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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大學圖書館「學習共享空間」服務品質指標建構之研究 / Developing the service quality assessment indicators for Learning Commons at University Libraries

侯淳凡, Hou, Chun Fan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位科技快速發展,大學的學生在校園內的各種學習需求變的多元,而校園的中心觀念也從教育(Teaching)轉變為學習(Learning),學習共享空間(Learning Commons)隨之成為大學圖書館的重要服務,它代表了大學圖書館的創新與轉型。在這個空間內,館方提供充足的設施以及各種科技工具與服務,讓使用者可進行各種學習活動。學習共享空間從資訊共享空間演變而來,發展至今已有20年的歷史,而臺灣的大學圖書館自2005年臺灣師範大學圖書館興建「SMILE 多元學習區」後,多所學校皆已在圖書館內建置學習共享空間。一項計畫須經由評鑑才能知道其目標達成與否,本研究將利用焦點團體法針對「學習共享空間」進行評鑑指標的建構與修訂,再針對各校的學習共享空間進行實際的評鑑,評估其表現與滿意度。 本研究的研究目的有五點:(一)探討大學圖書館學習共享空間的意涵與發展現況。(二)探討圖書館學習共享空間評鑑方法,建構適合的服務品質評鑑指標。(三)探討大學的學生在校園中的需求與希望圖書館提供的服務。(四)探討大學的學生對於圖書館學習共享空間的使用與滿意度,以期了解學習共享空間服務的效益。(五)分析使用與評鑑結果,做為圖書館學習共享空間未來改進之參考。 為獲得研究結果,本研究透過焦點團體法獲得臺灣的學習共享空間意涵,同時焦點團體參與者也認同利用服務品質評鑑方法來進行學習共享空間的評鑑,具體建構出3個評鑑構面、23個指標與評鑑問卷,做為本研究的評鑑工具。為確保指標的可用性,本問卷實際發放臺灣師範大學與政治大學圖書館學習共享空間,獲得以下結論:(一)網路使用頻率影響二校使用者實際進入圖書館的次數。(二)使用者認可圖書館的學習價值(三)使用者最常使用科技設備。(四)使用者認為學習共享空間最重要的服務為舒適的環境與資源的提供、(五)使用者認為最滿意的服務為服務人員的態度與回應。(六)使用者認為最需改進的部分為區隔討論區與自習區。(七)學習共享空間整體滿意度尚待提升,圖書館仍應著重資源的提供。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究也提出幾點建議,首先要提升學習共享空間的共識與認知,並增加其理念宣傳,才能讓更多的潛在使用者得知學習共享空間的存在價值。建造舒適的環境固然,資源提供的重要性仍不可偏廢,未來可增設數位資源學習設備與教材,並增加討論空間,但同時要明確區隔討論區與自習區,以符合臺灣使用者特性。學習共享空間強調一站購足的整合服務,單靠圖書館一己之力無法達成,應促進跨組織合作,提供資訊指導與教學指導等多元服務,期望能滿足使用者的各種需求。

國際展覽之服務創新與體驗價值研究 以2011台北世界設計大展之設計交鋒展為例 / A Research of the Study of Service Innovative and Experiential Value of International Exhibition:A Example of “Theme Exhibition of Taipei World Design Expo 2011”

