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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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身心障礙者自立支援法制之介紹 ──以日本障礙者總合支援法與我國身心障礙者權益保障法第50條個人支持服務為中心 / Introduction of support scheme for independent living of persons with disabilities :Focusing on the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act of Japan and the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act of Taiwan

陳芃伃, Chen, Peng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
身心障礙者如同一般人,擁有獨立自主的人權,但因其障礙使然,如要達到自立生活,時常需要藉助外界的協助。障礙者自立生活已逐漸成為障礙者社會促進的制度典範,在如此的前提下,支援障礙者的自立生活的自立支援措施,應為如何的設計,應為障礙者社會促進措施的研究要點所在。本文旨在從日本與台灣的學界及實定法中,探尋障礙者福利措施的典範移轉,以及從「自立」於社會保障法上及障礙者社會促進中的意義,剖析障礙者自立支援措施的應有樣貌,並進而藉此檢視及分析日本與台灣身心障礙者法制中具體的障礙者自立支援措施,提出本文的比較結論,期待能對我國的身心障礙者社會促進法制未來的改革,提供比較法上的參考。本文研究架構如下: 第一章為緒論,介紹本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍、用詞定義、研究方法及研究架構。 第二章探討身心障礙法政策的典範移轉。本章將先針對身心障礙者社會福利法制的典範移轉進行論述,再介紹身心障礙者的自立生活運動的國際脈絡,其理念、內容、發源及於亞洲的擴散。 第三章探討「自立」及「自立支援」於日本社會保障法脈絡中的意義。本章將從日本學說及實定法進行剖析,目的為將對於「自立」概念論述較深入的日本狀況,引為參考標的。 第四章為探討日本障礙者自立支援法及障礙者總合支援法之法制。從其發展脈絡,到具體的法制內容介紹,使讀者一窺日本對於障礙者支援法制之中心─障礙者總合支援法之樣貌,並對本文後續章節之我國與日本制度的比較進行鋪陳。 第五章為將先針對我國身心障礙者權益保障法中與障礙者自立生活較有相關的個人支持服務進行介紹,再進行台日制度的比較分析。 第六章為本文結論,本文將於本章呼應本文研究動機及目的,提出結語。

公司治理結構與資訊透明度對於資本市場之影響 / The Effect of Corporate Governance Structure and Transparency on the Capital Market

陳瑞斌, Chen, Jui-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討公司治理結構與資訊透明度之間的關聯性,並進一步檢視公司治理結構與資訊透明度對於權益資金成本及分析師盈餘預測之影響。 在本研究的實證分析結果中,發現企業的資訊透明度確實會受到公司治理結構因素的影響。在股權結構方面,當控制股東所持有的現金流量權比率增加時,由於外部股東的持股相對減少,在監督成本大於效益的情況下,對於公司資訊的需求會降低,因此,管理當局會降低資訊的揭露水準,導致資訊透明度下降。在董事會組成方面,本研究的發現支持財富侵佔假說的論點,當控制股東所掌握的董監事席次比率與現金流量權比率之偏離程度愈大時,會提高控制股東剝奪外部股東財富的動機,使得控制股東傾向利用控制力以影響被投資公司的資訊揭露政策,造成被投資公司的資訊透明度下降。除此之外,研究結果也支持監督假說的預期,即獨立董監事的設置,能有效發揮監督管理當局與制衡控制股東的功能,有助於提昇公司的資訊透明度。 在公司治理(公司治理結構與資訊透明度)對於權益資金成本的影響,本研究的實證結果發現企業之公司治理的良窳確實會影響外部投資人對於企業風險的評價,進而影響投資人所要求的必要報酬率(即企業的權益資金成本)。在公司治理結構方面,當控制股東的持股比率增加時,其與外部股東的目標會趨於一致,發生代理問題的風險會降低,投資人承擔較低的代理風險。因此,控制股東持股比率增加所傳達予投資人是一項有利的訊息,以致於投資人願意降低必要的投資報酬率,使得公司的權益資金成本降低。董監事持股質押的行為對於投資人而言,可能是一項風險的訊號,理性的投資人預期未來可能被董監事剝奪財富的風險,以致於要求的投資報酬率會提高,企業的權益資金成本會增加。 在公司治理(公司治理結構與資訊透明度)對於分析師預測的影響,本研究的實證結果發現企業之公司治理的良窳會影響企業資訊環境的品質,進而影響分析師預測誤差與離散性。在公司治理結構方面,當控制股東所掌握之投票權比率與現金流量權比率之偏離程度愈大時,會加深控制股東與外部股東之間的代理問題,降低財務報導的可靠性,因而導致分析師對於公司未來績效與前景的瞭解程度相對較低,分析師之間對於公司未來的盈餘並無一致的看法,即預測的離散性會增加,但是並不影響預測的誤差;當控制股東所掌握之董監事席次比率與現金流量權比率的偏離程度愈大時,會加深控制股東與外部股東之間的利益不一致,使得控制股東有誘因剝奪外部股東的權益,操縱公司的會計資訊,使得會計資訊的可靠性降低,以致於分析師預測未來盈餘所面臨的不確定性會愈大,預測誤差與離散性也會愈高。 關鍵詞:公司治理結構;資訊透明度;權益資金成本;分析師預測;控制股東;獨立董監事 / This study investigates the relationship between corporate governance structure and transparency, which in turn examines the effect of corporate governance structure and transparency on the cost of equity capital and the analyst’s earnings forecasts including forecast error and forecast dispersion. On the relationship between corporate governance structure and transparency, research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the transparency is lower with higher cash flow rights owned by controlled stockholder. Second, the transparency is lower with higher divergence between the control rights, which are numbers of directors and supervisors, and cash flow rights controlled by controlled stockholder. Finally, the transparency is higher with higher percentage of independent directors and supervisors. On the effect of corporate governance structure and transparency on cost of equity capital, research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the cost of equity capital is lower with higher cash flow rights owned by controlled stockholder. Second, the cost of equity capital is higher with higher percentage of cash flow rights pledged by directors and supervisors. On the effect of corporate governance structure and transparency on analyst’s forecasts, research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the forecast dispersion is higher with higher divergence between voting rights and cash flow rights controlled by controlled stockholder. Second, the forecast error and dispersion are higher with higher divergence between the control rights, which are numbers of directors and supervisors, and cash flow rights controlled by controlled stockholder. Keywords: Corporate governance structure;Transparency;Cost of equity capital;Analyst’s forecasts;Controlled stockholder;Independent directors and supervisors.

