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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國小閱讀推廣活動現況與學生參與滿意度之研究:以桃園縣國民小學為例 / The study of reading promotion activities and students satisfaction in the elementary schools of Taoyuan County

陳淑怡, Chen, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的即在探討桃園縣閱讀特色學校閱讀推廣與學生參與現況,並瞭解學生對活動之滿意度情形,透過對縣內八所閱讀特色國小之圖書館負責人進行訪談調查,瞭解其校內推廣閱讀活動之現況,並以問卷調查探討各校高年級學生之活動參與及滿意度情形。 經調查顯示,在推廣現況方面,桃園縣各校在政府大筆挹注經費、校長理念支持及老師的凝聚共識之下,不但館藏量獲得大量提升,更能與校外機構進行初步的合作,積極推廣閱讀活動,然而專業人力不足、無固定購書經費、教師閱讀指導能力與教學時間不足、家長配合意願偏低、館藏空間不足等問題,仍是閱讀活動推行多年後,各校所面臨的困境與問題。 在學生參與現況方面,大多數的學童較喜愛參與閱讀活動,其中對動態閱讀活動的喜好程度較高。逾半數學童參與原因為自己想參加,然仍有逾四成的學生,參與閱讀活動時處於被動狀態,需他人從旁鼓勵;學童參與閱讀活動的動機大多以內在動機為主,顯見大多數學生能覺知閱讀的重要性;而學到新知識、增進語文能力和學會閱讀技巧或方法,是國小學童認為參與活動後對自己最大的影響。經差異分析發現,女生的參與意願及參與動機明顯高於男生;而五年級之參與意願則明顯高於六年級。 在活動滿意度方面,學生對於活動宣傳方式及獎勵方式的滿意度最高,對於活動類型的滿意度最低,而差異分析發現,對於閱讀活動之滿意度,女生明顯高於男生,五年級學生高於六年級學生。 由研究結果歸納建義,在教育相關單位方面,應鼓勵校長成為閱讀推廣人才,設置專業圖書館主任,擬定館藏發展政策,以提高國小圖書館服務層級,並建立各校閱讀資源共享機制;在學校方面,應以長遠的眼光持續推廣兒童閱讀活動,組織閱讀教師專業社群,制訂閱讀活動評鑑制度,並持續推廣社區閱讀,最後,應加強與公共圖書館建立合作機制,以整合閱讀推廣之相關資源。 / The purpose of this research is to have a general review of Certified Reading Featured Schools. Interviews of librarians from 8 schools have been conducted as well as questionnaires to investigate higher graders involvement in the reading program of each school. The result shows prominent improvement in regards of the quantity of books due to large substantial funds from the government plus various in-campus reading schemes However, challenges are still there. The lack of professional librarian and regular funds for book purchasing, insufficient professional knowledge in reading instruction and teaching hours, lack of room and low commitment from parents are common problems faced by these schools. In regards to the students’ participation, most children enjoy reading activities and statistics shows prominent engagement in dynamic reading activity. More than half of the children engaged in such activities on their own wish but there are still more than 40% of students need adult guidance and encouragement. Generally students acknowledge the importance of reading as statistics show intrinsic motivations are prevalent among these participants. These elementary students express their great improvement over acquiring new knowledge, language proficiency and reading strategies after taking part of various reading schemes. The study also shows that girls’ engagement and motivation are prominently higher than boys. 5th graders involvement is higher than 6th graders. In regards to the feedback from students, scheme marketing strategy and rewarding system are on the top of the satisfactory criteria. The variety of activity, however, is at the bottom of the rank. Girls are prone to be happier in the activities than boys. 5th graders are more satisfied than the 6th graders. In conclusion, the study suggests following improving strategies to in-campus reading schemes. First of all, principals should be trained as the key advocators of reading. Professional librarian should be installed to develop and organize in-campus reading schemes. As for the professional development, a network of teaching reading should be set up to promote sustainable reading schemes and assessment of such activities. Strengthen cooperation with public libraries is also recommended to integrate community-based resources.