魏立欣 Unknown Date (has links)
根據國際會議協會(International Congress & Convention Association;ICCA)資料顯示,每年全球約舉辦40萬場會議及展覽,總開銷約2,800億美元,國際展覽產業協會(UFI)也提出會展產業之年產值已高達1兆1,600億美元,為各國家帶來了龐大的經濟效益。台灣已慢慢在世界會議展覽領域起步,並逐漸提升國際競爭力與能見度。除了會展在台灣被受到重視之外,政府也非常重視「設計在台灣」。 本研究藉由相關的文獻探討、利用量化問卷調查及深度訪談等研究方式、探討展覽中「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」的意涵,了解此五個變項之間的關係,期望本研究的結果最終能給予展覽主辦單位些許有價值的策略建議。研究方法採用描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析、T檢定、迴歸分析及深度訪談等研究方法。 1.探討「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」、「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。 2.檢定「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」與「顧客滿意度」「顧客忠誠度」等構面之關係。 3.「人口統計變項」對「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「服務創新」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」是否有顯著差異化。 本研究以『2011台北世界設計大展之設計交鋒展展館』為例,根據量化及質化訪談顧客的結果做為基礎,提出以下未來舉辦此類展覽的行銷策略建議。 一、提供一個具有更高素質的觀賞空間 二、加強整個展館的服務品質 三、強調整個展館的主題性,製造差異性 四、提供更多的互動性,讓設計變得更親民 / According to the survey by International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) , there are over 400,000 conventions and exhibitions hold around the world with total cost $ 280 billion. The International Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI) also mentioned that the production value of the MICE industry has been up to$ 1 trillion 160 billion and brought the huge economic benefits to all countries. Taiwan has gradually started and improved the international competitiveness and visibility in the World Conference and Exhibition field. In addition to the Exhibition , Taiwan government also emphasizes the importance of "design in Taiwan” The purpose of this research is to explore the relationships among five variables strategy experiential modules, experiential value, service innovation, customer satisfaction and loyalty and provide suggestions in marketing strategies on conducting special exhibitions based on research results. The statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson correlation, ANOVA, regression , in qualitative approach, and in-depth interview. 1. To discuss the meanings of “strategy experiential modules”, “experiential value”, “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty ”. 2. To examine the dimensions of “strategy experiential modules”, “experiential value”, “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty ”. 3. To test the significances on “demographic variables”, “strategy experiential modules”, “experiential value”, “service innovation”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty ”. After analyzing the data of questionnaires and qualitative interviews with customers, the study provides four marketing strategy suggestions on conducting exhibition. 1.Providing a more high-quality viewing. 2.Strengthening the service quality of Exhibition Emphasizing on the theme of the exhibition and making differentiation. 3.Providing a more interactive, and making the design more friendly and close to the people.

公共服務動機及薪資滿意度對離職傾向之影響-以臺北市消防人員為例 / The Impacts of Public Service Motivation and Compensation Satisfaction on Turnover Intention: The Example of Firefighters in Taipei City

黃奕禎 Unknown Date (has links)
臺北市消防人員自2015年起試辦「加發危險職務加給加成」政策,該政策實施迄今已3年餘,本研究藉該政策探討臺北市消防人員公共服務動機理論及薪資滿意度與離職傾向之關係。本研究主要採問卷調查法,另輔以質性訪談印證及補強問卷之不足;量化部分就臺北市現支領「加發危險職務加給加成者」為研究對象,實際有效問卷為1,209份,問卷回覆率為81%,以SPSS for Window 20.0統計套裝軟體進行資料處理分析,採描述性統計及推論性統計分析(信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等);訪談部分以滾雪球方式,訪談2位現職臺北市消防人員及2位離職臺北市消防人員,研究結果如下,公共服務動機越高之消防人員離職傾向越低;薪資滿意度越高之消防人員離職傾向越低。 另依訪談者所填覆之簡要問卷及訪談內容,皆與量化結果略為相符,並從訪談內容發現,雖消防工作中最具激勵效果為內在激勵之助人成就感,但若藉以減緩離職傾向而言,仍略顯不足,尚須自消防工作之各實質外在工作層面考量,方能減緩人員離職傾向。本研究結果顯示臺北市消防人員具高度公共服務動機,且公共服務動機及薪資滿意度皆與離職傾向有顯著關係,爰主管機關應審慎考量盡速讓試辦政策納入法規常態發放,俾憑減緩消防人員之離職傾向。 關鍵字:公共服務動機、薪資滿意度、離職傾向 / The Taipei City Fire Department has initiated the policy of “Adding bonuses to those with dangerous duties” since 2015. The aforementioned policy has been implemented for more than three years. This study tries to explore this policy focusing primarily on the impacts of public service motivation (PSM) and compensation satisfaction on Taipei City firefighters’ turnover intention. This study adopts the questionnaire survey method, supplemented by qualitative interviews to verify and reinforce the results. The questionnaires were distributed to the Taipei City firefighters who received the dangerous duties bonuses. The total number of valid respondents was 1, 209 with a valid response rate of 81%. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (including the reliability test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation) were conducted using SPSS for Window 20.0. The snowball sampling method was chosen to find the interviewees, including two incumbent Taipei City firefighters and two resigned firefighters. Results of this study were twofold: first, a firefighter’s PSM was negatively associated with his/her turnover intention; second, a firefighter’s satisfaction on the compensation was also negatively associated with his/her turnover intention. Responses obtained from the interviews were consistent with the survey results. According to the interviewees, it is found that the intrinsic motivation, the accomplishment of helping others, is a critical element for the firefighters to perform their services. However, intrinsic motivation is still insufficient to reduce the their turnover intention. It is necessary to consider improving the work conditions of their work at the same time, which, in fact, is the most effective way to reduce firefighters’ turnover intention. The authorities, therefore, should consider rules and regulations regarding this matter and, thereafter, legalizing them as soon as possible to keep the firefighters. Keywords: public service motivation, compensation satisfaction, turnover intention

