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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中共公安警察業務及勤務制度變革(1979~2008)之研究 / The reforms of the PRC’s police assignments and administrative duties systems: (1979-2008)

楊天啟, Yang, Tien Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Since the open door policy, the PRC’s social structure has been deteriorating and its social stratums have been broadening along with the economic development. Comparing to the long-standing social stability before the open door policy, the central CPC has worried about the deteriorating development of social order and crime problems triggered by the redistribution of wealth. The central CPC thought that the Ministry of Public Security could not handle the social order and crime problems with its old system and functions. The problems would have great negative impact on the CPC’s ability of internal control, if the police systems and functions had not been reformed or improved. This study has found that on the basis of the highest guideline of “one center and two basic points,” the progressive reform steps taken by the Ministry of Public Security were as follows. First, it aimed at the reform of police organs and administrative systems. Second, it focused on the reform of police assignments system. Third, it stressed on the reform of grass-roots police and stations. Lastly, it emphasized on the reform of the concept of law enforcement and the quality of the police. To sum up, there were four development shifts on police. The first one was the reform of police organs and administrative duties from 1979 to 1996. The second one was the reform of police assignments system form 1997 to 2002. The third one was the combination of crime control, prevention and crackdown by police stations and community policing from 2003 to 2005. The fourth one was the three-base project from 2006 to 2008. The new Minister, Meng Jen-tzu, took office at the end of 2008 and he addressed “the three-construction” project as the further and sequent fulfillment of the three-base project. The related developments of the three-construction project are still going on. How they shape the functions and roles of the Ministry of Public Security requires sequent observation.

兩岸共同打擊犯罪之模式研究-以跨境查緝「詐欺電信機房」為例 / The Patterns of cross-strait cooperation in combating crimes Example of cross-territory investigation of " fraud telecommunications room"

李中宇 Unknown Date (has links)
國內民眾長期深受詐欺電信犯罪侵害,不單受害人數最多且是損失金額最高的經濟犯罪,自前陳水扁政府至現在的馬政府,都將防制詐欺電信犯罪案件作為政府的施政重點,以跨部會的組織主導,研議預防及偵查的手段防制。然而,詐欺電信犯罪案件發生率不減反增,竟演變成為臺灣十大民怨之一。檢討是類案件偵辦瓶頸,都指向係員警未能跨境查緝大陸「詐欺電信機房」及主嫌到案所致。詐欺電信犯罪集團憑藉著不被橫渡的海峽屏障,在日益富裕且電信網路發達的大陸,建立起發收詐欺話務之「詐欺電信機房」,此等機房遂為詐欺首謀之指揮中心。 隨著馬政府上臺,兩岸和解共生局面建立,擱置了主權爭議,簽訂了「兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」。然而,兩岸警方單憑文書及電訊協調辦案,是無法有效壓制以VOIP網路電話為中介犯罪之隱匿詐欺電信犯罪集團,必須由國內警方跨境與大陸警方合作,以「詐欺電信機房」為主要剷除標的,方能達到有效將兩岸主嫌共犯一網打盡、查扣作案工具,贓款、降低詐欺話務及人犯順利遣返接受司法定罪等共同打擊犯罪之核心目標。

