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團結與康莊:越南的勞動輸出政策及其社會發展意涵 / Đoàn kết and Khang trang:The Policy of Labor Export and Its Significance in Social Development in Vietnam

張書銘, Chang, Shu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文的章節架構與寫作層次,基本上就是為了回答研究問題:「越南勞動輸出政策的實質內容是什麼,為何它可以有效地運作?」這一切得以有效運作就是因為國家透過「團結」(đoàn kết)的知識生產將國家民族、農村文化、家庭倫理連貫起來,唯有團結的國家、農村和家庭,個人才有存在的價值,這也是移工自我管理技術的根源。勞動輸出政策便是透過國家、農村和家庭三位一體的團結論述使之與移工主體接合,以形塑出具有生產性的移工主體。而「康莊」(khang trang)指的就是,越南勞動輸出政策下經濟成長和社會發展相結合,所帶來的消除貧窮與地方發展的具體表現。 第二章主要是描述「勞動輸出的歷史過程與跨國移工的形成」。1986年底越南共產黨決議實行革新(đổi mới)之後,國家的政治與經濟制度轉向商品市場化,革新的內容是「社會主義定向市場經濟」。國家因為開放私人資本,導致所有權多種型態的出現,國營企業不再是國家主要的經濟部門,各種新的經濟機會因而出現。結構上的政治經濟制度變遷帶來經濟機會的出現和戶籍制度的鬆動,農村內部的長子繼承制和農民土地的喪失,形成了一股將農民推向跨國勞動輸出的出路。革新之後,勞動輸出政策作為一項重要和長期的發展策略,是有助於國家的工業化和現代化,初期成果除了解決部分國內就業問題,也為國家增加稅收與外匯,因此在政府全力推動政策下,海外勞工的數量不斷成長。 第三章主要是討論「國家對跨國移工主體的治理」。「國家―移工」間的權力關係不全然是傳統上由國家支配一切的權力關係,而是一種Foucault指涉的牧養權力關係,是建立在各種微觀運作機制之上。這部分先討論巨觀的國家勞動輸出政策,側重在國家制訂的各種法律和規範,並且指出勞動輸出政策可以有效運作的第一個制度安排是:「勞動出口公司」,這些勞動出口公司的功能和性質儼然就是國家管理的一環。第二個制度安排是:「基層代理人」,農村基層幹部的多重身份是涵蓋國家與社會部門(例如身兼共黨、政府和祖國陣線等群眾組織幹部),透過上下互相隸屬的職務關係(例如身兼村長和社黨委或是身兼村老人會主席和社老人會常委),結合地方和家庭的社會資本連帶,成為國家政策在基層推動的堅定基礎。 第四章主要分析了「勞動輸出下的跨國移工與社會發展」。越南勞動輸出政策的成功,不僅是從經濟成長方面來肯定它的,也是因為與社會發展的結合,具體表現出來的就是消除貧窮的政策目標。國家優先選送貧窮縣地區的政策對象出國工作,希望將經濟成長的果實分配到貧窮地區,落實越南社會主義國家的團結(đoàn kết)互助理念。海外移工透過匯款remittance和返鄉return home,為地方帶來各式各樣的發展型態,例如:匯款活絡了地方金融;蓋房子不僅改善了個人健康衛生,也創造許多地方就業機會;增加子女教育投資;有更充裕的資金進行微型創業等。 對移工及其家庭來說,勞動輸出政策可以增加收入、投資子女教育、改善衛生健康、降低生存風險、增加儲蓄、促進微型創業等;對農村來說,可以消除貧窮、減少社福支出、增進基礎建設、活絡地方金融等;對國家來說,可以為國家賺取外匯、解決國內就業問題、提升人力資本和融入國際社會等。在國家鼓勵勞動輸出的政策下,地方上的黨支部書記、村長、祖國陣線各組織幹部等莫不以此為發展地方的可行方式。在政府機關、基層幹部和移工及其家庭眼中,勞動輸出政策無疑是一條邁向繁榮經濟、消除貧窮和改善生活的「康莊大道」。 / The key research question of this dissertation is: ‘What is the substance of Vietnam’s labor-export policy and why it works effectively?’. To summarize my findings, the policy of labor export works through ‘đoàn kết’ (the notion of solidarity) that denotes one’s value is based on one’s family, village, and nation. For Vietnamese migrant workers, ‘đoàn kết’ becomes the core of self-management and shapes them into productive subjects. Vietnam’s labor-export policy thus makes articulation with its migrant workers. Furthermore, ‘khang trang’ (thriving villages), under the labor-export policy, means economic growth, social development, poverty elimination, and local development. Firstly, the historical process of labor export and the formation of transnational migrant workers are described. The ‘đổi mới’ (Renovation Policy) had drawn up market economy under socialist direction that implemented by the Communist Party of Vietnam at the end of the year 1986. State owned enterprises are no longer the only type of economic entity and there are new economic opportunities for private capital and investments. The household registration and primogeniture system have been loosed. The labor-export policy was carried out as an important and long-term strategy. Meanwhile, the loss of land pushes farmers to find a way out—working overseas. The growing numbers of overseas workers brings help for the country’s industrialization and modernization; the increasing remittances and national revenue also solves some domestic employment problem. Secondly, the governance of migrant workers by the state is discussed. The power relationship between migrant workers and the state is what Foucault has indicated as “pastoral power relationship” basing on micro-mechanism. The macro-perspective of labor export policy is emphasized on the laws and regulations made by the state. There are two important implements for the labor export policy to be effective. One is the ‘Công ty xuất khẩu lao động’ (labor export company) which functions as national administration. The other is ‘grassroots cadre’ who partakes in the political and social departments, and also shares the social capital with locals and family ties. They become the main personnel for promoting the labor-export policy. Thirdly, the transnational migrant workers and social development under the labor-export policy is analyzed. The economic growth and social developments were linked with the successful labor-export policy. The goal of the policy is to eliminate poverty and it works. Based on the notion of ‘đoàn kết’, the workers form poor areas are prioritized to work abroad for improving their income. In addition, overseas remittance from migrant workers brings a wide range of local developments such as increasing consumption, improving the healthy environments, creating employment opportunities, having more money investing on children’s education and starting their own business. In a word, the policy of labor export brings benefits to migrant workers and their families to the villages, and to the nation. This policy is undoubtedly a move that leads to economic prosperity, poverty eliminating and improving the lives of migrant workers.

