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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

協力創新在公部門應用之研究:文建會推動文化創意產業發展政策為例 / Collaborative innovation in the public sector: the case of the council for cultural affairs’ policies promoting cultural and creative industries

彭俊亨, Peng, Chun Heng Unknown Date (has links)
公共部門的組織運作相較於過去,正處在更為不穩定和動盪的環境之中,公部門必須提高其「創新」的能力以為因應,並由於治理網絡形式的顯現,也更加強調公部門創新的重要性。面對當前許多充滿高度複雜與棘手的公共問題,我們不僅需要公共創新的新途徑,同時也要為許多問題的解決方案提出必要的工具。無疑地,吾人必須關注如何透過治理網絡中行動者間的協力,即是公共管理者、民選官員、企業、非營利組織等行動者的協力,用以強化公共創新,因此,「協力創新」可以說是當前公部門創新的重要議題,同時也是公部門面對網絡治理亟欲尋求的新方法。簡言之,欲探究的「協力創新」,則是指以網絡為基礎的協力,促進治理過程中公部門的創新。 本研究主要聚焦在公共部門協力創新的理論與實務的討論,以下述兩個關鍵重點做為討論的主軸:一、重點是針對「公共部門的創新」,而非一般所談論的企業創新;二、著重於「跨部門間或網絡協力」的創新,並非單一組織內部的創新。研究問題包括:何謂是在公部門的協力創新?協力創新的過程需要具備哪些條件?網絡中的行動者如何透過協力過程以導引出創新?協力創新呈現的樣貌或結果為何?對文化行政機關而言,文化創意產業政策之推動,對文化行政官僚的協力創新經驗有何特殊性?協力創新的過程有何困難?如何克服這些障礙,以驅動協力創新? 儘管公部門透過跨部門、跨組織的協力創新研究還處在發展萌芽的階段。在實務上,公部門必須審時度勢,在協力過程中透過制度設計,與行動參與者進行有效溝通、建立信任,並證明展現其領導、協調和整合的能力。因此,本研究關注協力創新在公部門的應用,一方面提出整合自公部門創新、協力治理文獻而發展出來的理論架構,另一方面也針對文建會在推動文化創意產業政策運用協力創新的過程和經驗,進行質化的實證研究,以提供公部門有關協力創新應用之理論面與實務面相互印證的機會。 研究發現公部門創新必須致力於創造更多的公共價值;政治的推力、回應外部發展趨勢、核心職能外新增業務的壓力、尋求和匯集外部資源、創造有利創新的組織文化是公共組織內外環境中存在激發協力創新的驅動因素;而網絡治理的領導能力、多層次與橫向溝通平台、互惠的信任關係基礎、良性的創新循環等是影響協力創新過程的關鍵因素;公部門適當的制度設計有利於協力創新的發展;協力創新的多元價值結果亦呈現出不同的創新類型。最後,本研究也針對協力創新的實務應用、制度設計及組織運作、文化創意產業推動方面提出若干建議。 / The importance of strengthening innovation in the operation and organization of the public sector is highlighted by both today's increasingly variable environment and the emergence of governance networks. The many complex and wicked problems that are currently encountered in civil sector indicates a need not only to innovate, but also to come up with necessary tools for solving multiple problems. No doubt the primary focus should be on uniting efforts among actors in governance networks, namely civil sector managers, elected officials, businessmen, and non-profit administrators, in order to strengthen public sector innovation. For these reasons, collaborative innovation is an important topic in public sector innovation and an anxiously pursued new method as the public sector faces collaborative governance. Moreover, collaborative innovation is network-based collaboration that promotes innovation in the public sector governance process. This study primarily focuses on theories of public sector collaborative innovation and discussions of actual practice in the field. The study revolves around two key points: a focus on public sector innovation as opposed to commonly discussed business innovation, and innovation in cross-sector collaboration or network-based collaboration as opposed to innovation within a single organization. Questions addressed in this study include: What is meant by public sector collaborative innovation? What are the prerequisites for collaborative innovation processes? How do actors within a network lead innovation through collaborative processes? What are the features or results of collaborative innovation processes? What special experiences have administrators of cultural bureaus had promoting cultural and creative industry policies with collaborative innovation? What difficulties are encountered during processes of collaborative innovation? How can these difficulties be overcome in order to spur collaborative innovation? Research of cross-sector and transorganizational collaborative innovation in the public sector is still in its developmental stages. Each collaborative process must be assessed through system design to ensure effective communication and the establishment of trust, as well as to verify leadership, coordination and integration capabilities. Therefore, this study concerned with the application of collaborative innovation in the public sector first constructs its theoretical framework on extant literature in the fields of public sector innovation and collaborative governance, and secondly is directed at the Council for Cultural Affairs use of collaborative innovation in its policies that promote cultural and creative industries. This study employs qualitative empirical research to provide opportunities for mutually verifiable theoretical and practical collaborative innovation applications related to the public sector. Results of this study suggest that innovation in the public sector should be directed at creating more public value. Governmental influence, response to external trends, pressure added by work extrinsic to core functions, the collection of external resources and organizational culture cultivating beneficial innovation are all factors that drive collaborative innovation in and around public organizations. Network governance leadership ability, forums for both horizontal and vertical communication, foundations of mutually beneficial trust, and healthy innovation cycles are all influential factors in collaborative innovation processes. Appropriate organizational design in the public sector spurs the development of collaborative innovation, and the manifold values of collaborative innovation result in different innovative forms. Finally, this study aims to make recommendations for the practical application, organizational design and operation of collaborative innovation, and the promotion of cultural and creative industries.

