprehension through the internet. The first objective of this research is to explore the process of learning and the challenges and experiences the students face via online one-on-one distance learning. Secondly, it is to understand the process and the changes of teaching style toward the students via the internet. Lastly, it is to understand the important aspects of design and selection of Chinese teaching materials through the students' learning experience and the teachers' teaching process.
This study focuses on three beginning Chinese learners from different countries and cultural backgrounds and making use of free online teaching materials provided by "Speak Mandarin in One Thousand Words" via a free online platform for distant tutoring sessions. The methodology to develop listening comprehension is that all the students will have a total of twenty classes, with each class lasting for an hour. The research section is based on interviews and questionnaires observing the students' experiences and feelings combined with the teacher's reflections and to gain insight on the teaching actions. The students’ pre-test and post-test score in each class are referred in order to further explore the basis and conclusion. The interviews and records are used to analyze the implementation of the research through teaching.
The results of the study show positive opinions and feedback regarding one-on-one distance learning and the teaching methodology with the online Chinese language materials. The questionnaire and interview results show that the students agreed that one-on-one online teaching can compensate the shortcomings of students in a traditional learning environment. This study therefore concludes non-traditional methods of teaching can enhance the confidence in the learner with their ability. Even without a Chinese physical environment, distance teaching can still motivate students to learn Chinese. This research can help teachers to understand student needs via online one-on-one and it could help provide teachers designing the most effective ways of teaching. The research results also provide feedback and suggestions on the preparation and production of Chinese teaching materials.
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由外語學習歷程與信念探討職前華語文教師之教學信念 / A case study on pre-service TCSL teachers’ teaching beliefs: from being a foreign language learner to a TCSL teacher邵佩欣, Siaw, Pey Shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解職前華語文教師學習外語的歷程、語言學習信念與教學信念,屬質性個案研究。對象為華語文教學研究所四位台籍研究生,聚焦於外語學習歷程、外語學習信念、外語教學信念三大主軸,以深度訪談作為資料收集方法。訪談內容及範圍主要參考了Horwitz(1985)語言學習信念研究的BALLI 模式以及Johnson(1992)與張碧玲(2000)設計的語言教師教學信念問卷。研究發現包括:(一)不同時期的外語學習經歷對個案職前教師的學習及教學信念起了「學徒式的觀察」、信念的轉變及「濾鏡」等作用。(二)透過對個案的學習及教學信念探討,可以看到信念具有多層次的特質。而其中較整體面向的信念與較個別層次的信念,呈現了相互支持、矛盾等關係。(三)教學信念隨著背後所隱藏的動機不同,不能以因果關係作解釋。(四)個案教師基於不同的學習經歷、學習信念及教學信念,在教學上建構了與社會文化情境相關,同時也具有個人意義的教學理論。最後建議華語文師資教育應提供機會讓職前教師了解自我語言學習及教學信念,以及更多教學實務的機會,以讓他們在教學行動中反思,也在反思中進行教學。華語文教師本身亦可以利用自我的外語學習經驗作為反思的工具,時時保持成長的動機與內省的能力。此外,華語文教師也應對教學現場及環境文化等因素有所知覺,這樣才能促進有效的教學。 / This qualitative case study aims to understand the TCSL ( Teaching Chinese as a Second language ) pre-service teachers’ foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. The participants are four Taiwanese postgraduate students from the department of TCSL in a university in northern Taiwan. The study focus on three aspects: foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. In-depth interviews are conducted as the data collection method, informed by Horwitz’s (1985) BALLI model as well as Johnson (1992) and Zhang (2000). The findings include that (1) the four pre-service TCSL teachers’ foreign language learning experiences, serving as a filter, afford “apprenticeship of observation” which leads to changes in beliefs, and (2)beliefs are multilayered, involving both supportive and contradictory relationships. (3) Teaching beliefs are not necessarily consistent with each other because of different intentions lying behind. It is difficult to regard them as having a simple cause-and-effect relation. (4) Based on different learning experiences, learning and teaching beliefs, the four pre-service teachers construct their own personal theories toward teaching, which are not only socially relevant but also personally meaningful. Finally, the study suggests that language teacher education needs to provide sufficient opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand their own learning and teaching beliefs. It is also necessary to provide opportunities to engage them in authentic teaching contexts so that they could reflect on their teaching beliefs in real-world pratice. TCSL teachers need to be encouraged to use their own learning experiences as a reflective tool to sustain their passions for teaching.