地方政府城市企業化治理—北京上海文創園區之形塑 / Governance in Urban Entrepreneurialism of Local Government-The Construction of Beijing and Shanghai's Cultural Industries Quarters

曾占旭 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣上市公司總經理更換的宣告效果 / The Announcement Effect of CEO Turnover of Listed Companies in Taiwan

許可姍 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著公司治理議題逐漸受到注意,我國政府制定了許多相關規範以使董事會對於公司管理者的監督功能健全。故本研究希望能藉由股票市場對於公司宣告總經理更換之反應,了解董事會是否發揮監督功能,撤換管理表現不佳的總經理。 本研究以2007年至2011年於證交所公開資訊觀測站之重大訊息公告專區宣告更換總經理之台灣上市公司為研究樣本,透過事件研究法計算個別公司更換總經理的宣告效果。 本研究首先探討市場對公司更換總經理之整體看法為何,再透過複迴歸分析進一步探討更換總經理前公司經營績效的好壞、卸任總經理之在位期間長短、卸任總經理是否離開公司、卸任總經理之持股百分比、董監事持股百分比、獨立董事人數占董事總人數之百分比等因素對宣告效果的影響。 實證結果有以下發現:(一) 更換前公司營運績效好壞對宣告效果有顯著的影響。更換前營運績效佳之公司有負面的宣告效果,更換前營運績效差之公司有正面的宣告效果。(二)更換前營運績效佳的公司,若卸任的總經理在位期間越長,則宣告效果越負面。(三)更換前營運績效差的公司,若卸任的總經理離開公司,則宣告效果比卸任的總經理沒有離開公司還要正面。(四)更換前營運績效差的公司,若原總經理持股百分比越高,則宣告效果越正面。表示對於這些總經理持股百分比高的公司而言,造成公司績效不佳的原因是總經理能力不足,而不是因為存在代理問題。(五)董監事持股百分比對更換總經理的宣告效果沒有顯著的影響。(六)獨立董事占公司董事總人數之百分比越高卻使更換總經理之宣告效果越負面,表示本研究之實證結果不支持獨立董事對更換總經理有正面的影響。 / This research studies the announcement effects of CEO turnovers with a view to understanding the reactions of stocks market toward CEO turnovers, and whether the boards play their role to oversee managers and replace those managers who perform poorly. This research collected samples from Taiwan listed companies who announced CEO turnovers during year 2007 through year 2011 and then calculated announcement effects by event study method. This research first studied the overall viewpoint of the stock market to CEO turnovers and then tried to figure out whether and how corporate operating performance before CEO turnovers, tenure of ex-CEO, whether the ex-CEO leaves the corporate, stock holding percentage of ex-CEO, stock holding percentage of directors and the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for total number of directors influence the announcement effects of CEO turnovers. This research finds that: (1) Companies’ performances before CEO turnover significantly influence the announcement effects. Sub-sample of well-performed companies has negative announcement effects and the sub-sample of poorly-performed companies has positive announcement effects. (2) For well-performed companies, the longer the tenure of ex-CEO, the more negative the announcement effect is. (3) For poor-performed companies, the announcement effect of companies whose ex-CEO leaves the company is more positive than those whose ex-CEO does not leave the companies. (4) For poorly-performed companies, the higher the ex-CEO stock holding percentage, the more positive the announcement effect is. It means that for those companies whose ex-CEO stock holding percentage is high, it is not agency problem that causes CEO to perform poorly but the lack of the CEO’s ability does. (5) The stock holding percentage of directors does not significantly influence the announcement effect. (6) The higher the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for the total number of directors, the more negative the CEO turnover announcement effect is. This means that the result of this research does not support that independent directors have a positive impact on CEO turnover.

