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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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兩岸太陽能光電廠商競合策略研究 / A case study for cross-strait photovoltaic interfirm co-opetition strategy

王羚卉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,環境汙染、能源危機等議題,使世界各國莫不開始重視環境永續經營之課題。目前被認為具發展潛力之替代能源包括太陽能、風力、地熱、水力、生質能等,其中,由於太陽能為取之不盡、用之不竭的循環再生能源,具無汙染、發展歷史悠久、取得來源穩定、發電成本逐年下降等優勢,因此,各國政府皆致力於太陽能光電產業之發展與推動。 根據統計,太陽能光電產業產品製造重心在2008年金融風暴後,快速往亞洲地區移動,產量增加最快的地區為中國和臺灣,兩岸因各自不同的地理環境、發展條件、政府政策等因素,促使相關產品在全球市場佔有率持續增加。2009 年全球太陽能電池產量為9.34GW,其中,中國與台灣佔全球總產量的49%(中國38%、台灣11%),可見兩岸同時共享全球太陽能光電市場,亦共同競爭全球再生能源產業版圖。 本研究由廠商角度出發,針對兩岸太陽能光電產業競爭與合作策略進行多面向分析研究。首先透過Porter (1980, 1990)五力分析與鑽石模型,對兩岸太陽能光電產業進行探討,並以廠商層次之資源基礎與交易成本等理論,瞭解個案廠商的交易成本與交易價值,同時探討國家和產業因素是否在廠商合作或不合作決策間形成調節效果。本研究發現,面對中國廠商,不同價值鏈階段的台灣廠商需選擇不同的競爭或合作策略,垂直整合並非台灣太陽能光電廠商首選之發展策略。同時,基於資源與能力的互補性可發現,兩岸同價值鏈階段廠商呈相互競爭狀態,廠商合作動機低,而兩岸不同價值鏈階段廠商的合作動機則高。在合作方式方面,則因台灣廠商的目的性差異,主要分作長短期契約和合資兩種方式。此外,本研究亦發現國家條件,如生產要素互補性與政府政策,以及產業發展現況將帶動兩岸廠商建立合作關係的可能性。 / Due to increasingly environmental issues such as pollution or energy crisis, people begin to regard environmental sustainability as an important topic in recent years. There are several kinds of potential substitute energy, including solar, wind, geothermal, water power, biomass energy, etc. Solar energy is one of important substitute energies because of its pollution-free characteristics, stability and decreasing cost trend. Therefore, the governments are committed to develop and promote the solar photovoltaic industry. According to statistics, the production area of photovoltaic products has been moved quickly from Europe to Asia after the financial crisis in 2008. The two of the fastest growing areas are China and Taiwan. Due to geographical environment, development conditions, government policies and other industrial factors, photovoltaic products from China and Taiwan continue to increase in the global market share. For instance, China and Taiwan accounted for 49% (or 93.4GW) of the worldwide solar cell production (38% in China, 11% in Taiwan) in 2009. It is obvious that China and Taiwan are competing the global photovoltaic market share. Based on five forces model, diamond model, transaction cost theory and resource-based view, this study provides a multi-strategic analysis of co-opetition in the cross-strait photovoltaic industry. By collecting secondary data and conducing case study, I complete a serious of systematic analysis and results with the grounded theory approach.

DVD-ROM資料庫之敘事結構、觀點轉換分析:以迷城計劃「Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986」作品為例 / Structure and P.O.V in DVD-ROM database narratives:analyzing "Bleeding through layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986"

