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人壽保險業務員通路於金控子公司共同行銷之風險管理 / The risk management of the cross-selling among the financial holding company’s subsidiaries by the channel of life insurance agents高穎祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以保險申訴類型與現行壽險業務員共同行銷模式進行模擬比對,以辨識風險來源,經歸納推導得知壽險業務員趨利避害思維模式及價值觀,若無適當管控,將會引發共同行銷不當行為的發生,並且將隨業務擴展逐漸浮現。為回應風險,本研究結合實務經驗,分別對相關不當行為態樣及有關單位提出風險管理建議(1)在壽險公司方面,可注意強化業務員跨業行銷專業及法令教育,嚴懲共同行銷的不當行為以敬效尤,並善用保險機制以分散風險;(2)在金控公司方面,則應建立跨業風險預判及預防機制,善用集團的資源管理風險,並進行子公司間效率運作經驗的複製及移植;(3)在主管機關方面,可思考調整產險業界業績計算方式,從制度面進行改變導正,另為配合跨業行銷爭議處理機構之設立規劃,可先從金控、公會組織逐級試行申訴運作模式,待未來正式設立時即可移轉經驗及制度,讓消費者保護沒有空檔。期能透過各方面的配合,讓共同行銷的運作能更為完善,以提升金控集團經營效率並充分保護消費者權益。 / Cross-selling seems to be a popular business model for most financial institutions. Various M&A are employed by financial institutions for the purpose of resources integration and business growth across different sectors. The establishment of financial holding companies has further accelerated the scope of business. It is very critical to leverage the advantage of strong channels to enhance synergy via cross-selling. Life insurance agents position themselves importantly for the performance of the holding company groups as they provide one-stop service, face to face interact, and satisfy the demand with their customers by leveraging the customer relationship. But the high customer complaint rations arose the concern with the appropriateness of cross-selling of the agents and the legacy risk, and encourage us to identify the related risk and figure out possible solutions.
This research tries to simulate the genres of complaints and the patens of cross-selling of the agents for the purpose of identifying sources of risk. It is concluded that the agents should be well monitored and restrained because of their trade-off mind-sets and value. If not, mis-behaviors can happen along with the growth of business. In response to the related risk, this research based on operation experience leads to several suggestions according to the genres of mis-behaviors to the related entities. First, the life insurance companies should play attention to the enforcement of cross-selling skills and education of regulation of the agents, the punishment of mis-behaviors, and insurance mechanism to diversify related risks. Secondly, the holding companies should build the mechanism of identifying, measuring, and preventing the related risks, manage the risk by using group resources, and replicate the experience and know-how among the subsidiaries. Finally, the supervisory authority should consider the adjustment of performance measurement of the P&C insurance sector, try to guide the sector by change of rules, and try to set up the complaint process from the level of the holding companies and the business associations sequentially, first and then transfer these accumulated experiences and rules to the institution handling arguments about cross-selling after its official establishment in the future. Then the consumers can be well protected without any gap. It is expected that the cross-selling model can be run much better to enhance the operation efficiency of holding company groups and protection of consumers due to the cooperation of related entities.
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資訊科技對內部稽核業務影響之研究 / The impact of information technology on internal audit activities: An empirical study of Taiwan internal audit practices鄭晴方 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究調查顯示,國內公司內部稽核單位執行內部稽核作業時,其使用資訊科技及進行資訊科技稽核的情形已較過往普遍。超過七成的內部稽核單位已使用廣義的電腦輔助稽核工具,協助進行內部稽核作業,並有超過九成的內部稽核單位已在其年度稽核計畫中納入資訊科技稽核。經實證結果顯示,主要影響內部稽核單位使用資訊科技的程度及是否施行資訊科技稽核之因素為公司資訊環境的複雜程度。 / Information technology (IT) provides the opportunities for business growth and development, it’s usage also faces various threats such as disruption, deception, theft, and fraud. The proliferation and complexity of IT brings many organizational risks and IT-related risks. In order to assess and manage these risks, internal auditors need to utilize information technology when performing internal audit activities and should also include IT audit in their audit plans to ensure the effectiveness of the firm’s IT controls.