金融機構董監事暨重要職員責任保險之機制 —以強化董事會效能為中心 / The Research on the Directors and officers Liability Insurance of the Financial Institution -- To strengthen the function of the Board of Directors

李雅清 Unknown Date (has links)
目前國際推廣之公司治理制度,非常重視董事會的專業能力,由於董事會是企業的幕後推手,舉凡公司長期策略、經營方向、任免高階主管等重大政策,莫不是董事會的權責,也攸關企業經營成效的良窳,因此如何提升董事會的效能,實為公司治理的共同課題。我國政府於1998年起開始,陸續宣導公司治理之重要性,並推動獨立董事、獨立監察人制度,以及制定符合國情之「上市上櫃公司治理實務守則」,引導國內企業強化公司治理,進而提升國際競爭力。依我國現行相關法令,董事除對公司負有忠實與注意義務外,對於第三人就公司業務之執行,如有違反法令致其受有損害時,對該第三人亦應與公司負連帶賠償之責。由於董事、監察人在人力、時間及所處環境等因素,難免會出現判斷失誤等情況,從而承擔重大的責任與風險,進而影響到部分專業人士擔任獨立董事之意願,董、監事暨重要職員責任保險制度可適時轉移董、監事之風險。故本研究以董、監事暨重要職員責任保險制度的規範為主軸,首先論述我國金融機構-金融控股公司、銀行業、證券商及保險業董、監事主要責任,其次探討對董事會職能的影響,最後對健全公司治理結構與落實公司管控的有效性,提出董、監事暨重要職員責任保險制度予以法制化之建議,以落實公司治理並提升董事會之效能。 / The current proposed company governance structure emphasizes the professional abilities of the board; as the board works behind the scenes of a corporation and is responsible for major policy and strategies such as a company’s long-term strategy, operational direction, hiring and firing high-level managers. These are all decisions that affect an organization’s performance, so improving the capability of the board is a joint issue with corporate governance. Since 1998, the nation’s government has continued to address the importance of corporate governance and promoted structures such as independent boards, independent supervisors, and “publicly traded company corporate governance guidelines” that fit national culture to guide the nation’s corporations in strengthening corporate governance and increasing global competitiveness. According to the nation’s current related legal regulations, the board is responsible for the loyalty and care of the company but also must pay damages to third parties and companies if the company causes damages due to illegal activity. As the board and supervisors may err due to elements such as labor, time, and environmental constraints in shouldering major responsibilities and risks, this has affected the desire for certain professionals to hold board and supervisory positions so critical employee responsibility insurance mechanisms can suitably transfer the risk of board or supervisory members. This study explores critical employee responsibility insurance standards as the main topic by first discussing the main responsibilities of board and supervisory members in the nation’s financial institutions such as financial holding companies, banks, security firms ,and insurance companies. We will then explore the board’s effect towards functions and finally propose suggestions to legalize critical employee responsibility insurance standards that promote healthy corporate governance structures to realize effective management of companies in order to appropriate corporate governance and increase the performance of boards.

