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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳昭宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討日治時期臺灣皇漢醫道復活運動的興衰發展過程。該運動事實上是日本帝國境內「漢方醫學存續運動」的一個支流,在外部、內部與長期、短期因素的交織下,遂於臺灣產生此一運動。   一九二八年一月,「東洋醫道會」於東京正式成立,由漢醫學家南拜山擔任會長;同年三月,臺北乾元藥行陳茂通等漢醫藥界人士應和「東洋醫道會」,成立「東洋醫道會臺灣支部」,展開「臺灣皇漢醫道復活運動」,目標在於修訂醫生(漢醫)免許規則,使漢醫合法化,並發展漢醫治法。同年十一月,發行《漢文皇漢醫界》月刊,以做為運動的言論機關。一九二九年一月,臺灣支部舉行第一次請願運動,結果帝國議會回應「參考送付」。一九三○年四月,南拜山來臺參加支部所發起的活動;同年五月四日,支部召開「東洋醫道全島大會」,將該運動帶入高潮。隨後,南拜山展開巡迴演講,陸續至桃園、新竹、臺中、嘉義、臺南、高雄、屏東、竹山、斗六、彰化、鹿港、清水、宜蘭、羅東、礁溪、中和、基隆等地。其間,支部與本部亦不斷籌備第二次請願運動。一九三○年八月,支部向臺灣總督府提出請願;一九三一年初,東洋醫道會東京本部提案於貴、眾議院,並向拓務大臣提出〈臺灣漢方醫生存續陳情文〉,結果未獲得議員贊同,而陷於調查研究中。請願失敗後,支部活動逐漸消沉,遂於一九三三年二月中止會務。同年三月,由畢業於浙江中醫專門學校的蘇錦全承接會務,以「臺灣漢醫藥研究室」的名義發行雜誌,並改題為《臺灣皇漢醫報》;一九三五年四月,又更名為《東西醫藥報》。蘇氏亦主張復興漢醫學,然其做法與先前有所不同。至一九三八年,因戰時統制,雜誌終究面臨停刊。   簡言之,「日治時期臺灣皇漢醫道復活運動」即是漢醫藥界人士為了法定漢醫資格、推廣傳統醫術,於二○年代末期至三○年代中期所發起的社會、文化運動。

漢娜‧鄂蘭論思考與判斷:以心靈能力為基礎的政治行動 / Hannah Arendt on Thinking and Judging: The Political Action Based on Mental Faculties

趙翊夫 Unknown Date (has links)
「積極生活」與「沉思生活」乃是鄂蘭思想的核心關切,晚年更是致力於研究如何從心靈的活動走向實踐的行動。在眾多心靈能力中,鄂蘭特別看重能避免罪惡的「思考」與分辨對錯的「判斷」,兩者皆與現實政治關聯甚深。然而鄂蘭最終認為「判斷」是「最具政治性的心靈能力」,「思考」則難於政治處境中適用。對此,筆者認為「思考」與「判斷」並非截然對立的兩種能力,事實上兩者有許多相通之處,而真正的差異其實是「標準」與「角色」不同的兩種對話,且從鄂蘭建構「思考」的原型─蘇格拉底─身上亦能發掘許多實踐意義,這將是如何實踐更理想的政治的關鍵。 / “Vita activa” and “vita contemplentiva” are the two main subjects in Arendt’s thought. In her last years, she committed herself to find the path from “mental faculties” to “actions.” In all mental faculties, Arendt paid more attention on the evil-prevented ability called “thinking” and “judging,” which can telling right from wrong, both of them have a lot to do with real politics. But Arendt considered “judging” is “the most political of man’s mental abilities” and “thinking” is not applicable to politics at last. In my point of view, “thinking” and “judging” are not actually two different kind of “ability” but two kind of “conversation,” the difference between them is “standard” and “role”. If we delve into the model of “thinking” in Arendt’s thought –Socrates,– we can find out that there was lots of practical meanings in his actions, those will be the key to make ideal politics practicable.

