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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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性別角色期待的枷鎖:擺盪於家庭與工作之間的女性公務人員 / The Bondage of Expectation for Gender Role: Female Civil Servants, Swinging between Family and work

蕭奕蕙, Shiao, Yi-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文研究主要以正式女性公務人員為對象,並採用質化研究的深入訪談法,總共有十五位女性公務人員接受訪問;另外,本篇論文引用相關的理論來觀察女性公務人員的實際生活情況。十五位女性公務人員的家庭發展階段分成未婚、已婚無子女、已婚懷孕初期、已婚育有學齡前兒童、已婚育有青少年子女、以及已婚育有成年子女等等家庭類型。 本篇論文的研究發現有下列幾點: 一、因為性別角色期待而選擇進入公務人員體制 女性因為性別角色期待選擇進入公務人員體制中。女性公務人員為了扮演生育、照顧的家庭角色;以及社會普遍認為女性適合從事公務人員;在婚姻市場裡面,女性公務人員更成為理想結婚對象。因此,女性選擇進入公務人員體制的意願提高。 二、公務人員體制具有科層制特性 公務人員體制中的科層體制強調「固定職掌」、「依法行政」、「層級節制」,並且形成特定的官僚運作方式;整個組織運作強調「客觀」、「理性」、「陽剛性質」。女性在這樣的官僚運作底下,因為其性別而被標示出來,因為整個科層組織是由男性設計與主導,女性則被看成性別化的行動者(sexualized actors);同時科層體制的反功能造成組織成員對組織產生疏離感,不過正因為這樣的反功能有利女性公務人員兼顧家庭生活,因此,女性公務人員在兼顧家庭的工作考量中以公務人員的工作內容配合度最高。在升遷的過程當中受到男性權威與性別角色刻板印象雙重影響,「玻璃天花板」效應明顯存在而女性公務人員也無法從工作中獲得滿足。 三、公務人員體制特殊的官場文化 公務人員體制要求「去個人化」、接受新的官僚人格,以及運用特殊的組織文化,其中最盛行的就是「關係」、「人情」。光具備工作能力表現是不夠的,公務人員還必須透過「關說」、「人事背景」才能獲得長官的賞識與提拔。整個組織的在上位者多數都是男性,男性有其特殊的人際關係互動,女性公務人員必須同時去性別化與接受男性的組織網絡之後,才有可能獲得晉升的機會。 四、女性公務人員因為家庭與工作出現精疲力盡 大部分已婚的女性公務人員仍然扮演「女主內」的角色,也就是說踏進門板之後的領域全歸為女性的責任,因此,只能用「心力交瘁」的字眼來形容女性公務人員的處境,唯一值得慶幸的是,女性公務人員會尋求社會資源來解決工作與家庭兩者間的衝突。 五、女性公務人員既主動創造又被動接受性別角色期待 根據本篇論文觀察與訪談結果,女性在某種情境底下才會既主動創造又被動接受性別角色期待。那就是只有在家庭因素考量出現時,女性才會主動創造與被對接受既予的性別角色期待。為了逃避這種左右為難的窘境,女性就必須建立自主性,可是這種自主性也是在既有社會價值框架下,並不是完全的自由。因此,我認為唯有去除傳統將女性與家庭連結在一起的社會價值,進而建立兩性平等的關係。 / This paper aims mainly at qualified female civil servants, employs the qualitative method by which fifteen women are interviewed, and takes also on the relevant theories to observe their actual life experiences. The family life cycle of them is divided as following: single, married without children, pregnant, married with preschool ones, married with teenagers, and married with adult children. In this paper I discover the facts that follows: 1. In accordance with the expectation for gender role, women choose to be civil servants. In order to play well role on caring and childbearing in family life, on account of the common social assumption that women are suitable for the work of civil servants, and owing to the favor in the selection of marriage partner, women thus are willing to run for this status. 2. Public institution is characteristic of bureaucracy. The working of civil service emphasizes on the fixed working contents, administrating by law, and obviously hierarchizing in levels, so this institution develops the bureaucratic feature. Under the emphases of the whole institution on the rationality, objectivity and masculinity wrought by men, women are labeled as sexualized actors. In this case, the bureaucracy produces the anti-function which on the one hand results in the alienation of the member in the organization and which on the other hand is good for women to take care of their family. In the process of promotion, the influences of male authority and gender stereotype on women forms the glass ceiling effect that defers women from the satisfaction with their works. 3. The special bureaucratic culture in public institution. In this institution the member is required to be depersonalized, to accept a new bureaucratic trait and to implement the special organizational culture that is fashioned with human relationship and influence. Most of the higher officials are men who possess the different network of human relations from women, women must desexualize themselves to receive bureaucratic culture dominated by men for the opportunity of promotion. 4. The exhaustion of female civil servants in family and work. A great number of married female civil servants simultaneously play the role of housewives--that is to say, women are responsible for all the things indoors. Fortunately, women, when facing this dilemma, would by the capacity of their positioning search for the social support so that they solve the confrontations between family and work. 5. Female civil servants either positively create or negatively accept the expectation for gender role. The choice of whether to create or accept the expected gender role for women civil servants depends on certain "circumstances." That is, only when for family's sake women civil servants are forced to definitely both create and accept such given gender role. To escape this dilemma, they try to establish a kind of autonomy--neither to create nor to accept the "given" namely, to slip off the bondage of the family. However, this sort of "autonomy" is limited in the framework of social value, far from complete freedom. Consequently, I think all we have to do is change the social value of setting the bondage between women and family and strive for the equality of both sexes.

