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論我國公私立大學學雜費管制之法制與合憲性 / A Study on the Regulations and the Constitutionality of the Restriction on Tuition and Fees in Taiwan's Universities林明忠, Lin, Ming-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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集団的労働法制における協約自治の機能に関する基礎的考察--ドイツ法における議論を参考にして--植村, 新 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第18025号 / 法博第158号 / 新制||法||147(附属図書館) / 30883 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 村中 孝史, 教授 稲森 公嘉, 教授 潮見 佳男 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM
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ユダヤ人ブンドの文化的民族自治論とイディッシュ世俗学校運動(1897年~1939年)西村, 木綿 25 July 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19941号 / 人博第793号 / 新制||人||191(附属図書館) / 28||人博||793(吉田南総合図書館) / 33027 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 大川 勇, 教授 前川 玲子, 教授 細見 和之 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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救援物資ロジスティックスの主体間・地域間連携と効率化に関する研究伊藤, 秀行 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第13174号 / 論工博第4165号 / 新制||工||1699(附属図書館) / (主査)教授 宇野 伸宏, 教授 山田 忠史, 准教授 横松 宗太 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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ソーシャル・キャピタルに着目した包括的支援 : 結合型SCの「町内会自治会」と橋渡し型SCの「NPO」による介護予防と子育て支援 / ソーシャル キャピタル ニ チャクモク シタ ホウカツテキ シエン : ケツゴウガタ SC ノ チョウナイカイ ジチカイ ト ハシワタシガタ SC ノ NPO ニヨル カイゴ ヨボウ ト コソダテ シエン / ソーシャルキャピタルに着目した包括的支援 : 結合型SCの町内会自治会と橋渡し型SCのNPOによる介護予防と子育て支援川島 典子, Noriko Kawashima 07 March 2019 (has links)
全世代型全対象型の包括的支援において、結合型ソーシャル・キャピタル(以下SC)の町内会自治会と橋渡し型SCのNPOの双方を駆使して介護予防と子育て支援を行えば効果的なのではないかという仮説を母数約2000の自記式アンケート調査を相関分析とロジスティック回帰分析を行い検証した上で、包括的支援体制におけるSCに依拠した介護予防と子育て支援のモデルとファクターを示唆し、地域共生社会を推進するために有用な方策の政策提言を行った。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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瑤山的学校教育: 中国广西土瑤的民族志研究. / Schooling in the Yao Mountains, an ethnographic study of the Tu Yao in Guangxi, China / 中国广西土瑤的民族志研究 / Ethnographic study of the Tu Yao in Guangxi, China / Schooling in the Yao Mountains an ethnographic study of the Tu Yao in Guangxi, China (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Yao Shan de xue xiao jiao yu: Zhongguo Guangxi Tu Yao de min zu zhi yan jiu. / Zhongguo Guangxi Tu Yao de min zu zhi yan jiuJanuary 2002 (has links)
袁同凯. / 论文(哲学博士)--香港中文大学, 2002. / 参考文献 (p. 235-255). / 中英文摘要. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Yuan Tongkai. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (p. 235-255).
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中央地方立法權限衝突與法規競合-從司法院大法官釋字第666號解釋談起 / 無(null)楊秦岳 Unknown Date (has links)
地方自治是近代憲政的有機組成部分。無論對任何一種憲法體制來說,都需要把地方自治和地方分權問題作為民主國家不可或缺的內容,予以明確定位。 與此同時,很多國家和國際組織重申地方自治原則。1985年通過的多國條約《歐洲地方自治憲章》,1985年通過、1993年再次通過的《世界地方自治宣言》加重了對地方自治的關注,這意味著在今天,地方自治和地方分權的積極意義在世界開始得到討論,並逐步得到明確。與地方自治和地方分權相伴隨的是地方公共團體事務優先原則的確立,即市鎮村最優先、然後是省市縣優先的事務分配原則,而中央政府只負責全國民、全國家性質的事務。地方自治可定義為,國家特定區域的人民,由於國家授權或依據國家法令,在國家監督下自行組織法人團體,用地方的人力財力物力自行處理自己的事務的政治制度。
