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抵銷之擔保機能—以民法第340條之解釋為中心 / Securing function of offset- about article 340 in the civil code of the R.O.C林殷正 Unknown Date (has links)
將對日本法之研究成果運用在我國法的解釋適用上,可自民法第299條第2項之規範方式推知我國立法者有意採取「對抵銷期待利益之保護」作為「抵銷對第三人效力理論基礎」。考量民法第340條與民法第299條第2項同為抵銷制度下「抵銷對第三人效力」規範,故兩規範在解釋適用上應採取相同之理論基礎。換言之,民法第340條所規範的「抵銷與扣押」關係中,主動債權人之所以可藉由主張抵銷而獲得較扣押債權人優先受償的類似擔保效果,實為保障主動債權人對抵銷之期待利益所產生的事實上反射效果,並非抵銷制度本質上有何擔保機能存在。而在否定抵銷制度本質上具有擔保機能後,則可以此結論作為解決相關問題之起點,逐一推論出民法第340條應如何解釋適用,以及其他周邊問題的解答。 / Expediency in satisfying debts and keeping fair treatment among creditors are two major functions well acknowledged by academics and the judiciary in Taiwan. However, a possible third function - securing unpaid loans through claiming an offset (hereinafter referred to as securing function) - has not yet been fully discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to fill this gap in the understanding of the issue.
Securing function of offset means that in the situation that two people are each others’ creditors and one of them is insolvent, the solvent creditor can assert their right of offset. To claim an offset allows a creditor/debtor to have his/her unpaid loans preferentially satisfied before other creditors’ claims. Allowing a creditor to claim offset results in the same effect as the creditors’ loan having been secured.
In the civil code of the R.O.C, Article 340 is most relevant to the question of whether the right of offset includes the securing function. Article 340 stipulates that, “When an obligation has been attached by an order of the court, the third debtor of such obligation shall not take a claim which he has acquired from the creditor after the attachment to offset the obligation attached.” The question in point is:
• whether the limitation on the garnishee’s right of offset is only limited to his counter claim against his creditor generated after the issuance of an attachment order, or
• should it be expanded to all of his counter claims, including those generated before the issuance of an attachment order.
The key to answer the abovementioned question lies in whether securing function is within the intention of the legislator in enacting Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C.
After scrutinizing essays related to the right of offset in the Civil Code of the R.O.C., it is clear that scholars in Taiwan have not discussed the questions enough yet. The lack of academic research results in considerable confusion in judicial practices when applying Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C.
Japanese scholars and legal precedents of the Japanese Supreme Court have been exploring the securing function issue of the right of offset for more than half a century. There is the same question regarding Article 511 of the Japanese Civil Code, and the article is almost identical to Article 340 of the R.O.C Civil Code. We consider it to be helpful to review their research and take it as our reference.
The gist of Japanese academic research and legal precedents regarding the above-mentioned issue, can be summarized as follows. First, acknowledging securing function of the offset right is not necessary in constructing the theory of the right of offset; second, explanations for Article 511 of the Japanese Civil Code in Japan have not yet been unified. There are still controversies in Japanese scholars' research and legal precedents regarding the issue, as Japanese scholars and Japan's Supreme Court continue to offer various theories regarding the legislative intent of Article 511. Third, whether securing function can be considered as within the legislative intent of Article 511 further relates to the solutions to the following three questions: the scope of attachment orders, the role of the right of offset within the whole of the Japanese civil law system, and the influence of acceleration clauses.
The above-mentioned research on Japanese law concludes that the legislative intent of the Japanese Civil Code is not to confer securing function to the right of offset, but to protect legitimate expectations of the debtors to have the chance of claiming offset. The same conclusion can be derived from observing the design of paragraph 2 of Article 299 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C., which regulates the influence of the right of offset on the third party creditors (hereinafter the “third party effect”). Paragraph 2 of Article 299 stipulates that, “At the time of the debtor being notified, if the debtor had the claim against the transferor [sic], and if such claim matures before or at the same time as the claim transferred does, he/she may claim for offset against the transferee.” To clarify, when a debt is transferred from the original creditor to a new creditor (hereinafter transferee), the debtor can only claim an offset against the transferee with a counter claim that matures before or at the same time as the transferred claim does. The same design in the Japanese law leads to the conclusion that the legislative intent in designing the third party effect of the right of offset is based on protecting the legitimate expectation of the debtor in having the chance to claim the right of offset. We propose that it is helpful to construe Taiwan’s system in the same way.
To clarify the conclusion further, Paragraph 2 of Article 299 and Article 340 of the Civil Code of the R.O.C. both regulate the third party effect of the right of offset. The same theory of interpretation should be adopted in order to keep the Taiwanese civil law system coherent. Article 340 provides that a garnishee can only claim the right of offset when his/her counter claim against the creditors originated before the date of issuance of the attachment order. We should construe that the legislative intent is to protect debtors’ expectation of a chance to claim an offset identical to the construction of the paragraph 2 of Article 299. Although the operation of Article 340 allows the debtor/creditor to satisfy his/her claim preferentially before other creditors under some circumstances, the so-called “securing function” of right of offset can only be considered as a collateral effect and is not within the legislative intent of the regulation.
After denying the legislative intent of securing function of the right of offset, the thesis further clarifies the answers to three questions relating to the third party effect of the right of offset: (1) the limitation on the right of offset stipulated in Article 340 shall be construed as an exception in the civil law system of Taiwan; (2) the scope of an attachment order shall not reach the right of offset of the third party (garnishee) in principle; and (3) the acceleration clause shall not influence the rights of third parties.
