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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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經營權異動與異動後績效之探討 / The study of executive turnover and the following performance changes

游子瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對我國1996年至2006年之上市櫃公司,以最終控制集團發生異動之公司作為經營權異動樣本,探討經營權異動之決定性因素,與異動後經營績效表現與公司治理機制間之關聯。 實證結果顯示,董監事持股比率愈低、最終控制者無超額持股、經營控制權與所有權偏離愈大、董監事持股質押比率愈高之公司,其經營權發生異動之可能性愈高。獨立董監事之設置雖與經營權異動之可能性呈正向相關,惟其關聯性未達顯著水準。經營權異動之公司,其財務績效在異動前後並無顯著差異,表示經營權異動之目的可能不在取代無效率之管理當局,也可能表示併購的綜效需要較長的時間才得以顯現。其中,董監事持股比率較高之公司,其經營績效在經營權異動後表現較佳。本研究顯示董監最低持股可發揮利益連結的效果,對於近期金管會擬取消董監最低持股規範之提案,本研究認為有作更深入討論之需要。 / Using companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and GreTai Securities Market over the period of 1996 to 2006, this study empirically investigates the determinants of change in corporate control and the subsequent period performance after the change. The change in corporate control is measured in terms of change in business group of a specific firm. The empirical results show that companies with less shareholdings owned by their board members, inadequate shareholdings to support their control, larger deviation in cash flow right from voting right, and higher ratio of shareholding pledged by their board members, have higher probabilities of occurrence of change in corporate control. However, the result doesn’t support that independent directors play a role in corporate control change. With respect to the firm performance in the period subsequent to the corporate control change, there exists no significant difference as compared to that of prior period. The evidence thus suggests that the replacing unqualified management may not be the primary purpose of corporate control change, or simply that the synergies take more time to show. In addition, this study also finds that firms subject to corporate control change tend to perform better if their board members hold a larger fraction of shares. This result lends itself to the proposal recently discussed by the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan Taiwan on abolition of requirement of minimal shareholding by the board members. It appears that shareholdings by the board members can have interest-alignment effect.

股東行動主義與惡意併購個案之研究 / Case study on the shareholder activist and hostile takeover in Taiwan

賴燕玲, Lai, Yen Ling Unknown Date (has links)
股東權益與意見在公司治理中屬重要一環,否則少數公司決策者(例如董事會或公司的CEO)會過度左右企業資源的分配,甚至發生浪費、貪污等代理問題,進而損及小股東權益,甚至勞工權益。本論文以公司治理的基本概念及架構為基礎,並以惡意併購的個案作為案例,探討並說明股東行動主義的經濟與法律意涵。其中,主要就「金融控股公司依金融控股公司法申請轉投資審核原則」法規設計,選擇具代表性個案,探討個案公司於股東治理的基礎規範與相關運作程序,包括非合意併購、委託書爭奪戰等相關法律問題。若根據目前台灣上市/櫃公司,其公司治理的實施狀況,許多法律學者均認為職業股東屬必要之罪,委託書是在目前公司所有權與經營權不分下,可能的外部監督力量。目前台灣委託書的相關規定過於保護大股東、公司派,導致小股東的權益受到一定程度的損害。若能自由化委託書收購,並且讓委託書可以在自由市場買賣,如此所創造的市場機制,據委託書的價格及外部市場機制,對於台灣過度依賴大股東或管理階層的公司治理結構會產生顯著改善效果,有效提升公司治理。本論文所選擇的個案公司,可以充分顯現上述這些方面的法律與經濟意涵。另外一個好的金融控股公司合併政策有賴一個健全之法律制度加以配套。針對金控公司是否得以所謂非合意併購達成合併之目的,金管會僅以行政命令「金融控股公司依金融控股公司法申請轉投資審核原則」與「公開收購公開發行公司有價證券管理辦法」作為主要法源,在法律上之位階上似乎有將行政命令之位階提高至法律位階之必要,本文以個案公司為例探討其相關法律問題。 關鍵字:公司治理、委託書、非合意併購、代理理論、價購委託書 / Shareholder’s interests play an important role in corporate governance. Otherwise, few decision-makers (ex. Board members, directors, etc) might misuse corporate assets and abuse in related party transactions in which interests of minority shareholders and employees will be jeopardized. This thesis will explore synergies of shareholder’s activism based on basic concepts and framework of corporate governance. In particular, case studies will focus on related regulations and practicable mechanisms of corporate governance in which certain legal issues, such as hostile takeover and proxy battle, will be elaborated based on ‘Principles of supervising investment application from financial holding companies’. Related regulations of proxy rights in Taiwan tend to protect interests of major shareholders and result in negative impacts of minority shareholders. If purchase offers of proxy could be freely traded in public, marketing mechanisms will balance the distortion of major shareholders and enhance the essence of corporate governance effectively. Case studies in this thesis therefore will reflect the above-mentioned legal and business implications. In addition, merge policies of financial conglomerate need supplementally sound regulations. In Taiwan, legal sources in financial holding companies are based on “Principles of supervising investment application from financial holding companies “ and “Regulations Governing Tender Offers for Purchase of the Securities of a Public Company “ issued by Financial Supervisory Committee of Executive Yuan. Positions of legal sources, in which case studies will be reviewed, seemingly need to be upgraded from administrative to legal level. Key word: Corporate Governance, Proxy,Hostile takeover,Agency Theory, Proxy Buying

