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我國金融業者行動服務創新之研究 / A Study of Mobile Service Innovation in Taiwan Financial Industries.陳俊毓, Chen, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以永豐銀行、台新銀行、玉山銀行等三家銀行業者作為個案研究的對象,希望透過本論文研究,探討銀行業者在因應行動科技的崛起與變化時,其組織服務創新的策略思維;同時,也探討其發展行動服務創新時,內部的組織方式、新服務開發管理、以及與顧客的溝通方式。本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會更強調對消費者生活習性的瞭解,以推出解決消費者痛點的新服務。(2)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會進行更多的異業結合,以發展更多整合性的服務創新金融服務。(3)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會在電子金融相關部門招納更多元的人才,以推出更創新的服務。(4)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下發展金融服務創新時,會讓電子金融部門與其他部門進行更多的跨部門合作。另外,若要加速新服務的開發時,則會採用重量級專案團隊的組織方式。(5)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會增加與顧客互動的管道,以求更瞭解顧客的需求。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / When smartphones came to the world, its had an big impact to people’s life. There were only 3 millions smartphone shipments in 2010,but later, there were 1.2 billion shipments in 2014.There has a big growth. Also in Taiwan, there are over 10 millions shipments in 2014. We can say this is a mobile era. We can predict that mobile application will mushroom in the future.
When the rises of smartphone, we can do many things through smartphone. For example, we can receive e-mail, send a message to a friend, take a photo or make a financial trade with smartphone. Now, many non-financial companies serve financial service through smartphone. Although there are many legislation restrictions in Taiwan, only bankers can provide financial service. But legislation restrictions will reduce. So banking industry is facing a great challenge.
In this study, we discuss how bankers develop mobile financial service. Meanwhile, we also discuss how they organize their electric finance department, how they develop a new financial service and how they communicate with their customers. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) To face mobile trends, banks will focus on customer habits. Otherwise, banks will release new service to solve customer’s pain points. (2) To face mobile trends, banks will cooperate with non-financial industries. (3) To face mobile trends, E-finance department will recruit employees with diverse backgrounds. (4) To face mobile trends, banks will have many inter-departmental working group. If necessary, banks will set up heavyweight teams. (5) To face mobile trends, banks will increase channels to communicate with customers. The study finally addresses the contribution of this research in academia and the suggestions to practitioners and follow-on researchers.
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行動通訊網路系統共享之研究-以無線基地台設施為例 / A Study of Mobile Network Sharing on Radio Access Network Infrastructure張智為, Chang, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的發展,社群網路與智慧型手機快速發展以及各種雲端線上服務快速發展,導致行動上網服務需求日以鉅增;為了提供用戶良好的行動通訊網路涵蓋區域與高速上網服務,行動電信公司不斷進行網路系統昇級與擴充,但是各電信公司的每用戶平均貢獻收入(Average Revenue Per User, ARPU)卻是日漸下滑,在資本支出上昇與營收下滑的經營窘境下,需待新的解決方案來改善此一情形。
2000年歐洲無線電頻譜競標中不斷刷新3G執照費用,大幅增加行動電信公司的經營成本,全球電信業者為了控制不斷攀升的電信網路建設成本(Capital Expenditures,CAPEX)以及電信營運費用(Operating Expense,OPEX),行動通訊網路共享方案儼然成為一個重要的策略選項,各國行動電信業者已嘗試各種不同型態的網路共享模式,甚至包含無線電頻譜共用(Spectrum Sharing),以減少電信總成本之負擔。