以顧客為基礎的品牌權益分析--以天下雜誌為例 / An analysis of customer-based brand equity: a case study of CommonWealth magazine

金玉梅, Chin, Grace Unknown Date (has links)
台灣是製造代工王國,在建立品牌上才剛起步。但是當競爭愈來愈激烈時,企業獲利受到壓縮,品牌即變得愈來愈重要。媒體是促進社會進步重要的一環,同時也是企業,也有必要藉由打造品牌而建立競爭優勢。媒體應如何打造品牌?為了有系統地了解媒體品牌的要素和建立的過程,我們有必要將品牌權益(brand equity)的理論和實務做些印證。 本研究採個案研究法,將品牌深受肯定的天下雜誌當作研究對象,探討如何找出最能有效解釋並引導企業建立品牌權益的理論模型,並探討品牌權益各變項中,哪些變項對媒體品牌最重要。研究發現Keller的「以顧客為基礎的品牌權益」模型(CBBE),結構和邏輯非常清楚,探討的面向嚴密而完整,因而能有效解釋並引導企業建立品牌。 根據Keller的CBBE理論,建立一個強勢品牌需要進行四個步驟的工作:一是用品牌顯著性建立品牌認同,也就是讓消費者認識「你是誰」(Who Are You?)。二是創造品牌內涵,就是讓消費者知道「你有什麼內涵」(What Are You?),其中分為品牌表現和品牌想像。三是引導消費者對品牌產生反應,知道「你有多優秀?」(What About You?),分為消費者評價和感覺。四是建立合適的消費者和品牌的關係,創造品牌共鳴(Relationships: What About You and Me?),這會表現在忠誠的行為、態度上的依賴、社群感和積極參與。 運用這個架構,可以很清楚地看出天下雜誌如何打造出強勢品牌。從清晰的品牌宗旨出發,天下雜誌以「具有人文關懷的財經雜誌」為特色,在建立品牌識別系統、創造品牌內涵上做的很紮實,不隨波逐流,堅持積極、前瞻、放眼天下的報導態度,走一條自己的路,結果順利引導消費者對品牌產生正面反應,不但消費者評價高,對品牌的感覺也很強烈,最後創造出高度品牌共鳴。 本研究也發現,品牌個性對媒體打造品牌很重要。天下雜誌具有「能力」和「真誠」的品牌個性,因而能有效吸引一群有理想性、熱愛學習的讀者和廣告客戶,形成具有歸屬感的社群,27年來持續發揮社會影響力。但面對網路2.0時代,讀者需要更多的參與,和更具創意的多元接觸,天下雜誌的品牌個性可能必須用不同的方式來詮釋和加強,例如在網站上設計更多活動,或嘗試邀請部落客進駐網站,帶動更多網友的參與和討論。甚至在網路上徵求讀者的意見,作為雜誌選擇報導議題的參考等。 / Being a kingdom of OEM for several decades, Taiwan has just begun to build its own brand. But as competition gets fierce and profits are squeezed, branding becomes more and more important for Taiwanese companies. Media industry, which is crucial in the advancement of society, has experienced severe revenue shrinkage in recent years, so branding has also become an imperative to increase its competitiveness. To find out how a media company could build up its brand, we need to consult major theories in brand equity and compare them with practices been taken in the industry. This research uses the technique of case-study analysis. Using the widely acclaimed CommonWealth Magazine as the case to be studied, it is aimed at finding out the most suitable brand equity model to explain how a strong media brand is built, and what variables are most important in this process. We found that the Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) by Kevin Keller can best explain the way to build a strong brand, because it is solid and logical in its structure, and is comprehensive in the aspects it covers. According to the CBBE model, there are four steps in building a brand: 1. Ensure identification of the brand with customers, and let customers know “Who are you?” 2. Firmly establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers, and let customers know “What are you?” 3. Elicit the proper customer responses to this brand identification and brand meaning, and let customers know “What about you?” 4. Convert brand response to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between customers and the brand, and let customers know “What about you and me?” Using this model as a reference, we can see clearly how CommonWealth Magazine has developed a strong brand. Ever since its establishment, CommonWealth has strived to create a business magazine with a spirit of humanity. The name “CommonWealth” represents its mission to make a better society. It has been very mindful in building its brand identity and brand meaning, insisting on a positive, outward looking and forward looking approach, and has thus created positive brand response and high loyalty from its readers. This research also finds that brand personality plays an important role in brand building. With a perceived personality of competence and sincerity, CommonWealth has successfully attracted a large readership characteristic of being idealistic and always eager to learn. A community of loyal readers and long-time advertisement clients has thus been formed over the past 27 years, supporting CommonWealth to become one of the most influential magazines in Taiwan. But with the advent of Web 2.0, people are requiring more interaction with media and are looking for creative and diversified media contacts. Therefore CommonWealth Magazine needs to interpret its brand personality in a different way, such as providing more on-line activities, openly soliciting story ideas from readers, or inviting bloggers to write on its website, so as to involve and engage more readers.