謝瑋紘, Hsieh, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業為缺乏自然資源的離島縣份—澎湖縣的重要經濟來源,而自2003年開始舉辦的澎湖花火節,為提振澎湖觀光收入與打造菊島觀光特色的重要觀光節慶之一,然而近年來由於規模縮小、活動內容缺乏在地特色,且同類型競爭者頻出的狀況下,花火節的效益受到不少質疑。作為澎湖最富盛名的觀光節慶活動,花火節是否依舊能對遊客有足夠的吸引力,並結合澎湖在地文化創造出對於遊客來說具有差異性的特別體驗?本研究擬採用體驗行銷作為理論基礎,以量化的調查法輔以質化的焦點團體訪談法,探究澎湖花火節給予遊客體驗之現況,了解其體驗對遊客滿意度及維繫遊客忠誠度的影響,並就得以補強改進之部份提出實務上的建議。研究結果顯示,體驗行銷模組中之感官體驗、思考體驗及行動體驗對顧客滿意度有顯著正向關聯,而感官體驗、思考體驗及關聯體驗對顧客忠誠度間有顯著正向關聯,而顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度亦有正向關聯。差異性分析方面,人口統計變項及旅遊特性變項均有部份對體驗行銷、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度達到顯著差異。焦點團體訪談之結果大部分與量化結果相符,受訪者指出澎湖花火節的煙火聲光效果是類似活動中最佳,但其是否能與在地文化做結合才是主要考量重遊的因素,節目及週邊設施的規劃也需要改善。建議往後澎湖花火節應融入澎湖在地特色,以增加活動與澎湖本身之連結,並進一步提昇體驗;活動的基礎設施與流程管理也應加強,並增加節目的多元性與互動性,以符合不同特性遊客的需求。 / Tourism industry plays a key role in the economy of Penghu County, which lacks natural resources to develop other industries. The Penghu Fireworks Festival, which has been held annually since 2003, is the most important tourism event to help increase the income of tourism and build the special characteristics of the county as a tourism destination, but recently the effect of the event has been doubted because of the shrink of its scale, the lack of authentic localism, and the rise of many imitating competitors. Does the event still have the competitiveness against others to attract tourists? Is there any possibility to bring some local culture in the event to provide extraordinary experience for the tourists? Schmitt’s Experiential Marketing theories is used in this study as the theoretical base to examine the experience of the Penghu Fireworks Festival both quantitatively and qualitatively. Survey method is performed to find out the relationships between the main variables, which are experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. A following focus group discussion is then operated to gain further insights about the outcome of the survey. The result shows that sense, think, and act experiential modules are positively correlated to customer satisfaction. Sense, think, and relate modules are positively correlated to customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and loyalty also have a positive correlation. ANOVA analysis indicates that differences of experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty among different demographic and tourism variables are partially significant. The result of the focus group discussion is similar to the quantitative analysis. The sensory performance of the Penghu Fireworks Festival is the best among similar events, but what really makes the tourists revisit is whether the event is designed with local culture elements. The content of the shows every night, the event settings and the management system have to be improved as well. Local elements of Penghu should be used as the theme of the festval to make it more relevant to the tourism destination, and to enhance the experience. Physical setting and process of the event should be improved. The content of the event also needs more diversity and interactivity, in order to satisfy the needs of different tourists.

TPB理論探討線上團購行為-以Babyhome親子團購網為例 / Research customer behavior of online group buying by the theory of planned behavior -In case of Babyhome group buying website