公司派說了算?——從公司派操控股東會議事論公司治理之願景 / Controlling Shareholders over others?Future of Corporate Governance in the Perspective of Controlling Shareholders’Domination over Shareholders Meetings

張修珮 Unknown Date (has links)
公司治理之發展是國際注目潮流,OECD已指明「保障股東權益」是公司治理一項重要內容,而公司治理原則下的「股東行動主義」,是鼓勵股東參與公司治理。近年經營權之爭,公司派「依法」操控股東會之特殊現象時有耳聞,而架空股東會議事的亂象,使得維護股東權益變成空談。 有鑒於此,筆者擬在探究公司派架空股東會議事的內容後,分別由股務作業、股東會議事程序、委託書統計驗證與表決票(選舉票)封存作業與證據保全等方面,進一步提出改良股東會議事的策略,以求實踐公司治理的願景。 / It is an international trend to pay much attention to corporate governance. OECD identified that a corporate governance framework should protect and facilitate the exercise of shareholders’ rights. One of the shareholders’ rights is to participate in, and to be sufficiently informed on, decisions concerning fundamental corporate changes. Shareholders’ activism exists only while legal and regulatory requirements that affect corporate governance practices should be consistent with the rule of law, transparent and enforceable. However, many controlling shareholders “legally” manipulated agendas and resolutions of shareholders’ meetings for the past years. In this way, shareholders’ rights could be nothing and there were little corporate governance remained. Therefore, after analyzing how controlling shareholders manipulated in shareholders’ meetings, this thesis proposed strategies to improve the law on shareholders’ meetings. Such strategies included the aspects of (1) stock affairs, (2) procedures for shareholders’ meetings, (3) proxies tally and verification and (4) perpetuation on used voting slips or ballots. The author was expecting that there will be better legal basis to push ahead corporate governance for public companies in Taiwan.

論我國公司股東信息權的行使與保護 : 以股東知情權為中心 / On exercise and protection of information right for the shareholders in Chinese Mainland centering on shareholders' right to know

