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蘇美珍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在瞭解(一)國民中學校長道德領導的現況;(二)國民中學兼任行政職務教師工作滿意現況;(三)不同背景變項對校長道德領導的差異;(四)不同背景變項對兼任行政職務教師工作滿意之差異;(五)國民中學校長道德領導與兼任行政職務教師工作滿意之相關情形;(六)國民中學校長道德領導與兼任行政職務教師背景變項對兼任行政職務教師工作滿意度是否具有預測功能。 研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園縣55所國民中學全體兼任行政職務教師為母群體,選取38校526位兼任行政職務教師為受試者,並以改編之「國民中學校長道德領導問卷」與「國民中學兼任行政職務教師工作滿意問卷」施測,計回收有效問卷465份,所得資料以SPSS/PC10.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,並透過描述統計、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法加以分析與解釋,所獲得主要結論如下: 一、 國民中學校長整體道德領導及各分層面(「道德領導問題」除外)皆屬中上程度。 二、 國民中學兼任行政職務教師因職位不同在覺知校長道德領導上有顯著差異。 三、 國民中學兼任行政職務教師工作滿意屬中上程度,其中在「人際關係」上最高,其次依序為「工作環境」、「主管領導」、「社會地位」、「工作本身」、「升遷考核」及「薪資福利」。 四、 國民中學兼任行政職務教師工作滿意因兼任行政年資之不同而有顯著差異。 五、 國民中學校長整體道德領導及各分層面,與兼任行政職務教師整體工作滿意及各分層面有顯著相關。 六、 在國民中學兼任行政職務教師工作滿意預測上,以「道德領導策略」最具預測力,其次依序為「道德領導問題」、「道德領導作法」、「職位」、「道德領導原因」、「道德領導功能」與「兼任行政職務年資」。 根據研究結果,對教育行政機關及校長提出建議如下: 一、 教育行政機關應建立道德倫理之校長培育及進修制度。 二、 教育行政機關應將道德領導納入校長遴選的指標。 三、 教育行政機關應訂定獎勵兼任行政職務教師之辦法。 四、 校長應利用各種機會充實自我的道德領導知能。 五、 校長應以學校整體利益為優先考量加強建構學校的倫理環境。 六、 校長應建立初任或資淺組長的輔導制度,並對兼任行政職務教師主動關懷、適時鼓勵。 / The research on the relation between the moral leadership of junior high school principals and the job satisfaction of concurrently administrative teachers. Abstract The main purpose of this research is to analyze: (1)the current status of junior high school principals in the moral leadership; (2)the current status of the job satisfaction of junior high school concurrently administrative teachers; (3)the differences of different background variables to the principals’ moral leadership; (4) the differences of different background variables to the job satisfaction of concurrently administrative teachers; (5)related situations on the principals’ moral leaderships and job satisfaction of concurrently administrative teachers; (6)whether or not there is a predicting function of the principals’ moral leadership to concurrently administrative teachers’ job satisfaction within their different background variables. This research conducts the survey study with concurrently administrative teachers from 55 junior high schools in Taoyuan County as a pool study. By randomly selecting 526 concurrently administrative teachers from 38 schools to be tested, they were given the revised versions of “the questionnaire of junior high school principals’ moral leadership” and “the questionnaire of junior high school concurrently administrative teachers’ job satisfaction”; end up with 465 valuable questionnaires and be detailed discussed. The obtained data carries on the statistical analysis by the SPSS/PC10.0 statistics software package and was analyzed and explained in advance by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression. The obtained conclusion as follows: 1. The whole of junior high school principals’ moral leadership and its each level (excluding the problem of the moral leadership) meets the middle upper level. 2. With the different job positions, concurrently administrative teachers have different perceptions on the principals’ moral leadership. 3. The job satisfaction of the concurrently administrative teachers meets the middle upper level. Among all, the personal relation is the highest and following by the job environment, supervisors’ lead, social status, job itself, promotion and evaluation, salary and benefits. 4. With different year services, concurrently administrative teachers have distinct job satisfaction. 5. There is obvious correlation between the whole of the principals’ moral leadership and its each level and the job satisfaction of the concurrently administrative teachers and its each level. 6. In talking about the prediction about the job satisfaction of the concurrently administrative teachers, the strategy of the moral leadership has the highest predicting, following by the problem of the moral leadership, the action of the moral leadership, job positions, the reason of the moral leadership, the function of the moral leadership and the year services as concurrently administrative teachers. According to the research result, it suggests to the government institution of education and school principals as follows: 1. The government institution of education should establish moral leadership to train up school principals and for them to take advanced courses. 2. The government institution of education should include moral leadership in the index of selecting principals. 3. The government institution of education should specify rewards for concurrently administrative teachers. 4. School principals should take every advantage to enrich self-knowledge in moral leadership. 5. School principals should take the whole benefit of schools as the priority consideration to strength up the moral environment of schools. 6. School principals should establish counseling system to those concurrently administrative teachers who are fresh or junior in the service and actively concern concurrently administrative teachers and encourage them in proper time.


