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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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石文宜, Shih,Wen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解師生互動關係的概況、探討師生背景變項及學生人格特質與師生互動關係間的關係、以及師生互動關係及滿意度與學生偏差行為表現間的關係,乃以國中學生800人為研究對象,再採用人格特質量表、師生互動關係及滿意度量表及偏差行為量表等研究工具,獲取所需資料,再以描述統計、卡方考驗、多變量變異數分析、區別分析、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、scheffe’之事後考驗、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究之主要發現如下: 1.當前國中師生互動關係偏向「影響力」較多,「接近性」中等的情形,若進一步分為四種類型來看,又以「低影響低接近型」及「高影響高接近型」的互動關係最多;「低影響高接近型」最少。 2.性別不同的學生與教師間的師生互動關係(影響力、接近性及類型),並無顯著差異存在。 3.教師對來自不同家庭社經地位學生的「影響力」及師生互動關係類型,並無顯著差異存在。然而,教師與來自高社經地位家庭的學生的「接近性」,較多於來自中社經地位家庭者。 4.性別不同的教師與學生間的師生互動關係(影響力、接近性及類型),並無顯著差異存在。 5.不同性別組合的師生,其間互動關係的「影響力」及師生互動關係類型,並無顯著差異存在。然而,男學生與男教師在互動時,其間的「接近性」,顯著高於男學生與女教師,且女學生與男教師在互動時,其間的「接近性」,顯著高於男學生與女教師者。 6.學生的五大人格特質與師生互動關係之「影響力」間存有顯著正相關的關係;學生的和善性、嚴謹自律性、外傾支配性及聰穎開放性,與師生互動關係之「接近性」間存有顯著正相關的關係;且以學生人格特質區別師生互動關係類型的正確率為42.5%。 7.當教師對學生之影響力或接近性越少時,學生會表現越多的偏差行為。且「低影響低接近型」的師生互動關係,學生的偏差行為表現顯著多於「高影響高接近型」的師生互動關係。 8.當教師對學生之影響力或接近性越多時,學生對師生互動關係越滿意。且「高影響高接近型」的師生互動關係,學生滿意度高於其他三種類型的互動關係;而「低影響低接近型」者,學生滿意度低於其他三種類型的互動關係。 9.師生互動關係與滿意度會交互影響學生偏差行為表現。 10.對整體學生而言,能有效預測其偏差行為表現的變項各有不同,預測力在17.8%至18.0%之間。 11.對男學生而言,能有效預測其偏差行為表現的變項各有不同,預測力在18.8%至19.6%之間。 12.對女學生而言,能有效預測其偏差行為表現的變項各有不同,預測力在16.3%至17%之間。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並對教師、學校及未來研究,提出具體建議,供後續實務工作及研究參考。 / The main purposes of this study were to investigate the styles of teacher-student interaction in junior high school and to explore the relationships among personalities of junior-high-school students, teacher-student interaction, students’ satisfaction and misbehaviors. The participants included 800 junior high school students in Taiwan. The employed instruments were Personality traits Inventory, Teacher-Student Interaction Inventory, and Activity Experiences Inventory. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, MONOVA, Discriminant Analysis, Pearson Correlation, One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, Scheff’s Method and Multiple Regression. The main findings in this study were as following: 1.Teacher-student interaction in junior high school was high “Influence” and middle “Proximity”, and further, the most frequently styles of teacher-student interaction were “Low-influence Low-proximity”, and “High-influence High- proximity”; the least is “Low-influence High- proximity”. 2.For students, there were no significant gender differences on teacher-student interaction. 3.There were no significant SES differences on influence and styles of teacher-student interaction, however, SES had negative influences on proximity of teacher-student interaction. 4.For teachers, there were no significant gender differences on teacher-student interaction. 5.There were no significant gender differences on influence and styles of teacher-student interaction, however there were significant differences on proximity of teacher-student interaction, more specially, interaction of male students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers, and interaction of female students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers. 6.Personalities of students and influence of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion and openness to experience of personalities of students and proximity of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations, and personalities of students can correctly discriminate 42.5% styles of teacher-student interaction. 7.Influence and proximity of teacher-student interaction had negative influences on students’ misbehaviors, in addition, the style of “Low-influence Low- proximity” leads to high students’ misbehaviors. 8.Influence and proximity of teacher-student interaction had positive influences on students’ satisfaction, and students mostly satisfy the style of “High-influence High- proximity”, and dissatisfy the style of “Low-influence Low- proximity. 9.Teacher-student interaction and students’ satisfaction effect reciprocally student’s misbehaviors. 10.For whole students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 17.8% to 18%. 11.For male students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 18.8% to 19.6%. 12.For female students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 16.3% to 17%. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

讀者對臺南市立圖書館行銷之滿意度研究---以兒童服務為例 / A Study of Readers’ Satisfaction with the Marketing of The Tainan Municipal Library------On the Basis of Children's Service.