劉佳惠, Liu,Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
傳統敘事如小說透過文字表現,如攝影凍結時間以照片表現,如影片透過蒙太奇將事件以時間序列安排,而數位敘事竟能一次包含上述所有文本於一體,其中奧妙的敘事模式究竟為何?本研究的主體-資料庫,作為數位敘事的一種類型,一種文化形式,如何將傳統敘事元素徹底拆解成數碼格式?又這些傳統敘事元素如何轉換、又如何殘存於資料庫敘事中? 藉由文獻分析之過程,探究傳統敘事理論與數位敘事理論之間的可能關係,並透過所選個案文本【Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986】,進行「敘事結構」、「敘事觀點轉換」兩大面向之分析,試圖瞭解在數位的浪潮下,人們說故事的方式、故事的樣貌是否有變化的可能性,以提供數位敘事設計者一些理論與實務上的思考。本研究結果歸納如下:1. 開放的敘事結構啟動讀者更多闡釋,2.互為文本的兼蓄性讓敘事有最大程度展示空間,3. 互動敘事達到讀者實質與文本互動。 / Fiction performs through text. Photography performs through images. Movie performs with video; with the help of montage, video has meanings. All of them are traditional narratives, and digital narrative contains all of the above. How does digital narrative work these out? This research aims to discuss “the database narratives”. As a type of digital narrative, how does database narrative completely dismantle the traditional narrative elements into a digital format? By analyzing the reference documents, we could find the relation between theories of the traditional narrative and digital narrative. Through the selected piece of work “Bleeding Through Layers of Los Angeles:1920-1986”, this research focuses on "narrative structure," and "point of view," trying to understand the way of storytelling in digital times. This research concludes with the following: 1. Open narrative structure renders a text more interpretations. 2. Inter-textuality enhances the scale of narrative to the most. 3. Interactive narrative enables readers more interactions with the text.

台灣小說中同志/跨性別書寫的家國想像(1990-2010) / The Homeland Imaginary of the Homosexual/Transgender Novels in Taiwan(1990-2010)

曾秀萍, Tseng, Hsiu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以批判性觀點分析1990-2010年間,台灣小說中同志/跨性別書寫的性別、家庭、國族、地域、階級與敘事策略的發展和變化。從台灣底層性別弱勢的角度出發,批判全球化與文化帝國霸權所主導的現代性論述,搓破其光明的假象,並以中南部/鄉土/底層等多重弱勢的邊緣觀點出發,結合古典男色/跨性別傳統的美學再造,反省現階段同志/跨性別研究以西方基進論述和台北/都會/中產階級為中心的研究傾向。更進一步從同志/跨性別的家國想像中,翻轉台灣當前由上而下,由異性戀家國意識形態和「四大族群」論述所主導的台灣國族想像框架,企圖建構一套由下而上、由個體性別情感的角度出發所重構的國族想像藍圖,並發展兼具台灣歷史脈絡、文化特性與底層觀點的「第三-現代-性」理論基礎。 我認為作為一個研究者不僅要如史碧娃克(Spivak)一樣扣問「從屬階級能發聲嗎?」讓被歷史大敘述所淹沒的底層階級能夠出現,更要反省種種再現與代言的倫理課題。本文認為從1990年中期開始,由學院菁英、運動論述所主導的台灣同志/跨性別論述,隱藏了以西方為尚的「進步」史觀迷思,忽略台灣在地的文化脈絡與性別觀點,導致底層本土的同志/跨性別主體有被隱沒的傾向。因此,本論文重新挖掘在小說中被長期忽略的底層同志/跨性別人物,不僅檢視其在性別/階級/地域/家國結構下的困境,更關注其因內部歧視而被多重邊緣化的處境和現象。 本文並主張同志/跨性別論述應改變過去對於家國體制疏離的態度,以更積極的方式介入家國論述,一方面可以藉由同志/跨性別的多元觀點對家國論述與體制進行改造,另一方面更須突破同志/跨性別族群與家國體制之間,長期切割或二元對立的關係與迷思,正視許多底層同志/跨性別也渴望有「家」有「國」的心理需求與現實需要,重新思索性別弱勢族群與現代性家國體制交鋒或接軌的種種可能。同志/跨性別等「第三性」族群與台灣「現代性家國體制」交錯的發展狀態,本文稱為「第三-現代-性」。 在兩者的交錯之中,我認為尤其需要注意小說敘事策略與形式的轉變,因為小說的政治性與敘事形態無法切割。本論文將透過不同階段同志/跨性別書寫對於家國想像與敘事的轉變,論證小說人物的性別、情慾等身分差異乃是其國族認同形塑的重要部分。我認為1990年代初期《失聲畫眉》這本鄉土小說中的女同志書寫及其所引發的論爭,乃是同志/跨性別主體和台灣國族論述在公領域正面交鋒之始,反映出當年台灣的鄉土、國族論述在「逝去的鄉土」與「消失的國家」中所存在的雙重焦慮。此階段同志/跨性別的底層飄浪狀態,讓1990年代中晚期崛起的新世代作家對台灣社會充滿「遲到的酷兒現代性」焦慮與疑慮,因而掀起一波創作潮與出走潮,尤以歐美為中心構築「異國烏托邦」。這些小說將西方論述與家國認同相互結合、發展,並達到高峰,卻也埋下了種種異國大夢操演的破綻。 於此同時,我認為還有一股「轉向東方」的同志/跨性別書寫潮流也悄悄興起,開啟另類的亞洲視野、海洋思考與東方時間觀,並重拾中國傳統戲曲與古典小說的資源,以男色傳統和「擬說書體」重構跨性別與台灣國族寓言的多重關係。在本世紀新的十年中,同志/跨性別書寫不僅有回歸鄉土的趨勢,更對於在全球化時代中,快速變遷的人我界線、情慾關係提出反思,以本土的底層觀點修正了西方解放論述的不足,建立新的倫理景觀。本研究透過橫跨二十年的小說,分析同志/跨性別書寫在家國想像中的轉變與突破,在放眼跨國移動與全球化現象的同時,也結合底層弱勢與南部觀點,打開同志/跨性別本土論述的空間,連結台灣鄉土、國族想像與同志/跨性別研究的版圖。