本地生與境外生使用大學圖書館與滿意度之研究-以龍華科技大學圖書館為例 / A study on university library use and satisfaction between taiwanese and overseas students -a case study of lunghwa university of science and technology library

陳怡靜, Chen, Yi Jing Unknown Date (has links)
大專院校為因應少子化現象,因此積極招收境外學生,政府也逐步開放相關政策,使來台就學之境外學生人數逐年上升,讓校內境外生比率逐年成長。圖書館有服務讀者之使命,需理解不同讀者的需求及圖書館使用行為,讓圖書館在國際化的浪潮下,可以提供更好的資源與服務。 本研究之研究目的有五點:(一)探討本地與境外大學生之資訊需求。(二)探討本地與境外大學生之圖書館使用情形。(三)探討本地與境外大學生之學校圖書館滿意度看法。(四)探討大學生使用圖書館與滿意度的影響因素,以國藉、性別、年級、院別進行探討。(五)探討與比較境外生與本地生資訊需求、圖書館使用、滿意度的差異。 為獲得研究結果,本研究透過文獻分析具體建構出「圖書館使用」三構面19項指標及「使用滿意度」三構面24指標之調查問卷,做為調查大學生圖書館使用及使用滿意度的評鑑工具。本問卷對龍華科技大學日間部大學生實際發放問卷調查,獲得以下結論:(一)本地和境外生的資訊需求以課業及休閒為主。(二)本地生最多人使用圖書館空間,境外生則最多人使用圖書館館藏。(三)本地生最滿意圖書館服務,境外生最滿意圖書館空間。(四)國籍是影響圖書館使用及使用滿意度的重要因素。(五)境外大學生仍未全面使用過圖書館。(六)本地生對圖書館期望落差大於境外生。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究也提出幾點建議:(一)加強宣傳圖書館,提高大學生使用圖書館的頻率。(二)因應資訊化時代,電子出版興起,圖書館需提高學生電子資源使用率。(三)增加圖書館各項館藏資源新穎性與多元性,吸引讀者使用。(四)重視圖書館空間的各項指標,滿足本地及境外大學生的需求。(五)深入了解不同身分讀者之需求,提供差異化的資源與服務。(六)提升圖書館整體滿意度,增加大學生使用圖書館的意願與頻率。 / To cope with the phenomenon of low birthrate, universities actively recruit overseas students. The government also implements some relevant policies to increase the number of overseas student in Taiwan every year. With the mission of providing best resources and services to the users, the library should fulfill the needs of different users with different using behaviors under the tide of globalization. Purpose of this study has five points: The first is to investigate the information needs of local and overseas college students. The second is to investigate the library use of local and overseas college students.The third is to investigate the library use satisfaction of local and overseas college students. The fourth is to explore the influencing factors of library usage and satisfaction of college students based on nationality, gender, grade and institution. The fifth is to explore and compare the information needs, library usage, and satisfaction between overseas students and local students. To get the research results, a survey questionnarire has formed based on the methodology of literary analysis to evaluate local and overseas college students concerning library use, satisfation and importance. This questionnaire contains "library use" three facets of 19 indicators and "satisfaction" three facets of 24 indicators as an evaluation tool for the investigation of college students ' library use and satisfaction evaluation tool. The surveys are sent to Longhua University of Science and Technology students. Results are as shown below. A. Local and overseas information needs to focus on school work and leisure. B. The largest portion of local students use the library space, and the largest portion of overseas students use the library collection. C. Most of local students most satisfied with the library services, overseas students most satisfied with the library space. D. Nationality is an important factor influencing library use and satisfaction. E. Overseas students have not fully used the library collections, space and services. F. Local students are more dissatisfied library than the overseas students. According to the research results, this study also several suggestions: A. Intensify publicity on library collections and services, and increase the frequency of using the library. B. In response to the information age, the rise of electronic publishing, the library needs to improve students' electronic resource usage. C. Enhance the library collection novelty and diversity to attract readers to use. D. Focusing on indicators falling within the library space, meet the needs of both local and overseas college students. E. Understand the needs of different students and provide differentiated collections and services. F. To enhance the overall satisfaction of the library and increase the willingness and the frequency of library using rate.