張琳雅, Chang, Lin-Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻探討,對圖書館行銷進行瞭解,進而對國內外公共圖書館所舉辦的兒童服務之狀況深入探討,並選擇臺南市立圖書館(以下簡稱南市圖)為研究對象,以參加南市圖兒童推廣服務的家長為調查對象,就研究結果提出具體的建議以作為臺南市立圖書館往後在實施行銷活動與兒童服務時的參考,希望藉由良好的圖書館行銷,吸引臺南市民,建立起圖書館與市民之間良好的溝通管道,使圖書館成為臺南市民生活中不可缺少的生活必需品,創造市民與圖書館之間的雙贏局面。 本研究採用問卷調查法以及訪談法方式,問卷調查臺南市立圖書館的兒科館、南區、東區與安南區分館等四分館進行問卷調查。訪談則包含南市圖館長與推廣組組長。研究結果呈現(一)、與孩童一同參與活動之家長,其職業影響到館的次數;(二)、參與南市圖兒童服務的兒童與家長,對於南市圖未來兒童服務的期許有所出入;(三)、南市圖在施行圖書館行銷時並未運用圖書館行銷規劃;(四)、南市圖活動資訊能見度不高,造成讀者被動;(五)、南市圖在設計兒童推廣活動時較少引入圖書館利用教育之概念;(六)、南市圖並未充分與國民中小學合作,以推廣兒童服務;(七)南市圖未來仍須繼續開發圖書館行銷通路。 本研究建議南市圖應針對館員多舉辦以兒童服務為主題之行銷研習營。而未來南市圖仍須以兒童意見為主,以設計圖書館兒童服務內容,並且仍須積極推動以讀者為導向的圖書館行銷活動,定期發函至臺南市各國中小學,將訊息公布至學校公佈欄與學校圖書室中,同時加強家長的圖書館利用教育,多善用網路資源,以求迅速、無時差的傳播資訊。 / This study plans to set up and understand library marketing through the document discussion , and then serve and investigate to children’s service of the domestic and international public libraries with the concentiation on the Tainan Municipal Library , and the parents participating in its children’s extension service. Concrete suggestions are offered from the result of study in the hope of attracting the attenting of the people of Tainan city, and setting the good communication channel between the library and citizens with good library marketing.It is also hoped to make the library become indispensable to the people of Tainan city, and create the integrated situation between the citizens and the library. This study adopts the investigation method through the questionnaires and interviews.The questionnaires are undertaken in the four districts of The Tainan Municipal Library ,and the interviews are director of The Tainan Municipal Library and the chief of its Extension Department. There are six results of the study.First, parents participating in the activity with children together will have an influence over the rate of the library visits. Second, children who participate in The Tainan Municipal Library’s children’s service have different expectations of the The Tainan Municipal Library’s children’s service from their parents.Third,the Tainan Municipal Library has not used the library marketing plans in its marketing implementation. Fourth, the visibility of activity information of The Tainan Municipal Library is not so obvious, that its readers are passive. Fifth, the designs of the extensuon of children’s activities in the future need to have pluralism and the introduction of the conception of service marketing the library utilization education. Sixth, the children of The Tainan Municipal Library must have more conceptions with middle and primary schools. Seventh, the Tainan Municipal Library must continue to develop the library marketing channels. This study suggests that the public library should develop a set of its children own marketing ways, in order to promote the satisfaction in children service sponsor more marketing camps with themes on the children service.In the future, the Tainan Municipal Library still need to focus on children's needs as developing the content of children’s service, and marketing must still be readers-oriented, notify regularly all middle and elementary schools with the marketing-related unformation and have such information announced on the school and its library bulletin boards. Furthermore, the library utilization education should be reinforce to parents, at the same time and the network resources should be more properly need so as to make the necessary information transmitted rapidly without any time gap.

宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館使用需求及滿意情形之研究 / A study of Yilan county elementary school teachers on the public library use needs and satisfaction

黃雅鈴, Huang, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館是文化與教育的機構,對教育改革而言,圖書館是提供資料與知識的資源站。教師和圖書館一樣,在教育的改革路上,影響力不容小覷。使用圖書館的習慣需從小培養,引領未來主人翁進入圖書館世界,為教師重要的責任,所以,教師本身是否了解圖書館,是否有善用圖書館習慣,則為重要的問題。 本研究之對象以宜蘭縣所有公立國民小學全體教師為調查對象,目的在調查國小教師對公共圖書館的使用需求及滿意情形,並探討其差異情形。再綜合教師對公共圖書館的意見提出建議,提供宜蘭縣公共圖書館擬定館藏及經營發展政策的基本方向,期望公共圖書館能提供更便利的服務來支援教學,讓教學和圖書館利用能更加緊密的結合。 本研究以問卷調查法為主輔以半結構式訪談進行研究,正式問卷統計分析後,整理欲深入探討之問題設計成訪談大綱,並進行半結構式訪談。研究結果摘要如下: 宜蘭縣國小教師在不同角色、任務、情境等會有不同的資訊需求,教師對於解決需求上,在增加新知的需求程度最高,資訊尋求的方式已經由網路取代由實體圖書館獲得所需要的資訊。 宜蘭縣國小教師在圖書館資料需求已圖書為主,最常使用的資料服務為借閱圖書資料;教師希望圖書館提供圖書館利用教育課程配合教學需要,認為圖書館應該主動提供資訊支援教學;在空間部分,教師最常利用的是閱覽空間,座位舒適度、空氣、光線品質為重視之項目;國小教師認為圖書館地點、圖書館人員態度、專業知能是影響使用公共圖書館意願之主要因素。 宜蘭縣國小教師對於宜蘭縣公共圖書館的公共圖書館整體滿意度還算尚可,將宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館的意見與看法加以整理分析,教師對於館藏、管理、支援教學、位置與空間規劃以及閱讀推廣活動與人力資源方面期待很高,希望可以擁有一個完善的公共圖書館。 由研究結果歸納以下建議:建議地方行政機關增置公共圖書館專業人員及提撥固定經費,專款專用;輔導機關方面應該建立推廣公共圖書館與國小合作並辦理相關教育研習活動,培養專業人力;建議宜蘭縣公共圖書館加強宣導與服務並主動提供相關訊息、改善圖書館網站、統籌規劃圖書館利用教育、參與相關教育研習加強和學校合作、多舉辦推廣圖書館相關活動;建議各國小重視學校圖書館,加強其功能,鼓勵師生利用;建議國小教師培養利用公共圖書館之習慣、善用圖書館支援教學活動、培養圖書館利用教育知能、主動向公共圖書館提出建議。 / Public libraries are cultural and educational institutions and serve as the resource center for education reform. Teachers, together with libraries, exert indispensable influence on the process of education reform. The habit of using libraries should be created among children and it is the responsibility of the teachers to help children become familiar with the libraries. Therefore, how well the teachers understand the libraries and whether or not they have developed a habit of utilizing libraries are important issues. The participants of the study are all public elementary school teachers of Yilan County and the study aims to investigate the users’ needs and survey the user satisfaction of the elementary school teachers in their experience of using libraries. A suggestion synthesizing the study result is to propose to provide the public libraries a direction to establish their collection development policy and management policy. Thus, a goal of combining teaching and library utilizing can be achieved by the more convenient library service offered by the public libraries. The study conducts a questionnaire survey using method of semi-structured interviews. After analyzing the data collected by the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews were performed with an interview outline developed on the basis of issues to be probed into. The results of the study are summarized as follows: For the change of role, objective, and situation, elementary school teachers of Yilan County demand differently on the information provided by the libraries. The foremost need for the teachers in using libraries is acquiring the advanced knowledge, while the libraries’ function of data research has been replaced by the internet. The main need of elementary school teachers of Yilan County for library material is books, and the checkout service is the service used the most. Teachers wish that libraries can offer educational curse to work with regular teaching and actively offer information to support teaching. The space in libraries using most for teacher is the reading room; the evaluation standards includes the seat comfort, air quality, and the sufficient light. The teachers also consider that the location of libraries, attitude and the proficiency of the clerk are main factors influencing users’ willingness to use public libraries. The overall Satisfaction of elementary school teachers of Yilan County over public libraries of Yilan County is passable. Collecting and analyzing opinions and suggestions made by the teachers, they expect a complete and well functioned public library with sufficient collection, management, location, space planning, and human resource; and wish that libraries can support the teaching, and create reading habit among children. Further suggestions are made based on the result of the study as follows: local government should expand the professional staff and allocate funds earmarked for the development of the libraries only; guidance institution should develop and promote the collaboration between libraries and elementary schools, organizing the education and study activities and cultivating professional development; public libraries of Yilan County should make more introduction on the services and activities available in the libraries through improving the library website, mapping complete library utilizing educational course, participating in the education and study activities, strengthening the collaboration with the schools, and holding more activities aiming at promoting usage of libraries; elementary schools should place importance on their own libraries, enhancing the functions and encouraging the using among teachers and pupils; elementary school teachers should cultivate habit of using libraries, manage to utilize the resource in libraries to improve teaching, advance the library using skills, and should be willing to provide suggestion actively to the public libraries.

