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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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策略性人力資本之衡量與價值之創造-以智慧型手機製造業為例 / The Measurement of Strategic Human Capital and Value Creation-A case study of Smartphone Manufacturer

成昀達, Cheng, Yun Ta Unknown Date (has links)
人力資本的衡量,為智慧資本領域中相當重要的一環。但過往的研究與討論,卻都陷入「靜態」與「歷史」資料的分析,對於企業在管理與決策時,並無法提供適時、適當且適切之資訊。本研究利用動態競爭分析之概念,改善人力資本資訊在使用上不足之處,並據以建立預測企業未來發展及表現的衡量基礎。 本研究採個案研究法,以我國智慧型手機製造企業為研究對象,利用公開資訊的蒐集與分析,探討其發展過程中有關策略性人力資本的變動,衡量個案公司在投入面、管理面及產出面之智慧資本,並與顧客資本及創新資本相結合,同步利用量化及質化之方式對策略性人力資本之衡量與其所創造之價值進行分析,進而做出下列結論: 一、策略將嚴重影響企業人力資本的內涵與價值。 二、策略執行的效度與效率會因管理階層對策略之決心與態度而有差異。 三、組織中團隊功能異質性的提升,有助於企業發展創新策略。 四、組織中團隊教育背景異質性的下降,有於助企業集中資源,聚焦策略,並增加產品發展及技術創新之強度。 / The measurement of human capital is always a crucial part of intellectual capital issue. However, researchs and discussions both are focus on the “static” and “historical” data analysis in the past. It is bounded to provide timely, appropriate information to assist management formulating strategy and making decisions. This study is aim to improve the weakness of statistical human capital’s information and establish the forward-looking forecasting scheme to measure enterprise’s performance. This study select one smartphone manufacturer in Taiwan as an sample, by adopting the method of case study, we collect public information and deeply analyze the various factors about strategic human capital, including the heterogeneity of team member by functional attributes and by educational disciplines. We integrate strategic human capital data with customer capital and innovation capital, measure enterprise’s performance in input, management and output aspects both in quantitative and qualitative method simultaneously, and create the value of combination with these intellectual capitals. Then make the following conclusions: First, the strategy always will seriously affect the meaning and value of human capital. Second, the determination and attitude of management will influence the validity and efficiency of strategy. Third, the higher heterogeneity of team member in functional attributes has positive help when developing innovative strategies. Fourth, the lower heterogeneity of team member in educational disciplines has positive help to centralize business resources, focus on specific strategy, and increase the strength of product development and technology innovation.

國際人資管理與任用個案分析 / A Case Study on the IHRM and Staffing

朱芳儀, Chu, Fang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來為提供顧客更完整的金融服務,銀行業發展已逐漸邁向國際化,而人力資源管理也因應銀行的國際化策略,面臨不同的外在環境與內部條件限制,衍生出許多新的管理活動。 為探求銀行業國際人力任用決策的影響因素與理想模式,本研究先整合文獻探討的相關理論後,歸納出影響國際人力任用模式的觀念性架構,並以個案銀行香港分行為主體,運用個案研究的方式逐步分析,透過瞭解其國際化動機與目的、據點的選擇、進入模式、分工類型、經營策略、人力資源管理策略與人力任用情況,與文獻理論做連結性的分析與結果驗證。最後,本研究提出以下結論: 1.隨著人才的全球流動,地主國也能找到具備母國籍身份的人才,國際人力任用應先評估各方條件後,再決定要採用外派或是當地僱用的方式聘用適當人才。 2.彙整文獻理論後,可將影響國際人力任用決策的因素分為外部環境與內部條件兩類。個案分析後發現新增因素:外部環境因素新增「香港銀行產業競爭程度」;內部條件因素則新增「是否為總行培育人才」以及「分行運作的成熟度」。 3.國際人力任用方式的選擇是由許多因素交互影響而成,是一種配適的結果,而非單一的理想模式,但可透過逐步分析與評估各項影響因素,作出最適用於當時海外分支機構的人力任用決策。

