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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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日中對非洲援助之比較分析----以非洲發展 東京國際會議與中非合作論壇為例 / Japan and China’s Freign Aid Analysis in Africa: Taking TICAD and FOCAC for example

黃玠翔 Unknown Date (has links)
自911事件後,西方國家意識到貧窮為恐怖主義產生之源頭。貧困問題產生時,通常會引起政局混亂、族群衝突、難民、饑餓、疾病與環保等種種困境,使先進國家不得不積極面對。為了要解決貧困所衍生的各種問題,美國提出“馬歇爾計畫”。後來隨著時代變遷、經濟崛起,對外援助計畫也在21世紀後再度成為國際關注趨勢。 為因應國際潮流趨勢與改善第三世界之貧困問題,世界各國開始發展NGO(Non-Governmental Organization,非政府組織)來解決貧困問題,世界先進各國政府也開始對非洲援助。政府對外援助之具體措施包含了恢復國家治理、穩定國家政局、縮小先進國與第三世界國家之貧富差距、協助開發中國家政經發展等。為呼應世界潮流之走向,本研究將著手於探討對外援助之議題上,並選定兩個亞洲區域內經濟大國(中國與日本)為比較分析對象。 近年來,不僅日本與中國對非洲實施援助策略,也有越來越多國家開始重視對第三世界之援助,且援助金額有逐年遞增之趨勢。就非洲而言,日本對非洲援助金額比中國多,但中國與非洲貿易往來卻多於日本。在內外部因素影響下,非洲會不會對中國與日本產生不同態度,這是本研究欲探討之議題。因此,本研究將進一步分析中國與日本在對非洲援助策略下,內外在動機、援助方法、援助型態、援助層級以及援助內容上之差異,並作為比較。


胡克難, Hu, Ke-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
在中華民國反攻復國的進程中,卅年歲月悠悠已過。卅年來,我全國軍民生聚教訓, 攜手同心,始終堅守原則,無懼橫逆,并迄已凝聚了前所未有的強大國力,朝著復國 建國的總目標邁進。 一般的國際關係理論皆謂, 國家利益指導外交政策, 而外交政策的執行輿國家利益的 達成, 胥賴國力之有效運用。在卅年的時光□, 中華民國的外交政策, 表現出高度的 連貫性輿一致性。本研究將試就其國家利益、國力輿外交政策三者之間的互動關係, 作一描述及說明, 並就研究所得作成檢討輿建議, 茲簡述研究綱要於後: 第一章緒論 (本部分將就研究目的、主題、架構輿研究方法作一說明) 。 第二章國家利益輿國力的基本概念。 第三章中華民國的國家利益輿國力 第四章中華民國外交政策制定的一般要素。 (將提出諸如政治文化、政治結構等國內 因素輿國際體系等國外因素分別論述。) 第五章國家利益、國力輿一九六0年代的中華民國外交政策--以「先鋒案」為例。 第六章國家利益、國力輿一九七0年代的中華民國外交政策--以「對外經濟政策」為 例。 第七章國家利益、國力輿未來之中華民國外交政策--以「核子政策」為例。 第八章結論 (將就本文研究所得, 作成檢討輿建議) 本論文全文共約七萬字。


李建興, Li, Jian-Xing Unknown Date (has links)
第一章導論:討論研究動機及研究目的,並解釋本論文所運用之研究方法;其次就資 料來源加以說明。 第二章中共對外貿易體制與政策的演變:從經濟制度理論分析中共經濟制度,並討論 三十年來。中共對外貿易體制與對外貿易政策的演變。 第三章中共對外貿易與經濟發展:首先從輸入需要觀點,分析中共經濟建設;其次研 究出口貿易與就業及所得的關係。 第四章中共對外貿易商品結構與國際收支:分析對外貿易商品結構和市場競爭力,並 討論中共的外匯和國際收支的狀況與策略。 第五章中共對外貿易方式與法規:討論對外貿易的實際做法及方式,分析有關商品檢 驗、海關、保險與運輸等貿易業務和貿易法規。 第六章結論與建議。


