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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣住宅部門熱泵系統之成本效益分析 / Cost-Benefit Analysis of Residential Heat Pump System in Taiwan

朱圃漢, Chu, Pu Han Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為海島型國家,因自有能源貧乏,99%以上的能源仰賴國外進口。為確保能源供給之穩定與安全,除發展再生能源之外,提高能源終端使用效率為重要之解決手段。熱泵系統因其獨特之節能減碳效果,在歐美先進國家備受重視,極力推廣。基此,考量台灣氣候類型及居住型態,評估熱泵熱水系統的適用性及成本效益分析,爰為本研究之動機與目的。 為了彰顯應用熱泵系統在不同地區氣候條件與能源價格之差異,本研究將台灣劃分為12個地區,並且以電能、LPG桶裝瓦斯、NG管線瓦斯三種現有之住宅用熱水系統作為可供替代之選項,利用迴避成本(Avoided Cost)推估台灣各地區住宅部門改採熱泵熱水系統之成本效益。此外,參考歐美先進國家熱泵系統補助政策,以及台灣現有「太陽能熱水系統推廣獎勵措施」之政府政策補助方案,設定各相關參數,俾模擬政府補貼方案情境下之成本效益分析。 分析結果以淨現值(Net Present Value)、益本比(Benefit-Cost Ratio)及折現回收期(Discounted Payback Period )呈現,結論可從兩個觀點之檢定加以評估。其一、以「參與者檢定」評估是否有足夠的經濟誘因,促使住宅用戶裝設熱泵熱水系統。其二、以「總資源成本檢定」,評估推廣熱泵系統對於整體社會是否具有淨效益。 本研究中全台12個地區,若以熱泵系統取代電能熱水系統、LPG瓦斯熱水系統、NG瓦斯熱水系統三種既有設備,交叉比對之33個替代方案,由「參與者檢定」之結果顯示,所有替代方案之益本比均大於1.1;折現回收期最長達11.3年,最短僅3.2年。若模擬政府補助18,000名用戶採用熱泵系統,則「總資源成本檢定」之結果中,所有替代方案之益本比介乎1至1.73之間;折現回收期最長達14.9年,最短僅5.4年;住宅部門以熱泵替代現有電能、LPG瓦斯、NG瓦斯熱水系統至少可降低碳排放量每年2,707公噸。三種替代類別中以電能熱水系統替代方案益本比最高(介乎1.55至1.73);LPG瓦斯替代方案之益本比居次(介乎1.19至1.28);NG瓦斯替代方案益本比最低(介乎1.0至1.06)。全台12個地區考量環境溫度差異之影響以南投分區改採熱泵系統的益本比最高(電能替代1.73、LPG瓦斯替代1.28、NG瓦斯替代1.06),屏東分區的益本比為最低(電能替代1.55、LPG瓦斯替代1.19、NG瓦斯替代1.0)。 若考量熱泵系統市場滲透率,以熱泵取代NG瓦斯熱水系統之市佔率達5%、20%、50%時,台灣整體社會的淨現值分別為251百萬元、1,006百萬元與2,514百萬元,且每年可減少碳排放量27,169公噸、108,675公噸以及271,687公噸。 / As an island country, 99% energy supply in Taiwan depends on importation due to the very limited endogenous energy. In order to maintain both energy security and stability, improving energy efficiency of consumer end-use is an important government policy. Heat pump systems have been widely applied and strongly promoted in Europe and United State for its uniquely energy saving and CO2 reducing capability. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to access the regional applicability of heat pump water heating system for Taiwan’s climate and residential building types by cost-benefit analysis method. To demonstrate the regional difference of climatic conditions and energy prices heat pump application, Taiwan is divided in twelve regions with three kinds of alternative residential water heating systems (i.e. electric heating, LPG tank heating, and NG pipe heating). Under these conditions, we utilize the avoided cost method to access itemized costs and benefits of heat pump water heating systems in various regional families in Taiwan. In addition, referring to heat pump incentive scheme in advanced European countries and North America while considering solar water heating systems incentive policy in Taiwan, we also simulate variation of parameters (such as cash rebate subside, total residential heat pump user numbers )of heat pump system subsidy program. The outcome of cost-benefit analysis is presented in a form as net present value (NPV), benefit-cost ratio (BCR), and discounted payback period (DP). The results could be analyzed by test from two different perspectives including Participant Test (PCT) from participant perspective and Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) from overall sociality perspective. All of the 33 alternative programs constituted by 12 regions with electric , LPG and NG systems, for PCT, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1.1; DP are between 3.2 to 11.3 years. For TRC, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1 but less than 1.73; DP are between 5.4 to 14.9 years. Residential building adopting heat pump could reduce 2,707 tons carbon emissions annually. For the three types of alternative system, BCR of electric heating alternative program is the largest and NG alternative program being the least. For all of the 12 regions, BCR of Nantou region is the largest for adopting heat pump while BCR of Pingtung region is the smallest. NPV of overall Taiwan with market penetration reaching 5%, 20% and 50% substitution rate from heat pump system to NG water heating system are 251 million NT$, 1,006 million NT$, and 2,514 million NT$ respectively. Carbon emissions reduce 27,169 tons, 108,675 tons and 271,687 tons annually.


