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嬰兒的選擇性模仿:動作-效果整合或目的推理? / Selective imitation in infancy: Ideomotor theory or teleological reasoning?楊悅如, Yang, Yueh Ju Unknown Date (has links)
為了解決兩者長久以來對於嬰兒模仿的爭議,本研究修訂Gergely等人(2002)的光盒研究派典,將焦點放在過去一直未受到重視的因果效能概念,降低示範動作的因果效能,嬰兒在實驗過程中會發現示範動作不是每次都能成功讓光盒發亮,藉此釐清目的推理論與動作-效果整合理論對嬰兒選擇性模仿的解釋適當性。實驗1的結果重製了Gergely等人(2002)的實驗結果,實驗2A與實驗2B皆發現18個月大的嬰兒在因果效能較低的情境中很少會模仿示範動作,顯示嬰兒的模仿行為較符合動作-效果整合理論的觀點,主要是受到動作執行的困難度與動作-效果聯結的穩定性的影響。 / Selective imitation refers to a phenomenon which infants differentially imitate the demonstrated action in different contexts. Recently, it has also become a popular research topic in developmental psychology. Gergely, Bekkering and Király (2002) uncovered a classic example of selective imitation. They found that infants tend to imitate the action of touching a light box with their forehead when they saw a model perform the action with her hands placed on the table, but not when her hands were restricted by a blanket. Some researchers claim that infants can interpret others’ intention through teleological reasoning, and they consider infants’ imitation is based on decoding of intentionality. Conversely, ideomotor theory argues that imitation depends on difficulty of the action execution and the stability of link between action and its effect. To address the long-standing dispute with infants’ imitation, we revised the paradigm in Gergely et al. (2002) and focused on the concept of causal efficacy which had been long ignored in the past. Infant would find that the demonstrated action, sometimes won’t turn on the light during the experimentation. In experiment 1, we replicated the results obtained in Gergely et al. (2002). Experiment 2A and 2B both found that 18-month-old infants rarely imitated the demonstrated action when the causal efficacy was relatively low. These results are closer to the ideomotor approach viewpoint of imitation, and it reveals that infants’ imitation depends on difficulty of the action execution and the stability of link between action and effect.
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台北市私立幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之關係研究 / A Relation Study of Market Orientation, Core Competence and Quality of Private Preschool in Taipei City鍾玉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力均在中高程度,其覺知之幼兒園品質亦多屬於中高程度。
2. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質不會因幼兒園園長專業背景及幼兒園經營型態等組織特性而呈現差異存在,但會因其餘組織特性(園長年齡、園長教育程度、園長幼教服務總年資、任職本園年資、任職本園園長年資、幼兒園成立歷史、幼兒園規模、幼兒園生師比)之不同而存在差異。
3. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之間具有顯著正相關。
4. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向及核心競爭能力可以預測幼兒園品質。
5. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向可藉由核心競爭能力的完全中介作用,間接正向影響幼兒園品質。 / This study adopts questionnaire survey method. A total of 173 usable questionnaires were collected from 173 administrators of private preschools in Taipei City. The measurement tools are fourfold: 1. preschool organization characteristics; 2. Chung (2011) market orientation scale; 3. Chung (2011) core competition scale and 4. Hsu and Liu (2006) preschool quality scale.
The main conclusions of this study are fivefold:
1. Administrators of private preschools in Taipei City have high perception towards market orientation, core competition and quality of preschool.
2. Within Taipei City private preschools there are no significant differences, neither due to the administrator’s professional background nor the type of preschool. There are however, significant differences due to other organizational characteristics such as the administrator’s age, their level of education and administrative experience, the perpetuation and size of the school, and the student to teacher ratio.
3. Significant positive correlation existed among market orientation, core competition and quality of private preschool in Taipei City.
4. Market orientation and core competition can predict quality of private preschool in Taipei City.
5. Core competition did have the significant mediated effects of market orientation on quality of preschool.
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國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship among Principals’ Distributed Leadership, Teacher Professional Learning Community and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Junior High Schools洪毓澤, Hung, Yu Tse Unknown Date (has links)
八、國民中學校長分布式領導、教師專業社群學習對教師教學效能具有預測作用,以「教師專業社群學習」的預測力最佳。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the current development of principals’ distributed leadership, teachers’ professional learning community, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness in junior high schools, and to analyze the difference between teachers of different background variables, and to explore the relationship among the three variables. This study has aimed to predict teachers’ teaching effectiveness through principals’ distributed leadership and teachers' professional learning community.
Through the use of questionnaire survey method, data were collected from 48 junior high schools, distributing 445 questionnaires in total. Valid questionnaires of 423 were collected, with a usable rate of 95.1%. All data were analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis.
The conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. Junior high school teachers’ perception of principals’ distributed leadership is above average, in which the dimension “principals’ self-confidence and modesty” was the highest, and “construction of a proper turning point” was the lowest.
2. Junior high school teachers’ perception of teacher professional learning community is above average, in which the dimension “focusing on students’ learning” was the highest, and “sharing teaching practices” was the lowest.
3. Junior high school teachers’ perception of teachers’ teaching effectiveness is above average, in which the dimension “teaching environment” was the highest, and “teaching strategy” was the lowest.
4. There are significant differences in the junior high school teachers’ perception of principals’ distributed leadership in terms of age, position, location of school, and scale of school.
5. There are significant differences in the junior high school teachers’ perception of teacher professional learning community in terms of gender, location of school, and scale of school.
6. There are significant differences in the junior high school teachers’ perception of teachers’ teaching effectiveness in terms of gender, position, and years of service.