社群網絡與線上社會運動之初探研究 / Action online – a preliminary study on social media activism on facebook

簡銘佐, Chen, Mingtso Unknown Date (has links)
This study posits that there is a connection between political action online and activism in the real life. In addition, social ties and networks as well as political knowledge and efficacy play an important role in this connection. Causes, an application on Facebook, was selected for analyzed. A mixed method study was conducted, consisting of two stages. In the first stage (quantitative), a survey was utilized to investigate the correlation between activities on Causes and conventional political engagement. A total of 45 responses were gathered using convenience sampling. It was found that there is a strong correlation between action on Causes and conventional political engagement. For example, information retrieval activities are correlated with conventional activism (r=.418, p<.05), and social networking activities are also correlated with conventional activism (r=.661, p<.05). In addition to the survey, intensive interviews (N = 5) were conducted in the second stage (qualitative) to elaborate and clarify the results from the survey as well as to explore new grounds on the significance of ties and networks. Some themes have emerged from the interviews, including motivations for the use of Causes, Causes as an information channel, potential and problems of Causes, online versus offline activism, affiliation and involvement, political knowledge and efficacy as well as ties and networks. Interview findings concluded that the high correlation between online and offline activism is further specified by the interviewees to be an extension of each form of activism, meaning they are complementary rather than identical.

國民中學基本學力測驗英語科回沖效應研究 / A study on the washback effect of the basic competence english test on junior high school students in Northern Taiwan

