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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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探討企業分割策略之施行-以宏碁集團為例 / Spin-Off strategy: A Case study for Acer group

莊政達 Unknown Date (has links)
我國資訊科技產業自80年代起快速成長,企業組織亦同時朝向大型化及集團化發展,企業併購遂成為當時企業層級策略的主要選項。然而在企業聚焦核心事業以及修正多角化策略的浪潮下,企業分割已成為近來產業進行經營績效以及組織重整的重要策略工具。 分割策略提供企業「一而為多」的組織改造模式,有助企業進行專業化經營或建立退場機制,確立各事業之專業分工更可有使分割公司之價值提升之效果。本研究為補強學術上之論述,由資源觀點出發,擬透過了解新事業成長過程各階段資源發展、累積以及運用的情況,探究宏碁集團在施行企業分割策略時,各種資源流動以及分配的狀態。期待能歸納出企業在進行分割策略時,資源分配、流動以及母企業在後續資源連結之共通點。並試圖找出關鍵的影響因素。提供決策者有別財務績效外於可參考的指標。 / Taiwanese IT industry has grown by leaps and bounds since the 1980s and in the meantime, the entrepreneurs have turned themselves into large-size corporations or conglomerates. Thus, corporation’s merger and acquisition (M &A) gradually has become their major issue of strategy studies. However, while the increasing trend of business strategy is to focus on the corporation’s core business, the corporation’s spin-offs becomes the more important tool for generating profits and organizational restructuring. Spin-offs strategy offers enterprises with the so-called “one for all” model, enabling corporations to focus on their core businesses or divest from dog business. The spin-off strategy also ensures spun-out units can achieve individual performances and effectiveness. In order to complement current academic studies, this research based on resources perspective attempts to explore the status of resources allocation of Acer in the spin-off strategy. This study would like to observe how the resource flows and distributes when a spun-out company grows, in order to conclude similarities that firms might have.

國科會補助科學志工團隊計畫之機制檢視:非營利組織的觀點 / Examining the subsidy mechanism for science volunteer teams of national science council: from a perspective of non-profit organizations

蘇美玲 Unknown Date (has links)
國家科學委員會(簡稱國科會)於志願服務法推展下,自2002年開始啟動科學志願服務工程計畫,是我國具原創立意的創新性志願服務,其以跨領域的科學普及與社會關懷為目標;並自2005年開始,設立補助機制與管道,邀請民間單位共同參與志工培育與科學普及服務工作。面對全球資源短缺下,跨部門治理合產以及志願服務促進公民社會發展之重要趨勢,本研究以國科會補助科學志工團隊計畫為探討情境,瞭解國科會與民間非營利組織之資源交換下,其形構之政策網絡與服務內涵,以檢視補助機制是否回應非營利組織需求。 本研究主要採取深度訪談法、次級資料分析法、參與觀察法,應用鉅觀之Marsh & Smith政策網絡辨證途徑模型非營利組織觀點修正架構,嘗試釐清該補助機制之運作與困境。研究發現科學志願服務乃回應志願服務法規,透過層級委辦與補助途徑,跨部門輸出科學知識轉譯、科學知識建構之服務,交構科學志工之公民知識權內涵。而承辦之國家高速網路與計算中心應用行動者優勢,發展線上平台,提昇國科會科學志工補助機制效率。對於整體資源配置與運用而言,審查委員背景以及其對於科學性之詮釋、團隊計畫書內容品質、以及財務管核體系等,皆影響非營利組織推展科學志工計畫。此外,在公部門有限資源下,團隊組織展示了其專業力、聯結力、培植力優勢;然而,跨部門之間網絡互動連結性弱,對非營利組織來說,整體機制之政策參與度空間有待拓展。 因此,本研究建議應採取策略聯盟行動,強化網絡緊密性,並藉此提昇服務效益,擴散全民受益。最後,則應回歸政策參與管道之建置,以孕育互為主體之跨部門協力溝通場域。 / With “The Volunteer Service Act”, National Science Council (NSC) has developed original Science Volunteer Program since 2002, which is applied to promote the development of science, education and humanities. In order to expand the science volunteer effect, NSC drawn up the subsidy policy in “The NSC Executive Plan for Promoting Science Volunteer”. The subsidy process of Science Volunteer Program practice cross-sectoral partnership between NSC, National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), and Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), and the research takes the perspective of NPOs to examine the subsidy mechanism for Science Volunteer Teams of NSC. Applying the method of in-depth interview, secondary data and participatory observation in the Marsh & Smith Dialectical Approach of policy networks theory, the research finds that science volunteers are both science knowledge interpreters and makers, which devotes to citizen scientists in Taiwan. About the subsidy mechanism and resource dependence, the plan book, reviewers and financial management from NSC affect the development of Science Volunteer Teams. Besides, the network between NSC, NCHC and NPOs is not strong; and policy participation is also expected to improve. Thus, the research suggests that NSC could modify the interactive manner and take strategic alliance to enhance the beneficial result of interdisciplinary collaborative from different excellent NPOs.