林淑雲 Unknown Date (has links)
線上團購在近年已形成一股風潮,透過買方人數的累積以增加買家的議價能力,並向賣方獲得較便宜的價格或額外服務,然而在學術上的研究多探討數量與價格上的均衡經濟解,少以針對消費者面多做研究,因此本篇研究以計劃行為理論(TPB)為基礎,納入其他衡量構面,包含網站服務品質、顧客預期價值、信任、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、參與團購意願度以及團購行為,針對Babyhome親子網站的團購版,探討社群會員的團購消費行為。研究中於行為信念與態度部分,提出網站服務品質、顧客預期價值、網站信任、團購滿意度等構面,而主觀規範則是以虛擬社群之社群意識作為衡量代表,並以免費/付費會員身分之構面為調節變數,進一步的瞭解參與團購意願與團購行為之間的關係。 本研究以Babyhome親子網為個案研究對象,透過文獻探討以及訪談曾經參與團購的會員來設計問卷,並在Babyhome親子網站上發放線上問卷以便收收集樣本資料,再透過結構方程式分析樣本資料並獲得結論。研究發現網站服務品質與信任有顯著正向關係,同時網站服務品質與顧客的預期價值對於團購滿意度皆有顯著正向關係,然而網站信任與參與團購意願雖有正向關係但卻不顯著,推測可能原因為相較於消費者的網站信任,產品的信任或是產品廠商的信任可能對於增加團購意願程度有較大的影響,再者,透過訪談也可發現會員在決定參與團購時很大的關鍵因素在於版上媽媽的推薦以及產品本身,因此即便會員對於網站有正面的信任但卻不會有立即性提高參與團購意願。除此之外,透過研究瞭解到免費/付費會員身分為團購意願度於行為之間的調節變數,免費會員相較於付費會員有較強的團購行為,因此,基於以上資料分析結果,本研究提出管理意涵與建議,並希望未來有更進一步的相關研究。

品牌體驗、涉入程度、顧客滿意度與品牌權益關係之研究 / The research of relationship among brand experience、involvement、customer satisfaction and brand equity

解睿凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Schmitt (1999) 提出之體驗行銷為研究基礎,並採用Brakus et al. (2009) 將體驗由行銷功能導向提升至以品牌作為體驗媒介之層面,探討智慧型手機品牌之品牌體驗對消費者滿意度以及品牌權益的影響;同時,加入消費者涉入程度作為影響滿意度及品牌權益之一構面,形成本研究之架構。 本研究以問卷分析法作為研究方法,並針對智慧型手機品牌之消費者作為研究對象,透過便利抽樣之方式於實體店面回收研究架構前半部有效樣本259份;於網路回收研究架構後半部有效問卷288份。經由相關分析及迴歸分析後得到以下之結論: 1.不同品牌體驗讓消費者在眾多品牌之間產生區別。在產品齊一的情況下,當消費者打算買某一項產品時,往往會先考慮哪一個品牌較優良,因此強化品牌的認知與感受也就是品牌體驗帶給消費者的強化作用。 2.涉入程度越高的消費者因為對產品或品牌的了解較深,會對其做出對自身而言較正確的選擇,因此對品牌會更有滿意感。 3.顧客對某品牌越滿意,即會對此品牌具有越高的忠誠度,當消費者對某品牌具有滿意度,透過口耳相傳或是網路社群的方式對其他消費者進行推薦動作,此時滿意度即可轉化為其他消費者的品牌知名度,進而影響品牌權益。 4.消費者接觸品牌時,會由外觀來對此品牌有初步的認知與感覺,對外顯體驗具有高度反應的消費者則會加深品牌的忠誠度、品牌聯想程度以及知覺品質。 5.涉入程度是消費者對某事某物重視的程度或投入的程度。當消費者對某品牌投入越多,則會對此品牌越加了解,因此品牌知名度與品牌聯想皆會提高。

智慧型手機新聞類APP之滿意度與購買意願研究-以《蘋果日報》為例 / The research of satisfaction and purchase intention in news App of smartphone-A case study of “Apple Diary”