鄭雅如, Cheng, Ya-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為驗證台灣股市是否存在價格持續性或盈餘持續性的現象;再驗證不同股票投資風格(如大型股與小型股、成長型股票與價值型股票),加上價格持續性組成投組後是否也存在動能持續現象;價格持續性和盈餘持續性是否相關;以及加入盈餘品質後,價格持續性及盈餘的持續的效果如何,並依此建構投資策略,測試是否可以在台灣股市獲取超額報酬。 本研究的實證結果可歸納為以下4點: 一、台灣股市存在股價動能效果及盈餘動能效果。 過去六個月表現好的投組,未來6個月及1年都有較佳的表現,投組形成後4年,即有明顯的回歸平均的現象。未預期盈餘高的投組在未來6個月到4年的報酬率都較高。不論是價格持續性或盈餘持續性,投組形成後6個月的動能持續現象較強,因此投組形成後1年的持續效果可能來自前6個月的貢獻。至於分析師盈餘預測修正幅度,投組形成後正向修正幅度大的投組,未來的股價表現反而不佳,統計檢定的效果也不顯著,顯示國內若要以分析師對盈餘預測的修正幅度來做為盈餘持續性的代理變數,盈餘預測的品質還尚待加強。 二、權益帳面價值對市值比及市值與價格持續性的關係。 權益價值對市值比較高的價值型股票及市值較小的小型股,未來報酬的表現情形都較成長股及大型股佳,且過去6個月表現好的投組,未來的表現也比較好。但在投資大型股時,過去6個月報酬影響未來報酬程度較大。 三、價格持續性與盈餘持續性的關係。 標準化後未預期盈餘高的投組表現通常會比較好,但未預期盈餘低且過去6個月報酬率高的投組,仍有可能會替投資人帶來極高的報酬。 四、盈餘品質與價格持續性及盈餘持續性的關係。 盈餘品質(EQ)高的投組通常表現會比較好,但不論EQ高低,短期價格及盈餘持續性現象都存在。而EQ較低的股票,之後一但股票報酬持續表現良好,投資人也會修正對該公司的評價,有過度反應的情形發生,導致未來的報酬率較高。