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聯合國維持和平行動之研究史亞平, SHI,YA-PING Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣地區行動網際網路服務之可用性評估劉明宗, Ming-Tsung, Liu Unknown Date (has links)
就「通訊基礎建設」而言,良好的網路訊號與服務後端系統是提升可用性的主要效果來源之一,而「服務廠商因素」則需以產品策略與服務提供品質作為策略主軸;在「行動裝置易用性認知」中,軟硬體操作與使用者支援程度對「行動應用服務可用性認知」有著最大的效果來源,顯見行動裝置是否容易操作,使用者是否能得到適當支援乃為提升可用性的主要直接原因;最後,本研究發現使用者的知識多寡在「行動裝置易用性認知」與「行動應用服務可用性認知」上皆有顯著差異,並顯示知識愈豐富的使用者往往認為行動裝置愈好用、行動網際網路服務的可用性愈高;因此,維護良好網路品質、擬定正確產品策略、改善行動裝置軟硬體操作、適時提供使用者支援與教育使用者皆可大幅提升整體服務的可用性水準。 / This study aims at building a framework to evaluate the usability of Taiwan’s mobile Internet services. An initial conceptual model is first constructed by a thorough literature review. It includes four influencing constructs: User Characteristics, Backend Infrastructure, Service Provider Aspects, and Ease of Use of Mobile Appliances. With the concepts of each construct defined, a survey is then conducted to verify the relationships among the variables. The analysis results show that User Characteristics and Ease of Use are directly related to the perceived usability, whereas Backend Infrastructure and Service Provider Aspects are indirectly related to the perceived usability. This implies that users perceive the usability through the mobile appliances’ ease of use. It is also concluded that fast and stable network connection, effective products strategy, superior service level, user-friendly mobile appliances, sufficient customer support and education for users are the keys to a successful mobile Internet service.
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探討行動數據服務發展之改善要素─以i-mode為例 / A Study on Key Improving Factors of Mobile Data Service ─Using i-mode as an example吳致達, Wu,Chih-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
行動上網之概念已提出多年,然受制於硬體規格限制與資訊實用面廣度、深度不足,因此市場未如預期般快速成長。如今受惠於系統業者廣佈GPRS系統,功能性手機普及化,以及內容提供者積極參與,行動數據服務始展露一絲曙光。和信電訊公司看好市場前景,藉與NTT DoCoMo合資關係引進行動上網服務典範─i-mode。本研究之主要目的旨在檢視目前台灣i-mode服務之品質,經結合理論探討與實務分析,具體提出發展行動數據服務之改善要素。
本研究彌補國內相關研究在深度上之不足,採質性研究法,以NTT DoCoMo發展i-mode服務為模式,就技術、內容、策略和使用之關鍵面向,深入訪談系統業者、內容提供者和使用者後,交叉分析以找出三者認知上之落差,進而推論改善行動數據服務品質之關鍵要素,並提出建議解決方案。
本研究結果發現:系統業者之改善要素包括價格、手機選擇、連線品質、行銷、後端管理及利潤分享;內容提供者之改善要素包括價格、實用性、介面、品牌及獲利模式。本研究最大貢獻亦在於提供相關業者諸多建言及產業發展方針,整體而論:第一,系統業者應致力於提升行動上網平台之可用性;第二,內容提供者宜鎖定目標客群主動創造需求;第三,系統業者和內容提供者應從商業合作關係提升為策略聯盟關係。在延伸討論部份,本研究認為:第一,應建立以內容聚集為中心之商務模式架構;第二,推動XHTML做為改善非人性化介面和網路封閉性之解決方案;第三,將行動數據服務從以個人為單位提升到社會關係的層次;第四,開發企業用途之應用,將服務拓展至企業市場。 / The concept of mobile internet has been introduced many years ago; however, due to the limits of hardware standards and the inadequacies of breadth and depth of information practicability, the market didn’t rise and flourish as expectations. Now because of the benefits of distributions of GPRS network system, popularization of feature cellular phones, and active participation of content providers, the mobile data services start to grow. With faith in good prospects of the market, the KGT company introduced i-mode, the paradigm of mobile internet services, from NTT DoCoMo through their partnership. The main purposes of this research are to view the quality of recent i-mode service in Taiwan, and to concretely propose key improving factors of developing mobile data services through integration of theory reviews and practice analyses.
