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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣電子科技業員工工作滿意度分析─以某集團土城廠區為例 / Employees' Job Satisfaction Analysis of Taiwan Electronics Industry─ An Example of H Group in Tucheng

黃佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
電子科技業市場競爭激烈且瞬息萬變,尤電子科技業為台灣主力產業之一,如何選對的人並留住好的人以提升企業績效、降低培訓與訓練成本,為企業得以永續發展與生存的關鍵。因此,越來越多的企業重視員工的工作滿意度,並著手進行組織內部員工的工作滿意度調查。本研究將針對H集團某一土城廠區員工作個案研究探討,藉由研究個人屬性變項中性別、年齡、年資、婚姻狀況、教育程度對工作滿意度的差異性及環境屬性變項中直屬主管領導型態與工作特性對工作滿意度的相關性,希望調查結果及建議可以提供相關人力資源管理工作者卓參。 本研究採結構式問卷,針對H集團某一土城廠區員工發放300份問卷,回收有效問卷292份,回收率為97.33%,主要研究結果顯示如下: 一、不同年齡的H集團員工工作滿意度有顯著差異存在。 二、不同直屬主管領導型態的H集團員工與工作滿意度有顯著相關存在。 三、不同工作特性的H集團員工與工作滿意度有顯著相關存在。 關鍵詞:工作滿意度、直屬主管領導型態、工作特性 / Electronics industry market is highly competitive and rapidly changing, especially electronics industry is one of the main industries in Taiwan, therefore, how to choose right people and retain right people to improve business performance and reduce training costs are the important issues for companies to find sustainable and survival solutions. Moreover, more and more enterprises pay attention to employees' job satisfaction and do job satisfaction survey internally. In this study, focus on one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group case studies for discussion of personal property by research variables gender, age, seniority, marital status, educational level of job satisfaction and environmental attributes the differences in variables immediate supervisor leadership style and job characteristics on job satisfaction relevance, hope the findings and recommendations can provide references related to human resources field workers. The study adopted a structured questionnaire for one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group and sent 300 questionnaires out, and returned 292 valid questionnaires, the recovery rate was 97.33%, the main research results are shown below: 1. A different age of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significant differences. 2. Under different leadership of supervisors of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists. 3. A different job characteristics of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists. Keywords: job satisfaction, supervisor leadership style, job characteristics

已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突對家庭生活滿意度之影響 / A Study of Work-Family Conflict and Its Impact on Family Life Satisfaction for Married Social Worker

陳虹彣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以已婚社會工作員為對象,瞭解已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突對其家庭生活滿意度的影響。研究透過兩種管道進行資料的蒐集:一種是由台灣社會工作專業人員協會與台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會協助樣本的提供;另一種是使用線上問卷,共回收154份有效問卷。本研究有幾點發現:首先,已婚社會工作員面臨了工作與家庭的衝突,且工作干擾家庭的情況較嚴重。其次,已婚社會工作員在家庭生活滿意度的不同構面中,以家務處理滿意程度最低。再者,已婚社會工作員不會因性別的不同在工作與家庭衝突和家庭生活滿意度兩方面有所差異。在工作特質變項上,已婚社會工作員的工作年資愈少、擔任第一線社工員、每週工作時數和每月加班時數愈多者,工作與家庭衝突的情況愈嚴重。在工作投入與勝任感方面,已婚社會工作員對社工專業愈投入,其家庭干擾工作的程度愈低,亦不會因此產生工作干擾家庭的感受;當已婚社會工作員愈難獲得合適的工作作息且愈無法勝任工作時,工作與家庭衝突的程度愈高;而已婚社會工作員對社工專業愈投入者,其家庭生活滿意度愈高。此外,已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突程度愈高,家庭生活滿意度就會愈低。最後,針對研究結果,研究者提出以下建議:已婚社會工作員應瞭解自我角色的情況,在家務處理上取得配偶和家人的支持,並學習有效的時間管理與適度的自我調適;實務界則應正視社會工作員的工作壓力負荷量大的問題。 / This research takes married social workers as research subject to understand how the conflict between work and family affects their family life satisfaction. Our data was collected from two measures. Some are provided by the Taiwan Association of Social Workers and the Taiwan Fund for Children and Family while the rest comes from 154 effective questionnaires collected by an online survey. Through this research, we discovered the followings. First, married social workers do encounter work-family conflicts and their family lives are rather interfered by their work. Second, in terms of different factors of the family life satisfaction, married social workers stand at the lowest level in the satisfaction of house work management. Furthermore, married social workers, regardless of sex, share the same experience regarding work-family conflicts and the family life satisfaction. In terms of the variable of job characteristics, the work-family conflict is much more severe if married social workers have less years of job experience, act as frontline social workers, or have more weekly work hours and overtime hours per month. On the aspect of work devotion and job competency, as they devote more to become professional social workers, their family lives are less likely to be interfered by their work, and thus they don't have the feeling of interference. If they have more trouble balancing between work and rest and become less competent in their jobs, the work-family conflict would be more serious. Meanwhile, if more devotion is put into becoming professional social workers, the family life satisfaction would be higher. In addition, when married social workers suffered from more severe work-family conflicts, their family life satisfaction becomes lower. This research provides several suggestions based on the research result. Married social workers should know more about their roles in work, gain supports from their spouses and family members on housework management and learn better skills on time management and self-adjustment. In practical view, the problem of work stress and overload in social workers should be emphasized.