林銀姿, Lin, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
國民中學基本學力測驗(簡稱「基測」)英語科屬高代價之語言測驗,測驗結果攸關每年三十萬左右國中畢業生的升學依據,影響層面甚廣,測驗對教學的影響即語言測驗文獻中所探討之回沖效應。 本研究旨在探討基測英語科對台灣北部地區九年級學生英語學習的回沖效應,以問卷調查台灣北部地區(基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣)九年級學生,從以下四個面向探討基測英語科所造成的回沖效應:(1)學生對基測英語科試題的了解及看法;(2)學生的學習目的;(3)學生的學習方式;(4)課堂活動。本研究以四個行政層級(直轄市、市、鎮、鄉)作為抽樣依據,共計發出1,490份問卷。 研究主要結果如下: 一、大多數學生了解基測英語科之題型及測驗目的。僅有半數學生認為試題簡單,進一步分析顯示,比較了解題型及目的的學生認為試題簡單。 二、學生學習目的與《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》英語課程目標一致。不以基測作為主要英語學習目標的學生英語成績較好。 三、學生最常從事的學習活動是聽英語歌曲、看英語影片或節目,也會學習千字表之外的字詞。大部分的學生沒有藉由參考書、參加校內課後輔導或校外補習來準備基測英語科。 四、最常見的課堂活動是老師帶唸課文或單字、文法練習,及寫測驗卷或聽老師檢討內容。相較之下,口說聽力的教學活動較少。 結果顯示基測英語科對學生的學習影響不大,但對老師的課堂教學產生負面回沖效應,進而影響學生學習。綜合研究結果,本研究建議教師應增加課堂教學活動的多樣性,減少測驗相關教材及練習,以培養學生學習英語的興趣與方法。 / The effect of testing on teaching and learning is generally known as washback in the field of language testing and assessment. Despite a growing attention to the concept of washback, most washback studies focus on teachers, not on learners as test takers, who are the most important stakeholders in testing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the washback effect of the Basic Competence English Test (BCET), a high-stakes language test, on 9th-graders in northern Taiwan. The method of questionnaire survey was used to collect students’ perspectives on the following four areas: (a) perceptions of the BCET, (b) learning motivation, (c) learning activities, and (d) class activities. A convenient sample of a proportionate size was selected based on four administrative levels (i.e., national, municipal, town, and village levels) from Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. Altogether 1,490 ninth-graders from 42 classes at 22 schools were selected for the survey across northern Taiwan. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. Most 9th-graders in northern Taiwan were aware of the BCET test format and the BCET test purpose. Nearly half of them found the BCET not to be easy. The more the students understood the BCET format, the more likely they thought that the BCET was easy. Similarly, the more the students understood the BCET purpose, the more likely they regarded the BCET as an easy test. 2. Three top motivations for the students to learn English coincide with the overall objectives of English language education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Students’ English achievement gets better if they do not regard the BCET as the primary goal of language learning. 3. Students’ most common learning activities include listening to English songs, watching movies/programs in English, and learning words and phrases beyond the word list of 1,000 basic English vocabularies. The BCET does not drive students to undertake the following practices: using practice books for examinations, attending cram schools, and attending self-study classes for the test at school. 4. It was common for the 9th-graders to do practice tests or mock examinations in class, and listen to their teachers explaining the test items. Instruction relating to formal aspects of English also occurred frequently in English language courses, while few aural/oral practice activities were undertaken in classroom teaching. Based on the findings of the BCET washback effects on students and teachers, this study suggests that English teachers should attempt to employ various types of classroom activities, as proposed in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, rather than relying on examination-oriented materials and practices, so as to promote learning interests and develop effective methods of learning.

文化創意產業、國家與藝術家:華山創意文化園區的分析 / Cultural & creative industry, the state and artists:analysis for the case of Huashan creative park

