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劉慧敏, Liu, Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容 本論文研析原來屬於勞工保險中之普通事故保險中的醫療給付改由全民健康保險制度辦理後,對勞工權益之實質影響,並闡述美國、西德、日本三個國家在勞工健康照護上之保險制度,希冀藉由他國已實施有年之經驗可對我國全民健康保險制度之修正有正面之參考價值。 全民健康保險最主要的目的,是讓全體國民免除就醫的障礙並保障其生存權,就他國辦理健康保險的經驗而言,並非一定要以政府之公權力來主導保險的營運。如德國、日本由民間自行組合的互助保險制,勞工有權參與健康保險制度的營運及管理,政府應僅負擔行政事務費用,醫療保險之保費應由雇主及被保險人共同負擔,以加強社會連帶責任(Solidarity),並避免醫療費用逐年上漲,拖垮國家財政。我國政府長期以來對於勞保均採低保費政策,對於勞工而言絕非福利,今日的負債將由世代子孫負擔。 日本及德國政府對社會福利的干預只在於保障基本的服務品質,至於更佳的服務品質,則依個人能力而選擇,例如日本職管健保的給付較為優厚,在德國高所得者、自營業者等可自行選購民營商業保險,並由公司補貼部份的保險費。反觀我國全民健康保險係強制納保,受僱勞工及一般國民均沒有選擇健康保險的權利,不論身份、職業及收入水準,每位國民享受完全相同的醫療給付內容,較缺乏彈性。 美國所採自由經濟,放任市場競爭方式的健康照護制度,只有利於醫療供給者及民間保險經營者,對於一般民眾及受僱勞工的健康照護保障實有欠缺;美國由於沒有全國性的基本健康保險制度,造成國民健康保障嚴重不足。 德國各疾病基金會的自主管理與日本的健康保險工會組織管理方式類似,係屬地方分權的多元化經營形態,政府除在行政指導、監督及立法,以及對老人、殘障者、學生、母親等實施補助外,原則上不實施國庫負擔,政府避免過份介入與干預。反觀我國目前由中央健康保險局型態的中央集權方式經營,舉凡承保、支付、審核、監督等作業均由政府擔任,行政決策與經營權亦由政府獨攬,讓外界有「球員兼裁判」的疑慮,並且缺乏成本控制的中立角色與機制。 本論文並就下列四項議題作進一步探討 1.我國勞工因全民健康保險開辦後退保勞保之原因探討及所衍生相關權益分析。 2.全民健康保險對勞工經濟負擔之影響。 3.全民健保開辦後勞工保險費率應否調降之探討 4.全民健康保險對原勞保生育給付內容之影響。 所得結論及相關建議摘要如下: 結論: 一、勞工保險因全民健康保險開辦之後,流失龐大的被保險人口,有關單位除要檢討勞工在保費的經濟能力負擔之外,更應加強放寬勞工保險的各類現金給付標準及加保資格規定,以吸引實際從業中的退保勞工再行加保勞工保險。 二、我國勞工在勞、健保保險費的負擔比例與保險費率,若在不探究給付內容之下與他國相較,應尚屬合理或偏低的水準,惟各國給付對象、給付內容、給付標準以及保險制度形成背景均不相同,他國資料僅可做為參考,無法確切斷言我國勞工負擔是否過重或過輕。惟本國無一定雇主之勞工若尚需負擔五眷口之健保費用,其勞健保保費合計約高達薪資之二成。對勞工的負擔過重,有關單位應重視此等問題。 三、全民健保所提供生產時之醫療給付項目包括產前檢查、住院分娩、新生兒膳宿及護理等,對於婦女、幼兒的照護,可以說相當周全,且免除部份負擔,應比以往之勞保現金給付理想。惟對於男性之被保險人,減少一項請領配偶生產的現金給付權益(在舊制勞保規定被保險人配偶生產時,可由其擇領一個月之分娩費,而全民健保開辦後,已由全面之醫療給付取代此項勞保之現金給付)但依據本研究顯示,勞工並無實質權益之損失。 建議: 一、 未來制度設計上應兼顧原已有社會保險者的權益。 二、 應注重眷口數較多之勞工的保費負擔能力。 三、 保險費率應確實尊重精算結果調整,由政府部門設立立場超然的精 算機構。 四、 改善勞健保投保薪資偏低問題。 五、 勞保條例應速進行研修,將目前的綜合保險改為分類保險辦理,以釐清保險之財務責任,間接地促進勞工權益。 六、 勞工保險改採分類保險外籍勞工應可就實際之需選擇參加保勞工保險之保險項目;兼職者及退休者准其加保職災保險。 七、 勞健保資源共用簡化行政作業程序並適時共同檢討增進效率。 八、 放寬勞保申請各類現金給付之規定,以勞工權益為考量之依歸。 九、 我國應加強婦女的生育津貼給付並可提供育兒津貼與照護病童假。 十、 附帶建議: (一)應速增訂勞保老年給付之請領年齡下限,以防止年齡未屆老年者退保勞保以領取老年給付,喪失老年給付之真正意義。 (二)我國公保及農保在職災部份均由全民健康保險給付,並未另行劃分出來;在勞保方面則除包括普通事故保險保費外,業者需另負擔職災保險保費,是否有失公允,值得進一步探究。    