For retrieving the lacks of depth in former domestic researches, this research uses the i-mode service as an example and adopts qualitative research methods by deeply interviewing with the operator, the content providers, as well as the users on critical aspects of the technology, the content, the strategy, and the usage. Then, after cross-analyzing to find gaps of the cognition among the three roles, this research infers the key factors to improve the quality of mobile data services and proposes the corresponding solutions.
The major findings of this research are as follows. The improving factors of operators includes the price, the phones selectivity, the connection quality, the marketing, and the profits share. Those of content providers includes the price, the practicability, the interface, the brand, and the profit-earning model. This thesis also contributes many suggestions and guidelines of industry development for relevant players. First, operators should strive for enhancing the usability of mobile internet platforms. Second, content providers ought to aim at target customers and actively create demands. Third, the relationship of operators and content providers must be promoted from business cooperation to strategic alliance. In the section of extended discussions, this research presents several recommendations. First, a framework of content aggregation-centered business models should be established. Second, XHTML should be drived as a solution to improve recent unfriendly interfaces and network closure. Third, mobile data services based on individuals should be raised to a high level based on social relationships. Fourth, services should be expanded to cooperate market by developing applications for enterprise purposes.
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行動數據通信費率組合之研究-以GPRS為例 / A Study of Mobile Data Pricing Package -- GPRS Case陳建國, Edward Chen Unknown Date (has links)
費率組合在電信業市場上行之有年,但長久以來,電信業一直以傳統的語音服務計費模式套用在所有的服務上,其中通話費的部分則是以通話時間作為計費的基礎,甚至連架構在語音服務上的數據傳輸也是如此。新引進的整合封包無線電服務(General Packet Radio Service, GPRS)在技術本質上與語音服務有很大的差異,因此計費方式也必須作一番變革,以傳輸量作為計費的基礎是較佳的選擇。
由於GPRS屬於寬頻數據網路,再加上無線電資源的有限性,在傳輸品質上的要求也較高,GPRS在設計時就已經規劃了支援「服務品質(Quality of Service,QoS)」。因此,品質因素也應被列入計費的要項之一。
本文嘗試提出一個GPRS的計費架構,並找出所有的計費因子,使未來經營GPRS的電信業者的行銷人員及計費系統設計人員有一個依循的準則。而在實例中也的確發現本文所提出的GPRS計費架構,可以應用在現實的計費系統上,提供各式各樣的費率組合。 / Pricing Package was used in telecommunications industry for many years. However, the operators always use the conventional voice service packages to cover the data services. The charge for every call is duration based but it cannot be applied for new introduced technology, e.g. GPRS. The technology of GPRS is quite different with the voice services; the charging model will be different as well. A volume-based charging model is an ideal way.
GPRS is a broadband mobile data service. According to the limitation of wireless resources, the demand of quality of service is high. GPRS was designed to support QoS (Quality of Service) which can be considered as a charging factor.
This material tried to propose a GPRS charging architecture and find out all of the charging factors. The marketing people and charging system designers of GPRS operators can create their own pricing packages based on this GPRS charging architecture. In the case study, we found that this GPRS charging architecture can be applied to the real world charging systems and provide kinds of pricing packages.
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行動學習設計與知識庫 / An Exploratory Design of m-Learning with Knowledge Repository林昱 Unknown Date (has links)
在邁入知識經濟的現今社會中,企業的生產要素已轉變為以知識為基礎,而學習正是知識經濟時代增加企業競爭力的最佳利器。隨著科技的發展,線上學習(e-Learning)不論在傳統公司或電子化企業中已扮演著重要不可或缺的角色。線上學習的獨特性不但可使教育訓練的成本降低,更可以配合企業的全球化運作,這些優點吸引了許多公司開始規劃線上訓練。但由於目前線上學習多採用Web(World Wide Web)介面並且必須與網際網路連接,所以有發展上的限制且缺乏行動性。因此本研究將應用行動科技結合學習科技來克服這個問題。
本研究希望建構一行動學習設計並且整合知識庫,使得知識學習的來源不再僅侷限於學習教材,更能包含整個組織的知識。另外也設計一搜尋機制希望藉此能有效率地執行行動搜尋。 / In knowledge economy, the key factor of production is knowledge. Learning will be the best effective tool to increase the competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy. With the development of Information Technology, Electronic Learning (e-Learning) becomes important, indispensable in traditional business, and e-business. e-Learning with unique characteristics lowers training costs and makes organizational learning global. These benefits catch the attentions of the company to pursue e-Learning. However, the problem that e-Learning has to be Web-enabled (World Wide Web enabled) and Internet-based creates a technical and managerial barrier limits its development and lack the mobility. In our research, we aim to apply Mobile Technology with Learning Technology to overcome this problem.