修杰麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在討論臺北市449位里長的工作參與動機及工作滿意之情形,研究目的有四,分別為:一、探討臺北市449位里長的工作動機與工作滿意之現況;二、探討臺北市449位里長個人背景變項對工作滿意之影響;三、探討工作動機與工作滿意之間關係;四、根據研究果提出結論與建議,做為行政機關進行村里制度改革之政策建議,並提供未來從事相關研究者參考。因此,本研究首先由文獻探討開始,廣泛蒐集相關資料,予以分析歸納,提出本研究之架構及作為問卷設計的理論依據;其次編製問卷調查研究工具-「臺北市里長工作滿意調查量表」,經過預試、因素分析、信度考驗的程序,透過臺北市政府民政局、十二區區公所及449位里幹事同仁協助發放問卷至449位臺北市第九任現任里長,共計發出問卷449份,回收有效問卷357份,最後將實際調查所獲知資料經由統計處理,加以分析討論,得出相關研究結果,本研究主要發現如下: 一、性別、職業、里長服務資歷、獲得績優里長表揚與否、里幹事獲得 績優表揚與否、有無擔任社區發展協會幹部等因素,對於里長之工作滿意無顯著差異影響。 二、年長里長對「工作內容」滿意程度高於中年里長及年輕里長,而對「市府支持」的滿意程度,中年里長及年長里長顯著的高於年輕里長。 三、研究所及以上學歷之里長對整體工作滿意程度、「內在需求」及「福利措施」滿意程度上低於其他學歷者;國中學歷之里長對「退撫保障」之滿意程度高於高中學歷及研究所及以上學歷者;國小及以下和國中學歷之里長,對「市府支持」構面滿意程度高於研究所及以上學歷之里長。 四、里上有社區發展協會組織之里長,在「內在需求」滿意程度高於里上無社區發展協會組織者。 五、未來但決定繼續參選的里長對於「人際關係」滿意程度高於未來不繼續參選者。 六、里長對整體工作滿意度的重視程度,並未因參與動機類型的差異而有所不同;「社會接觸動機」類型之里長,對「福利措施」的滿意程度高於「自我成長動機」、「表達社會責任動機」、「個人利益動機」及「成就感需求動機」者;「自我成長動機」類型之里長,對「里鄰互動」滿意程度低於「表達社會責任動機」、「社會接觸動機」及「反應他人期望動機」者。 七、人口統計變項與里長參與動機類型交互作用,對里長的工作滿意無顯著差異影響。