全民健康保險的實施 對勞工權益影響之研究 目 錄 第壹章 緒論…………………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………… 3 第二節 研究範圍與方法…………………………………………… 4 第貳章 健康保險概論………………………………………………… 8 第一節 健康保險的意義…………………………………………… 8 第二節 健康保險的基本架構、經濟模型與種類…………………11 第三節 健康保險的目標與及特性…………………………………17 第四節 健康保險相關用語簡釋……………………………………20 第參章 健康保險制度與勞工權益—美、德、日等主要國家………26 第一節 美國…………………………………………………………28 第二節 西德…………………………………………………………39 第三節 日本…………………………………………………………49 第肆章 健康保險制度與勞工權益—我國全民健康保險開辦前後…62 第一節 勞工保險醫療給付制度……………………………………62 第二節 全民健康保險制度…………………………………………71 第三節 勞保業務因全民健保修正之內容及勞工權益之影響……92 第伍章 健康保險制度與勞工權益—國內外制度之比較與借鏡……99 第一節 美、德、日三國健康保險制度與我國之比較……………100 第二節 他國醫療給付之特點及在勞工權益保障上可供我國借 鏡之處……………………………………………………107 第陸章 問題探討---全民健保開辦前後與勞工權益………………111 第一節 勞工因全民健保開辦後退保勞保之原因及所衍生相 關權益分析…………………………………………115 第二節 全民健康保險對勞工經濟負擔之影響…………………124 第三節 全民健保開辦後勞工保險費率應否調降之探討………138 第四節 全民健康保險對原勞保生育給付之影響………………143 第柒章 結論與建議…………………………………………………150 第一節 結論………………………………………………………150 第二節 建議………………………………………………………152 參考資料………………………………………………………………160 圖表目錄 表1-1 論文研究步驟……………………………………………………6 圖2-1 健康照護提供的經濟關係………………………………………11 圖2-2 所得效用圖………………………………………………………12 圖3-1 美國健康保險制度………………………………………………29 圖3-2 美國醫院保險住院部份負擔及任意加保者保險費負擔………31 表3-3 美國醫院保險﹝Part A)費率表…………………………………32 表3-4 美國補充性醫療保險份負擔及保險費負擔……………………34 圖3-5 德國疾病基金會種類及人數…………………………………43 表3-6 西德疾病保險平均保險費率的變動情形………………………46 表3-7 各國嬰兒死亡率及平均壽命…………………………………50 表3-8 日本醫療保險體系………………………………………………51 表4-1 勞工保險歷年保險費率及保險費負擔比率變動表……………67 表4-2 勞工保險投保薪資分級表………………………………………68 表4-3 勞工保險歷年投保單位及被保險人數…………………………70 表4-4 我國社會保險制度簡介…………………………………………72 表4-5 認為全民健康保險是否有實施的必要之調查…………………73 表4-6 全民健康保險行政體系圖………………………………………78 表4-7 全民健康各類保險對象的保險費負擔比率……………………81 表4-8 全民健康保險投保金額分級表…………………………………82 表4-9 全民健康保險八十六年五月一日起部份負擔費用……………83 表4-10全民健保住院之部分負擔比率…………………………………84 表4-11全民健保自付保險費減免情形…………………………………85 表4-12全民健保前後勞工權益及負擔之比較…………………………95 表4-13勞健保制度內容之差異比較表…………………………………96 表5-1 美、德、日三國健康保險制度概要……………………………102 表5-2 美、德、日三國及我國健康保險費用分擔比例………………106 表6-1各類健康保險投保人數及占全人口的比率……………………112 表6-2保險對象加保時差………………………………………………113 表6-3勞工保險投保人數各年增減情形表……………………………116 表6-4 台閩地區勞工實領老年給付件數、金額及占應收保險 費之百分比……………………………………………………117 圖6-5 全民健康保險開辦前後勞保職業工人投保人數暨保費收支 概況圖………………………………………………………118 表6-6勞工保險各種實付保險給付金額………………………………120 表6-7勞工實領老年給付每件給付月數及金額………………………122 表6-8對全民健康保險滿意情形民意調查結果………………………124 表6-9全民健康保險實施後勞工保費負擔情形比較表………………126 表6-10各國強制性保險之財源 ………………………………………129 表6-11 全民健康保險實施後各月份保險對象平均月就醫次數與 勞保比較……………………………………………………132 表6-12 八十四年全民健康保險實施後三月至六月各層級醫院 平均住院日數與勞農保比較…………………………………133 表6-13 勞工保險普通事故保險歷年精算費率………………………139 表6-14 勞工保險基金概況……………………………………………140 表6-15 勞保基金分佈圖………………………………………………140 表6-16 全民健保開辦前後勞保生育給付之異同……………………145 表6-17 勞保生育給付統計分析表……………………………………145 圖7-1 民眾對全民健康保險滿意度調查結果………………………151 附錄一 重大傷病………………………………………………………90

