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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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員工對員工協助方案的知曉以及滿意程度與以員工為本的品牌權益之關聯性研究:以知覺組織支持為中介變數 / Research of the relationship between employees' awareness of and satisfaction with employee assistance programs and employee-based brand equity: perceived organizational support as a mediator

陳嘉純 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣職場環境日益浮現關於超長工時、過勞與壓力等身心問題,且自殺消息頻傳,影響員工甚鉅。因此,專家學者紛紛呼籲企業要重視員工的心理健康與福利,應實施員工協助方案(employee assistance programs, EAP)。然而,儘管此福利方案立意良善,但其低落的使用率卻往往使企業基於成本考量而缺乏設置意願。根據管理學知名大師彼得杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)所言:「過去衡量企業好壞的指標,是看其員工創造了多少經濟價值,但以後會看企業如何對待它的員工」,足見善待員工,是判斷企業為「好企業」的依據。企業重視員工的福祉,將能傳達企業關懷員工的訊息,在員工心中創造一個良好的「雇主品牌」。因此,本研究試圖採取社會交換理論之觀點,以員工對於EAP的知曉與心理契約滿足程度為自變數,並透過知覺組織支持的中介,探討其與建立「以員工為本的品牌權益(employee-based brand equity, EBBE)」之間的關聯性。 本研究以公司有實施EAP的員工為研究對象進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷218份。藉由路經分析可發現,透過知覺組織支持的完全中介,員工對於EAP的知曉與心理契約滿足程度將正向顯著地影響以員工為本的品牌權益之形成。此研究結果證實了,無論員工是否使用EAP,只要公司根據員工對於服務內容的需求設置EAP,並透過EAP的宣傳、推廣增進員工對於EAP的認識,讓員工感受到公司對於員工身心健康的重視,將能夠強化員工心中的雇主品牌,促使員工展現與公司品牌一致的行為表現,產生以員工為本的品牌權益,為組織創造更大的效益。


陳威嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產業環境的改變,製造業的附加價值越來越低,品牌已經是繼品質之後,成為提升產品附加價值之關鍵。也因此,品牌的建立成為台灣產、官、學界十分重視的課題。學術界和實務界對於品牌的建立,與品牌權益的解釋眾多紛紜,然而這些品牌權益模型涵蓋的構面都不太一樣,且品牌權益的建構順序也不相同。本研究目的是整合各品牌權益的模型,建立一個完整而周延的品牌權益構面,並發展有學理基礎的品牌權益建構順序。 本研究收集學術界及實務界普遍在運用的品牌權益模型,以邱志聖(2006)提出的策略行銷分析架構,以及交易成本的觀念為出發點,整合其他的品牌權益建構模型。並且提出「品牌外顯效益」構面,補足策略行銷分析架構在建構品牌權益的不足之處。研究提出品牌權益的構面包含有:上市後外顯單位效益成本、品牌外顯效益、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本以及專屬陷入成本。並以Roger(1962)提出的創新決策過程為理論基礎,建立本研究的品牌權益模型建構順序。 本研究提出品牌權益的建構順序,應該是在新品牌上市前,1. 先從降低外顯單位效益成本開始。而新品牌上市之後,2. 應逐步降低買者資訊搜尋成本,3. 建立品牌外顯效益,4. 降低買者道德危機成本,5. 降低買者專屬陷入成本,6. 跟買者建立專屬資產。企業應按照上述順序建立品牌權益,可以讓投入的行銷資源發揮最大的效益。 研究選擇5個不同產業(家具、電腦、鞋、飲料、通訊)的知名品牌(IKEA、Acer、NIKE、可口可樂、NOKIA),收集各知名品牌建立時採行的行銷活動,以本研究建立的品牌權益模型來作分析。研究發現各知名品牌,皆按照本研究提出的建立順序建構品牌,證實本研究提出的品牌權益模型具有廣泛的適用性。

台北市重大公共工程拆遷戶安置模式之研究 / The reshousing for Demolished Households of the Important Public Physical Imporvement Projects eng. in Taipei