台灣非營利組織資訊揭露及稅務申報議題之研究 / Making information of Taiwan non-profit organizations public and calling into question their reporting for tax-exemption

陳亮光, Chen, Liang Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
管理大師彼得‧杜拉克(Peter Drucker)說:「21世紀是非營利組織的世紀」、「非營利機構堪稱美國第一大雇主」。可見非營利組織蓬勃的發展,在社會、國家扮演著重要的角色。台灣活躍的非營利組織填補了政府及企業的的空隙,滿足了許多社會的需求。雖然台灣非營利組織除了少數例外,組織規模普遍都很小,但是卻展現台灣社會的活力及生命力泉源。 然而,台灣非營利組織之資訊卻較為封閉的,台灣非營利組織相關法令及管理未臻完善,以致社會資源匯集有集中化的趨勢。大的組織由於知名度高較易取得資源,小的非營利組織資源缺乏,雖然做了許多公益事務,因知名度低很難取得社會資源,如此有時反而易造成社會資源的扭曲及浪費。 台灣非營利組織之資訊缺乏公開揭露的法令及實務機制。美國對非營利組織管理最重要手段就是所謂的「公開原則」,聯邦法律規定任何人都有權向非營利組織要求查看它們的免稅申請文件及最近三年的稅務申報書格式Form 990等。非營利組織之資訊公開制度,一方面係透過公眾公開監督之方式,減輕主管機關之監督責任,另一方面可促進非營利組織之良性競爭。 資訊揭露所謂太陽是最好的警察,陽光是最佳防腐劑。在美國非營利組織是以FORM990為非營利組織資訊揭露的核心。所以本文構想是結合美國非營利組織資訊揭露之經驗,以作為台灣非營利組織資訊揭露的參考。 因此本文之文獻探討從非營利組織的定義、治理與責信,再到美國非營利組織之介紹及其資訊揭露與治理及責信,再就台灣非營利組織資訊揭露現況及相關非營利組織法律探討,並以台灣公益團體自律聯盟的成員已經公告在自律聯盟網站之資訊對該資訊揭依自律聯盟的主張作分析研究。 本文另就美國非營利組織稅務申報格式Form 990的探討研究分析,並就台灣非營利組織稅務申報格式作研究探討,以及對台灣非營利組織之稅務申報格式及揭露作訪談問卷並作評論分析;綜合上述研究提出本文的研究結論。 並對台灣非營利組織做下列建議: 1、將非營利組織資訊揭露作為其免稅的條件,學習美國稅法規定非營利稅務申報書格式Form 990必須向大眾公開揭露,並立法規定非營利組織要取得免稅資格,需將其年度稅務申報書公開向大眾揭露。 2、將資訊揭露加入各非營利相關法規中,從新修改或訂定非營利組織相關法律規定及管理措施,使其更彈性更符合當前環境劇烈變遷需要。 3、重新檢討台灣非營利組織稅務申報書格式,使台灣非營利組織稅務申報書可成為非營利組織資訊揭露及組織責信的重要工具。 4、建立非營利組織便捷標準化的網路申報系統、鼓勵非營利組織自律、鼓勵建立非非營利組織線上查核系統。 5、對接受政府補助、款項超過一定金額(例如五百萬或一千萬元)之非營利組織需接受會計師遵行審計。參照美國管理及預算署(OMB)Circular A133該審計屬於遵行審計,有利於政府對補助款做出有效率的補助及分配。 / Management theorist Peter Drucker once said, “The 21st century is the century for non-profit organizations, of which the United States leads worldwide.” It is thus clear that in the rising development of non-profit organizations, the national community plays an important role. Taiwan’s lively non-profit organizations fill the gap left by the government and business enterprises, meeting the numerous needs of the community. Except for a very small number, most Taiwan non-profit organizations are quite small, but they give evidence to the vitality of Taiwan’s community. However, information on Taiwan’s non-profit organizations remains to be completely private. Laws pertaining to the management of Taiwan non-profit organizations still possess several flaws. Large organizations, owing to their fame, acquire resources with more ease compared to small organizations, even though this is still difficult for them. If, however, these resources could be easily acquired, then it would be likely that the organization would change its tune and squander. Laws and control mechanisms to keep information of Taiwan’s non-profit organizations open to the public are severely lacking. The United States, however, implements the principle of free information to all as the most important aspect of managing non-profit organizations. United States law decrees that everyone has the right to request from non-profit organizations their tax exemption