林宏曄 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現,改變閱聽人接觸傳統媒體的習慣,廣告量逐年下滑使台灣報業面臨經營困境,加上近年來智慧型手機、平板電腦等行動載具的盛行,對台灣報業而言,既是危機也是轉機。目前已有許多報業相繼推出智慧型手機新聞應用程式,希望以新的經營型態,觸及更多閱聽人,同時拓展更多廣告收入來源。 本研究以《蘋果日報》App為例,探討使用者對該產品的知覺品質、知覺價值與滿意度、購買意願的關係。研究結果如下:加強《蘋果日報》App知覺品質的「保證與信賴」、「便利與可靠」構面以提升《蘋果日報》App的知覺價值;加強《蘋果日報》App知覺品質的「保證與信賴」、「便利與可靠」以提升《蘋果日報》App的滿意度;加強《蘋果日報》App知覺品質的「保證與信賴」、知覺價值的「貨幣與非貨幣價值」及滿意度的「產品滿意度」構面以提升《蘋果日報》App的購買意願。 此外,使用者對《蘋果日報》App的新聞分類、新聞內容跟版面設計的滿意程度較高;對個人化服務、社群分享服務、網路系統品質的滿意程度較低。目前《蘋果日報》App暫不宜採取定價策略,建議《蘋果日報》App繼續加強產品品質,包括提供更多個人化服務、添加新聞評論功能、即時新聞更新速度須更快、關鍵字查詢、新聞資料庫的建立、媒體平台間的交叉使用(多螢一雲)等,讓使用者了解「付費版」跟「免費版」的差異是什麼,以提升未來使用者的購買意願。

事件行銷滿意度與忠誠度之研究- 以天下雜誌「微笑台灣319鄉+」活動為例 / A Research on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty of event marketing- a case study of Taiwan’s 319 townships

徐子玉 Unknown Date (has links)

博物館特展之策略體驗模組研究: 以「康熙大帝與太陽王路易十四-中法藝術文化的交會」 特展為例 / The research of strategy experiential modules - taking emperor Kangxi and the Sun King Louis XIV in National Palace Museum for example

蔡侑庭, Tsai, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
故宮博物院的藏品數量及參觀人數都讓人驚艷。然而,過往故宮的經營側重於文物的珍藏功能及研究功能,未注重與大眾的溝通及育樂功能,對國內民眾而言,故宮陌生且遙遠。為拉近與民眾距離,故宮近年做了很多改變,其中包含與媒體舉辦限期且主題特殊的大型特展。   本研究以故宮在民國百年之年度特展《康熙大帝與太陽王路易十四-中法藝術文化的交會特展》為研究為例,訪問參觀過特展且使用導覽設備的觀眾,探討「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」彼此之間的關係,並以研究成果為基礎,提出未來故宮舉辦此類特展的行銷策略建議。   本次研究兼含量化問卷及質化深度訪談。研究方法採用描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析、T檢定、迴歸分析等研究方法。   本次研究的結果如下: 1. 針對特展的舉辦提出五項行銷策略建議 2. 策略體驗模組對體驗價值具有顯著關係。 3. 策略體驗模組對顧客滿意度具有顯著關係。 4. 策略體驗模組對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。 5. 體驗價值對顧客滿意度具有顯著關係。 6. 體驗價值對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。 7. 顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。 8. 部分人口變項,如性別、年齡、收入、教育程度等對體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度具有顯著差異性。 / National Palace Museum has been famous for its number of collections and the number of international visitors. However, Due to its focus on heritage preservation and research, National Palace Museum has ignored mass communication and entertainment. For many people in our country, National Palace Museum is so far away from them. To get closer to people in Taiwan, National Palace Museum has made lots of efforts over the past years, including holding special exhibitions. A special exhibition Emperor Kangxi and the Sun King Louis XIV held by National Palace Museum is taken as the object of this research. The purpose of this research is to explore the relation among strategy experiential modules, experiential value, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, this research tries to provide some marketing strategies on conducting special exhibitions based on research results. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 366 effective questionnaires are obtained. The statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson correlation, ANOVA, and regression. In qualitative approach, in-depth interview is utilized.  The results of this research include: 1. 5 marketing strategy suggestions on conducting a special exhibition. 2. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with experiential value. 3. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction. 4. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with customer loyalty. 5. Experiential value has dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction. 6. Experiential value has dramatic correlation with customer loyalty. 7. Customer satisfaction has dramatic correlation with customer loyalty. 8. Interviewees with different sex, age, education, profession, married status and income show significant differences.