國際品牌授權稀釋效果之研究 / The Diluting Effect of International Brand Licensing

邱纓琇, YingHsiu Chiu(Sophia Chiu) Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討消費者對品牌延伸與品牌授權產品的評估,以及採用品牌延伸與品牌授權策略對原品牌權益的稀釋效果。本研究主要包括三部份:第一,探討「消費者對原品牌的認知與評價」、「產品特徵相似性」、「品牌概念一致性」、「製造商技術移轉能力/被授權台灣廠商之產銷能力」、「延伸/授權產品之產品知識」等變數如何影響消費者對品牌延伸與品牌授權產品的評估;第二,評估品牌延伸與品牌授權對原品牌權益的影響;第三,比較品牌延伸與品牌授權對新產品評估以及原品牌權益影響的差異。   經由過去文獻探討,本研究提出品牌延伸與品牌授權評估之一般化數學模型,並簡化模型進行實證研究。在研究設計上,以原品牌產品相對價格、產品適合延伸與授權的程度為依據,採取3 (Nike運動鞋/Cartier珠寶/Nokia手機)×2(適合/不適合延伸與授權之產品類別)×2(品牌延伸/品牌授權)的實驗設計,將研究情境分為12組,分組探討新產品的評估及對原品牌權益之影響,並比較採用品牌延伸與品牌授權時,消費者對延伸與授權產品的評估是否有差異,以及採用品牌延伸與品牌授權對原品牌權益之影響是否有差異。   研究結果發現:第一,當消費者對原品牌的認知與評價愈高、產品特徵相似性愈高、品牌概念一致性愈高、製造商技術移轉能力愈強/被授權廠商之產銷能力愈強、延伸/授權產品知識愈缺乏時,消費者對延伸/授權產品有較正面的評估。第二,消費者對延伸與授權產品的接受程度會影響其對原品牌的評價,兩者具正向關係。第三,消費者對延伸產品與授權產品的評估,兩者無顯著差異。第四,消費者對新產品的接受程度對原品牌權益的影響,不會因為採用延伸或授權而有所差異。   由研究結果可知,採用品牌延伸與品牌授權策略,消費者對新產品的評估及對原品牌權益的影響並無顯著差異,因此知名品牌的廠商在利用該品牌的品牌權益時,只需以品牌擁有者的角度,選擇總成本最低與效益較高的策略即可。此外,在推出新產品時,要盡量選擇產品特徵相似性高、品牌概念一致性高、目標顧客缺乏主觀產品知識的產品類別,且廠商有能力產銷該產品,才能獲得品牌延伸或品牌授權極大化之原品牌權益。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 品牌權益 6 第二節 品牌授權 10 第三節 品牌延伸 15 第四節 由消費者角度探討品牌延伸的評估 25 第五節 品牌授權與品牌延伸的比較 41 第六節 來源國形象 45 第三章 研究方法 49 第一節 一般化模型的建立 49 第二節 研究架構 51 第三節 研究假設 53 第四節 研究設計 57 第五節 各項變數的定義與衡量 62 第六節 問卷設計與抽樣方法 65 第七節 資料分析方法 68 第四章 研究結果 69 第一節 樣本結構 69 第二節 信度與效度分析 72 第三節 品牌延伸之分析 75 第四節 品牌授權之分析 97 第五節 品牌延伸與品牌授權之比較 119 第五章 結論與建議 129 第一節 研究結論與討論 129 第二節 研究貢獻 142 第三節 研究限制 147 第四節 後續研究方向 148 參考文獻 150 中文文獻 150 英文文獻 151 附錄 158 附錄一:產品知識與涉入程度之相關分析 158 附錄二:預試問卷 160 附錄三:正式問卷 162 附錄四:延伸與授權的合併分析 171 附錄五:相關係數表 175

金融產業結構及經營效率與獲利能力之關聯性研究 / The Profit-Structure Relationship in Banking-Tests of Market-Power and Efficient-Structure Hypothesis

楊慧敏, Yang, Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
銀行獲利能力影響因素的研究上,有以個體觀點出發的市場力量(market power)理論,其中一個假說為結構-行為-績效(S-C-P)假說,其認為整體產業結構之市場集中度愈高,銀行將有較高的獲利率,另一假說為相對市場力量(RMP)假說,該假說認為個別銀行市場占有率較高,獲利能力亦較高;以總體觀點出發的效率結構(efficiency structure)理論,其中一假說為以X-efficiency為出發點之管理效率結構(ESX)假說,其認為公司較佳的管理效率,將提高公司獲利能力,另一假說為規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說,該假說認為個別銀行藉規模經濟的達成、降低成本提高利潤。   本研究根據國內外相關文獻,參考國內金融環境的變化、公民營型態的不同,收集民國70年至83年上市、上櫃及公開發行共34家商業銀行之相關資料,將樣本做不同的分組,觀察金融產業結構及經營效率與獲利能力是否具關聯性。實證結果如下:   一、以ROA為獲利能力指標之實證結果   1. 70至83年之所有銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說成立,市場占有率(MS)與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。   2. 70至83年之公營銀:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立,管理效率(XEFF)亦有相當影響力。   3. 70至83年之民營銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、相對市場力量(RMP)假說、管理效率結構(ESX)假說成立。   4. 70至80年之所有銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說成立,市場占有率(MS)與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。   5. 81至83年之所有銀行:無解釋能力。   6. 70至80年之公營銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說成立,市場占有率(MS)與ROA為負向關係、上達顯著水準,與預期不符。   7. 70至80年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說成立,效率值與ROA呈負向關係。   8. 81至83年之公營銀行:市場集中度較具解釋力(與ROA為負向關係),但亦未達顯著水準。   9. 81至83年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說成立。   二、以ROE為獲利能力指標之實證結果   1. 70至83年之所有銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、相對市場力量(RMP)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立,管理效率(XEFF)亦有相當影響力。   2. 70至83年之公營銀行:管理效率結構(ESX)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立。   3. 70至83年之民營銀行:結構-行為-績效(SCP)假說、相對市場力量(RMP)假說成立。   4. 70至80年之所有銀行:無解釋能力。   5. 81至83年之所有銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說。規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立。   6. 70至80年之公營銀行:無解釋能力。   7. 70至80年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說、規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立,但管理效率(XEFF)與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。   8. 81至83年之公營銀行:市場集中度(CONC)與ROE負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不符。   9. 81至83年之民營銀行:相對市場力量(RMP)假說。規模經濟效率結構(ESS)假說成立。

管理能力,股權重組,公司治理與經營績效關聯性之研究 / Ability, Restructuring Ownership Relationship , Corporate Governance and Performance