documents and their last three years of tax return applications; the tax return form used by tax-exempt organizations is called Form 990. Keeping the information of non-profit organizations public is one way that passes the responsibility of supervision from the government to the public. Exposure is the best form of policing, just as sunlight makes the best preservative. Exposure prevents decay, as well as increases the competitiveness of non-profit organizations. American non-profit organizations use a Form 990 to make their information public. The text takes this example and suggests it to be a well working method to put Taiwan non-profit organizations in check. Therefore the text and its sources probe into the definition, management and accountability of non-profit organizations, as well as taking the method used by the United States to keep such in check. Related Taiwan laws to this are also probed into, and research is carried out and viewpoints are given regarding the self-regulation of Taiwan’s public welfare groups and alliances. The text also carries out research regarding Form 990 that United States non-profit organizations must use for reporting, as well as probes into the reporting method used by Taiwan non-profit organizations. The latter’s reporting and exposure, all coming from interviews and documents, will also be analyzed. The integration of the above research will bring the text to a conclusion. Suggestions for Taiwan non-profit organizations are listed as follows: 1、Make public the actions and reasons for tax-exemption for all non-profit organizations, using United States tax law for non-profit organizations as a basis, namely the use of Form 990 to allow the masses the right to know everything, including the qualifications and laws that would grant such exemption. There is a need to require reporting to make such information public. 2、Update all related laws regarding non-profit organizations as well as measures for management. There is a need for these laws to gain elasticity and fit in with the times we live in. 3、Reanalyze the reporting methods used by Taiwan tax-exempt organizations to apply for tax returns and conclude whether such can truly expose their information, accountability and important work to the public. 4、Standardize the system of reporting by non-profit organizations and urge self-regulation and a system of checks. 5、Concerning the acceptance of government subsidies or the coming into a sum of money that exceeds the established limit (such as $500,000 or $1,000,000), there is a need for auditing by a certified accountant. Referring to Circular A133 from the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB), there should be an established method that this auditing must abide by, beneficial to the government in allotting its funds in an efficient manner.


