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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

論農業產業化與農民福利之衡平-以企業社會責任與社會企業之角度來探討 / How to balance interest between agriculture industry and farmers

羅曉嵐, Lo, Hsiao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上農民靠天吃飯的特性造就其所得收入的不穩定進而威脅其生存,因此政府在農民福利上加以著墨,希望藉由品種改良、福利金的發放、直接的現金補助與間接的行銷、運輸等補助提升農民生活水準,然而在對農企業的資源投入上則相形較少,因其追求利潤極大化的本質與政府增進農民所得及福利、提高農民生活水準之農民政策目標相背離,因此政府在農企業輔助上多持有保留態度,也因如此造成台灣農企業無法國際化營運、規模亦無法擴大的原因之一;除此之外,政府脫離市場機制,無限制補助的結果更造成其本身財政上的吃緊。農業是由農民、政府與農企業三方面所共同構成的,因此在政策的制定上亦應全盤考量三方的利益衡平,本論文嘗試從根本面來探討三方的利益關係,利用企業社會責任的施行與社會企業的成立,來連結與整合三方利害衡平。舉釀酒葡萄產業為例,點出產業發展與農民福利政策的矛盾,經對比法國釀酒葡萄產業,說明企業社會責任與社會企業對台灣該產業的重要性,再透過美日大廠其施行企業社會責任與社會企業建立的個案分析,了解國外施行方式與達成結果,結果顯示企業社會責任的施行與社會企業的建立確實能達到照顧農民同時發展產業的目標,且因維持市場機制自由運行的結果,政府亦能做最有效率的資源分配,並將外大廠的施行方式嘗試應用於台灣釀酒葡萄產業,針對菸酒公司如何在照顧農民的同時達到企業發展部份提出建言,同時對政府與整個產業提出改善方法,證明企業社會責任與社會企業無非是一項解決農業產業化與農民福利衡平之有效工具與方向。最後提出政府照顧農民的目的與終旨的反思,農民的定義為何?農民真的是弱勢嗎?怎樣的農民才能納入政府輔導的範圍中。在農民、企業、大眾或其他利害團體的眼中政府作到怎樣的程度算照顧?是否過多還是不足,政府該如何衡平照顧農民的公益性角色與發展農企業的商業性角色。農民不是皆是弱勢,政府可透過支持企業社會責任與社會企業的發展,將農民由弱勢變強勢,透過產業化的發揮提升產業附加價值,使農民能小兵立大功,轉變社會對農業的認知。 / Sustainable development is a crucial factor when concerning industry development. When all the interests between all interested parties have been met can start to be considered sustainable development. The thesis started with imbalanced status among the government, vine growers and the winery, agribusiness, of wine industry in Taiwan. Wine growers in Taiwan were considered to be the disadvantaged; lots of subsidies came into the group accordingly. The government even asked agribusiness, typically TTL, gave a lot of allowance and promises to those people ”in need” regardless of the ability of the business can deal with those unneeded vine in market. The imbalance exists and the gap increases; the industry totally goes beyond the rule. As a result, the status has to be changed. The thesis suggests CSR and SE idea can heal the gap. By saying that, the thesis starts to prove why CSR and SE work, especially in Taiwan by comparing with wine industry in France. Based on this foundation, the thesis was then followed by looking at how other big businesses do on CSR and how SE helps to solve social problem as it claimed. With above information, the thesis moved on to its main part, suggestion to TTL and the whole industry. Find a solution to balance all the interested groups and to achieve sustainable development for all sectors in the industry. In conclusion, the thesis raised an urgent to reexamine the purpose of social benefit policy for farmers based on imbalance status. Overall, the thesis was written to raise a question and suggest a solution.

中西方社會事業投入體制比較 : 社會事業發展與投融資改革 / 社會事業發展與投融資改革

姜雅芬 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

從命令與控制型到規制型國家:公共性概念的變遷 / From Command and Control Model to Regulatory State: The Transformation of the Concept of Publicness