學校型態實驗教育家長選擇權與學校滿意度之研究 / A study of school choice and satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education

宋承恩, Sung, Chenen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究指在探討學校型態實驗教育學校之家長選擇權與學校滿意度,採用「學校型態實驗教育家長選擇權與學校滿意度之調查問卷」,以臺灣地區學校型態實驗教育學校之家長為研究對象,有效問卷共564份。資料回收以描述性統計、因素分析、項目分析、交叉分析、皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,其研究結果如下: 一、 學校型態實驗教育學校之家長的入學資訊來源重要性依序為親身觀察學校、依孩子學習狀況與取向共同討論、學校辦理實驗教育情形、參與該校活動等為主要參考訊息。 二、 家長選擇權首重為學習與適應,接著為教育專業及行政與環境。 三、 家長對學校滿意高低依序為教師教學與學生表現、行政服務與家長參與。 四、 不同教育程度、家庭收入、職業、學區、是否為轉學生的學校型態實驗教育家長,在家長選擇權的知覺上有差異。 五、 不同教育程度、家庭收入、職業、學區的學校型態實驗教育家長,在對學校滿意度的態度上有差異。 六、 學校型態實驗教育的家長在家長選擇權與對學校滿意度具有高度正相關。 七、 學校型態實驗教育學校的家長在家長選擇權對學校滿意度具有預測力。 根據研究結果,對學校型態實驗教育之實務、規劃、未來研究提出相關建議。 / The purpose of this research was to understand a study of school choice and satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education. “Questionnaire of school choice and satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education” was delivered to the parents, whose children were studied in of school-based experimental education in Taiwan. There were 564 valied questionnaires. Statistical techniques used to analyze the collected data are descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis methods. The results were as follows: 1. As to admission information, parents put an emphasis on four factors, the degree in order is: personal observation, according to the child learning situation and orientation to discuss, view on school-based experimental, participate in school activities. 2. As to school choice, the degree in order is: student learning and adaptation, school education concept and teacher 's teaching, school administration and parental communication and environmental equipment. 3. As to satisfaction survey of school-based experimental education, in descending order is: teachers' teaching and student learning, school administration and parent-teacher communication. 4. Parents with different background showed significant differences on decision making for choosing school. 5. Parents with different background showed significant differences on school satisfaction. 6. There was significant canonical correlation between decision making for choosing school and school satisfaction. 7. The choosing school variables can significantly predict the parent’s satisfaction of school. The research findings and suggestions can serve as reference for educational authorities, elementary school principals and subsequent related studies.

臺北市國民中學校長服務領導、教師情緒勞務與教師工作滿意度關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship among Principal’s Servant Leadership, Teachers’ Emotional Labor and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Junior High Schools in Taipei City

