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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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不同立委選制下民眾課責行為之研究 / A Study of Citizen's Electoral Accountability under Different Legislative Electoral Systems

范惕維 Unknown Date (has links)
推究民主政治的源頭來講,民主政治根源希臘兩個文字:demo及kratica,前者意味平民,後者代表統治,兩者合一便是平民統治的政府。而在代議政治之下,要實現主權在民的方式就是透過定期選舉來決定政治領袖的去留,此種決定政治人物去留的過程也是一個簡單的課責行為。既然民主政治的內涵包括實現人民主權以及強調領導者的責任時,政府理所當然應為其所表現負起責任,並透過選舉接受人民的檢驗,這也帶出了政治課責「political accountability」在民主運作過程中的必要性。 過去學界在討論臺灣選民是否有選舉課責之行為時,多在探討投票抉擇與施政表現或經濟表現之間的關聯性,忽略了制度的重要性,從選舉制度的觀點上,不同的選舉制度會形塑出不同的政治效果,選民對於投票的對象也受限於選制差異的影響,課責行為當然也會有不同程度的差異,本文探討臺灣選舉是否存在選舉課責?而影響選民進行課責的選制差異有何不同?透過過去十年來的選舉經驗,瞭解選舉課責在臺灣現有的立委選舉制度之下的發展狀況。 本研究透過「二元勝算對數模型」來理解不同的選制之下民眾的課責行為之差異,研究發現根據選舉課責之定義,三種不同的立委選制都有明顯選舉課責之行為,且以政黨作為課責連結的投票方式,PR選制比SMD的課責強度更是明顯,在2008及2012都可以得到驗證;SNTV雖較不強調政黨間的競爭,但仍有明顯之選舉課責行為,但礙於資料限制無法與其他選制進行比較。換句話說,選制因素在課責表現上所造成的差異並不是「有無之分」,而是「強弱之別」。一致政府責任歸屬問題雖較分立政府明顯,但因台灣並無共治之經驗,課責的區分依然不明顯。

品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入— UNIQLO個案研究 / A study of brand image, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and personal involvement, a case of UNIQLO

林筱涵, Hsiao-Han, Lin January 1900 (has links)
品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入在近期的研究皆為重要的討論議題。然而,過去的研究主要關注在UNIQLO的個案研究以及與其他服飾品牌的比較,沒有任何研究探討品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入之間的利害關係。因此,本研究目的在探討品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入之間的關係,以及影響到購買意願的主因。 本研究採用量化研究方法,以找出品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、顧客滿意度與個人涉入之間的利害關係。研究結果顯示品牌形象與顧客滿意度呈現正相關,品牌形象與顧客滿意度皆會影響到品牌忠誠度,而個人涉入會影響到品牌形象、顧客滿意度與品牌忠誠度之間的關係。 / Recent surveys have regarded customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, brand image and personal involvement as fundamental issues. The previous research has been focused on investigating the case study of UNIQLO and the comparison between other apparel brands. However, brand image, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and personal involvement have not been extensively studied yet. Therefore, the research purpose is to examine the relationships among brand image, brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and personal involvement that could affect UNIQLO’s profitability. Quantitative research approaches were employed in this study in order to find out the relationships among these factors. Results of this research showed that Brand image is positively related to customer satisfaction, Brand image and Customer satisfaction significantly predicts brand loyalty. Brand image and Customer satisfaction would affect brand loyalty through its effect on personal involvement. / Table of Contexts Table of Contexts iv Table vi Figure vii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1Background 1 1.2 Statement of problems 2 1.3 Purpose of the study 3 1.4 Research question 4 1.5 Significance of the study 4 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Brand image 6 2.1.1 Brand Image: Mystery, Sensuality, and Intimacy 8 2.2 Brand loyalty 9 2.2.1 Attitudinal brand loyalty 11 2.2.2 Significance of brand loyalty 13 2.3 Customer satisfaction 14 2.3.1 Significance of customer satisfaction 15 2.4 Personal involvement 16 2.5 The overview of the global apparel industry 18 2.5.1 ZARA 23 2.5.2 H&M 26 2.5.3 GAP 29 2.6 The overview of UNIQLO 32 2.6.1 Background 32 2.6.2 Global market share 35 2.6.3 Business mode 36 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 38 3.1 Research frameworks and hypothesis 38 3.2 Research design 40 3.3 Measurement 40 3.3.1 Section I- Demographics 42 3.3.2 Section II – Brand image 42 3.3.3 Section III - Attitudinal Brand loyalty 43 3.3.4 Section IV- Customer satisfaction 45 3.3.5 Section V- Personal involvement 47 3.4 Participant 47 3.5 Data collection 48 3.6 Data analysis 48 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS 50 4.1 Description of Samples 50 4.2 Factorial Structure of the Questionnaire 52 4.3 Internal Consistency of the Questionnaire 58 4.4 Correlation analysis 59 4.5 Regression Analysis 60 4.5.1 Multiple regression analysis 60 4.5.2 Hierarchical regression analysis 63 4.6 Structural Equation Modeling 69 CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 72 5.1 Discussion of research results 72 5.2 Implications 77 5.3 Limitations of the study 77 5.4 Recommendations for future research 78 References 79 APPENDIX A 83 APPENDIX B 85 APPENDIX C 87