This study examines IT usage and the performance of IT audit by the internal audit departments of Taiwan public firms. Our empirical results show that over 70 percent of the internal audit departments use computer aided audit techniques (CAATs) when performing their internal audit activities. We also find that over 90 percent of the internal audit departments have included IT audit in their annual audit plans. In addition, The IT sophistication of a firm is significantly and positively associated with the IT usage by its internal audit department. That is, the internal auditors facing a complex IT environment tend to use more IT when performing their audit activities.
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台灣地區貨櫃航商競爭策略之研究 / Competitive strategy of container shipping lines at Taiwan謝敏雄, Shieh, Miin Shyong Unknown Date (has links)
業者應積極整合組織中外顯與內隱的競爭優勢,以科學管理方式實踐合理化,創新性與競合式發展策略,並強調知識經濟與核心能力為主的差異化策略,實質確保永續優勢的「競爭策略」。 / This study explored the competitive strategies of Taiwanese container shipping companies. I focus on the impact of the environmental pressures on these companies, and highlighted their key competitive strategies.
Based on depth interviews and questionnaire with industrial senior executive experts, this study suggests that Taiwanese container shipping companies consider to reduce their risk exposure by forming strategic alliances and to avoid making excessive new vessels building and investment, in facing increasing imbalance of worldwide fleet loading capacity in container shipping industry.
Global container shipping industry has developed over than 50 years and is now toward “Industry maturity period”. Competitors in such an industry should focus on lowering cost and strengthening the quality of service to secure customer loyalty.
At same time, competitors in the industry should also strive for process innovation and better risk management. They should also develop the core competence and try to differentiate themselves from other competitors in order to ensure their sustainable advantages.
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我國政府資訊人員核心能力之建構 / Building Core Competencies for the Government IT/IS Professionals楊琬婷, Yang, Wan-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
資訊通訊科技的進步為政府帶來變革性的影響,資訊人員照理應扮演重要角色,但卻同時因資源與技術的不足,而有資訊業務委外的需要,使得政府資訊人員必須面臨能力轉換的挑戰。據此,本研究認為應找出資訊人員的核心能力,以發展其競爭優勢並增進組織的績效。本研究是以政府的資訊人員為研究對象,主要目的在於了解目前政府正式編制與約聘僱的資訊人員目前所具備與未來應該具備的核心能力項目;其次是針對目前具備與未來應具備的能力作落差分析與訓練需求評估;最後則是對研究結果提出政策建議。 / 本論文首先透過文獻闡述核心能力的定義,其次檢閱目前與核心能力相關的文獻,藉以找出本研究的定位,並整理各類文獻,建構出政府資訊人員初步的核心能力模式,共五大構面三十七個項目,並以之為調查問卷的基礎;實證資料蒐集時先進行第一波訪談,後續為問卷調查與分析,接著進行第二波訪談,最後統整分析出研究結果。第一波訪談的受訪者有三類共有五人;問卷調查則分別選取中央及地方政府中不同性質單位的資訊人員為問卷發放229份問卷,回收有效問卷158份;第二波訪談的受訪者有三類共兩人。本研究彙整了以上的質化與量化資料,並據以提出相關的政策建議。 / 本研究發現,政府資訊人員在五大構面的能力上,共有十項能力特別重要:積極主動與自信心、人際溝通與表達能力、認知學習、資訊業務委外能力、資訊安全與稽核、業務知能、創新與創意思考、跨域協調與夥伴建立、倫理價值、責任與公共利益。此外,簡任、薦任與委任不同官等、是否為主管職、以及約聘僱人員不同年資等因素,皆會使得資訊人員未來應具備的核心能力有所不同。其他會影響政府資訊人員核心能力不同的因素尚包括:年齡、學歷、目前擔任的職務、過去擔任的職務、職等、績效表現等。 / 根據研究結果,本研究除了由訪談內容整理出政策建議之外,也針對政府資訊人員的核心能力,以及政府資訊人力運用上提出政策建議,以期未來政府資訊人員在遴選與升遷,或是績效考評等核心能力的運用上有所依據,並且提供政府資訊人員在訓練需求評估分析上,所需加強能力項目的參考。 / Information and communication technology advance with each passing day, bringing revolutionary influence for government functions. Government information technology/information system(IT/IS) professionals should have played the important role provided that the resources and techniques were not scarce. The current challenge of IT/IS outsourcing pushes government IT/IS professionals to transform their competencies. Accordingly, this study attempts to find out the core competencies of government IT/IS professionals to make them develop the competitive advantage and improve the organization performance. / The target group included government IT/IS professionals including formal officials and informal employees in the central and local governments in Taiwan. To build core competencies for the government IT/IS professionals, the study proposed 5 clusters including 37 competency items based on the literature, followed by data collection with two rounds of interviews and a questionnaire survey. Five people were selected in the first interview, providing experience about the core competencies of the government IT/IS professionals and opinions for revising the questionnaire. Analyzing the survey data of 158 valid questionnaires, the study dug out the competencies of the government T/IS professionals’ qualified and important degrees to build their core competencies and then undertook gap analysis to assess training needs. At last, two people were selected in the second interview, verifying the previous results and providing policy suggestions. / Aggregating the qualitative and quantitative results, the study concludes with ten core competencies for the government IT/IS professionals, including active and self-confident attitudes, interpersonal communication and articulate skill, perception for continuous learning, IT/IS outsourcing, information security, business function, innovation, inter-organizational coordination and partnership, ethic value, as well as accountability and public interest. Besides, the elements effecting the government IT/IS professionals’ core competencies include their current official rank, position, seniority, age, educational background, performance and so on. / According to the findings above, finally, this study offered suggestions about the information human resources application, the recruitment and promotion of IT/IS professionals, training needs, and performance evaluation.
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台北縣民力參與警察業務之研究 / Research on Taipei county civil force participating陳裕琛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,民力運用制度於日據時代是身分、地位及榮譽的象徵,人民參加的意願相當高,運用民力參與警察業務的內容,亦隨著環境的需求而改變,以前是單純的協助治安維持,後來增加秩序維護,近年來為民服務是相當受重視的工作,而且民力參與警察業務一直受到政治力量的影響,只是程度不同而已。其次,就警察機關依法編組的民力而言,要整合編組成一種民力組織是有困難的,但是義警、民防、社區巡守隊業務功能相近,其業務是可以合併由一個單位辦理,惟民力運用應整體整合運用且整合對象要多元差異,因其特性運用,不只限於依法編組運用的民力,而民力整合的重點在於主管是否用心?是否具有整合的能力?目前運用民參與警察業務注重功能導向,欠缺策略性整合運用機制,而且要整合吸納民意代表參與,避免民力成為政治工具。另外,實務上民力參與警察業務的內容有情資提供、協助勤務執行、預防犯罪宣導、協助學童上下課安全以及協助分駐派出所為民服務工作。最後研究發現民力單位(人員)受到尊重、所提出的問題能獲得解決,是提升他們參與意願的重要因素,而福利制度的好壞,並非提升參與意願的重要因素。 / The purpose of this research was to understand the present situation of civil force participation in police affairs in Taipei County. This research on the integration of all kinds of civil forces assisting police affairs covered two areas: police administrations and civil organizations. We were interested in finding out what kind of police work is suitable for civil forces and how to encourage citizen participation in these programs. By doing so, we would like to provide suggestions to police institutions when organizing civil forces so that they may be integrated more effectively, thereby enhancing their continued participation. In this research document analysis was first completed, and then a case study of the Shin-Dian Police Precinct’s “Public Security Consulting Commission” was carried out. Through actual participation and observation, we gathered the data used in this research. Through data analysis of our findings and in-depth interviews, we have provided relevant suggestions for police administrators in this paper.