從金融控股公司之子公司經營模式論一人公司的公司治理 / A study on the One-Man Company's corporate governance ------ Based on the financial holding company's subsidiary business model

謝青樺 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於近年來伴隨著金融風暴,許多公司因經營不善而倒閉,加 上美國接二連三發生財報不實之弊案,例如:安隆案、美林證券案、 世界通訊案,以及2008 年發生的美國第4 大投資銀行雷曼兄弟因其 自行打造之衍生性金融商品-次級房貸證券風暴,而申請破產保護案 件所引發的全球金融海嘯,使得投資人為之卻步,對於證券市場信心 全失,國際組織及世界各國再度對於公司治理制度之推動,加以重 視,公司治理領域最受矚目的國際組織國際合作暨經濟發展組織陸續 提出公司治理原則。在我國亦發生有博達公司財報不實的弊案,因 此,我國也不落人後,除了已有學者探討公司治理制度之文獻,政府 及相關機構亦積極參與推動公司治理制度,初始係由台灣證券交易所 及櫃檯買賣中心經由其與上市、上櫃公司間之契約,要求公司設置獨 立董事及監察人之席次;其後經由證券交易法之修正,賦予主管機關 發佈相關命令,使得獨立董事有其法律上的地位,繼而引進審計委員 會制度,亦使我國公司法制進入另一個里程盃。 又因近年國內金融機構結構的變化,為了提高個別銀行的市佔 率,達到規模經濟,以具世界競爭力,出現金融控股公司之型態,以 及公司法等相關金融法制之發展,主要係於民國90 年制定之金融控 股公司法,亦使得傳統公司法制面臨改革與挑戰,如股東會、董事會 及監察人三權分立之原狀,為因應金融控股公司之控股性質,及多角 化經營,對於由其百分之百持股之子公司,因該子公司為一人公司, 僅有一個股東,即金融控股公司,因而由董事會代行股東會職權,似 乎瓦解了原三權分立之制衡設計;且一人公司之存在,對於其債權人 或相關利害關係人權益之保護是否足夠,亦有討論空間。 因此,擬從我國金融控股公司及其子公司之經營模式及組成結 構,論及一人公司治理相關議題,期能對於一人公司之債權人或相關 利害關係人權益之維護更佳周延。 關鍵字: 公司治理、獨立董事、審計委員會、金融控股公司、一人公司

電子治理應用於環境管制行政成效評估指標之建立-以環保機關事業廢棄物管制為例 / Estabilishing evaluation indices for the performance of e-governance applied in environmental regulatory administration-a case study of regulation of industrial waste