內政部入出國及移民署員工之工作倦怠、工作滿意度與離職傾向關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Job Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Officers in National Immigration Agency

林哲羽, Lin, Che Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以內政部入出國及移民署公務人員為研究對象,探討不同個人屬性的公務人員在工作倦怠、工作滿意度與離職傾向上的差異性及工作倦怠、工作滿意度對離職傾向的影響情形,藉由問卷調查蒐集資料,計發放320份問卷,回收有效問卷300份(回收率93.8%),後以描述性分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,並獲致研究結論如下: 一、個人屬性中以「本機關服務年資」和「服務單位」在各變項及構面上均有顯著差異。 二、工作倦怠及其各構面對離職傾向及其各構面均呈現顯著之正相關。 三、工作滿意度對離職傾向呈現顯著之負相關,其中「工作成就感」、「報償滿意」及「升遷機會」等構面與離職傾向之各構面亦均呈現顯著負相關。 四、在聯合預測力的分析結果中,以工作倦怠的「苟且態度」對離職傾向最具正向預測力,工作滿意度的「報償滿意」最具負向預測力。 本研究依據研究結論提出實務上之研究建議,以供機關作為人力資源管理之參考。 關鍵字:公務人員、工作倦怠、工作滿意度、離職傾向 / This research takes the officers in National Immigration Agency as the object to discuss their personalities contributes the job burnout, job satisfaction and the difference of the turnover intention , and it also discuss the influence about the job burnout, job satisfaction to the turnover intention. The research is implemented by questionnaire that issued for 320, the valid questionnaire is three hundreds and in 93.8% response rate. The data is analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Independent t Test, One Way ANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis and the conclusion are as follows: 1.The personal “seniority in National Immigration Agency” and “service” have significant differences in all variables and structure. 2.Job burnout and turnover intention showed a significant positive correlation between two of them. 3.There is a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention. The “job achievement”, “Payroll Satisfation” , “Promotion Satisfaction” and the various structures of turnover intention showed a fairly significant negative correlation. 4.The analysis results in joint predictive power, the “cynicism” in job burnout has the most positive predictive power to the turnover intention, and the “Payroll Satisfation” in the job satisfaction has the most negative predictive power to the turnover intention. Bsaed on above findings, some recommendations are proposed and expected it helps the human resources management in National Immigration Agency. Keywords:Officer, Job burnout, Job satisfaction, Turnover intention

專業性社交媒體網站之探討 / Investigation of the professional social media

陳毅, Chen, Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在社交媒體(social media)網站如雨後春筍般出現的時代,作者以觀察「大型社交媒體的高滲透率,以及媒體由服務、迎合大多數人的喜好的型態,演進為提供更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態的現象」出發,選定籃球為本研究之專業領域,藉由開發專注於籃球領域的社交媒體網站---Basketball Addiction來了解使用者是否能如作者觀察媒體的演進般,社交媒體網站也會有更加貼近各專業領域的服務型態出現,而使用者在使用這樣的網站時能得到滿足,持續使用,甚至推薦給朋友。 在經過本研究問卷調查後,利用統計分析軟體PLS(Partial Least Squares)進行模型的分析,Bootstrapping進行假說的顯著性檢定。結果顯示,專注於特定領域的社交媒體網站在未來是有存在的可能的,Fulfillment構面的調查結果也顯示Basketball Addiction的確能滿足使用者「社交」及「專業」的期待。 / In the era of social media sites have sprung up, the author observed, "large-scale high penetration of social media and the phenomenon of the media have made services to cater to most people's favorite patterns evolved to provide more services closer to the various professional fields patterns. Select basketball as this research professional fields. Through the development of social media sites which focus on basketball professional fields --- Basketball Addiction to understand whether the social media sites can follow the evolution of media, such as like, there will be more social media sites provide professional services. In addition, author also wonder that whether users in the use of such sites can be satisfied, continuous use, and even recommend it to friends. After the survey, author uses PLS (Partial Least Squares) to analyze and verify the model’s reliability and validity, Bootstrapping to make significant analysis. The results show, social media sites which focus on specific fields can exist is possible. Also, the results of the latent variable --- Fulfillment show that Basketball Addiction indeed allows users to have to meet the expectations, "social" and "professional" in.