謝瓊琪, Hsieh, Chiung-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
目前電腦產業是處於後PC時代,台灣的資訊硬體產業上、下游也將因為電腦產業的變動而受到連帶影響,如果台灣電腦機箱業者能夠做好B to B的工業行銷,將有助於支撐上、下游產業的發展。本研究便以個人電腦作為主軸,並挑選對此產品具有化妝師角色的機箱,作為研究的主體,主要是探討台灣電腦機箱產業如何在B to B的工業行銷中,以4C架構來分析,進而推展出有效的行銷策略。 本研究是採用質化分析,研究方法是使用探索性研究的次級資料分析、個案研究,目的是在解釋一種實證性的探究,以實務的現象,加上個案說明,以4C理論架構,來逐項分析比較以及歸納。以此研究方法與架構,探討台灣電腦機箱業者在爭取國際大廠的專案時,在面臨各項行銷交換成本時所應採取的策略。


陳明達, Chen,Ming Ta Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在探討行動通訊設備供應商在第三代行動通訊的嚴酷競爭考驗,及面對第三代行動通訊業者的各家情況不同,行動通訊設備供應商如何在激烈的環境中脫穎而出,其中策略行銷4C成本理論之重要性不可言喻, 因此探討以策略行銷4C成本理論為基礎,對於每個第三代行動通訊業者,各有其特別之屬性、網路資源及客戶群,以及有些業者是既有的第二代行動通訊業者,掌握現有的客戶群、基地台及網路資源,而有些業者是屬於新進業者,亟需開拓客戶群、基地台及網路資源,使得對於外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、及專屬陷入成本的認知各有不同之考量及評估之方式,因此相對應之效益及成本也會不一樣; 因此在策略行銷4C成本理論之下,針對不同的第三代行動通訊業者對於外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本的採購影響程度各有所不同,所以探討第三代行動通訊設備供應商如何降低第三代行動通訊業者的交易成本,進而取得市場上的優勢。

大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標建構之研究 / Study on Constructing Expected effectiveness and Indicators of the Enrollment's Total Amount Control of Higher Education

