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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林世昌 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的快速發展,使得各種經營線上交易電子商店紛紛出現。而在眾多電子商店以燒錢的方式經營之際,這不禁令人思考電子商店的經營到底應從何種方式切入才能贏得顧客青睞?由於網路線上交易在廠商與顧客接觸的大部分關鍵點均是虛擬的,因此會提高買賣雙方的交易成本,另外由於顧客轉換電子商店只在彈指之間,因此維持顧客忠誠對電子商店經營格外重要。根據上述觀念,本研究主要探討以下主題:(1)電子商店內部核心經營團隊與經營能力之內涵為何?(2)電子商店如何降低消費者線上購物過程中所產生的各項交易成本?(3)電子商店如何提高消費者之忠誠度? 本研究採行方式為個案研究之定性分析法,基於文獻探討以及個案公司訪談分析與次級資料分析,對於上述研究主題做適當的推論。在交易成本上本研究區分為交易對象蒐尋成本、產品資訊搜尋與談判決策成本、監督成本與調整成本。而顧客忠誠的指標包括重複購買率、消費者對某電子商店重複拜訪率以及拜訪停留時間 本研究主要發現包括:(1)電子商店核心經營團隊Domain Know-how包含產業專業知識、網路技術與行銷能力。(2)電子商店會逐步對外建立讓法人持股之關係,以健全公司內部財務狀況,或增進業務運作能力。(3)電子商店在進行網站推廣上,會同時結合傳統媒體與網路媒體,以降低交易對象資訊搜尋成本。(4)電子商店在產品資訊內容提供上,會透過提供更多查詢與連結互動功能、改變消費者對產品屬性重視之權重、提供消費者虛擬經驗之機會、提供完整客戶電話諮詢服務四種方式,以降低消費者產品資訊搜尋與談判決策成本。以分眾主題討論式的社群,比扮演產品經驗資訊提供角色的社群,較能提高顧客忠誠度。(6)電子商店提高顧客提供資料意願之機制包括:提供建立關係之利益、投機行為之避免、與顧客溝通三項。(7)現階段國內電子商店在顧客資料加值與運用上,可行的方案包括:利用顧客「主動」提供的資料來提供一對一行銷服務、利用分眾概念提供顧客資訊以及提供個人帳戶查詢。(8)電子商店會提供多樣化付款機制,以降低消費者監督成本。(9)販賣實體產品之電子商店在長期經營競爭中,很難以純粹虛擬方式來經營,而會透過建立倉儲系統或與實體商店結盟等方式,來結合實體資源,以便提高消費者對該電子商店忠誠度。

審計品質變動與代理成本之研究 / A study on the Association between Changes in Agent Costs and Audit Qualities