王睦舜, Wang,Mu Shun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討股權重組活動對公司治理的影響,以及股權重組與公司治理程度是否會影響經營績效。多角化原為企業增強經濟效率、發揮綜效的策略,但近年來發現,企業多角化有折價的現象。又諸多折價現象中,發現企業產生了內部價值衝突的狀況。推敲折價現象的發生,可能與管理者能力有關,當組織越廣大而多層下,管理能力不堪負荷企業的經營效率將因為業務種類越廣而降低。 從臺灣的個案訪談中,了解到小股東對分割宣告的態度多為保守而疑慮的,未若歐美文獻所探討的對股東財富具有正面的激勵。因此,本研究探討股權重組所欲達成的目的是否對公司治理有正面的幫助,並進一步以子公司的上市為基準點,討論上市前管理能力、公司治理與股權重組目的之前是否具備關聯性,並研究上市後股權重組目的、公司治理與經營績效之前是否具備關聯性。 主要貢獻如下: 1. 股權重組是企業從多角化走向分權、業務單純化的程序,股權重組有 利於讓外部投資人減少資訊不對稱的困境,在分別評價不同性質企業下,有助於回復多角化折價所失去的價值。 2. 管理能力隨著企業的發展,會提高或降低。管理者表現不佳未必要以撤換管理者為唯一手段,且要提高管理者努力程度也不盡然是以設計良好的獎酬制度,原因可能是內部資源配置不佳,而股權重組是協助企業改善內部資本市場缺乏效率性的重要手段。 3. 股權重組是讓單一實體企業創建兩個獨立的企業個體,他會引進新得股東、外部專家與讓管理者更可直接接受外部市場評價,股權重組是否可讓企業更進一步地改善公司治理結構或減少盈餘管理現象,仍有賴企業分割的真實目的。在臺灣,資產分割對股東財富的影響為負效果,有別於歐美資本市場;權益分割雖為正的財富效果,但反應也不如歐美市場的表現。 4. 管理能力與公司治理表現會影響股權重組的推動,股權重組的目的與公司治理的表現會影響經營績效。 / 1.Ownership Restructuring Relationships Equity Carveouts and Spin-offs were called “Ownership Restructuring Relationships”. Equity Carveouts are usually followed by spin-offs. Spin-offs are more often associated with controlled subsidiaries. In a spin-off, a company distributes on a pro rata basis all the shares it owns in a subsidiary to its own shareholders. Two separate public corporations with the same proportional equity ownership now exist where only one existed before. Equity Carveouts means “ A company sells up to 20% of the stock of a segment to raise funds followed by a tax-free spin-off. Spin-offs are distinguished from equity carveouts, in which some of a subsidiariy’s shares are offered for sale to the general public, bringing an infusion of cash to the parent firm without loss of control. In any cases, management may seek to split the company into small pieces through a series of restructuring techniques. Including initial equity carveouts and subsequent spin-offs. 2.Wants Taiwan listed Companies have incurred on conflict between subsidiaries in recent years. They usually take the step of Restructuring ownership relationship to approach their strategy, we exploring the cause and consequence among financial strategy, corporate governance and performance. The purpose of this paper is to explore the decision whether can impact on ability of manager or not. First, to develop a new path is main contribution in Corporate Governance. Second, to enhance the diversified field referred as Governance. Third, Which can increasing wealth of owner at the issue of spin-offs and carveouts in Taiwan. Fourth, After enacted the decision, What effect are their needs and the relationship between strategy and performance? 3.Literature Review (1)Restructure Several studies have examined the market reaction to the announcement of carve-outs (Schipper and Smith, 1986) and spin-offs (Hite and Owers,1983;Miles and Rosenfeld,1983; and Schipper and Smith,1983) These studies demonstrate that the announcement of a corporate spin-off or carve-out is associated with positive stock price movements in the parents’ stock. The continuity of ownership in a spin-off implies that any subsequent changes in value from the reorganization accure to the existing shareholders of the parent corporation. Galai and Masulis claim spin-offs may erode the position of the bondholders causing a wealth transfer from bondholders to stock holders while leaving the value of the firm unchanged. Schipper and Smith also contend that the creation of publicly-traded firms results in new information sources which enable shareholders to more closely monitor the activities of managers, thereby reducing agency costs and enhancing shareholder wealth. The asset focus explanation has viewed spin-offs as improving the focus of a firm, thus serving to remedy the loss of focus inherent in a diversified conglomerate. (2)Restructure and owners wealth A significant positive stock price reaction was surrounding spin-off announcements. The source of the gains in spin-offs, however, is difficult to identify and validate. Authors have argued that spin-offs:  Mitigate an unwieldy organizational structure by increasing focus.  Enhance contracting efficiency  Reduce regulatory or tax constraints  Reduce information asymmetries regarding the operatons of parent firms  Are possible corrections of acquisition mistake.  Improve managers’ incentives to maximize shareholder wealth in spun-off firms. Allen et al(1995)also document an inverse relation between the gains to spin-offs and losses associated with prior takeovers of those units by the parent firm. Krishnaswami and Subramaniam(1999) find that information symmetries in parent firms are positively related to the excess stock returns around spin-off announcements. While Daley, Methrotra, and Sivakumar(1997)report that focus-increasing spin-offs earn higher announcement-period excess stock returns relative to spin-offs that do not increase focus. Cusatis, Miles, and Woolridge(1993)find that the market for corporate control has historically played a major role in the wealth gains to shareholders of firms involved in spin-offs. The sources of the increasing in shareholder wealth which accompanying the announcement of a corporate spin-off. However, are not apparent. Hite and Owers(1983) and Schipper ;and Smith(1983) document that shareholder gains are related to neither wealth transfer from other financial claimants nor to the beneficial resolution of inefficient legal to regulatory contractual relationships. (3) Information Asymmetry and Restructuring Practitioners and the popular press usually propose an information-related motivation for spin-offs. CEO of most firms involved in spin-offs claim that the spin-off improves the firm’s market value because investors are able to perceive value more clearly after the spin-off. As information asymmetry hypothesis that a spin-offs increasing value. because it mitigates the information asymmetry in the market about the profitability and operating efficiency of the different divisions of the firm. Several studies have empirically analyzed the source of shareholder gains around spin-offs. We may be classified as follow: (i) transfer of wealth from bondholders to shareholders. (ii) tax and regulatory advantages, (iii)restructuring of incentive contracts synergies hypothesis has received broad empirical support. As spin-offs transform a shingle firm into many firms that have separate stock market listings, they increase the number of traded securities and make the price system more imformative. (4) Internal Capital Market The relative efficiency of internal and external capital market transactions is a critical element in defining the boundaries of the firm. Mackie-Mason(1990) says that internal capital markets are an empirically important mechanism by which capital is allocated across and within lines of business. Alchian(1969) and Williamson(1970) argue that internal capital markets are more efficient than external markets because corporate headquarters is likely to be better informed than external suppliers of capital about investment opportunities. Meyer, Milgrom and Roberts (1992), Wulf(1997), Rajan et al(2000) and Scharfstein and Stein(2000) argue that rent seeking by division al managers can distort the functioning of internal capital markets, inducing