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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王以仁, Wang, Yi-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
本文係以抽樣調查的方式,探就現今本省國民小學,因所在地區、規模大小之不同, 是否會造成各校在教育素質有關因素 (包括設傭、教師、經費、行政領導、學生及社 區家庭六個因素) 方面的差異?進而提出改進建議,供有關教育當局參考,以促使國 民小學教育能更符合教育機會均等的原則。全文共一冊,分為五章十七節,約九萬字 。第一章結論,包括研究動機、研究目的、研究問題及重要名詞詮釋;第二章有關文 獻探討;第三章研究方法,包括研究對象、研究工具及研究步驟;第四章調查結果與 討論;第一章結論與建議。


林淑玲, Lin, Shu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
第一章結論,敘述本研究之動機、目的與本研究中重要名詞之詮釋。第二章文獻探討 ,分別從學前教育與學業成就,及家庭社經地位與學業成就二方面,探討過去學者的 研 究結果,藉以瞭解過去研究的方向,並據以提出本研究之假設。第三章研究設計,包 括研究問題與假設、研究樣本、研究工具、實施程序、資料處理五節。第四章研究結 果,將本研究資料之變異數分析及多元階梯回歸分析結果,加以說明,用以驗證本研 究之假設。第五章為結論與建議。 本研究之目的在探討學齡兒童之家庭社經地位高低,以及其是否會接受學前教育,對 其學業成就之影響。研究結果供作我國學前教育發展、改進之參考,以期教育機會均 等理想之實現。


林秋霞, Chiou Shia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
技術的變動日新月異,創新技術的出現可能完全取代產業中原有的技術,而技術在企業中所扮演的角色,已漸漸從支援輔助性工具的角色,成為企業競爭策略中一項重要的關鍵資源,為了提高公司績效或促進新產品發展,企業應擬定適當的技術策略,而技術策略的擬定會受到公司所擁有的資產與能力的影響,因此企業是否擁有這項能力來協助技術策略的制定便很重要,而技術機會主義便代表了組織意識並回應技術改變的能力。因此本研究擬探討技術機會主義與公司績效的關係,並納入權變因素,以探討其對技術機會主義與公司績效的影響。 本研究針對台灣一千大製造業所作的問卷調查研究分析結果顯示: 1.技術機會主義有助於企業的技術採用與公司績效的提升。 2.當公司之市場導向愈大時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果減弱。 3.當環境中技術變動性愈大時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果增強。 4.當環境之網路外部性愈強時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果減弱。 本研究站在企業的角度,探討企業的技術機會主義與技術採用的關聯,引申其與公司績效間的關係,並加入外在環境及內部策略導向的調節變數,以探討績效表現的變動方向及程度。由於過去的文獻多著墨在影響技術採用的因素上,但鮮少探討技術採用與績效間的關係,因此本研究結果可提供企業技術策略制定與評估之參考。 / Business history offers many examples of industries in which radical technologies emerged and eventually overwhelmed established technologies. Technology is no longer just an enabler of business processes but is increasingly becoming the core of the firm’s business strategy. Technological opportunism, a sense-and-respond capability of firms with respect to new technologies, is an important determinant of technology adoption. To assess the contribution of technological opportunism in explaining firm’s performance, this study also includes moderated variables in the model. Using data collected from manufacturing industry by mail questionnaire, the empirical results show as follow: 1.Technological opportunism has a positive effect on firm performance. 2.Increases in the level of a firm’s market orientation weaken the relationship between technological opportunism and performance. 3.Increases in the level of technology turbulence strengthen the relationship between technological opportunism and performance. 4.Increases in the level of network externalities weaken the relationship between technological opportunism and performance. Although there have been numerous studies which focused on determinants of the adoption of technological innovations, little research has been done on the relationship to performance. Over the years more and more organizations have invested heavily in new technologies in order to stay competitive in their given industries. This study on the position of a firm examines the effect of technological opportunism on organizational performance. The goal of this study is to provide guidance to managers who must make decisions regarding the adoption of technological innovations.