產業環境對合作策略選擇之影響──資源依賴觀點 / The Influence of Industry Environment to The Choice of Coopera- tion Strategy : A Resource Dependence Perspective

陳在揚, Chen,Tzay-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
「合作策略」已是近年來實務界頗為流行的風潮,也因此引起學術界的廣 泛討論;然而過去的研究多未將環境特質與各種合作策略間的關係加以釐 清;本研究的目的,即嘗試以資源依賴論為基礎,將廠商所面對的產業環境 對其合作策略型態選擇的影響作一有系統的整理,期能找出每一種產業環 境下最適當的合作策略。自變數包括產業成長率、需求波動性等,中介變 數為廠商所面對的互賴關係,應變數則為合作策略之型態。由於相關課題 尚無十分成熟的架構,同時許多變項資料難以結構化或量化的問卷訪談蒐 集,本研究係採個案撰寫的方式進行,依不同的產業環境特色,分別選擇汽 車業、水泥業、旅行業與微電腦業為研究對象,在觀察各產業的產業環境 特性與具代表性的合作策略型態後,歸納產業環境與一般廠商可採行的合 作策略間之關聯,並利用中介變項推論其可能原因,將此類現象化約為較具 一般性的通則。本研究之發現為:當廠商間的競食性互賴與共生性互賴均 強時,以採用「垂直分工」型的合作較佳,以汽車業為代表;二者均弱時,「 聚沙成塔」型的合作較佳,以微電腦業為代表。前者強而後者弱時,以「波 動網路」型合作較適合,此以旅行業為代表;反之,當後者強而前者弱時,則 以「免戰協議」型的合作為佳,水泥業是代表性之產業。

壓力下的新聞室:權勢消息來源的互動與影響 / Newsroom under pressure: the interaction and influence of news power sources

