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青少年的休閒活動與犯罪相關性之研究 / Research on the relation of youth leisure and crime劉素秋, Liu, Su-Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採用研究者自編的六個量表為研究工具.分別是休閒活動量表,交友狀況量表,青少年文化量表,情境機會量表,親子關係量表,犯罪行為量表。本研究的抽樣方法係依臺北都會區 地區 行政區 學校大小 年級等標準進行多階段群集抽樣方法。共選定十二個學校,計回有效樣本數ll40個.
一 青少年從事的休閒活動以視聽欣賞活動為最多,其次依序是球類技能,閒意,興趣,娛樂夜遊活動.
(一) 青少年從事休閒活動的類型會因性別、年級、居住地區、課餘時間的工作、金錢、家庭等因素而有差異。
(二) 青少年從事娛樂夜遊活動和犯罪行為有相關。
二 根據研究結果,從事休閒活動和犯罪行為並沒有直接的開係,而是透遇一些從事休閒活動中的相關變數,對犯罪行為的發生,才有貢獻。
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臺灣地區各縣市教育機會公平性之探討 / The Equality of Educational Oppotunity in Taiwan戴玉綺, Tai Yu-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
的影響因素,並以 Shorrocks 流動性測度檢視資源分配的變動,以集群
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台灣生技藥物研發公司創業過程之研究 / A Study on the Entrepreneurial Process of Biomedical R&D Company in Taiwan廖碩文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究架構以Timmons Model做為主軸,以機會、資源、團隊做為主要的研究構面,先對個案公司進行靜態的研究構面探討,然後分析其發展的動態平衡過程。 / Because biotechnology sets a trend and creates great value, Taiwan government tries to develop his own biotechnology industry. However, an industry will bloom if most of companies related to the industry are operated well. The objective of this study is to observe and analyze the entrepreneurial process of biomedical R&D companies in Taiwan.
The research bases on Timmons Model that was developed by Timmons for analyzing an entrepreneurial process of a company and consists of three driving forces, opportunity, resource, and team. Every entrepreneurial process of companies in the thesis is observed first according to the three driving forces. Then it is analyzed by using the idea of constant balancing.
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武器平等原則在民事訴訟法上之適用 / The application of the principle of equality of arms in civil procedure law廖子涵, Liao, Tze Han Unknown Date (has links)
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澳門教育不公平及其相關政策建議 / Empirical study of Macau education inequity and its policy implication施遠鴻 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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私募宣告之資訊內涵陸潤生 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現以股東大會日為宣告日之私募股權宣告具有資訊內涵,而且宣告效果提早反應。影響私募宣告後累積異常報酬之因素包括價格壓力、投資機會、發行價格及資訊不對稱程度。股票流動性高、股價波動程度低、具備投資機會、發行價格高或資訊不對稱程度高時,私募宣告後之累積平均異常報酬會較高。在事件日前,無投資機會組比具備投資機會組有較高之累積平均異常報酬;在事件日之後,具投資機會組比無投資機會組有較高之累積平均異常報酬。 / This study examines the information content of private placement announcement to unveil its impact on firm value, explores the factors affecting the effect of private placement announcement, and compares the market performance of firms with investment opportunities and those without investment opportunities.
The results indicate that the information content of private placement announcement exists with early information leakage. Firms with higher stock liquidity, lower stock price variation, more investment opportunity, higher subscribed price or higher degree of information asymmetry will have higher cumulative average abnormal returns after the announcement. The cumulative average abnormal returns of companies without investment opportunity are higher than those with investment opportunity before the announcement date.
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考慮交易成本的選擇權交易策略 / Option Trading Strategies with Transaction Costs陳明瑩, Chen, Ming-ying Unknown Date (has links)
投資者面對到期日相同的ㄧ序列不同履約價格的選擇權,已有許多文獻提出如何建立選擇權最佳投資組合,但模型中均未考慮交易成本。選擇權在實際市場的交易過程中,投資者所支付的手續費與賦稅即為選擇權的交易成本。本論文針對買賣到期日相同但不同履約價格的買權與賣權如何組合,提出考慮交易成本的整數線性規劃模型,建立選擇權最佳交易策略。我們不考慮股價變動的機率分配型態,延伸楊靜宜 (2004)所建立之整數線性規劃模型和Liu與Liu (2006)的大中取小模型,建構考慮比例制、固定制與混合制交易成本之整數線性規劃模型。最後,我們以台指選擇權(TXO)為例,驗證模型的效能。
關鍵字:交易成本,選擇權交易策略,整數線性規劃,選擇權套利機會。 / There are many researchers focus on constructing the optimal strategies and propose integer linear programming (ILP) for a series of options which are on the same maturity date with different strike price, but they neglect transaction costs in their models. The transaction costs of options are the handling charge and taxes which investors should pay for trading in the market. The thesis proposes an ILP with transaction costs to construct the optimal strategy for an option portfolio of call- and put- options on the same maturity date with different strike price. We leave the distribution of the variety of stock price out of consideration and extend Yang’s (2004) model and Liu & Liu’s (2006) min-max regret model to construct ILP with proportional, fixed, and mixed transaction costs. Finally, we take the trading data of TXO as an empirical study to test and verify the efficiency of our models.
Key words: transaction costs, option trading strategies, integer linear programming, option arbitrage opportunities.