莊清寶, Chuang, Ching-Pao Unknown Date (has links)
我國自83學年度推動教育改革以來,至94學年度為止,學士班人數已由30萬2,093人增加為93萬8,648人、碩士班人數由3萬832人增加為14萬9,493人、博士班人數則由8,395人增加為2萬7,531人,可見近年來大專校院學生數可謂急遽地增加。而我們由94學年度大學考試分發入學錄取率高達89.08%,更顯示進入大學就讀已絕非難事。然而鑒於我國2005年的出生人口數已從2000年的30萬5,312人降至20萬5,854人,在此少子化的趨勢形成影響前,93學年度大專校院的缺額數卻已高達6萬471人,顯現出大專校院的招生呈現出明顯供過於求的現象。研究者於是對中央主管教育行政機關以「總量管制」方式核定大專校院招生名額的機制產生濃厚研究興趣。   本研究採用「文獻分析法」及「問卷調查法」等兩個研究方法進行研究,其中旨在探討此大專校院招生名額總量管制之政策沿革與現況,並以更多元、開放的角度探討大專校院招生名額總量管制應達到哪些預期效益且嘗試建構其因素模式,接著依據前述預期效益建構出適當的大專校院招生名額總量管制指標,最後則探討不同背景變項(如性別、年齡、最高學歷、身份、學校體系、學校性質等)的受試者對大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標看法之差異。   本研究以李克特六點式量表、網路問卷形式設計成「大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與其指標調查問卷」來作為研究工具,並以「兩階段取樣」的方式來廣泛蒐集大專校院教師、職員與學生等研究對象的同意程度看法。其中第一階段係分別藉由函請各校轉寄E-mail通知該校教職員及學生上網填答、至各校bbs發表文章進行問卷施測通知等兩種途徑,獲得回收樣本數8,473份,扣除無效問卷317份後,總計有效回收問卷為8,156份,並據以建置為樣本資料庫。第二階段則採分層隨機抽樣方式分別於大專校院教師、職員及學生等三層各抽出336個樣本,總計獲得1,008個樣本。 此1,008個樣本將分別以SPSS 13.0及LISERL8.72等兩套統計軟體進行資料分析,其中將採用次數分配與百分比、算術平均數與標準差、t檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、驗證性因素分析等統計方法進行分析,並經專家效度、聚合效度、區別效度及交叉驗證效度、Cronbach’s α係數、潛在變項的組合信度、個別觀察變項的信度等檢定過程中證實本研究具有良好的研究效度與信度。   本研究總計建構出13個大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益,其同意程度平均數(M)介於4.48∼5.28之間,同意百分比(P)則介於81.5%∼96.4%之間;至於此預期效益之因素模式則也獲得相當良好的適配結果,並據以證實大專校院教師、職員與學生對於大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益的同意程度看法,會受到「保障大專校院教學品質」、「符合學生性向與需求」「符合就業市場人力與專業需求」、「大專校院競爭力之維持與提昇」等4個潛在因素構面(或稱構念)的影響。接著,並依據前述預期效益建構出26個大專校院招生名額總量管制指標,其同意程度平均數(M)介於4.30∼4.94之間,同意百分比(P)則介於79.0%∼93.9%之間。 此外,本研究亦發現,在性別、年齡、最高學歷、身分、專兼職情形、學校體系與學校性質等7個不同背景變項的受試者對大專校院招生名額總量管制預期效益與指標之同意程度看法的差異中,除了不同「學校體系」變項的受試者對指標看法沒有顯著差異、但對預期效益看法有顯著差異外,其餘6個不同背景變項皆在預期效益與指標的看法上有顯著差異。 最後,本研究並依據研究成果,提出下列具體建議: 一、總量管制預期效益不宜只考量「維持教學品質」,應進一步關注學生   需求、就業市場需求、以及學校競爭力等方面的預期效益之達成情   形。 二、總量管制指標不宜只考量到生師比、師資結構與校舍面積等指標,應  以多元觀點發展出更多指標,以充分掌握招生管理資訊。 三、總量管制不應侷限在「每年成長總量的管控」,而應納入「減少招生  名額」的情境條件。 四、宜適度減少各校擴增招生名額的誘因。 五、宜研議總量管制業務整併之可行性。 六、總量管制資料的蒐集宜化被動為主動,以掌握客觀審查資訊。 / When Taiwan setting into education reforms from 1994 school years till 2005 school years, the students at classes of bachelor degree increase to 938,648 from 302,093, the students at classes of master's degree increase to 149,493 from 30,832, the students at classes of doctor's degree increase to 27,531 from 8,395. It is perceived that students of higher education increasing rapidly. Furthermore, the admission rates of universities' enrollment paths by entrance examination grades reaches 89.08%, it appears that entering into universities is not hard anymore. However, since population of births had reduced to 205,854 at the year of 2005 from 305,312 at the year of 2000, and before the impact of trends of few-children, the vacancies of enrollment of higher education had reached 60,471, we can find a obvious phenomenon that the supply of enrollment of higher education exceeds the demand. So I have a strong interest in the mechanism of how Ministry of Education ratifying the enrollment of higher education by the method of "Total Amount Control".   The study adopts two approaches, that is "literature review" and "questionnaire survey", and it explores the policy's developing progress and current situation of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education. Furthermore, it explores what expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education should be reached with the diverse and liberal viewpoints, and tries to construct its factor model. Then according to the expected effectiveness, we establishes appropriate indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education. Finally, we explore if subjects with different background variables, such as sex, age, degree, identity, full/part time, system of school, character of school, will have significant differences about opinions of expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education.   