CSR策略與企業財務績效之關聯性 — 以台灣ICT產業為例 / The Relationship Between CSR Strategy and Corporate Financial Performance-A Case Study of ICT Industries in Taiwan

趙庭翊 Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任與財務績效之間的關聯性,學者間一直無法達成一致的共識。本研究檢視過去的文獻發現,即使策略性CSR的觀念已逐漸熟,現有的CSR評比系統大多還是只能針對企業的CSR活動對社會帶來甚麼效益來進行評鑑,卻無法檢視這些活動是單純的回應社會的要求,還是經過策略思考後的行為。而多數CSR與財務相關的研究是以這些CSR評比系統來進行分析,導致獲得的結論不一致。因此本研究之目的在於試圖建構有效的CSR策略評比之研究框架,企盼能對學術界或業界建構CSR策略評比系統有所貢獻。 本研究以Porter之理論為基礎,考量外在社會給予的壓力,發展出兩個維度的「CSR策略評分模型」。之後嘗試以此模型分析台灣ICT產業之上市公司中,CSR報告書依照GRI準則撰寫之46家企業。每間企業經過模型的評分後,都會獲得一個策略型CSR總分和回應式CSR總分,接著將兩個分數與2011年度會計基礎的財務指標進行比較。研究結論如下: (1)企業若在愈多議題上只停留在回應式CSR,而不朝策略性CSR邁進的話,對單一年度企業財務績效帶來負面影響 (2)策略性CSR會對單一年度企業財務績效帶來正面影響,但存在著最適規模。若將資源分散在過多議題上,則會對財務績效帶來負面影響。 (3)公司所屬產業會是影響單一年度財務績效之關鍵因素

策略性供應商計分卡之設計與應用 -以某染整業為例 / Design and application of strategic supplier balanced scorecard : A case study

郭乃瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
自 Kaplan 及 Norton 於 1992 年提出平衡計分卡後,平衡計分卡即被視為 策略管理及績效衡量領域之利器。經過多年企業實務之測試與驗證,對於策略 之擬定、執行及管理上已發展出相當完整之架構。惟以往之研究多數係探討公 司本身之平衡計分卡,對於與外部夥伴共同制定計分卡之領域著墨甚少。部分 相關研究文獻未強調供應商之策略性,而係自一般營運角度出發,與重視供應 鏈管理概念之現代企業競爭模式背道而馳。 本研究提出「策略性供應商計分卡」,作為引導供應商如何協助企業達成 策略、建立長期策略夥伴關係之指引。研究內容中,詳細論述總公司計分卡推 導至策略性供應商計分卡之過程、各議題間之邏輯支撐關係及關鍵衡量指標說 明。策略性供應商計分卡以策略性供應商為主體,納入策略性事項,並訂立指 標加以衡量。該工具不僅可以幫助個案公司及其供應商辨識具策略價值之營運 活動,更能作為企業之間的溝通橋樑,開創共同開發、協同合作之可能,並將 不同組織的目標衝突減至最低,最終提升供應鏈整體績效。 / This study proposed a management tool, "strategic supplier balanced scorecard", as a guide for suppliers about how to help their buyers to achieve companies’ strategic goals. Also, Corporations can use this tool to establish long-term strategic partnership with their strategic suppliers. In this research, the design process of strategic supplier balanced scorecard would be thoroughly elaborated, including the connection between the company’s balanced scorecard and strategic supplier balanced scorecard, the logic support of each strategic issues, and detailed instruction of key performance factors. Strategic supplier balanced scorecard is applied mainly on strategic supplier. With the tools help, corporations and its strategic supplier can not only define important operation activities with strategic values, but also set key performance factors to evaluate the outcomes. Strategic supplier balanced scorecard is regarded as a mutual communication tool, making corporations and their strategic supplier to work together, lowering the potential conflicts that would cost damage to both side, and ultimately enhancing the overall performance of the supply chain.