在職進修公務人員之工作壓力、工作滿足與成就動機之研究-以臺灣中央機關為例 / The Study on the Stress, Satisfaction and Achievement Motivation of the In-service Training Public Services in the Central Administration of Taiwan

何雅鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會環境變遷與發展,在職進修對於公務人員已成為時代趨勢,為使公務人員在兼顧工作與課業情況下,維持良好工作表現及服務品質,本研究探討在職進修公務人員工作壓力、工作滿足與成就動機之情況,依研究結果提出相關建議,提供相關單位進行公務人員人力資源管理之參考。 本研究採取深度訪談法,訪談10名任職中央機關公務人員參與在職進修,研究發現如下: 1.公務人員在職進修之現況:(1)工作性質與工作特性是公務人員選擇在職進修方式的主要影響原因;(2)部分中央機關依規定提供進修補助,在職進修者可選擇申請公假或學分費補助。選擇學分費補助能有效減輕進修者的經濟負擔;(3)工作年資較長有利於參與進修;(4)已婚者較未婚者更需要家人的支持。 2.工作壓力之來源:主要係因工作量大或複雜度高之工作性質、長官與同事的不支持態度、課業與畢業壓力及角色衝突所造成。 3.工作滿足之情形:影響在職進修者之工作滿足感的主要因素包括:服務機關是否穩定、參與進修能否獲益、角色轉移、時間管理等;提高在職進修者工作滿足感主要有利影響因素包括:升遷的公平與開放、長官的重視與支持、機關的實質獎勵與積極支持。 4.成就動機之情況:在職進修者選擇再進修的動機,受本身內在影響與環境外在影響而有不同,進修過程中如能提高成就動機,將間接影響工作表現;提高在職進修者成就動機之主要有利影響因素包括:長官的鼓勵與肯定、組織進修文化的推動及政府終身學習之積極推行。 本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 1.在減輕在職進修公務人員之工作壓力方面:(1)建議單位長官應適時予以支援及協助;(2)建議政府機關對於人力是否充足或配置適當,應定期進行診斷;(3)建議學校可配合在職進修者學習需求,延長相關設施開放時間;(4)建議學校提供更多職場所需的課程以因應在職生需求;(5)建議參與在職進修者,加強自身的英文及資訊軟體使用能力,減少進修過程之學習困擾。 2.在提昇在職進修公務人員之工作滿足方面:(1)建議政府機關應積極提升公務人員對工作的認同感;(2)建議政府機關應積極鼓勵進修,而非消極支持;(3)建議參與在職進修者應加強時間管理。 3.在加強在職進修公務人員之成就動機方面:(1)建議政府機關應提供更多元化的進修方式;(2)建議學校能提高入學考試之門檻,維持學生品質;(3)建議參與在職進修者可適時回饋服務單位;(4)建議參與在職進修者應充分了解自身學習需求並以積極態度面對工作與課業。 / The in-service training becomes current trend for public servants with the development and evolution of our society. The study determinates how the public servants have great performance in duty during in-service training period. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to understand the stress, satisfaction and achievement motivation of the in-service training public servants to provide practical advice for the human resources management of public servants in authorities. Ten in-service training public servants in the central governments were in-depth interviewed and the results as following: 1.The current situations of in-service public servants: (1)The characteristic of jobs is the major factor for public servants to choose the ways of their in-service training. (2)Some central governments can subsidize the in-service training public servants based on specific regulation. The in-service training public servants can choose to apply the official business leave or the study allowance to obtain financial aid. To choose study allowance can give them practical financial support. (3)The public servants who have long working experience take advantage to participate in-service training. (4)The married public servants need more family support than single. 2.The situation of job stress is caused by overloading or sophisticated work, the negative attitude of supervisors and colleague, study stress and role conflict. 3.The main factors of the situation of job satisfaction for in-service training public servants include the administration steadiness, the self-benefit, the transformation of roles, time management and so on. The main factors of increasing sense of achievement contain the fairness and disclosure of promotion, the attention and support of supervisors, the practical award and active support of governments. 4.The motivation of in-service re-training participant is influenced by internal and extrinsic factors. Work performance will be indirectly affected by improving the achievement motivation in training. The main factors of increasing the achievement motivation of in-service training persons include the encouragement and appreciation of supervisors, the promotion of in-service training and lifelong learning in government. Based on this study to provide the following advice: 1.To alleviate the job stress of in-service training public servants: (1)Supervisors should help and support in time. (2)The management of human resource should be monitored by authorities regularly. (3)School should keep open longer to tie in the request of in-service training people. (4)School should offer more necessary course related to their job. (5)In-service training people should improve their ability of English and information technology to make their study easier. 2.To improve the job satisfaction of in-service training people: (1)Authorities should actively increase the professional self-identity of in-service training people. (2)Authorities should positively encourage them to get training instead of supporting negatively. (3)In-service training people should improve the ability of time management. 3.To enhance the achievement motivation of in-service training people: (1)Authorities should provide much more diverse training ways. (2)School can distinguish prospective students well based on discerning entrance examination. (3)In-service training people should pay back to their servicing place. (4)In-service training people should entirely understand what they need and have positive attitude to deal with work and study.