The study designs the "questionnaire of expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education" with Likert six point scale and network questionnaire, and broadly collects samples of teachers, officers, and students of higher education by the methods of "Two stage Sampling". At the first stage, I use two survey ways, that is e-mail informing and bbs informing, and I get 8,473 returned samples, and finally get 8,156 valid samples after reducing 317 invalid samples. At the second stage, I gains 1,008 samples from three layers of teachers, officers, and students of higher education with "stratified random sampling".   The 1,008 samples will be analysed by two software of SPSS 13.0 and LISERL8.72. The ways of analysis include frequency and percentage, average and standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, after the examining of expert validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, cross- validity, Cronbach's α, composite reliability, and individual observed variables' reliability, we have confirmed the study has good study validity and reliability. The study finally constructs 13 expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education, and its average of agree extent between 4.48 to 5.28, its agree percentage between 81.5% to 96.4%. Furthermore, the factor model of that expected effectiveness has good fit results too, it confirms that the opinions on expected effectiveness of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education will be influenced by the latent factors of "Ensure the teaching quality of higher education", "Matching with students' aptitude and needs", "Matching with manpower and specialty's needs of job market", "keep and promote the competitive ability of higher education". Then according to the expected effectiveness, we establishes 26 indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education, and its average of agree extent between 4.30 to 4.94, its agree percentage between 79.0% to 93.9%.   Furthermore, the study find among the opinions' difference of agree extent on expected effectiveness and indicators of the enrollment's total amount control of higher education from 7 different background variables, such as sex, age, degree, identity, full/part time, system of school, character of school, beside the "system of school" haven't significant difference on indicators but have on expected effectiveness, other 6 different background variables all have significant difference on expected effectiveness and indicators.   Finally, according to the results of this study, I propose some suggestions as follow: 1.The expected effectiveness of total amount control shouldn't be restricted within "maintain teaching quality", we should consider the expected effectiveness' implement of students' need, job market's need, and school's competitiveness further. 2.The indicators of total amount control shouldn't be  restricted within the indicators of student-teacher rates,  structure of teacher, superficial contents of school  buildings only, we need more indicators with diversified  viewpoints to get information for enrollment's managing. 3.The total amount control shouldn't be restricted by "the  amount control of every years' growth", we need to add the  conditions of "reducing enrollment". 4.We should try to appropriately reduce the "inducing factors"  of universities increasing enrollment. 5.Ministry of Education should try to merge the affairs of  total amount control from different departments. 6.We should collect the data of total amount control actively  instead of passive, so that we can get objective information  to examine.