李長錦, Li,Chang Chin Unknown Date (has links)
我國公司法在94年6月22 日通過增訂修正條文,新增通訊投票制度,並賦予股東提案權及董事、監察人提名制度。行政院金融監督管理委員會配合公司法新增通訊投票相關規定,於94年12 月15 日發布修正公開發行股票公司股務處理準則,以使公開發行公司採行書面或電子方式行使表決權時之股務作業有所依循,使我國上市上櫃公司正式跨入股東會通訊投票時代。不過法令修正後逾三年除台灣期貨交易所股東會採用通訊投票外,並無其他上市上櫃公司採行,使通訊投票制度徒託空言。 97年6月13日共計有637家上市櫃公司選在同一天召開,過度集中化的結果,不僅股東分身乏術無法參與公司一年一度股東會,也嚴重影響小股東參與監督、瞭解公司經營等權益。 股東會是小股東實踐股東權益及落實股東行動主義最佳的場合,也是公司實行公司治理具體表現。但近幾年股東會撞期情況始終未獲改善,為有效解決此一問題金管會證期局積極宣導通訊投票制度的優點,希望上市上櫃公司採行通訊投票制度,讓股東在親自出席和委託出席之外,多增加一項參與股東會方式。 股東會通訊投票制度亦新增股東會提案權和董監事提名董監事制度,讓少數股東權益能擴大參與公司決策與經營。我國通訊投票制度雖然已有法源和運作平台,但企業普遍對此制度仍不熟悉,未來要擴大推行,有賴主管機關政策輔導和提出獎勵措施,初期如果能鼓勵大型企業或法人持股比重較高公司帶頭做起,則我國通訊投票制度則可望步上正軌。 通訊投票制度最早由美國開始,目前英國、日本、澳洲、香港等國皆已實施多年,我國起步並不算晚,實施股東會通訊投票不僅與國際接軌對我國企業推動公司治理和股東行動主義亦有正面評價。


陳麗玲 Unknown Date (has links)
共同基金因具匯集投資大眾資金,委由專業投資機構管理的特色,目前已成為世界各國投資大眾的重要理財工具。由於共同基金係交由專業投資機構管理,共同基金的投資人無從參與基金的日常運作,故共同基金的管理具有公益性,且因基金規模相當龐大,亦與金融秩序與經濟發展息息相關。因此,對於共同基金的管理,主管機關除給予嚴格的行政監督外,亦藉由基金治理制度的建立,使基金受到最佳管理,及投資人權益受到良好的保護,以使基金之發展長久運行,並成為投資大眾所樂於接受與運用之主要投資工具。 國際證券管理機構組織(IOSCO)給予基金治理之定義,係為尋求確保基金是以基金投資人的利益,所組織及運作的架構。基金治理之首要原則,為獨立監督(independent review and oversight)基金管理機構之忠實義務,包括大部分的利益衝突防範,而發展獨立監督功能,即應委由獨立機構(independent entity or entities)負責監督基金管理機構及基金的活動。 我國證券投資信託基金之基金治理制度,係以基金保管機構為獨立監督機構,規範基金保管機構應獨立於證券投資信託事業(即基金管理機構),監督證券投資信託事業管理基金應符合相關法令規範及基金信託契約之規定,此基金治理制度與共同基金型態主要以契約型基金為主之其他國家一致,且符合IOSCO所結論之基金治理核心原則。 然因現行國內證券投資信託事業係以基金銷售功能為導向來選取基金保管機構,導致投信公司為所管理基金選任基金保管機構呈現非單一且極為分散現象;另各基金保管機構不論其所保管基金檔數多寡,亦呈現含括多家投信公司所經理基金之分散情形。由於每家投信公司管理基金所使用之資訊系統並不相同,各基金保管機構如要建置系統以執行其監督職責,不僅系統建置之成本相當高,實際執行上實有其困難度。因此,現行基金保管機構執行監督功能尚未能自行建置管控系統,仍需由投信公司提供必要資料,供基金保管機構執行其監督職責。 為研究改善國內基金保管機構監督功能不彰之方案,本研究爰以美國(開放式基金之發源國及基金規模最大之國家)、英國(投資基金的發源國)、盧森堡(歐盟主要基金註冊國)及採混合型治理架構之加拿大、澳洲等國之基金治理制度進行研究,以作為探討強化我國共同基金治理監督架構之參考。 本論文研究結果認為,就改善基金治理之監督功能、運作成本及法規修訂之複雜度等方面來考量,參考澳洲混合型之基金治理架構,規範基金管理機構應設置一獨立之遵循委員會,負責監控基金管理機構遵行基金遵循計畫,以達到確保基金管理機構之營運行為能符合法令的要求,將有助於強化國內基金治理之獨立監督功能,且亦有助於國內投信公司本身之公司治理,提高法令遵循之執行強度。 本研究最後提出相關建議,主要包括獨立遵循委員會之設置、遵循委員會之職責及遵循委員會成員之義務、提供遵循委員會為執行監督功能之協助、訂定基金遵循計畫及定期由會計師對基金遵循計劃進行遵循查核等,以供未來主管機關未來進行改革之參考。