孫屏玉 Unknown Date (has links)
由於規模經濟和資源使用的效率性,跨國公司均積極尋找各種有效經營的方法與途徑,並以全球觀點來進行商業活動的考量,在此前提下,相較於資本技術等具像資源在世界潮流下逐漸式微,具有抽象、不易觀察及模仿的特質的人力資源仍成為組織保持長久競爭優勢的重要因素。   然而觀諸過去人員調派暨人力資源管理的研究、通常圍繞在人員的甄選、訓練、工作績效、及其他影響地主國適應程度的要素上,而忽略了人員於跨國企業裡服務的主動性及積極性。此外,由於產業特性不同,跨國企業也需因應產業之競爭勢態擬定策略,並據此規劃符合此策略之人力資源使用戰略,方得能於現今競爭激烈之全球市場得占先機。再者,組織內部的人力資源調派暨總籌機制,亦牽動著內部員工的滿意度,並據此延伸影響員工的績效,在組織績效的提升上扮演著相當程度的角色。   為了瞭解跨國企業所面臨的產業環境、其管理人力資源的調派機制,與該調派機制與內部員工的滿意度等三者之聯結性,在本份論文中採用了環境、事業策略與人力資源管理策略等三維面,據此分析個案公司在現實世界中面對的競爭態勢、所採用的競爭途徑、及相因應的人力資源管理策略,並進一步發展出個案公司之薦派系統,根據該系統進行內部員工之滿意度分析。


周詩哲 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統人事行政在公部門中多屬於行政支援的工作,基於全球化的發展趨勢下,如何提升總體競爭力是政府最重要的關鍵因素,而90年代興起的政府再造運動也將再造工程聚焦於如何提升政府競爭力,因此人力資源管理的概念乃逐漸發展,必須因應外在環境及組織目標,決定人力資源管理策略,並基於創新知識與技術,人力資源的重心將逐漸由單純的組織內部活動轉換為積極創造組織價值,人事人員將從保守的行政幕僚轉型為組織的策略夥伴,其中,以策略性人力資源管理取代傳統人事管理,進而提升政府效能與整體競爭優勢,成為人事行政最新的發展主流。 對於公務人力資源的管理應採取權變途徑尋找最佳策略角色,並運用前瞻性作法,將政府人事革新政策之策略議題,導向引入政府機關公務人力中而達成內化的綜效。而在面對政府眾多公務人力的內部員工、內部顧客,並也是國家的公民時,人力資源管理就必須施行人力資源行銷作為,即內部行銷。而人力資源的主軸就是人,其前提是改變人的心智,改善行政文化,建立公務人力實踐公共服務的價值基礎,擁有滿意的內部員工、內部顧客與公民後,才能改善人力資源之活化與優質化,提供更臻完善的服務。進而提升政府競爭力與整體施政績效,創造高效率、高效能的公務人力團隊。 本研究以行政院人事行政局推動「績效獎金制度」為個案,主要目的是藉由具有行銷性的人力資源議題概念進行探討,並嘗試提出公部門人力資源管理的規劃建議,提供未來公部門人力資源管理專家參酌意見,期對未來公部門策略性人力資源議題的行銷面向有所助益,以協助未來公部門策略性人力資源議題行銷規劃。