影響自住型預售屋客戶滿意度因素與策略行銷分析架構關係之探討 / Strategic marketing analyses on the antecedents of customer satisfaction for self-used presale house market

林正立, Lin, Cheng Li Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析影響自住型預售屋客戶滿意度的關鍵因素及探討有效提高自住型預售屋客戶滿意度的作法。內容主要分成三個部份:第一、從過去的文獻中探討顧客滿意度的定義,並在房地產市場中找出能夠有效提升顧客滿意度的方式;第二、以需求為導向,藉由H建設公司的問卷調查資料中,分析出能夠有效影響自住型預售屋客戶滿意度的關鍵因素;第三、以策略行銷分析的觀點探討能夠有效提升上述關鍵因素的作法。 研究結果指出,經由因素分析萃取出的「重視外觀與設計」、「重視交易過程的觀感」、「重視基本設備的品質」、「重視事後相關服務承諾的兌現」以及「重視高檔周邊設備」等五個潛在因子中,交易過程的觀感對於四個評估客戶滿意度的影響最為顯著,其次則為事後服務承諾的兌現和外觀與設計。根據邱志聖 (2010)之策略行銷架構,業者若要有效提高現今顧客的滿意度,首先要注重的就是外顯單位效益成本以及道德危機成本的改善。 最後,本研究依據策略行銷分析架構所整理出的研究結論,提出了若干實務操作上之建議,以改善自住型預售屋客戶的外顯單位效益成本與道德危機成本,使得顧客滿意度能夠達到有效的提升。 / This study aims to analyze the impact of the key factors of self-used presale house customer satisfaction and to find out effective ways to improve self-used presale house customer satisfaction. The context would mainly be divided into three parts: first, to discuss the definition of customer satisfaction from the literature from the past, and to find out that the real estate market can effectively improve the way of customer satisfaction; Second, the demand-driven by one construction company in the questionnaire survey data, the analysis can effectively influence the key factors of self-used presale house customer satisfaction; third, use the analysis of strategic marketing point of view to discuss these key factors which can effectively enhance the practice. The study results indicate the following five potential factors which are "pay attention to the appearance and design" extracted by factor analysis, "pay attention to the feeling of the transaction process, "pay attention to the quality of basic equipment", "great importance after the related services promised to honor" and "emphasis on high-end peripherals.". The perception of the transaction process for the four assessment of the impact of customer satisfaction, the most significant, followed by subsequent pledge to honor, as well as appearance and design. According to Pro.Jyh-Shen Chiou (2010), strategic marketing framework, if the industry expects to improve current customer satisfaction, the most two important things are to pay attention to C1(buyer cost/buyer utility)and C3(the cost of moral hazard). Finally, the basis of the research is to use strategic marketing analysis framework to sort out the conclusions of the study. Furthermore, it presents a number of practical operating recommendations to improve the effectiveness of self-used presale house customer's buyer cost/buyer utility and the cost of moral hazard, making customer satisfaction can achieve effective upgrade.

高雄市 埕區都市更新可行性分析之研究

謝俊傑, XIE,JUN-JIE Unknown Date (has links)
高雄市 埕區曾長期據有中心商業區之地位,然近年來本區的商業機能大幅衰退沒落 ,新近崛起的商業地帶迅速取得優勢,以致本區的商業地位日益滑落;但在面對高雄 市朝向都會化發展的趨勢中,許多規畫報告和法定計畫卻仍冀望本區扮演中心性商業 機能,漠視本區內有衰退外有強大競爭的雙重壓力,且對本區之未來發展亦缺乏具體 對策,此種規畫與現實有所歧異的矛盾必須加以修正,又為挽救本區之機能免於頹敗 之命運,則本區需要一套完整的復甦計畫,於是引發了本論文之研究動機,希望能對 埕區之更新問題進行初步的探索。 本論文先檢討各階層法定計畫的內涵,以知曉本區之定位;透過現況發展資料之分析 並配合問卷調查以瞭解本區之特性;再由都會區之整體觀點對本區未來發展潛力進行 評估,綜合歸納出本區衰退的原因,並掌握本區實施更新將面臨的課題。而後根據“ 機能置換”的更新理論,以“強化土地使用強度”、“改善土地利用效益”為更新之 基本原則,期望在不損傷現有商業機能之前提下,加強本區其他都市機能活動,尤其 是住宅機能之重整,以建立高品質住宅區域,促使本區經由機能之更新轉換,避免沒 落之命運。 本論文共計六章,主要分為理論回顧、實證研究和更新規畫三部分,玆分述如下: ※第壹章為緒論,闡述研究動機、目的,界定研究範圍、內容,說明研究方法和程序 。 ※第貳章對更新理論作回顧檢討,含更新之意義與內涵,實施之型態與方式,並討論 更新方式之選擇。 ※第參章進入實證研究之部分,先自 埕區之沿革探討其變遷過程,後檢討各法定計 畫之規畫內容,以明確掌握本區在都市發展歷程中所扮演之角色;再根據現況資料, 對本區人口、產業經濟活動、土地使用、居住環境等發展現況加以分析。 ※第肆章則以整體性觀點對 埕區之未來進行評估,在這一章中以高雄市的發展趨勢 、現代化產業之傾向、土地利用效益和本市各商業中心競爭力之分析為主要內容,藉 以評估本區機能之發展途徑,由此而掌握本區的特性和課題。 ※第伍章進行更新之規畫,首先藉前途二章之分析對本區之更新提出基本構想,在參 考本區重大公共投資活動的影響程序後,擬定本區初步的更新內容,再依據理論和實 際狀況擇定恰當的更新方式,而後進行可行性分析。 ※第陸章提出本論文之結論和建議事項。