國民中學教師心理擁有感、教師工作滿意度對教師組織公民行為影響之研究 / Examining the Effect of Psychological Ownership and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Junior High School Teachers

張雅婷, Chang, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學教師心理擁有感、教師工作滿意度與教師組織公民行為之關係,並探究工作滿意度在心理擁有感與組織公民行為之間是否具有中介變項的效果。研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市國民中學教師為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出30所國中共計450位受試者,回收有效問卷384份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析Sobel檢定等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以了解國中教師心理擁有感、工作滿意度與組織公民行為之現況、差異情形及其預測力。研究結論如下:一、國中教師對學校的心理擁有感現況中上。二、國中教師工作滿意程度屬中上,以「工作環境」滿意度最高。三、當前國中教師組織公民行為之表現屬中上,以「對學生之公民行為」最佳。四、年齡、服務總年資兩個背景變項在教師心理擁有感上有顯著差異。五、年齡、擔任職務兩個背景變項在教師工作滿意度上有顯著差異。六、服務總年資、教育程度及擔任職務等三個背景變項在組織公民行為上有顯著差異。七、心理擁有感與工作滿意度對組織公民行為具顯著正相關及預測效果。八、工作滿意度在教師心理擁有感與組織公民行為間具有部份中介效果。最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、國中校長以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among phychological ownership, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior of junior high school teachers. Furthermore, the mediating effect of phychological ownership and job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior was examined. A survey research was conducted using a sample of junior high school teachers in Taipei. 450 teachers from 30 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 384 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis and Sobel test. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.Teacher’s phychological ownership is above average. 2. Teacher’s job satisfaction is above average, “working environment” ranks the top. 3. Teacher’s OCB is above average, “OCB-defending the individual students” ranks the top. 4. Two demographic variables, including age and total serving years show significant differences in phychological ownership. 5. Two demographic variables, including age and position, show significant differences in job satisfaction. 6. Three demographic variables, including total serving years, education and position show significant differences in OCB. 7. Phychological ownership is positively related to job satisfaction and OCB. In addition, phychological ownership has positive direct effect on OCB, job satisfaction has positive direct effect on OCB. Phychological ownership has positive direct effect on job satisfaction. 8. Job satisfaction does have mediating effect on phychological ownership and OCB. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration authorities, principals and future related study are proposed.


林仲瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
雖然以往研究指出有許多變項會影響關係滿意度,但似乎忽視了「比較」此一變項也在改變關係滿意度中佔有一席之地(VanYperen & Buunk, 1994)。本研究從Buunk與Ybema(1997)的認同-對比模式,針對台灣一般大眾的親密關係進行社會比較研究,試圖瞭解「社會比較方向」是否會對正向情緒、負向情緒及關係滿意度產生影響,及其影響程度是否會受到「認同比較對象程度」與「社會比較傾向」的調節。本研究的主要設計為2(社會比較傾向:高、低)× 2(比較方向:向上、向下)× 2(對比較對象認同程度:高、低)的受試者間獨立設計,其中社會比較傾向用以愛荷華-荷蘭比較傾向量表(INCOM)施測;比較情境則由實驗者操弄,讓受試者閱讀不同比較對象之親密關係的編構故事版本;認同則遵循Buunk的派典加以測量。研究對象是在本研究進行時有交往對象者,第一階段受試者中男性267人、女性673人,第二階段受試者中男性36人、女性119人。調查所得資料分別以描述性統計、t檢定、MANOVA、ANOVA及階層迴歸等統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現,認同於向上比較對象的受試者,比起低(不)認同者,產生較高的正向情緒,較低的負向情緒,而認同於向下比較對象者比起不認同者,產生較多負向情緒,亦即發生了情緒的類化效果;低認同者,不管是向上或向下比較,在正向情緒上,沒有產生差別反應,但是在負面情緒上,則產生了情緒的對比效應,向上比較時,其負面情緒高於向下比較時,唯滿意度變化上無顯著影響。高社會比較傾向者的負向情緒於比較後顯著高於低社會比較傾向者,高社會比較傾向者的滿意度下降也顯著多於低社會比較傾向者,意即高社會比較傾向者較易受到社會比較的影響,特別是負向的社會比較效果。最後,研究者針對上述結果進行討論,並對本研究的限制與對未來研究的建議提出說明。