呂相瑩, Lu, Hsiang-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 我國經濟迅速發展的結果,造成所有權與經營權分離的企業經營模式。在這種專業經營的好處背後,隱藏代理問題的危機。欲解決代理問題,資訊的透明化是關鍵,而資訊的正確與否,則有賴於獨立公正的第三人加以驗證,因而促成對審計服務的需求。 由於審計服務的需求能否被滿足,繫於審計品質的優劣,因此本研究將代理成本的變動與審計品質需求的變動作一個連結,將國內上市公司更換會計師的行為視為對審計品質需求的變動,探討對有更換會計師的公司而言,當代理成本增加時,對高品質審計服務的需求是否增加;反之,當代理成本降低時,上述需求是否減少。 本研究以四個替代變數來衡量審計品質,即產業專業、聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短,以及以前述三種替代變數利用主成分分析所構建的審計品質總指標來衡量審計品質。至於代理成本,則以管理當局的持股比率、財務槓桿率、應計項目來衡量。四種審計品質的代理變數分別建立四個統計模式。在檢定個別自變數與應變數之間的關係時,由於聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短的模型,其應變數為類別性變數,因此係採鑑別分析,而產業專業與審計品質總指標模型的應變數則為分析性變數,故採用迴歸分析。 本研究發現,有關管理當局持股比率的假說,在產業專業的模型中獲得顯著的支持,但在聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短的模型中,則未獲支持;而財務槓桿比率的假說則獲得絕大部份的支持,顯示財務槓桿比率的變動與更換會計師審計品質的方向間具有正向的關係,惟在聲譽、與美國大事務所結盟時間長短的模型中,更換至品質較低的群組,未有顯著的支持;至於應計項目的假說則未獲支持,顯示應計項目的變動與更換會計師方向間並無顯著的正向關係。 / Abstract Name: Lu, Shiang-Ying Advisor: Ma, Sheree S., Ph.D. Title: A Study on the Association between Changes in Agent Costs and Audit Qualities Month/Year: July, 1999 With the development of economy, one of the impacts is the business style turns to be specialist resulting in the departure between management and owner incentives leads to agency conflict. To solve the conflicts, information transparency is the key point. The integrity of information lies to the independent audit of the third party, so the audit demand emerges. Whether the audit demands can be met depending on the audit quality. So, the study links the changes in agent costs to audit qualities; the extent of agency conflicts determines the degree of auditing needed to make management credible to current and potential investor. Specially, the higher (lower) the agent costs, the higher (lower) the demand for audit quality. This study measures audit quality by proxy variables which are industry expertise, brand, time span of allying with America large CPA firm and audit quality index. The audit quality index is a combination of first three proxy variables by principal component analysis. Agent costs are proxied by management ownership, leverage and accruals. Four audit quality proxy variables build four statistical models. The industry expertise and audit quality index models are analyzed by regression; the others are by discriminate analysis. The results do not provide support for the hypothesis that changes in accruals is associated with changes in audit quality. As to the hypothesis of management ownership and leverage, there is no consistent result.

競租活動與福利成本之估計 / Rent-Seeking Activities and Welfare Cost Caculate

許春梅, Hsu, Chuen Mei Unknown Date (has links)
國家的強制權力創造了龐大的租利(rent)。個人或團體往往投入時間、金 錢或其他努力以獲取這些租利;這些追逐爭利的過程,稱為「競租活動 」。研究這些租利的形成、尋求、防禦、規避及它對社會產生的成本、效 益的一些理論及實證分析,統稱為「競租理論」(theory of rent-seek- ing)。本文將運用「利益團體模型」及「競租理論模型」將利益團體-管 制政策-社會福利成本三者之間的關係串聯起來。最後以Mohammad與 Walley對印度競租成本估計模式為架構,以台灣現有資料做一估計,探究 台灣因管制活動造成社會福利成本究竟有多大。本文共分五章。第一章緒 論;第二章為政治決策與競租活動;第三章為競租理論與福利成本之估計 (一);第四章為競租成本的衡量(二);第五章為結論及建議。

採用國際財務報導準則對於金融業者資金成本之影響 / The effect of IFRS adoption on cost of capital:evidence from financial industry

陳佳琍 Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟於2006 年開始要求境內上市公司依照國際財務報導準則編製財務報 表。對於財報編制方式的改變對於公司經營層面的影響,學者看法分歧。本研究選擇英國、法國、德國、瑞士四個國家的壽險、產險與銀行業者做為研究對象,探討採用國際財務報導準則編製財務報表之後,公司資金成本有無顯著的上升或下降情形。研究結果顯示,在控制其他變數之後,公司的資金成本與採用國際財務報導準則與否,無顯著的相關性。公司本身的特性與總體經濟環境因素對於公司資金成本的影響,比是否採用國際財務報導準則更為重要。 / Beginning in 2006, compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) has been required in the European Union. People have different opinion about the effects of adoption of IFRS. In this thesis, the author investigates the effect on cost of capital for financial industry after adopting IFRS. The implication of study result is: there is no evidence to proof that the cost of capital will be decreased or increased after adopting IFRS. Otherwise, the company specifics and macroeconomic environment are determinant factors in cost of capital.