呂羿潔, Lu, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
透過電子治理的推行與應用,來促成政府資訊公開、服務傳遞、民主參與以及跨域整合為當前政府公共事務管理的重要趨勢;然相較於電子治理應用於公共服務的討論,對於電子治理應用於環境管制行政的檢視與探討卻相對缺乏,但管制政策實為影響社會與民眾深遠的重要政策類型,針對其進行檢視乃當前刻不容緩之議題。是以本研究旨在透過文獻檢閱、深度訪談與實物分析,建構電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效評估架構,希冀藉此提供後續研究一系統性成效評估檢視基礎,來協助評估電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效檢視,並進一步協助管制目的的達成。 本研究結果發現,電子治理應用於環境管制行政應是包含開始的資源投入到結果產出的一系統性之評估,以呈現整體環境管制行政的電子治理應用過程,是以本研究提出包含功能面向(使用易用性、系統整合性、統計功能完整性、系統穩定性、資訊品質)、使用行為面向(使用者感知、使用者類型)、與效益面向(效能、即時性、效率、回應性、正當性)此三大構面的電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效評估架構,並針對各評估次構面進行指標操作化與提出評估設計之建議。 基於前述研究過程與結果,本研究認為應提升對電子治理應用於管制政策的成效評估關注,並透過系統性的評估來探討當前使用情形與待改進之面向,同時,也應重視環境管制行政有別於公共服務而具有的強制性特質,並具有達成重要公共利益的管制目的任務;本研究更針對後續研究,提出透過資訊公開角度、民眾公開參與規劃等角度來檢是電子治理應用於環境管制行政的成效,以臻進電子治理的應用討論以及管制目的與公共利益的達成。


黑田美穗, KURODA MIHO Unknown Date (has links)
改革開放之後,中國國有企業中腐敗貪污行為滋生蔓延。本論文研究之目的在於分析中國「內部人控制問題」之腐敗問題為何出現,並且如何阻止由此造成的損害。本論文從「契約理論」、「委託代理理論」、「產權理論」的角度來考慮產生「內部人控制問題」的起因,並且憑藉前述的理論分析中國經濟體制改革中出現「內部人控制問題」的過程。 改革開放之前,中國採取「社會主義計劃經濟」。在中央集權的高度集中計劃分配下,企業不可有企業的經營觀念,企業的生產經營缺乏效率與企業職工缺乏積極性,因此試圖透過建立勞動機制,誘發出對經營的積極性。中國經濟體制改革之特徵為分權式改革,就是放權讓利方式激發企業職工。同時透過稅制改革、企業內外部結構的改革約束企業職工行為。在這些國有企業改革過程中,中國觸動了使用權(或控制權)、收益權(或索取權)等產權,但沒有沒有徹底實行全面的產權改革。企業經營層透過國有企業改革跨大了其控制企業的權力,但並沒有構建出充分的約束機制,因此造成嚴重「內部人控制問題」。 利改稅、企業裡設定公司制度等措施是一種約束企業經營者,即阻止企業經營層利用權力,踏進腐敗之路,但中國貪污情形不停的成長。本論文研究,以現在的中國情況看,國有企業採取什麼措施才能夠控制「內部人控制問題」。


張雅雯, Chang, Ya-wen Unknown Date (has links)
自1987年《村委會組織法》通過,中國的農村基層選舉,便如火如荼的遍地展開,即便制度和實踐上仍漏洞百出,但民主參與的價值已逐步在村民間散播,其地方統治的形式,也發生潛移默化的轉變。相較行之多年的村委選舉,城市的居民委會選舉,無論在制度規範、居民參與等各層面,均遠遠遜色,那麼從「村委會」改制為「居委會」的原因究竟何在?看似簡單清楚的現代化、城市化過程,背後是否隱藏著政治動機?此即本文探索的關鍵。 因此,本研究的重心在於中國「地方菁英」及「基層自治」間的相互關係,特別凸顯新制度採行所造成的治理困境,藉以探討「村改居」此類制度變遷的原因。首先,分析村、居委會制度上的統治結構後,吾人發現,透過村、居委會制度差異,促使基層政府有制度誘因去打破村委會結構而改變現況,選擇更利己的遊戲場域,因而形成撤村改居的制度變遷,撤村改居之後,基層權力結構從過去兩元權力轉為黨政一元權力,權力集中於政府手中,居委會結構下將更有利地方菁英解決村委會時的治理困境以及權力分化的問題。 因此,吾人認為若統治結構不變,則基層「村-鄉/鎮兩級關係」及「村-黨兩委關係」間的政治治理困境將極易產生,即便透過更換當事雙方,也無法徹底化解此類僵局,釜底抽薪之道在進行「村改居」的改制。換言之,村改居的制度變遷乃出於地方菁英為解決治理困境、有效行政控制所進行的有意識的制度選擇。但卻因此規避村委選舉所產生的制度約束,造成民主化的倒退。換言之,本研究將透過制度變遷理論來觀察中國大陸的基層治理,試圖經由改制過程與西方的制度變遷理論對話,參照中國政治發展的經驗,發掘不同於西方發展經驗的理論模型。