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CISG中的風險轉移問題研究 / Study on the theory of risk under the CISG陳科汝 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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中法戰爭以前總理衙門對外政策之研究--清咸豐十年至光緒十年劉光華, LIU, GUANG, HUA Unknown Date (has links)
以為本論文之總結。 /
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海外子公司技術來源對臺灣海外投資廠商研發配置之影響 / The Effects of Sources of Subsidiary Technology Acquisition on Research & Development Allocation in Taiwan FDI Manufacturing Industry鄭寶珠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2007年臺灣1,770家製造業廠商為對象,運用Probit及Tobit二種模型,分別探討在不同技術來源下,海外投資廠商決定投入海外研發以及投入資源多寡的決定因素。研究結果發現,「廠商規模」、「行業別」、「進入模式」、「國際化深度」、「投資地區」、「市場考量」以及「母國提供技術」為臺灣對外投資廠商決定投入海外研發與否之重要影響因素。一旦決定投入海外研發後,研發資源投入多寡的決定因素則有所變化,廠商規模大小與投資行業、獨資或合夥、市場夠不夠大等重要性降低成不顯著,相對的盈利與否影響性提升,但卻是負向影響關係。同時,本研究參考社會心理學領域的「調節變數」概念,探討「技術來源」是否具有調節效果,實證結果也證實不同的技術來源,確實會影響解釋變數與被解釋變數(海外研發配置)之間的因果關係,具備調節效果,這也表示技術來源對於海外研發配置確實扮演重要的關鍵角色。 / Along with globalization and liberalization, the trade goes around the world borderlessly. In order to take advantage of relatively cheap land and labor, multinational corporations extend business worldwide. However, due to the limitation of natural endowments and human resource, Innovation becomes the key factor, which plays a more-important-than-ever role for business sustainable development.
This paper examines the determinants of overseas R&D of Taiwanese multinationals; including whether to invest in R&D and how to allocate. Our empirical results indicate that the firm size, IT industry, entry mode, internationalization level, investment location, market motivations and technology acquisition are the determinants of overseas R&D investment. Furthermore, whether above determinants remain significant when Dependent Variable turns to be overseas R&D allocation? The empirical results suggest that firm size, industry category, entry mode and market motivations are no more significant. Instead, profitability becomes significant with negative affect. Besides, we also found the strong effect of technology acquisition on overseas R&D investment and allocation. Different technology source acquired does play a moderating role in the relationship between independent variables and overseas R&D.
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Exchange Rate Movements, Foreign Direct Investment and Strategic Trade Policy: A Real Options Approach / 匯率波動、對外直接投資與策略性貿易政策:實質選擇權分析法林家慶, LIN, CHIA-CHING Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的在於研究匯率波動與對外直接投資(foreign direct investment, FDI)時點的關係。本論文採用實質選擇權分析法(real options approach)由理論面重新檢視這個議題,並利用實際資料驗證理論的正確性。本論文在文獻上的貢獻在於證明:在探討匯率波動與FDI關係時有必要考慮廠商投資動機的差異性。
為了說明不同投資動機對這個議題的重要性,本論文考慮四種不同對外直接投資的型態,分別為市場導向型(market-seeking)、回銷導向型(reverse- importing) 、替代出口型(export-substituting)及躍過反傾銷稅型(antidumping- dumping)。首先,我們延伸Dixit-Pindyck的實質選擇權模型,證明匯率波動提高會使市場導向型及回銷導向型的廠商延後投資,但對於風險趨避程度夠高的替代出口型廠商而言,匯率波動提高則會使其提前投資。此外,我們證明地主國貨幣升值對市場導向型廠商的FDI有利,但對回銷導向及替代出口型廠商的FDI則有不利影響。
其次,我們分別使用台商至中國大陸投資的產業資料及廠商資料進行實證。樣本期間涵蓋1987年至2002年。實證結果發現,新台幣兌人民幣實質匯率及其波動度與兩岸相對工資等因素對台商至中國大陸投資時點皆有顯著的影響,而且這些實證結果皆與前述理論預期相符。這些結果顯示,匯率波動對FDI之影響方向與投資動機息息相關。在進行實證研究時若忽略了這項因素,實證結果可能會產生加總偏誤(aggregation bias)。
最後,本論文建立一個不完全競爭下的實質選擇權模型,分別探討匯率波動如何影響出口廠商的傾銷行為及其躍過反傾銷稅的對外直接投資 (antidumping- jumping FDI),並分析進口國採取反傾銷政策的福利效果。我們發現匯率波動對廠商以低於內銷價格傾銷(price dumping)至出口市場的影響有不對稱(asymmetry)現象。此外,若政府採取反傾銷政策,可能刺激出口廠商採行躍過反傾銷稅的FDI。惟若出口廠商採行躍過反傾銷稅的FDI,不僅進口國國內廠商受到傷害,其社會福利也可能下降。此結論與過去策略性貿易政策文獻之看法大相逕庭。 / This thesis theoretically and empirically examines the relationship between exchange rate movements and the timing of foreign direct investment (FDI). A real options approach is adopted. This thesis contributes to the literature in illustrating the importance to consider the diversity of investing motives when examining the relationship between exchange rate movements and foreign direct investment.