我國保險安定基金之研究 / Guaranty Fund in Taiwan

陳慧如, Doris Chen Unknown Date (has links)
保險制度的經濟效能係在確保保戶經濟生活之安定,倘若保險業者經營不 善以致失卻清償能力,則不僅保戶權益受損,亦會造成社會及經濟不安定 ,有鑑於此,美國於西元一九三五年創設保險安定基金制度,至今,各國 亦紛紛設立此制度。由各國經驗可知,事前防範措施(如保証金之提存、 邊際清償能力標準之訂定、資金運用之規範等)雖可減低保險人失卻清償 能力的機率,但仍無法保証不發生失卻清償能力事件,故有賴事後救濟措 施為之補救,我國於民國六十三年已設立人壽保險業安定基金,但於民國 七十年底因基金累積已達總額而停徵,之後,於民國八十一年修正保險法 時,明訂保險安定基金之設置,自此,我國保險公司如經營發生危機,危 害保戶權益時,保戶即可依一定程序向保險安定基金求償,使投保大眾的 權益多一層保障。 Guaranty Fund in Taiwan

品牌權益與醫師處方行為之關聯性研究-以高血壓藥物為例- / A study of the relationship between brand equity and physician's prescription behavior-taking antihypertensive drugs as examples-

顏厥慈, Yen, Chueh Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
一個品牌所創造的「品牌權益」及所產生的附加價值是指一個品牌能使顧客了解這個品牌所具有的品牌知識及形象並形成聯想,進而引起顧客對品牌認同與適當回應而轉化為實際的購買行動並發展出緊密的忠誠關係,使其他的競爭者不容易取代。 許多的消費品已經證實「品牌權益」對使用者購買行為的影響,但在專業的產品,尤其是藉由「第三者代購模式」決定選購的產品,如:醫藥產品,卻少有此方面的研究。本研究針對台灣醫藥業市場長年位居領導地位,具有相同治療適應症的兩種用藥作「品牌權益」及代購者購買行為的關聯性分析。以北部地區醫師為調查對象,請醫師以問卷方式評估兩種品牌的「品牌權益」並分析的哪些「品牌權益」的因素會影響處方行為,結果發現: 一、品牌權益中「品牌顯著」、「品牌績效」及「品牌形象」對醫師處方行為有顯著影響。醫師對兩種品牌的「品牌權益」看法有明顯的不同,且會視服務的對象(病患)個別情狀況而選擇使用不同的品牌。 二、「品牌聯想」中產品利益的功能性及經驗性對醫師處方行為有顯著的影響。本研究中兩種產品上市時間相近,但醫師還是認知Diovan品牌為一較新品牌而Norvasc則是一個使用廣泛且安全性高產品。 三、Diovan此品牌「品牌顯著」和醫師服務科別有明顯的交互作用。不同服務科別醫師明顯表現出會考慮病人狀況,不會將處方Diovan都列為首選藥物。 四、Norvasc此品牌「品牌績效」和醫師執業年資有明顯的交互作用。執業年資在5 ~10 年間醫師對Norvasc使用後療效最認同。 五、醫師對單一品牌使用趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」影響,而在未來繼續使用此品牌則是依據使用後該品牌的品質、可靠度、優越性等因素才決定是否繼續使用該品牌。亦受產品利益象徵性所影響。 六、醫師對兩種品牌選擇使用哪一種品牌的趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」與「品牌形象」構面影響,而在未來六個月除了受「品牌顯著」影響外還受「品牌情感」影響。進一步以量化分析,醫師對 Norvasc使用數量在最近 六個月及未來六個月無顯著差異,但對Diovan在未來六個月的使用數量則有顯著 增加。 / A successful brand will lead the consumer to link the brand knowledge and image becoming an associative network memory and drive this memory into consumer’s recognition, and then consumer will transfer the recognition into purchasing action and develop royalty to the brand. This can explain how “Brand Equity” influences consumer behavior and why it can create extra value to minimize competition. Many consumer products have confirmed "Brand Equity" influential power related to the consumers’ purchasing behavior; however, only few studies investigate the professional products, such as: medical products and those will go through "Surrogate-Mediated Shopper” purchasing patterns. Our study selected two prescription products with same therapeutic indications and both maintain leading position among all prescription drugs within pass five years to evaluate the relationship between brand equity and physician's prescription behavior. Our study findings are as follow: 1.“Brand Salience”、“Brand Performance” and “Brand Image ”give influences of physicians’ prescription behavior. Physician can distinguish both brands and will consider individual patient’s status to prescribe different brand. 2. Functional and experimental value of a brand will influence physician’s prescription behavior. In spite less than one year difference of launching time between “Diovan” and “Norvasc”, physician still recognized “Diovan” as a new product while “Norvasc” was a product had been widely used with good safety profile. 3. Physicians serve at different departments showing significant different “Brand Salience” conception of “Diovan”. Physician will depend on patients’ status to choice different anti-hypertensive drugs and “Diovan” is not always the first choice for all hypertensive patients. 4. Physicians have different service years showing significant divergent perception of “Brand Performance” of “Norvasc”. Physicians’ service periods less than 10 years demonstrate most positive recognition of “Norvasc” clinical therapeutic result. 5. Physicians are according to the quality、reliability and superiority of a brand to decide whether continuously using one drug or not. That means “Brand Judgment” is the key influence factor of physician prescription behavior. In addition, it also affected by symbolic value of the brand. 6. Facing two brands trade-off, physicians will base on "Brand Salience” to make decision in the current six months;however, in the future six months,"Brand Feeling” is another key factor that affect physicians’ behavior。Compare with current six months and future six months regarding of prescription quantity, we can find physician will increase prescription quantity of “Diovan” while will not change prescription quantity of “Norvasc”。

消費者為基礎的食品製造商品牌與零售商自有品牌權益之研究 / Consumer-based brand equity of food industry manufacturer brand and retailer private brand