corporate headquarters to allocate excessive capital to divisions with poor investment opportunities where rent-seeking incentives are strongest. Shin and Stulz(1998) evidence that when capital is reallocated across divisions, it does not seem to go in any systematic way to the divisions with the better investment opportunities. (5) Governance and Restructuring While a well-functioning system of corporate governance and control should contribute to the development of competitive advantage, internal control practices may not always operate effectively. The restructuring of the U.S. economy that followed this century’s fourth merger wave can be seen as inefficiencies associated with firms’ pursuit of financial self-sufficiently and conglomerate diversification. Having said this, the work on internal control is limited in two ways. First, there have been few studies that consider director attributes, as well as the identity and compensation of CEOs simultaneously. Most work considers each as a topic worthy of its own investigation. Of course, these CEO and director attributes all comprise interrelated aspects of internal corporate control. And second, While Walsh and Seward (1990) acknowledged that a voluntary corporate restructuring could be seen as an attribute of internal control. Relatively little empirical work has been done on the topic within a governance and control framework. Our goal is to examine the relationship between a voluntary corporate restructuring and the more traditional internal corporate control mechanisms identifies by Walsh and Seward (1990). 4. Research Design (1)Hypothesis H1: The Goal of Restructuring Ownership Relationship is positive related with enhancing Degree of Corporate Governance; also is positive related with reduce Earning Management. H1-1: A predictable variable is reducing diversification which has positive related with the share-hold-ratio increasing in institutional investor. H1-2: The more forecast error from analysts, the less do add-up share hold-ratio from institutional investor; also the more is earning management from managers. H1-3: Earning quality increasing is positive related with institutional investor add-up their holds; also is positive related with manager decreasing their earning management. H1-4: Capital Expenditure decreasing is positive related with institutional investor add-up their holds; also is positive related with manager decreasing their earning management. H2: Restructuring Ownership Relationship can enforce the structure of subsidiaries’ governance, also loft the ability of top management. H2-1: If Insider Trading Index is lower at the subsidiaries after restructuring, the relationship with reducing agency cost is positive. H2-2: Board is positive related with reducing the agency cost. H2-3: The more influence power index is, the less agency costs are at subsidiaries’ restructuring. H3: Announcement is positive related with wealth effect. H3-1: announcement has positive abnormal return during event window. H3-2: Spin-off has negative accumulate abnormal return during announcement. Carveout have positive accumulate abnormal return during announcement. H3-3: the long-term in wealth effect which after restructure is superior to before restructure. H4: Among governance, restructuring and performance have positive relationship. H5: the performance means after restructure is superior to before restructure. (2)Event study The original sample consisted of 101 firms parent companies had spun-off subsidiary common stock to their shareholders over the period 1990 to 2005, and either sample consisted of 79 firms parent companies had carved-out subsidiary common stock to outsiders. The mean adjusted return approached was used to compute abnormal returns. Recent evidence by Masulis(1994) as well as the more sophisticated market models in detecting abnormal performance when it is present. To determine the adjusted daily returns of a security, the average daily return over specified interval, the comparison period return(CPR), it taken as an estimate of the expected daily return for the period under study, the observaton period adjusted returns are then computed by subtracting the CPR from the daily return over the observation period. The CPR for the current study is based upon the average daily return from day –210 through day –21, the observation period extends from day –10 through day +10 using the following formula: a. Average standard abnormal return:ASR= 。 b. Accumulated standard abnormal return: CASR= 。 (3) Logistical regress model We will test the relationship between goal of restructuring and governance to use the method in logistical model. Because the binary variables can catch add or deduct from institutional investor. Institutional investor may be proxy variable of enforce structure of Corporate governance that is depended variable by us. In addition to proxy of governance, We select another depend variable which is transparency on finance to be a proxy variable of earning management in stead of agency cost. If hold-stock-ratio is adding means the structure is better in the wholly year. And if transparency-on-finance is deducting means the cost is saver in the wholly year. Through binary variable to test the relationship is worse than multi-regression model, we only want to know the meaning whether restructuring of owner relationship is function of corporate governance to find the effect on financial decision. Suppose that the strong relationship is existed between restructuring and governance, hence, we will explore relationships among governance, restructuring and performance in advance. (4) Simultaneous Equation model If ability can impact on financial decision and producing effect indirectly on governance, how do governance and performance can impact on financial decision? There are many papers to discuss the efficient of internal capital market where were related with governance and performance from inference. The evidence-paper is scarcity and also non-suitable on Taiwan. We Seemingly see the consequence is well between variables, their relationship may be interact to display on cause and consequence. 5. Conclusion (1) We get a strong evidence to support the goal can influence on governance. Institutional investors need the sign to adjust their stock and join the better governance. (2) To approve the refocusing hypothesis those improve the performance and manager’s ability. Their purpose of taking the corporate restructure is not only owner wealth but also to modulate the internal resource on conglomerate. (3) Spin-offs is difference from carve out on wealth effect from announcement period. But they also have the common effect is positive on announce day. Spin-offs have negative abnormal return prior to announcement and carve out have positive abnormal return through announce day. Our conclusion is different from west papers. (4) Ownership structure have influence on performance, Suppose that highly controlled parent company get more inflow than lower controlled parent company, in the meaning of controlling shareholder or block holders will influence on performance and ability of manager through corporate restructure.