周美伶, Chou, May-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
重大公共工程是健全都市及區域發展的重點之一,攸關全市居民生活品質。近年來台北市有許多重大公共工程完成或正在進行中,其中關於拆遷戶之安置方式,往往因資訊的不對稱,導致彼此的認知不同,因而產生許多紛爭,造成拆遷戶與規劃工程單位之間的隔閡。鑑於公共工程之特殊性,拆遷戶很難於原地安置,特別是重大交通工程及公園的開發等,雖說可以採用公共設施多目標發展之構想,於原地進行拆遷戶之安置,但能夠安置之數量有限,而且,也不是每一種公共工程皆適用此種開發方式,特別是交通工程的開發,影響範圍多呈線型,與一般呈現面狀的公共工程影響範圍不盡相同,因此,需要因應不同的公共工程之需求進行安置模式之選擇。 目前相關單位對於公共工程拆遷戶之安置,多採用「列入國宅等候名單優先購買或承租國宅」之方式,此種趨向一元化的安置方式,不僅無法滿足不同類型拆遷戶之需要,且模糊了國宅政策原本以協助低收入家庭的目的,更對其他國宅等候戶形成不公。經由案例的分析得知,台北市重大工程拆遷戶安置的課題,在經濟財務方面有拆遷戶認定的標準缺乏、未考量較難計量的損失、政府龐大的拆遷補償支出,在社會面之課題有拆遷戶分類方式之缺失、未考量弱勢團體之特殊需求,在法令制度面則有安置相關法令的缺乏、缺乏有效的實行機制、違章建築的處理及政治方面的協商等問題。 研究內容主要就經濟財務、社會及法令制度之觀點進行,重大工程拆遷戶安置情形、課題與理念之探討,由拆遷戶之權屬、身份、家庭收入、家庭組成型態等特性,進行類型之區分,建立台北市重大公共工程拆遷戶之分類,以及安置模式基本理念,對於拆遷戶之權益擬定計算之標準,與財務估算方式的建立,依據本研究對台北市重大公共工程拆遷戶之分類,研擬合宜之安置模式並加以評估,依據前述之分析,擬定安置計畫之可能內容,提供相關單位處理重大公共工程拆遷戶安置計畫法制化之建議,藉以修正以往過於簡化之安置方式。

自然人未來收入權益憑證交易所之創新經營模式研究 / An Innovative Business Model for Security Exchange Market of Personal Future Income

李慶楠, LI, Qing Nan Unknown Date (has links)
中國出國留學人數與日俱增,在這一大背景下潛藏著兩個問題:低收入家庭子女或者弱勢學生儘管有留學意願,但在現有金融體系下面臨留學資金難獲得的問題;部分有財力自費出國的學生花費巨資進行教育投資,但留學畢業後獲得的實際薪資與原本的預期薪資存在較大差距,留學投資難以在畢業後較快收回,自身教育投資的風險無法分散。 透過相關鑽研探討,本研究發現以往文獻中有提到的兩個重要概念:自然人收入權——一個自然人對於未來收入的所有權,這一所有權可以被等分、定價、出售、轉讓、贖回;自然人收入權益交易市場——一個可以發行與自然人未來收入權益憑證的交易市場。可是為什麼歷史上沒有出現這樣的收入權益交易所呢?本研究認為在歷史上實現一個這樣交易市場的交易成本太高了,這一交易成本包括:搜尋成本、協議成本、定約成本、監督成本與違約成本,本研究發現近期相關文獻指出互聯網的出現尤其是社交網絡的發明極大地降低了商業活動的交易成本,由於交易成本可以被現有互聯網科技工具降低,本研究認為自然人收入權益交易所有望在我們這一世代實現,而它的實現形式要依托社交網絡。 因此,本研究透過研究自然人未來收入證券化的方式解決上述問題:自然人可以在一種社交網絡形態的證券交易所—也就是自然人未來收入權益憑證交易所內出售其未來收入所有權憑證份額的方式籌集資金,扶住弱勢學生以及使得自費出國人群的教育投資風險得以分散;弱勢學生好比是輕資產的新創公司,弱勢學生在抵押授信無法獲得資金的情況下可以向投資人發行股份(未來收入權益憑證)募集資金,而擔心自己教育投資風險的人則可以以發行股份的方式把未來職業生涯發展的風險分擔給投資人,同時投資人亦能分享到募資人的未來收益;另外本文透過量化和質性之混合研究方法對於使用者意願進行了深入調研,對於商業模式的可行性進行了充分驗證。本研究中的交易所商業模式創新可以用較低的成本實現人力資本證券化,不僅適用於自然人教育募資,而且未來也可以延伸到自然人創業募資、藝人球員募資等領域。 本研究也發現了自然人在發行股份情境下以及投資人投資自然人未來收入權益憑證(人力資本股份)情境下一些新的現象和行為特性,而這些都值得社會科學領域在未來進行進一步的深入探討。 / As more and more Chinese students go abroad for education, there exits two main tough problems: firstly, the students from low-income families almost cannot get enough fund for abroad studying although they do have strong intention to go abroad under the present financial system in China ;secondly ,part of the students ,who invest their own human capital so much for receiving higher education ,face the dilemma that the actual salary after graduation may be under their previous expectation ,which means that the risk of investing their own education cannot be diversified and the investment may not get paid back as expectation. Through literature discussion, this research found two important concepts: individual future income ownership, which can be divided ,priced ,sold ,transferred ,and redeemed ;individual future income ownership share exchange market ,which can help the individuals issue and trade future income shares .But we have to ask that why there did not emerge such exchange market in history ?This research suggests that it's because the transaction cost ,which contains searching cost ,negotiating cost ,contracting cost, supervising cost and defaulting cost ,is too high in history .According to the recent paper published ,this research found that as the emergency of internet ,especially the social networks can cut down the transaction cost greatly in commercial activities .As the internet technological tools can reduce the transaction cost, this research suppose that the individual future income share (human capital share exchange) can come true in our generation and the exchange market needs to rely on the social networks. This research proposed business solutions ,which suggests that the individuals can issue future income shares to investors through a social network-style stock exchange market, to such problems so that it can enable the disadvantaged students go abroad and diversify part of the students' human capital investment risk ;the disadvantaged students are quite similar to the start-up companies ,which usually do not have too much assets and unlikely to get loan from bank ,so the disadvantaged students can issue future income shares (human capital shares) to investors to get fund and also the students who worry about their future career development risk can share both the risk and income with the investors by issuing shares to them ;moreover ,this research had verified the business model adequately through mixed research method ,which contains qualitative and quantitative methods .The business model that this research proposed can achieve human capital securitization low costly and it can be not only applied in individual education funding but also can extend to start up funding ,athlete training funding and actor funding. This research also found some new phenomenon and human behaviors under the context the individuals issue shares to investors and investors invest the shares .These new findings worth further deep researching in the social science discipline in the future.