詹慶齡 Unknown Date (has links)
政治鬆綁之後的台灣社會,電視新聞逐步走向市場化,台灣電視台百家爭鳴競爭激烈,卻讓呼吸到自由空氣的媒體如今陷入生存窘境,對外部資源的依賴日益加深,掌握媒體生存資源的外部團體因此得以對媒體施展權力,介入新聞產製過程,影響或控制新聞內容。本研究旨在探討當前台灣的電視新聞面對哪些權勢消息來源,媒體與權勢消息來源如何互動,權勢消息來源如何發揮權力影響新聞產製,以及電視新聞如何因此改變工作常規與守門機制。 本研究透過參與觀察和深度訪談兩種方式,提出以下幾點研究發現: (一) 社會權力結構與系統擴大,權勢消息來源型態日趨多元,對媒體施壓手法複雜卻粗糙。 (二) 電視新聞以市場為導向,媒體主要壓力來源從過去的政治統治者轉移到握有經濟資本的廣告主,如今商業力量已大過傳統的政治控制。 (三) 強勢的權勢消息來源高高在上,使得記者難以與之互動,雙方權力失衡且缺乏「共舞」意願,「探戈」理論受到挑戰。 (四) 媒體購買公司興起,取代公關公司,成為與媒體溝通的重要角色。 (五) 媒體所有權人盤據組織內權力最高點,對媒體組織的影響力持續增強放大當中。 / Political democratization in Taiwan has brought about an era where market forces, not political factors, now dictate television journalism. As commercial competitive forces have intensified, many TV news stations in Taiwan are struggling to survive. Similarly, as TV stations have become increasingly dependent on external resources, these resources now are in a position to exert pressure on TV media by interfering with news production and content. The objectives of this thesis are to analyze: 1). the new power influencers that Taiwan’s TV news stations are facing 2). the interaction between TV media and these influencers 3). how the influencers use their power to interfere with the production of TV news 4). how the power influencers have changed both the routinized work flow of TV media and the role of TV media as gatekeeper Through first-person observations and in-depth interviews, the following research conclusions are drawn: 1. The market influencers that impact TV media have become more complicated as a result of the expansion and openness of Taiwan’s social structure and system. Moreover, the methods through which the influencers interfere with TV media are complex yet crude at the same time. 2. As market forces are now driving TV media, advertisers have replaced politicians as the primary influencer of TV media, and commercial forces now carry much more clout than political factors. 3. The “Tango Theory” faces a great challenge in TV media because of the power imbalance between TV journalists and those who wield power over them. 4. Conglomerates that acquire media companies have replaced public relations firms as the most important stakeholder in media communications. 5. The power of the “insiders” who wield the greatest influence over TV media is continuing to increase.


劉晟熙, Liu, Cheng-Xi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所欲瞭解之問題有二: 一為外包的成功關鍵因素; 另一為此等之外包成功關鍵因素是否會因為外包內涵不同而有所不同。在經過過資源基礎理論、資源依賴理論、核心競爭力、交易成本理論、外包之利益與風險,以及外包程序等相關文獻探討後,選擇與外包成功相關之因素。 本研究係探討自變數組織外包的作法與依變數外包績效之問的關係。在對十七個外包個案進行詳盡訪談與分析後,先將組織外包的作法加以分類成為數個構面,再以組織執行外包績效,區分為成功與不成功的兩組個案樣本,並檢視成功與不成功個案中有明顯不同的各個因素構面,以找出相關的因素作為組織外包的成功關鍵因素。 在經過文獻探討與個案分析後,本研究對於外包之成功關鍵因素已有較清晰的描述; 而且外包成功關鍵因素的集合可由不同的外包內涵特質而加以區別; 因而獲得本研究發現如下: 1 、策略規劃與高階主管支持是所有成功外包的必要因素。 2 、在環境不確定下,外包的成功關鍵因素有: 制定保護措施、有效抑制投機、多重準則遴選外包商、合作、雙向密集溝通、具有彈性。 3 、外包內涵在經由其資產特殊性加以區分後,有不同的成功關鍵因素集合。依外包資產特殊性程度而區分之外包成功關鍵因素集合有其個別之特徵; 故進而引用Quinn 與Williamson等學者之觀念,將其依資產特殊性程度的高低而分別將其稱為:「夥伴型」外包、「合作型」外包,以及「貨架型」外包。

品牌承諾影響顧客關係之研究 / The study of the effect between brand commitment and customer relationship.