出軌的改革:中國貧困縣農村信用合作社研究 / Derailed reform:the case of rural credit cooperatives in China's poverty-stricken counties

李宇欣, Lee, YuHsin Unknown Date (has links)
中國農村信用合作社屬於集體性質合作金融組織,以農業相關貸款為主要業務,前中國國務院總理朱鎔基在第九屆全國人大四次會議中強調「農信社是支持農村金融的主力軍」,農信社享有獨立法人資格並承擔推動農村金融發展責任,卻未履行應盡義務和金融功能,反而成為地方政府融通資金的「小金庫」。 本研究試圖解釋農信社的發展與改革,從制度角度探討其與地方政府、地方企業之間的互動關係。農信社成立於一九五零年代,自毛統治時期即扮演地方政府小金庫角色,改革開放後,中國政府嚴格禁止地方政府干預金融機構經營,並給予補貼及稅收優惠提升其營運績效,但農信社受制於歷史制度影響,被既有路徑鎖住無法擺脫過去包袱,導致其發展與改革始終處在出軌的狀態。 中國改革開放三十年,農信社歷經多次改革轉換依然被地方政府所掌控,本研究透過分析農信社內部黨系統成員名單與地方政企之間的重疊關係,觀察出地方政府如何躲避中央政策及法律限制,持續箝制農信社的發展與金融功能,試圖補充農信社相關文獻在此議題上的不足,並解釋農信社在地方—特別是以農業為主的貧困縣地區與地方政府和地方企業間的運作模式。 / Chinese Rural Credit Cooperatives (RCCs) is a collective-owned and cooperative financial institution, and its major business is to provide loans for agriculture-based projects. “The RCCs is the main force of agrian finance,” as such claimed by the former Chinese Premier Zhu, Rongji in the fourth session of the ninth National People’s Congress regarding the function and status of RCCs. Nonetheless, despite the RCCs is a separate legal entity and aims at promoting the development of agrian finance, it fails to do its work but becomes a private coffer of local governments. This study investigates the trajectory of development and reforms of RCCs first, and then explores the process from an institutional perspective by addressing the dynamic interactions between the RCCs, the local governments and the local enterprises. RCCs was first established in the 1950s, and has served as a private coffer for local governments since then. After launching the reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970s, the central government attempted to prohibit the local governments to intervene the operation of RCCs on the one hand, and provided fiscal subsidies as well as tax reliefs to RCCs on the other. Yet the operation of RCCs has been locked into the pre-existing institutional practices shaped in Mao’s era and been “out of track” regardless of various reform attemps by the central government. This study argues that the organizational overlap between the branches of Chinese Communism Party in the local governments and RCCs largely explains why local governments could survive those reform attemps and persistentally gained the control of RCCs in the past 30 years. By examining the name lists of the party branches in the local governments and RCCs, I demonstrate that the local governments transferred the control of RCCs from administrative system to party system, thus they successfully circumvented the constrains of administrative policies and rules in various reform attemps by the central government. The finding also helps to explore the dynamic patterns of interaction among the local governments, RCCs, and local enterprises in those areas of agriculture-based economy, thus contributes to fill this gap in the literature of state-business research in China studies.