劇情短片「罪羊人」創作報告 / A Report on the narrative short film work:Teshuvah

李政能, Li, Jheng Neng Unknown Date (has links)
《罪羊人》是一部獨立集資並用高畫質數位單眼反射相機 (HD-DSLR)所攝製而成的原創劇情短片,從發想編寫到後製完成共歷經了一年多的時間,內容取材自創作者二十多年的生命經驗,將人生中的喜好、痛苦、感動、疑惑給整理融合並壓縮提煉出來,主題是關於罪惡、宗教和寬恕,故事敘述一名因醫療疏失而入獄服刑的救護車司機,出獄後依然擺脫不了罪惡感,進而陷入信仰混亂的洗罪過程,在經過一連串的掙扎,最後仍舊無法逃離循環的枷鎖,人與神似乎都不是罪惡難題的完美解答。 在文獻探討部分,本片因借用義大利西部片的老電影片段來當作情感連結和隱喻,於是回顧了互文理論和電影類型,另一方面本片也觸及了心理學、哲學和宗教儀式的主題,所以在負罪感以及猶太新年贖罪期也有所著墨,並列舉了三部相關電影長片作品來作評析比較,分別是韓國李滄東導演的《密陽》、德國法提阿金導演的《天堂邊緣》和墨西哥阿利安卓崗札雷伊納利圖導演的《靈魂的重量》。在作品呈現部分,分別從敘事、類型、選角、場勘、美術、服裝、表演、攝影、燈光、剪輯、配樂、聲音,將每個環節重點敘述和分析一次,包含思維想法、製作過程等等皆會融合納入不同段落,以期忠實呈現創作者的心靈。 / The Teshuvah is an independently-funded original narrative short film, which is shot by HD-DSLR camera. The creator taps into his real-life experience over the past 20 years and more, aggregating and distilling all the love, fondness, pain, affections and confusions, with its theme is set on sin, religions and forgiveness. The story tells an ambulance driver, who serves for his sentence in prison as he was convicted of medical negligence, haunted by his feeling of guilt after he came out of prison. He eventually becomes trapped by a chaos of seeking redemption from religious belief. After all his struggling, he still cannot escape from the shackle of life`s circulation, and it seems that either human or God(s) could provide a perfect answer to the riddle of crime. As for Literature Review, Intertextuality and movie genres are covered since the film has borrowed from old spaghetti-western movie clips to function as a metaphor of affections bound, while other topics like psychology, philosophy, and religious rituals are also referred to; hence, the feeling of guilt and Jewish Ten Days of Penitence are also depicted. Three other relevant feature films are listed herein to serve the purpose of critical analysis and comparison. They are Secret Sunshine by South Korean director Lee Chang-Tung, The Edge of Heaven by German director Fatih Akin, and 21 Grams by Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu. In the respect of presentations of film works, this thesis goes through every essential phase, outlines and provides analysis on narration, genres, casting, location hunting, arts, costumes, acting, shooting, lighting, editting, original music, and sounds. It also indicates that mindsets, production process and so on are also incorporated into different chapters of a film to faithfully represent its creators mind.

應用集群分析於臺灣地區刑案犯罪之研究 / The application of Cluster Analysis on criminal research in Taiwan

林釗榆 Unknown Date (has links)
犯罪,是人類社會一直存在的問題。近年來,隨著社會結構的變遷、都市化發展程度快速、人口密度集中及大量人口流動性的影響,人民的生活環境與居住空間亦愈趨複雜,加上政局動盪經濟衰退,失業人口節節上升,社會價值觀的變化,使得臺灣地區的犯罪問題層出不窮,社會治安亦因此受到影響。犯罪案件的發生不僅對社會整體治安產生影響,亦對人民的生命財產安全及生活品質構成威脅。因此,犯罪的嚴重程度與治安良窳實為地方民眾與警政機關最為關切之問題。 為了適切反映臺灣地區之犯罪現象與治安狀況,本研究應用集群分析方法,以內政部警政署所公佈的臺灣地區2010年各地區之「警政統計資料」為主,藉由實證研究以了解各行政地區之犯罪狀況與警察機關之破案績效。其中,犯罪嚴重程度之衡量指標分別以各刑案之犯罪發生次數及發生率作為評估準則,而警察機關之偵查破案績效則以破獲率作為評核基準。分別依照發生數與破獲率、發生率與破獲率之分群結果,建構治安狀況之分級指標,以了解我國主要之刑案犯罪於臺灣各地區的犯罪嚴重程度與其破案績效。 研究結果顯示,在發生數與破獲率方面,高雄市在各種犯罪類型中皆被歸為發生數最高且破獲率最低的集群,新北市與臺北市次之,而大多數的縣市被歸類於治安較佳的集群之中。分局部分以高雄市-鳳山分局被歸為各種犯罪類型中發生數最高且破獲率最低的集群,臺北市大安分局、中山分局次之。而臺中市-東勢分局、高雄市-鹽埕分局、高雄市-六龜分局、臺中市-和平分局則屬於各種犯罪類型中發生數最低且破案率最高的集群。 在發生率與破獲率方面,高雄市在各種犯罪類型中皆被歸為發生率最高且破獲率最低的集群,花蓮縣次之,而臺東縣、金門縣、連江縣被歸類為發生率較低且破獲率較高的集群。分局部分以臺北市-中正第一分局、高雄市-新興分局被歸為各種犯罪類型中發生率最高的集群,且其破案績效亦為最低,惟暴力犯罪之破獲率表現較佳之外,其餘方面都有待改善。