吳松溪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台北縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校學生的學習滿意度,作為教育行政機關與學校因應成人學習者終身學習的參考。本研究以台北縣的公立高中職為範圍,包括樹林、清水、三民、海山、永平、秀峰、錦和、安康、三重以及鶯歌高職等十所縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校作為研究對象。各縣立高中職附設高中職進修學校的學生,共計1429人,進行問卷調查。所使用的研究工具為「台北縣立高中職附設進修學校學生學習滿意度調查問卷」,內容包括教師教學、課程內容、學習環境、行政服務等四構面。問卷回收情形,共計收回1220 份,有效回收率為85%。本研究所使用 的統計方法,包含描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析與Scheffe 事後多重比較檢定等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、高中職附設進修學校學生對於在校學習滿意度,整體而言尚屬滿意。 二、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最高的層面為教師教學:於「教師的口 語清楚,教學重點掌握」、「師生互動模式」滿意度較高;「教師使用 視聽媒體能力」滿意度較低。 三、高中職附設進修學校學生滿意度最低的層面為課程內容:只有「課程有 助於促進自我學習」一項滿意度較高;而「課程安排與個人需求相符 合」及「課程內容幫助社區發展與進步」屬於滿意程度較低者。 四、學習環境層面有待改善:「班上同學相互關懷情形」及「班上同學相處 融洽情形」滿意度較高;「班級桌椅的安排適當」及「廁所使用方便與 清潔」等項滿意度較低。 五、行政服務層面仍有改善空間:「註冊手續的方便性」及「提供停車服 務」滿意度較高;而「提供課外學習活動諮詢」及「圖書館開放的時 間」的服務滿意度較低。 六、性別、家庭總收入、上學交通時間及學校歷史等4個背景變項中均未達 顯著差異。 七、年齡、年級、職業、婚姻狀況、教育程度、工作年資及學校性質等7個 背景變項的部分層面中達顯著差異 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對政府、高中職附設進修學校、教師及後續研究提出數點建議。 / The study attempts to understand the degree of learning satisfaction among affiliated adult schools in Taipei county high schools and vocational high schools so as to provide references about lifelong learning of adults for the educational authorities concerned. The subjects of the study include 1429 adult students in nine different county high schools and one vocational high school.There were 1220 valid questionnaires were compiled and the valid percentage was 85%.The contents of the questionnaires include the following four aspects:teaching ,curriculum,learning environment,and administrative service.The tools used in the study include descriptive statistics,t-test,one way ANOVA and scheffe’s posterior comparisons. The results of the study are presented as the following: 1.The general degree of learning satisfaction among the adult students in the affiliated high schools is above average. 2.The aspect of teachers’teaching is the most satisfactory part, with the items of “clear and organized teaching, harmonious interaction more satisfactory” than the item of “teachers’abilities of using audio-visual teaching aids .” 3.The aspect of curriculum is the least satisfactory part, with the item of “courses provided are beneficial to future self-learning” more satisfactory than the items of “the arrangement of course meet individual needs”and “the contents of the courses benefit the development and improvement of the community.” 4.The aspect of learning environment desires to be improved, with the items of “concerning classmates” and “getting along well with classmates” more satisfactory than the items of “the appropriate arrangement of desks and chairs” and “the availability and hygiene of the toilets.” 5.The aspect of administrative service also desires to be improved, with the items of “the convenience of enrollment” and “the availability of parking space” more satisfactory than the items of “the availability of consulting extracurricular activities” and “the availability of library service.” 6.Four background variables, including gender, total family income, commuting time, and school history, are not significantly different in the study. 7.Seven background variables, including age, grade, career, marital status, background of education,work seniority, and school quality, are significantly different in the study. Finally, based on the above results, the study has presented some suggestions to the government, the affiliated adult high schools and vocational high schools, teachers and future researchers.

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