劉壽琦, Liu, Shou-Qi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:緒論--略述研究動機即目的,研究範疇為何。 第二章:基本理論即研究設計--說明本研究之理論依據即針對研究問題之設計。 第三章:研究方法--說明選樣、分析類目之建構、統計方法即資料處理情形。 第四章:分析即討論--就資料處理結果加以分析討論,說明研究發現。 第五章:結論--就本研究之發現做綜合性之論述並提出建議。

俄羅斯對美國政策之研究 - 2000年∼2003年

陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖透過戰略三角政治研究途徑和克里姆林宮政治研究途徑,探討普欽時期的俄羅斯對美國政策。 蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯對外政策路線的走向,由葉里欽執政初期的一面倒向以美國為首的親西方之大西洋主義政策路線,轉向為葉里欽執政後期的拉攏中國抗衡美國的東西平衡對外政策路線;到了普欽執政時期,又重新定位為與美國進行戰略和解,進而進行戰略合作的全方位對外政策路線, 以擺脫俄中戰略協作夥伴關係所導致的戰略羈絆之制約。本文試圖探討,驅動普欽時期此一俄羅斯對美國政策路線轉變的內外在因素。 本論文認為,普欽執政期間,俄羅斯對美政策之形成,乃是在承襲葉里欽對外政策的遺緒,在普欽的強勢領導之下,俄羅斯之決策菁英,以俄羅斯的國家安全及國家利益為訴求,援引包括戰略三角互動、美國的政策與做為、俄羅斯經濟發展與政治生態互動等俄羅斯內外在環境因素,作為其政策辯論的依據,透過克里姆林宮政治的互動形塑而成。 上述假設命題可以引申出下列邏輯相關的子命題: 一•普欽的對美政策,受到包括戰略三角互動與美國的政策與做為等俄羅斯外在環境因素之影響形塑而成。 1999年普欽上台前夕,科索佛戰爭及北約戰略新概念的提出,加深了俄羅斯的安全疑慮;而2001年4月,美中軍機擦撞事件,則加深了中美關係的裂痕;此一發展促使俄中戰略夥伴關係趨於密切。2001年6月中國主導「上海合作組織」的成立,以及7月俄中睦鄰友好合作條約的簽訂,就是此一發展邏輯的結果。然而,隨著中國在□海地區爭霸戰中影響力的增長,有關中國威脅論的聲音,也在俄羅斯安全決策階層引起越來越多的迴響。而此一發展,則促使俄羅斯尋求與美國進行戰略和解,以防範中國之威脅。另一方面,蘇聯解體後,中國勢力快速崛起,美國不再視俄羅斯為其戰略對手,轉而防範中國之威脅。911事件之後,美國面臨反恐之戰以及分散油源之需求,小布希總統調整了對俄政策,讓普欽得以順利與美國進行戰略和解;從而,普欽得以擺脫俄中戰略協作夥伴關係所導致之戰略羈絆的制約。 二•普欽的對美政策,受到包括經濟發展考量與政治生態互動等俄羅斯內在環境因素之影響形塑而成。 面對俄羅斯國內的經濟窘境,普欽認為,唯有與美國進行戰略和解,才能儘快加入世界貿易組織、增加歐美的投資和援助、減輕外債負擔、從而促進經濟發展。另一方面,普欽的強勢領導地位以及務實的政治手腕,使得普欽得以操控國內政治生態的互動,主導俄羅斯國家安全概念的重新定位;從而,得以順利推動全方位對外政策路線,與美國進行戰略和解,藉以擺脫葉里欽後期所建立的俄中戰略協作夥伴關係所導致之戰略羈絆的制約。 / The purpose of this study is aimed at exploring Russia’s policy toward the United States under Bladimir Putin, 2000-2003. The strategic triangle politics approach and the Kremlin politics approach are applied in this study. After the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russia’s line of foreign policy had been shifted from the one-sided pro-Western Atlanticism in the early stage of Boris Yel’tsin’s administration toward the East-West balanced strategy, attempting to draw China on the same front against the United States, in the latter stage of Yel’tsin’s regime. After Putin had come to power, Russia’s line of foreign policy was reoriented as a comprehensive one, engaging in strategic reconciliation and strategic cooperation with the U.S. and, consequently, getting rid of the strategic entanglement resulted from the establishment of the partnership of strategic coordination between China and Russia. Against this background, this study attempts to investigate the internal and external factors that drive this shift in Russia’s line of foreign policy under Putin. The hypothesis of this study is as follows: Shadowed by Yel’tsin’s legacy of foreign policy and forged under Putin’s strong leadership, Russia’s policy toward the United States under Putin has been shaped by the interaction of Kremlin politics, engaged by Russian decision-making elites, who appeal to Russia’s national security and national interests in their policy debates, referring to Russia’s external and internal factors, such as the interaction of strategic triangle politics, the US policies and conduct, Russia’s economic developments, and domestic political ecological changes in Russia. This hypothesis can be further developed into the following logically consequential sub-propositions: 1•The formulation of Russia’s policy toward