學術自由發展對公立大學組織變革法制之探討 / A study of the legal system for academic freedom development on the transformation of public university organization

陳惠珍, Chen, Huei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
大學發展的歷史,即是一部大學爭取學術自由之歷史。德國最早將學術自由納入憲法以基本權保護,並推演大學自治為學術自由制度性保障,賦予大學公法社團之獨立法人格,建立學術自由圍籬,法人化遂成為學術自由落實之主要途徑。 只是,隨著外在知識經濟、全球化競爭等環境變遷,大學除教學與研究基本功能,同時具有知識工廠、文化傳承、提昇國家國際競爭力、服務社會等多元功能。而經濟衰退,使政府對大學預算減少,在經費窘迫下,大學組織運營面臨經費與資源有效運用等議題。如何有效運用資源、發揮大學被期待之多元功能?成為各國大學改革重要議題。 我國大學法制改革,1994年以學術自由、大學自治為主張,期建立德國「學者共和國」,防止國家政治干預,擬將國立大學法人化,賦予大學獨立法人格地位。2002年配合政府改造,提出講求效能與效率的行政法人制度,並擬改制國立大學為獨立行政法人,在立法院審查修訂大學法時,將行政法人化專章刪除,委由未來制定專法,形成我國大學法人化似又退回原點。 本篇論文以時間(中世紀迄今)、與空間(德國、日本、美國)雙軸向形成之環境,進行有關學術自由理念、大學自治制度發展歷程等文獻整理,釐清學術自由對大學理念與組織法制之定位及其影響(第二章及第三章);及現代環境變遷導致大學功能多元,加以政府預算緊縮,使大學需面臨營運成效議題,而公共管理理論對各國政府改造實務經驗對大學組織變革之啟發與影響(第四章);取法近代德國大學組織型態鬆綁(第五章)、日本國立大學法人化等改革經驗(第六章);重新審視我國大學法人化追求時,如何在兼顧學術自由理念價值與組織營運效能下,建構大學外部組織型態與內部組織法制(第七章)

我國股東提案權制度之研究 / A study on the shareholder proposals in Taiwan

陳麗欵 Unknown Date (has links)
2004年後我國陸續爆發博達科技、訊碟等弊案,已重擊原已推動之公司治理成效,更突顯了公司治理除設置獨立董監事制度外,應另循其他管道之必要性。其中為強化企業內部機制, 2005年6月即修法引進「股東提案制度」,增訂公司法第172條之1之規定,以響應「股東行東主義」之潮流趨勢,建構並強化股東行使股東權之機制。此制度完成立法後迄今已近4年,歷經具體實務個案之洗鍊,已逐漸顯現適用上之爭議。基於此因素,本研究擬藉由對實務上具體案例所衍生爭議之觀察,重新檢討公司法第172條之1之立法是否存有疏漏或失當之處,進而歸納提供建言,冀望能建制符合我國國情之股東提案制度。本論文之研究架構安排如下: 第一章為緒論。針對本論文之研究動機、研究目的提出說明,並就研究範圍限制及本論文所採之方法予以敘明。 第二章為公司治理趨勢下股東行動主義之展現。包含探討公司治理、股東行動主義與股東提案權關聯性及我國公司法第202條與股東行動主義之關係,並就我國股東行動主義下之2005年公司法相關修正作一簡要說明,以期初步了解股東提案之概念。 第三章為股東提案權在外國法制之發展。因我國股東提案權係參考美、日立法例,本章將簡要介紹美國、日本及我國股東提案權制度,同時對照本制度於美國、日本、台灣之相異處,以比較法方式作初步分析,以作為後續分析我國實務個案時,修正方向之參考。 第四章為我國引進股東提案權之案例評析。擬就我國股東提案制度於2005年引進後4年內,於實務個案公司之落實情形;並將嘗試從個案整理出現行法令缺失,並提出本文見解及解決之道。 第五章為股東提案權在我國實行結果之探討。藉由結合國外法制比較及分析個案實務運作上所產生之不足處,並提出立法上之建議,盼能建構出一套適合我國之股東權制度,以促進股東行動主義在我國之實踐,以完善我國之公司治理。 第六章為本文之結論。綜合各章之論述,再予以精要整理,最後提出本論文之研究心得與意見。