謝坤宏, Hsieh, Kun Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民中學校長服務領導、教師情緒勞務與教師工作滿意度之關係。本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣47所學校,發出565份問卷,回收408份有效問卷,問卷可用率達72.2%。資料處理採用描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、Pearson積差相關及多元迴歸分析等統計方式進行統計分析。本研究分析結果分述如下: 一、臺北市國民中學校長服務領導為中高程度,以「楷模倡導」最高,「真誠感召」最低。 二、臺北市國民中學教師情緒勞務為中高程度,以「真情演出」最高,「深層演出」最低。 三、臺北市國民中學教師工作滿意度為中高程度,以「同僚關係」最高,「校長領導」最低。 四、不同「性別」、「職務」及「學校規模」之教師知覺校長服務領導之整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 五、不同「學校規模」之教師知覺情緒勞務之整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 六、不同「年齡」、「教育程度」、「服務年資」、「擔任職務」及「學校規模」之教師知覺教師工作滿意度之整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 七、臺北市國民中學校長服務領導、教師情緒勞務與教師工作滿意度呈現中度正相關。 八、臺北市國民中學校長服務領導、教師情緒勞務對教師工作滿意度具有預測作用。 / The purposes of this study was to investigate the relationships among the principals’ servant leadership, the emotional labor of teacher and the teachers’ job satisfaction in the junior high schools in Taipei City. The Questionnaire survey method was applied. The samples include 47 schools and 565 questionnaires were distributed. There were 408 valid questionnaires used finally in the statistic analysis and the usable rate was 72.2%. The data was analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Junior high schools teacher’s perception of principals’ servant leadership is above average, in which the item “model behavior persuasiveness” was the highest, and the “honesty” was the lowest. 2.Junior high schools teacher’s perception of teacher’ emotional labor is above average, in which the item “genuine acting” was the highest, and the “deep acting” was the lowest. 3.Junior high schools teacher’s perception of teacher’ job satisfation is above average, in which the item “colleague relationship” was the highest, and the “principal leadership” was the lowest. 4.There are significant differences in the junior high schools teachers’ perception of principals’ servant leadership in terms of gender, duty and the scale of the schools. 5.There are significant differences in the junior high schools teachers’ perception of teachers’ emotional labor in terms of the scale of the schools. 6.There are significant differences in the junior high schools teachers’ perception of teachers’ job satisfaction in terms of age, education, length of service of school, duty and the scale of the schools. 7.There is a positive correlation among the principals’ servant leadership, teachers’ emotional labor, and teachers’ job satisfaction. 8.Principals’ servant leadership and teachers’ emotional labor have a predictive effect on teachers’ job satisfaction.

黑膠之購買動機、認知價值、服務品質與對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度關係之研究:以古碟公司為例 / A Study on the Relationship among Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty:the Example of “Goodiscs Vinyl Company

吳孟宇 Unknown Date (has links)
從銷售角度看,目前音樂錄音市場中的CD已漸趨式微,而曾被CD逼向日薄西山的黑膠,反而自數年前起異軍突起,目前已和數位下載有不相上下的成長率。黑膠持續存在市場的原因,是因為數位的音質無法令聽覺敏感者滿意,加上近年來,黑膠的價格在市場競爭下,不若以往高不可攀,也讓許多年輕族群趨之若鶩。本研究著重黑膠市場復興之行銷策略,並且從「購買動機」、「認知價值」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」以及「顧客忠誠度」作研究變數,檢視個案「古碟公司」銷售黑膠營運策略。研究目的有五點:(一)探討購買動機、認知價值、服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度構面之意涵。(二)檢定購買動機、認知價值、服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度構面之關係。(三)探究人口統計項與購買動機、認知價值、服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度構面是否具有顯著差異性。(四)檢定顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度是否具有顯著差異性。(五)依據量化與質化的研究,對古碟公司提出行銷策略建議。 本研究主要調查對象為到誠品音樂館購買黑膠的消費者,由於黑膠市場屬於小眾市場,問卷樣本相當有限,經誠品音樂館北中南店長鼎力協助,總共蒐集到有效樣本100份。研究結果發現:購買黑膠之顧客最為重視的是「認知價值」,其中又以「商譽」「行為與貨幣價值」最為重視。 最後,本研究針對古碟公司提出七點建議,期盼研究能與實務作出結合。 關鍵字:黑膠、誠品音樂館、購買動機、認知價值、服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度 / From a sales perspective, current CD in the recorded music market has declined, while that vinyl was cornered by CD, but since a few years ago, a dark horse, now and digital downloads are comparable to the growth rate. Vinyl continued market reasons, is because digital sound quality cannot have satisfactory hearing sensitivity, coupled with recently, vinyl prices under market competition, if not unattainable in the past, so many young people in droves. This study focuses on vinyl marketing strategy, with “Purchase Motivation”, “Perceived Value”, “Service Quality”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Customer Loyalty” as research variables. There are four research purposes:(A) Investigating the meaning of vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. (B) Examing vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. (C) Exploring demographic variables whether there are significant differences with vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty or not. (D) Based on quantitative and qualitative research, give the case ''Goodiscs'' Vinyl Company’s marketing suggestions. This research survey was conducted in consumers from Eslite Music Center. A total of 100 valid samples were collected. The results showed that, in ''Goodiscs'' Vinyl Company, customers value “Perceived Value”, among which "Reputation of a firm's product”, “Monetary value and Behavioral price" the most. Finally, this study presents seven recommendations for “Goodiscs'' vinyl company, hoping to combine research with reality. Keywords: Vinyl, Eslite Music Center, Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty


黃怡音 Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關服務品質的研究大都以服務的特性(如可靠度、反應力等等..)做為服務品質的構面去探討每一構面對整體服務品質的影響,本研究則以服務的種類做為服務品質的構面去探討不同服務的服務品質對整體服務品質的影響。 根據Grönroos (1990) 對服務所做的分類,本研究將服務分成核心服務、輔助服務以及支援性服務,探討這三種服務對整體服務品質的影響力。 此外,在Zeithaml & Bitner (1996) 所提出的「顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖」中認為滿意度直接受到知覺服務品質、知覺產品品質、知覺價格的影響,本研究便據此去探討整體服務品質對顧客滿意度的影響。此外,更進一步去探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 由於本研究主要著重在服務品質的探討,因此選定幾無實體商品的信用卡產業做為研究客體,探討知覺服務品質及知覺價格對滿意度的影響,而不探討知覺產品品質的影響。 根據Grönroos對核心服務、輔助服務以及支援性服務所下的定義,核心服務指的是企業在市場上生存的理由,應用在信用卡產業即為信用卡所提供「延遲付款」的利益以及旅遊保險、道路救援等等服務;輔助服務是企業為了讓顧客能使用核心服務所提供的服務,企業以此做為競爭的手段,增加差異化的程度,應用在信用卡產業即為客服中心所提供的服務;支援性服務是企業為了增加整體服務吸引力所提供的服務,應用在信用卡產業即為發卡銀行的企業形象及所參與的公益活動等等。 本研究共回收382份有效問卷,以247份進行LISREL分析,得到以下的結果。 在服務種類和整體服務品質的關係上,核心服務和支援性服務對整體服務品質並無顯著影響。唯有輔助服務(客服中心)對整體服務品質有顯著影響。顯示在核心服務與支援性服務易於模仿而日益趨同的情況下,輔助服務(客服中心)對消費者在評估整體服務品質時所具有的重要性已超越其他種類的服務。 在影響滿意度的因素上,研究結果顯示,整體服務品質與價格皆會影響顧客滿意度,且服務品質的影響力大於價格的影響力。此外,在滿意度和忠誠度的關係上,結果顯示,兩者之間呈正相關。 本研究以服務的分類去探討不同種類服務對整體服務品質的影響,並與Zeithaml & Bitner所提出的架構做一連結,提供未來學術研究在探討影響服務品質的構面時一個新的方向。 / In the past, in the literature research on service quality, the characteristics of service such as reliability, responsiveness, and etc. were regarding as the dimensions of service quality to study the influence of each dimension on whole service quality. This research is taking the category of service quality as the dimensions of service quality to study the influence of different kinds of service on whole service quality. According to Grönroos’s study on the category of service in 1990, this study is divided service into core service, facilitating services and supporting services to realize the influence of these three kinds of service on whole service quality. Furthermore, in the framework “Customer perception of quality and customer satisfaction” proposed by Zeithmal and Bitner’s, satisfaction is directly influenced by perceived service quality, perceived product quality, and perceived price. According to this reference, this study is to discuss the influence of whole service quality on satisfaction. In addition, this study would Because this study emphasizes on the study of service quality, the main focus in on credit card to investigate the influence of perceived service quality and perceived price on satisfaction, rather than the influence of perceived product. According to the definition of core service, facilitating services and supporting services proposed by Grönroos, core services are the reasons for being on the market. Applied to credit card, the core services are the benefit of deferred payment, travel insurance, road rescue, and etc. Besides, facilitating services are the services that facilitate the use of the core services. Applied to credit card, the facilitating services are the services call centers could supply. In addition, supporting services are used to increase the value and/or to differentiate the service from the services of competitors. Applied to credit card, supporting services are the image of the company and the activities for public warfare or charity the company holds or joins. This study collects 382 copies of valid questionnaires and later LISREL analysis is carried out with 247 copies. The results are as follows. With the relationship between service category and whole service quality, core service and supporting services has no significant influence on whole service quality. Only facilitating services—the services call center supplies—have significant influence on whole service quality. It shows that under the situation that the core services and supporting services are imitated easily and equaled gradually, the importance of facilitating services is beyond any other kinds of services when consumers evaluating the whole service quality. As to the factors that influence satisfaction, whole service quality and perceived price both have significant influence of satisfaction, and whole service quality has more influence than price. In addition, with the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty, the two variables are positively related. This study is to discuss the influence of different kinds of services on whole service quality and create a linkage between services category and the framework proposed by Zeithaml and Bitner. Also, the study wishes to provide a new direction for future literature research regarding the dimensions that would influence the service quality.