公司治理與轉投資行為 - 以威盛電子為例 / Corporate Governance and Equity Investment - Taking VIA Technologies as An Example

施銘賢, Shih, Albert Min-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 一九九七年東亞金融風暴起因之一即為公司治理不佳,其影響所及至數年後仍餘波蕩漾,而根據2000年6月麥肯錫顧問公司所做的全球投資人意見調查發現,有高達80%的美國投資人願意多付18%的價格來買良好公司治理企業的股票;自2001年底以來,美國「恩隆」(Enron)與「世界通訊」(WorldCom)等弊案又陸續爆發,其中所暴露的公司治理問題,讓世人驚覺這已是全球企業刻不容緩的議題,並亟思未來如何防止類似事件之發生。 公司治理經緯萬端,但都與如何確保資金提供者的投資能夠獲得應有的報酬有關。據此,公司治理的重要議題之一即為如何使小股東的權益不受內部人(即大股東與管理者)的侵犯;尤其在當今大企業紛紛進行事業轉投資之際,大股東常身兼轉投資事業之經營者,如何確保外在投資人(小股東與債權人)應得的報酬,並兼顧其他利害關係人的利益,為公司治理中實際且有趣之課題。我國大股東往往基於營運效率、自身利益與控制權的考量,會做出許多便宜行事卻不利公司治理的行為,如轉投資事業與母公司之間的透明度不足、大股東交叉持股或持有間接股權、所有權與經營權不分、母公司與轉投資事業之間可能的利益衝突、乃至於大股東個人風格等,這些大股東在轉投資事業中的角色定位與公司治理間的相互關係是本論文論述之重點。同時,為了加強研究的深度與實證性,作者特別藉由個案公司的實際案例來驗證文獻上的觀點,結論所得與研究相符合,並更能增添對企業經營之變化多端與不易控制之親身體驗。 本文最後並討論世界銀行、OECD及我國所規範之公司治理架構,希望公司治理能實際有助於我國企業之轉投資行為。因為制度的設計與執行若能加強公司治理與監督管理者的行為,當能強化公司競爭力,此乃公司治理積極面的貢獻。 / Abstract One of the reasons for the East Asia 1997 financial crisis is because of the careless corporate governance. The impact of this financial crisis actually has had deep and board affection even afterward. According to one investigation by Mckinsey & Company in June 2000, there are about 80% of global investors who are willing to pay 18% extra money to buy those stocks belong to companies have better corporate governance. On the other hand, starting from the end of year 2001, the successive collapse of Enron, WorldCom, and other USA companies has exposed the serious and urgency about corporate governance. It makes people in worldwide enterprises realize how significant the corporate governance is and try to avoid similar events occurred. Although corporate governance has many aspects, it all related to how to secure the deserved return of the capital providers. Accordingly, one of the important topics of corporate governance is to protect the minority shareholder rights from being invaded by the insiders (controlling shareholders and top executives). This topic become even more important especially when controlling shareholders are also top executives of the equity-invested companies. Thus, how to secure the investors’ (minority shareholders and creditors) rights is an interesting and practical issue of corporate governance. Controlling shareholders in Taiwan are used to manage firms based on their own convenience such as the efficiency of operation, interest of themselves, and control rights, instead of considering corporate governance. This attitude, however, will easily result in some negative behaviors such as the lack of transparency between mother company and her equity investment, cross holding or private holding of controlling shareholders, indifferences between ownership and management, the potential interest impact between mother company and equity investment, and even the affection of firms’ performance by the characteristics of controlling shareholders. This thesis emphasize in the above correlation between corporate governance and equity investment. We also examine a real firm’s case to enhance its conviction. This thesis also discusses the corporate governance structure of World Bank, OECD, and Taiwan. It is the author’s hope that corporate governance can be practically useful for a firm’s performance as its aggressive contribution.