中國地方政府環保政策執行研究 : 以廣東省貴嶼鎮電子廢棄物回收產業污染問題為例 / 以廣東省貴嶼鎮電子廢棄物回收產業污染問題為例

朱笑涵 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration


謝妃涵 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣新興的跨國婚姻熱潮使得由台灣男性與東南亞籍女性組成的新住民家庭漸多,新住民子女現今多就讀幼稚園與國小低年級,新住民子女教育的研究多為小學階段其學業成就等能力,研究取樣差異使結果大相逕庭,對新住民子女幼教老師本身的研究缺乏,故研究者將研究重點放在新住民子女幼教老師。本研究採質性研究法,探討兩位背景相當的幼教老師教學。目的在瞭解多元文化教學觀點有哪些、持不同教學觀點老師之教學困境、解決策略有何不同,並深入探討其觀點與困境、策略之間的關係。資料蒐集採深度訪談法,用三階段編碼分析資料,研究對象是從9位教師的訪談中分析出最符合同化觀點的小慧老師與涵化觀點的小芳老師。 研究結果如下:(1)透過文獻探討歸納出多元文化教育場域中有兩類教學觀點,一為同化觀點,一為涵化觀點,兩者分別對低社經地位與少數族群學生學習成就低落原因的解釋、文化有無優劣、文化融合有不同的主張。(2)兩位老師皆面臨的教學困境有語言、家庭、課程方面,小芳老師尚有幼兒方面的困境。新住民幼兒說話腔調使教師聽不懂,小慧老師致力矯正其口音與腔調、小芳老師則是課後請教家長;此乃因小慧老師持有同化教育中官方語言教育的觀點。(3)新住民子女的學習與行為較依賴老師,小慧老師認為新住民子女的學習較差乃因其本身文化不利、新住民沒有教育下一代的能力,所以請父親輔導其課後學習,而母親監督就好,不需參與輔導;小芳老師則肯定新住民的教育能力、並認為新住民子女行為問題是家庭文化與學校文化之間落差使然,故充分與家長溝通,調整母親工作時間使其有時間教育孩子。(4)小慧老師認為新住民文化是低落的,且不需要傳承、新住民沒有能力傳承其文化,故在課程中沒有東南亞文化教材,而在教授台灣文化教材時發生幼兒經驗不足無法團討的困難;小芳老師認為新住民有教育能力、並認為雙重文化是優勢,於是請新住民子女分享其回東南亞的經驗、設計相關文化主題活動。(5)小芳老師班級中的新住民子女感到自卑時,她會鼓勵其尊重母親原生文化以增加幼兒自信。最後建議教師應培養反思能力、建立多元文化教育觀點量表。 / The new immigrant families have increased with the surge of cross-cultural marriages between Taiwanese and Southeast Asian spouses, most of whose children study in kindergartens and elementary lower grades. Sampling may result in significantly distinct analyses on learning capabilities of those elementary children, and researches on their preschool teachers are relatively absent; therefore, the study focuses on preschool teachers and applies the qualitative research to 2 teachers of similar backgrounds in order to explore which perspectives in multicultural education field, explore the variations on teaching difficulties and resolving strategies of teachers with dissimilar education perspectives and to discover the relationship between both. The study includes in-depth interview for data collection and three-stage coding for data analysis, and selects Teacher Hue and Teacher Feng respectively matching assimilation and acculturation perspectives out of 9 interviewees as research targets. The study reveals the following findings: (1) assimilation and acculturation perspectives in multicultural education fields through documentation induction, stand different on reason explanations for lower social and economic positions and learning achievements of the minority students, cultural superior or inferior quality, and cultural integration, (2) two teachers have teaching difficulties in terms of language, family, and course, as well as kid issues only for Feng, and when getting confused of kid’s expressions, Hue with official language prospective in assimilation education is devoted to correcting assent and pronunciation while Feng consulting parents after school, (3) those students used to rely on teachers on learning and behavior, and Hue contributes inferior learning capability to disadvantaged culture background and education ability of new immigrants and suggests home learning assistance of father and supervision of mother instead of after school programs while Feng