高堅仁 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的發達為人類的生活帶來了便利,同時也嘉惠犯罪實施的便利性,許多與犯罪相關的證據已經普遍以數位化的形式存在,在刑事偵查中對於這類數位資訊之保全成效,將直接影響到後續的刑事訴訟程序是否能順利地進行。因此有必要對於相關的法規範加以檢視,以期在顧及偵查效率的同時,亦能縮減對人民基本權利之侵害。 本文第二章介紹進入資訊數位時代之後,刑事偵查程序因數位資訊之保全所帶來的改變。第三章美國偵查實務討論美國法制對於數位資訊之保全在刑事偵查中的相關程序規定。第四章我國偵查實務探討我國法制對於數位資訊保全的相關規定,以及是否有可以借鏡外國法制優點改進之處。

伊恩麥克尤恩《贖罪》中小說家延宕的告白 / The Dilatory Confession of the Novelist in Ian McEwan's Atonement

薛景元, Hsueh, Ching Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
當代英國作家伊恩麥克尤恩的《贖罪》是部揉雜獨特告白形式的小說。小說直到最終章才清楚指出,這不僅是伊恩麥克尤恩描述主角白昂妮贖罪的小說,更是書中主角白昂妮身為一位作家的告白及贖罪手段。游移在虛假與真實的邊界,此書的核心問題在於,小說家的寫作能否彌補現實生活犯下的過錯?而身為讀者的我們,又該如何解讀小說與告白的轉變? 本文分成四個章節。第一章介紹《贖罪》的相關評論及理論架構。第二章先闡述巴赫汀的對話和複調理論,再剖析小說中的前三部份如何具體呈現這兩種特質,突顯白昂妮藉由多重敘述觀點,瓦解幼年時自我中心傾向並開啟與他者的對話。第三章聚焦於小說架構的告白轉折。長久以來,告白被視為一種賦予解放和完整自我的力量,傅柯則提出現代社會下的告白演變為自我規訓的機制。以傅柯的觀點來解讀小說結尾,白昂妮的告白在自我解放與治癒的表層下,其實隱含了快感和權力的螺旋結構,對真實及作者身份的延宕意味著她身為小說家權力的回歸。 / Ian McEwan's Atonement is a novel experimentally weaved with a peculiar confessional form. Not until the last part of the novel are readers informed the framed narrative structure: this is not merely McEwan's novel which depicts the heroine Briony's atonement, but more importantly, the grown-up novelist Briony's own confession crafted as a novel to make amends. This complicates our reading in retrospect as the ending reveals the central dilemma: how to judge the novelist's privilege to use confession to atone for the fault made in real life. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the criticisms of Atonement, followed by my theoretical frameworks adopted to read this novel. The second chapter begins with the explications of Bakhtin's theory of dialogism and polyphony. By integrating these two concepts to scrutinize the first three parts of the novel, I attempt to analyze how Briony's self-reflexive writing and utilizations of multiple points of view expose her childhood monologic mentality and demonstrate her broadening of the self-other understandings. The third chapter discusses the ambivalent confessional twist in relation to the previous story Briony has mesmerized readers to believe. While the confession has been historically considered as a means of self-liberation, Foucault brings out another aspect that the institutionalization of the confession has turned itself into a mechanism of self-discipline. The novel eventually strikes the final note on the double impetus of Briony's narrative that her confession offers a consolation to suture with the past but meanwhile, upon close inspection, the overtones of her restoration of power as a novelist and the spirals of pleasure and power still lurk behind.


姚彥成 Unknown Date (has links)

電視審判 : 為何中共讓嫌疑犯在電視招供? / Trial by TV : Why is China broadcasting televised confessions of suspects?