陳茂鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
新品牌的崛起,一般的建議是1.建立起令人有豐富且深刻聯想的品牌識別系統;2.以強力的整合行銷傳播建立品牌高知名度,假以時日,就能成為強勢品牌。但以筆者多年擔任行銷顧問的觀察,按表操課的企業未必都能獲得成功,深究其原因,可發現從新品牌開始曝光,消費者就一直拿著放大鏡來檢視打造這個品牌的企業所有的一切作為,是否真的下定決心、義無反顧地想做好品牌。這篇論文正是研究企業究竟要做出什麼承諾,才有取信顧客,讓顧客心悅誠服願意建立關係。 本研究將品牌承諾定義為:「企業為打造品牌所做出重大投入或投資」,並認為品牌承諾的主要目的是為了將外部顧客鎖入內部,所以品牌承諾的作用就是促進顧客願意建立長久而穩定關係的意願。 由於品牌與顧客的關係是由一次次的接觸而建立起來,所以本研究由品牌接觸點切入,認為品牌接觸點就是顧客判斷品牌承諾可信與否的線索。並以關係意願取代購買意願來衡量顧客願意建立關係的強度,其原因為許多消費者在沒有能力消費某品牌前,可能已經成為該品牌的粉絲,這些粉絲常常為喜愛的品牌捍衛辨護,尤其在網際網路上。 本研究經實證分析得到以下的發現: 1.單一類型品牌承諾投入愈多,則顧客的關係意願愈高。 2.以品牌接觸點的觀點,將所有接觸點上的品牌承諾加總,承諾愈高,則顧客的關係意願愈高。 3.品牌印象會造成關係意願的顯著差異 4.品牌忠誠者的關係意願較未購買者高。

從資源依賴的觀點探討組織價值創新:全面解決方案提供者的個案探討 / Resource Dependence Perspective of Organizational Value Innovation: Case Study of a Total Solution Provider