considers cultural gap between family and school resulting in their behavior issues and emphasizes communications with parents to enhance mother’s education, (4) education difficulties on their involving in discussion in grass-root course happen to Hue who believes no necessity for heritage of inferior Southeast Asian culture and absence of heritage potential of new immigrants, and thus ignores Southeast Asian culture in teaching materials while those children are welcome to share their alien experiences and design relevant cultural activities by Feng who accepts education capability of new immigrants and ensures advantages of dual culture, and (5) Feng encourages those children feeling inferior to respect mothers’ culture, enhancing their confidence. The study eventually suggests that teachers shall cultivate retrospective potentials and establish multicultural education perspective inventories.

以設計思維釋放運動熱情:以團體球類運動為例 / Unleash team ball games enthusiasm: a Design Thinking approach

蘇冠緯 Unknown Date (has links)
環顧國內,整體運動產業之發展,雖有稱作是運動休閒服務之產業,但大多都是傳統的商品販售模式,而非以價值交換為主的服務模式;而近年來在國內各項個人運動隨著穿戴式裝置開始風行之後,無論是慢跑、單車、三鐵等都非常盛行,也連帶著促進了整個運動產業的蓬勃發展。此外,團體球類運動一直以來都相當的風行,而且特別是當國家代表隊於國際賽事上有重大表現時,就會成為全民熱烈討論之話題,也往往會帶起一陣運動消費風氣;由此可見運動實為一個國家展現其國力的重要指標之一,但我國運動產業之發展卻不如歐美興盛。 本論文研究將專注在團體球類運動的服務設計,透過解決「如何讓團體球類運動者與其利害關係人,能夠更有效且便利的保存屬於他們的回憶。」這樣的設計問題,以達成顧客價值共創的系統與服務設計思維,分析其利害關係人、探索利害關係人可能之洞見、辨識系統中之可操作性資源、觀察其互動模式,藉此得出利害關係人之深入觀點,並進行解決方案之設計。 最終得到一個可營運的商業模式,並且可以在未來發展成為一個完整的運動產業生態系統,促進全民健康、提升運動技能、掀起全民運動之風潮;並且讓我國運動產業之發展,能夠追上世界各個已開發國家之運動產業水準。 / In Taiwan, although government defines “what is leisure sports service industry”, but these companies are all with traditional goods-dominate logic business models, not value-exchange service busiess models. These years, personal sport like Jogging, Marathon, Cycling, and Triathlon become very popular in Taiwan because of some modern wearable technology, also improving sports industry development. Team ballgame sports are always a hot topic and bring a shopping rise when our national teams play at international games. This implies that sport can be regarded as a key performance indicator for a country, but our sports industry development is not good as that of United States and Europe. This thesis focuses on team ballgame sports service design, trying to resolve the design challenge of “how to retain the memories of team ballgame players and their stakeholder’s with a more efficient and more convenient way”, in order to achieve customer value co-creative goal through system and service design thinking. Analyze stakeholders, explore stakeholders’ possible insights, identify system operant resources, and oberserve interactions to find out stakeholders’ Point-of-View, and then create the design solution. Throuth these processes, we will build up a feasible business model, and create a sports industry ecosystem in the future. This will improve people’s health, sport skills, and raise sport excerise trend to improve Taiwan’s sports industry development catching up world’s developed country.