黛娜, Dinah Gardner Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將研究在2013年習近平主席上任不到幾個月以來,並在中國共產黨不斷承諾要改善國家法治的情況下,中國為何在國家電視台上開始播出犯罪嫌疑人的電視認罪。這些電視認罪的播出引起了來自海外的廣泛譴責,從某種程度上在國內也受到了批評,因為電視認罪的播出被視為國家非法壓迫人的手段,並被認為是在重演當年毛澤東時代不公正的批判鬥爭行為。本論文是第一項對這種新侵權行為的系統研究,並試圖填補該研究領域的空白。本作者通過採訪在電視上曾經認罪過的人發現許多電視認罪是有“表演”色彩,往往犯罪嫌疑人被迫“背台詞”、穿著特定的服裝、在攝像頭面前“演戲”等。這表明國家在利用電視認罪來達到某種特定的目的。作者對90個2013年至2016年之間播出的電視認罪進行了分析並發現認罪者當局故意讓嫌疑人感到恥辱來強調他們有罪,使用嫌疑人認罪時所使用的話來牽連他人或貶低他人,以支持中共的這種行為並對於來自國外批評的聲音做出回應。本論文借用François Bourricaud (1987年)對合法性的概念作為一種活躍的合法化進程以表明中國新的電視認罪行為不只是簡單的進行壓迫的工具,而更多是一種強制性推動共產黨合法性的戲劇表演。 / This study asks why China started broadcasting confessions of suspects on national television in 2013, just months after the accession of President Xi Jinping, and despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) repeated promises to improve the country’s rule of law. The broadcasts have triggered widespread condemnation overseas, and to a lesser extent at home, for being illegal, another example of state repression, and resembling the unjust public struggle sessions of the Mao era. This thesis attempts to fill a gap in scholarship and provide the first systematic study of this new and understudied human rights violation. Interviews conducted with those who had confessed on television revealed that many are “show” confessions, where the suspect is made to memorise “lines,” get in “costume,” and “act” in front of the camera, indicating that they are “produced” for a specific purpose. In addition, an analysis of 90 confessions aired between 2013 and 2016 revealed that deliberate efforts were made to shame the confessor, emphasize their guilt, and use the words of their confession to incriminate and denigrate others, promote support for the CCP and its actions and respond to outside criticism. Borrowing François Bourricaud’s (1987) concept of legitimacy as a dynamic process of legitimation, China’s new televised confessions can be seen as much more than simply another tool of repression, rather they are acts of forced theatre aimed at furthering CCP legitimacy.

孩童早期受托照顧與兒童犯罪之關聯性探討 / The association between child care arrangement and child crime

黃政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
托育安排對幼兒發展有著長遠影響。本研究旨在探討托育安排與兒童犯罪的可能關聯性。資料涵蓋自1998年至2015年間臺灣地區共16個縣市,估計方法採用最小平方法、固定效果以及隨機效果模型。 研究結果顯示,縣市的兒童犯罪率與其課後托育的比例有負向關聯,意味著當一個縣市有著較高比例的課後托育兒童時,其兒童犯罪率會進而降低。另外,結果亦指出,如離婚率、婚生嬰兒比以及人口密度等解釋變數,與兒童犯罪率呈現顯著相關。然而,破獲率和警政支出似乎與兒童犯罪率無關。 鑑此,為避免課後托育匱乏所帶來的長久負面效應,應在托育政策的制訂上,建立一個安全友善、平價普及的課後托育制度;其次,地方政府也應在幼托政策上投注更多資源,以達到兒童犯罪預防的效果;最後,政府機構須正視區域發展失衡對孩童的影響。 / Childcare arrangement plays an important role to child development. This study is to explore the possible correlation between childcare arrangement and child crime. The data is from 16 counties and cities in Taiwan from 1998 to 2015. The estimation methods are ordinary least squares, fixed effects and random effects models. The results show that a county/city’s child crime rate is negative correlated to its after-school care ratio, which implies that when a county/city has a higher proportion of children in after-school care programs, the child crime rate would be lower. The results also show that some explanatory variables, like divorce rate, legitimate baby ratio and population density, are significantly correlated to child crime rate. However, crime detection rate and police expenditure seem to be not correlated with child crime rate. In formulation of proper childcare policy, it is important to create a safe, friendly, affordable, and universal after-school care system. So, it could ensure that the long-term negative effect from lacking of after-school care program. In addition, local government should spend more resource on child care programs in order to achieve the effectiveness of child crime prevention. Finally, government agency should also address the regional development imbalances on children.


林, 尚儒 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第22213号 / 法博第246号 / 新制||法||168(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 髙山 佳奈子, 教授 塩見 淳, 教授 安田 拓人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

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