鄭聰懿, Zheng, Cong-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機、目的、研究方法、研究的範圍及有關名詞的定義。 第二章擴大農場經營規模的問題,首先瞭解土地改革後的農業發展及現況,其次闡明 大農場經營的理論,再就目前各種擴大農場經營規模的方法加以分析並歸納其問題, 然後探討農企業方式擴大規模的理論。 第三章工業區模式擴大農場規模的調查,調查宜蘭龍德及嘉義民雄兩工業區原農地被 征收之土地所有人之現況。就其徵收前後之生活,勞動力的就業,農業資產的運用與 轉換情況及其意願,對當地社會、經濟的影響情形加以分析。 第四章推行農企業公司之必要配合措施,就前章研究分析結果,探討財經政策、社會 政策、法令制度與修訂及行政上等各方面應如何配合。 第五章以農企業公司擴大農場經營規模之評估,分析推行農企業之預期效益,並探討 其可行笥。 第六章結論,提出本文研究的結果。


彭火炎, Peng, Huo-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論包括四節說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍、研究方法與過程等。 第二章理論探討包括二節探討職業義務教育之意義及其發展趨勢。 第三章我國職業教育發展概況分三節說明我國現行教育體系、職業教育行政體系及職 業學校教育體系等之發展概況。 第四章分四節介紹西德、美國、英國、日本等職業義務教育概況。 第五章分四節我國實施職業義務教育可行性與必要性之探討,從我國現行教育行政組 織及學校教育體系、先進國家之發展經驗、技職教育之投資效益及技職教育與經濟發 展等方面來分析其可行性及必要性。 第六章探討我國實施職業義務教育之可行途徑分六節說明實施前之配合措施,探討未 來實施前之配合措施,探討未來實施職業義務教育之方式,調查資料分析、實施之時 間、辦理之機構及所需之師資、設備及經費等。 第七章分三節包括研究發現、結論及建議。經研究發現我國現行職業教育行政組織已 相當完備,職業學校之數量與素質亦已達相當水準,足夠承擔辦理職業義務教育之任 務,在德國等已有實施成功的先例,為了我國生產事業能夠早日升級,緩和當前升學 競爭的壓力,調節人力供需,培育各項建設所需之人才,建議政府早日實施職業義務 教育,加速我國人力資源之開發與運用,以期達開發文明國家之林。


劉家昆, Liu, Chia-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
教師申訴制度自民國84年運行迄今,已近十個寒暑。相關之法令規範是否完備?申評會在實務運作上,是否有其他的因應或變通作法?另外,理想之教師申訴制度,應該具備哪些要求?而現行制度之內涵是否具備這些要求?若有所欠缺,又應如何調整? 本文乃結合法制規範與實務,就教師申訴制度進行全面性之研究與檢討。其中,在實務研究素材之選取上,係以中央申評會之相關見解、案例、組織與程序之實際運作情形,為主要研究對象。 本文認為,為貫徹憲法第16條保障訴願權之本旨,教師申訴程序亦應踐行「正當法律程序」。而其應具備「公平」、「公正」、「效率」與「公開」四項要求,始符合憲法保障之正當程序;並為理想之教師申訴制度。 觀察現行制度,本文發現教師法及評議準則之規範並不充足,而仍有許多疏漏。實務上為解決實際運作所遭遇之困難,雖然已自行發展出若干因應或變通作法,以填補規範之漏洞;不過,其補充尚有未足,且有些作法亦有待商榷。以致於教師申訴制度仍有諸多不符合上開四項要求之缺失而尚待改進。 本文認為,救濟制度應講求單純,而僅設立單一的救濟途徑,以避免衍生更多問題;另外,並應充分利用有限之行政資源,致力於此單一救濟途徑之完善化。因此,將來應以教師申訴作為教師唯一之行政救濟途徑,而排除訴願途徑;並以「強化申評會組成之公平與公正;追求程序進行之效率;配合適當資訊之公開」作為改革方向,追求公平、公正、效率與公開四項要求之均衡實踐!