7. There is a positive correlation among the principals’ distributed leadership, teacher professional learning community, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
8. Principals’ distributed leadership and teacher professional learning community have a predictive effect on teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
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併購動能對企業併購績效之影響:以美國市場為例 / Merger Momentum and Performance of Acquirer: The US Evidence馮奕儒, Feng, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在全球併購浪潮興起之時,併購活動可能受市場競爭的影響,促使強強合 併,但也可能發生不理性的追隨行為。本文係研究在併購動能中宣告併購,對 主併公司的短期與長期併購績效之影響,並且進一步討論在併購案採現金交易、 主併公司為成長型公司、主併公司過去有成功併購經驗三個條件之下,對主併 公司於併購動能下宣告併購的短期與長期併購績效是否有顯著影響。
而言,該公司特性為關鍵因素,特別是對長期的併購績效來說。 / When merger waves occur, the M&A activities may be affected by competitive market. This may cause the win-win cooperation, but also may result in blind following. The primary purpose of this paper is to test the correlation of mergers in momentum and the short-term and long-term merger performance. Furthermore, this paper is also focus on three conditions which may influence the above-mentioned correlation, including cash payment, glamour bidders and bidders’ past successful experience of M&A.
The major contribution of this paper is using the significance of past merger performance to measure the merger momentum, instead of simply using accumulated performance. Second, in addition to the direct relation between variables and merger performance, this paper also aims to emphasize the interaction of those variables, analyzing its influence to short-term and long-term performance.
It is reported in this paper that, in the merger waves, glamour bidders significantly perofrm better in both short-term and long-term period. Thus, “Glamour” is a key characteristic for the bidders, which would lead to better performance in merger wave, especially long-term one.
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仲介員特性與房屋交易時的議價能力之關聯性 / The correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation李亞叡, Lee, Ya Jui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的可分為二,第一個是希望探討具有不同特性之仲介員,在交易過程中是否有某些特性對於議價能力有顯著影響。第二個目的,希望探討在不同房屋類型之交易案件中,是否由更為適任之仲介員經手交易,能獲得更好的成果。透過模型設計,將特徵價格模型配合本研究目的加以修改,以實證迴歸分析那些仲介員特性更能夠在交易過程中,展現議價能力使買家提高願付價格(willingness to pay),讓委託人取得更好之賣價,同時也為公司創造更高價值。
根據實證結果顯示,仲介員性別、年齡對於議價達成率所產生的影響並不顯著,教育水準、年資與血型才是影響議價達成率的關鍵。仲介員教育程度越高議價能力越強,也越能達成委託人所委託之目標。同時本研究也發現年資高之仲介員容易產生代理人問題(agency problem),年資高之仲介員傾向於利用訊息優勢,左右買賣雙方之交易決策,使交易價格降低,不但背離委託人初衷,亦對公司造成負面影響。另一方面,血型為AB型之仲介員在議價能力上的表現最佳,該類仲介員普遍具有好的協商能力、邏輯分析能力,其次是順從、負責的A型仲介員,表現最差的反而是一般認為積極熱情的B型與O型。 / There are two purposes of this article. The first one is to identify the correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation/bargain. The second one is to find if there are some characteristics of a real estate agent that are more suitable for dealing certain type of housing, including apartment, mansion and high-rise.
Using the method of hedonic house pricing as a basic model, the article takes a bargain rate as dependent variable instead of housing prices, while characteristics of real estate agents are included in independent variables. It should be noted that higher bargain rate means greater power of negotiation.
The results of this article are (a) education, blood type are positively significant, (b) seniority is negatively significant, (c) gender, age, astrology are not. It is also found that there are agency problems in housing markets since agents with more seniority are more likely to have poor power of negotiation, which is opposite of our expectations. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on management and leadership of real estate industries.
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百丈懷海禪師研究蔡琪惠, CAI,QI-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
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學效能影響因素及其評鑑指標之探索卓秀冬, Zuo, Xiu-Dong Unknown Date (has links)
並且自編高級業學校教務行政暨教學效能調查表。調查全省八十個公立高級職業學校的教務行政既教學效能有關資料,共得有效樣本七十五個。在研究方法上,以多元迴歸預測高級職業學校行行人員人口變項、學校資源、教務續效指標對教學效能之影響。以單因子多變量分析(One-Way MANOVA)探討高級職業學校不同的教務續效、學校行政人員人口變項、學校資源對教務續效的影響。以因素分析(Factor Analysis) 抽取各變項之共同因素,並且以共變數結構分析(LISREL)探討其因果關係。以 群分析(Cl u ster Analysis)探討各學校教務行政續效、教學效能是否有差異?
(七)有關高級職業學校教學效能之研究,全部七十五個學校將學生表現投入群集分析共可分成優秀學校(十二個)、良好學校(二十一個)普通學校(二十個),欠佳學校 (二十二個)。將教師教學知能投入群彙分析共可分成優秀學校 (四個)、良好學校 (十二個)、普通學校 (五十八個)。
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影響外部審計人員評估內部稽核功能之實證研究許平祥, XU,PING-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
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政府角色與經濟部發展關係之研究--光復後台灣地區發展經驗之探討馮國豪, FENG,GUO-HAO Unknown Date (has links)
本研究修正國家中心論的論點與阿圖色 (L. Althusser) 的泛層決定的假設及金觀濤
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我國半官方經貿推廣機構組織與職能之研究──中歐貿易促進會案例──梁益民, LIANG,YI-MING Unknown Date (has links)
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