This research reveals that during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan the civil force system was a symbol of identity, status, and honor, and therefore the willingness among the population to participate was quite high. The purpose of the organization also adapted to Taiwan’s changing society. Initially, the force simply maintained public security, but later it took on the work of keeping order. In recent years, the civilian services have been highly valued, but there are problematic aspects. For example, civil forces’ participation in police affairs has always been somewhat connected to influence peddling. In addition, it is difficult to integrate and organize a civil organization as broad as the civil force that is officially managed by the police administrations in Taiwan. However, because vigilantes, civil defenders, and community patrolling squads have similar functions, they can be merged and managed as a single unit. And the subjects integrated should be diverse on certain targets. Because of its utilization characteristics, it is not only confined to the officially arranged civil forces. It was found that the success of civil force integration depends on the expectation of the commander’s involvement with the group and how capable he or she is at organizing the volunteers. Utilizing civil forces to participate in police affairs is a highly functionally oriented undertaking. However, it was found in this study that it lacks strategic integration and utilization. Therefore, the participation of the representatives must be integrated and absorbed in order to prevent the civil forces from becoming political tools. These civil forces are valuable resources providing general intelligence to police, police duty assistance, crime prevention propaganda distribution, security for schoolchildren, and civilian services assistance. Finally, we found that it is not the compensation they receive that inspires the citizens to participate in such civil forces, but rather whether they feel highly valued and if their problems are solved that keeps them in the program.
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兩岸徵信業管理制度之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Cross-strait Credit Industry Management System陳建彰 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分五章,第一章緒論;第二章針對徵信起源、定義、特徵、功能、分類及相關概念作說明,並介紹近代中西方徵信演進發展之概況;第三章以徵信機構體制為方向,說明徵信機構的定義、角色、分類、監管及設立退出條件,並對公共徵信機構與私營徵信機構進行比較。接著介紹世界上主要國家徵信機構發展之過程,並以此為基礎,對我國與中國徵信機構體制進行比較;第四章先點出隱私權與徵信間的衝突後,再介紹隱私權的內涵、發展,最後由隱私權衍生出信息隱私權之概念,並進而對徵信業務規則進行討論並比較我國與中國對於信息隱私權保護的差異性;第五章,總結兩岸徵信業之差異,期以之能作為兩岸共建聯合信息平台之基礎,並對兩岸信息共享提供未來發展方向之建議。 / Taiwan has signed "Financial Regulatory Cooperation" and "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with China in the early years, which marks that the cross-strait economics, trade exchanges and financial cooperation has been in the orbit, which opens up a new era of cross-strait economics and trade relations. Since the "cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement" ECFA was signed, economic ties and financial cooperation are more closely. Substantial growth in cross-strait financial institutions, commercial enterprise type, and credit management will present cross-regional, multi-level and diversified trend. At this time, credit management between Taiwan and China can be as a basis to highlight the growing of more frequent exchanges and Cross-Strait economic cooperation. The establishment of Unicom credit information exchange platform between Taiwan and China will help create a good financial credit environment .For the goal, realization of the credit industry management system difference between Taiwan and China is a must.
The paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is an introduction; the second chapter introduces credit origin, definition, features, functions, classification and related concepts, and makes an overview of the evolution and development of modern Western and Eastern countries; the third chapter discusses credit institution, indicating that the definition of credit institutions, the role of classification, the establishment of entrance and exit conditions, and the comparison between public credit institutions and private credit bureaus . Then, the paper introduces the world's major national development process of the credit bureaus, and on this basis, compare credit institution between Taiwan and China; the fourth chapter points out the conflict between privacy and credit, and then introduces privacy connotation, development, and finally privacy of information is derived from the concept of privacy. Then discuss the rules for the credit industry. Finally, make a comparison of Taiwan and China Information Privacy differences; the fifth chapter summarizes the differences between the two sides of the credit industry, in order that it can build a basis for cross-strait joint platform of credit information, sharing of credit information of Taiwan and China. Finally, the paper provides the future direction of the sharing of credit information between Taiwan and China.