陳德川, Chen,Te-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
創業初期所面對的主要問題就是資源不足的問題,要如何獲取生存與發展所需要的資源是企業的重要課題。首先,企業必須分析內部環境,找出核心資源,並將之發揮在目標事業上,為企業奠定基礎。再者,企業必須分析外部環境,透過各種組織鏈結策略,重新調整與供應商、顧客、甚至是競爭者之間的關係成為策略夥伴關係,選擇並集中核心競爭強項,形成資源互補,提供給客戶一個全面解決方案(Total solution)的服務,以滿足甚至超過顧客預期的需求,使得顧客願意持續購買,企業藉此從環境中獲取關鍵資源並得以持續發展。 本研究透過個案分析發現,組織在成為「全面解決方案提供者(TSP)」的角色過程中,因為市場力量及組織力量的融合過程的不同,我們分析出其發展軌跡可以歸類成為五大類,即「水平整合型的TSP」、「垂直整合型的TSP」、「先水平後垂直整合型的TSP」、「先垂直後水平整合型的TSP」以及「垂直及水平整合並進型的TSP」。這五大類型的發展軌跡基本上描述了組織發展的過程,讓我們更清楚的知道組織成長過程中因為環境因素以及組織因素所造就成的組織面貌。 「TSP成長曲線 (TSP Growth Curve)」的形成過程,是在個案成長過程分析及探討後發現,組織要追求持續成長,單靠本身的資源是受限的,組織必須去整合內外部的資源,包括重新建構核心資源、組織並管理外部資源網絡,透過各樣的鏈結策略使得組織獲取成長所需要的關鍵資源,透過策略再思考重新組織企業架構,建構一個學習性組織平台,鼓勵在這個平台上的每一個人去創新思考,讓組織成員得以在非傳統性架構下去思考,在非秩序中去創新,讓大家願意去共創組織的價值。 研究發現,組織獲取資源並成為TSP的四個步驟為:1.建構組織核心資源與能力2.從環境中獲取關鍵資源3.價值創新成為TSP角色使顧客滿足4.降低對環境依賴,繼續提升高一層次的成長循環。這樣良性的循環讓組織累積更多資源而逐漸壯大,擺脫了創業初期資源不足的困境,組織在壯大的同時因為建立了更多的資源而逐漸降低對於原有環境中的資源依賴,並與環境中資源提供者的關係從依賴變成互賴,此時組織已經提昇到了另一層次的成長循環。這樣的成長循環使得組織得以在不同的環境中獲取不同的資源繼續成長,讓企業一直維持企業生命週期中的成長階段,因而可能避免或延遲了衰退階段的發生。 本研究的特色是從資源依賴的角度出發,探討組織如何透過從環境中獲取成長所需的關鍵資源,並探討組織藉由成為全面解決方案提供者的角色來獲取顧客價值創新,此時組織價值亦跟隨提升。 大部分的企業皆無法規避「出生、成長、成熟、飽和、衰退」的命運,就如同生命會歷經「出生、幼年、青年、壯年、老年」的歷程一般,或許企業無法避免衰退或消失的命運,但是找出「延年益壽」方法來維持壯年期是一個可行的策略。「TSP成長曲線圖」以「TSP成長循環圖」即可以說明企業從「創業成功」到「維持成長」的策略歷程,可以作為企業經營發展的參考。 / The major problem in the early stage of entrepreneurship is the shortage of resources, so it is industries’ crucial mission to acquire the resources to sustain and develop its growth. First, industries must analyze its internal environment to identify the core sources and apply them into the target business, to lay the foundation for companies. Second, industries must conduct external analysis with organizations linkage mechanism to re-address the connection among suppliers, customers and even competitors, so that they can become the strategic partners, formulate complimentary resources, concentrate on their own core advantages in the competition. In this way, they can offer customers the service of Total Solution, to meet, even exceed customers’ expectation. Hence, this could sustain customers’ continuous purchase, and industries can keep developing its business by grabbing the crucial resources in the environment. This research discovered that, due to the different merging processes between market powers and organizations power, there are five categorized patterns when organizations become Total Solution Provides (TSP): horizontal integration TSP, vertical integration TSP, horizontal-to-vertical integration TSP, vertical-to-horizontal integration TSP and simultaneously vertical and horizontal integration TSP. These five patterns basically outline the process of organization development and bring us more diverse pictures caused by different environmental and organizational causes. After studying cases and formulating of the TSP Growth Curve, this research found out that it is limited to for organizations to pursue the growth by its own resources. Industries must integrate internal and external resources, re-construct the core resources, manage the external resource network, acquire all the necessary resources for further growth through linkage mechanism, rethink the structure of the business, establish the learning platform to encourage its member to jointly create the value for the organizations, contemplate beyond the boundary of tradition and innovate without order. There are four steps for the organizations to acquire resources and formulate the TSP Growth Curve: 1. Constructing the core resources and capability of the organizations; 2.Acquireing the core resources from the environment; 3.Becoming TSP with value innovation and satisfy the customers; 4.Lowering the dependence on the environment and upgrading the Growth circle. Organizations can grow stronger, accumulate more resources with this benign circle and leave the dilemma of insufficient resources. In this way, organizations can receive more resources than ever; it can also turn the relationship between organizations and supplier from unilateral dependence to mutual dependence and TSP Growth circle will also be upgraded while they are growing bigger. This growth circle can continuously sustain its development by collecting different resources in different environments. Hence, the stage of growth will be prolonged, and the stage of recession will be avoided of delayed. Based on the Resources dependence theory, this research has discussed how organizations obtain the crucial resources from the environment to generate growth, and also analyzed that when organizations obtain customers’ value innovation by playing TSP, organizations’ value will also raise consecutively. Most industries can not avoid the linear destiny of establishment, growth, maturity, saturation and recession as well as human’s life stage of birth, child, youth, adult and aging. Industries may not genuinely ward off the consequence of decline or disappearance, but it’s still workable to figure out a strategy to prolong the period of maturity. TSP Growth Curve and TSP Growth Circle can well explain the industries’ process from the stage of “entrepreneurship” to “the maintenance of growth”, and also offer the positive example for business operation.

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