陳鄰伊 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law


楊熙, YANG, XI Unknown Date (has links)
一、本文以自康熙二十二年起,迄道光二十二年止,一百六十年間之清代臺灣為研究 範圍。臺灣於該時期甚少涉外事件,影響政之因素,較為單純。 二、臺灣歷史顥示,移民為清代臺灣社會增加最迅速之組成,厥為促成清代臺灣社會 會變遷之主力。治臺官制則為清廷治臺擬定政策及執行政策之工具。基此認識,本文 首先分析臺灣人口成長及社會變遷以及清代治臺官制。 三、本文斷代期間較長,政策更易與社會變遷之間關係甚為複雜,為筆者最感興趣及 關心的問題。本文將就此觀點探究清廷治臺所作作之撫民與理番政策及其推行。該類 政策就適用之對象可分為三:(一)僅適用於漢人者為撫民政策。(二)僅適用於番 人者為理番政策。(三)民、番適用者,原即適用於全中國,或因臺灣地方特殊,曾 稍作調整。若就政策目的而論,則可區分為二:(一)順應地方需要者,前述之撫民 政策及理番政策屬之。(二)維持政權存續者的前途之同時適用於民、番者屬之。 四、本文就現清廷治臺決策權力雖歸屬於清帝,其就行政過程而言,則大都委諸福建 省內長官,且因時局需要,或行政制度變遷,曾有數次轉移。 五、;順應社會變遷而推行之政策,無論撫民抑理番,為謀地方安靖,清廷當知適切 調整政策。朱一貴、林爽文等重大事件也促使清廷必須自省,以期政策符合社會需要 。至於為雀持政權存續而實施之諸種政策,則因環境特殊,除教化外,保甲、積儲大 都未能順利推行。 六、清廷治臺因形勢懸絕難能施展。其所受限制可得而言有三:(一)臺海橫隔,足 以干擾治臺制度之設計,乃至各種政策之推行。凡未顧慮及交通阻隔影響之政策,未 有不遭致嚴重失敗者。(二)移民偷渡入臺,迅速增加,為臺灣墾拓主力,然也嚴重 侵蝕臺灣社會基層組織,遂致臺灣社會鬆散,動亂屢平屢起。(三)治臺決策屬地方 行政決策,指導錯誤或篇頗執行,皆足以引發諸種社會問題,若因遷延時日,政策一 獲修正,以謀彌縫,必致政治動亂。 七、本文研析清廷治臺諸種撫民與理番政策,從而推斷清廷治臺或有基本原則,應為 下述三者:(一)視臺灣如同內地;(二)以漢文化為主;(三)順應臺灣社會變遷 。 /

全球城市之建構--以上海市為例 / The Construction of a Global City--Shanghai as an example

鈕則謙, Niu ,Tse-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的影響下,全球各地人才、物質、資金、資訊呈現高度流通的狀況,全球許多著名城市,便成為此一流動的匯聚之處,並具有影響全球資源流通的能力,亦即所謂的「全球城市」。其為「全球城市」,除了本身的發展規模外,更強調其在全球化時代,具有與其他城市的高度關連性,同時,亦具有影響全球政治、經濟的能力。 在此前提下,改革開放後,積極融入全球經濟體系的中國大陸,也著重於城市的發展建設,特別是經濟發展著有成效的上海市,更成為中國積極建構「全球城市」的標的,這樣的雄心企圖,具體體現在前上海市長陳良宇的眾多談話中。 有鑑於此,本論文即對於上海市積極建構「全球城市」的目標、過程、結果進行分析探討。全論文共分七章,除緒論外,分別探討「全球城市」的理論系譜與其在中國大陸的運用,其次,討論上海市在人口與空間佈局方面的政策與結果,再接著討論中央為了建構上海市,所提出的四大中心---經濟、金融、貿易、航運,其建設過程以及面臨的困境。於此之後,開始分析上海市與其他城市的關連性,分別就上海與長三角的其他十五個城市的關係、上海吸引跨國公司的博奕關係進行探討,並採取內容分析法,藉由上海文匯報、經濟學人、新聞週刊等傳播媒體,檢視上海與其他國內外重要城市的關連性。再者,則將重點分析討論,上海市在城市建構背後的主要動力,即「上海市政府」,其為了進行城市建設並積極融入全球化,所進行的「城市治理」。最後則是提出結論與討論。 藉由上述的分析,本研究指出,儘管上海市政府在建構「全球城市」的過程時,具有「政府主導型的互動建構」模式,積極規劃上海市的建設發展,但是由於中央政府的影響、與周邊城市的關係,使得上海在發展上,仍未能稱為「全球城市」,僅能達到「全球化城市」的階段。另外,也必須反思,上海市的發展也許未必適合套用西方的發展模式,而是具有其獨特的發展軌跡。 / Under the effects of globalization, the flows of people, material, finance, and information transit very fast, and a few famous cities with the power of affecting the flows become the places of gathering, namely Global Cities. So call depends not only on its scale , but the power of its connection with other cities as well. Considering this, China begin to emphasize its city development after its reform and open policy, and especially focuses on Shanghai to be a global city, and such ambition can often be seen from the several speeches of its former mayor Chen Lian Ju. According this background, the dissertation tries to research the construction process of Shanghai being a global city. It includes seven chapters, besides the introduction, it traces the development of the theory of global city, and then discusses the policies of Shanghai’s people and space arrangement. Ensuing we discuss its Four Centers—economic, financial, trade and shipping, their developments and difficulties. After these, we begin to discuss its connection respectively with Yangtze River Delta cities and foreign cities by adopting content analysis method to examine Shanghai Wenhui Newspaper, Economist, and Newsweek. And then we discuss Shanghai Government including its transformation and its urban governance. Finally it’s the conclusion. By this analysis and discuss, the dissertation points out the fact that spite of its striving construction, Shanghai with the trait of “Interactive construction mode by its government leading ”, it at most can only be called a “globalizing city”, not a “global city”. At the same time , it also reflects that adopting western theory to Shanghai may not be a good way , for Shanghai can be a global city by its own way.