「美麗消費,期待又怕受傷害」- 大台北地區醫學美容診所服務品質與顧客消費經驗關係之研究 / "Beauty Consumption" : A study of the relationship among service quality of medical cosmetology clinic and customer's experience

黃孝典, Huang, Hsiao Dien Unknown Date (has links)

網路超商行銷策略之研究-以7net為例 / The study of marketing strategy of online convenience store: a case study of 7net

馮馨儀 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣電子商務環境持續蓬勃發展的情況下,網路商家如何提升競爭力,盡快達到損益平衡,進而開始獲利,成為網路商家致勝的關鍵。本研究之研究個案為統一超商在2010年投資、創立的網路超商「7net」,挾著會員數屢創新高,及雲端超商的口號,是否將造成電子商務市場的變化值得觀察。 本研究試圖以7net這個研究個案,透過量化方法中的網路問卷調查法,探究服務品質、知覺價值、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度四個研究變項間的關聯性。同時進行質性深度訪談法,與量化結果進行相互補充,最終提出具體的行銷策略之建議,供未來有意進軍網購市場的業者參考。 本研究之實證結果如下: 一、服務品質對顧客滿意度具有顯著影響。 二、服務品質對顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響。 三、知覺價值對顧客滿意度具有顯著影響。 四、知覺價值對顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響。 五、服務品質對知覺價值不具有顯著影響。 六、顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響。 七、人口統計變項在服務品質、知覺價值、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度上,僅在部分構面達顯著差異

工作滿意度、組職承諾對離職傾向影響之研究 –以某外商公司為例 / A study on relationships among job satisfaction and organizational commitment influence to turnover intention – an example of foreign company

陳詩蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
根據人力銀行的調查報告顯示,國內有高達96%的上班族嚮往進入外商企業工作。想要進入外商的前三大理由,包括:看好在外商工作的前景及未來發展(61%)、福利制度完善(58%);以及薪資待遇優渥(51%)。本研究針對外商企業在台員工之工作滿意度、組織承諾與離職意圖進行分析,依據研究結果對組織經營實務提供建議,也進一步瞭解外商企業在台員工離職傾向之現況與其相關影響因素。 當員工進入組織後,是否願意繼續留任於組織,端看組織是否能提供一個成長的環境,建立個人能力與組織工作機會的長期配合的永業生涯規劃。因此如何提高組織所屬員工之工作滿意與組織承諾,並降低離職意圖,提高員工的留職意願,也將成為領導者在帶領組織永續經營上最為重要的課題。 本研究以個案美商公司其在台灣子公司之所有台籍員工,研究採用結構式問卷以不記名自我填答之調查研究法進行研究,共發出 120 份問卷,收回問卷105份,有效問卷102份,回收率為85%。主要研究結果顯示: 一、 員工工作滿意度對於員工組織承諾具有顯著的正向顯著影響。 二、 員工工作滿意度對組織承諾具有顯著的正向顯著影響。 三、 員工組織承諾對離職傾向具有顯著的正向顯著影響。 / Based on a of Job Bank survey report: The 96% of office workers want to enter the foreign company in Taiwan. This study research and analysis job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention the employees in foreign enterprises in Taiwan and base on the study results provide advice to organizational and operational. Learn more about the status on staff turnover intention of foreign enterprises in Taiwan. This study is cases of American company all employees in Taiwan subsidiary by questionnaires that anonymous answer of structured questionnaire quantitative research. A total of 120 questionnaires were sent out, returned 105 and 102 valid questionnaires. The questionnaire recovery rate is 85% The results of this study are as follows: 1. Job satisfaction is significantly positively correlation to employees' organizational commitment. 2. Job satisfaction is significantly positively correlation to organizational commitment. 3. Organizational commitment is significantly positively correlation to turnover intention. Key works: Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, foreign company.