廖怡禎 Unknown Date (has links)
以消費者為基礎的零售市場趨勢變化,重新定義了品牌對於消費者的意涵,使製造商品牌和零售商自有品牌權益的戰爭有了新的趨勢。新的零售概念開始萌芽後,零售商自有品牌逐漸成長,而通常付出代價的是製造商。 本研究試圖由消費者、製造商、與零售商三個不同構面,探討對於品牌權益的認知差異。以消費者為基礎的零售商自有品牌權益認知的問卷調查資料,也依據抽樣樣本的性別、年齡、月收入、教育程度與職業別進行分析,以期能檢視不同消費族群,對於零售商自有品牌主觀認知的差異不同。 研究發現,台灣的消費者對於零售商自有品牌的品牌識別比例高達97.87%;但是對於品牌意涵的回應比例卻低於25%。盡管高達83.45%的消費者認為零售商自有品牌,在未來的發展會有增加的趨勢;但對於高價零售商自有品牌的接受性還是較低。 性別對於零售商自有品牌的主觀認知影響不大。但是年齡差異的影響則明顯不同。雖然三十歲以上的消費者,主觀的認知到零售商自有品牌的產品創新,不過對照其他不同年齡組群,也只有年齡較長的消費者(四十一歲以上的族群),基於對於製造商品牌心理的連結與行為的忠誠度,未來還是選擇不會購買更多的零售商自有品牌產品。顯然的,零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,對於四十一歲以上的理性族群消費者的吸引力仍舊不足;反倒是,商店本身的品牌權益,對於各年齡層的消費者購買行為,都具有正面的效果。 同樣的,消費者的教育程度與自有品牌創新的滿意度成反比。而不同於一般人主觀的認知,高收入的族群對自有品牌產品的滿意度,已經實質的高過其他中低收入族群。 對於零售商自有品牌的趨勢而言,個案中的零售便利商店,都認為自有品牌會是零售商未來的發展方向與趨勢。不過,零售便利商店對於自有品牌創新差異化模式,會因不同零售商而有很大的差異。7-ELEVEN的差異化,是在價值上的創新,價格因素還是主要考量;全家便利商店則認為產品的獨特與創新上的差異,會是吸引消費者購買的重要因素。因此,全家對於自有品牌的品牌權益與價格溢酬,自然會有比較樂觀的看法。而單就自有品牌商品營業額的成長幅度而言,7-ELEVEN和全家便利商店去年分別高達110%與130%。 食品製造商由於主觀認知上的落差,因而忽視來自零售商品牌的威脅所導致的危機。這種狀況或許可透過不同通路系統多樣性的代工模式,進而分散來自零售便利商的威脅與風險。品牌產品製造與自有品牌代工兼容並進的雙軌發展模式,會是製造商生存的策略之一。 零售通路的自有品牌產品,已經得到消費者主觀認知上的注意與肯定。聰明的消費行為,也讓消費者逐漸轉向價值創新的零售商自有品牌,而捨棄了製造商品牌產品。零售商自品牌產品,不再只是市場的低價替代性產品。創新價值的零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,賺取了原本屬於製造商品牌的價格溢酬。 低價不是便宜,而是刪除了不合理的價格溢酬。雖然價格是品牌發展的重點,可是價值更是關鍵。零售商自品牌產品『平價奢華』的價值創新,會是感動消費者的價值主張。 消費者已經清楚知覺到零售商自有品牌所提供的品牌價值;零售商也知道自己擁有的通路優勢與經濟的規模,並以產品價值創新與獨特的差異性,積極零售商自有品牌權益的革命。製造商必須注意消費者對於零售商自有品牌權益的認知、與正面自有品牌回應的趨勢,以及零售商的積極品牌打造的企圖心;清楚品牌競爭的事實,以維護製造商產品的品牌權益。 製造商品牌並沒有消失,只是品牌權益已不再是製造商所獨有。零售商自有品牌,會是製造商未來必須面對的最大挑戰。 / Recent change in the consumer-based retail market trend has redefined consumers’ perception of the meaning of brand. War over brand equity between the manufacturer and the retailer has evolved to another level. As retailers’ private brand (PB) takes on a new concept, it is taking a toll at the manufacturer’s expense. This research tries to identify the perception of private brand from three different perspectives: the manufacturer, the retailer, and the consumer. The consumer-based retailers’ PB equity survey data was analyzed for the difference in subjective perspective based on respondents’ gender, age, personal income, level of education, and occupation. The result shows that 97.87% of the respondents recognize the brand identity of retailers’ PB. However, only 25% of the respondents are aware of the brand meaning and actually purchase PB products on a regular basis. 83.45% of the respondents answered positively on the future development of PB, but the majority still can’t accept the notion that retail prices for PB are higher than the manufacturers’ brand (MB). Gender does not seem to be a factor in the consumer’s perception of PB. However, age does have a major influence on the acceptance of the PB for consumers. Although older respondents, 30-years old or older, recognize the competitiveness of PB products for their innovative capability, with the emotional connection and the brand loyalty toward MB, the group of 41-year-olds or older expressed reluctance to purchase more PB products in the future. Obviously brand equity of PB products has yet to develop brand relationship with older consumers to allure them into the shops. On the contrary, brand equity of the retailer shops itself does have a positive influence on the sales of PB products. Consumers’ educational level has a negative effect on the degree of satisfaction in PB product innovation. Furthermore, contrary to general perception, consumers with higher income level registered a higher preference for the PB product as well. Both of the two convenience stores (CVS) in this case study agree with the upward trend of the PB. In fact, in 2009, 7-ELEVEN and FamilyMart each grew an impressive 110% and 130% respectively in sales revenue of their PB products. However, both CVS have very different innovation models in strategic thinking and positioning their stores. 7-ELEVEN focuses more on value innovation and uses pricing as differentiation tactic in the market. On the other hand, FamilyMart puts product innovation and uniqueness as its priority to attract consumers. Manufacturers who choose to ignore the threat of PB may subject themselves to the high risk presented by the burgeoning of such products. One possible solution may be through OEM/ODM of PB for various retailers in order to diversify and minimize possible threats and risks. Production of manufacturers’ own brand and retailers’ private brand in a two-track manufacturing system may well be a strategic way to survive for manufacturers. Consumers are aware of and have recognized the existence of PB in retailer stores. The idea of smart shopping has its own right on the value innovation of PB for the consumer. PB no longer represents cheap products in the retail market. As PB positions itself with higher retail prices, it will possess the brand equity and earn the price premium at the toll of MB. Low pricing does not imply cheap quality but the elimination of excessively unreasonable price premium of a product. Pricing is important to brand development, but value should be the key in establishing the perception of brand quality. Affordable luxury is a value innovation of the PB that creates an irresistible value proposition to touch the heart of consumers. Consumers have clearly perceived the brand value of the PB. Retailers are also aware of the advantages they have with the channel, the scale and scope of economy; as a result, they are vigorously preparing for the battle to redefine the meaning of brand. It is time for manufacturers to change their mindset and face the inconvenient truth of the competition over brand equity. Manufacturers’ brand still has its own right, but the brand equity is no longer monopolized by them. Retailers’ PB has certainly become the strongest competition that manufacturers will need to confront now and in the near future.