曾威霖 Unknown Date (has links)
Peter F. Drucker在1985年提出「創業型經濟體系」概念,認為創新與創業精神應是今日組織、經濟及社會賴以存續的主要活動,此外根據中小企業處統計:台灣每年約有10萬家新成立的企業,而且中小企業佔台灣所有廠商數目比例達96%以上,因此中小企業一直是台灣經濟成長的重要支柱,本研究希望能透過瞭解新創事業之資源演變情形,得到一些對創業家有幫助的建議。 本研究以數位學習產業之新創事業為研究對象,個案公司有勝典科技、旭聯科技、天下趨勢、育□數位科技,研究上將新創事業之發展分成三階段,分別觀察個案公司在各階段之資源演變情形。本研究之研究發現如下: 1. 領導者的背景會影響其所看到的機會。 2. 新創事業第一、二階段之行為模式主要是不斷針對市場機會進行動態調整,努力抓住機會,因此在資源運用上較發散。 3. 新創事業在第三階段之資源運用上大都採用集中強化策略。 4. 新創事業在第三階段會因為之前所累積之資源狀況而影響其機會選擇。 5. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源前幾名分別為「合作網絡」、「銷售人才」、「整合性人才」、「流程標準化」、「顧客開發能力」,這些都屬於無形資產或能力。 6. 數位學習產業中新創事業最需要獲取的關鍵資源很難取得,部分關鍵資源至今仍非常缺乏。 7. 數位學習產業中新創事業會與顧客共同演化。 8. 數位學習產業中顧客的固著性很高。 9. 數位學習產業中新創事業在第三階段時與主要合作伙伴間會有共同演化現象。 10. 雖然廠商選擇專注於平台領域之思考重點為以標準品方式銷售,但實際上平台產品客製化程度很高。 11. 在數位學習產業的專案中,平台業者常常是各內容提供廠商的統合者。 12. 數位學習產業廠商正逐步脫離「鴻溝」階段。 / In 1985, Peter F. Drucker brought up the concept of entrepreneurial economic system. He thought the entrepreneurial spirit is the inevitable essence of social and economic activities today. According to the statistic from the government, there are about 100,000 new venture established in Taiwan every year, and the proportion of small and medium enterprises to total companies is over 96%. Therefore, small and medium enterprises are always the essential strength of economic growing in Taiwan. This research hopes to provide some useful suggestions to entrepreneur by observing the resources evolvement in new ventures. The research observed four companies in e-learning industry. We divide the new venture developing duration into three periods. After researching, we had those discoveries as below. 1.When the leader discovers or judges the opportunity, his background is an importance influencing factor. 2.In the first or second period, the main acting mode is adjusting and trying to catch market opportunities, so the resources using in new venture are more diverse and dynamic. 3.In the third period, most new ventures use the focus strategy. 4.In the third period, new ventures’ opportunities choosing would be influenced by resources which they accumulate before. 5.In the e-learning industry, the key resources are “networking”, “sales talent”, “integrating talent”, “operation standard process making”, and “customer exploiting”. Most of them belong to intangible assets. 6.In the e-learning industry, it is hard to get for those key resources, and some of them are still lacking until now. 7.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his customer are evolving together. 8.In the e-learning industry, the customers are seldom to change their cooperating companies. 9.In the e-learning industry, new venture and his core cooperating corporate would evolve together in the third period. 10.Even thought the portico companies want to make their production standardization, the customer-designed degree in portico production is very huge. 11.In the e-learning industry, the portico company in projection often plays a resource integrating role. 12.The companies in e-learning industry are leaving the “huge gap” step by step.