郭鴻文 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討產物保險公司如何以自身的風險管理及內部的流程控制來達到有效的控管和預測,進而創造更高的業主權益報酬率,確保被保險人的權益,以維繫公司的永續經營發展為研究的目的。 身為風險管理工具之一的保險公司,必須瞭解自身於經營上面對的風險所在。首先論述如何建立保險公司風險管理程序,並從風險中深入分析,得知不適當的定價是造成保險公司喪失清償能力最主要的原因,建立完善的核保風險機制據以發展保險公司本身的核心價值,特以火險為例詳細說明其建制的過程與細節。 除介紹如何利用核保財務分析模型(Underwriting Financial Model)來解決適當訂價的問題,並配合運用風險資本額的公式求出各險種之風險資本額、各險種之業主權益分配額、各險種之可運用資金、各險種之自留綜合率、各險種業主權益報酬率、以預測來年之營運績效,另外尚討論信用風險與風險累積的控制,運用創新的觀念及技術來管理公司的業務量。 最後建議保險公司應設立風險管理專責單位,對於風險管理的流程與運作提早規劃準備,保險公司應有意願提昇風險管理的專業能力並嚴格自律及確實執行,俾強化公司自身風險觀念瞭解到公司真正有此需求。 關鍵字:風險管理、業主權益報酬、風險資本額、核保、產物保險經營 / The main theme of this research is to explore the issues related to the ways of risk management and internal operation control for insurance companies. The insurance companies could be efficiently controlled and projected to create higher return on equity, to guarantee the insured’s benefit, and to maintain the company’s long-term operation by implementing risk management process. Insurance companies, as one of the tools for risk management, are required to realize their own risks in operation. Firstly they must explore how to build up a process of risk management and to recognize that inadequate price is one of the main reasons to cause insurance company’s insolvency. Secondly they should explore how to build up an adequate underwriting risk mechanism to develop the core value of insurance companies, and to illustrate its process and detail of the building-up with Fire insurance business. Insurance companies are also required to know how to solve inadequate price by using Underwriting Financial Model, and how to calculate Risk Base Capital, Capital Allocation, Asset Allocation, Combined Ratio, Return on Equity for each line of business to predict business results for the coming year. This paper also discusses the importance of credit risk and risk accumulation in order that insurance companies can manage their own business by using innovating concept and technique. Finally Insurance companies are recommended to set up a risk management unit that should plan and prepare for the process of risk management. They ought to show their high wiliness to increase the capability of risk management, and to exercise high discipline and put into work in order to enhance the concept and need of risk management. Key Words: Risk Management, Return on Equity, Risk Base Capital, Underwriting, Insurance Operation.