the United States under Putin has been driven by Russia’s external factors, such as the interaction of strategic triangle politics and the US policies and conduct. In the spring of 1999, on the eve of Putin’s coming to power, the breakout of War in Kosovo and the pronunciation of NATO’s new Strategic Concept had created serious concerns for Russians about their national security. And in April 2001, the collision of US-Chinese military aircrafts above the South China Sea had deepen the Sino-US fissures. Consequently, the development of these events had pushed closer the Partnership of Russo-Chinese Strategic Coordination. As a result, the creation of Chinese-initiated Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in June 2001 and the conclusion of the Treaty of Good-Neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation between China and Russia in the following month were only a logical outcome. However, accompanying the growth of China’s influence in the area of Caspian Sea, the voice of “China threat” has received more and more attention in the circle of Russia’s national security decision-makers. These developments, in turn, had forced Russia to search for strategic reconciliation with the United States in order to prevent China from becoming a threat. On the other hand, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rapid rise of China’s influence, the United States no longer treat Russia as a strategic rival; instead, they shift their efforts to prevent China from becoming a threat. In the wake of the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001, in order to meet the needs for engaging campaigns against terrorism and for deconcentrating the sources of petroleum, President Bush has readjusted US policy toward Russian. As a consequence, these shifts in US policy provide Putin with a golden opportunity to engage in strategic reconciliation with the United States and thus get rid of strategic entanglements derived from the establishment of partnership of strategic coordination with China. 2•The formulation of Russia’s policy toward the United States under Putin has been driven by Russia’s internal factors, such as the economic development and the political ecological changes in Russia. In the face of Russia’s economic predicament, in Putin’s opinion, the only way to promote economic development is the strategic reconciliation with the United States, which will accelerate the process for Russia to obtain the access to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in turn to gain the access to investments and financial assistance from the West and to lessen the burden of foreign loans. In addition, with his strong leadership and his pragmatic political skills, Putin has been able to maneuver the interaction of domestic political econlogies in favor of the reorientation of Russia’s concept of national security. As a result, Putin has been able to forge a comprehensive line of foreign policy and, accordingly, to conduct strategic reconciliation with the United States. Consequently, he has been able to get rid of the strategic entanglements derived from the establishment of partnership of strategic Coordination with China in the latter stage of Yel’tsin’s regime.