楊宜璋 Unknown Date (has links)


胡至沛 Unknown Date (has links)
過去二十多年來,不論是OECD或非OECD的會員國,都致力於所謂的「管制改革」,以確保政府具有高品質的管制治理能力,然而反觀我國的情況,對於管制改革的觀念多半停留在解除管制階段,並且普遍缺乏解除管制後的專責管制機關。因此,本研究希望透過歐美經驗的比較分析,試圖釐清下列的問題: 一、管制改革真正意涵為何?與傳統的政府管制有何不同? 二、管制治理的主要興起背景為何?當中有何特色? 三、各國政府如何提升管制政策的治理能力?有無共同的制度設計? 四、歐美等國所呈現的運作經驗,對於我國有何種啟示?以及學習之處? 此外,本研究藉由檢閱相關文獻與比較分析,期望能達成以下的研究目的: 一、經由文獻分析,說明歐美各國為何要進行管制改革的原因、管制改革的實質意義,如何透過相關制度的設計,提升本身的治理能力與政策品質。 二、以歸納分析的方式說明管制治理意義,建構民主取向的良善管制治理所必須具備的要件。 三、藉由比較分析,參照英美與歐盟在此方面的運作經驗,針對我國再進行相關制度設計與實務運作,提出一些省思與建議。 總之,本研究主要是探討在管制改革風潮下,所呈現的政府治理型態轉變,以及詳述英、美與歐盟等國的運作經驗,以比較方式分析出當中的異同,並且對照我國的發展情況,提出相關的建議,並且大致上可以分為三個部分:首先、說明管制治理模式的興起背景,發現1980年代末期因財政困境所導致的政府失靈,以及人民對於政府的不信任,兩者是管制治理模式轉變的重要背景因素;其次、歐美的管制治理運作經驗分析,並且分別從發展歷程、課責機制、諮詢制度,以及影響分析等四個角度,詳述其主要內涵與可能遭遇的問題;最後、透過比較分析與經驗對照,分別說明對我國產生何種啟示,以及未來在制度設計與發展上有那些值得學習與參考之處。 經由文獻的分析、歐美等國的經驗說明,以及闡述我國的現況與問題,本章先針對前述治理模式背景與歐美運作經驗等部分,歸納整理相關的研究發現;其次,參照歐美等國的發現,就我國目前所進行的革新作法,提出一些思考方向與建議;最後,針對本研究的不足之處進行檢討,指出後續可行的研究方式與重點。

銀行作業風險與內控自評實務 / The operational risks and self-assessment practices of internal control for the banking industry