朱玉, Zhu, Siena Unknown Date (has links)
本文所要處理的問題為:「公共」的內容究竟為何?以及在福利國家的脈絡下公私之間如何互相滲透?本文採用Naomi Pfeffer與G. Majone的見解,將福利國家分為命令與控制型模式(command and control model)與規制型國家(regulatory state)。而這二種模式的差異可以由統治(government)和治理(governance)兩字得到說明,前者與命令與控制型相關,後者則與規制型相關。而所謂「治理」之概念,即一種國家權力向社會回歸的現象。本文以哈伯瑪斯《公共領域的結構轉型》為理論背景,探討現代國家職能由福利國家的興起與轉型之國家與社會關係與公私融合的過程。 / The main purposes of this thesis are: (1) discuss the transformation of the relationship of state and society under the process of “‘societalization’ of the state” and “‘stateification’ of society” through the rise and transformation of the welfare state; (2) examine the theories of “publicness”, “public/private distinction”, and the phenomena of “public-private mix” to study the mutual relation between the public and the private; (3) review and criticize the selected public policy. The public/private distinction has declined under the welfare state nowadays. On the topic of welfare state, this thesis applies the opinions of Naomi Pfeffer and G. Majone that divide the welfare state into the command and control model and the regulatory state. The words “government” and “governance” could interpret the difference of these two kinds of patterns: the former is relative to the command and control model, while the latter is relative to the regulatory state. In addition, the conception of “governance” indicates the process of authority returns from the state to the society. On the topic of public/private relation, this thesis adopts the theories of Jürgen Habermas in his book: The Structure Transformation of Public Sphere, through his ideas of public sphere and its relation among the intimate sphere and the state to explore the relation between the state and society. In practice, this thesis takes the case of turning the national university into the corporation (juridical person) in Taiwan, and introduces to the theories discussed above: see the university as a public sphere and its reform as the transformation of welfare state.

由認同觀點探討組織變革 -以衛福部組織變革為例 / A study of organizational change in organizational identification perspective: The case of Ministry of Health and Welfare

陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
2011年修正公布行政院組織法草案,明定於行政院下新增衛生福利部,經過兩年組織規劃後,於2013年衛生署正式合併部分內政部與教育部單位,升格並改名為衛生福利部。對於此一新組織來說,內部涵蓋了來自不同背景之三大單位,在整併成新組織的過程中,不免須面臨劇烈的組織變革行動,身在其中的組織成員不僅自身需調適來到新組織的心態與工作模式,更肩負組織變革行動的規劃與執行,可謂是整個組織變革的重要關鍵。 因此,本研究以中華民國衛生福利部為主體,就衛生福利部所進行的一系列變革行動進行深入探討,並從認同觀點切入,透過訪談方式了解衛生福利部在組織變革的過程中,是否有哪些行動影響成員對新組織的行為與決策表現,而成員面臨組織變革時,此新組織的條件以及經歷組織變革所得的感受,是否有增加或減低成員對新組織的認同度,這個認同度的幅度,是否有會影響其在組織變革中的行為,進而造成變革的成功或失敗。 本研究從五芒星理論與變革程序理論出發,分析變革過程中的行動,對於成員對組織認同度的影響,並找出變革中對認同程度負向影響的因子,提出行動建議。本研究以單一個案深入探討之方式進行研究,個案主體所進行的組織變革亦仍在進行,因此透過此研究除期望能向衛生福利部提出更具體之變革決策建議,亦希望能做為其他有意要進行大規模變革的組織,在變革行動上之參考。

社會住宅對所得分配影響之探討 / An Analysis of the Impact of Social Housing on Income Distribution

張綱龍 Unknown Date (has links)
過去國內社會住宅之研究多著重於住宅問題面,較少探討對於所得分配之影響。各縣市目前提供的無論是國民住宅或合宜住宅等,數量不多且未考量到縮減貧富差距。為了解社會住宅對於縮減貧富差距是否有所助益,因此本文運用文獻回顧及實證分析法,研究所得重分配的2個問題。 研究結果發現:第一、社會福利支出的所得重分配效果大於租稅的所得重分配效果。近年來,無論是臺灣或國外,社會福利支出已成為限縮所得差距擴張的主要因素。本文利用1980年至2013年間之家庭收支調查資料計算,並採用多元線性迴歸模型進行實證分析。迴歸結果顯示:1.經濟成長率對於所得差距倍數、社福支出改善所得差距的倍數、賦稅改善所得差距的倍數,都有顯著負向影響。2.時間趨勢對於所得差距倍數、社福支出改善所得差距的倍數、賦稅改善所得差距的倍數,都有顯著正向影響。3.大學學歷以上就業者年增率對於所得差距倍數、社福支出改善所得差距的倍數都有顯著正向影響。在臺灣,尤以經濟不景氣時,社會福利支出相較於租稅,有更為顯著的所得重分配效果。 第二、社會住宅戶數越多、租金折扣越高,越有助於縮減所得差距。社會住宅不僅僅是在於解決住宅問題,更可以做為所得重分配的工具。本文利用大島指數對臺北市松山寶清段的692戶社會住宅進行分析,結果顯示:社會住宅提供後,無論是臺北市或松山區的所得差距倍數皆呈現下降。而且當社會住宅戶數越多、租金折扣越高時,所得差距倍數下降幅度越大,所得重分配之改善效果越強。

開放收養家庭經驗初探-正向經驗的啟發 / A Research on Inspiration of Positive Experiences for Open Adoption Families