股東會電子投票制度改進之探討 / Electronic shareholder voting in Taiwan: A comparative study

馬薏雯 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於94年6月22日公布修正後之公司法,正式賦予公司召開股東會時,得採行書面或電子方式供股東行使表決權之法律依據,期能使我國之公司治理與股東權益維護能與國際接軌;惟「股東會電子投票」制度,歷經元大京華證券股份有限公司、台灣總合股務處理股份有限公司及台灣集中保管結算所股份有限公司三個平台之建置,仍然未被各上市、櫃公司廣為採用,即使偶有採用者,其投票總權數占總股份之比例多數未及1%,顯示成效不彰。另2010年10月的亞洲公司治理協會(Asian Corporate Governance Association)年會,提出了最新一份的「CG Watch」報告,在這份報告中,ACGA指出我國推動股權權益的狀況上較前次調查類似,並未有太大改善,比如公司對國外投資人「通訊投票」、「分割投票」權益的行使,相關法規及配套仍不夠完備,而針對「通訊投票」得分,在歷次的評分中,我國都是敬陪末座,可以說,這幾年來此一核心問題並未被重視並獲得具體的改善。 基此本研究將以股東會通訊投票之法令、制度為經,佐以實務之見解為緯,參考外國經驗,藉由分析現行之問題並勾勒未來推動之建議供各界參考。本研究除分析我國股東會之基本概念、表決權行使方式、委託書之使用,並藉由對美、日兩國股東會制度及實務之探討,一窺國際之現況及未來發展之趨勢。另針對我國股東會通訊投票制度與現況進行背景說明,並介紹我國通訊投票下書面投票與電子投票之架構及現況,最後分析我國電子投票採用率偏低之原因。 此外,針對美、日、台三國股東會通訊投票制度分別由法規制度面、股東權益面、公司執行面及電子投票實務面進行比較,最後並提出對相關主事者之建議及對後續研究者未來研究方向之建議,以期經由各界之腦力激盪,共同為我國的資本市場國際化而努力。 / The amendment of Taiwan Company Act in June 22nd, 2005, upon its release, granted each shareholder the legitimate right to cast his/her vote by both written and electronic means in shareholders’ meetings. This amendment is menat to bring Taiwan’s corporate governance and shareholder rights in line with the international practice. However, with the limited use of no more than 1% voting rights of most listing and over-the-counter (OTC) companies on the three voting forums established by Yuanta Core Pacific Securities Co., Ltd., Taiwan Integrated Shareholder Service Company and Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation, the attempt has been proven unsuccessful. In addition, the latest “CG Watch” report, submitted during the 2010 Asian Governance Association annual conference held in October, has suggested that, similar to the previous reports, shareholder rights of Taiwan-based companies have not been improved outstandingly. For instance, the exercise of “postal voting” and “vote splitting” upon foreign investors of Taiwan-based companies has been restricted due to the flaws in the domestic voting system and regulations. Also, in the report, a constant low rating in “postal voting” for the Taiwan-based companies simply hints that the core issue has never been properly valued nor concretely improved. Based on the suggestions in the previous paragraph, this research paper provides an overview of the laws and the regulations of the postal voting system. The paper also includes opinions on practical needs and comparison from foreign experiences. By means of analyzing our current issues, the research draws an outline of the propositions for trends of the future development. Apart from analyzing the basic concepts of shareholders’ meetings held by some Taiwan-based companies, exercise of voting rights, and use of proxy forms, the research also peeks into the current situation around the globe and the future trends by consulting the system and the practical needs of shareholders’ meetings in the U.S. and Japan. As for the postal voting system and the current situation in Taiwan, the research provides a background illustration by introducing the structure and the current status of printed ballot voting and electronic voting under our postal voting framework. In conclusion, the paper points out the reasons for limited use of electronic voting in Taiwan. Finally, the research measures postal voting systems in the U.S., Japan and Taiwan from aspects of the laws and regulations, the shareholder rights, the corporate execution and the practical needs. In the end, in order for the effort of internationalization upon domestic capital market, the research eventually proposes the solutions for the related personnel in charge and the follow-up research direction for future researchers.