併購成長策略個案分析-以大聯大控股公司為例 / A Case Study on the M&A Strategy of the WPG Holding

吳永昌, Wu, Yung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於全球半導體產業已趨成熟,全球半導體通路商之間的競爭也越來越白熱化,越來越多家半導體通路商藉由企業併購,進行所代理產品線的互補、技術整合與併購後的企業資源整合,進而產生併購綜效(Synergy),以達半導體通路商的經濟規模,才足以持續保有競爭力。 本研究藉由大聯大控股公司的併購策略,持續保持競爭力,以及併購後所產生綜效作為研究對象,針對未來半導體通路商產業的全球佈局之策略參考,在面對全球景氣循環不佳環境下,半導體通路商毛利率越來越低情況下,如何思考通路商的營運策略、通路商的價值與市場定位,尋求全球戰略佈局,發揮企業的核心價值與核心競爭力。在其併購前之充分準備、規劃與決定併購方式,併購後如何持續做好經營管理,組織設計與調整組織..等做完整分析,從中找出『半導體通路商之核心能力、併購戰略與整合佈局』等交互關係。 研究說明併購前應有的考慮事項如:環境評估、競爭策略方向、白地策略、價值鏈加值、併購後之系統整合、資源整合、組織的設計創新、經營管理制度創新..等因素,供相關企業於併購前後可採取之策略參考,圓滿達成併購績效目標,並達到預期併購綜效,符合股東期望。 本案例研究結果歸納出下列重點: 1.併購前首重交易前之準備階段(即評估併購目標公司和制定整併計畫)。 2.挑選併購對象時,相關併購所創造的價值比無相關併購要來得高。 3.周詳的整合計畫與管理機制,是實現併購綜效的主要關鍵。 4.留住關鍵人才是確保企業併購成功的重要基石。 5.併購後,如何消彌兩家企業間文化差異,是合併後經營成敗的關鍵因素。 6.併購後保留雙方的優良企業文化,再循序漸進轉化成新的企業願景、文化。 7.藉由不斷的溝通協調,建立共識,設定目標,資源整合等,才可以提升綜效。 8.設計新組織架構、新的營運與管理模式,讓併購綜效延續,持續保有競爭力。 9.階段性組織調整與經營策略調整,並配合上游供應商策略,是半導體通路商重要成功關鍵因素。 10.依併購對象規模條件決定,小公司由子集團併購,大公司由控股公司併購。 / In view of the mature global semiconductor industry, more and more intense competition between the global semiconductor distributor, a growing number of semiconductor distributors through mergers and acquisitions, product line agent complementary, technology integration, mergers and acquisitions, enterprise resource integration, and thus produce a net synergistic effect (synergy), to achieve the economies of scale of the semiconductor distributor, enough to sustain their competitiveness. By WPG Holdings company's acquisition strategy, the study continued to remain competitive and generate synergies after the acquisition as an object of study for future semiconductor distributors industry's and global distribution strategy reference, the poor in the face of the global business cycle environment, getting lower and lower gross profit margin in the semiconductor distributors, how to think about the operating strategy of the distributor, distributor’s value and market positioning, seeking global strategic layout, play to the company's core values and core competitiveness. Fully prepared in the pre-merger planning and decision mergers and acquisitions, post-merger continued good business management, organizational design and adjust the organization. Do a complete analysis, to find out the core competencies of the semiconductor distributors, M & A strategy and integration layout and other interactive relationship. Study shows that pre-merger due considerations such as: environmental assessment, direction of competitive strategy, Seizing the white space strategy, value chain, value-added, M & A system integration, integration of resources, organization design innovation, management system innovation. And other factors, for related enterprises can be taken before and after the M & A strategy reference, the successful completion of the merger and acquisition performance objectives, and achieve the expected synergistic gains, in line with the expectations of shareholders. This case study results are summarized to the following priorities: 1. Preparation phase before the first heavy trading in the pre-merger (ie, assessment of the M & A target company and the development of the whole and plans). 2. Selection of acquisition targets, the value of mergers and acquisitions are creating related to mergers and acquisitions to come. 3. Comprehensive integration planning and management mechanism, which is the key to achieve synergistic gains. 4. Retain key personnel to ensure that the cornerstone of success of mergers and acquisitions. 5. After the merger, and how to eliminate a key factor in business success of the cultural differences between the two companies merged. 6. After the merger, to retain both excellent corporate culture, and then step-by-step into the new corporate vision, culture. 7. By continuous communication and coordination, consensus-building, goal setting, resource integration, can enhance the synergy. 8. The design of the new organizational structure, the new operation and management mode, make a merger synergy continuation, continued to stay competitive. 9. Phased organizational restructuring and business strategy adjustment, and in line with the strategy of vendor suppliers are the semiconductor distributor important critical success factors. 10. Conditions in accordance with the scale of acquisition targets decided, a small company by the sub-group mergers and acquisitions, and large companies by the holding company mergers and acquisitions.