周毓玲, Chou, Y.L. Unknown Date (has links)
銀行是商業金融活動中不可或缺的一環,其經營管理的良窳直接與經濟、財政之穩定息息相關。近年來,銀行經營環境丕變,業務日趨龐雜,不論是金融界或監理機關,都已意識到作業風險管理的重要性。對於銀行業這樣一個關乎國計民生的重要產業,深入了解其作業風險應有之程序,以及其進行作業風險管理時之內控作為,應有見微知著之管理意義。 新版巴塞爾資本協定(The New Basel Capital Accord,亦稱”Basel II”)已於2004年6月底正式定案,預計2006年底開始實施,其中進階方法將在2007年底適用,Basel II的修訂範圍頗大,將對各國銀行業及金融監理機關產生重大影響,各國為因應新巴塞爾資本協定的實施也早已開始進行各項研究評估及法案研擬。我國金管會為使國內銀行資本適足性管理及風險管理能力符合國際水準,已於民國九十三年九月二十一日發函通知銀行,參照國際規範修訂我國「銀行資本適足性管理辦法」及「銀行自有資本與風險性資產計算方法說明」等規定,預定將與國際同步於民國九十五年底正式實施新巴塞爾資本協定,因此各家銀行必須及早規劃以因應新巴塞爾資本協定相關措施,並建立妥善風險管理機制,以確保法規遵循及提昇競爭力。 而美國國會為強化證券市場之監控及公司治理,亦已於2002年7月30日公布SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002(沙氏法案),為美國自30年代推行公司治理架構以來,影響最為重大之財經改革法案。沙氏法案針對公司治理提出一系列的要求,為避免企業在資訊揭露方面造假或扭曲,特別針對內部控制的建立、維持及其有效性,要求企業管理階層必須負起責任,同時亦要求企業必須出具對有關財務報導之內部控制有效性的評估報告。 Basel II與沙氏法案有其相異之處,前者係對全世界銀行業者之規範,後者則係美國針對公開發行等級以上公司所作之規範,舉凡已屬公開發行之公司,其任何資訊揭露均足以影響投資人決策,而發行公司任何不實或虛偽資訊揭露,均可能影響資本市場,使廣大投資人權益受損。雖然Basel II著眼在銀行,沙氏法案重點在證券市場公司之治理,然則兩者均著重有系統的由內而外、由上而下的控制機制,不獨要求業者必須建立良好之控制機制,同時在各項控制機制上亦必須有書面做為佐證,而兩項規範亦均導入外控機制,在Basel II為第三支柱之市場紀律,在沙氏法案則為會計師對企業內控有效性之意見,兩者自有其神似之處。 作者任職於美商銀行從事後台管理工作多年,擬藉本論文之撰寫及探討,補強銀行業者對銀行作業風險及控制自評全貌之了解。

以財務比率、共同比分析和公司治理指標預測 上市公司財務危機之基因演算法與支持向量機的計算模型 / Applying Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines for Predicting Financial Distresses with Financial Ratios and Features for Common-Size Analysis and Corporate Governance

黃珮雯, Huang, Pei-Wen Unknown Date (has links)

公司治理體系下控制權市場之定位 / The Role of Control Market in the Framework of Corporate Governance