黃麗琳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在民眾對醫療品質與醫療可近性的需求下,聯合執業經營模式開始發展,一些學者專家亦積極提倡聯合執業的模式;聯合執業一來可以提高醫療服務品質,二來可達到規模經濟,尤其在台灣全民健保與醫藥分家的制度下,因此它的存在與成長是可預期的。 由於國內實施聯合執業所累積的實際經驗少,且學者對聯合執業的研究也不多,更無聯合執業創業面的研究;故本研究擬透過創業管理模式的學理架構,以機會、團隊和資源三面向,分析基層醫療之診所,探討如何由單獨執業型態轉型為聯合診所,同時藉由「營業範疇的界定與調整」、「核心資源的創造與累積」「及事業網絡的建構與強化」三構面進行交叉驗證以供後續有意成立聯合診所經營參考之用。 / In recent years, primary care group practice has been initiated in Taiwan to meet the strong demands of society on high quality and easy accessibility of medical care. Many scholars and experts also actively promote the idea of clinical group practice model because it can not only improve the levels of medical care, but can also achieve an economical scale. The latter reason is especially important in the current era of the National Health Insurance and the split system of medical care and pharmacy. We may expect the rapid growth of the group practice model in the near future. Based on the fact that experience and researches on clinical group practice is lacking in Taiwan, especially there has been no entrepreneurial process study on clinical group practice, an entrepreneurship management model, the Timmons model, is applied to study how private clinical practice can be turned into clinical group practice. The study consists of three approaches: opportunity, resource, and team. It will be cross-verified by business scope, core resources and relationship network. This study will be valuable to the people who wishe to establish the group practice business.


林冠均 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對產業激烈競爭之下,企業會利用許多方式來取得競爭優勢,技術的採用則是其中很重要的方式之一。企業為了取得競爭優勢或提高績效,應擬定適當的技術策略,而技術策略的擬定會受到公司內部所擁有的資產與能力而有所不同。技術機會主義便代表了組織意識並回應技術改變的能力,有助於企業的技術採用與公司績效的提升,成為企業競爭策略中一項重要的關鍵資源。因此本研究擬探討技術機會主義與公司績效的關係,並納入調節變數,以探討其對技術機會主義與公司績效的影響。 本研究針對台灣1,000家上市上櫃公司為樣本所作的問卷抽樣調查研究分析結果顯示: 1.技術機會主義有助於企業的技術採用與公司績效的提升。 2.主動式市場導向對於公司績效的影響。 3.當環境之直接網路外部性愈強時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果減弱。 4.當環境之間接網路外部性愈強時,會使技術機會主義對公司績效的正向效果增強。 5.當公司之主動式市場導向愈大時,會增強技術機會主義對公司績效的負向效果。 本研究由企業的角度,探討企業的技術機會主義與技術採用的關聯,引申其與公司績效間的關係,並加入外在環境及內部策略導向的調節變數,藉以探討績效表現的變動方向及程度。由於過去的文獻多著墨在影響技術採用的因素上,但鮮少探討技術採用與績效間的關係,因此本研究結果可提供企業技術策略制定與評估之參考。