台灣電子科技業員工工作滿意度分析─以某集團土城廠區為例 / Employees' Job Satisfaction Analysis of Taiwan Electronics Industry─ An Example of H Group in Tucheng

黃佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
電子科技業市場競爭激烈且瞬息萬變,尤電子科技業為台灣主力產業之一,如何選對的人並留住好的人以提升企業績效、降低培訓與訓練成本,為企業得以永續發展與生存的關鍵。因此,越來越多的企業重視員工的工作滿意度,並著手進行組織內部員工的工作滿意度調查。本研究將針對H集團某一土城廠區員工作個案研究探討,藉由研究個人屬性變項中性別、年齡、年資、婚姻狀況、教育程度對工作滿意度的差異性及環境屬性變項中直屬主管領導型態與工作特性對工作滿意度的相關性,希望調查結果及建議可以提供相關人力資源管理工作者卓參。 本研究採結構式問卷,針對H集團某一土城廠區員工發放300份問卷,回收有效問卷292份,回收率為97.33%,主要研究結果顯示如下: 一、不同年齡的H集團員工工作滿意度有顯著差異存在。 二、不同直屬主管領導型態的H集團員工與工作滿意度有顯著相關存在。 三、不同工作特性的H集團員工與工作滿意度有顯著相關存在。 關鍵詞:工作滿意度、直屬主管領導型態、工作特性 / Electronics industry market is highly competitive and rapidly changing, especially electronics industry is one of the main industries in Taiwan, therefore, how to choose right people and retain right people to improve business performance and reduce training costs are the important issues for companies to find sustainable and survival solutions. Moreover, more and more enterprises pay attention to employees' job satisfaction and do job satisfaction survey internally. In this study, focus on one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group case studies for discussion of personal property by research variables gender, age, seniority, marital status, educational level of job satisfaction and environmental attributes the differences in variables immediate supervisor leadership style and job characteristics on job satisfaction relevance, hope the findings and recommendations can provide references related to human resources field workers. The study adopted a structured questionnaire for one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group and sent 300 questionnaires out, and returned 292 valid questionnaires, the recovery rate was 97.33%, the main research results are shown below: 1. A different age of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significant differences. 2. Under different leadership of supervisors of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists. 3. A different job characteristics of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists. Keywords: job satisfaction, supervisor leadership style, job characteristics

購買行為、產品知覺品質與顧客滿意度及忠誠度之關係研究:以HP家用多功能印表機產品為例 / Research of the relationship among buying behavior, perceived quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A case study with HP consumer multi-functional printers