林俊宏, Lin ,Chun-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討公司治理體系下控制權市場所發揮之功能,內容大致上分為四個部分。第一部分先就公司治理理論以及不同體系加以介紹,從Ronald H. Coase交易成本理論、Berle & Means五種公司類型,以及代理理論說明公司治理的理論基礎,再分別介紹OECD以及World Bank的公司治理架構,而控制權市場則是公司治理體系下,外部治理機制的一項重要工具,最後就美國、日本與我國的公司治理體系加以介紹。 第二部分則是說明企業併購促使控制權市場發揮治理成效之主要活動,因此,分別就美國、日本與我國企業併購之概況加以闡述。美國歷經了五次併購風潮,有其經濟、文化等結構性因素,而日本與我國過去並未發生併購風潮,然而隨著結構性因素的改變,再加上全球化的浪潮,日本與我國併購活動有逐漸加溫之趨勢。 視敵意併購為控制權市場之主要利器,這是因為企業雖然有可能因為善意併購後,改善效率進而增加股東權益,有助於公司治理,但敵意併購活動更兼具威嚇現任經營者之效果,因此,敵意併購活動於公司治理體系上,一方面可汰換不適任經營者,另一方面亦可對現任經營者造成威嚇使其不敢進行有礙於股東權益之情事。而主併者進行敵意併購,主要可行的途徑有二:一為收購股權,另一為委託書徵求。就法制面而言,則見諸公開收購以及委託書管理相關規定。 第三部分開始探討敵意併購法制,本文分別介紹了美國、日本以及我國公開收購制度,目前我國已從事先核准制修正為事先申報制,與美國、日本之申報制相近。但對於公開收購定義則大相逕庭,美國採八項要素判斷,日本與我國則加以明確定義。另外股東平等原則部份,美國、日本與我國同採「比例分配制」,關於禁止變更收購條件的範圍,則是美國最寬鬆因此有利於主併者,而日本最嚴格。至於美國州法下的反併購條款在我國與日本並未出現。而關於我國引進強制公開收購制度,本文分別引述支持與反對者之意見,並基於促進併購活動發生有利於公司治理此一面向,說明強制公開收購制度可能之影響。 第四部份探討美國、日本與我國關於委託書徵求相關制度,就資訊公開的內容而言,美國、日本與我國相關規定大同小異,但徵求人資格限制以及徵求股份總數限制為我國獨有,況且因公司派掌握紀念品的製作權以及發放權,加上相關規定使投信事業必須支持符合持股成數之之公司董事會提出之議案或董事、監察人候選人,且又就使用股東名冊的難易程度而言,我國委託書徵求相關規定實對現任經營者較有利。 而關於委託書價購與否之爭論,本文分別就正反兩方之理由加以介紹,後從公司治理之角度出發,認為收購委託書可能使管理者有更多經濟上誘因進行舞弊,有礙於公司治理,故應禁止之。 最後比較公開收購制度與委託書徵求制度二者,分別從所需資金、成本風險控制、實施之便宜性以及公司治理角度,希冀我國未來公開收購制度能善加運用,發揮公司治理之功效。文末並提出相關建議,以供將來之研究或主管機關作為參考。 / This dissertation mainly discusses the role of control market in the framework of corporate governance. It is composed of four parts. The first part introduces relevant theories of corporate governance, including Ronald H. Coase’s “transaction cost theory”, Berle & Means’ “five types of corporation”, and agency theory. Then the diverse frameworks of corporate governance including OECD, World Bank, in which control market is indicated as a significant external mechanism, are illustrated. At last, the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan's frameworks of corporate governance are introduced respectively. The second part explains that the merges & acquisitions (M&A) is one of the major activities that make control market operate effectively. Then the general situations of the M&A in the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan are introduced. Taken as a main mechanism of control market, hostile takeover not only strikes inefficient managers but menaces the incumbent from fraud. Two major feasible approaches of hostile takeover are purchasing stocks and soliciting proxies. The rules of tender offer and proxy contest are relevant. The third part discusses the legal institution of hostile takeover. The rules of tender offer of U.S., Japan, and Taiwan are introduced. Then the similarities and dissimilarities between the rules from the definitions of tender offer, equal treatment to shareholders, and anti-takeover strategies are detailed. At the end of this part, different points of view about mandatory tender offer and its relation with corporate governance are discussed. The fourth part explores (investigates) the rules of proxy contest of the U.S., Japan, and Taiwan. They are similar in the disclosure principle, but only Taiwan set limitations on the qualification of solicitors and the amount of proxies. In addition, the incumbent in Taiwan have the control over the manufacturing and delivery of the tokens for shareholders in annual meetings. What’s more, regulations force the institute-investors to support the incumbent. In conclusion, the proxy rules in Taiwan favor the incumbent. Also, the arguments over proxy purchase and its relation with corporate governance is mentioned. At last, this paper compares tender offer with proxy soliciting in several aspects: the fund needed, risk control, convenience, and corporate governance. In the end, the conclusion provides some suggestions for legislators and future studies.

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