林芸慧, Lin, Yun Huei Unknown Date (has links)
目前對於知識管理的相關研究多是從企業的角度出發,探討如何成功地在企業中導入知識管理,而研究中也多指出「人」是知識管理中最難解決的問題。然而,卻很少研究從知識工作者的觀點出發,了解知識工作者對於知識管理工具的需求,有鑑於多數知識管理議題皆是由企業的角度出發,因此企業屬性對於知識管理仍具相當的影響力。因此,本研究以知識工作者的角度出發,探討不同工作內涵的知識工作者對於知識管理工具的需求程度,並輔以企業的組織價值命題為權變因子,試圖找出知識工作者所需要的知識管理工具。 本研究之研究對象為企業的知識工作者。採用網路問卷及電子郵件問卷調查的量化研究方式,經實證結果發現知識工作者的工作內涵及組織價值命題確實影響知識工作者對於不同知識管理工具的需求強度。追求顧客親密性及作業卓越性的企業對支援「定義及分享」、「文件管理」及「資料搜尋」的知識管理工具需求強度較追求產品領導性的企業高;對於支援「定義及分享」的知識管理工具,工作內涵為可攜型的知識工作者需求強度最高,專業型次之,支援型及創造型的知識工作者較低;對於支援「儲存及整合」的知識管理工具,工作內涵為專業型及可攜型的知識工作者對於此功能的需求強度相對高於支援型及創造型的知識工作者。

在臺灣專業外籍人士之績效表現決定要素 / Determinants of the foreign professionals’ performance in Taiwan