陳葦憓 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣加入WTO之後,產業將面臨國內外經營環境劇變的衝擊,在此波演變中,企業應如何自保,並更進一步提昇企業的核心能力呢?目標成本制乃提昇企業競爭力之一大利器。然而,此一競爭利器在國外已蔚為風尚之際,國內企業卻仍採觀望之態度,探究其原因,乃在國內學術界對於目標成本制之研究頗為缺乏,且國內產業界具體實施情形亦無從得知。本研究旨在探討目標成本制之關鍵成功因素為何,以期能使國內企業界對目標成本制能有更深一層的認識。   本論文係以探索性的方式,首先藉由相關文獻之探討,對於目標成本制關鍵成功因素變數進行初步彙整,緊接著進行個案訪談將變數加以修正完備,最後進行問卷之設計與發放,待回收後進行統計分析。   本研究之研究結果如下:   1. 就整體而言,歸納出前10名之關鍵成功因素依序為「公司有明確且一致策略目標」、「設定合理明確的目標」、「高階主管的承諾與支持」、「設計的品質管理」、「與公司產品、行銷策略相結合」、「產品開發經理的協調與整合能力」、「顧客與市場資訊的蒐集」、「因應競爭對手策略的能力」、「VE、VA的能力」、「因應產業環境變化的能力」。   2. 由於各產業所面臨的生存環境有所差距,所以其在施行目標成本制時,所應特別之著重之因素也略有差異。汽車業較重視「產品改善經理掌握顧客需求的能力」、「供應商品質的管理」、「供應商成本意識的提昇」、及「對目前成本結構的掌握和分析」;精密機械業較重視「產品開發經理掌握顧客需求的能力」;家電業較重視「與部門內員工溝通」、及「產品開發經理掌握顧客需求的能力」。   3. 由於各公司策略、企業文化、及產品特性有所不同,且所面臨之難題亦有所異。因此,不同企業在施行目標成本制時,應再考量自身之策略、產品特性、及經營課題,以歸納出適用於該企業之目標成本制關鍵成功因素。   4. 因素分析之結果共分為十一個因素構面,分別為:「目標分配與達成」、「供應商面」、「規劃與複核」、「顧客資訊之掌握與運用」、「因應外部變化之能力」、「策略管理及同步開發、同步工程」、「重量級產品經理之設置」、「物流、資訊流與部門內溝通」、「給予員工激勵與明確目標」、「產品經理的協調與整合能力」及「產品經理的技術能力」。 / After Taiwan enters WTO, the enterprises in Taiwan will face a rapid change of the domestic and international business management environment. In this revolutionary transformation, how can those enterprises survive and build up their core competency? Target Costing is a good tool for business to raise their competency in the midst of competition. While Target Costing has been used widely in many other countries, the enterprises in our country are still hesitating and are making no move toward this system. After we investigated the situation, we found that Taiwan's researching institutions have not carried out much research of Target Costing, and also that there is no way for people to find out what is practiced by Taiwan's industry. The purpose of the study is to explore the key success factors with the implementation of Target Costing. We hope our research will be helpful to the enterprises in Taiwan.   This study is done with the exploratory method. First, by researching the related literatures, we have done the initial organization of the variables of the key success factors of Target Costing. Second, we had several interviews with those managers who make this regime in practice, and then we modified the variables mentioned above. Finally, according to our work in stage one and two, we designed and collected our questionnaires, and then used multivariate analysis to analyze the cases and draw our conclusions.   The conclusions of this study are:   1. As a whole, the top ten key success factors are “the company's strategy goal is consist and clear”, “target set is reasonable and clear”, “commitment and support from top management”, “design quality management”, “the regime can combine with company's product and marketing strategy”, “negotiating and integrating capability of product development managers”, “collecting the information of customer and market”, “ capability of replying to competitor’s strategy”, “capability of VE and VA” and “capability of replying to the change of industry environment”.   2. Because every industry faces a different business environment, the key factors that they should focus on are different. In automobile industry “the capability of product development manager in catching customer demand”, “supply quality management”, “cost consensus improvement of supplier” and “the capability of management in understanding and analyzing the cost structure” are the most important; in precision machinery business, “the capability of product development manager in catching customer demand” has the priority and in consumer electronic industry, “communicate with staffs” and “the capability of product development manager in catching customer demand” are the most important factors.   3. Because different enterprises have different strategies, products, cultures and issues, they must consider their own situation when they make this regime into practice.   4. The result of factor analysis is divided into 11 aspects. They are “distribution and accomplish of target”, “supplier”, “plan and review”, “catching and using the information of customer”, “capability to response the outside change”, “strategy management and concurrent engineering”, “ establishment of heavy-weighted product management”, “material flow, information flow and communication between departments”, “motivating employees and giving them definite target”, “negotiating and integrating capability of product managers” and “technical capability of product management”.