廠商對外投資對國內經濟的影響:以台灣製造業為例 / Home Country Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study of Taiwan's Manufacturing Sector

楊書菲, Yang, Shu Fei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化的發展,對外投資不僅在國際經貿中所扮演的角色愈來愈重要,型態也愈來愈多元,呈現出與過去大不相同的特性與風貌。這樣的發展趨勢,再度引起學者對廠商對外投資的影響效果產生興趣。過去有關對外投資影響效果的文獻,主要是以探討對外投資對地主國經濟發展的影響為主,探討對母國或母公司影響的文獻則不多,特別是開發中國家的廠商對外投資對母國影響的研究更是付之闕如。為了彌補此方面文獻之不足,本研究利用台灣製造業1987-2003年的廠商資料來探討廠商對外投資對其技術升級之影響。 廠商對外投資對母國經濟影響的相關議題在台灣一直受到持續的關注,1991年政府開放廠商赴大陸投資之後,該議題更是引發熱切的討論。部分學者擔憂廠商對外投資後將造成國內產業的空洞化;但有另一部分的學者則主張,台灣只要持續技術升級及產業升級就可避免空洞化的危機。有鑑於此,本研究利用三個經濟指標,研發支出、生產力與效率,及技能提升(skill-upgrading)來檢驗不具競爭優勢的產業或附加價值鏈外移,是否有利於台灣進行技術升級。 本研究首先建立了一個理論模型來探討廠商對外投資對其國內研發活動的影響。研究結果顯示,廠商對外投資對其國內的研發支出可能同時產生兩個相反的影響效果,即互補效果及替代效果。互補效果主要來自於廠商對外投資後的「規模擴大效果」,而替代效果的發生則會因廠商對外投資動機之不同,而有不同的來源管道。 本研究實證模型的創新之處在於利用propensity score matching的配對方式搭配difference-in-differences的估計方法來控制實證研究中常會出現的自我選擇誤差(self-selection bias)及互為因果(causality)的問題。本研究採用了四種不同的配對方式來建構對外投資廠商的配對樣本,並發現Nearest available matching within calipers的配對方式可以產生最佳的配對效果,在不犧牲太多樣本數的情況下,顯著縮小對外投資廠商在對外投資前與無對外投資廠商的特性差距。 本研究的實證結果發現,僅管對外投資廠商,特別是赴開發中國家投資的廠商可能對母國的就業造成不利的衝擊,但卻能夠顯著提高母國的研發支出、技術效率及勞工技能,顯示廠商對外投資確實有助於台灣的技術升級。研究結果認為台灣政府應重新思考產業政策及社會福利政策的制定方向,以解決這些新的經濟議題。 / Foreign direct investment has played an increasingly important role in the world economy and, as a consequence, an immense amount of research has investigated its determinants and effects. However, while previous studies have focused on the impact of inward FDI on the host countries, there has been relatively little research on the impact of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) on the home countries in general, and on developing economies (LDCs) in particular. To fill this gap in the literature, this thesis investigates the home-country effects of the OFDI activity of Taiwanese manufacturing firms. To be specific, the impact of OFDI on the investing firms’ domestic R&D spending, productivity and efficiency, employment and skill-upgrading is examined. A theoretical model is developed to examine the relationship between OFDI and domestic R&D activity. It is shown that OFDI could induce two opposing effects on domestic R&D spending, namely, a complementary effect and a substitution effect. The complementary effect arises mainly due to the “sales-increasing effect” of overseas investment. Substitution effects might arise from different channels depending on FDI motives. Firm-level panel data covering the period 1987-2003 are used in the empirical analysis. The novelty in this thesis is the application of a propensity score matching approach combined with the difference-in-differences method to control for the possible selection bias related to the empirical analysis. Four different matching methods are used to construct matched samples of Taiwan’s OFDI firms. The empirical results reveal that, although Taiwanese overseas investment, especially the investment in LDCs, reduces domestic employment, it stimulates investing firms’ domestic R&D spending, technology efficiency and skill intensity. This implies that while the OFDI activity of Taiwanese firms has brought about a positive effect on their technological upgrading, which is beneficial to the industrial development and resource allocation of the economy, the recent increase in the unemployment in Taiwan could to some extent be attributed to the OFDI activity. It also suggests that the Taiwanese government might need to reconsider its industrial policy as well as social welfare policy in order to deal with these new economic issues.