李宛真, Li, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
華山創意文化園區的產業化發展受到一個由國家、藝術社群與企業三方構成的社會結構影響,藝術社群、國家與企業三者在不同階段扮演了關鍵的角色。此轉型過程經歷文化創意產業化的價值張力現象和政策磨合,揭示了上述行為者對於空間規劃與產業發展的不同主張,一方面造成其不同的信任與競合關係;另一方面也造成空間功能的轉向-此地區由一個位於前端的藝術創作聚落轉變成為靠近後端的大眾文化消費園地。 本文認為文化創意產業化的過程將引發行為者不同的價值取向,其原因為:一、精緻藝術與通俗文化的特性不同;二、創作前端與市場後端的需求與運作邏輯不同。而為了尋求文化與產業的永續發展,政府必須回應這種特殊的產業特性,扮演彈性的平台角色,一方面能夠觸動行為者的相互交流、理解與信任關係,使其自由溝通並跨界合作,誘發各種創新的可能;另一方面需要釐清空間的角色與功能,讓有效的補助與保護機制連結網絡關係及群聚效應。如此一來,這樣的制度環境能夠鼓勵創新,不因產值思維而壓抑創意,而創作前端與市場後端能夠充分活化與溝通,進一步完整價值鏈機能。 / The industrialized development of Huashan Creative Park was influenced by the social structure, composed of the state, the community of artists and the enterprise. These three factors played crucial roles within different phases. The Industrialization of culture and creativity resulted in tensions between discrepant values as well as policy modification within the transition, which displayed diverse positions toward spatial planning and industrial development from different factors. The tensional phenomenon not only altered the relationships of trust and contention among factors but also brought about functional change of the space-this cluster of art creation near the front end of value chain turned into a pop culture consuming park near the back end. This paper argues that industrialization of culture and creativity will lead to dissimilar value orientations of factors because of two reasons:the first, distinct features of fine art and pop culture;the second, different needs and logic of creating front end and consuming back end of the value chain. In order to build up sustainable development of culture and industry, the government is suggested to deal with this kind of special industrial feature and take a role as a flexible platform. On the one hand, this platform should induce interaction, understanding, and trust between factors as well as generate free communication, synergies among multi-fields, and all possibilities of innovation, on the other hand, it can clarify the significances and functions of spaces as well as connect network and cluster effect to complete the function of value chain by an appropriate protective system and subsidies. As a result, this institutional environment can encourage innovation and interaction between creation and market instead of oppressing creativity due to output value requests.

人與MSN對話代理人的互動:一個符擔性的觀點 / Human and MSN conversational agent interaction: An affordance perspective

翁書婷, Wong Shu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Gibson 與Norman的符擔性理論(affordance theory)為基礎,並以理論的時序變化為主、空間關係為輔,窺探MSN場域中,使用者如何定位MSN對話代理人(conversational agent)角色以及互動樣貌的展現。故本研究以深度訪談法,搜集長期互動使用者的經驗,並將研究結果以歷時方式呈現。 研究結果指出,在「初期」時,代理人藉由即時通訊網絡,變成公眾近用的對象,加上使用者的MSN儀式性使用,其隨時隨地陪伴在身旁,增加雙方互動機會,而且這種機會則讓使用者營造嬉笑怒罵的試驗「嬉玩」氛圍。然而,代理人在目前的語言限制下,只能和使用者膚淺溝通,無法產生更深層的連結,因此在「中期」互動時,使用者開始感到失望而降低互動意願。不過,使用者並未放棄溝通,到了「後期」互動時,反而依據自身需求,打破科技的限制與設定,展現「情感交流、娛樂消遣與資訊獲得」等多種不同互動行為,並且與使用者的線下生活有了連結,也和MSN中其他人際互動有了互補與重疊的關係。 以上研究結果除了意味幻想力量與多重認知、時間挪移影響,也意味著心智過程與文化經驗中,人際社交壓力的刻意釋放、無意顯露、性別制約或解放以及人我界線的人物實踐,因而塑造代理「人所不能」的可用性。代理人原本的商業宣傳意圖,也就是資訊獲得行為,僅被少數使用者感知,而被忽略。 換言之,使用者藉由不同情境需求感知不同的符擔性,並且利用己身的想像力,填補實際符擔性(科技物性)與感知符擔性(人性)間的空隙,並讓代理人展現做為長期互動對象的吸引力。

中文顏色詞彙處理機制:心理語言學的實證 / The Lexical process of color terms in Chinese: Evidence from Psycholinguistics