陳孝萱, Chen, Hsiao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以全球科技大廠 – 惠普科技(Hewlett-Packard)中之「家用多功能印表機」產品為例,探討消費者「購買行為」(消費動機、購買考慮因素)、「產品知覺品質」與「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」之關係及影響因素,希望能提供惠普科技在後續產品規劃、行銷策略與品牌形象經營之參考。 本研究採量化-「問卷調查法」與質化-「焦點團體訪談法」之方式進行研究;量化調查方面,共取得300份有效問卷,並運用敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Pearson相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析及獲得假設驗證;質化研究方面,採用焦點團體訪談法,藉由訪談已購買及使用該產品超過一年之消費者,探索研究對象之消費者使用經驗、品牌形象與未被滿足的需求。 本研究的研究結果如下: 一、性別、年齡、個人平均月所得不同的消費者,對HP家用多功能印表機之購買行為的購買考慮因素中,確實存有差異性。 二、購買行為(消費動機、購買考慮因素)與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 三、產品知覺品質與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 四、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度具顯著正向關係。 五、經由質化研究,惠普科技(Hewlett-Packard)及其家用多功能印表機在消費者心中的品牌形象是正向的。 針對惠普科技(Hewlett-Packard)提出行銷策略建議: (1) 產品面:建議業者更加加強產品行銷策略,特別是針對產品口碑、品牌、品質及功能…等部份。 (2) 服務面:加強產品的教育訓練以及提升賣場人員對HP品牌的忠誠度、提高產品售後服務保固年限,在國內設置消費者聯絡窗口…等。 (3)就品牌形象:目前惠普科技(Hewlett-Packard)給消費者的感覺已非常正面,也 擁有高知名度,建議保持並更加加強HP品牌在消費者心目中的良好形象。 關鍵字:購買行為、產品知覺品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度 *關於惠普(Hewlett-Packard): HP惠普總公司位於美國加州Palo Alto,由Mark Hurd擔任董事長暨執行長,於全球超過170個國家設有服務據點,擁有151,000名以上的員工。2008年全球營收總額逾1183億美元,為財星雜誌(Fortune)評選500大企業中排名11之跨國性企業體。 / In this research, a case study is conducted for the consumer multi-functional printer products of the global market leader, i.e. Hewlett-Packard in order to investigate how consumer buying behavior and perceived quality influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The result is expected to be a point of reference for HP to develop its product roadmap, marketing strategy, and brand image in the future. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 300 effective questionnaires are obtained for statistical analysis where a few statistical methodologies such as Descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, Regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. As to qualitative approach, Focus Group is employed where the people with over one year experience in using the products are interviewed in efforts to explore consumer experience, brand image, and unsatisfactory customer needs. The result of this research shows: 1. Interviewees with different sex, age, and income show significant differences when they consider purchasing the products. 2. Buying behavior has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 3. There is an obvious correlation with customer satisfaction, customer loyalty on perceived quality. 4. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have a positive relationship. 5. Through the qualitative research, HP brand and its multi-functional printers have a positive brand image on consumer. Hereafter are the suggestions for HP to develop the marketing strategy onwards: 1.Product: enhance product marketing strategy in particular in brand image, quality, and functionality, etc. 2.Service: organize channel training programs in order to increase brand loyalty and extend the period of after services as well as establish direct contact window in Taiwan. 3.Brand image: nowadays HP has a positive impression on consumer with its high brand recognition. Advise to maintain and even strengthen the customer relationship.