企業併購的動態競爭分析 ─ 以台灣半導體封測廠商日月光與矽品合併為例 / Dynamic Competition Analysis in M&A – A Case Study of ASE-SPIL Merger

賴品中 Unknown Date (has links)
2016年全球半導體產值約 3,270 億美元,台灣半導體產值佔全球的23%,繼續蟬聯全球第二大半導體產業大國,排行僅次於美國。此外,台灣以出口為導向,根據我國財政部統計,2017上半年積體電路出口金額占整體出口總值的27.6%,是我國最主要的出口產品,可見半導體產業對台灣的影響力不言而喻。 近年來半導體併購浪潮興起,台灣廠商也無法置身事外,最受矚目非日月光與矽品的非合意併購案莫屬。一般學術論文對於非合意併購案的探討,著重於併購前的動機與併購後的綜效,鮮少討論雙方在併購過程中的攻防。故本研究欲以動態競爭觀點,並考量政府對併購成敗的影響,來找出矽品最後同意日月光共組控股公司之提案的原因,並分析此合併案對全球封測產業所造成的影響。 本研究發現雙方在合併前,應用產品及地區的市場共同性,分別呈現上升及下降趨勢,透過收購矽品,日月光不僅能追趕其主要競爭對手在車用電子的領先地位,更可以降低營收過度集中於北美的風險。另外,雙方在台灣及中國的專利申請數量有下降趨勢,但在美國專利的申請數有明顯增加且資源相似性也呈上升趨勢,故推論日月光收購矽品可鞏固其在北美市場的領導地位。總而言之,雖然日矽合併案被外界視為雙贏結果,但客戶轉單、中國商務部的限制條件及收購溢價偏高可能使得此合併綜效有限。在面對中國封測產商崛起、封測產業的市場集中度上升及半導體產業中下游界限越來越不明確的情況下,雙方合併為必然之勢。 / The worldwide semiconductor market grew 1.1% in 2016 to $338.9 billion USD, in which Taiwan accounts for 23% of the total output. Taiwan continues to rank as the world's second largest semiconductor industry, with the first being America. Taiwan is export oriented, and from the statistical data provided by the Ministry of Finance, the shipment of integrated circuit exports accounted for 27.6% of gross export value in the first two quarters of 2017. This indicates that integrated circuit is an important export product and that the semiconductor industry is of great importance to Taiwan. The recent and unprecedented M&A waves in the semiconductor industry caused major changes and created impact on Taiwanese semiconductor firm. The recent case that drew most attention is the M&A between ASE (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.) and SPIL (Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd). While most academic theses focus on the acquiring firm’s motive and post-M&A synergy, the offense and defense strategies during the M&A process are rarely explored. This research aims to focus on reasons why SPIL agreed on ASE’s proposal to form a joint venture holding company and the impact on the global OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) industry after this M&A. This thesis utilized the dynamic competitive perspective and identifies government’s impact on M&A. The study finds that before the merger, the commonality of product shows an upward trend while the commonality of region market presents a downward direction. This merger not only assists ASE to catch up with its leading competitors in the automotive electronics sectors, but also reduce the revenue concentration risk, given that its major sales is in North America. In addition, the number of patents filed by both companies in Taiwan and China has declined, but the number in the United States has increased significantly along with an escalating resource similarity. Therefore, the research concludes that the acquisition of SPIL can consolidate ASE’s leading position in the North American market. To sum up, the merger of ASE and SPIL is regarded as win-win outcome. However, the M&A has risks, such as customer attrition, restriction from The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM) and merger overpayment. Such uncertainties may reduce synergy. Nevertheless, in the face of the rise of China's OSAT business, the market concentration of OSAT industry, and the increasingly unclear boundary between the middle and downstream firms, the merger of the two firms is inevitable.