蔡欣雅 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊社會的到來,數位化的環境帶來希望也造成墜落。自90年代末期,數位落差的現象開始為國家、社會所關注,其中偏遠地區的學童往往因距離與社經條件的關係而存在嚴重的數位落差問題。 「數位人文希望關懷團隊」即是非營利部門參與此議題的力量之一,其特別處在於除了解決數位落差問題外,更認為資訊科技能帶來機會。其藉由營隊中的課程與兩校學童的交流,建立起部落學童的基礎資訊能力與因同儕而起的網路使用動機,再透過數位平台的建立與共讀活動的設計,讓部落學童能夠長期與學伴互動,得到陪伴與鼓勵,而達到促進學習動機與成就的目的。而本研究即是希望瞭解個案的歷程與影響及行動背後的運作。 透過訪談與問卷,研究發現在一年的行動後,方案引發的動機,的確讓部落學童的數位落差情形與學習狀況所改善,而在過程中部落社區的氛圍也有轉變,變得更有活力。只是行動也曾遇到不少困難,包括:部落需求的認知差距、資訊基礎建設的建置與維護及行動背後各團隊的合作問題。 而協調合作為本行動在運作上的重要課題,因此本文透過網絡分析、訪談及參與觀察的整理來探討此議題。其中,透過網絡分析發現,團隊的合作狀況緊密且不會過度集中,但仍有集中於部分成員的狀況。而透過訪談整理則發現五個影響協調合作關係的議題,包括:行動方案是有利的、組織的型態與性質、意見不被接受、距離與溝通困擾、認知好的成果等,其中訪談結果雖然並未直接提及網絡結構的影響,但透過比對,仍可發現網絡結構透露出行動者的基本限制而將間接影響合作關係。最後,本文也發現行動中存在著協調合作模式的認知差異,而應注意定位與合作制度化的問題。 根據以上研究發現,本文也對個案提出相關的建議,包括:加強部落電腦教室的管理與維護、在目標下創造各方合作的利基、確立團隊溝通管道與平台、確認各方權利義務與增加行動管理的合作夥伴。 / Digital environment contributes opportunity and divide at the coming of information society. Since the late 1990s, digital divide becomes a popular issue in governments and societies, among which children in the remote district are the one who need more concern. Digital and Cultural Hope (DCH), which is composed of a few groups, is one participant from the nonprofit sector. DCH believes it should not only just bridge the digital divide, but also use the information and communication technology (ICT) to create the opportunity for the children. Hence, it runs a project from an idea like email pal to encourage children’s motives of using ICT and acquiring knowledge in a rural community. This is an effective and unique way to solve the problem. Therefore, the study wants to explore the course and the impact of the DCH project. The study, through interview and questionnaire, finds the DCH project does make its goal after a year of implementing. The motives of children help them improve the digital literacy and school learning. Meanwhile, the DCH project also changes the atmosphere of the community. However, the DCH project does face some challenges. First, the different perception of demand between DCH and the community makes some conflicts. Second, it is difficult to maintain ICT infrastructure for the community. And, at last, one member of DCH closures the collaboration and quits the project. Collaboration is an important issue for the project, because its service is delivered by the collaboration of the groups in DCH. The study, through network analysis, finds the structure of DCH is dense, but not highly central. It also finds five issues of collaboration, and finds network does have an indirect impact of collaboration. Last but not least, the study discovers there is a perception gap of collaboration in DCH, and considers DCH needs to concern about the issues of responsibility between team members and institutionalization of collaboration. According to the findings, the study brings up some suggestions as follow. First, DCH needs to strengthen the maintenance and management of ICT infrastructure by training the community residents and acquiring other supports. Second, it should create the incentives of collaboration for the team members. Third, the information exchange platform is suggested for team communication. And, the right and the duty of the members should be confirmed by each other. At the end, the study advises to invite new participants for managing the project.