社會支持對老年人生活滿意度之影響 / Social Supports and Elderly Life Satisfaction

王金鳳, Wang, Chin Fong Unknown Date (has links)
人口高齡化社會的來臨,不單單意謂著社會人口的老化,同時表示社會醫療支出的增加與青壯人口勞動力不足。而國人生活形態與習性、消費需求、生產及家庭結構、社會價值觀與社會福利醫療制度將隨之快速轉型與改變。因此,在高齡化的社會裡,如何因應高齡社會的快速變遷,讓老者安之,是值得探討與規劃。 本研究旨在探討老年人的社會支持與其生活滿意度之關係,所使用的資料為國民健康局所調查之「台灣地區老人保健與生活問題長期追蹤調查」。研究對象為台灣地區1999年、53歲以上居住在非山地鄉之老年人為抽樣母群,以三段分層隨機抽樣方法選出樣本共3,152名。並針對樣本做有系統的整理、歸納跟分析,以作為研究主題的參考依據。接著建立個人基本社會經濟特性及社會支持變數對老人生活滿意度的實證模型。之後,以Logistic模型加以估計,並對實證結果予以分析,分別探討個人社會經濟特質變數及社會支持對老人生活滿意度是否有影響力。 在實證部分,個人社會經濟變數具有顯著統計水準的變數有有無伴侶的陪伴、工作狀況、自覺健康狀況及自覺經濟狀況。本研究發現有伴侶陪伴在身旁的老年人,生活滿意度較無伴侶陪伴在身旁的老年人高的機率來的大;工作狀況方面的實證結果顯示,有工作的老年人其生活滿意度較無工作的老年人低的機率來的高;在自覺健康狀況方面,顯示出老年人健康結果越佳,其生活滿意度越高;在自覺經濟狀況方面,本研究將收入和自覺經濟狀況共同納入對生活滿意度的分析,發現收入並沒有顯著的影響力,反而是自覺的經濟滿意對生活滿意度更具影響力。在與家人互動部分,實證結果皆呈現1%的顯著水準,影響方向皆為正。在社會支持部分:工具性支持分為三個方面,對與子女居住的滿意程度與每月開支充裕程度,實證結果呈現1%的顯著水準,影響方向為正,至於是否有收入部分,實證結果不顯著。在情緒性支持方面,只有對親友關心的滿意程度呈現顯著水準正相關。訊息性支持分為當受訪者生病需要家人照顧時,親友家人的依靠程度及需要外出辦事如看醫生、買東西等時,有無可提供幫助的人,兩變數皆達正向顯著水準。自尊性支持只有受訪者在自認做事遭到嫌棄的時候,會隨著被嫌棄的程度升高而使生活滿意度會降低。 從實證結果可發現,社會支持與老年人生活滿意度均呈現正相關,即老年人所得到的社會支持越多、對社會支持越滿意,生活滿意度越高。從與生活滿意度有顯著相關水準的變數來看,大多是受訪者的主觀評價,影響到其生活滿意度,如有無收入與自覺經濟狀況、與子女同居與否與與子女同居的滿意度等,在有無收入或是否與子女同居對於老年人生活滿意度並未呈現顯著的影響,而在老年人主觀認為自己經濟狀況良好的程度與與子女同居的滿意程度,則呈現顯著水準的正相關,表示個人主觀評價比實際客觀情況更能影響老年人的生活滿意程度。 建議未來研究者如欲更深入探討社會支持與老年人生活滿意度的關係時,可透過多個時間點的比較,比較各次訪談間,老年人生活滿意度的變化;在問卷設計中加入更多有關地區別、機構性或是政府機關的社會支持及老人退休後的活動狀態等因素,可以更清楚的瞭解不同區域老年人退休後生活的全貌,及政府等相關機構提供的社會支持,對老人生活滿意度的影響。


謝小雀, Hsieh,Hsiao-Chueh Unknown Date (has links)
人口老化已經是全球性的新議題了,老人學隨著社會變遷也成為重要的新領域。台灣從1993年開始進入高齡化社會。未來不論在食衣住行育樂、醫藥衛生、保健照護等各領域,銀髮族都將成為各行各業服務的重要對象。為了因應台灣高齡社會的到來,行政院院會在2007年3月14日已經通過老人福利十年大溫暖計劃,10年內將投入新台幣817億元,服務對象有四項,其中一項就是65歲以上老人 。 目前安養護機構的床位大約8萬多床,只佔老人人口數的3.5%。老人的安養護市場尚有很大的空間,在人才培育方面目前有十所大專院校已開設老人學相關課程的科系,未來將會持續增加。可預見的未來,老人安養護模式中不論是居家照護、社區照護、機構照護;將在政策法令、機構設立、人才培訓的三大架構整合之下,必定會有很好的發展。 本論文研究目的,就是希望對於獲得評鑑優良的個案-雙連安養護中心進行進一步分析,透過半結構式訪談及問卷調查的方式找出顧客對服務項目的重要度與滿意度差異性,並根據所得結果提供給業者做為經營參考,幫助業者建立更優越的價值定位。 個案研究結果發現對於服務體驗項目中,住民心中最為重視的前五項其重要度均高於滿意度,且均著重於人員服務的項目,顯示人員服務的態度好壞,可能影響著住民對安養護中心的滿意度,及繼續居住的意願。在家屬方面對前五名的體驗項目,其重要度對滿意度有著較大的認知差異,可能是家屬只有在探訪住民時短暫使用這些項目,或是從住民及他人口中得知其使用的感受,其感受程度遠不如住民,故認知差異的程度相對大於住民。 本研究建議中心在制定經營管理策略時,可依體驗項目重要程度的順序作為主要訴求,在策略制定上可強調安養護中心提供了完善的居住環境與無障礙的空間和設備,或是展示實際場景的照片與影片,當消費者打電話或是到安養護中心參訪時,可透過中心人員的實際服務與交談,讓消費者感受到中心人員的服務熱誠,藉此增加對安養護中心的整體滿意度,當消費者評估後對安養護中心的滿意度大於預期的滿意度時,便會將家中長者送至安養護中心接受其服務。 / Aging of population is the latest issue in the world and gerontology also becomes an important new field due to the change of society. Since 1993, Taiwan has become an aging society. In the future, the elderly will be important customers to various walks of life, such as medical treatment, health care, nursing care, entertainment, and so on. In order to cope with the coming of an aging Taiwan, the Executive Yuan had passed a ten-year plan for the welfare of the elderly on March 14th, 2007. Taiwan will spend 81.7 billion dollars in ten years for four categories of citizens, and one of which is the elderly over 65 years old. At present, there are about 80 thousands of beds in the nursing-care institutions, which is only 3.5 percent of the elderly population. There are still a lot of opportunities in the market of elderly nursing care. For the talent development, there are already ten colleges which have added the gerontology-related departments and there will be more colleges to do so. In the near future, with the integration of government policy, set-up of institutions and talent development, home care, community care and institution-based care will definitely be under good development. The purpose of this thesis is to do further analysis of the case, Suan-Lien Elderly Center. Through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, the gap between the importance and satisfaction of the service items for the customers is discovered and the results are provided to the elderly center as a reference for management to help it establish a better value proposition. In the research results, it is found that in the service experience items, the scores of the importance of the first five items that the habitants value most is higher than those of the satisfaction, and the habitants put more emphasis on the personnel service items. This shows that the attitude of the service personnel may influence the habitants’ satisfaction of the nursing-care centers and their willingness of staying. The family of the habitants found larger gap between the importance and satisfaction of the first five service items. The reason may be that the family of the habitants only use the services for a short time during the visit. Or it may be because the family of the habitants learn the feelings of using the services through the habitants or others. This research suggests that the nursing-care centers can use the order of the importance of the service items as the main appeal while making the strategies of management. The nursing-care centers can stress that they can provide perfect living environment and barrier-free access and equipment or they can display the photos or films of the nursing-care centers. When the consumers call or visit the nursing-care centers, through the actual services and conversations, the consumers can feel the enthusiasm of the staff. In this way, the entire satisfaction of the nursing-care centers will be increased. When the actual satisfaction is higher than the expected one, the consumers will send their elderly to the nursing-care center.