從股權結構論獨立董事法制─以台灣上市公司股權結構實證研究為例 / A study of the relationship between the independent director system and the ownership structure : a case of listed companies in Taiwan

許維貞, Hsu, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
公司股權結構與經營權結構,因不同公司不同產業而可能有天壤之別。因此,如何設計一套能因應不同公司股權結構與經營權結構,一個兼具防弊與興利,而且能普遍適用發揮規範功能之公司法制,實際上並不容易。除了現行公司法與證券交易法等相關規範外,加強公司治理制度之推動,已是世界各國共同重視之議題。 股權分散或股權集中架構並無效能上好壞,純由各國文化、經營模式所逐漸衍生形成。因此在整個公司法制上應針對股權結構的不同為基礎,設計適當的公司治理法制。在股權集中結構而言,公司治理所關心的重點宜在「少數股東的保護」,在股權分散結構上,公司治理所強調的重點應在「資訊透明」。

跨國企業進入新興市場策略之研究-以D科技印度公司為例 / Multinational ompany study of entering emerging markets strategy-A Case Study of D technology indian company

曾靖茹 Unknown Date (has links)
競爭激烈的環境中, 跨國企業必須不斷的向外開拓,而近年來新興市場被判定潛力巨大, 著名的金融投資集團高盛公司的金磚四國的分析( 巴西、俄羅斯、印度、中國),得大極大的迴響,自然新興市場對於跨國企業成為重要的目標, 跨國企業進入新興市場模式的探討,成為一個重要的研究課題,而跨國企業在選擇進入方式時,無論對內或外都必須面對不同的資源分配與策略的抉擇,有學者提出的三種主要進入方式為全新進入(Green field)、與當地公司策略聯盟(JV: joint venture)以及併購新興國家之公司(Acquisition),資源也隱含著成本的考量甚至當地合作夥伴的利益衝突等等的處理。另外有學者指出跨國企業進入新興市場的重要因素點,例如R&D研發的費用、市場需求資源、市場的競爭者、相關組織大小、跨國企業的經驗、組織環境、控制因子等,無一不是以系統整體的觀念去探討進入新興市場的模式。   筆者選定跨國企業D公司為代表,其一為跨國企業-D公司已成為印度市場成功的企業之一,成功於印度股票上市的經驗成為典範,更隨著網通產業的需求中進入市場,隨著印度的成長腳步,跨國企業-D公司如何把握這個機會去發展,以及實務上的種種運作,加上克服許多的不確定,包含經濟或是政治亦或是開放度上,其實也是每一個跨國企業進入新興市場一定會面對共通的問題,而重點在於D公司如何發揮自身的資源去結合在地力量,並且決定策略於印度市場,尤其是之前沒有先例的狀況下,要如何走出一個自己的路,都是本文的探討要項。 另一方面,位於金磚四國之ㄧ的印度,擁有相當的軟體人力,許多跨國公司早已設立客服中心或是軟體開發中心進駐印度,不同於低價製造工廠的國家,而形成印度這個新興市場的獨特面,跨國企業-D公司針對印度市場的策略與學者進入理論的對照與比較為本文核心,並將其進入新興市場成功的經驗由訪談中整理與詮釋

整合性策略成本管理之設計及執行─以國內某醫院為例 / The Design and Execution of Integrated Strategic Cost Management—A Case Study in Healthcare Industry