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工程契約中承包商瑕疵擔保責任相關問題之研究 / A study on The Undertaker's Defect Warranty of The Construction Contract蔡育英 Unknown Date (has links)
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政府採購法減價收受制度之研究 / The study of the acceptance with price-reduction of the government procurement act許增如, Hsu, Tseng-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
從民法概念來看,減價收受無所謂過失責任,基本上肇因於廠商債務不履行,債務不履行可分為給付不能或不完全給付,二者區分實益在於給付是否可能,亦關係機關評估是否辦理減價收受及後續損害賠償問題。此外,減價收受亦關係工程承攬契約之瑕疵擔保責任與保固責任,以及減價收受之額度與違約金等相關問題。本論文希望藉由理論探討,及法院判決、調解建議及仲裁等相關實務案例,以釐清減價收受所遭遇之相關問題。 / The acceptance with price-reduction under Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, could be said an exceptional part of the inspection and acceptance under the Act. It is regulated to the interests and duties between the two parties of governmental purchasement. This study intentioally analyzes the “construction work”, which is used to focus on the completeness of definit work and to cope with the contract requirements. When it happens to be accepted with price reduction, what is the reason and what will be going on?
According to the Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, where the result of inspection indicates any non-conformity with the contractual requirements, but the non-conformity neither hinders the safety or use required nor decreases the general function or the function designated by the contract, an acceptance with price-reduction may be conducted under conditions that the entity has determined that there is no need or it is difficult to make replacement. Otherwise, the entity should require the suppliers make improvement within a time-limit according to the paragraph 1 of Article 72.
Based on the concepts of the Civil Code, the acceptance with the price-reduction does not depend on responsibility for intentional or gross negligent acts. It is caused by the suppliers’ non-performance, when the performance becomes impossible or imcomplete. The governmental entity will also transfer to claim conpensation for the injury. This issue also involves the obligation of suppliers to repair the defects within the specified period, not only after the inspection and acceptance. The reasonable amount of price-reduction and the penalties are also important to be disscussed. This study wants to clarify all the issues and the effects of the acceptance with price-reduction through the theory discussion and the reviewing of juridical cases, mediations and arbitrations.
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考量隨機回復率與風險因子承載係數之CDO評價模型 / Pricing CDO with random recovery rate and random factor loading李慎, Li, Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Amraoui & Hitier (2008)隨機回復率模型(BNP model)以及Andersen and Sidenius(2004)隨機風險因子承載係數模型(RFL model)為基礎,進行對分劵信用價差、債劵群組累積損失機率分配,以及對基準違約相關係數的影響等分析。我們發現當回復率改成動態後可以反映更多系統風險,權益分劵信用價差絕大多數都會下降。在累積損失機率分配方面加入BNP後變為較平滑;改用RFL則會使機率分配在小額損失處又產生一次起伏;同時考量BNP與RFL會使小額損失發生機率減少、極端損失機率增加。實作三組市場資料時,發現不管市場違約機率高或低,共同考慮BNP與RFL的模型在四個模型中是最適合擬和市價的,顯示在市價的校準上有更多彈性,特別是在承擔名目本金60~100%先償分劵的校準上只有共同考慮BNP與RFL的模型能發揮功效。
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消費定型化契約條款之行政規制 / Consumption of standard contract terms of administrative control胡華泰 Unknown Date (has links)
第柒章「法制上之建議-代結論」:延續第陸章的檢討,對我國現行消費定型化契約條款行政規制法制提出建言。 / With the ongoing changes of official role in the arbitration between the civil contracts, the debate of whether it should be stepping into or reducing is still up in the air. Although both sides have based on profound theories, the administrative authority of ROC still has tighter and tighter control on consumption of standard contract terms. In light of domestic study on such subject, more paper emphasize on individual type of study instead of the comprehensive one. Therefore this paper claims that the administrative authority should aggressively play a role to create the sound framework to provide necessary substances and service to assure the function of the market mechanism. However, its intervention of the contract content freedom should be taken by more conservative approach. Under this circumstance, this study is trying to illustrate the origin and the development of moderation on standard contract terms, also with the related discussion over contract moderation in German, and the analysis in law and economics over civil contracts. Moreover this study elaborates the concrete consumption of standard contract terms under the consumers’ protection regulation architecture. Hopefully we can reexamine the current administrative control over the consumption of standard contract terms, especially for those the standard contract terms should be posted and those should not. We can evaluate the pros and cons about that later.
Besides, due to lots of regulation over those should be or not to provisions, this study is also trying to classify all to make comparison and analysis one by one for your own view.
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工程驗收前爭議問題研究-以風險分配為中心薛全晉, Hsueh, Chuan Chin Unknown Date (has links)
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從美國次級房貸談台灣金融業可能遭受之影響及省思 / How Could We Succeed In The Aftermath of U.S.Subprime Crises徐雪蓉, Hsu, Hsueh Jung Unknown Date (has links)
次級房貸問題的主要原因是相關金融商品證券化,層層包裝成各種衍生性產品,於次級房貸風暴發生後,信用風險連鎖反應造成相關產品無流動性,被隱藏的風險暴露後原有的信評機制幾乎全部失效,層層包裝的風險因事先未被定價,風暴後更無法估算其所會波及之影響,Mark to Market及34號公報迫使全球企業對次級房貸投資相關產品之損失提列資產減損,更加重各項產品流動性之停滯,信用危機造成信心危機,層層結構性產品及再轉投資,造成信用無虞的公司也遭魚池之殃,次級房貸衍生之金融商品,因主要購買者多為金融業或保險業或再包裝後出售予投資客,其後繼影響更是難以估計。
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