男性警察配偶家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值之研究 / A study of the Diveision of Household Labor, Marital Satisfacion and Family Value of Male Police Officers'Spouses.

彭宗平 Unknown Date (has links)
警務工作在國家政府組織中依法所賦予的任務是維持公共秩序、保護社會安全、防止一切危害以促進人民福利。警察任務的達成與否及其執行的態度如何,直接觸及人民的權益及社會安全秩序。在現實的生活中警察人員的私領域如何?尤其是警察人員的家庭生活。警察工作的特質對警察人員的家庭生活影響情況為何;又如何的轉過來的影響到警察工作。自是值得研究的重要課題。 本研究旨在探討男性警察配偶對於其家庭之家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值之情況。為瞭解不同的個人特質,對於家務分工、婚姻滿意度與家庭價值等各面向有無差異,採取問卷調查法。問卷採自行編制而成之「家庭價值觀量表」,以進行施測。 樣本來源,係以台北縣為例,將範圍界定於以男性警察為配偶的女性作為研究對象,研究內容只限於男性警察的家庭,樣本選取係以台北縣政府警察局外勤工作警察為對象。範圍包括15個分局,有效樣本533份,有效回收比率88.83%。研究項目分為下列4部分:一、警察配偶基本資料。二、家務分工量表。三、婚姻滿意度量表。四、家庭價值量表。主要在於想了解不同的個人特質對警察家庭的家務分工參與頻率、家務分工參與情形、婚姻滿意度、家庭價值觀四變項之間的差異性及相關情形。 問卷回收後,經統計分析,首先採次數分配與平均數之描述性統計,對問卷內容做普遍性地描述,進而對「家事參與頻率」、「家事在何種情況下完成」、「婚姻滿意度」、以及「家庭價值」量表,進一步利用SAS進行因素分析,中萃取共同因素,再以變異法作正交轉軸分析,在分析過程中,取艾根值大於1。在家事參與頻率中,共計有12個有效項目,從中萃取5個因素,因素1協助採買頻率;因素2協助整理頻率;因素3協助修繕頻率;因素4協助清洗頻率;因素5家人互動。總解釋量為55.46%。在家事在何種情況下完成中,共計有12個有效項目,從中萃取3個因素,因素1家居環境情況;因素2清洗餵食情況;因素3與家人互動情況,總解釋量為85.14%。在婚姻滿意度中,計有31個有效項目,從中萃取5個因素,因素1情緒交流;因素2婚姻生活;因素3婚姻維持;因素4尊重因素;因素5婚姻重要性,總解釋量為67.88%。在家庭價值觀中,計有37個有效項目,從中萃取8個因素,因素1生兒育女;因素2子女養育;因素3父母權威;因素4成員互助;因素5婚姻正當性;因素6子女價值;因素7婚姻破綻;因素8角色分工,總解釋量為67.05。 進而針對這些因素,與個人基本資料進行差異性檢驗,以及家務分工、婚姻滿意度、家庭價值等三個量表之間之相關分析。以對假設進行檢驗,結果發現:1.個人背景因素之不同與婚姻滿意度之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。2. 個人背景因素之不同與家務分工之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。3.個人背景因素之不同與家庭價值之間有顯著差異性,部分修正。婚姻滿意度、家務分工與家庭價值之間有顯著相關,此部分完全成立。 本研究根據研究結果,提出十點建議,以供相關單位參考:(一)夫妻溝通、彼此配合協調。(二)調整勤務、配合正常作息。(三)分擔家務、減輕妻子負擔。(四)角色執行、避免過度權威。(五)身心健康、當前重要課題。(六)勤休合度、勤務家庭並重。(七)落實代理、分擔個人責任。(八)伴兒成長、舉辦親子活動。(九)三代同堂、重視倫理價值。 / The duty of police service work is entrusted legally to maintain the public peace, protect social security and prevent all harms to improve people's welfare by national government. How does the duty achieve or not and the execution manner touches people's rights and the social security order directly. How is the police officers' personal life, particularly their personal family life in reality? How is the job characteristics influence their family life and also how the family life influence their work performance? The work/life interaction is the important topic which is worth studying. The purpose of the research is to discuss the masculine police spouses' value of housework division, the degree of marital satisfaction and the attitude regarding their family value. In order to understand the difference between the individual characteristics and the three aspects mentioned above, we adopt the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was self-established and executed by “the family values scale.” To take Taipei County as the example, limits in the masculine police's spouse as the object of this study. The research content is restricted in the masculine polices' family and the sample selection takes the Taipei County Police Department, the front-end officers, as an object. With 15 branches included, 533 effective samples and 88.83% effectively return rate, the research divides into the following 4 parts: First, the spouses' basic information. Second, the housework division scale. Third, the degree of marital satisfaction scale. Finally, the family value scale. It aims to understand the deviation and correlation between individual characteristic and the four variables, the housework participation frequency, situation, the marital satisfaction degree and the family values. After recovering the questionnaires, we adopt frequency and the description analysis through statistics analysis. And then do the common description to the questionnaires content, then to "family affairs participation frequency", "family affairs that condition under completion" , "marriage satisfaction" , and "family value" scales. Further, we carry on Causal Factor Analysis (aka CSA) in extract a common factor, and make by Variation Method over Shaft Analysis and Varimax. In this analysis, make eigenvalue greater than one(Kaiser's rule). In the housework participation rate, there are 12 effective items, extracted 5 factors from it: 1. the assistant rate of purchasing; 2. the assistant rate of cleaning; 3. the assistant rate of repairing house stuffs; 4. the assistant rate of washing; 5. the interactions. The total explanation quantity is 55.46%. In the housework accomplishment circumstances rate, there are 12 effective items, extracted 3 factors from it: 1. the environment; 2. the assistant of washing and feeding; 3. the interactions. The total explanation quantity is 85.14%. In the marital satisfaction degree, there are 31 effective items, extracted 5 factors from it: 1. emotional and psychological interaction; 2. the marriage life; 3. the maintenance of marriage; 4. esteem of each other; 5. the importance of marriage. The total explanation quantity is 67.88%. In the value of family, there are 37 effective items, extracted 8 factors from it: 1. child bearing and rearing; 2. child rearing; 3. the parents' authority; 4. helping each other; 5. the validity of marriage; 6. the value of child bearing; 7. the marriage flaws; 8. role divisions. The total explanation quantity is 67.05%. Then aim at the factors, carry on a Differencial with personal information. And division of household, marriage satisfaction, family value...etc. three forms of scales is analytical. With assumption that carry on an examination, find the following result: 1. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the marriage satisfaction has significance difference and the part is revised. 2. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the division of household has significance difference and the part is revised. 3. The dissimilarity of personal background factor and of the family value has significance difference and the part revised. Be related between family value and marriage satisfaction, division of household, this part completely establishes. Based on those findings, 10 suggestions proposed to be a reference for the related organizations: 1. Communicate with each other. 2. Adjust working hours, try to live normally. 3. share housework, reduce spouse's workload. 4. the role play, avoids excessively authoritative. 5. physical and moral integrity is the most important topic. 6. work/life balances, pays equal attention to job and family. 7. to execute proxy plan, share the work load. 8. companion grows, conducts the parent-child activity. 9. three generations under the same roof, take ethics value.