蕭裕台 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,序列式詞彙處理模式以及互動式詞彙處理模式經常爭論孰為合理的語誤生成模型。這份研究企圖利用心理學實證角度探究此議題。原屬於心理學範疇的史楚普技術(1935)或可提供語言學多方面的視角,尤其在我們處理顏色詞彙時詞彙譯碼歷程上與視覺表徵之間的關係。因此我們試圖將此經典心理學技術轉化成宜於語言學研究的語誤誘發實驗。藉由控制變項間的語音近似度,創制了四項實驗,分別是:顏色唸名實驗、顏色誦讀實驗、史楚普唸名實驗、同音詞唸名實驗。結果顯示,即便受試者對語音近似度並未在單項實驗中產生語誤數量與反應時間的差異,但它在不同實驗任務之間卻誘使受試者產生不一樣的反應結果,包括數量上及時間上的顯著差異。 此外,我們針對語誤,分析其與目標字之間的關係,研判部分音韻效應是否對詞彙處理網絡造成顯著影響。結果顯示,史楚普效應、音韻結構、音法限制以及聲調效應在語誤數量中均出現顯著的生成量;音節首、韻部以及母音則並未出現顯著效應。史楚普技術除了在語誤證據中為文字閱讀提供自動化效應的解釋外,也讓我們看到音韻效應在不同視覺任務指派中產生顯著差異的結果。如此看來,互動式模型提供了較為簡潔的解釋。來自二元視覺刺激(視覺色彩與顏色詞)的詞彙競爭,該框架可以合理提供理論基礎,並解釋不同視覺任務之間音韻關係依存度的不同。 另一方面,我們亦援引同樣技術設計出以音韻單位為導向的唸名實驗,討論語言輸出前規劃單位之議題。我們發現,僅含聲調的音節以及無聲調的音節可在詞彙網絡中做為語言規劃之心理處理單位,促進詞彙處理效能。其他單位如音節首、介音、母音、韻尾、聲調則無法出現顯著效應。同時亦於實驗中發現,中文聲調於規劃階段時,應是屬於詞彙結構上的聲調,而非純粹的聲韻調。 / Serial-ordering model and interactive processing model have long been discussed as whether people process languages in a sequential level of processing or the consequence of levels interacting altogether by looking at speech errors. Stroop technique (1935) in psychology could give linguistics some insights on the relation between lexical encoding and visual representation when people process colors. We tried to adapt this classical psychological experiment for an experiment of speech error elicitation. By means of controlling the phonological similarity, we created four experiments: color naming, color reading, Stroop naming, and homophonous naming tasks. The result first showed that even though phonological similarity did not induce significant difference in error amount and response time within single task, it still caused significant difference in these results among these tasks. Second, after analyzing the linguistic relation between targets and speech errors, we found that Stroop effect, syllable structure, phonotactic regularity, and tone induced apparent effects in error generation, while initial, rhyme, and vowel did not. Stroop effect not only provided the evidence from speech errors where character representation was an autonomous mechanism in lexical process, but also provided a fact that phonological effect would impacted differently on amount of error according to the type of visual task. It seems that interactive account could help explain the result easily, as the competition from dual visual inputs could be given a theoretical basis to account for the phonological dependency according to certain visual task which subjects were assigned to. Finally, we also discussed the issue of advanced planning unit in lexical process. In the shared unit task with Stroop technique, we found that only the units of tonal syllable and bare syllable could serve as possible planning units in lexical network, and tone in Chinese should be attributed to a type of lexical tone in planning, rather than a pure phonological tone. To sum up, the purpose of the study attempts to provide empirical evidence to examine the above issues.

縣市合併後選區劃分之分析與研究-以高雄縣市為例 / Study of Electoral Redistricting after the Merge of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County