公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為之關係探討 / The relationships among corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizenship behavior

黃麗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解企業內部品牌行銷的四個重要因素:公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為之間的關係。希望以品牌服務人員的角度針對此議題進行研究。本研究以問卷調查的量化方式衡量品牌服務人員對於公司品牌管理、品牌導向人力資源管理、員工為基礎品牌權益、品牌公民行為的認知情形。之後以迴歸方法進行分析,探討上述變數之間的關係。本研究獲得下列結論: 一、本研究確認公司品牌管理對品牌導向人力資源管理有顯著且正面的關係。故公司品牌管理必須採用品牌導向人力資源管理來塑造員工對企業品牌的認知。 二、本研究確認品牌導向人力資源管理對員工為基礎品牌權益有顯著且正面的關係。故當企業採用品牌導向人力資源管理時,可以提昇員工為基礎品牌權益。 三、本研究確認員工為基礎品牌權益對品牌公民行為有顯著且正面的關係。故當員工為基礎品牌權益高時,員工會成為企業品牌的擁護者與守護者,而在替顧客服務時,會主動思考品牌的利益,而無條件的展現對於品牌的正面態度與行為,即展現品牌公民行為。 / This study investigates the relationship between four critical factors of internal brand marketing, including corporate branding, brand-centered HRM, employee-based brand equity, and brand citizen behavior. This study is designed to use quantitative method to understand the cognition of four factors from brand service personnel. Then, regression analysis is used to investigate the relationship between four factors. This study finally draws three conclusions. First, there is a positive relationship between corporate branding and brand-centered HRM. Thus, the corporate should consider to adopt brand-centered HRM to educate employees when it decides to use corporate branding strategy. Second, there is a positive relationship between brand-centered HRM and employee-based brand equity. Thus, the corporate could enhance employee-based brand equity when it adopts brand-centered HRM. Third, there is a positive relationship between employee-based brand equity and brand citizen behavior. Thus, if employee-based brand equity is significant, brand service personnel may act positive brand citizen behavior voluntarily.

考量隨機回復率與風險因子承載係數之CDO評價模型 / Pricing CDO with random recovery rate and random factor loading

李慎, Li, Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Amraoui & Hitier (2008)隨機回復率模型(BNP model)以及Andersen and Sidenius(2004)隨機風險因子承載係數模型(RFL model)為基礎,進行對分劵信用價差、債劵群組累積損失機率分配,以及對基準違約相關係數的影響等分析。我們發現當回復率改成動態後可以反映更多系統風險,權益分劵信用價差絕大多數都會下降。在累積損失機率分配方面加入BNP後變為較平滑;改用RFL則會使機率分配在小額損失處又產生一次起伏;同時考量BNP與RFL會使小額損失發生機率減少、極端損失機率增加。實作三組市場資料時,發現不管市場違約機率高或低,共同考慮BNP與RFL的模型在四個模型中是最適合擬和市價的,顯示在市價的校準上有更多彈性,特別是在承擔名目本金60~100%先償分劵的校準上只有共同考慮BNP與RFL的模型能發揮功效。

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