洪國慶 Unknown Date (has links)
個人電腦市場發展趨勢和品牌代工經營形態的改變,對台灣代工企業產生全面性的衝擊。企業間惡性競爭,毛利急速下降,導致經營上面臨極大挑戰。在外部環境無法改變下,若能利用行銷手法讓組織更活化,則企業的競爭力將更穩固。 在企業完整的行銷中,包括內部行銷、互動行銷和外部行銷三個環節,若能有卓越的內部行銷,亦即企業的人力資源策略有良好規劃,則互動行銷自然容易獲致成功。故本論文針對內部行銷的特性,配合個案公司採購事業處內部互動現況,進行實證調查研究。 本研究透過對採購事業處員工全面調查結果,證明內部行銷將影響採購部門員工對於工作的滿意度,同時亦影響員工服務行為。因此,若欲提升員工對內部顧客服務的認知與態度,企業可由內部行銷方面著手,擬訂完善之擇才、育才與用才方案。同時,輔以切合企業需求之績效評估制度,不僅可衡量員工實際績效,亦可了解企業於內部行銷之規劃實施,是否確實反應於企業績效表現,以達外部顧客滿意度提昇之最終目標。


胡家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用行政院衛生署國民健康局於民國92 年所進行之「台灣地區 中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤第五次調查」資料,實証模型採用 Orderd Probit Model,分別檢驗全體樣本以及依所有權屬分類的樣本(房 屋自有者、房屋子女所有者、租屋者),探討個人特性、房屋所有權屬、 房屋及周遭環境特性對於台灣地區老年人房屋滿意度的影響。 全體樣本實証結果顯示,在個人特性變數中,年齡愈大、教育年數愈 長、有伴侶、自覺健康狀況較佳及滿意居住安排者,對於房屋滿意度有顯 著正向的影響,而男性及外省籍則對房屋滿意度有顯著負向的影響。而在 所有權屬的不同來源中,有趣的發現是部分自己購買比全額自己購買影響 程度為大,全額資助子女比部分資助子女影響程度為大。在房屋及周遭環 境特性上,居住在鄉鎮、平均每人坪數愈大、居住時間四年以上、覺得居 住環境安全有保障、滿意周遭環境、參與社會活動皆對於房屋滿意度有顯 著正向的影響。 在不同樣本群的房屋滿意度,構成自有屋主的滿意度因素,與全體樣 本的因素相差不遠。而在房屋為子女所有以及租屋者的樣本群,顯著影響 的變數則不太相同,這顯示了構成不同樣本群房屋滿意度的因素並不相 同。 關鍵字:房屋滿意度、所有權屬、Orderd Probit Model

小三通與金門住民生活需求、滿意度之研究 / Study of Kinmen Residents’ Livelihood Demand and Satisfaction with the “Mini Three Links”