翁鳳吟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以1997至2003年部分產業之台灣上市公司為研究對象,從廠商競爭優勢、公司治理制度及其他公司特性探討影響企業赴大陸投資決策之決定性因素,並分析台灣母公司投資後,兩岸三地母子公司貿易型態、價值鏈、公司內部治理特性與大陸子公司之財務績效之關聯性。 台灣企業赴大陸投資決定性因素之分析結果顯示,廠商之研發密度愈低、廣告投入密度愈高、外銷比率愈高、市場佔有率愈高、成本結構愈高、董事會規模愈小、獨立董事席次比重愈高、廠商成長機會愈低、屬集團企業之一員及為資訊電子產業之公司,赴大陸投資之意願較高。影響大陸投資績效之實證結果顯示,兩岸三地母子公司貿易型態決定是否在母公司帳上顯現大陸投資績效。研究期間赴大陸投資之非資訊電子業將資源投入研發設計活動者,其母公司研發密集度有助於提升企業之大陸投資績效。此外,董事會成員持股比率較高之公司,大陸投資績效較佳。當公司擁有愈多的可支配現金流量,席次控制權偏離盈餘分配權程度愈大、控股結構之複雜度(金字塔結構或交叉持股)愈高,則大陸投資績效愈差。 / Based on a sample of firms listed on Taiwan Securities Exchange over the period of 1997 to 2003, this thesis investigates the determinants of investing decision in China. The thesis further examines the factors that influence the financial performance of investment activities in China. The empirical results show that companies with lower R&D intensity, higher advertisement intensity, higher export ratio, higher market share, higher proportion of raw materials and labor in cost structure, smaller board size, higher independent director ratio, and lower growth opportunity are more likely to invest in China. The empirical findings also indicate that how offshore trading transactions are arranged determines the appearance of investing profits on the book of Taiwanese companies. Non-electron firms with more focus on R&D activities in Taiwan tend to have better financial performance if invest R&D activities in China. In addition, higher the share holdings of the board members, better the performance of the investment. Companies with lower free cash flow, pyramid and cross-holdings structures, higher deviation in control rights from cash flow rights, tend to have worse investment performance.


周慈芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從經營績效、公司特性及公司治理角度探討財務主管之異動行為,並分析財務主管異動與後續經營績效及財務危機之關聯性。相關實證結果發現,前期經營績效不佳與內部治理愈差之公司會傾向更動財務主管,且當公司經營績效及財務狀況逐期惡化時,財務主管異動會較頻繁,但未發現控股結構複雜度與財務主管異動有關。此外,財務主管異動後之公司經營績效並無改善之跡象,符合惡性循環假說。財務主管異動與財務危機之研究結果發現,財務主管異動頻率與財務危機呈正向關係惟並不顯著,但若以下市或全額交割定義財務危機時,實證結果顯示,財務主管異動較頻繁、公司內部治理較差之公司,發生下市或全額交割之可能性愈高。 / This thesis examines the determinants of chief financial officer (CFO) turnover behavior and whether CFO turnover signals the operating performance of subsequent period. In addition, the association between CFO turnover and financial distress is also investigated. The empirical findings show that CFOs of firms with poor operating performance and weak internal governance environment are more likely to have turnovers. Deterioration in operating performance and financial conditions leads increase in frequency of the CFO turnover. Moreover, the CFO turnover tends to precede a poorer subsequent operating performance. While there is no association between the frequency of CFO turnover and occurrence of financial distress, it is found that higher the frequency of CFO turnover and poorer the internal governance environment, higher the probability of delisting of firms.

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