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人壽保險人之資產負債管理:有效存續期間/有效凸性之分析與模擬最佳化 / Asset and liability management for life insurers: effective duration and effective convexity analysis and simulation optimization詹芳書, Chan, Fang-Shu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的第一部份是利用有效存續期間與有效凸性來衡量人壽保險人的利率風險。我們發現Tsai (2009)指出的壽險保單準備金之有效存續期間結構並非一般化的結果。當長期利率水準高於保單預定利率及保單解約率敏感於利差時,準備金之有效存續期間會呈現與Tsai (2009)相反的結構。我們進一步發現準備金之有效凸性會亦有可能呈現負值,且不易依照保單到期期限歸納出一般化的結構。負值的有效凸性起因於準備金並非利率的單調函數,且準備金與利率的函數關係隨保單到期期限而不同。我們的研究結果可以幫助人壽保險人執行更為精確的資產負債管理。
本研究的第二部分是利用模擬最佳化的方法,幫助銷售傳統壽險保單的保險人求解出適切的業務槓桿與資產配置策略。我們假設保險人在考量破產機率與報酬率的波動之下,將資本與淨保費收入投資於資本市場中,以追求較高的業主權益報酬率。以業務槓桿與資產配置相互影響為前提,我們求解出適切的業務槓桿與多期資產配置策略,並分析在不同的業務槓桿之下,保險人多期資產配置的差異。 / In the first part of this doctoral dissertation, we focus on a proper measurement on interest rate risk of life insurer’s liabilities, policy reserves, by incorporating the general effective duration and effective convexity measures. Tsai (2009) identified a term structure of the effective durations of life insurance reserves. We find that his results are not general. When the long-run mean of interest rates is higher than the policy crediting rate and the surrender rate is sensitive to the spread, the term structure would exhibit an opposite pattern to the one in Tsai (2009). We further find that the effective convexities might be negative and the term structure of the effective convexities exhibits no general pattern. The irregularities originate from negative effective convexities result from the relationship between mean reserves and initial short rate for different years to maturity. Our results can help life insurers to implement more accurate asset-liability management.
In the second part, we analyze asset allocation and leverage strategies for a life insurer selling traditional insurance products by using a simulation optimization method. We assume that an insurer invests equity capital (from its shareholders) and premiums it receives from policyholders by choosing a portfolio intended to maximize the annual return of equity minus the penalty of insolvencies and risks. We regard the leverage as an internal factor in asset allocation. Based on these assumptions, we get a promising multiple-periods asset allocation and leverage, besides analyzing how leverage affects asset allocation strategies.
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保險經紀人之法律地位與境外保單制度研究 / The Study of Insurance Broker's Legal Position and The Provision of Off-shore Insurance Legislation黎曉鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國投資銀行之法制研究 / A study of investment bank regulations in Taiwan王美嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
韓國政府為達成「成為東北亞的金融中心(financial hub)」之目標,參考英、澳模式,於2003年初提出整合金融法規計畫,將現行金融相關法規,以功能性規範的方式,將資本市場相關法律加以整合,同時將金融投資商品的概念以概括性的方式規定,並將金融業有關的制度規範重編為以金融機能為中心,加強投資者保護制度等對於資本市場法制體系做全新的改善;另一方面,透過加強對資本市場的不公平交易的管制等現行制度上所出現的部分缺失加以改善。
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股份有限公司股東會與董事會權限劃分-論章定股東會權限範圍 / Allocation of Power between Shareholder’s Meeting and the Board of Directors黃柏嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
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