徐立軒, Hsu, Li Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區在2010年的行政區域調整中,有三個區域進行縣市合併,合併後的縣市其選區必須重新劃分,而進行劃分時有三個因素可以做為縣市合併後衍生之選區劃分原則,分別是縣市融合、大市效應與優勢現象。這三個因素在以往的選區劃分中甚少被提及,因此本論文特別討論考慮這三個因素的選區劃分。 由於大市效應或優勢現象產生的原因是單一選區中有太多的選舉人口來自縣市合併前的同一行政區,因此我們在劃分前處理中,先對人口過多的行政區進行分割,然後進行選區劃分。為促進縣市融合,我們優先考慮將原縣市交界區域的行政區域劃分至選區,然後才考慮非交界區的行政區域。劃分的過程中,我們參考最多限制優先的原則,透過貪婪演算法進行劃分,劃分結束後再進行選區調整,以求能滿足中選會對選區人口數等相關的規定。 我們在論文中提出了選區評估的指標,可以對縣市融合、大市效應與優勢現象進行衡量與評估,以便作為劃分結果的比較與參考。 最後我們透過對合併後的高雄縣市進行選區劃分,以說明我們整體的概念與方法。根據我們的劃分原則與方法,我們的劃分結果產生6個縣市融合的選區,而中選會所公布的選區劃分結果,沒有任何符合縣市融合精神的選區。同時,相較於中選會的結果,我們的劃分方式有較好的大市效應指標與優勢現象指標。 / During the administrative district adjustment of Taiwan in 2010, three regions conducted the city and county merges. The electoral districts must be redistricted after these merges. There are new issues, related to the merge of city and county, which have seldom being discussed before, namely, the city-county integration, the overpopulation-region effect, and the dominance phenomenon. In this thesis, we will consider these issues as the new principles to be included in electoral districting. The reason that causes overpopulation-region effect or dominance phenomenon is due to too much of population comes from the same administrative district in the city of county prior to the merge. One could avoid these by dividing the overpopulation borough before carrying out the electoral districting. In order to promote the city and county integration, we give priority to these administrative districts on the junction regions of the original city and county configurations before considering the administrative districts on the non-junction regions. The most constraint principles and greedy algorithms are employed in the actual electoral districting processes. After the first districting, we conduct a region adjustment to comply with the regulations of the Central Election Commission (CEC). We also proposed the assessment indices that can be used to evaluate the possible effects due to the city-county integration, the overpopulation-region effect, and the dominance phenomenon. Using these indices, one can compare the results of various districting outcomes. Finally, we illustrated our idea and methods by actually districting the merged region of Kaohsiung city and county. According to our mechanism, we produced six city-county integrated electoral districts where no city-county integrated electoral district was found in the CEC’s districting results. In addition, the districting results produced by our method have better overpopulation-region effect index and better dominance phenomenon index than that announced by CEC.

苦參堿時控型結腸定位給藥微丸的製備和體外評價 / Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of time-controlled pellets of Matrine for colon-specific delivery

徐樹明 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

期貨到期日效應與價格反轉之探討--- 以中國滬深300股指期貨市場為例 / Expiration-day effects and price reversal --- CSI 300 index futures market

楊舜帆 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係利用高頻資料研究股票指數期貨的到期日效應,考量到中國的衍生性商品起步甚晚,相關研究不如台灣來的多,因此選取中國的滬深300股指期貨市場作為本研究的主題,希望能夠為後續有興趣的研究者提供參考。但是因為中國市場的資料取得不易,本文所使用的樣本資料只為期兩年,選取2010年4月16日到2012年4月20日的滬深300股指期貨的1分鐘高頻數據作為原始數據。 本文目的在於研究滬深300股指期貨經由考慮成交量、價格反轉以及波動度的到期日效應,實證結果發現在期貨到期日當天與隔一天的某些交易時段明顯存在著型0、型I與型II價格反轉,成交量檢驗指出,到期日成交量明顯大於非到期日成交量,波動度異常檢驗顯示,到期日收盤前五分鐘的波動度有異常放大的現象。本文的實證結果部分,利用模擬投資策略去檢驗價格反轉在經濟上是否有意義,發現價格反轉不只是在統計上顯著,同樣也是具有經濟意義的,但是把資料依據時間區分為前後兩部分並做檢驗之後也發現,這種經濟意義會隨著時間而呈現遞減的狀態。 / The central idea of this thesis is studying expiration effects of stock index futures. As we know, China stock index futures market, which is also known as CSI 300 Index futures market, is experiencing its early stage with fewer related studies comparing to Taiwan stock futures market. In order to provide research references for succeeding researchers interested in CSI 300 Index futures market. However, having difficulties collecting high frequency market data from CSI 300 Index futures market, we use only two years data from the beginning of CSI 300 Index futures market. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the expiration effect of CSI 300 Index futures by from three aspects, price reversals, volume effects and abnormal return volatility. The empirical results shows that type 0, type I and type II existed in several trading hours in both the expiration day and the next trading day. Second, it indicated that the trading volume in expiration days is significantly larger than in non-expiration days. Third, the empirical result also pointed out that magnified return volatilities existing in five minutes before market closes on the expiration day. Moreover, we used simulated investment strategies as analysis tools and found that price-reversal effect is significant on economical basis. However, we discovered that the level of these effects is declining gradually from the beginning to the end of data period.