中國國企改革的發展與國有資產流失的爭論 / The development of SOE's reform in China and a discussion about loss of state assets

蕭翰煒 Unknown Date (has links)
2004 年年中,中國發生史上第三次公平與效率之爭,稱之為“郎顧之爭”,一場由郎咸平挑起的關於“國有資產流失和國企改革方式”的社會大討論。他認為以新自由主義為主軸的國退民進路線,由於法律制定的不夠完善,將導致國有資產的大量流失,對全國百姓而言,是不公平的。所以,在法制化完善之前,國企產權改革必須停止。這致使為國企產權改革和市場化取向辯護的“主流派經濟學家”成為備受指責的對象。 然而,在法制化完善至得以進行產權改革之前,國企效率低落的問題仍有待解決,這同樣也屬於國有資產流失的一種。因此,郎咸平提出了過渡方案,即透過職業經理人來治理國企,藉此提高企業效率。但郎咸平的段論述將會面臨以下問題。首先,職業經理人方案在中國是行不通的,因為到目前為止,中國仍未有完善的職業經理人市場。此外,法制化完善的標準是什麼?是否仍以有效的降低國資流失為底線?如果是,這樣的底線又為何?同時,這是否與郎咸平原先的公平性理據相互違背?這都是郎咸平無法解決或解釋清楚的問題。 “郎顧之爭”使筆者得到啟發,認為國企改革不應完全聚焦在“產權”上,提高效率不一定只得從事產權改革,更因而喪失公平。因此,本文試圖提出一套兼具公平與效率的國企改革方案,稱之為“新的國企治理方案”,它必須是現實可行的,這樣才得以取代郎咸平的職業經理人方案。其主體是現代公司治理,並結合馬克思的公有制理論以及經濟民主、經濟民主的社會主義模式等理論作為依據,內容在於強化國有企業股東和經營者的激勵與約束,並依照按勞分配的精神來調動勞工的積極性,呈現出具經濟民主的國企治理方案。

私有地上的生態保育:以雙連埤的協力治理為例 / Ecology Conservation on private lands: Collaborative Governance in The Case of Shuang-Lien Lake

林易萱, Lin, Yi-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去政府的保育政策多施行於國有地上,盡量避免限制私有土地上的經濟活動,卻也造成保護區周邊私有土地利用上,與保育目的不相容的情形,致使共享性資源(common pool resources, CPRs)走向悲劇一途。本文以宜蘭雙連埤濕地作為個案,從深度訪談瞭解該地私有地保育的困境,並從「協力治理」(collaborative governance)的角度分析,發現政府單方面的保育政策,難以達到良好的私地保育效果。本研究透過深度訪談追蹤雙連埤的保育努力過程,發現最後能夠維持雙連埤的風貌,荒野協會等民間保育團體功不可沒。保育團體不具備管理的職責,比較容易與在地居民的建立情感聯繫,能作為政府與居民之間的溝通橋樑;他們擁有豐富的生態知識,能化自然資源為物質性誘因(material incentives),結合居民生計與生態保育的行動,減輕私有地上活動對環境的壓力。透過「由下而上」的共享性資源管理模式,雙連埤的案例展現如何透過協力合產與「社基保育」(Community-Based Conservation)模式,破除「生態」與「生計」無法共存的迷思,進而達到永續發展的目的。 / Conservational policies have been known more applicable to public lands. Yet endangered species can not tell and thus have suffered from the economic activities on private land, leading to an inevitable tragedy. This thesis adopts Shuang-Lien Lake as a case to demonstrate the possibility of an alternative, community-based approach. Through in-depth interviews with policy makers and major stakeholders, this research indicates how collaboration between local government and voluntary citizen groups could overcome the oppositions by local residents against conserving valuable ecologic system on private land.

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