康莊 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,因為資訊科技快速的進步與普及,使得知識的分享與交流變得非常的便利與迅速,造成企業競爭的優勢與差異不斷的縮小,極可能在短時間內便因競爭對手的成長,而喪失了競爭優勢。企業面對如此激烈的競爭環境,在資源有限的情況下,如何將企業資源做有效的運用,發揮最大的成效,來達成企業持續獲利與成長的目標,已成為現今組織所面臨的重要管理課題。 所以在知識經濟時代,智慧資本是企業持續保有競爭優勢的關鍵因素。本研究擬以國內一家上櫃的電子公司為研究對象,探討企業如何在資源有限的條件下,藉由內部管理機制的研討,找出企業的核心價值與競爭力-智慧資本,並建立一套「智慧資本的報導與管理機制」,來創造與累積企業所需的「策略性智慧資本」進而修正與制定「企業策略」,以提升策略的品質及提高達成企業策略的可靠度。 本研究採個案研究法,再輔以問卷調查分析,以取得較客觀的資訊。本研究目的,希望運用個案公司現有的核心競爭優勢,來研討及制定個案公司未來的發展策略,並藉由「平衡計分卡」與「智慧資本」的理論與觀念架構,建立個案公司策略性智慧資本的內部報導機制。研究結論如下: 一、可藉由策略形成系統之分析架構,來擬定公司未來發展的策略。 二、可藉由「平衡計分卡」與「智慧資本」的理論架構及問卷的統計分析,來確 認公司為達成未來發展策略所需的策略性智慧資本項目。 三、為使資訊使用者瞭解公司智慧資本報導的內容與策略具有密切的關聯性,報導內容應包含公司未來發策略的主要內容,以有助於公司策略目標的達成。 關鍵字:智慧資本、策略、平衡計分卡、策略性智慧資本、智慧資本內部報導。 / In the era of knowledge-based economy, sharing and exchanging knowledge has become extremely convenient and fast due to the progress and popularity of information technology and such situation has continued to shorten the distance of competitive advantages and differences among enterprises. It is very likely that an enterprise will lose its competitive advantage within a very short time because of the growth of its competitors. When enterprises are facing such keen competitive environment with limited resources, how they may utilize those resources effectively and maximize their outcomes in order to achieve the goal of constant profits and growth for the enterprises has become a critical management issue that each organization faces today. Therefore, intellectual capital is the key factor for enterprises to continuously maintain their competitive advantages in the era of knowledge economy. This study plans to look closely into an over-the-counter electronic company in the country to discuss how an enterprise may locate its core value and competitive power – intellectual capital under the condition of limited resources and through consultation of its internal managerial mechanism to establish a set of “Report on Intellectual Capital and Managerial Mechanism” to create and accumulate what “strategic intellectual capital” an enterprise requires and to further modify and set up its “enterprise strategy” to enhance the quality of the strategy and its reliability of fulfilling the enterprise strategy. This study adopts case study method and is assisted with questionnaire survey analysis in order to obtain more objective information. The purpose of this study is to bring the case company’s current core competitive advantage into discussion to establish its future development strategy, and through the theory and conceptual framework of “Balance Score Card” and “Intellectual Capital” to construct its internal report mechanism in terms of the strategic intellectual capital. The research conclusion is as follows: 1) A company’s future development strategy may be planned through the analytical framework of the strategy forming system. 2) Through the theoretical framework of “Balance Score Card” and “Intellectual Capital” and the statistical analysis of questionnaire, the items of strategic intellectual capital that a company requires for achieving its future development strategy may be confirmed. 3) In order for information users to understand that there is close relationship between the contents of company’s intellectual capital report and its strategy, the report contents must include major descriptions on company’s future development strategy to help achieve the company’s strategic goal. Keywords: Intellectual capital, Strategy, Balance Score Card, Strategic intellectual capital, Internal intellectual capital

產業群聚對策略性智慧資本影響之個案研究 / The case study of industry cluster and strategic intellectual capital

徐意婷 Unknown Date (has links)
各國的產業群聚發展久已,隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,企業的真正價值取決於無形智慧資本之累積,故如何透過產業群聚資源帶動其智慧資本表現,進而創造價值,已成群聚內企業的重要課題。 本研究採用個案研究法,以位於我國新竹科學工業園區內的一家公司為研究對象,探討企業智慧資本受產業群聚影響之具體項目,及企業如何管理與蓄積,進而,連結策略性智慧資本,說明產業群聚如何透過智慧資本以協助企業策略執行。得出結論如下: 一、個案公司受產業群聚影響之智慧資本項目共有27項,主要分佈在人力、關係及流程資本。 二、個案公司針對前述項目設有13項管理制度,加強對產業群聚資源之利用。 三、部份產業群聚資源能直接透過策略性智慧資本對個案公司策略之執行產生貢獻,其他部份則透過支援策略性智慧資本之創造或累積,對個案公司策略產生間接影響。顯示產業群聚能提供公司發展上所需之策略性資源。