施娜娜, Seliverstova Natalia Unknown Date (has links)
找到在台灣的外國人的工作是不容易的,要在工作中取得成功,是大家最困難的。 ,我也不例外,這就是為什麼我們認為在台灣的表現“的外籍專業人才的決定因素”“是當代的主題。這是值得探討的良好的工作業績,為台灣的標準是什麼。本論文研究的成功,在台灣的外國人的工作表現的原因。因此,我們取得了一些成功的人,採訪檢查的現象:克謝尼婭Mardaeva(技嘉),Erenzhen Kornusov(P.莫利哀/ Albest樂器),詹姆斯·邁克爾·戴維森(項目台北桃園國際機場線),:邁克Maydana(L​​iankuann企業有限公司),里卡多·N.奎瓦斯比利亞洛沃斯(寶來電子有限公司)。在這項研究中,我們打算學習外國專業人員性能的決定因素:如何實現在台灣工作中的成功,如何通過自己在台灣,如何建立和集約化生產與上司的關係。這是這項研究的主要問題。為了揭露這些問題,我們已採取以下步驟:建立研究目標,建立研究的問題,以往的研究概況,定義樣本宇宙,標誌著代表性的樣本,組織採訪,分析數據和解釋結果。 外國人的性能分析將探討更深入地理解實現在工作場所的效率。此外,它還將幫助人們願意留在台灣,以提高各自的特點,從自己的長處得到的好處和優勢變成自己的弱點。 有三個問題陳述我們的重點。第一個是需要調整我們的行為,在新的文化環境,以減少工作的不確定性,因為外國人的文化敏感性的更大的是更大的是他的工作表現。我們有完整的答案:學習中國語言,當地的飲食習慣改變自己,打扮自己像一個本地和尊重他們的風俗習慣,為變化做好準備,尊重當地的法律,這是必要的。 第二個是創造生產與上司的關係。我們的外國專業人士的建議如下:尊重人,不要怕你的老闆,不要試圖掩蓋問題,保持你的邊界,是積極的,表現出主動,擁抱自己的優勢,制定一個計劃,不海港不滿,沒有個性化的客觀,接受對自己的行為負責。 成功的表現下一個決定因素是:如何表現進行評估,以及提供反饋意見,以及如何實現的性能改進有強烈的衝擊,“在台灣的外籍專業人士的表現。 / To find a job for a foreigner in Taiwan isn’t easy, and to be successful at work is the most difficult for everyone. And I’m not the exception, that’s why we think “Determinants of the foreign professionals” performance in Taiwan” is contemporary theme. It is worthy to analyze what are the criteria of the good job performance for the Taiwanese. This thesis investigates the reasons of the successful foreigners' job performance in Taiwan. Therefore we obtained interview with some successful people to examine the phenomena: Kseniya Mardaeva (GIGABYTE), Erenzhen Kornusov (P. Mauriat/Albest Musical Instruments), James Davidson Michael (the project Taipei Taoyuan International Airport Link), Mike Maydana (the Liankuann Enterprises Co.Ltd.), Ricardo N. Cuevas Villalobos (Polylight Electronics Co., Ltd.). In this research we intend to study determinants of foreign professionals' performance: how to achieve success in work in Taiwan, how to adopt yourself in Taiwan, how to build productive and intensive relationship with the supervisor. These are the major problems of this study. In order to expose these problems we have taken following steps: establishing research goal, establishing research questions, previous studies overview, defining sample universe, marking out representative sample, organize interview, analyze the data and interpreting the results. The analysis of foreigner’s performance will explore deeper understanding of achieving efficiency at the working place. Moreover it will also help people willing to stay in Taiwan to improve their individual characteristics, to get benefits from their strengths and to turn their weaknesses into strengths. There are three problem statements we are focusing on. The first one is the need to adjust our behavior to new cultural environments in order to reduce job uncertainty, because the greater the cultural sensitivity of the foreigner is the greater is his job performance. We got complete answer: it’s necessary to learn Chinese language, change yourself to the local culinary habits, dress yourself like a local and respect their customs, be prepared for the changes, respect the local law. The second one is creating productive relationship with the supervisors. Our foreign professionals suggest the following: show respect, don’t be afraid of your boss, don’t try to hide problems, maintain your boundaries, be positive, demonstrate initiative, embrace your strengths, make a plan, don’t harbor resentments, don’t personalize the impersonal, accept responsibility for your own behavior. The next determinant of successful performance is: how well performance is evaluated, how well feedback is provided and how well performance improvement achieved has also strong impact on the foreign professionals' performance in Taiwan.