董事競業禁止 / No-competition duty of directors

許家偉 Unknown Date (has links)
法規範應力求具體明確並且能達到實效,我國屬於成文法國家對於法條用字更應該精確,緊扣立法目的為之。而我國公司法第二零九條定位曖昧,有認為屬於競業禁止,亦有認為屬於公司機會原則;在文字解釋亦有所分歧,從規範主體-董事,受到公司法二十七條的影響,以及舊的規範目的強調營業祕密保護的不當延續,造成規範範圍無遠弗屆;規範的行為從營業範圍本身的解釋即有其模糊之處,也因為此一用詞造成認為本條屬於公司機會原則之誤解;行為的用詞也牽連說明義務的難以進行;必須要經過股東會特別決議來決定每一個行為的準否,更造成本條實用上的困難;而兼職究否屬於本條所列之行為也在爭論之中。在實務判決上更有各式不同的解釋方式,更進一步造成本條的混亂,是本條規範有其不足之處顯見。   本文乃透過美國法的觀察,進一步與我國比較之後,將我國公司法第二零九條明確為競業禁止之規範,而非屬於公司機會原則,並且以此為出發,將我國法重行定位,並提出修法之建議。 從美國法上所參考者,從忠實義務開始,將規範對象聚焦於應對公司負忠實義務之人,不應使其他參與者因為某些不當行為而對公司負有忠實義務,而應該透過其他法規來規範之;又既然本條之規範目的在於防止與公司競爭,即應將競爭文字明於法條文字之中;即便在美國法上的規範,也不使兼職本身被認為一個競業的行為;而參考美國法部分成文規範與學說,而認為此一同意權應該交由董事會特別決議而非由股東會特別決議,已達成專業判斷並且有求償之可能。   自美國法觀察中所得者,並非單純文字概念,更有價值觀的選擇,尤其在美國經典判決的敘述中,得到當公司與受任人之間不再只有單一的忠實義務,而加入了經濟學上對於競爭利益的思考,以及個人工作自由選擇權的考量,對於與公司競爭的概念有不同的切入點,有價值觀的角力。雖本文最終的價值選擇仍然偏向對於公司應盡忠實義務,而不應使得董事在同一時間內有相悖的忠實義務,但在此中也對我國現行法做一調整,當董事行為對於公司影響極小或者能為公司帶來更大的利益時,無不允許之道理。 而在公司機會原則的部分,在美國法上或許是更被重視的一塊,惟我國並無此規範,但基於法條規範的明確性,實不應該將本條之性質轉換之,而應該另以明文規範之,並且在忠實義務的責任上,應該加入利益償還,方不致使因為只有公司法第二零九條有此利益償還規範,而為了達到使忠實義務得以貫徹,反而轉換公司法第二零九條規範之範圍,造成更大的適用不當。   本文乃建議將公司法第二零九條第一項改為:「董事為自己或他人而與公司競爭者,應對董事會說明重要內容並取得其許可。但對公司利益影響微小或可預見帶來之利益大於損害者不在此限。」增列第二項:「在與公司有競爭關係之事業兼任董事者,推定有競業行為。其兼任經股東會同意者不在此限。」第二項至第五項改列第三至第六項。第三項及第四項刪除,第五項改列第三項。

創業成功要素及創業模式之個案研究 / A Case Study of the Successful Factors and Models of Entrepreneurship