資通訊科技(ICT)服務業客戶滿意度之跨國比較- 以亞太地區市場為例 / Customer Satisfaction of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services- The Comparison in Asia Pacific Countries

王宏任, Wang, Benjamin Unknown Date (has links)
立足台灣,前瞻兩岸,放眼全球已經不再是台灣企業的未來策略方針了,而是台灣企業已陸續進入目標市場,進行開發和建立成長的階段中。近年來,全球貿易經濟加速全球化,跨國企業無不把握市場脈動,提早卡位捷足先登。台灣的企業也由製造、貿易、行銷到服務的轉型過程,提升自有品牌的附加價值,以便在握有許多產品的供應鏈優勢上,建造一條更順利又長遠的成長到路。尤其在高科技的資通訊產品,台灣有具有重要的全球地位。從代工到研發創新的轉變,使台灣的品牌,在激烈的全球化競爭下,已漸漸戴上的一道光環,那就是市場價值。 當進入到世界市場的行銷競爭時,如何掌握客戶的行為模式,達成最佳的產品最終使用者滿意度,往往過去都將焦點注目於消費性產品的市場研究居多,較少投入產業性產品與服務的研究,而對於以資通訊產品占出口相當大比例的台灣廠商,若能進一步研究探討各國產業市場的行為模式,相信對於產品的研發設計有所助益,並將擴大在全球市場的成長機會。 在拓展全球市場的同時,如何在起步較晚的狀況下,超越歐美、日本的國際企業,開創出新一代的優勢競爭模式,取得市場先機,強化企業組織效能,網羅培育各地人才,提供滿意的顧客服務品質,創立長遠的品牌價值。在Ben Q併購西門子的經驗,莫不是台灣企業整體的學費成本,在國際化的競合腳步快速邁向前的科技網路時代,如何培養更多的國內外人才來迎接這個台灣優勢,順利去延展我們的國際市場,相信對於國際市場的研究,台灣應該有更多的用心與重視。今年初,在美國航空公司JetBlue的誤點意外,對客戶滿意度造成衝擊的案例,引起媒體大眾和政府的關注,這對於在國際上正在開疆闢土的台灣企業,應該引以為戒,並在相關的國際市場顧客行為研究,應該同時給予相對的投入與支持。 吾人希望藉對於資通訊服務業在國際市場的客戶滿意度比較研究,探討相關在產業市場對科技服務的客戶行為,同時選擇一個全球型的國際企業,並且擁有各國子公司的資通訊科技的系統整合服務業者進行相關的個案研究,而調查訪談的對象,屬於跨國企業(MNCs)的經營模式超過一半,分布於不同產業。考慮如何透過提供資通訊的科技軟硬體產品與服務,經由銷售、解決方案、諮詢、設計、專案管理、安裝建置、維護到客服服務的各項服務功能,對於亞太地區13國家200個的主要客戶,進行客戶滿意度的調查和研究。預期從這些相關的分析探討,深一層比較研究各國的客戶在滿意度是否有差異?而藉此訪談的過程,收集分析影響客戶滿意度的因素為何? 本研究共計分為五章,包含第一章 緒論、第二章 文獻探討、第三章 研究方法與架構、第四章 資料分析和第五章 結論與建議。期望這份研究,對於個案公司、相關業者和後續學術研究,都能提供一定的幫助。 / Today, the rapid movement towards globalization has forced enterprises in Taiwan to transform from manufacturing, trading, and marketing type of business model to a more services oriented one. During the process of transformation, enterprises realize that increasing the value of private brand could bring them more competitive advantages in the supply chain, and ultimately create the market value which allows them to stand out in the severe competition of the global marketplace. In recent years, customer satisfaction has become an important index to evaluate whether a product or commodity is being successful in the market. However, not many researches are focusing the satisfaction studies of the services or products provided by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry. As Taiwan has been the major export country of ICT products, a case study in the Asia Pacific market will help us understand more about the industry and provide more insights for Taiwan companies. The paper will use a multinational company in the ICT industry to examine the key factors that impact the client satisfaction survey. Result shows that the gap between clients’ perceptions and expectations of service quality will vary based on products, services, level of usage, personal experience and organization. This fulfils the concept of P.Z.B. model and the theory of DeLone and McLean model of information systems success. Also cultural difference plays a significant role in the survey result and could lead to diverse interpretation of service quality. It is hoped that this paper could be a reference for ICT companies in Taiwan to understand clients in different countries, making them to gain better market value in today’s competitive global market.