林言修, Lin, Yen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
策略之實施倘若無法得知執行成績,將使管理者無法判斷策略成果。過去財務會計系統之資訊,並無法產出攸關資訊協助決策。本研究以個案研究的方式,探討醫療組織於形成策略、執行策略與建置基礎資訊工程之內容,進一步探討三者整合時之設計方向與執行重點。   研究分析的結果,使命、願景與價值觀的討論有益於策略之形成;平衡計分卡之策略地圖能將策略行動化,幫助成員瞭解與執行策略;作業基礎成本制之資訊,可提供經營者精確的資料評估資源、作業與策略的關係。三者之整合,使管理者可具體透過作業基礎成本制之資訊,評估成員在平衡計分卡下執行策略後的成果。 / Without information of performance, strategy-execution would disconnect managers’ judgment from practices. According to financial accounting systems in the past, it’s hard to demonstrate relevant information to support decision-making. The study uses case-study method in a healthcare organization to analyze constructions on four topics: strategy- formulation system, strategy-execution system, fundamental information system and the keys to design and implement the integration connecting these systems. Based on our conclusion, discussions on missions, visions and values are beneficial to formulate strategies. Besides, strategy maps let members realize strategies and carry them out. Furthermore, activity-based costing provides more accurate data to generate information assisting managers’ assessment among resources, activities and strategies. Finally, integration among these three systems helps managers use information from activity-based costing to evaluate strategy performances under balanced scorecard.

以交易成本觀點探討派系在地方治理的角色-台中霧峰治水的個案分析 / Transaction cost perspective to explore the role of factions in local governance

楊麒翰 Unknown Date (has links)


洪淑英 Unknown Date (has links)
由於投信產業的進入門檻不高,通常大股東只要出資新台幣三億元,就可管理台幣數百億或千億元以上的資產規模,進而影響國內金融市場的運作,所以,主管機關對於投信公司的管理相對於其他產業嚴格許多。然而,投信產業發展至今30年來,經理人股票鎖單、收取回扣、內線交易等大小弊案,時有耳聞,未曾停歇,正印證了Jensen and Meckling(1976)的代理理論假設,即當年輕的經理人面對眼前的龐大利益,會因理性的自利行為而做出危害股東或債權人利益之事,產生了代理成本,若此時公司治理的內部機制如:董事會等能善盡監督之職,或外部機制如:法令或社會信用體系等能發揮嚇阻之作用,將大大降低從業人員的道德風險。 本研究以國內某投信公司為個案,探討公司治理和道德風險防範的重要,研究發現員工的道德標準與企業文化好壞相關性很大,本個案公司由於背後大股東企業文化的敗壞,弊案連連,其集團領導人根本視法律如無物,在「上樑不正,下樑歪」的風氣相互影響下,個案公司的負責人似也有樣學樣,利用投信公司合法的基金銷售管道掩護,進行違法境外基金之販售,以賺取超額佣金,圖利自己,導致個案公司在該集團接手後短短2年的時間內,就宣告經營失敗並結束營業。 關鍵詞:公司治理、代理成本、道德風險、投信產業 / In Taiwan, it's not hard for the wealthy to have control over an asset management company with a capital of at least a few billion NT dollars as only an initial thirty million NT dollars can capitalize one. Due to their influence in the financial markets, the regulators keep a close eye on them. Unfortunately, there have still been such many scandals involving kickbacks, inside trading, etc. occurring ever since the SITC industry commenced. It seems to prove Jensen and Meckling's Agency theory that the agents behave with rational selfishness and jeopardize the benefits of the other shareholders and creditors in order to keep their own interests. These moral hazards can be reduced if board meetings function responsibly, compliance of industrial rules, or a credit system for the general public, etc. that can operate effectively. This thesis studies the importance of corporate governance and the evading of moral hazards with an asset management company in Taiwan. Through the study, we have found there is a direct correlation between employee's moral hazard and corporate culture. This case study shows the major shareholder who controlled the asset management company intentionally ignored and violated the laws poorly and the leader of the case company also followed suit. She utilized the company's assets to benefit from selling illegal offshore funds and finally caused the failure of the company within two years. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Agency Cost, Moral Hazard, and SITC industry

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