韓婷婷, Han,Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性深度訪談方法探討開放收養家庭經驗,分析收養家庭與出養家庭互動的過程與感受,並彙整成功開放收養的因素,探討開放收養家庭之需求。透過本研究希望瞭解:第一,本土開放收養家庭的經驗,瞭解收養家庭與出養家庭接觸的過程及感受;第二,歸納成功開放收養的因素,提出對收養服務之具體建議;第三,彙整開放收養家庭需求,提供未來收養服務及實務工作相關參考。本研究與兒童福利聯盟收出養組合作,選取符合開放收養定義之收養人參與研究,並將研究結果形成建議,提供收出養實務工作及潛在收養人參考。 依據研究目的,研究者邀請北部地區八個開放收養家庭(共計十位收養人)進行一對一的深度訪談,研究結果如下列幾點: 一、「開放收養」對收出養三方皆有正面影響,有助於創造收出養雙方家庭正向的互動經驗,提升養父母對出養家庭的同理心、促使生父母對出養決定放心,並讓被收養者清楚知道自己並未被遺棄,建立對身世的正面記憶。 二、收養人開放收養的動機包括下述五項:讓孩子知道自己是被愛的、對原生家庭有同理心、視為孩子應得的機會、認為孩子有需要、及期待更了解孩子。 三、在開放收養接觸經驗方面,收養人對開放見面展現高度接納、包容、同理及瞭解,肯定開放收養之優勢與結果。 四、影響成功開放收養的因素可歸納如下述:(一)「內部動力因素」:養父母支持開放的信念、尊重孩子的意願、孩子不是私有財的觀念、同理出養家庭的不捨、期望讓出養家庭放心、對出養家庭印象良好以及養父母之間溝通良好,呈現養父母以兒童最佳利益優先和尊重出養方的理念,促成開放結果順利產生;(二)「外部增強因素」:正向的家庭互動經驗、出養家庭提供支持,以及獲得專業機構支持三項,顯示專業機構與出養家庭對開放的正面態度有助於促使收出養雙方順利見面,且專業機構在收出養流程及後續追蹤期間,持續提供專業建議及諮詢,並擔任收出養聯繫的中介角色,有助於維持開放的穩定。 五、開放收養家庭的需求主要可分為四項:「機構提供輔助性支援」、「同質性養父母支持團體」、「被收養童專業處遇」、「養父母成長課程」。 六、透過機構收養的家庭普遍滿意機構的安排,對於機構提供之收養準備課程、開放聯繫協助、專業諮詢與建議表示肯定,認為機構支持有助於增加開放收養的意願與安全感。 關鍵字:開放收養、兒童福利服務、收養服務 / This research intends to investigate the open adoption experience in Taiwan through qualitative research method and in-depth interviews. In addition, we analyze the interaction and feelings between the biological and adoptive families, classify the factors behind successful open adoption cases as well as organize the needs of open adoption families. This research is conducted in cooperation with the Adoption Service Section of the Child Welfare League Foundation and invited those who conform to the definition of “open adoption family” to participate in the research. We provide some suggestions based on the research result for future adoptive families and those who engage in adoption services and practices. According to the research purpose, we invited eight open adoption families from Northern Taiwan to participate in this research and achieved the following results: 1. The “open adoption” method produces positive effects for both the birth family and the adoptive family. It helps create a positive and interactive experience between both families, increase the empathy of the adopting parents with the biological parents, and hence ease the worries about adoption for the birth family. Meanwhile, the adoptee would understand that they are not abandoned and thus develop a positive memory about their relationship with their biological parents. 2. The adoptive family accepts the open adoption method for the following five motives: let the adoptee know they are loved, show empathy with the birth family, regard this as deserved for the child, believe it is needed by the child, and hope to understand more about the child. 3. Regarding the open adoption experience, the adoptive family show high level of acceptance, tolerance, empathy and understanding, recognizing the benefit and result of open adoption method. 4. The success of the open adoption practice can be determined by the following two categories of factors. First, the “internal motivation” factors: adoptive parents support the open adoption method, respect the wish of the adoptee, agree that children are not private properties, empathize with the birth family’s sorrow, expect to ease the worry of the biological parents, have a good impression about the birth family, communicate well between each other, prioritize the best interest of the child, and respect the birth family. With these internal motivation factors, the success of open adoption can be achieved. Second, the “external reinforcement” factors: having positive family interaction experiences, gaining support from both the birth family and the adoption agency. These external reinforcement factors show that the supportive attitude of both the adoption agency and the birth family makes possible a meeting between the birth family and the adoptive one. Moreover, the stabilization of open adoption can be reached, if, during the adoption processes and the follow-up period, the adoption agency can continuously provide professional suggestions and consultation as well as be a bridge between both families. 5. The open adoption family generally requires the following supports: agency provided assistance, support group of similar adoptive families, professional intervention for the adoptee, adoptive parents training. 6. Those who adopt children through adoption agencies are generally satisfied with the arrangement of the agency, and recognize the provided preparation lessons, assistance as well as professional consultations and suggestions. The adoptive families believe that the agency provided support helps increase the willingness and confidence to accept the open adoption method. Keywords: open adoption, children welfare service, adoption service