雙邊投資協定之理論模型 / A theoretical explanation of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)

曾蕙玲, Tseng, Huei Lin Unknown Date (has links)
直覺上,跨國資本的自由流動對投資國與被投資國的經濟均有益處,亦可促使資源在國際間以更有效率的方式分配,增進雙方的福利。然而實際上被投資國卻對外來投資加以限制,並且須透過雙邊協商的方式移除此限制。因此,前述自由投資增進兩國福利的直覺似乎與既存的眾多雙邊投資協定相互矛盾。本文建立一基本的理論模型,考慮直接投資以及兩國的策略性投資政策,藉以說明 Nash Equilibrium 為兩國相互課稅,且無單邊降稅的動機。因此,只有透過雙邊簽署投資協定的方式共同降稅,方能消除課稅所產生的無謂損失。 / Intuitively, the free mobility of transnational capital not only benefits home countries and host countries, but also allocates resources globally in a more efficient way, which makes their welfare increase. However, host countries actually implement many restrictions on cross-border capital and try to remove these through bilateral negotiations. Therefore, the intuition that free investment between two countries will increase their economic welfare seems to be contradictory to many existing bilateral investment treaties (BITs). This article provides a theoretical model with foreign driect investment (FDI) and strategic investment policies, first, as to explain the Nash Equilibrium is that two countries will tax investors' FDI behavior. Second, it explains both countries do not have any motivation to reduce taxes unilaterally. Therefore, only when these two countries decide to remove all restrictions on foreign capital mutually by signing bilateral investment treaties do they eliminate the deadweight loss which restraints bring about.

代工與自有品牌下策略性智慧資本之個案研究 / A case study of the strategic intellectual capital between ODM and OBM

楊淳惠 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代下,企業競爭優勢之來源不單單是有形資產,而是企業內部的制度、人力資源、創新等無形資產,即為智慧資本,因此外部資訊使用者所關心的不再只是企業所擁有的有形資產,更包括企業所擁有的智慧資本。 但是,企業應該有一個明確的目標、策略,才能讓企業能夠因應環境,確保其在市場上之地位。除此之外,企業還必須要有一套完善的管理制度來加以管理,讓企業能夠有效率地創造與累積公司所需之策略性智慧資本。 本研究採個案研究法,再輔以問卷分析加以支持。以我國兩資訊電子產業為研究對象,探討在代工與自有品牌模式下企業所重視之策略性智慧資本及其相關管理制度為何,以及有何異同,經整理分析,做出以下三結論: 一、在代工或自有品牌不同的經營模式下,其所重視之策略性智慧資本有其相同與相異之處。 二、不論是代工或自有品牌模式下,所重視之策略性智慧資本皆與其公司策略有密切之關連。 三、採取不同策略之兩個案公司,由於所欲累積之策略性智慧資本各有異同,因此所採取的管理制度有相同處亦有不同處。 / Intellectual capital — the internal system, human resources, innovation and intangible assets — is the new source of competitive advantage in the information age. The source of corporate competitive advantage is no longer the tangible assets of companies. However, enterprises should have clear objects and strategies to response the environment to ensure its position in the market. I addition, enterprise also should have a management system to create and accumulate strategic intellectual capitals which required. This study adopts case study method and is assisted with questionnaire survey analysis in order to obtain more objective information. This study takes two technology enterprise as the object company to discuss what is the strategic intellectual capitals and their management system and what difference between them in the mode of OEM and OBM. According to the result of case analysis, the research claims three conclusions in response to the research questions. Meanwhile, we also propose some relevant suggestions, and state research limitation and direction in future. 1. In the mode of OEM and OBM, the enterprise focus on some same and difference intellectual capitals. 2. In the mode of OEM and OBM, the strategic intellectual capitals are closely related with their strategy. 3. The two companies take different strategies so the management system also different.

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