管理當局預測與權益資金成本關係之研究 / On the association between management earning forecast and cost of equity capital

江幸瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討管理當局自願性盈餘預測與權益資金成本之關聯性,檢視管理當局發布盈餘預測頻率之影響是否反應於權益資金成本上,並進一步檢視管理當局之聲譽是否為影響權益資金成本的因素之一。 在本研究的實證分析結果中,發現管理當局發布自願性盈餘預測之頻率與權益資金成本呈顯著負相關,表示管理當局發布盈餘預測的次數越多時,權益資金成本越低。 在管理當局聲譽對於權益資金成本的影響,本研究實證分析結果發現,管理當局之聲譽與權益資金成本亦呈顯著負相關,管理當局聲譽以管理當局預測誤差和分析師預測誤差來衡量,當管理當局的盈餘預測誤差小於分析師盈餘預測誤差時,投資人認為管理當局對盈餘的預測有效且值得信賴,此時管理當局聲譽提高,投資人認為取得有用的資訊,進而降低企業權益資金成本。 / The primary objective of this thesis is to explore whether the frequency of management forecasts is related to the cost of equity capital. In addition, I further examine whether the association is stronger when management has better reputation. Basing on a sample of S&P 500 listed firms during 2000-2009, I find that, consistent with my prediction, cost of firm’s equity capital decreases with the frequency of management earning forecasts after controlling for other determinants well-documented to be related to cost of equity capital. Second, I find that cost of equity capital is negatively related to the reputation of management; however, I do not find that the association between cost of equity capital and the frequency of management systematically vary with the reputation of management.

非營利組織推動多元化管理之研究-以伊甸社會福利基金會為例 / A Study on Non-Profit Organizations Promote Diversity Management:The Case of Eden Social Welfare Foundation

黃欣儀, Huang, Hsin I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究焦點為身心障礙者之多元化管理,而在我國《身心障礙者權益保障法》中,以第四章規範及引導政府、民間企業一同促進就業。但身心障礙勞工,無法只仰賴政策保障,緩不濟急,其需透過特殊職業訓練來融入社會,並渴望有一個機構能作為和雇主、政府間的橋樑。在新的全球治理觀念下,這個要角當為非營利組織,該等組織除了在國內蓬勃成長外,還拓展至其他國家。而在台灣推動身心障礙者之多元化管理,當中翹楚就屬伊甸社會福利基金會,該基金會並把台灣經驗傳遞到如馬來西亞、越南、中國四川等地區,其中馬來西亞的双福殘障自強發展協會是伊甸的第一個海外姐妹會。 本研究區分出多元化管理的學術內涵:人力資源層面、組織建制層面、文化價值層面,和實務內涵:法案政策層面,即美國發展的四階段—平等就業機會、弱勢優先、重視差異性、多元化管理。運用文獻分析法、深度訪談法、個案研究法,分析我國目前身心障礙者之多元化管理政策,包含:個別化職業重建服務、支持性與庇護性就業服務、定額進用政策、設置與運用身心障礙者就業基金、視覺功能障礙者之工作權優先保障等。並以伊甸社會福利基金會作為個案主體,觀察其推動國內及跨國身心障礙者之多元化管理的各層面策略、現況、困境,跨國部分以馬來西亞双福殘障自強發展協會為代表。 本研究發現:一、我國多元化管理的學術及實務內涵仍待更多文獻及研究補充;二、我國身心障礙者之多元化管理法令精神和政策發展與國際接軌,雖然腳步較美國緩慢,但已從「重視差異」邁向「多元化管理」階段;三、政策需仰賴更密集人力資本的投入來從事推廣;四、政策單從公部門角度思考籌劃有其侷限性,缺乏創意與彈性;五、伊甸基金會的職業與能力訓練計畫,是整合身心障礙者生活與就業服務的全方位體系,從該計畫所呈現的人力資源策略、組織建制策略、文化價值策略、法案政策創建策略中均發揚出多元化管理的精神;六、伊甸基金會推動身心障礙者之多元化管理,對身心障礙者、雇主、政府均有正面影響力,但資源困窘與補助縮減讓服務工作變得吃力;七、馬來西亞双福發展協會以伊甸的基督教精神與服務模式立基並傳承延續;八、馬來西亞双福發展協會揉合台灣經驗與馬來西亞本土特色,發展出嶄新的身心障礙者之多元化管理策略,不同分會自主運作落實在地深化服務;九、馬來西亞欠缺保障身心障礙者的完整政策法案,政府對非營利組織的態度,還有對相關福利的重視程度,是未來多元化管理發展能否漸臻成熟的關鍵;十、多元文化與族群是馬來西亞最珍貴的資產,但也加深推動身心障礙者之多元化管理的挑戰性。 依據上述研究發現,茲歸納本研究建議如下:一、未來相關多元化管理研究,可針對其他多元化表徵、身心障礙者政策、研究主體、國家地區做研究;二、期許我國政策,應追求實現各層面環境的無障礙化,並確保不同障別之身心障礙者,皆能獲得資源使用、就學機會、生活及職業重建、輔導創業等服務;三、伊甸基金會在國內應加強輔導身心障礙者、雇主的心態調適,還有倡議改革社會福利資源的配置;四、伊甸基金會在國外可參考扶植双福發展協會的做法,讓其他海外分會各自成長獨立;五、双福發展協會可藉由與其他鄰近國家非營利組織的交流與合作,聚合成積極鞭策政府的力量,並累積資源,朝專業化組織發展,成立更多分會以服務到不同地區的身心障礙朋友。

公辦民營幼兒園之資源基礎對家長滿意度影響之研究-以品牌權益為中介變項 / The effect of resource base on parental satisfaction of the private management of public kindergarten: the mediating effect of brand equity