黃佳鈴, Huang, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
城邦出版集團執行長何飛鵬說:「創業就是一個人的變身過程,從貧窮到富有,從平凡到成功,從能力不足到能力完備。每一個階段創業者都在向前、向上推升自己的人生境界,不斷測試自己人生的極端值。」 許多創業者嚮往自由彈性的工作環境,於是結合熱情與專業所長,稟持著「人生有夢,逐夢踏實」的信念,開始選擇創業這條路,勇於實現夢想。「吳寶春麥方店」創辦人為吳寶春先生,他在2010年奪得世界麵包冠軍後,為了向自己不斷挑戰,隨後獨自創立「吳寶春麥方店」,對於未來充滿企圖心的他,想要把麵包店格局做大,當成企業來永續經營,因此自己不斷地延伸閱讀、學習吸收經營管理知識,並向各方前輩請益,朝著「國際企業家」的目標繼行。 經濟部中小企業處2013年9月26日發表「2013中小企業白皮書」,資料顯示2012年台灣中小企業家數比前一年成長2.11%,續創歷史新高,佔全體企業高達9成7,獨資經營佔比超過5成6。近年,在政府鼓勵「創業創造就業」的政策利多之下,許多創業家勇於開創新業,各中小企業零散分據市場各產業、各領域、各角落,各有專精、擁有其特色產品、客群與形象,主要特徵有二:小規模、低資產,皆面臨著「資本額小、體質弱、力量分散」困境。 多數中小企業因為規模不大,在面對變動快速的環境,能夠保有靈活應變能力;唯因資產不足之原因,讓多數中小企業往往面臨資源短缺,因資金周轉不靈,而走上失敗或倒閉之途。普遍說來,中小型企業因為規模、產值與創業背景的不同,創業者在充滿障礙的創業過程中,每一步皆是生死存亡的關鍵,亦沒有想像中容易。 在創業過程中,創業者面臨機會的決策過程,如何因應創業活動運用既有資源,或尋求所需資源,都是欲踏入中小型企業創業市場的創業者在乎的關鍵點。另,即便是小規模的企業,只要有能力辨識機會,依然有能力創造或發掘新市場,創造新價值。 「創業者」是創業過程中最重要的關鍵元素,由創業者所引發的創業活動最為重要,可能是「創業者與機會」、「創業者與資源」或「機會與資源」,因當時所處環境因素的改變,產生對創業活動不同程度的影響。本研究藉由創業精神、動機、機會、資源、能力等創業要素以及創業模式之文獻探討,用以分析「吳寶春麥方店」之成功創業要素與成功創業模式之關聯。 / Cite Media Holding Group CEO Mr Fei-Peng Ho once said: “Entrepreneurship is the transformation of an individual from poor to wealthy; from the average Joe to the extraordinary, and from the inexperienced amateur to full capable professional. The entrepreneur steps forward with every stage of their business, continuously challenging themselves to the vertical limits in life and pushing themselves into the realm of personal success” Entrepreneurs look forward to a career with freedoms and flexibilities, directed by a combination of motivating passion and the self-belief of “Live life to the fullest. Chase to dreams to reality”. To choose the road of entrepreneurship is to bravely chase the dream of self-created success. After winning the 2010 World Baker championship, Mr. Wu Pao Chun founded The “Wu Pao Chun Bakery Chain” with the ambitious plan to dominate the bakery industry. Mr. Wu was a motivated learner in business operation management. Mr. Wu built the foundations of his business knowledge from a variety of sources i.e. studying books on business management, adapting from real-life experiences and listening trusted mentors. Determined to become a successful entrepreneur, Mr. Wu transformed small stores into corporate level bakery chains through sustainable management. In September 26, 2013, the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs publicized the“ 2013 Official White Paper on SMEs in Taiwan”. According to the document, SMEs in Taiwan grew by 2.11% from 2011-2012. It was a record high, accounting for up to 70% of all enterprises. Among the sample, 83% of these enterprises were privately owned and/or operated. In recent years, the Taiwan Government has encouraged a policy focus on “Entrepreneurships to create Jobs”. With government support, many entrepreneurs have started businesses across the nation, creating unique products, identifying new customers, and creating company images across diverse range of industries. Since the majority of these entrepreneurs are small-scale and low capital ventures, capital shortage and lack of competiveness was a common problem. Small scale operations allowed entrepreneurs to adapt quickly to changing business environments but the lack of capital funding and resources shortage caused many entrepreneurs to fail. Weak cash flow was the ultimate cause of closure in businesses. Even with a small scale operation, the ability to identify opportunities is critical in developing and sensing new markets and ultimately, generating value. The entrepreneur themselves are the key contribution to the success of their businesses. To becoming an entrepreneur is no easy task, in fact, very challenging. Entrepreneurs face challenging decisions throughout every stage of their business. Every entrepreneur has their own scale of operation, capital funding and knowledge background. Every decision the entrepreneur makes is critical for the survival of their business. Successful allocation of existing resources and/or finding new resources through business operations is the key to success which all entrepreneurs strive for in the SMEs sector. The most important factors influencing a successful start-up business are the combination of keen-eyed entrepreneur, new opportunities in businesses, and adequate resources. My study in entrepreneurship focuses on personal drive/motivation of the entrepreneur, identifying key business opportunities, allocation of resources and the compatibility of these three factors as the basic elements in a successful business model and analyst how these elements contributed to Wu Pao Chun Bakery’s entrepreneurial success and the overall success of Mr. Wu’s business model.


崔慧穎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以個案,來探討物流産業的經營策略,主要研究在瞭解 企業自身的核心能耐,如何利用各種不同的營運活動來支持企業的 策略定位,也在探討企業如何在動態競爭環境中,掌握新的成長機 會,並透過適切經營管理模式與組織執行力,構築營運模式與創造 獨特的競爭優勢,以達成永續經營的目標。 因此,本研究透過運用五力分析進行過去、現在、未來評估,並找 出可能的策略創新機會,進行企業內部探討找出公司之核心能耐, 運用機會能耐配適模型、評估可具體發展之機會,思索此機會成功 的關鍵(即競争優勢),探究為創造此競爭優勢,所需要的策略定位, 設計適切的營運活動,及定義清楚的策略藍圖。

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