新北市「閱讀起步走」活動經驗與滿意度研究 / A study of the experience and satisfaction on bookstart in New Taipei City

沈惠珠, Shen, Hui Chu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,嬰幼兒閱讀的議題在國內逐漸受到重視。2006年2月,信誼基金會與臺中縣政府、臺北市政府共同合作,正式在臺灣推行「閱讀起步走」。為了推動親子共讀,新北市亦於2009年開始實施「閱讀起步走」,除了致贈圖書禮袋外,並搭配親子共讀講座、新生兒故事活動、新生兒借閱證辦理等活動。 本研究目的希望可以透過對於活動執行者與參與者的調查研究,來檢視新北市辦理「閱讀起步走」之具體成效、參與者的滿意情形,以及活動執行者在活動辦理過程中所遭遇的困境,據以歸納相關經驗,提出未來發展建議供其他縣市辦理「閱讀起步走」計畫之參考。 本研究主要以問卷調查法與訪談法進行資料的分析。首先針對參與過「閱讀起步走」的嬰幼兒家長採隨機抽樣的方式進行活動滿意度問卷調查,共計有效樣本為250份;另擇選6位活動承辦人員與3位參與家長進行深度訪談,以得知活動執行者與參與者對於活動本身的實際看法。 研究結果顯示: 一、參與民眾與承辦館員普遍肯定「閱讀起步走」的政策與理念,並認為此活動有助於落實親子共讀觀念。 二、參與民眾對於館員的服務態度、活動內容的滿意度較高,對於活動的時間與場地安排、館舍硬體設備、館藏內容數量等滿意度較低。 三、參與民眾認為目前圖書館所採用的行銷方式在日常生活中並無法明確感受到,因此對於現行的行銷方式滿意度最低。 四、承辦館員在推動「閱讀起步走」時所遭遇最大的問題在於人力與宣傳的不足。 五、承辦館員認為影響活動辦理的因素為人力與空間環境。 六、各館在推動「閱讀起步走」時所需之協助為增加人力及官方統一宣傳。 本研究對於「閱讀起步走」未來的發展建議有: 一、充實嬰幼兒書籍館藏,提升閱讀品質。 二、家長學習課程可以團體型態的工作坊或讀書會進行。 三、整合目前的宣傳策略,由官方力量統一推動。 四、提升圖書禮袋發放的普及率。 五、持續推動相關政策,銜接目前所欠缺之閱讀階段。 / Over the years, reading for infants and toddlers has gained attention from the society. In February 2006, Hsin-Yi Foundation, by means of recruiting cooperative efforts from Taichung County Government and Taipei City Government, initiated Bookstart, a reading activity for parents and kids, in Taiwan. Three year later, New Taipei City started to execute Bookstart, including a good number of funny, inspiring activities such as granting participants with a “Bookstart Pack”, holding parent-kid reading seminars, story-reading for newborns and applying for library cards for newborns. The study aims to conduct a survey among in-charge librarians and participants, and evaluate the actual effects of Bookstart executed in New Taipei City, including to what extent participants are satisfied with the activities, and the problems or predicament encountered by in-charge librarians in the process of implementation. By so doing, the study induces relevant experiences and offer suggestions for other counties or cities that intend to execute the program of Bookstart in the future. The study undertakes the analysis of the data with questionnaire investigation method and interviewing method. To start with, by means of random sampling, a questionnaire over satisfaction is conducted among the parents with young-aged kids who have participated in Bookstart; effective copies were 250. Meanwhile, 6 in-charge librarians and 3 parents were selected to take in-depth interviews, so as to better explore the thoughts and ideas of the aforementioned people. The research results have indicated that: 1.The participating citizens and librarians all give approval for the notions of Bookstart, thinking it beneficial to the promotion of parent-kid reading. 2.The participating citizens have a better satisfaction over the librarians’ attitude of service and the content of the activity, yet their satisfaction for the time and venue of the activity, the hardware facilities of the library and the quality and quantity of the stock is relatively low. 3.Participated citizens do not think the promotion adopted by the library has been well received in everyday life, and hence have the lowest satisfaction for current promotion. 4.The most serious problems facing up to in-charge librarians were short of manpower and insufficient promotion. 5.In-charge librarians regard the factors that affect the quality of activities as manpower and the environment of the library. 6.The assistance needed in promoting Bookstart includes “adding manpower” and “a packaged promotion by the government”. Hence, the study offers suggestions for the future development of Bookstart as follows: 1.Enrich the collection of books for infants and young children to enhance reading quality. 2.Parents learning courses can group types of workshops or study will be conducted. 3.The current promotion strategies shall be incorporated, and the activity should be promoted by the government as a package. 4.To enhance reading the penetration rate paid by the Bookstart packs. 5.Related policies should be publicized in the future, so the new program can be connected with the current one by adding a “reading phase”.