在中央地方立法權限上,以我國憲法為例,憲法第171條規定:「法律與憲法牴觸者無效。」第172條規定:「命令與憲法或法律牴觸者無效。」另外,中央法規標準法第11條:「法律不得牴觸憲法,命令不得牴觸憲法或法律,下級機關訂定之命令不得牴觸上級機關之命令。」在中央法制範圍內建構憲法、法律、命令的三層的上下位階關係。論及地方法規與中央法規之位階關係,由於地方自治團體所制定之地方法規,屬國家法律體系內之一部分,為求國家法律體系之完整及統一地方法規自應受法律位階理論之拘束。 故我國憲法第116條規定:「省法規與國家法律牴觸者無效。」、第125條規定:「縣單行規章與國家法律或省法規牴觸者無效。」。
在司法院大法官釋字第666號解釋中,我國社會秩序維護法第80條禁止性交易,究竟限制人民何種憲法上權利,主要有二種見解:其一主張涉及性自主權,其二主張涉及工作權。 後者最重要理由是提供性服務以收取對價應認為是一種職業而應納入憲法職業自由之討論。憲法第15條職業自由所稱之職業,原則上只要是人民用以謀生的經濟活動即足當之,毋庸沾染太多道德或價值判斷的色彩,至於該職業應否管制或如何管制始為正當,則是後續的問題。 性如果可能作為一種謀生的工具,人民有沒有以性作為謀生工具的自由?性販售行為可否受到憲法對職業自由的保障? 如果立法者不是採取全面禁止的手段,而是合目的性地鑑於政策需要,對從事性工作之方法、時間、地點等執行職業之自由,予以適當限制,則由於「根據職業自由的三階理論」此類管制手段性質上屬寬鬆之合理審查的範疇,立法者反而能獲取更大的政策形成空間。
爰上所述,本論文提出主要研究問題如下:宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例對於性販售行為僅僅有所管制,而非全面禁止,是否與社會秩序維護法第80條牴觸?宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例規範位階為何?是否為法律?宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例與與社會秩序維護法效力關係又為何?中央地方權限劃分對宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例效力影響為何?是否可直接逕依中央法律,亦即依據社會秩序維護法處行政罰?有無侵犯宜蘭縣政府地方自治權限空間疑慮?處罰之理由或相關理論基礎為何?中央地方法規衝突對憲法上性工作者之工作權保障程度及影響為何?地方政府的自治權限有無憲法保障且不容中央恣意侵犯領域?中央或地方法規其中之ㄧ經司法院大法官解釋宣告定期失效或立即失效時有何種影響? 兩者法律關係影響為何?究為取代關係或遞補關係?
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俄羅斯的聯邦制與民族自治--以1990年代為中心的分析 / Federalism and National Autonomy in Russia--the Analysis of 1990s徐桂香, Hsu, Kuei-hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本文認為俄羅斯聯邦制度承繼了前蘇聯的制度遺緒,再披上現代民主的形式,使得俄羅斯的聯邦制難以調適民主化以後的變革。一九九○年代聯邦政府處理地區-特別是民族共和國-的分離勢力捉襟見肘。聯邦政府對分離力量收斂以後所代之而起的地區爭權趨勢,也始終未能理順,導致普丁總統上任以後對地區勢力不斷採取抑制方式。本文認為俄羅斯聯邦制度需作結構性的調整,以適應未來的改革,否則地區力量會隨著中央的衰頹東山再起,對俄羅斯長遠的發展並不利。 / As a multi-ethnic federation nation, Russia, since its independence in 1991, initiated market reform and embarked on establishing a democratic system. In the process of this transformation, it had to confront many challenges related to ethnicity and democratization. Democratization is a long and complex process and, more than often, not an easy road. Russia too, hence, was not exempted from facing such challenges.
The federalism of Russia has inherited some remnants of its legacy from former Soviet Union. Former Soviet Union’s policy of regional autonomy based on ethnicity has had substantial degree of influence on Russia’s federalism. The federalism is regarded by many people as a systematic mechanism which is able to accommodate a multi-ethnic culture. However, Russia, at the very onset of adopting this system, had to confront many forces which supported ethnic separation. Unification became a mere agenda not mutual consensus. The relationship between federalism and ethnic autonomy and development became an important issue for the future of Russia. This paper hereby chooses the federalism of Russia and ethnic autonomy as the topic of the thesis, and selects the 1990s as the focal point of this analytical study.