幼稚園教師合班關係之研究 / A Study for the cooperation relationship of kindergarten teachers in classroom

王慧娟 Unknown Date (has links)
國內過去有關幼稚園教師合班關係之研究,多以個案的方式進行,缺乏大量樣本的研究。因此,本研究以量化的方式,首先調查幼稚園教師合班關係之實際與理想情形;繼而探討不同背景變項幼稚園教師與合班滿意度、教學效能感、工作滿足之關係;最後探討幼稚園教師合班滿意度與教學效能感、工作滿足之關係。   本研究發現:(一)公私立幼稚園的教師合班類型並不相同,公幼以輪流教學為主,私幼以主助教搭配合作為主;但多數公私立幼稚園教師認為,團隊式教學才是理想的合作教學類型。(二)整體幼稚園教師的合班滿意度在六點量表中,為4.74,接近「滿意」程度。(三)公私立幼稚園教師的合班滿意度無顯著差異,但有區域性差異,台北縣市的教師合班滿意度,優於台中縣市與高雄縣市。(四)教師的教學效能感與園所規模、教學年資都有關;一班規模的教師教學效能感顯著較低,年資3年以下的教師教學效能感也較低。(五)合班滿意度與教學效能感呈顯著中度正相關(相關係數 .415, p<.01)。(六)合班滿意度與工作滿足也呈現顯中度著正相關(相關係數 .410. p <.01)。   本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以提供幼稚園教師、幼稚園經營管理者、政府機關以及未來研究者之參考。 / In the past, the studies for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom in Taiwan were used to conduct in case study and still insufficient for large and quantitative sample study.Therefore, using quantitative way, this study firstly investigated the practical and ideal situations for two kindergarten teachers cooperation in one classroom.Then, after discussing the relation among kindergarten teachers‘s different background, cooperative satisfaction, teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction, this study discussesd the relation among kindergarten teachers cooperative satisfaction , teaching efficacy, and job satisfaction.   It finds out that: (1) The cooperative type of teachers is various between public and private kindergartens. The major teaching is a week in rotation in public kindergartens while the other teacher as assistance in private kindergartens. In addition, most teachers in both public and private kindergartens believed that the ideal type of cooperative teaching is team work. (2) In six-point scale for satisfaction of the teacher cooperation, the total point is 4.74, closed to the degree of “satisfied”. (3) Teachers‘cooperative satisfaction shows no significant difference between public and private kindergarten, but in region. It’s greater in Taiper city than in Taichung and Kaohsiung city. (4) The teaching efficacy is related to the size of the kindergarten and the teaching experiences. This study shows that the teaching efficacy is lower in schools which have only one class and teachers within three year teaching experience. (5) The cooperative satisfaction and teaching efficacy reveals mid positive correlation (r = .415, p < .01). (6) The cooperative satisfaction and job satisfaction also indicate mid positive correlation (r = .410, p < .01).   According to the findings, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergarten teachers, kindergarten managers , administration, and researchers in the future.