Our research focuses on the design of a mobile learning (m-Learning) model that supports learning anywhere, anytime and any form. Beside, we develop an approach to integrate with knowledge repository. The learning scope will not be limited to instructional courseware. It includes organizational knowledge. The search assistant helps user to access relevant information with minimal effort and reduce the amount of information that needs to be transmitted.
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行動簡訊服務關係之探討 / A study on the mobile news service relationship among system operators, content providers, and the user.黃雅慧, Huang, Yi-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
隨著大環境的變異,傳統語音話費已不再是電信業者的主要收益來源。各家電信系統營運商為了提高用戶營收貢獻度 (ARPU),積極開拓其他服務。行動簡訊是其中重要的一項服務,因為操作方便、費用低廉,一般使用者容易進入。系統營運商進而透過行動簡訊結合各種加值服務,讓用戶在習慣使用簡訊服務之中,延長使用手機時間,增加每位用戶的營收貢獻度。
本研究有以下五項發現: (1)行動內容需要強調差異化-行動服務需要即時性的資訊與Web進行差異化,吸引行動用戶使用;(2)界面需要友善的設計-界面友善可帶動用戶易用,提高行動服務使用量;(3)期待新科技與新應用的引導-LBS服務為行動簡訊服務率先可以導入新科技服務,符合用戶對情境使用的需求;(4)與商業進行多元行銷互動-透過在LBS做置入廣告或行動廣告,可以提高用戶參與互動;(5)行動服務合作關係重組-未來OP跨足內容的製作,而CP發展自有通路,OP與CP在業務上互相重疊,原來的合作關係重組。 / With a dramatic change of the world, traditional phone service is no longer a main source of revenues in telecom business. Telecom system operators positively develop other kinds of services to improve average revenue per user (ARPU). Mobile-news is one of these important services because it is less expensive, easy to operate, and easily accessible to end users. System operators further provide a variety of value-added services through the mobile-news. While users are getting used to the services, they are going to extend their using time, which may increase revenues to system operators.
The main function of mobile media is to provide users immediate and scenario-relevant information and to interact with others here and there at anytime. The research investigated how telecom system operators (OP), content service providers (CP) and end users interact in terms of their service relationship. In other words, the study defined how the three parties, OP, CP and users play a role, how to refine the services, and how to improve the service, in the process of promoting mobile-news services.
The research used in-depth interview, focus group, and data analysis via the three parties, system operators (OP), content providers (CP), and end users. First, the researcher interviewed system operators about how they develop mobile-news services. Then, the researcher held a focus group to investigate typical users how they use mobile-news services. At last, the researcher analyzed text contents, visual layouts, and different types of information in mobile-news services.
There are five important findings as following, (1) emphasis of different mobile contents: mobile information should be instant and different from web pages to attract mobile users; (2) friendly interface designs: User-friendly interface helps user easily access to the information and increase the mobile services; (3) new technologies and applications: LBS services could be the first mobile-news service which meet users’ needs at most occasions; (4) multiple marketing: mobile advertisement can improve users’ participation through LBS; (5) reconstruction of mobile service partnership: OPs start to produce contents in future, and CPs develop their own channels, which leads to an overlap between OP and CP business. The overlapping may reconstruct their partnership.