品牌進入策略之初探與分析-以台灣食品廠商為例 / The Analysis of Brand Entery Strategy for Food Industry in Taiwan

盧玉慧, Lu,Yui-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟體制的改革開放,廠商品牌經營的範疇也隨之擴大至國際市場。同時隨著競爭優勢的典範轉移,進入模式所考量的內部因素-品牌權益的運用,也變得日形重要。因此「如何利用品牌權益有效率的切入市場」的議題也隨之受到重視。目前學術界在進入模式及品牌策略層面都已累積了為數不少的深入研究。然針對此議題的研究卻十分的缺少,因此本研究將針對此理論缺口,利用質化研究的方式,以台灣食品廠商做為訪談對像,進行深入探討。 首先為能明確化品牌權益與切入市場效率之間的關係,本研究在文獻探討的部份,深入分析品牌權益與交換問題的關係。同時再以邱志聖(2006)行銷四c為分析架構,系統性的說明品牌權益如何對交換成本產生影響。而個案分析方式便也採用同樣的架構,去深入探討五家具代表性的食品廠商,其品牌進入策略解決交換問題的能力。 再利用個案分析的結果,歸納出現有廠商進入新市場所採取的品牌進入策略類型為「自創品牌進入策略」、「共創品牌進入策略」及「信任建立式品牌進入策略」。並詳細說明各品牌進入策略的特性及成因,並據此提出相關命題。最後本研究再以行銷交換成本為構面,針對不同的品牌進入策略提出建議的解決模式。 / With liberalized economic system the scope of corporate brands has also been expanded to international markets. Simultaneously, the paradigm shift in competitive advantage makes exertion of brand equity more critical, which is an internal factor considered by entry mode. Thus, the issue concerning “how to enter markets efficiently by brand equity” is highly stressed. Currently, many in-depth researches of entry mode and brand strategy dimensions have been conducted in academic field, yet rather few have been made on this issue. To fill the theoretical gap, the research uses qualitative methodology by interviewing food companies in Taiwan for through discussion. First, in order to distinguish the relationship between brand equity and efficiency of market entry, the research analyzes relationship between brand equity and exchange problems in literature review, while systematically explain how brand equity affects exchange costs via Chiou’s (2006) marketing 4C analytical framework. Identical framework is adopted in case studies to discuss problem solving abilities and brand entry strategy of five representative food companies. Then according to results of case studies, the research summarizes brand entry strategy types adopted by current companies when entering new markets, categorizing as “private label entry strategy”, “ co-brand entry strategy” and “trust-establishing brand entry strategy”, and elaborating on characteristics and causes of each brand’s entry strategy to come up with hypothesis. Finally, the research uses marketing exchange cost as dimension, providing suggested solution models of entry strategies for different brands. Key words: Brand Entry Strategy, Brand Equity, Private Label, Co-brand, Food Company.


張財育, Chang,Dan T.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
國內證券信用交易中介機構係採雙軌制,由復華、富邦、環華、安泰等四家證券金融公司,以及多家自辦信用交易的證券商共同辦理,國內因證券信用交易市場發展的背景衍生出特有的證券金融公司,經過近二十七年的發展,證券金融公司在證券市場的地位及重要性已經產生質變,發展上長期面臨的核心問題為: 1.業務集中度偏高以及; 2.業務規模萎縮導致經營不具經濟效益。 本研究結果係建立於外部資訊上,其中雖然有客觀的基礎數據,然亦包含若干主觀判斷的假設值,以個案公司歷史之財務業務資訊為推論基礎, 透過EVA®觀點評估企業之超額報酬及採取權益現金流量(Equity Cash Flow Approach)折現方式推論個案公司之企業價值。 就本個案之研討結論來看,個案公司似已經陷入產業的衰退期,從財務的訊息所獲得的是低度成長性及低報酬率,而且未來之成長動能力道相當微弱,尤其是代理券商家數逐漸減少,因此就資本投入之機會成本、學理研究以EVA®及超額報酬長期處負值產生的低投資價值企業,現有之經營者實應評估與衡量現存之產業情態,應思考企業有無發展另一再成長動能之機會,如無,則應思考與其他同業合併、業務讓與、甚至減資撤出資本的可能。