The analytical framework of this paper exploits the approach of new-institutionalism to examine a post-Communist Russia. Our paper comprises of three key frameworks for analysis. First, we will pick one of the relatively distinct concepts of democratic transition-“Pacted Transitions” to analyze Russia’s democratization process. Let’s take the reference of political expert Terry Lynn Karl’s study on compromise. His analysis on pacts includes both basics and managerial, thus offering a much better understanding on pacts. At the same time, he employs strategy and leadership as variables to create modes of transition to democracy. The writer of this paper amends this chart to include two additional variables. From the aspect of strategy and leadership, we can analyze some of the compromises undertaken by the federalism and regional autonomies including the “Union Treaty,” the Federation Treaty, the Constitution of Russian Federation, “On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Authority between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan,” the Civic Accord, the power-sharing agreements between Russian federal government and its subjects, etc, which Russia encountered during its transition process. In addition to these, this paper will also accommodate in its analysis chart the ethnic republics of Tatarstan and Chechnya - two most prominent regional forces during the initial period of Russia’s transition, plus three study cases on Kalmykiya, Buryat and Tuva.
All the above mentioned treaties and agreements, with the exception of the Civic Accord, had significant influence on the development of Russia’s federalism and the interrelationship between the Federation and the territories. Here we’ll discover that, except for the “Constitution of Russian Federation” which can be classified as “Imposition” in the mode of ”Cooperation between the elite and the mass”, the rest belong to the mode of “Compromise” in “Elite Ascendant”. Even though most of the agreements were conceived by way of compromises, but since the national constitution was passed and approved in a coercive manner, this has remained as one of the predominant reason for the subsequent instability of the Russian Federation. Secondly, while referring to the theories proposed by various political experts on the federalism, including studies on asymmetrical federalism, we can examine the arrangement of the Russian Federalism and analyze its characteristics from its constitution’s perspective on division of powers and jurisdictions between the center and the territories. From the analyses of these experts, wherein they infer that this type of asymmetrical federalism holds potential for generating conflicts and does not have any positive influence towards the development of the federalism, even to the extent of possible undermining of the federation’s unification, we can provide some explanation for the instability of the Russian Federation.
Finally, let us inspect the development of relationship between the Russian Federation and the regions from the perspective of utilization of strategies - the strategies which were employed by the Federal government and the territories (especially the ethnic republics) from the time of Russia’s initial phase of independence till the late nineteen nineties, and through the type of strategies, time progression and the distribution of spectrum, understand the synopsis of this relationship.
From the development of events since the “Parade of Sovereignties” in the early nineties till the “Parade of Bilateral Treaties,” after 1994, by referring to time progression and the distribution of spectrum we can understand that the government of the Russian Federation has been deteriorating progressively –at first posing benign and offering incentives, and then eventually resorting to oppression by military might. Since it’s first conflict with Chechnya in 1994, the secessionist forces in the regions have relatively quailed, with the majority of the territories rather claiming for economic rights and autonomy. It was only after the appointment of President Vladimir Putin that these problems between the federal government and the territories were intensively looked into and dealt with.
This paper utilizes the approach of new-institutionalism to analyze the Russian Federation and the ethnic autonomies. We choose the nineteen nineties period as the focus of this research and select Kalmykiya, Buryat and Tuva as the subjects for case studies. This paper allots the time beginning from the independence of Russia till the departure of President Boris Yeltsin as the primary time period for analysis, with in-depth look on ways to resolve ethnic conflicts while studying the process of development of the Russian Federation, with a hope to get a deeper understanding of how to resolve ethnic problems within a multi-ethnic nation.
The whole paper is comprised of six chapters.
The first chapter explains the motive of this study, the various approaches used for the study, the frameworks of this analysis and the distribution of the chapters. Taking the characteristics of nationalism in Russia, it’s ethnic groups and various related theories and policies instigating the disintegration of the former Soviet Union as the basis of study for its background aspects, the second chapter deals with nationalism and Russia, the interrelationship between the two.
The third chapter probes into Russia’s democratization and its federalism. It analyzes Russia’s early stages of transition to democracy with special reference to “Pacted Transition” as the focal point. Here we study the contents and significance of the various treaties and agreements of Russia and thereafter from the theories of the federalism, we analyze the essence and features of the federalism adopted by Russia.
The fourth chapter focuses on the relationship between the Russian federal government and the territories. Here we take Russia’s policies on ethnicity, the relationship between the federal government and the regions and the regional elites as the focus of our observation.
The fifth chapter partakes the republics of Kalmykia, Buryat and Tuva as case studies for this research. These three republics are either descendants of the Mongol or have close association with Mongoloid ancestry. In this chapter we take a look at the policies adopted after Russia’s independence and their interaction with the center.