捐乳媽媽之捐乳動機、家庭支持及捐乳服務滿意之研究—以臺灣第一座母乳庫為例 / Donate breast milk donation mother of motivation, family support and donate milk service satisfaction :The study - the first breast milk bank in Taiwan Case

葉淑芬, Yeh, Shu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著母乳哺育觀念的普及化,部份哺乳媽媽有多餘的奶水,希望有機會分享給他人,臺灣第一座母乳庫於2004年12月開幕以來至今已將近4 年,為使其早產兒能有源源不斷之捐贈母乳可享用,因此需靠這些捐乳媽媽能持續不斷的捐乳,故如何提升這些捐乳媽媽持續捐乳,這個議題值得深究。 本研究旨在了解捐乳媽媽捐乳動機、家庭支持及捐乳服務滿意情形,以質性研究之「半結構式深度訪談」方式,訪談12人。 本研究發現:一、助人行善,可積福報:捐乳媽媽的捐乳動機與是否為做善事行為有似乎有較大影響力。二、行有餘力,捐贈餘奶:家庭經濟好捐乳媽媽可專心哺餵母乳其泌乳量源源不絕,對於知識認知及教導的吸收度似乎會影響其執行率,更間接影響其再捐乳動機。親朋好友及網路訊息得到母乳庫可以捐乳可以引發捐乳媽媽捐乳動機。三、足夠訊息,引發動機:門診產檢及住院期間即作宣導可以增加捐乳量。四、親朋欽羨,激勵捐乳:家人對捐乳有正向看法並且捐乳活動全家能夠一起動起來,支持系統增強。五、宗教信仰支持助捐乳:宗教信念之支持,捐乳媽媽大都因有此概念更願意捐乳,分享愛給需要的寶寶。六、寶寶健康,泌乳量增:捐乳者的寶寶越健康似乎讓媽媽信心大增泌乳量持續增加會更願意捐乳。七、哺乳經驗,有助捐乳:第二胎、媽媽、姐妹有哺乳經驗者可支持捐乳媽媽捐乳。八、溫馨服務,以客為尊:捐乳媽媽對於捐乳服務很滿意,持續捐乳。九、捐乳時間,力求彈性:彈性開放時間讓上班族便利性增加,捐乳媽媽滿意覺得方便性是重要影響因素。十、捐乳滿意,推廣他人:服務滿意,更可讓捐乳媽媽有意願推廣他人來捐乳。 本研究根據提供以下建議:ㄧ、捐乳動機:增強宣導內容,以利捐乳:訊息宣導內容以幫助早產兒渡難關為主打主題再以助人行善幫自己寶寶積福報為理念,捐乳為舉手之勞更能夠有成就感;慎選對象,捐乳率高:宣導捐乳的對象首選社經地位高,經濟優渥學歷高之媽媽;訊息傳遞,產前開始:由門診產檢時或是在住院期間即作宣導。二、支持來源-家庭支持:家庭支持,組成團隊:母乳庫組成支持團體給予適時關心掌握捐乳家庭使之持續捐乳。三、捐乳服務滿意:親切服務,持續捐乳;增加車位,彈性時間:解決停車位的問題及開放彈性捐乳時間。 / With the popularization of the concept of breast-feeding, some nursing mothers with extra milk, and hope to have the opportunity to share to others, Taiwan's first breast milk bank opened in December 2004 has been nearly 4 years for it to have premature children steady flow of donated breast milk can enjoy, so be donated by the mother can breast milk continued to donate, how to improve these mothers continue to donate breast milk donation, the subject worth studying. This study was to donate breast milk donation mother, motivation, family support and service satisfaction donated milk cases to qualitative research "semi-structured interviews" approach, interviews 12. The study found that: first, to help others do good, be positive reward: milk donation mother's motives and whether the milk donated to charity behavior seems to have more influence. Second, any energy left, donated more than milk: milk donation families well breastfeeding mothers can concentrate on their milk yield inexhaustible knowledge of cognition and instruction for the degree of absorption seems to affect the rate of implementation, even indirectly affect donate another milk motivation. Friends and network information can be donated breast milk bank to donate breast milk can cause milk donation mother motivation. Third, sufficient information, cited Engine: hospital out-patient check-and that is to donate milk yield can increase public awareness. Fourth, gained the admiration of friends, encouraging milk donation: the family's donation has a positive view of milk and milk donation activities the whole family can work together to move, support system enhancement. Fifth, religious support to help to donate milk: religious beliefs, support, donor milk mother mostly due to the concept are more willing to donate milk to share love to the needs of the baby. 6, baby health, lactation increase in volume: donor milk more healthy baby who seems to have greatly increased the confidence of lactating mothers continued to increase the amount will be more willing to donate milk. 7, breastfeeding experience, help to donate milk: a second child, mother, sisters, can support other nursing mothers to donate milk to donate milk. 8, warm service, customer-oriented: to donate breast milk donation mother to a very satisfactory service, continuing to donate milk. 9, donated milk time, seek flexibility: flexible opening hours for the convenience of office workers increased milk donation mother satisfied that convenience is an important factor. 10, donated milk satisfaction, promote others: service satisfaction, but also the willingness to donate milk mothers to donate milk to promote others. This study offers the following suggestions: Your donations, milk motivation: increased content of propaganda, in order to facilitate donor milk: the message content of propaganda to help tide over the crisis in premature children to play the theme-based charity to help people help themselves and then the baby product reward for the idea of donation milk for the little things better to have a sense of achievement; carefully choose targets, high milk donation: the object of propaganda to donate milk the first choice of high social status, economic generous educated the mother; message delivery, prenatal start: from the clinic for check-ups or when during hospitalization or for advocacy. Second, sources of support - family support: family support, the composition of the team: the composition of breast milk library support group to donate milk to give timely concern to control the family continued to donate milk to make it. Third, donor milk service satisfaction: friendly service, continued to donate milk; increase in parking spaces, flexible time: to solve the problem of parking spaces and open flexible hours to donate milk.