多重通路互補與替代關係之探討-以台灣銀行業為例 / The Study of the Complementarity and Substitution Relationship of Multiple Channels-By Example of Taiwan Banking Industry

馬紹懷, Ma,Shao Huai Unknown Date (has links)
多重通路的經營型態於台灣已呈現穩定發展的狀態。然而,在過往研究中多重通路之間的關係較多從廠商的角度探討通路衝突與互補的情形,忽略了學者Stewart 與 Pavlou (2002)所強調:「多重通路間彼此互補或替代的關係,應由消費者的觀點來加以檢視」。本研究從消費者的角度,檢視在消費者心中不同通路之間呈現出替代亦或是互補的關係。以銀行業為研究背景,並以近半年內曾使用多重通路辦理銀行相關業務的民眾為抽樣對象,同時採用網路問卷以及人員訪問的方式,收回有效問卷共365份。藉由多元迴歸分析,針對銀行所提供之廣泛性決策與非廣泛性決策型業務,從服務品質的角度,探討消費者在實體通路與網路通路中的顧客滿意度對消費者未來持續與該銀行往來意願之影響。並藉由消費者對不同通路之顧客滿意度的交互作用分析,推論在消費者心中多重通路彼此間的互補或替代關係。 研究結果顯示,針對廣泛性決策型業務: 1. 消費者「對實體銀行服務人員相關的滿意度」以及「對網路銀行的整體滿意度」,皆對未來持續往來意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 網路銀行整體價值與實體銀行中的環境及便利性間呈現出互補的效果。 針對非廣泛性決策型業務: 1. 消費者「對實體銀行服務人員相關的滿意度」以及「對網路銀行的資訊提供滿意度」,皆對未來持續往來意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 網路銀行交易價值與實體銀行中的服務人員間呈現出互補的效果。 3. 網路銀行交易價值與實體銀行中的環境及便利性間呈現出替代的效果。 / The multi-channel business model has been stable development in Taiwan. However, most of the researches toward the channel relationship within the multi-channel environment focused on the corporation perspective in the past research, but ignored what Stewart and Pavlou (2002) have stressed that substitution and complementarity of different channels should be examined from a customer perspective. This research surveyed the channel relationship from the perspective of the consumer. The research chose the banking industry environment, and targeted the consumer who has applied multiple channels in dealing with banking related service in the last 6 months. The survey collected 365 valid questionnaires by adopting internet survey and people interview. By using multiple regression analysis, the research differentiated the extensive and non-extensive decision making services and probed the impact of the satisfaction in brick-and-motar (B&M) channel and internet channel toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company with the view of service quality. By adopting interactive analysis of customer satisfaction in different channels, the research deduced the relationship of multiple channels. The research concludes that for the extensive decision making services: 1. The satisfaction of the employee in the B&M bank and the satisfaction of the internet bank both have significant positive impact toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company. 2. There is complementarity effect between the overall value of the internet bank and the environment and convenience of the B&M bank. For the non-extensive decision making services: 1. The satisfaction of the employee in the B&M bank and the satisfaction of the information providing in the internet bank both have significant positive impact toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company. 2. There is complementarity effect between the trading value of the internet bank and the employee of the B&M bank. For the non-extensive decision making services: 3. There is substitution effect between the trading value of the internet bank and the environment and convenience of the B&M bank.

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