葉珮穎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據Ohlson and Juettner(2005)所提出新的衡量權益資金成本方式,異常盈餘成長評價模型(Abnormal Earnings Growth Valuation Model),探討其是否適合台灣企業作為有效衡量權益資金成本方式之一。並進一步研究已實現報酬與OJ模型估計之權益資金成本關聯性,OJ模型估計之權益資金成本可否作為投資人選擇投資標的時之參考資訊,所得之結論可作為企業管理者與投資人之重要參考依據。最後本研究將OJ模型估計之權益資金成本應用於公司治理之角度,探討權益資金成本與董事會特性關聯性。 實證發現,蒐集台灣企業資料,推算OJ模型估計之權益資金成本與過去研究認為影響權益資金成本的重要風險因子,皆有顯著相關性存在。因此認為OJ模型適用於台灣企業權益資金成本之估計,亦為有效的估計權益資金成本之方式一。另外,利用三因子模型進行複迴歸分析發現,已實現報酬與OJ模型估計之權益資金成本呈顯著正相關,顯示OJ模型估計之權益資金成本愈大的公司,其股票報酬愈高。且以迴歸之局部判定係數分析,於加入ROJ解釋變數後,模型的解釋力增加了,顯示OJ模型估計之權益資金成本對已實現報酬率具有增額之解釋能力,故OJ模型估計之權益資金成本具有解釋股票報酬波動之能力。最後,在權益資金成本與董事會特性之關聯性方面,實證發現權益資金成本與董監事股票質押比率、控制股東掌握之董監事席次比率和現金流量權比率的偏離程度呈顯著正相關。 / In this study, we use Ohlson-Juettner model to generate a market implied cost of capital. We then examine the correlation of cost of capital and risk factors, and the correlation of cost of capital and ex post returns. Additionally, we would like to discuss the relationship between the cost of capital and characteristics of the board of directors and supervisors. Our empirical results show that cost of capital has expected correlation with risk factors, so the cost of capital estimated through Ohlson-Juettner model can be a effective method to estimate cost of capital in Taiwan. The cost of capital also has expected an economically significant association with ex post returns. Additionally, we find that the percentage of shareholding pledged by board members and supervisors is significantly positively associated with cost of capital. The deviation between the percentage of directors and supervisors controlled by controlled stockholder and cash flow rights owned by controlled stockholder is also significantly positively associated with cost of capital.


林惠君, Lin, Hui Chun Unknown Date (has links)
品牌個性與真實自我、理想自我之一致性是指,消費者所知覺的品牌個性特徵與自我概念(真實自我、理想自我)之間的契合程度。根據過去文獻可以了解到品牌個性與自我概念之一致性與其他構念之間的關係:契合度愈高,顧客基礎品牌權益(簡稱CBBE)愈高、購買意願愈高,但是卻沒有一個研究包括這三個構念,是以這三者之間的關係模式究係為何,是否包含第三變項的中介效果,目前的了解卻是有限。因此,研究者以自我概念一致性理論為基礎,試圖整合過去累積的研究成果,建構三者之間的關係模式,並以408位華碩筆記型電腦的使用者為研究對象,利用結構方程模式,企圖釐清不同面向的自我概念(真實自我與理想自我)與品牌個性之間的契合程度和購買意願的關係,並檢驗CBBE對於該等變項的關係之中介作用。 修正後的最終模式契合實徵資料,並有下列兩點主要發現:(一)品牌個性與真實自我之一致性既無法影響購買意願,亦無法影響CBBE;(二)品牌個性與理想自我之一致性無法直接影響購買意願,僅能間接影響之,影響途徑為:「品牌個性與理想自我之一致性」→「CBBE」→「購買意願」。本研究的發現與國內外文獻略有出入。其一,品牌個性與真實自我之一致性在模式中未呈現研究者所期待的影響力,這之間的落差究係隱含著什麼訊息,是否存有重要的變項未被一併探討,值得後續研究者的重視;其二,品牌個性與理想自我之一致性與購買意願之間原本是沒有關係的,係因CBBE的中介,而使過去研究有「偽關係」的發現。 本研究的發現:消費者理想自我的一致性經驗和購買意願並未存在直接關係,係乃透過其對CBBE的影響,而CBBE又再影響購買意願,間接影響之,不但突破自我概念一致性研究領域的藩籬,更具體彰顯CEEB的實用價值,而對品牌管理實務深具貢獻。特別是,品牌個性與理想自我之一致性提供品牌經理人創造品牌權益一個有效的品牌操作思維;而CBBE模式則可為檢測品牌體質與發展狀況之參考架構。針對研究結果的意涵與限制,研究者於文末進行詳細的說明與探討,並提出數項建議,以供後續研究者與實務工作者的參考。

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