女性在陽剛職場之工作壓力與滿足感研究 -以海巡署機動查緝隊為例 / A study of job pressure and satisfaction for females working in a male-dominated environment - a case study of the Reconnaissance Brigade of Coast Guard Administration

李筱瑩, Lee, Siao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
海巡署於2000年成立是我國海域的專責機關,其中分為兩套體系即「海洋巡防」、「海岸巡防」,組織成員背景來自軍職、警職、文職人員。海岸巡防下轄之各地區巡防局在各縣市設機動查緝隊,主要內容為海域海岸的犯罪偵防、查緝走私、防止非法入出國以及安全情報蒐報等事項。 跟隨著性別主流化、性別工作平等法的推動,海巡特考招考於2006年取消男女名額限制,越來越多女性查緝員加入陽剛職場。本研究欲探討女性查緝人員進入陽剛職場之工作壓力及工作滿足感,研究對象以海岸巡防總局下轄的各地區機動查緝隊內文職女性人員,以Hellriegel , Slocum& Woodman的工作壓力因子探討,分別從工作本身、組織角色、人際關係、生涯發展、組織結構與氣氛及組織外部六大構面,工作滿足感之研究係依據Vroom所提出的組織本身、工作環境、工作內容三大構面,對於女性查緝人員之工作壓力及滿足感進行探討與分析。 本研究採用深度訪談法,依據地區、年齡、婚姻狀況等不同的樣本特性的基本資料進行抽樣,找出對本研究具有代表性方能提供最豐富的資訊、經驗得以反映出研究的真實情況,以提高研究之可信度。海巡署查緝隊中截至104年底共有28位女性查緝員,本研究從其中挑選了7位受訪者,分別於北、中、南東以及離島地區之女性查緝人員。 研究結果發現,女性在陽剛職場的工作壓力及滿足感深受以下因素影響: 一、個人內在因素:地緣因素、婚姻狀況、教育程度以及生理心理狀態。 二、外在環境因素:人際關係、工作性質、組織文化以及組織結構。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,提供公務機關及未來相關研究之參考。 關鍵詞:海巡署、陽剛職場、工作滿足感、工作壓力、查緝員 / The Coast Guard Administration of the Executive Yuan was established in 2000 and it is charged with maintaining law and order, protecting the resources of the territorial waters of the Republic of China. The CGA combined the Coast Guard Command and the Marine Police Bureau. The CGA is organized by military, police officer and government officer. The CGA set up coast guard in every city in Taiwan to provide a first line of defense along coastal areas against smugglers, illegal immigrants and State's Internal Security Investigation. With stimulating Gender mainstreaming, Act of Gender Equality in Employment and canceling gender restriction on civil service special examination for coast guard personnel, more and more women work in masculine occupational fields. The purpose of this study is to explore the job stress and the job satisfaction of the women who work in masculine occupational fields. The main research objects are the women who work as coast guard under Coastal Patrol Directorate General control. Based on the data of work stress risk factors of Hellriegel and Slocum& Woodman discusses six themes, including the work itself, organization role, interpersonal relation, career development, organization structure, organization climate and organizational external factors. The study of job satisfaction bases on the work itself, working environment and the content of the job which are advanced by Vroom to analysis job pressure and job satisfaction of the female detectives. This research was conducted via depth interview method. According to different area, age and marital status I conducted the random sampling to find out the representative cases. In the end of 2014 there are 28 female detectives in The CGA. The study selected seven of them from eastern, western, southern, northern and outley island of Taiwan. The research results reveal that the job stress and the job satisfaction of the women who work in masculine occupational fields are affected by the following factors: 1. Immanent factors:geological factor, marital status, educational background, physiological condition and mentality. 2. External factors:interpersonal relations, job, organizational culture and organization structure. Based on the study results, some suggestions were proposed for the reference of government institutions and future researchers. Key words : CGA, masculine workplace, job satisfaction, job pressure, reconnaissance officer