僑外來台投資經營績效的影響因素 / The Determinants of Performance of Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals in Taiwan

楊佩詩, Yang, Pei Shih Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化浪潮下,廠商為追求利潤極大化,紛紛向外尋找適合的市場,其營運策略已由傳統的國際貿易移轉至全球對外直接投資,並儼然成為各國經濟發展的重要動力。對外直接投資對地主國而言,可帶來經濟成長的動力、創造就業機會、促進技術移轉及創新活動等外溢效果,因此,各國無不積極吸引外商前往投資,台灣亦不例外。由於,僑外來台投資對台灣經濟發展具有重大貢獻,據此,本研究利用經濟部投資審議委員會2008年委外調查之「華僑及外國人投資事業營運狀況調查表(非服務業)」問卷資料,分別由廠商特性、競爭優勢及營運策略等構面,探討僑外來台投資營績效之影響因素,並運用Probit Model進行實證分析。實證結果發現,產業類別、廠商規模、成立時間、租稅負擔、國際化程度及在台設立製造生產部門等,是顯著影響僑外來台投資經營績效的重要因素。因此,政府除鼓勵僑外來台投資非資訊電子工業、擴大公司規模、善用先占優勢、提升國際化程度及設立製造生產部門外,亦應給予租稅優惠,降低其租稅負擔,使其有較佳之經營績效表現,以吸引並提升投資意願。 / Corporations in pursuit of profit maximization have to seek out a suitable market under globalization trend and their business strategy has changed from the international trade shifted to the foreign direct investment. This study explores keys of performance of overseas Chinese and foreign nationals in Taiwan. By using Probit Model analysis based on 2008 statistical data from Investment Commission of Ministry of Economic Outsourcing Survey are empirically analyzed. Findings from the research indicate that “industry category, firm scale, set up time, the taxation, internationalization level and the establishment of manufacturing sector in Taiwan,” are significantly factors on firm's performance. Therefore, in order to have better operating performance and enhance the willingness on investment in Taiwan, the government should encourage overseas Chinese and foreign nations invest in Taiwan on non-information and electronics industry, expand firm scale, use of first mover advantage, enhance the internationalization level and set up manufacturing sector, but should also give tax incentives to reduce their tax burden.

東協對歐盟(體)政策之研究 / ASEAN's policy towards EU

盧業中, Lu, Yeh-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
東南亞國家自十五世紀以來即置於歐洲列強統治之下。第二次世界大戰結束,同時對東南亞與歐洲之發展造成影響。東南亞各國於二次大戰期間,逐漸經由民族自覺形成區域主義,終於在一九六七年建立「東南亞國家協會」(ASEAN,以下簡稱東協);歐洲各國則基於經濟合作之考量而逐步建立「歐洲共同體」(EC,以下簡稱歐體)。 經由東方歷史薰陶與村莊文化,尤其是馬來文化中協商討論與共識的影響,形成東協於國際組織中特殊之共識決外交政策,並以一致之立場反映於國際間。歐體發展較早且組織亦較東協成熟,惟各國基於本身利益之考量,對於國際議題往往意見相左,使歐體於國際間之團結程度反而不若東協。 一九七二年開始,東協與歐體雙方展開接觸,東協需要來自歐體之經貿優惠、技術轉讓、合作開發與政治支持,歐體則需要來自東協提供之原料與市場,雙方基於實際利益考量而進行合作是相當自然的,彼此於一九七八年正式展開部長級會議並於一九八零年簽訂合作協定。此後,雙方將合作範疇逐步擴大,並針對多項國際議題進行具體合作。 冷戰結束後,國際局勢有新的發展,東協與歐體皆有擴增,歐體進一步發展成「歐洲聯盟」(EU,以下簡稱歐盟),東協亦朝向十國組織邁進,彼此合作更為密切,亦促成兩次「亞歐高峰會」(ASEM)之召開。但雙方亦因緬甸之加入東協與東帝汶等人權議題產生歧見。 整體而言,東協對歐盟之政策係以彼此共識為基礎,以整體立場對歐盟尋求最大利益。展望未來,東協與歐盟之合作關係,將於現今基礎上繼續擴展其他包括安全面向之合作。 / Southeast Asia had been dominated by European Powers since 15thcntury until the second world war. After the second world war, thenewly independent states emerge in the southeast asia region, andASEAN was founded in 1967. ASEAN is famous of its decision-making process, well known as"common decision", every member's opinion must be heared by theothers, and "feelers technique" do help each other on understandingmutually. According to common interests, ASEAN and EC begin dialoguessince 1978, and signed an agreement on cooperation in 1980. As the Cold War ended in 1990s, ASEAN and EC both expandedthemselves, and under the urges of both sides, the ASEM was held inBangkok and London 1996 and 1998, to get mutual understandings andto promote the common interests for bothsides. The most difference between ASEAN and EC is the human rights issue,especially on Burma and East Timor. Fortunately, ASEAN and EC will intense their cooperativerelationship in the foreseenable future.