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獨立音樂在溫羅汀的發展與限制 / Development and Restrictions of Independent Music in Wen-luo-ting陳詩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣高等教育助學機制評鑑之研究:運用理論導向模式 / A Study on Evaluation of the Higher Education Financial Aid Mechanism in Taiwan: Adopting a Theory-Driven Model劉金山, Liou,chin shan Unknown Date (has links)
接受高等教育被視為實現人生夢想的重要里程,政府如何能保障具有就讀高等教育能力者,不因其經濟問題而喪失就讀機會,助學機制實為重要措施之一。而教育政策執行成效的良窳實需透過評鑑實施據以分析。有鑑於現行評鑑模式多僅強調成果,對於其理論、過程及目標等無法分析,致評鑑成效受限。是以,本研究旨在透過「理論導向評鑑模式」,檢視我國高等教育助學機制所規劃的理論、目標達成及因果關係等模式是否獲得認同。透過問卷調查及訪談法,針對大學校院1,120人進行抽樣,並採取立意取樣方式邀請學者專家、行政人員與學生代表等7位人士進行訪談。本研究獲致結論如下:(1)高等教育助學機制透過教育機會均等與教育成本分擔理論所規劃出來的目標達成模式獲得認同;(2)高等教育助學機制透過教育機會均等與教育成本分擔理論所形成出來的因果關係模式獲得認同;(3)高等教育助學機制提出的教育機會均等與教育成本分擔理論模式獲得模式驗證;(4)高等教育助學機制的執行情形存在理想高於落實的差異。最後,本研究建議高等教育助學機制推動應強化執行層面的落實,並可致力於理論導向評鑑模式架構之確立,以作為後續政策評鑑工具之用。 / Receiving higher education is considered an important milestone in the course of realizing one’s dream in life. However, how can the government protect those students who are capable of pursuing higher education from losing the opportunity due to their financial problems? The financial aid mechanism is one of its important measures. And the effectiveness of implementation of an educational policy indeed needs to be analyzed by means of evaluation. However, many of the current evaluation models focus only on the results of the implementation of a policy but fail to analyze its theories, process, and goals; consequently, the effectiveness of the evaluation is limited. Therefore, through a “theory-driven evaluation model,” this study aims to review whether the theories of the higher education financial aid mechanism in Taiwan, its goal-achieving pattern and its causal connection pattern are recognized by the subjects. Totally 1,120 college students were sampled and surveyed with a questionnaire and, by means of purposive sampling, seven people, including scholars and experts, administrative staff members and student representatives, were interviewed. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The goal-achieving pattern formulated by our higher education financial aid mechanism, based on the theories of equality of educational opportunity and sharing of educational cost, were recognized; 2. The causal connection pattern formed by our higher education financial aid mechanism, based on the theories of equality of educational opportunity and sharing of educational cost, were recognized; 3. The theoretical models of equality of educational opportunity and sharing of educational cost proposed by the financial aid mechanism of our higher education were validated. 4. There is a discrepancy between the ideal and its practice in implementing the higher education financial aid mechanism. Finally, this study proposes that more emphasis should be put on the practical implementation of the higher education financial aid mechanism and that an effort should be made to establish a complete theory-driven evaluation model, which may serve as a policy evaluation tool for future use.
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由評價誤差與成長機會比較可轉債與現金增資發行動機、宣告效果及資金運用 / The Issuance Motivation, Announcement Effect and Use of Funds of Convertible Bond and SEO: Evidence from the Perspective of Mispricing and Growth Opportunity顧哲維, Ku, Che Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson and Viswanathan(2005)提出的方法,將市值帳面比(M/B)拆解成錯誤評價與成長機會。以2001年至2011年台灣上市上櫃公司發行可轉債或現金增資為研究對象,發現無論是可轉債或現金增資,發行公司發行前錯誤評價及成長機會皆顯著較未發行公司高。接著,利用logit模型,發現可轉債發行公司之成長機會及代理問題為其主要發行動機,而現金增資公司則利用資訊不對稱擇時與調整資本結構為發行考量。本文進一步檢視發行後資金配置情況,發現成長機會越高之可轉債,後續資金用途顯著投資於資本支出與研發費用上,符合實質投資理論之觀點。另一方面,錯誤評價越高之現金增資,在前兩年有累積現金之現象,但不用於償還長期負債,且顯著運用於資本支出與研發費用上,僅部分符合行為理論之解釋。因此,本研究歸納現金增資公司發行動機除擇時外,亦有投資需求。最後,在宣告效果上,可轉債與現金增資均呈現負向宣告效果,且投資人給予現金增資較為負向的宣告效果,本文認為此乃投資人意識到公司利用資訊不對稱擇時,且後續資金配置不完全符合行為理論的預期造成的結果。 / This study examines the issuance of convertible bonds (CBs) and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) for listed companies in TSE and OTC market in Taiwan. From the aspects of issuers, we use mispricing and growth opportunities along with other firm characteristics to understand the motivation of the issuance. We also track the use of post-issue proceeds and relate to the motivations of issuers. From the aspects of investors, we look at the announcement effects to examine appropriateness.
We decompose market-to-book ratios into mispricing and growth option components through a methodology proposed by Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson and Viswanathan (2005). By using the samples of CB and SEO issuance between 2001 and 2011, we find that issuing firms of both types are overvalued and have greater growth opportunities relative to non-issuers. Next, we find that CB issuers show greater pre-issue growth opportunities and agency problems, while SEO issuers have greater pre-issue mispricing and tend to adjust capital structure implied by logit model. Furthermore, we examine the post-issue use of proceeds. For CB, firms with greater growth opportunities invest more in capital expenditures and R&D, consistent with real investment explanations. On the other hand, for SEO, firms with greater mispricing stockpile cash in the first two years but don’t pay down long-term debt. They also invest in capital expenditures and R&D. Thus, we conclude that the motivation of SEO firms might be timing and investment needs, partly consistent with behavioral explanations. Finally, the announcement effect of SEO is more negative than CB. Judging from the evidence above, it seems that investors know something.
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