概括條款具體化之法學方法 ─以信用卡定型化契約之內容控制為例 / The methodology of materializing general clauses in jurisprudence-taking judicial review of the provisions in the credit card pre-formulated standard contracts for an example

楊益昌, Yang, Yi Chang Unknown Date (has links)
由於概括條款欠缺明確的構成要件,其適用方法即有異於其他規定,本文係在探討概括條款具體化時合適的法學方法,並且以信用卡定型化契約之內容控制為例加以說明。 司法判決曾有認為信用卡循環息約款違反消費者保護法第12條第1項規定之誠信原則,但該判決經上訴後遭高院廢棄,現行司法實務見解在該問題上多與高院見解相同。事實上,該2判決結論的不同,起因於該2判決對相同事實有不同的評價,以及其分別使用不同的法學方法。是以引發幾項問題,包含該「評價」在法學方法中的意義為何?其所使用的法學方法有無學理之依據? 法律適用過程必須對事實作出「評價」可以在「價值法學」中找到其意義,由此也彰顯了其與傳統法學方法的不同。雖然「評價」無法避免其主觀性,但「價值法學」仍要求評價應儘量求其客觀,所以發展一個有助於評價活動客觀化的法學方法有其必要性。本文嘗試在所舉的案例中操作Larenz的法學方法,發現其方法仍有不足之處,進而思考「法律論證」可以提供的助益。 依學理之觀察,「法律論證」有助於評價活動的客觀化。在主要幾種法律論證方法中,本文認為「論題學」(類觀點學)應該是最適合運用於本案的方法之一,其與傳統法學方法的根本差異在於其本質為「修辭式推理」及「問題導向論證」。學理也認為,在論題學的各種觀點中,「結果」具有相當程度的重要性,所以本文介紹了學理上關於「結果考量」(後果考量)之論述,並建議其得與論題學結合運用。 / The method of applying general clauses is different from the method of applying other clauses due to general clauses are short of requisite elements. This Essay is discussing the methodology of materializing general clauses in jurisprudence and taking judicial review of the provisions in the credit card pre-formulated standard contracts for an example. There was a judicial judgment awarded the revolving interest clause in the credit card pre-formulated standard contracts violate good faith principle in Consumer Protection Act article 12, section 1. However, the judgment was abandoned by the High Court. Now, almost all the courts’ perspectives about the issue are the same as the High Court. In fact, the different outcomes of the two judgments resulted from the different “evaluations” of the case fact and the different legal methods used in the judgments. The observation inspire us: what is the meaning of the evaluation in the legal method? Is there any academic basis for the legal method used in the judgments? For “Jurisprudence of Evaluation”, evaluations are necessary when we applying provisions of the law. That is different from the traditional legal method. Although evaluations cannot be objective purely, Jurisprudence of Evaluation still requires evaluations as objective as possible. That’s why it’s necessary to improve the legal method to comply with the requirement. This essay also tries to use Larenz's legal method in the case mentioned before to figure out the shortcomings of the method and reflects on the advantages of “Legal Argumentation”. According to academic research, Legal Argumentation is helpful to objective evaluations. In several methods of Legal Argumentation, this essay takes up the position that “Topic Argument” should at least be one of the best to the case mentioned before. The radical difference between Topic Argument and traditional legal method is that the former's essential is “Rhetorical Inference” and “Problem-oriented Argument”. Besides, according to academic research, “consequence” is a quite important perspective when we use Topic Argument. Therefore, this essay introduces “Consequentialist Argument” and proposes it can be used with Topic Argument.

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