中華民國對外關係-大陸政策、外交政策、中共對臺政策互動研究(1988~1994) / International Relations of the Republic of China: the Interactive Research of the ROC's Mainland Policy, Foreign Policy and the Chinese Communist Party's Policy toward Taiwan, 1988-1994

陳彥夆, Chen, Yen Feng Unknown Date (has links)
1970年我國退出聯合國之後,外交關係的發展面臨前所未有的困境。80年代末至今,中華民國對外關係雖逐步開展,但對外正式官方外交關係仍有其局限。究其原因是國際環境、我國國力、中共對臺政策、大陸政策及外交政策整體互動的產物。其中中共對臺政策、大陸政策、外交政策三角互動關係更是影響中華民國對外關係的主變數。是故,本文的主旨除了希望了解中華民國對外關係面臨困境的主要原因,更重要是在探討中共對臺政策、大陸政策、外交政策三角互動關係下,我對外關係的情況,並在此三角關係中找一個適當的平衡點,使臺海兩岸間的國際關係與兩岸關係能在良性循環下開展。   本文大架構主要是根據系統理論,來研究影響中華民國對外關係的變數。以歷史研究法來探討中共對臺政策、大陸政策、外交政策三角互動關係。以決策分析法討論影響中華民國外交政策的因素。此外,本文著重於政府或官方立場為立論基點。對外關係的範圍主要限定在官方及半官方層次內,並以政治關係為討論的重點。   本文共分六章,第一章為緒論,敘述本文研究動機與目的,研究範圍、方法與論文架構以及資料來源與研究限制。第二章討論影響對外關係的環境因素,包括國內環境、國際環境以及中共對臺政策。第三章探討影響對外關係的另兩個主變數:中華民國大陸政策以及外交政策。第四章敘述大陸政策、外交政策與中共對臺政策間的互動關係,以及三者彼此互動下對外關係的理論情況。第五章分析大陸政策、外交政策與中共對臺政策互動下,對外關係的實際成果與局限。第六章則總結本章主要論點,回答本文欲釐清的問題,並提出解決對外困境的適當方案。   本文研究發現,影響1988年後中華民國外交關係的主變數,仍以中共對臺政策最為重要。然而在中共對臺政策很難自發性轉變的情況下,運用其他重要變數,將是改善我對外關係的不二法門。此外,外交政策是大陸政策的實際反映,兩者最重要的目標是尋求在兩岸或國際關係上與中共平起平坐。大陸政策與中共對臺政策間的政治性互動,是停留在各持己見與各說各話的階段。中共對臺政策與外交政策的互動關係,只能處於對立與矛盾的關係上。是故,在大陸政策、外交政策與中共對臺政策互動下,我對外關係的情況是,中華民國尋求在國際間與中共對等。中共極力在國際間矮化中華民國。

對外投資最適時機之研究 / The Opitmal Timing of Foreign Direct Investment

李子明, Li,Tzu Ming Unknown Date (has links)

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