張義雄, Chang, I Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣少子化的衝擊和托育公共化政策推動下,使得幼教經營競爭越趨激烈。政府的公立幼兒園,雖然收費低廉,因為受政府諸多法規與行政制度的制約,常發生經營效率不佳;整體的品質不如私立幼兒園。為了不與民爭利及幼教發展的多元化,於是有了公辦民營幼兒園的政策推動。而有少數一、二家營運不佳而關門大吉,為了使公辦民營幼兒園的政策能更成功推廣下去。本研究想探討造成公辦民營幼兒園經營效率良窳的影響因子,而「家長滿意度」就是幼兒園品質一項重要觀察指標。根據文獻探討得知「資源基礎」和「品牌權益」是影響「家長滿意度」的主要因素,故本研究主要在探討公辦民營幼兒園將投入何種策略性「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」具有影響力,同時也了解「品牌權益」是否具有中介效果? 本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法進行研究。文獻分析法方面分別探討「資源基礎」實施情形、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」三者中,兩兩之間的關係。也進一步探討在公辦民營幼兒園中,「資源基礎」實施情形與「品牌權益」是如何影響「家長滿意度」。而在問卷調查法方面,以「公辦民營幼兒園實施資源基礎、品牌權益與家長滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,並以大台北地區19家之公辦民營幼兒園之2492為幼兒家長為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發放1,833份,剔除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷回收數為1,136份,有效問卷回收率為61.97%。 本研究採用結構方程模式分析方法軟體分別驗證「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之內涵外,也進一步探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之間的關係。本採用SPSS 18.0軟體探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之實施現況及不同背景變項是否對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」有預測效果。 本研究獲致下列結論: 一、公辦民營幼兒園對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」備受幼兒家長肯定 二、公辦民營幼兒園的「資源基礎」分別對於「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」及「品牌權益」對於「家長滿意度」均具有顯著的預測效果 (一)「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」具有顯著正向的直接效果(γ1=0.92) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園落實「資源基礎」將有助於大量提升其「品牌權益」。 (二)「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向的直接效果(β1=0.70) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園提高「品牌權益」將有助於大幅改善其「家長滿意度」。 (三)「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向但小量的直接效果(γ2=0.25),此顯示加強實施「資源基礎」對於提升「家長滿意度」的直接效果較小。 三、「資源基礎」可透過「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著且大量的中介效果0.64(即0.92*.70=0.64,p<0.001);原本「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」的直接效果只有0.25,而「資源基礎」對於「家長滿意」之總效果為0.89 (即0.25+0.64=0.89,p<0.001)。 四、背景變項對「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」之效果方面 (一)對於「資源基礎」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數、家庭平均月收入及幼兒園立案年數等5個變項。 (二)對於「品牌權益」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 (三)對於「家長滿意度」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的性別、年齡、教育程度及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 / With the impacts of low-birth rate and the impetus of the public policy of how to make private childcare public, causing the competition of the preshool management become keener and keener. Although the fees of public kindergarden are low, the efficiency of their managements are also low because of the restriction on legislations and the administrative system of the government. Their qualities are also not as the private kindergartens. In order not to compete with the public kindergarden and the diversification of the early childhood education, hence there are the impetus of the private management of public kindergartens. In the cause of successfully spread the private management of public kindergartens, there are also a few closing down.   This study is to explore the cause of the private management of public kindergartens efficiency good or bad of the influence factor, and the parental satisfaction is an important observation index of the kindergarten quality.   According to the literature review, “Resource base” and “Brand equity” is the main factor impact of “Parental satisfaction” . Therefore, this research is to explore the influence of how the kindergarten of private management of public kindergarten put into the strategies of “Resource base” to “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. And also to understand whether “Brand equity” has the intermediate factor or not?   The present study adopted two approaches, including “literature review” and “questionnaire survey”. The study designed the “questionnaire of the Resource base , Brand equity and Parental satisfaction as the instrument. 2,492 Child’s parents in the 19 private management of public kindergartens in Big Taipei area were the population. The study distributed by convenient sampling, and got 1,136 valid samples after gathering and deliting some invalid questionnaires from 1,833 samples. The rate of valid samples is 61.97%.   The study not only took structural equation modeling(SEM) to confirm the contents of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”, but also discuss the relationships of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. Moreover, the present study used the software of SPSS 18.0 to understand the current of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” in the private management of public kindergartens and confirm the contents of the variables of the subjects.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.“Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction' in the private management of public kindergartens are highly accepted by the child’s parents. 2.“Resource base” for the “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” and “Brand equity”in the private for the Parental satisfaction" are significantly predictive. (1)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.92) on “Brand equity”. That is ; the higher degree of the “Resource base” implementations significant is , the higher “Brand equity” is. (2)“Brand equity” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.70) on "Parental satisfaction ". That is , the higher the implement degree of “Brand equity” is , the higher practice degree of "Parental satisfaction ". (3)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”. That is ; strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing “Parental satisfaction” is small effect . 3.Although “Resource base” has positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”, strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing "Parental satisfaction" is little effect. “Resource base” has an indirect effect on "Parental satisfaction " through “Brand equity” (the indirect effect size is 0.64) and the total effect is 0.89. In other words , when the “Resource base” is higher, "Parental satisfaction " will be indirectly enhanced by the “Brand equity”. To sum up, “Brand equity” is much of mediating effect between “Resource base” and “Parental satisfaction”. 4.The effects of the context variables on the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction " are made as follows: (1)5 context variables have significant effects on the “Resource base”. These variables involve age, education, the number of children, and the average household monthly income of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten . (2)4 context variables have significant effects on the “Brand equity”. These variables involve age, education, and the number of children of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten. (3)4 context variables have significant effects on the "Parental satisfaction ". These variables involve sex. age, and education child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten.