政府機關提高隱私保護信任機制之研究-以金融監理為例 / A study on improving the trust mechanism of privacy protection in government agencies -a case of the financial supervision system

林占山 Unknown Date (has links)
個人資料保護係屬隱私權的範疇之一, 現代化政府不斷面臨內外在施政環境變遷的衝擊與挑戰,其中資訊科技的快速發展與廣泛運用,更直接衝擊著政府施政定位、服務範圍、運作模式及治理原則。現代化國家在思考打破施政的常規和舊制,面對資訊公開與行政效率要求下,走向電子化政府的道路,也就成為勢之所趨。但另一方面,資訊革命所帶來對隱私與個人資料保護的衝擊,亦較以往更為強烈而深刻。從許多文獻可得知為何民眾可能不信任政府的原因是多方面的,這些原因與他們個人資料安全、隱私權保護及完整性維護是息息相關連的。在政府努力發展電子化政府以便民眾享受其便利性的同時,如何建構政府機關及政府企業間之個人資料隱私保護電子治理機制及協同作業,以強化我國公共治理指標之政府效能、回應力及課責能力,確保個資的合理流通,並能兼顧隱私保護,提昇整體政府信任度,實為電子化政府對人民基本權利之保障及實踐「隱私保護」之重要課題。 新版《個人資料保護法》已於民國九十九年四月在立法院三讀通過,在新法實施後,將因擴大適用個資法之主體範圍,規範個人資料蒐集與處理程序,加重持有個資業者的保管責任,並調整資料外洩求償上限至二億元,預計將加重企業蒐集與利用個人資料的成本與相關責任。本研究之目的在於探討政府機關如何透過持續隱私保護IT治理框架及系統,設計有效的「行政程序控制」(administrative procedural control)、課責(Accountability)及透明(Transparency)機制進的定期公開與積極散佈。透過個人控制自己資訊應該如何被處理與使用的資訊自我控制(local control)權利,一方面提高了政府的施政透明度及政府課責,另一方面也增強隱私保護及人民信任度;同時並以金融監理體系為例,如何因應新版個資法的衝擊,有效的調整內部資料蒐集與資安控管流程,試圖以銀行業透過監理機制建構雛型,監督管理金融業之營運,以期能提供客戶最佳之服務,有效避免新個資法為金融機構帶來的營運風險,進而建議政府機關隱私保護之IT架構,冀能提供主動積極安全又便利之服務,以贏取國民對政府之信任與向心力。 / Personal data protection is one of the categories in privacy. Modern governments constantly face impacts and challenges of political environment changes internally and externally, which rapid developments and extensive applications of information technologies affect the government policy positioning, service ranges, operation modes, and governance principles directly. Modern countries are always thinking over to break routines and aged systems of administration. Under requirements of facing the information disclosure and the administration efficiency, it has become a potential of the trend towards the road of e-government. However, on the other hand, compares to impacts of privacy and personal data protection which have been brought about by the revolution of information, currently, it becomes more intense and profound than before. Many literatures reveal why civilians may not trust the government for reasons in multiple aspects which is related closely with their personal data security, privacy protection, and integrity maintenance. In the meantime, in order to strengthen our government performances of public governance indicators, responsiveness, and accountability for ensuring a reasonable flow of private data, taking into account of privacy protection, and enhancing the overall trust into government, government is striving to develop e-government for civilians’ ease to enjoy its convenience, and this is truly the important subject for e-government of how to construct e-governance mechanisms of personal data privacy and collaboration operations between government organizations internally and between government vs. business enterprises externally on the protection of civilians’ basic rights and the practice of "privacy protection”. The new version of “Personal Data Protection Act” has been passed after third reading by Legislative Yuan on April, 2010. After taking effective of this new law, due to the applicable main scope enlargement of Personal Data Protection Act, it regulates personal data collections and processing procedures, expends the custodial responsibility to dealers who own the personal data, and adjusts the limitation of penalty up to NTD$200 millions for data leakage, which expects to enlarge the cost and relative responsibilities to enterprises for collecting and using personal data. The object of this analysis is going to explore how government organizations go through IT government frameworks and systems of the consistent privacy protection to design effective “Administrative Procedural Control”, “Accountability”, and “Transparency” mechanisms for proceeding periodic disclosure and positive broadcast. Not only to increase the transparency of government administration and the government accountability, but also to enhance the privacy protection and the trust to civilians, through the right of information “Local Control”, individual controls over self own information which should be dealt with and used. Meanwhile, for example of governance system in financial industry, how to respond to the impact of the new version in Personal Data Protection Act to adjust internal data collections and information security control processes effectively, and try to build up the prototype through governance mechanisms in banking for supervising and managing operations of financial industry. Furthermore attempt providing clients with the best service to avoid operation risks effectively for financial institutions which are caused by the new version of Personal Data Protection Act, and then suggest the IT infrastructure of privacy protection for government organizations. Hope to be able to provide active, positive, safe, and convenient services for winning upon trust and cohesion from civilians to the government.