中國農民工子女教育權研究:比較武漢與北京的制度 / Education of Migrant Children in China: A Comparative Study of Policy Implementations in Wuhan and Beijing

古蓓詩, Basak KUTAHYA Unknown Date (has links)
儘管中國的全國發展著重在教育並嚴格實行九年義務教育法令,然而數以百萬計的中國移民孩童仍被排除在國家教育體制之外。我的論文探討中國內部由鄉村移向都市的這群移民孩童的受教權。這篇研究著重在武漢市地方政府不同政策的實施,這篇研究實地到武漢、北京進行田野研究,尤其聚焦在這群移民兒童在這兩座城市所面對的心理障礙上。 近年來,部分市政府已實行移民孩童教育體系整合的改革,而武漢市正是其中採用公共導向模型來解決此議題的城市之一。雖然這些改革在武漢市相當多數的移民者上獲得成功,然而北京市政府卻在各行政區內推動這些相關政策遭遇困難。 然而,就在北京市政府官員因懼怕更多移民人口流入北京市,而猶豫是否要將移民孩童納入公共教育的一環時,此舉卻導致對這些孩童在制度與心理上更嚴重的歧視。此篇研究認為此種歧視並邊緣化移民人口的態度會造成城鄉人口之間的衝突與仇視。相反地,長遠來看,替移民學子推行更完整且公平的社會福利政策,將能吸引並留住更多高品質的移民勞工。因此,為達到教育平等的目標,需要將其教育平等與社會發展目標相互整合 / Despite China’s national emphasis on education and the central government’s strict implementation of a 9-year compulsory education law, millions of Chinese migrant children are still excluded from the state-run education system. My thesis will examine the education rights of migrant children in China migrating from rural to urban cities; I will research the different policy implementations by the local administrations in this regard in Wuhan city, where I did a field study, and in Beijing, and will in particular focus on the psychological barriers these migrant children confront in these two cities. Recently, some city governments have implemented reforms aimed at integrating migrant children into their state-run schooling system and Wuhan is one of these cities applying the public-oriented model to deal with this issue. While these reforms have been carried out successfully in Wuhan where there is a relatively large quantity of migrants, the Beijing government has experienced difficulty to properly apply the regulations in each of the city’s administrative districts at the same level. While the Beijing city officials hesitated to include migrant children in public education with the fear of more migrants flooding into the city, this approach has led to greater discrimination against these migrant children both institutionally and psychologically. I argue in the conclusion that this attitude to marginalize the migrant populations could result in dissatisfaction and greater hostility between urban and migrant populations. On the contrary, the strategy of providing more comprehensive and equitable social benefits for migrant students attracts and retains more highly skilled migrant workers in the long term. Thus, the goal of achieving educational equity needs to be integrated with social development goals.

《水滸傳》之服飾研究 / Dress Research of "The Water Margin"

陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
《水滸傳》的創作從南宋初年至明代中葉,這四百多年來流傳的水滸故事,經過說書人的講演鋪陳、文人的潤飾增色,逐漸成熟完整,匯聚成一部精彩絕倫的通俗小說。小說設計了一百零八位英雄,這些好漢被賦予了不同出身、獨特相貌,以及各式穿著,繪製出一幅多彩多姿的水滸圖卷。《水滸傳》在人物登場時,往往以一套贊賦介紹人物從頭到腳的衣著,為讀者在腦海中畫出一個具體而鮮明的形象。由於「服飾」是一個人的「社會肌膚」,透過「服飾」我們可得知其身分地位、審美觀念、性格投射與所處的社會風尚,甚至能反映群體文化。《水滸傳》服飾琳瑯滿目,筆者透過文本的分析,將一百零八好漢的衣著,分為首服、上衣、下裳與足服、腰佩四類,逐一考掘形制內容、演化,宋、元、明三代服制與人物的穿用取向。其次探討服飾的質料與顏色,將質料分為棉麻、絲織、毛皮、金屬四類,研究服飾表現的物質文化;服色則採紅、青、白、黑、黃五色分述,闡發《水滸傳》服飾的穿搭美學。把人物服飾對應《水滸傳》的創作背景,瞭解小說反映出來宋、元、明三代紡織工藝的發達,帶動商品經濟活絡,形成豐富多樣的衣飾時尚以及崇奢僭禮的風氣。最後將服飾與人物形象結合探討,論述小說如何運用服飾勾勒《水滸傳》臉譜,研究服飾對人物外在的身分界定,與文本內在的書寫意涵。本論文從服飾的角度審視《水滸傳》,從中歸納出服飾是人物刻劃的途徑,是小說渲染情節的方法,也是社會風俗的具體反映,更是梁山好漢犯禁思想的表現,總結出《水滸傳》是通俗小說服飾書寫的轉型階段。 / The creation of The Water Margin went through a roughly 400-year span, starting from the beginning of Southern Song to the mid-Ming Dynasty. Stories of The Water Margin, performed, polished, refined and compiled by storytellers and poets, were made into one epic popular fiction, within which 108 outlaws, endowed with distinct backgrounds, appearances, and dress, made an animated landscape of Water Margin. The Water Margin introduces most of its characters’ complete outfits through a set of words of praise on their debuts, thereby portraying solid, bright images in its readers’ mind. Dress are socialized skin from which we tell one’s social status, aesthetics, projected nature, contemporary trends, and even collective culture from those of others’. The Water Margin presents 108 outlaws in a wide array of clothing which, in my textual analyses, was categorized into caps, garments, skirts and footwear, and waist ornaments. I explore the contents of their designs and transformations over time, and how people in Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties designed and decided their dress in terms of wearing and functioning. Next, I’d discuss the textile—categorized into cotton and gunny, silk, hide and leather, and metal, in order to study the material culture embedded in dress—along with colors—red, cyan, white, black, and yellow included, so as to elaborate on the aesthetics of dressing. Comparing dress with the social context of The Water Margin’s creation gives insight to the highly-developed textile crafting in Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasty, a crafting which promoted a booming commodity economy and thereby formed a miscellaneous dressing fashion and a luxury-worshiping, etiquette-violating atmosphere. Combining dress with the characters, I reason how each figure was shaped with what he or she wore, and study how one’s dressing defined his/her extrinsic identity and the textual implications inherited in the fiction. This thesis aims at scrutinizing The Water Margin through dress, concluding that dressing is a path to characters’ depictions, a manner with which the plot was embellished, a concrete reflection on social customs, as well as a representation of the 108 outlaws’ thinking of breaking prohibitions. The Water Margin, therefore, was at the stage of dressing depiction’s transformation in popular fictions.

漢語聖經經文搭配音樂之策略 / The Phonological-Musical Strategies in Textsetting of Chinese Bible Verses

凌旺楨, Ling, Wang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
許多學者曾探討語言與音樂的互動關係。本研究則是將此議題延伸討論至漢語聖經經文入樂。本文漢語聖詩的歌詞皆截取自聖經經文,旋律的部份則是由牟維華(2007)所編。本篇主要包含了語料庫以及優選理論分析。語料庫的設置是用以觀察音節與音符的關連性、語言與音樂的邊界,以及輕聲的節奏。而優選理論分析則是藉著制約排序選出優選輸出值。本文聖詩可以兩種方式避免音符沒有對應到歌詞的現象,即一個音節對入多個音符,以及插入重複的歌詞。此兩種不同變異體可透過並存音韻(cophonology)的次語法,也就是Dep-σ 及Univormity-SM兩個制約的重新排序來解釋。由 Align-R(Long,IP)、Align-L (T, XP) 及 Align-R (T, IP) 三種制約排序,可預測出三連音邊界與歌詞的對應關係。Rhythm-N和Align-R (Long, IP) 兩個制約的排序,則可預測輕聲字的節奏長短。本研究發現音樂可被調整,以容納音節節奏。語言亦會被音樂影響,如此以符合樂譜的模組(template)。 / Scholars have discussed the interaction between language and music. This study investigates this issue in Chinese biblical hymns. The lyrics of Chinese biblical hymn discussed in this paper are from biblical verses while the melodies are composed by Mou (2007). This paper includes corpus-based and Optimality Theory analysis. Corpus is constructed to observe the phenomena of syllable-note association, language and music boundaries, and the rhythm of neutral tone syllables. In terms of Optimality Theory, the optimal output of the hymn is governed by a set of constraints. Both linking one syllable to multiple notes and inserting repeated lyrics to the hymns can avoid notes from not linking to any lyric. These two variations can be accounted for by re-ranking Dep-σ and Univormity-SM in Cophonology Theory. The constraint ranking of Align-R (Long, IP), Align-L (T, XP) and Align-R (T, IP) can predict the interaction between the tiercet boundary and lyrics. The ranking of Rhythm-N and Align-R (Long, IP) determines the rhythm of neutral tone syllables. To conclude, this study has found that music can be modified to accommodate syllable rhythm. Language can also be influenced by music to satisfy the music template.