李梓毓 Unknown Date (has links)
晚近對於應否將金融服務納入消費稅基,及其稅率如何訂定的相關討論,大都從“金融服務為非最終消費”的角度出發,然而這樣觀點並不適用於所有種類之金融服務;將全部的金融服務視為一體來探討此一課題並不恰當,其結果也可能有所偏頗。 此外,以消費者的個人效用極大化問題來討論將金融服務納入消費稅基雖為正確作法,但卻忽略了政府在經濟體系中所扮演的角色及消費者行為可能對社會福利造成的影響。Rousslang(2002)認為,由於政府也是金融服務的使用者之一,而所面對的使用成本卻可能與消費者不同,在此種模型下,個人追求效用極大的行為會經由不同的租稅政策而產生不同的社會成本。 本文以Rousslang(2002)為基礎,將金融服務的性質分為最終消費與非最終消費兩種,研究發現,在金融課稅採總額型下,金融服務應否課稅及其稅率高低,與政府使用金融服務的成本,以及非最終消費性質之金融服務佔整體服務之比例息息相關。 此外,不同的課稅方式可能會對私人選擇及社會成本有不同的影響 ,進而影響最適租稅政策。吾人試圖將模型延伸,將金融課稅改為加值型,並與總額型之結果作一比較,結果發現:當政府與私人面對相同的金融服務使用成本時,兩者最適稅率之訂定相同,而當政府使用金融服務不需付費時,加值稅制下最適稅率之訂定會受金融機構本身生產成本及報酬的影響。


張家瑋, Chang, Chia-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用搜尋模型,為勞工流動與人口遷移提供一套理論的分析架構,並且找出一套衡量流動性與人口遷移的工具與指標。模型假設為封閉經濟體系內只存在兩個地區(高工資城市與低工資鄉村),而有 的同質個人,將居住遷移與工作流動視為單一的決策,加入房屋市場且兩地存在外生的工資差異,而且沒有失業的存在,個人在「工資差距」、「遷移成本」與「居住成本」的考量下做出遷移決策,當人口遷移達到均衡時可求出在steady-state下衡量遷移的指標,由比較靜態分析可知,工資差距與遷移呈現正向關係、而遷移成本與遷移存在負向關係,結果與客觀推論一致。 在進行福利分析時,若社會福利函數為簡單加總型態時,發現經濟體系各地區最適人口數與均衡人口數產生不一致的現象,其中一個與現實符合的情況為鄉村人口過度外移,在同時滿足「均衡與最適一致」、「收支平衡」與「最適不變」三個條件下,提供一個「差異性」的房屋稅制矯正均衡與最適偏離的問題,為相關政策制訂提供一項依據。

垂直分工,內生性切割技術及政府政策 / Vertical specialization, endogenous fragmentation and government policy

黃士真 Unknown Date (has links)

動物福利標章之法制建構──以化粧品之動物實驗為中心 / The Construction for the Animal Welfare Certification

張立瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
動物保護的議題在近年來逐漸為人民以及立法者所關注。除了禁止流浪動物安樂死、將展演動物納入動物保護法的保障範圍外,考量到對於非人類生活所必需的化粧品進行動物實驗,除了在科學驗證上並無其必要性外,亦對於動物福利有保護不足的問題,我國於2016年對化粧品衛生管理條例進行修法,於第23條之二直接禁止於我國境內對化粧品的成分及成品進行動物實驗, 惟縱使如此,就我國現行的消費市場觀察,立法禁止於我國進行化粧品動物實驗,仍有無法顧及之情況。例如:化粧品得於外國進行動物實驗後再銷售至我國,抑或者是我國的化粧品仍可能為了配合他國之法律,而於銷售至他國時進行動物實驗。化粧品的動物實驗依照現行之立法,難以完全禁絕。 同時,由於一般市面上的化粧品均不會特別標示產品之成分、成分是否曾經過動物實驗,許多在乎動物實驗議題的消費者往往亦難以選擇到合乎其消費理念的商品。 本文即係為了解決在現行狀況下,消費者無法取得正確的消費資訊並作出知情選擇的困境,以達成追求動物福利作為目的,試建構以動物福利為標示內容的動物福利標章。

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