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銀行行動商務與雲端化結合之探討 / A study on the combination of mobile commerce in banking and cloud computing狄景力 Unknown Date (has links)
研究機構 Gartner 於2010 年10 月評選出未來一年的十大策略科
技與趨勢供企業作為策略擬定時的重要參考。Gartner 所謂的策略科
今年選出的十大策略科技第一名就是:雲端運算(Cloud Computing)。
另外根據 Gartner 的統計,2011 年第一季全球手機終端銷售量達
到4 億2,780 萬支,較上年同季成長19%。智慧型手機的市場表現持
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行動電視產業之發展策略研究林孟潔 Unknown Date (has links)
行動電視是發展行動商務的重要基礎,近年來由於傳輸技術的進展使得行動電視服務的提供成為可能,透過數位電視廣播技術與行動通訊網路的整合包裝,業者可提供更豐富的行動商務內容。行動通訊業者、廣播電視業者,及手機業者由於亟欲開發下一波的主流商品和服務,紛紛投入行動電視的相關發展。不過,行動電視屬於全新且跨領域的商業模式,還有許多問題有待克服。本研究企圖將這些問題釐清,除了探討行動電視價值鏈上各價值活動的發展方向以及整合模式,亦進一步探討行動電視服務的關鍵成功因素,以及南韓SK Telecom與日本NTT DoCoMo發展行動電視服務的策略。針對上述研究問題,本研究之研究結論如下:
1. 行動電視價值鏈的發展:內容業者必須針對手機平台開發專屬的節目內容;數位電視廣播技術以及行動通訊網路將朝向互補整合的方向,才能為消費者創造更多價值;手機製造業者必須克服天線、耗電量,以及體積的問題,並且設計容易使用的操作介面。
2. 整合模式:分為由行動通訊業者主導、由廣播電視業者主導、由行動通訊業者與廣播電視業者共同合作,以及由第三方業者提供服務這四種主要的營運模式。其中,行動通訊業者與廣播電視業者共同合作被視為較可能普及的營運模式。
3. 關鍵成功因素:透過產業資料分析以及專家訪談,本研究整理出以下六點要素,分別為政府的態度、良好的網路傳輸品質、終端設備的設計、各方可接受的營運模式、具吸引力的內容,以及可負擔的價格。
4. 個案探討:南韓SK Telecom與日本NTT DoCoMo皆非常注重內容的發展,除了重新設計節目內容、持續發展新內容,亦不斷累積相關的數位內容資源,由其策略發展重點,也可以再次印證關鍵成功因素—「內容」的重要性。 / Mobile TV is considered as the basis of mobile commerce. Through the integration of digital broadcasting and cellular network, companies can provide more mobile service. Due to the development of digital broadcasting and cellular network, offering service of mobile TV becomes possible. Mobile operators, broadcasters, and mobile phone manufactures are all eager to develop new products and service. Therefore, they start to develop mobile TV business. However, mobile TV is a brand new business model and relates to different industries. There are still lots of difficulties that need to be conquered. This research analyzes the development of mobile TV value chain, possible business models, key success factors, and the cases of SK Telecom and NTT DoCoMo. The following is the conclusion of this research.
1. Development of Mobile TV value chain: content providers have to develop exclusive programs for mobile phone; digital broadcasting and cellular network should be integrated; mobile phone manufactures need to conquer the problems of battery, aerial, and size.
2. Business model: there are four possible business models, inclusive of leading by mobile operators, leading by content providers, cooperation of mobile operators and content providers, and service offered by the third party. The third business model is considered as the one which will be popular.
3. Key success factors: there are six factors, inclusive of government’s attitude, good transmitting quality, design of hand-held device, business model accepted by all involved parties, attractive content, and acceptable price.
4. Case discussion: SK Telecom and NTT DoCoMo all think highly of the development of content. They plan to develop exclusive programs, enrich the content, and accumulate related digital contents. Their strategies reveal the importance of content again.
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