漢語動補結構中的致使義:從論元體現而論 / Causativity in Chinese resultative compounds: on the account of argument realization

黃心綸, Huang, Hsin Lun Unknown Date (has links)
漢語的動補結構長久以來一直是漢語語言學中一個複雜難解的議題,動補結構中的論元在句法上應如何體現及其相對應的語意應如何解讀更是許多語言學家致力解決的問題。衍生語法學派 (Derivational Grammar) 的學者 (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) 及詞彙功能語法學派 (Lexical Functional Grammar) 的學者 (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) 均曾試圖提出對於漢語動補結構最正確有效的分析,本論文旨在證明衍生語法學派之理論在動補結構分析上的錯誤及不足,並點出詞彙功能語法學派之理論在預測動補結構的論元體現 (argument realization) 及語意解讀 (semantic interpretation) 上有較全面的分析。 然而,某些動補結構,如「這一大桌子菜胖死我了」,含有不同於其他動補結構的致使義 (Causativity),進而產生特殊的論元體現模式,此情形卻未被涵蓋在詞彙功能語法學派的理論分析中,本論文也依循詞彙功能語法的理論框架,試圖提出足以預測此種特定動補結構論元體現的句法規則,以彌補詞彙功能語法理論在分析此動補結構的論元體現上之遺漏,使其整體分析更臻完善。 / Resultative compounds in Mandarin Chinese have long been a complicated issue in Chinese linguistics. Many researchers have put great effort in trying to solve the problem of how arguments of Chinese resultative compounds should be syntactically realized and how corresponding interpretations should be achieved. Researchers of Derivational Grammar (Cheng and Huang, 1994; Cheng et al, 1997; Huang, 2006, 2007; Li, 1995) and those of Lexical Functional Grammar (Her, 2004, 2007, 2009; Shibagaki, 2009) have all attempted to propose analyses that are accurate in predicting the argument realization and compound predication of Chinese resultative compounds. This thesis aims to prove the insufficiency in the prediction power of derivational accounts and endeavors to show that the account of Lexical Functional Grammar is superior in the analysis of resultative compounds in terms of argument realization and compound interpretation. However, some resultative compounds, such as that in zhe yi da zhuozi cai pang-si wo le (‘This whole table of dishes is making me fat.’), have certain causativity that makes them different from others in terms of argument realization. Resultative compounds like these are not included in the analysis of lexicalist accounts. Based on the theoretical framework of Lexical Functional Grammar, this thesis also makes an attempt to propose a syntactic rule that predicts the correct argument realization pattern of the kind of resultative compounds mentioned above. It is the goal of this thesis that the proposed rule covers the analysis of the resultative compounds that is missing in previous accounts and makes the lexicalist account given in this thesis a better solution in working on the issues of Chinese resultative compounds.

俄漢親屬稱謂詞之對比:語義與文化研究 / A Comparative Study of Kinship Terms in Russian and Chinese

馬嘉霙 Unknown Date (has links)

華、韓語同形漢字詞之比較及教學建議:以「台灣華語八千詞」及《韓國漢字語辭典》分析為例 / Semantic and pragmatic features of Chinese and Korean homographic words with didactic suggestions for teaching Chinese to Korean students-a comparative analysis of basic Chinese and Sino-Korean vocabulary