臺北都會區熱環境與熱島效應解析之研究 / A study of thermal environment and heat island analysis in Taipei metropolitan

簡子翔 Unknown Date (has links)
都市熱島效應帶給臺北盆地許多問題,如更炎熱的天氣、都市降雨增加、空氣污染、能源短缺,並造成環境惡化。為了瞭解熱環境及影響都市熱島強度的相關因素,本研究在2012年7月4日、11日、13日以機動觀測法進行溫度實測實驗。分別得到臺北盆地的中午(12:00~14:00),晚上(19:00~21:00)和凌晨(02:00~04:00)溫度分佈數據和圖形。結果顯示,都市熱島環境下氣溫熱點出現在高度擁擠的交通節點、高人口密度地區、高建蔽率地區,而氣溫冷點出現在低人口密度地區、廣闊綠地附近和山邊。中午時段熱點散佈在都市各地,最大熱島強度為6.87。C;晚上時段熱點出現在具有人工發散熱的都市中心,因為人類活動使空氣升溫,成為扮演熱島效應的重要角色,同時其最大熱島強度為5.77。C;凌晨時段都市吸收的熱輻射和人為活動造成的熱能無法從市中心擁擠的建物群消散到郊區,此外從盆地邊緣吹來的風冷卻了郊區,造成其溫度急劇下降,因此熱區的面積明顯縮小,集中在臺北盆地中央部分,此時段最大熱島強度為4.38。C。 本研究同時進行CFD模擬實驗,取得臺北盆地CFD模擬溫度分佈圖。其過程係建立臺北盆地3D立體幾何結構場域,輸入相關邊界條件、人工熱與物件材質之熱屬性,經過電腦重覆演算至穩定狀態,得到CFD模擬臺北盆地夏季中午、晚上和凌晨之溫度分佈圖,其溫度分佈情形和實測溫度分佈相似,而三時段的都市熱島強度則分別為中午1.38。C、晚上1.35。C、凌晨1.35。C。 進一步比較臺北盆地2012年夏季各時段實測彩色溫度分佈圖和CFD模擬 溫度分佈圖,可得知臺北盆地中央熱四周冷,且都市熱島強度在人口密度高、建蔽率高的區域偏高,而在大型綠地區域偏低。CFD模擬圖中則呈現,在大型水域附近區域的都市熱島強度偏低。 為精確了解都市熱島強度受相關因子影響程度,本研究針對臺北市都市熱島強度與主要相關因子(人口密度、建蔽率、綠地比率)進行量化分析,經線性回歸圖形及相關係數得到印證,都市熱島強度確與人口密度及建蔽率呈正相關,而與綠地比率呈負相關。 綜合上述結論,為減少日益嚴重的都市熱島效應,可朝以下方法努力,如 減少人工熱排放(如汽車、空調),改善鋪面材質如屋頂綠化、開發大型綠地、 疏浚維護大型水域周邊與改善都市內空氣流通量使蓄積的輻射熱或人工發散熱更容易排散。

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