王水彰, WANG SHUI CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
金門位處福建省南海岸與廈門、漳州、泉州對口的孤島,住民沿習中華閩南文化生活,自1949年大陸國共兩黨內戰成為台灣反共前哨,長年來的兩岸歷史恩怨,隨著歷史的變遷,時局的更迭,兩岸的敵對關係逐漸轉為緩和,進而共謀發展,其具體表徵之一為金門與廈門實施「小三通」。而小三通之實施,對於金門人來說,為前所未有之經驗,此項措施對於金門人來說,帶來何種衝擊,金門人真正需要的是什麼,自小三通實施以後,金門人的感受又是如何?此項課題值得深究,而研究者為金門的一份子,基於長年以來對於鄉土的熱愛,以學術的角度,對此議題加以研究,是理所當然亦是職責所在。 本研究為瞭解「小三通」與金門住民生活需求及滿意度,事涉受訪者主觀經驗詮釋,本文採用深度訪談法,以40歲以上金門原住民13位在不同職業、性別、年齡、居住地作為訪談對象。研究發現: 一、「小三通」以來金門住民環境依賴對岸。金門需要擴張港口基礎整建。教育環境:採認開放承認大陸學歷、規劃金門為大學城。醫療環境:開放與廈門醫院合作醫療健保。消費娛樂:提升更多元化的優質休閒管道。產業環境:創造有利的投資環境,開放陸資進駐金門、設置免稅區,提升觀光人口增加創業就業。 二、金門住民對「小三通」的生活滿意度: (一)、交通改善最大受益是台商。 (二)、地方建設看不到實質的成效。 (三)、在文化親情方面呈一致性的滿意。 (四)、在生活品質上持正面的看法與滿意。 三、金門住民對「小三通」經濟滿意度: (一)、對金門的復活商機呈現不滿意。 (二)、金門的資源條件遠不如廈門。 (三)、產業成長:金門酒廠除外百業萎縮,惟有旅遊業與特產業有微幅成長。 四、依據本研究發現提供以下建議 (一)、加速修正落實「離島建設條例」。 (二)、落實民生基礎建設、交通建設、水資源開發政策。 (三)、觀光產業配套:金門重新定位、流程法令鬆綁、提升觀光基礎建設內涵、實施兩岸交流合作。 (四)、落實醫療環境軟硬體設施。 (五)、落實金門設為大學島構思,作雙學歷採認制度。 / Situated as an offshore island on the Southern coast of Fujian Province and opposite to Xiamen, Changzhou and Quanzhou, Kinmen inherited Chinese culture from the South Min and its residents were thus imbued. Kinmen has become Taiwan’s outpost against China since the Civil War between KMT and the Chinese Communists in 1949. In recent years, the long-term aversion and hostility between Taiwan and China has been fading with the pass of time and change of cross-Strait political tides. In this regard, further cooperation and development are mutual concerns for both sides of the Strait, and one of the concrete symbolic policies is the so-called Kinmen-Xiamen “Mini Three Links”. For the people of Kinmen, the policy is an unprecedented experience; therefore, it is important to understand what impact will be brought forth, and what Kinmen’s residents exactly need and how they feel after the implementation. Being a local resident of Kinmen, the author tends to pay more attention and enthusiasm to this homeland; moreover, it is thus the responsibility as well for the author to concentrate on the study in the context of “Mini Three Links”. The objective of the study is to understand Kinmen residents’ livelihood demand and satisfaction with the “Mini Three Links”. A semi-structured interview method was applied and conducted in this study, focusing on 13 local residents of different occupations, genders, ages, and townships. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. For Kinmen’s residents, their living environment deeply relies on the Mainland after the implementation of the “Mini Three Links”. Thus it is necessary for Kinmen to expand its infra-structure on harbor construction. With reference to education, it is suggested that Chinese educational system and degrees should be recognized, and a university community should be established in Kinmen. In the medical-care environment, future cooperation in health insurance with Xiamen hospitals is highly recommended. With respect to consuming and recreational conditions, it is indispensable that a pluralistic channel for upgrading leisure and recreation development has to be explored. As to the industrial environment, the policies such as creating a better investment surrounding, openness of Chinese funds in Kinmen, setting up a duty-free zone, and increasing tourists to Kinmen are also highly recommended. 2. Kinmen residents’ livelihood satisfaction with the “Mini Three Links”: a. Taiwanese businesspeople benefit the most from the improvement of traffic. b. Local infra-structure and construction is not substantially upgraded. c. Residents have overall satisfaction with cultural and fraternal relations. d. Positive opinion and satisfaction with living quality. 3. Kinmen residents’ satisfaction with economy: a. Dissatisfaction with likely rehabilitation of Kinmen’s economy. b. Kinmen’s resource conditions are much worse than that of Xiamen. c. Excluding Kinmen’s liquor company, business industries have been declining. However, tourism industry and local specialties are slightly flourishing. 4. Suggestions: a. Speeding up revision of the “Offshore Island Construction Act”. b. Substantiating policies of infra-structure, traffic, and water resources exploration and development. c. Repositioning Kinmen’s role in the cross-Strait relations, enhancing in-depth infra-structure in tourism industry, and strengthening cross-Strait interflow and cooperation. d. Building up medical-care surrounding and hardware and software facilities. e. Constructing Kinmen an Island of Universities, and bilaterally recognizing educational degrees and diplomas with China.

客戶滿意等於企業獲利嗎? 顧客滿意度與貢獻度相關性之研究 / Can customer satisfaction bring business benefit? An empirical study of the relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability

黃榆菁 Unknown Date (has links)
追求顧客滿意度極大化向來是企業提升獲利的首要方法,相關研究中亦顯示提高整體顧客滿意度有助於企業整體營運績效提升。然或囿於資料蒐集不易等因素,針對個別顧客之滿意度高低是否實際上能影響其貢獻度的研究卻付之闕如。本研究欲探討顧客滿意度與其貢獻度是否存在明顯之關聯性,故先依據過去學者針對滿意度所提出的理論基礎,修正調整後進行顧客滿意度調查,再針對相對應顧客之實際交易行為進行分析,期望能為缺乏相關研究的顧客滿意度及顧客貢獻度之關聯性,做出學術上的貢獻,並對現在蓬勃發展的銀行理財業務,提出具體的建議。 / 本研究針對個案銀行顧客發放3,000份滿意度調查問卷,並比對回收有效問卷(有效問卷共373份)之個別客戶實際貢獻度資料。本研究主要發現及建議如下: / 一、提高個別顧客的滿意度無法顯著提升(或僅能微幅影響)其貢獻度。 (一)目前銀行業者為了提高顧客滿意度所進行各式各樣的投資,並不具有太多的實質效益,對於現今銀行業發展財富管理的方向而言,不啻為一種警訊。 (二)未來業者發展財富管理業務,不能只把重心放在如何提高顧客滿意度上,或誤認企業獲利的目標等同於顧客滿意度的提升。 (三)銀行業者未來應該將資源分散,不盲目的集中於提升顧客滿意度的投資上,而是積極的尋找其他能真正創造顧客貢獻度的投資標的,諸如經營體質的強化、風險控管的落實、企業形象的提升等。 / 二、在台灣,由於大多數顧客同時與一家以上的金融機構有存款、投資等業務往來,在銀行業務極為競爭的年代,為免造成客戶的移轉或流失,維持與同業相當的顧客滿意度水準仍十分重要。 / 三、產品品質、服務品質與顧客滿意度皆有正向影響,而由於服務業的行業特性,影響銀行業顧客滿意度的主要因素仍為服務品質。本研究建議銀行業者若要藉由提升產品品質、服務品質,來提升顧客滿意度,應特別重視專業度、實體設施,以及產品多樣性這些方面的提升。 / Increasing customer satisfaction has become the guiding principle for many enterprises in order to maximize their profit. Although many researchers have conducted studies regarding the relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability, these studies are mainly focused on the organizational level, comparing organizational performance with customer satisfaction across firms. In contrast, there is limited evidence of the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer contribution at the individual level. In other words, we are not sure whether more-satisfied customers really bring in more profit. / This empirical study examines the correlation between customer satisfaction and customer contribution at the individual customer level. Combining both customer satisfaction survey results and archived customer contribution data, the study examined responders’ satisfaction with their actual contribution to firm profits. / The case studied is a large bank in Taiwan. By sending out 3,000 questionnaires to customers of the consumer banking services, we collected 373 effective responses. The empirical results of this study are as follows. / Both product quality and service quality have positive effects on customer satisfaction, but service quality is more important than product quality in the retail banking business. It was determined that the top three effective ways to improve customer satisfaction are to improve professionalism of financial advisors, to make the facility more customer friendly and more comfortable, and to offer a greater diversity of financial products. However, the findings also indicate that customer satisfaction has very low correlation or even no significant correlation with individual customer contribution. / Although banks today invest much in creating customer satisfaction, this strategy may not be the way to achieve profit maximization. There are numerous other issues involved in profitability increase, including managerial efficiency, corporate governance, corporate image, etc. In fact, the most important factor that influences bank customers’ investment decisions may be the state of the economy (i.e., the stage of the business cycle) rather than customer satisfaction.

勞務委外對公部門人力資源管理影響之探討 / 勞務委外對公部門人力資源管理影響之探討

邱昀薇 Unknown Date (has links)
政府面對著公共需求愈來愈多,相對資源卻愈來愈少趨勢下,公部門為使公務順利運行,逐漸釋放獨占的事務,除民營化、BOT之外,勞務委外也是其中重要的手段之一。然而社會對公部門的印象角色,從來都被認為是扮演市場失靈時的那隻看得見的手,始終扮演提供服務的角色,惟政府事務委外後,公部門所扮演的角色已變為「服務購買者」,如此轉變勢必對於公部門內部人力資源管理產生一定影響,又在迫切公共需求的眾多目標要求下,公部門一方面調整自己的角色提供更多服務,同時人力資源管理的轉換過程必然與傳統公共行政有所差異,如何有效人力資源運用與完成人民的付託,亦成為當前重要課題。 故本研究以勞務委外中的派遣工作為例,以工作滿意度檢視勞務委外人員對於派遣工作之看法,提出相關研究事項之假設,採國外及國內常用量表,最後由問卷調查統計實證,作成統計彙整個人屬性、工作特性認知與工作滿意度之關聯係數,最後依有關統計分析其傾向,得出下列結論並作成改善建議事項: 一:派遣人員的個人屬性對工作特性之認知有影響 二:派遣人員的個人屬性對工作滿意度有影響 三:勞務委外的工作特性認知對工作滿意度有影響

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