The sixth chapter evaluates the pros and cons of Russia’s democratization and federalism. Thereafter, as the foreground of this paper, we study all the reforms in Russia, which are undertaken by the Russian Federation following the election of President Vladimir Putin, and the relationship between Russia, a multi-ethnic nation and its democratic consolidation.
This paper assumes that Russia has inherited the vestiges of former Soviet Union and at the same time adorning itself with a style of a modern democracy, making it very difficult to adapt to changes following its democratization. In the nineteen nineties, the Russian federal government was quite unsuccessful in handling the secessionist forces in the regions, especially the ethnic republics. The federal government was unable to restrain the trend in regional power struggles, which became fervent after the secessionist forces tempered down. This eventually led to the use of prolonged methods of suppression by President Vladimir Putin. This paper assumes that the Russian Federation needs to make major structural changes in its system in order to adapt itself to future reforms, failing which, the regional forces will once again rise up as the center weakens, thus proving unfavorable for the development of Russia in the long-run.
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日治時期農業統制下的臺灣米穀政策研究(1933~1945) / The research of Taiwan's rice policy in the agricultural control period of Japanese colonization 1933~1945張志明, Chang, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
1933年(昭和8年)日本因全球經濟大蕭條引發「昭和農業恐慌」,加上帝國內部米穀供應嚴重過剩,米價大幅滑落,促使日本政府加強米榖方面的各項統制措施。本文試圖由1933年開始至1945年日本戰敗為止,日本政府為因應米穀供應過剩或者不足所採取的各項統制措施,及其對殖民地臺灣所產生的影響。日本政府實施之米穀統制政策,對臺灣米穀生產造成影響者,如1933年實施的「米穀統制法」、1936年的「米穀自治管理法」、1939年於臺灣內部實施的「臺灣米穀移出管理令」、1942年7月1日施行的「食糧管理法臺灣施行令」、1943年底的「臺灣食糧管理令」、還有1944年年中推行的「米穀增產及供出獎勵相關特別措施」等。由這些米穀統制法令及措施,可以了解日本的臺灣總督府用盡一切方法,就是為了使其最重要的民生主食「稻米」的生產及供應,能達到「自給自足」的目標。臺灣,作為日本殖民帝國下的一員,為配合帝國整體米穀供需穩定,對於「看天吃飯」的米穀生產,悲願地追求其自足目標。臺灣蓬萊米生產的擴大與臺日米價間的互動,連帶影響臺灣糖價及其他農作物的生產,並可藉此了解日本與臺灣之間,因稻米生產而衍生出的統制生產架構。 / In 1933, the world economic recession (the Great Depression) caused the imperial Japan into the so called 「Showa Agricultural Panic」 and made the imperial internal rice supply overwhelmingly surplus. Those made the price of rice in Japan at that time fallen considerably, prompting the Japanese government to strengthen the rice control policies.This article, from 1933 to 1945, tries to explain the impacts of the Japanese government's various rice control policies which responded to the rice oversupply or insufficient upon the colonial Taiwan. The rice control policies Japanese government implemented made great influence upon Taiwan's rice production, such as in 1933, the enactment of the "Rice Control Law" ; in 1936, the enactment of the " Rice Self-management Law " ; in 1939, only in Taiwan enacted, the" Taiwan Rice Shipment Administration Order " ; in July 1 1942," The Staple Food Control Act's Taiwan Enforcement Order ” ; the end of 1943, “ Taiwan's Staple Food Control Administration Order ”; and promulgated in mid-1944 “Special Measures on Enhancing Rice Production and Awarding Shipment ",etc.Through those rice control laws and measures, we can understand the Japanese rulers exhausted to make people's livelihood, the production and supply of the most important staple food "rice", could achieve the goal of “self-sufficiency ".Taiwan, as one part of the Japanese colonial Empire, had to cooperate with the whole Empire’s rice supply and demand as stable as possible. Regarding the rice production which depends on the weather, Taiwan like Japan vows to pursue the goal of “self-sufficiency” with the earnest wish. The expansion of production of the Taiwan Formosan rice (Penglai rice) and the interaction of rice prices between the Taiwan and Japan influenced the Taiwan's sugar price and the production of other crops. Therefore, we can understand the control production structure caused by the rice production between Japan and Taiwan.