大學生政黨認同持續與變遷之研究 / The change and continuity of college students' party identification

陳麗文 Unknown Date (has links)
政黨認同是影響選民行為的重要變數,對於選民的投票決擇深具解釋力。家庭的政治社會化是子女習得政黨認同最初的管道,然而隨著子女年歲漸長,子女本身的政治態度可能逐漸削弱家庭的影響力,尤以甫屆投票年齡的「首投族」最易改變其認同。大學生恰為20 歲「首投族」的年齡層,研究其政黨認同對於政黨的政治版圖和選舉成敗皆有其重要性。因此,本研究試圖藉由大學生四年間的定群追蹤資料,探討大學生政黨認同在成年前後是持續穩定抑或發生變化?父母政黨認同與大學生的施政滿意度對其政黨認同又有何影響?   研究發現,在2004年至2008年的各波訪問之間,政黨認同維持穩定者佔多數,有逾七成的大學生保持一致,而改變政黨認同的兩成大學生中,大多朝向泛藍移動,但泛藍認同者的增長主要是從中立者流入,泛綠認同者的流失則是向中立轉移,在藍綠兩極端之間轉移者並不多見。   進一步探究父母政黨認同與大學生施政滿意度的影響,則發現父母雙方的政黨認同是否一致,以及家庭的政黨色彩深淺,對於大學生的政黨認同傾向甚或改變與否,皆有不同程度的影響。若在政黨色彩愈濃厚的同質性家庭,大學生子女最易與父母政黨認同一致,也愈有可能成為穩定的政黨認同者;若為無特定政黨色彩的父母中立家庭,子女不但較有可能改變政黨認同,也很難持續認同某個政黨。另一方面,施政滿意度愈高的大學生,愈有可能認同執政的泛綠政黨,也愈有可能成為穩定的泛綠認同者,反之亦然。最後,本研究將父母政黨認同、大學生施政滿意度與其他變數一併放入模型時,兩者對大學生的政黨認同變化仍有顯著的影響,顯示家庭政治社會化與大學生自身的政治態度均為影響政黨認同持續與變遷的重要變數,政黨認同的形成不只是先天習得,亦可能為後天因素所改變。

在臺灣專業外籍人士之績效表現決定要素 / Determinants of the foreign professionals’ performance in Taiwan