金昭蓮, so yeon kim Unknown Date (has links)
依據1957年韓文學會的《韓國語大辭典》 的分類,在韓國語詞彙中漢字詞占總詞彙的53%,與之相比,非漢字詞彙占47%。由此可見,由於韓國屬於漢字文化圈,所以韓國人在學習華語的時候,與非漢字文化圈的人相比,存在著許多優勢。不過實際上韓國學生在學習華語時經常遇到很多困難,而且有時候並不能精確地使用詞彙。我們發現韓語中部分的漢字詞與相對應的華語詞彙存在著同形同義和同形異義的現象,雖然同形同義詞只是在語法上有些微的差異,但這些差異會成為韓國學習者學習華語的困擾。不僅在學習華語時會產生誤解和誤用,甚而會影響華語交際。由於韓國學習者的漢字基礎常常會誤導他們,所以他們在學習與運用華語時,已有的韓語漢字基礎會對學習產生負遷移。 在第二語言學習中甘瑞瑗(2002) 指出,詞彙習得和詞彙教學是很重要的一環。對韓國學生來說,掌握華韓語之間漢字詞的關連性是能否有效運用華語的關鍵之一。因此,筆者認為,比較和分析「台灣華語8000詞」和與之相應的韓語漢字詞,具有學習上的幫助。 本文旨在以「台灣華語8000詞」 為中心,對照《韓國漢字語辭典》找出兩者之間的同形漢字詞,並把這些同形漢字詞分為同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞三類,具體地分析台灣華語詞和韓語漢字詞的異同。接著以個案研究的方式,探討韓語漢字詞在韓國學生學習華語詞彙時是否帶來正遷移的現象;並以問卷調查的方式來檢驗韓國學生已認識的韓語漢字詞,是否也對華語詞彙學習造成負遷移的影響。 最後,根據個案調查及問卷研究結果,分別對華韓同形同義詞、同形部分異義詞與同形完全異義詞等三類,提出華語詞彙教學建議。 / According to the research of the Chinese Character Society which get published 1957 in the Korean Dictionary, 53% of the Korean vocabulary is based on the Chinese language. This high percentage demonstrates the great impact of the Chinese culture on the Korean language over a long time. Today, Korean learners of the Chinese language may take advantage of this historical and linguistic fact when compared to learners from Western countries. However, in practice, Korean learners still have great difficulties in acquiring the correct usage of a variety of Chinese words in spite of lexical similarities with their mother tongue. Interferences from the Korean language usage on the learners’ target language are an obvious fact. In a first approach, compared with the homographic vocabulary of the Chinese language, Chinese loan words in the Korean language can be classified into three main categories according to their semantic congruency: 1. homosemantic words: homographic words in both languages share principally the same lexical meaning (同形同義詞); 2. semantic congruent words: homographic words in both languages share a congruent basic meaning but lexical meaning differs in certain properties (同形部分異義詞); 3. semantic incongruent words: homographic words in both languages principally do not share a common lexical meaning (同形完全異義詞). The reason may be due to historical meaning changes in both languages. Semantic differences in basically semantic congruent words and semantic incongruency of homographic words both handicap correct vocabulary acquisition of the Chinese language by Korean learners and complicate their correct comprehension and correct usage of the Chinese language. The relevance of correct vocabulary acquisition was already pointed out by the research of Gan Ruiyuan (甘瑞瑗,2002). The present study wants to do a fresh approach in the study of the basic homographic vocabulary of Chinese and Korean languages in its significance for Chinese language teaching to Korean students. To do this, it compares the semantic features of the Chinese basic vocabulary listed in the Taiwanese dictionary 8000 Words in Chinese with their Korean homographics listed in the Dictionary of the Sino-Korean language and classifies the results according to the three categories of semantic congruency mentioned above. Semantic incongruent features are discussed regarding their difficulty both in acquisition and in the correct usage for Korean learners of the Chinese language. In addition, a short learner’s enquiry wants to give further insights into phenomena of language interference which appear in the usage of Chinese homographic vocabulary by Korean students. Finally, the study wants to give some practical suggestions for teaching Chinese homographic vocabulary to Korean students.

生徒はどのような漢字の読み書きが習得できないか : 中学「漢字コンクール」の設問別分析(国語科)(教科研究)

寺井, 一 15 October 1998 (has links)

倒金字塔式新聞報道的語篇規律 : 以香港《明報》社會新聞為語料的探討 = Discourse principles in inverted pyramid news reporting : study of the social news of Ming Pao

謝淑香, 01 January 2001 (has links)
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