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加拿大原住民自治體制與教育政策研究 / Aboriginal Self-government and education policy in canada鄒岱妮, Tsou, Dainie Unknown Date (has links)
1. 加拿大原住民教育的主體:原住民的認同、定義、類別、法定地位為何?
2. 原住民自治體制與自治體制下的政府關係為何?
3. 加拿大原住民的教育政策為何?加拿大原住民自治體制與教育政策的關係為何?
4. 原住民教育與多元文化主義關係為何?
第一章為政策的主體,加拿大原住民的定義,本論文嘗試從政治層次與憲法層次來討論加拿大民的地位、類別、位階與認同;並簡述加拿大原住民的教育概況。在研究中,我們發現,加拿大原住民的定義,不是來自文化、生態的因素,而是因為歷史與政治背景使然,1982年的加拿大憲法,正式承認了北美印地安人、梅蒂斯人與因紐特人為加拿大原住民,並且承認原住民的「現有權利」(existing rights),讓加拿大原住民成為有別於為加拿大其他「少數族裔」人口的一個「顯著的社會」(distinctive society),但是憲法的承認緊接而來的不是嚴謹的識別工作,所以關於身份問題,還有許多爭議,旋而未決。
第三章討論加拿大原住民教育的演進與趨勢。筆者在這一章試圖以較宏觀的角度來檢視加拿大原住民教育的發展,可以從政策制訂的背景、政策論辯的參與者、以及關鍵議題三個方向,來找出加拿大原住民教育的政策發展脈絡與階段特色。關於加拿大原住民教育的演進,約可以分為1996年的「RCAP報告書」為界,筆者將1996年之前的原住民教育分為四個階段,分別是同化教育(1867-1967)時期、整合政策、多元文化教育與印地安教育(1967-1982)時期、原住民教育的肇端(1982-1988)以及自治體制下的原住民教育(1988-1996)。第二節的重點則在於詳細討論1996年加拿大皇家原住民委員會(RCAP)原住民報告書關於原住民教育所提出來的建議與政策規劃。皇家原住民委員會關於原住民的報告書,宣告了加拿大政府與原住民之間新的關係的開展。筆者結合Frank Abele的觀點,發現加拿大原住民教育有下列趨勢:
1. 在原住民教育政策的層級上,逐漸由地方、省的層次上升到與國家對等的自治層次然而,原住民教育在國家層次所獲得的關注與討論並未如省的層次來得熱烈。
2. 在論述模式上,逐漸由同化論述模式轉向原住民自治的權利基礎與責任之模式,與公共政策論述之模式。
3. 在原住民教育的對象上,逐漸由部分「印地安人」(有身份的印地安人),轉向集體單位、泛稱性的原住民,乃至不同族裔屬性的原住民族。
4. 在原住民教育的層級上,關注的焦點逐漸由初等、中等教育轉向高等教育人才的培育,企圖以一種整體性(holistic)的觀點與策略來解決原住民教育問題。
5. 在教育目的上,從對同化教育的的反抗,到以文化純續為目的,發展至更積極的觀點,企圖透過教育,來彌補其與主流社會的落差、強化原住民的文化活力與創意,進一步培養自治的人才,可以說是一種以自治為目的(education for self-government)的教育政策。
6. 原住民教育與多元文化主義的關係,遠較Frank Abele所指稱的要複雜,原住民教育政策在理念上,曾採借多元文化主義關於人性尊嚴、人權與平等權的概念,但是在國家政策的場域,卻出現相互扞格、衝突的情形。
7. 在教育系統上,原住民歷經了由聯邦政府主導的「同化-隔離」系統、到進入與主流族群教育體系的「整合系統」、到目前要求與主流族群分立、由原住民主控教育內容、評鑑標準以及行政事務的「獨立系統」。
1. 身份定義問題:自治的構成原速與教育政策的主體問題。
2. 管轄權議題:自治管轄權、教育管轄權、與教育實務之間的關係。
3. 理論基礎的衝突:多元文化主義與原住民主義的爭論。
4. 實務問題:原住民團體的需求差異與經費來源的問題
1. 台灣應重新省思「Nation to Nation」的實質關係,務實面對自治議題。
2. 觀察加拿大原住民自治與教育政策,不能忽略多元文化主義、多元文化教育與原住民主義、原住民教育的衝突現象。
3. 台灣應著手進行符合社會現實,務實、開放、有效的自治規劃與教育規劃,而非理論的空談或國外政策的仿效。
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