已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突對家庭生活滿意度之影響 / A Study of Work-Family Conflict and Its Impact on Family Life Satisfaction for Married Social Worker

陳虹彣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以已婚社會工作員為對象,瞭解已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突對其家庭生活滿意度的影響。研究透過兩種管道進行資料的蒐集:一種是由台灣社會工作專業人員協會與台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會協助樣本的提供;另一種是使用線上問卷,共回收154份有效問卷。本研究有幾點發現:首先,已婚社會工作員面臨了工作與家庭的衝突,且工作干擾家庭的情況較嚴重。其次,已婚社會工作員在家庭生活滿意度的不同構面中,以家務處理滿意程度最低。再者,已婚社會工作員不會因性別的不同在工作與家庭衝突和家庭生活滿意度兩方面有所差異。在工作特質變項上,已婚社會工作員的工作年資愈少、擔任第一線社工員、每週工作時數和每月加班時數愈多者,工作與家庭衝突的情況愈嚴重。在工作投入與勝任感方面,已婚社會工作員對社工專業愈投入,其家庭干擾工作的程度愈低,亦不會因此產生工作干擾家庭的感受;當已婚社會工作員愈難獲得合適的工作作息且愈無法勝任工作時,工作與家庭衝突的程度愈高;而已婚社會工作員對社工專業愈投入者,其家庭生活滿意度愈高。此外,已婚社會工作員的工作與家庭衝突程度愈高,家庭生活滿意度就會愈低。最後,針對研究結果,研究者提出以下建議:已婚社會工作員應瞭解自我角色的情況,在家務處理上取得配偶和家人的支持,並學習有效的時間管理與適度的自我調適;實務界則應正視社會工作員的工作壓力負荷量大的問題。 / This research takes married social workers as research subject to understand how the conflict between work and family affects their family life satisfaction. Our data was collected from two measures. Some are provided by the Taiwan Association of Social Workers and the Taiwan Fund for Children and Family while the rest comes from 154 effective questionnaires collected by an online survey. Through this research, we discovered the followings. First, married social workers do encounter work-family conflicts and their family lives are rather interfered by their work. Second, in terms of different factors of the family life satisfaction, married social workers stand at the lowest level in the satisfaction of house work management. Furthermore, married social workers, regardless of sex, share the same experience regarding work-family conflicts and the family life satisfaction. In terms of the variable of job characteristics, the work-family conflict is much more severe if married social workers have less years of job experience, act as frontline social workers, or have more weekly work hours and overtime hours per month. On the aspect of work devotion and job competency, as they devote more to become professional social workers, their family lives are less likely to be interfered by their work, and thus they don't have the feeling of interference. If they have more trouble balancing between work and rest and become less competent in their jobs, the work-family conflict would be more serious. Meanwhile, if more devotion is put into becoming professional social workers, the family life satisfaction would be higher. In addition, when married social workers suffered from more severe work-family conflicts, their family life satisfaction becomes lower. This research provides several suggestions based on the research result. Married social workers should know more about their roles in work, gain supports from their spouses and family members on housework management and learn better skills on time management and self-adjustment. In practical view, the problem of work stress and overload in social workers should be emphasized.

在職專班學員之學習成效評估—以政大行政管理碩士學程為例 / The learning satisfaction of on-the-job master program for in-service master programs students - a case study of national chengchi university of master for eminent public administrators

林欣霓, Lin, Hsin Ni Unknown Date (has links)
自1999年起我國實施開辦大學研究所碩士在職專班,開啟高等教育新紀元,迄今已實施10多年,根據教育部2010年的大專院校概況統計,98學年度碩士在職專班學生數高達57,074人。碩士在職專班儼然成為在職人士進修學習的熱門方法。 因此本研究希望針對在職專班學員進行學習成效評估,以瞭解「在職專班課程」是否達到學員入學前的動機需求。另本研究也將試圖找出影響在職人士參與在職專班課程的動機因素,並分析在職人士參與在職專班課程之動機對於其學習成效之影響性。此外將針對在職人士參與在職專班課程學習行為對於學習成效之影響進行探討。 本研究以政大「行政管理碩士在職專班」88級至97級歷屆學員進行問卷調查,共發出問卷150份,回收問卷總數為106份,總回收率為70.6%,扣除退件及填答不完全的無效問卷,有效問卷105份,有效樣本回收率佔70%。本研究資料分析除以描述性統計外,且以T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元迴歸分析等方式予以統計驗證, 本研究發現:1、學習動機中以「求知興趣」動機取向最強,其次為「職業進展」取向,以「外界期望」動機取向最弱;2、學習行為中以「學習策略」最佳,以「學習習慣」最差;3、學習滿意度中以「學習氣氛」最佳,以「課程內容」最低;4、學習之成效評估則以「學習層面」最強,「行為層面」最弱;5、不同背景變項在職專班學生參與在職專班課程其「學習動機」、「學習行為」及「學習成效」皆有顯著差異;5、在職專班學員「學習動機與其學習行為」、「學習動機與其學習滿意度」、「學習動機與其成效評估」、「學習行為與其學習滿意度」、「學習行為與其成效評估」皆達顯著正相關;6、學員之學習動機強烈,其學習滿意度程度亦會跟著提高。學員之學習行為愈佳,對於參與在職專班課程之學習滿意度也高。 經由研究結果本文提出下列建議:1、建議未來相關系所辦理在職專班課程,有關課程規劃部份,可考量在職專班學員學習動機之取向,設計提供學員增進知能、彌補專業力並且可與工作進行連結應用之課程;2、各系所除提供及規劃合適課程外,亦需營造師生、同儕之間人際交流的氣氛,學習氣氛之建立將可增加學員學習之效果;3、建議未來可以擴大研究的對象至不同領域之在職研究所,藉以比較不同領域系所間學習滿意度的差異及人力專業成長的差異情形;4、建議增加更多面向的實証研究,以完備研究內容;5、建議未來研究能融入質性的訪談,將能獲得更深入的資料。

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