我國反資本弱化相關法條實施後對跨國公司稅負影響之研究 / Anti-Thin capitalization and its possible impact on multinational corporations

陳意涵, Chen, I Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國最新建立之反資本弱化稅制對跨國集團整體稅負之影響,並欲指出跨國公司在未來租稅規劃上應注意之事項。透過對國內外資本弱化相關案例,以及其他實務上可能產生稀釋資本議題之操作模式做個案研究,希望能夠發現在此稅制之下可能存在之問題與風險。 本文共分為五章,概述如下: 第一章:說明本研究之研究動機、欲探討之問題、擬採用之研究方法以及本研究架構。 第二章:分別針對資本弱化之理論架構、相關稅收議題,以及各國反資本弱化稅制之國內外文獻進行回顧及探討。 第三章:介紹並整理我國反資本弱化稅制中之各類法條、辦法及函令。 第四章:案例研究,以虛擬案例及實務上產生爭議之個案為研究對象,俾對我國未來稅捐稽徵機關在稽徵實務上及納稅義務人在租稅規劃上提出建議。 第五章:就前述討論內容做出結論,並嘗試對我國反資本弱化稅制提出具體之建議,以期做為未來研究者之參考。 / This essay focused on the newly enacted anti-thin capitalization regulation in Taiwan and its possible impact on multinational corporations in tax aspect. By studying on cases related to thin capitalization and other possible issues, this essay would like to discover the potential drawbacks and risks in the anti-thin capitalization regulation. This essay comprises five chapters. Summarizes as follows: Chapter 1: To explain motives, structure and methodologies of this research. Chapter 2: First, to introduce the definition of thin-capitalization made by OECD, and to explain the Modigliani-Miller Theory, which was the rationale of Thin Capitalization. Secondly, to collect and analyze the possible tax issues of thin capitalization, and to introduce the legislative conditions of anti-thin capitalization in regulations in main countries. Chapter 3: To briefly introduce the newly enacted anti-thin capitalization regulation. Also, this essay would like to debate on main issues and potential drawbacks in this regulation. Chapter 4: To study on an assumed example and other cases that show the common model of thin-capitalization and possible impacts result from anti-thin capitalization regulation on multinational corporations. In this part, the essay would like to give some suggestions to tax authority and tax payers. Chapter 5: To summarize the main contents from the forenamed chapters, in addition, to cite the potential risks and shortcomings of the anti-thin capitalization regulation.

服務業聯合品牌策略與聯合品牌服務成效對於品牌權益影響之研究 / A study of the influence of service brand equity from co-branding strategies and service performance of the co-brand

彭書婷, Peng, Shu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,企業開始利用聯合品牌策略、以合作的方式有效提升自身的品牌權益;學術界亦有許多關於聯合品牌的研究,但多專注於產品導向品牌應用該策略的效益,少有以服務導向的聯合品牌為研究對象。本研究從消費者的觀點探討服務業進行聯合品牌策略時,其本身與合作夥伴不同層級的品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效對於企業本身、合作夥伴以及聯合品牌品牌權益的影響。   本研究透過4 x 2準實驗設計的方式進行假說驗證。首先,透過前測篩選出消費者心中最熟悉且兩者之間適配度最高的雞排店與手搖飲料店做為研究情境的素材;進一步操弄四種品牌權益組合(高高、高低、低高與低低)以及聯合品牌的服務成效(成功與失敗),形成八種實驗問卷,共回收257份有效樣本;最後以配對樣本T檢定以及雙因子變異數分析做為研究方法進行資料分析,本研究的研究結果證實: 一、品牌權益組合對於聯合品牌的品牌權益具有顯著影響:   當二母品牌皆具高品牌權益時,該聯合品牌品牌權益將低於合作前二母品牌的品牌權益,反之,聯合品牌的品牌權益將比合作前二母品牌都高;當合作前兩母品牌的品牌權益為一高一低時,聯合品牌的品牌權益將介於二者之間。 二、品牌權益組合對於各母品牌有顯著影響:   當企業與具備較高品牌權益的夥伴合作時,該企業的品牌權益將於合作後提升,反之則下降;當兩企業皆具高品牌權益時,合作後二者品牌權益皆會下降,反之,合作後兩者的品牌權益皆會上升。 三、聯合品牌服務成效對於各母品牌與聯合品牌的品牌權益有顯著的正向效果。 四、品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效之間不具備交互效果。 / Recently, the companies start utilizing the co-branding strategy to efficiently enhance their brand equity. This concept also appear on the academic paper, which focus on most product-intention brands but seldom service-intention ones. This research is to clarify the effects of brand equity mixes and service effects to the mother brands and the co-brand after the co-branding strategy in the aspect of consumers. This research examines the hyposises by 4 x 2 quasi-experiment design. First, after executing the pre-test, this research picked fried-chicken and soft drink stores as the matirials of experiment situation. Then, this research designed 8 versions of questionnaire to manipute 4 brand equity mixes and the service performance of the co-brand. The amount of efficient samples is 257 and the research methods are pair-T test and two-way ANOVA. The research results are: 1. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the co-brand’s brand equity: When two mothers’ brand equity is both high, the co-brand will be lower than its mothers; in contrast, when they are both low, it will higher than them. When one mom is high and the other is low, the brand equity of the son will be between the two. 2. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the mother brand’s brand equity: When the company co-operate with the one with higher brand equity, its brand equity will rise after co-operating. When both companies are high, they will drop after co-branding; in contrast, when both are low, they will rise. 3. Service performance of the co-brand has significant positive effects to all parties. 4. Brand equity mixes and the service performance of co-brand have no interaction.

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