To show the importance of the diversity of the motives in investigating this issue, four different types of FDI are discussed in this thesis: market-seeking FDI, reverse-importing FDI, export-substituting FDI, and antidumping-jumping FDI. We first extend Dixit-Pindyck’s real options model to show that while an increase in exchange rate volatility tends to delay the FDI activities of a market-seeking firm and a reverse-importing firm, it might accelerate the FDI activity of an export-substituting firm if the firm’s degree of risk aversion is high enough. In addition, it is also shown that while the depreciation of a host country’s currency tends to stimulate FDI activities of reverse-importing firms and export-substituting firms, the depreciation tends to deter FDI activity for market-seeking firms.
With the industry-panel data and the firm-level data on Taiwan’s outward FDI into mainland China over the period 1987-2002, our empirical findings indicate that the exchange rate level and its volatility in addition to the relative wage rate have had a significant impact on Taiwanese firms’ outward FDI into China. In general, the empirical results are consistent with the prediction of the theory. These results reveal that the relationship between exchange rate movements and FDI is crucially dependent on the motives of the investing firms. Without considering this fact in an empirical model, the testing results might suffer from aggregations bias.
Furthermore, this thesis sets up a real options model with imperfect competition to analyze how exchange rate movements affect dumping occurrence and antidumping- jumping FDI as well as the social welfare of importing country. We consider the price dumping case and find that the effect of exchange rate movements on the probability of dumping occurrence seems asymmetric. In addition, if a government adopts an AD policy, it is shown that this policy might induce exporting firms to undertake AD-jumping FDI. Finally, we find that, if an AD policy induces exporting firms to undertake AD-jumping FDI, the policy might have a negative impact on the profits of local firms and the social welfare of the importing country as well, which is contrary to the prediction of the earlier literature on strategic trade policy.
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臺灣與發展中國家的發展合作:以緬甸為例 / The cooperation between Taiwan and developing countries: the case of Myanmar蔡霆妤, Tsai, TingYu Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化下的今日,僅是透過援助難以使一國持續向上發展,唯有結合投資才能促進發展。研究結果發現,相對於私部門因我國公部門受國際政治限制,使得援助效益不如預期。為此,本研究認為若能利用官方對外援助鼓勵我國私人企業對外投資,不僅能提升政府援助效率,亦可強化我國與受援國之經濟,進而帶動其他發展,對於我國與東南亞國家而言,為雙贏局面。 / Even under diplomatic plight, Taiwan, for long, has been committed to development assistance due to its importance to international community. During the past decade, with the rise of newly emerging donors and certain shifts within developing countries, rule of game has quickly changed. The need of recipients has become the focus of foreign aid, and this research intends to study if Taiwan’s assistance follows such emerging rules.
Due to its ascending degree of opening-up, Myanmar has stepped into the spotlight of international and Taiwanese development cooperation in the past few years. To explore Taiwan’s foreign aid efficiency, the author will use Myanmar as a case, summarizing the trends in international development assistance, examining the strategies of different countries and international organizations, and comparing Taiwan’s development methods in this country.
In the era of globalization, it is difficult to promote a country’s development without investment. The result of this study indicate that Taiwan’s foreign aid is ineffective due to (domestic)political restriction, therefore, if Taiwan can use official assistance to encourage private sectors to invest abroad, it will not only improve the efficiency of government assistance but also strengthen the economic link between Taiwan and recipient countries. Therefore creates a mutual-benefit situation for Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries.
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我國企業之國際市場進入策略研究林志宏, LIN,ZHI-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
某種程度的接觸資源的涉入 (Involvement),在本研究中將依股權涉入程度分為:
(一)高涉入(High Involvement)策略:
如:獨資經營(Wholly Owned)及合資經營 (Joint Venture)。
(二)低涉入(Low Involvement) 策略;
如:授權(Licensing) 契約生產(Contract Manufacturing)及出口。
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俄羅斯核子戰略政策轉變之研究陸志禮, Lu, Chih-li Unknown Date (has links)
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