施娜娜, Seliverstova Natalia Unknown Date (has links)
找到在台灣的外國人的工作是不容易的,要在工作中取得成功,是大家最困難的。 ,我也不例外,這就是為什麼我們認為在台灣的表現“的外籍專業人才的決定因素”“是當代的主題。這是值得探討的良好的工作業績,為台灣的標準是什麼。本論文研究的成功,在台灣的外國人的工作表現的原因。因此,我們取得了一些成功的人,採訪檢查的現象:克謝尼婭Mardaeva(技嘉),Erenzhen Kornusov(P.莫利哀/ Albest樂器),詹姆斯·邁克爾·戴維森(項目台北桃園國際機場線),:邁克Maydana(L​​iankuann企業有限公司),里卡多·N.奎瓦斯比利亞洛沃斯(寶來電子有限公司)。在這項研究中,我們打算學習外國專業人員性能的決定因素:如何實現在台灣工作中的成功,如何通過自己在台灣,如何建立和集約化生產與上司的關係。這是這項研究的主要問題。為了揭露這些問題,我們已採取以下步驟:建立研究目標,建立研究的問題,以往的研究概況,定義樣本宇宙,標誌著代表性的樣本,組織採訪,分析數據和解釋結果。 外國人的性能分析將探討更深入地理解實現在工作場所的效率。此外,它還將幫助人們願意留在台灣,以提高各自的特點,從自己的長處得到的好處和優勢變成自己的弱點。 有三個問題陳述我們的重點。第一個是需要調整我們的行為,在新的文化環境,以減少工作的不確定性,因為外國人的文化敏感性的更大的是更大的是他的工作表現。我們有完整的答案:學習中國語言,當地的飲食習慣改變自己,打扮自己像一個本地和尊重他們的風俗習慣,為變化做好準備,尊重當地的法律,這是必要的。 第二個是創造生產與上司的關係。我們的外國專業人士的建議如下:尊重人,不要怕你的老闆,不要試圖掩蓋問題,保持你的邊界,是積極的,表現出主動,擁抱自己的優勢,制定一個計劃,不海港不滿,沒有個性化的客觀,接受對自己的行為負責。 成功的表現下一個決定因素是:如何表現進行評估,以及提供反饋意見,以及如何實現的性能改進有強烈的衝擊,“在台灣的外籍專業人士的表現。 / To find a job for a foreigner in Taiwan isn’t easy, and to be successful at work is the most difficult for everyone. And I’m not the exception, that’s why we think “Determinants of the foreign professionals” performance in Taiwan” is contemporary theme. It is worthy to analyze what are the criteria of the good job performance for the Taiwanese. This thesis investigates the reasons of the successful foreigners' job performance in Taiwan. Therefore we obtained interview with some successful people to examine the phenomena: Kseniya Mardaeva (GIGABYTE), Erenzhen Kornusov (P. Mauriat/Albest Musical Instruments), James Davidson Michael (the project Taipei Taoyuan International Airport Link), Mike Maydana (the Liankuann Enterprises Co.Ltd.), Ricardo N. Cuevas Villalobos (Polylight Electronics Co., Ltd.). In this research we intend to study determinants of foreign professionals' performance: how to achieve success in work in Taiwan, how to adopt yourself in Taiwan, how to build productive and intensive relationship with the supervisor. These are the major problems of this study. In order to expose these problems we have taken following steps: establishing research goal, establishing research questions, previous studies overview, defining sample universe, marking out representative sample, organize interview, analyze the data and interpreting the results. The analysis of foreigner’s performance will explore deeper understanding of achieving efficiency at the working place. Moreover it will also help people willing to stay in Taiwan to improve their individual characteristics, to get benefits from their strengths and to turn their weaknesses into strengths. There are three problem statements we are focusing on. The first one is the need to adjust our behavior to new cultural environments in order to reduce job uncertainty, because the greater the cultural sensitivity of the foreigner is the greater is his job performance. We got complete answer: it’s necessary to learn Chinese language, change yourself to the local culinary habits, dress yourself like a local and respect their customs, be prepared for the changes, respect the local law. The second one is creating productive relationship with the supervisors. Our foreign professionals suggest the following: show respect, don’t be afraid of your boss, don’t try to hide problems, maintain your boundaries, be positive, demonstrate initiative, embrace your strengths, make a plan, don’t harbor resentments, don’t personalize the impersonal, accept responsibility for your own behavior. The next determinant of successful performance is: how well performance is evaluated, how well feedback is provided and how well performance improvement achieved has also strong impact on the foreign professionals' performance in Taiwan.

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