多工作業多元性對工作團體績效與成員壓力反 應之影響:時間規劃的跨層次調節效果 / The Influence of Polychronicity Diversity on Work Group Performance and Group Members’ Stress: The Cross-Level Moderating Effect of Temporal Planning

何其霞, Ho, Chi-Hsia Unknown Date (has links)
在瞬息萬變的工作環境中,資訊量龐大而繁雜,工作團體成員自身的時間分配,影響著任務執行期間的團體運作。現代快速而多工的工作要求,團體成員的多工作業特徵顯得更為重要。有鑑於此,本研究以此為主題,同時探究多工作業多元性對團體表現與團體成員壓力之影響。而過去團體多元性研究即指出,多元性可能會同時具有正、反面影響,本研究嘗試探討多工作業多元性所形成之優劣,並進一步檢驗團體的時間規劃所可能扮演的跨層次調節角色,以知在甚麼情況下多工作業多元性能具有最大的效益。採用問卷法施測,蒐集了50份有效之團體成套問卷,包含192名全職工作者。結果發現,多工作業多元性有助於團體任務績效之表現,並在額外分析中發現了任務相依性的三階調節效果。在個體層次中,個體與團體之時間特徵差異會直接導致個體壓力與退縮反應,其中在高時間規劃情況下,此差異與個體壓力之關係會削弱。最後依據研究結果進行討論,並說明理論貢獻、實務意涵以及未來研究方向。 / Temporal individual differences are an under-explored, but research-worthy form of diversity in groups. This study examines how group temporal diversity–variation in members' polychronicity—can be effectively managed to maximize group performance. Besides, how this difference effect individual stress is also examined. Results from 50 work groups reveal that polychronicity diversity had a positive influence on task-oriented group performance. Additional analysis found that task interdependence moderated the interaction effect of temporal planning and polychronicity diversity on task-oriented group performance. In other hand, when individual and work group polychronicity were more incongruent, individual stress and withdrawal behavior increased. And the influence of the incongrunce on individual stress was less positive under conditions of stronger group temporal planning than under weaker group temporal planning. Results can be used to effectively compose groups in organizations and guide future group composition research.


黃景泰, HUANG, JING-TAI Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


邱天貴, QIU, TIAN-GUI Unknown Date (has links)
本文在研究工會運動上,係採取另一種途徑,就是探討工會運動的策略,我們將它 的範圍限定在解嚴後,就是1987年至1990年之間。我們以這段時間來探討 工會運動的策略演變,是因為它正是工會運動的萌芽與興盛期,這是研究的最佳時 機。 工會運動的主要目標,就是謀求工會與會員最大的福利,其次才是尋求社會公義或 社會改革。因此,就策略的意涵而言,如何動員各項資源,調整與環境的互動關係 ,以達成目標,才是主要的重心。 於是,我們探討了以下各面向: 一.工會本身的組織因素; 二.外部環境的影響作用; 三.策略管理及策略選擇;及 四.工會運動策略的發展過程。 工會運動的目的,就是希望以集體力量來獲取勞方之最佳利益。而策略就是為了解 決此一利益問題。 我們獲致的結論,認為隨政治開放、勞動意識昇高、經濟高度發展及社會多元化交 互激盪下,工會採取的策略亦隨時間演變而調整。


夏春祥, XIA, CHUN-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的主要目的,是在探討臺灣原住民社會文化變遷的過程及相關問題。 本文的重點既在臺灣原住民的社會文化變遷上,立論的理論基礎便是原始部落社會 的改變過程,在此一概念上,有兩個不同的面向可用來闡明並幫助我們釐清間題: 一是世俗化的觀點,二是涵化的想法;前者是社會學上的概念,用來說明內部特質 的轉變,後者是人類學上的名詞,用來說明文化接觸對部落社會所帶來的影響。 研究發現,我們可以神聖性來作為臺灣原住民原始社會的指涉,其社會變遷的過程 就是神聖性解體的開展及浮現,而在神聖性全部的特性解體成部分且私人化的性質 後,原住民社會就由於喪失主體性,不再能對外界的挑戰作出反應,於是在外力干 涉下,原住民社會的發展無法在傳統基礎上開展,遂出現了異化之情形。

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