手機市場策略行銷分析 / The Strategic Marketing Analysis of Mobile Phone Market

鐘芝蓁, Chung, Sophia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年首家廠商明基電通投入手機的研發,在1997年第一支自製手機問世,開啟手機產業嶄新的一頁,短短的十年間,成就「 手機代工王國」的美譽,並且在2006年攀上最高峰,手機整體出貨量終於突破1億支(黃建智,2007),全球市佔率也衝上13.8%(葉憶如,2007)。過去十年來,手機廠商的生存契機,主要來自於代工訂單的爭取。而基於各別公司生產策略之不同,自製與外包的程度差異頗大,一直以來釋單較積極的國際大廠只有美商Motorola。 台灣有研發及製造的實力,但是因為廠商過度集中於代工客戶的訂單,在代工大餅沒太大增加,但手機廠商家數直線成長的情況下,部份廠商乃積極轉型發展品牌並加強行銷管理。過去有關手機品牌發展的研究,大多是由競爭策略、整體通路之價值鏈活動等觀點著手,但專注於品牌策略,進行4C交換成本態勢分析之探討者,則尚不多見,因此,本研究乃有其先導性。 本研究以台灣地區的大學生手機市場為研究對象,期望所做研究結果可供台灣手機廠商,做為規劃手機品牌行銷策略之實務參考。本研究經由問卷調查以灰階層統計分析,並將其結果以4C交換成本理論的四個主要變數:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本、專屬陷入成本,進行大學生消費族群之消費偏好分析,並歸納出: 首先,台灣的手機品牌廠商在專利成本高於國際大廠而品牌知名度低於國際大廠的情況下,其「外顯單位效益成本」高。其次, 台灣的手機品牌在市場定位不是很清楚的情況下,它的「資訊搜尋成本」偏高。此外,與品牌歷史悠久的歐美品牌及積極擴張的韓國品牌比起來,台灣的手機品牌在消費者的心中屬於高「道德危機成本」風險的選擇。最後,在專屬資產的建立上面,台灣的手機廠商因為品牌的發展資歷較淺,經驗累積不足,在這一方面的操作略顯不成熟,因此對消費者而言也沒有很高的一般專屬陷入成本。 / In 1994, the first Taiwanese company –BenQ Corporation (former Acer Peripherals)– started the involvement on the research and development of mobile phone, and it was the beginning of the new era of mobile phone industry has been started since the launch of the first “Made in Taiwan” handset in 1997. After one decade, Taiwan became the “ODM Kingdom of mobile phone”, and reaching a historical high on 2006 of the overall shipping volume — 100M units, meanwhile achieved a 13.8% of the global market share. In the pass decade, the survival opportunity of Taiwanese mobile phone maker was from ODM orders。And Motorola was the only among the international brands, which released the ODM orders aggressively. However, as the source of ODM orders is not in an upward trend and the growing number of mobile pone makers are all concentrate on ODM business, as a result that part of makers try to move toward OBM business to look for a bigger room and better development. Most of the researches stood on the views about the OBM development on the competition strategies, value chain activities of the mobile phone channels, etc., but the point on the 4C exchange cost analysis has not been seen much, which is important for this research. This research is expected to provide the result for the practical reference of the branding marketing strategy to the Taiwanese mobile phone makers. This research is been developed by the survey of questionnaire and is been analyzed by Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), and then through the four primary parameters of the 4C exchange costs, the cost: the external cost on utility, information searches, moral hazard and asset specificity. Finally, following important result have been pointed out: First of all, the patent cost is higher and the brand awareness is lower to the Taiwanese branded mobile phone makers compare to the international branded companies, and as a result of high external cost on utility. Next, due to the market positioning developed by most of the Taiwanese mobile phone makers is unclear; the cost of information searches is obviously high to consumers. In addition, compare to the well know western brands and the aggressive Korean brands, the choice of Taiwanese brands of mobile phone has high risk on morals hazard to consumers. Finally, as a new player for mobile phone branded business, the skill on branding manipulation requires more experiences, and the cost of asset specificity is low for consumers from the Taiwanese mobile phone brands.

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